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NEXUS1492 / HERA-CARIB Workshop Grenada

Thursday 21 January 2016
UWI Open Campus
HA Blaize Street
St. Georgetown, Grenada

Grenada’s Sustainable Heritage Workshop - UWI Open Campus, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm

The Government and people of Grenada, in collaboration with Leiden University, through its visiting archaeologists, is pleased to invite you to a workshop entitled ‘Grenada’s Sustainable Heritage’, to be held at the UWI Open Campus on HA Blaize Street in St. George’s, on Thursday, January 21st, 2016 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.

The workshop is an opportunity to involve Grenadians in discussions on sustainable heritage, and additionally to update the Grenadian public on the current excavations at La Poterie, St. Andrew. An overview of the main aspects of Grenada’s heritage will be provided.

The main objectives of the workshop are to:
Summarize key aspects of Grenada’s heritage
Address threats to heritage such as looting and site degradation as a result of climate change
Propose initiatives for community engagement and ownership of heritage
Make recommendations for developing a heritage tourism product in Grenada
Discuss legal options for protection

An agenda is provided, attached. Lunch will be served. We look forward to your attendance at this meeting which will begin promptly at 12:30 pm.

Programme of Events

11.00-11.30 am
Registration/Meet and greet

11:30-12:30 pm

12.30-12.35 pm
Welcome remarks
John Angus Martin

Connecting indigenous Caribbean landscapes
Prof. Corinne Hofman, Dr. Menno Hoogland, and Dolton Charles

12.50-1.00 pm
Q & A session

1.00-1.15 pm
The laboratory and heritage: Testing clays and potsherds
Dr. Patrick Degryse and Dr. Becki Scott

1.15-1.25 pm
Q & A session

1.25-1.40 pm
Movement of Amerindian peoples and objects in the Caribbean
Dr. Gareth Davies and Alice Knaf

1.40-1.50 pm
Q & A session

1.50-2.05 pm
Archaeological survey
Dr. Tom Brughmans

2.05-2.15 pm
Q & A session

2.15-2.30 pm
From Kalinago to Creole
John Angus Martin

2.30-2.40 pm
Q & A session

2.40-2.55 pm
The colonial landscape of La Poterie, St. Andrew
Dr. Mark Hauser

2.55-3.05 pm
Q & A session

3.05-3.20 pm
The impacts of climate change on heritage
GIZ staff member

3.20-3.30 pm
Q & A session

3.30-3.45 pm
The legal framework for Grenada’s heritage
Amanda Byer

3.45-3.55 pm
Q & A session

3.55-4.00 pm
Closing remarks
Senator Brenda Hood

“The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement n° 319209, and by the HERA Joint Research Programme (www.heranet.info) which is co-funded by AHRC, AKA, BMBF via PT-DLR, DASTI, ETAG, FCT, FNR, FNRS, FWF, FWO, HAZU, IRC, LMT, MHEST, NWO, NCN, RANNÍS, RCN, VR and The European Community FP7 2007-2013, under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities programme.

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