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European Conference on Social Networks

Tuesday 14 June 2016 - Friday 17 June 2016
Sciences Po 13
Re de l'Université 75007

The conference will host sessions representing many fields of social network analysis. Workshops will be offered in theory, data collection, methods of analysis and visualization of social networks. 

The EUSN is organized by the research group egolab-GRAFO (Social and Cultural Anthropology Department), with the support of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, the Algorithmics Group from the University of Konstanz, and the Laboratory of Personal Networks and Communities (LRPC), University of Sevilla. Other Departments and Institutes from the UAB that support the Conference are the Centre for Sociological Studies of Daily Life and Work (QUIT-IEE) of the Department of Sociology, and the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), among others.

Prof. Ulrik Brandes give a session on The Positional Approach to Network Analysis.
Dr. Tom Brughmans, and others, will present the paper “Historical and Archaeological Network Research”.

Find more information on the workshops here.

Find more information on the sessions here.

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