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Association of Critical Heritage Studies Conference

Friday 3 June 2016 - Wednesday 8 June 2016

Montreal, Canada

What Does Heritage Change?
From June 3rd to 8th 2016, the Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage of UQAM’s School of Management, in collaboration with Concordia University and the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, will host the Association of Critical Heritage Studies’ Biennial Conference under the theme “What does heritage change?”.

More than 75 sessions, round tables, and research-creation installations, submitted by organizers from forty different countries, have been peer-reviewed and accepted by the scientific committee.

The Association of Critical Heritage Studies is the largest group of scientists, professionals and speakers on heritage studies worldwide. The association dedicates itself to the examination of the issues and the social, territorial, economical or cultural impacts of tangible and intangible heritage. It aims at contributing to the renewal of knowledge and to the improvement of patrimonial practices in communitarian, academic, territorial and political circles, by cross-examining perspectives and questionings and by opening up national and disciplinary perspectives.

The third ACHS Conference considers the manifestations, discourses, epistemologies, policies, and stakes of heritage—as a phenomenon, a symptom, an effect or a catalyst; as a tool of empowerment or leverage; as a physical or intangible restraint or kick-off; in communities, societies, or any material or mental environment.

In order to bring new insights to the study of heritage, the 2016 ACHS Conference is framed by the general question of “What Does Heritage Change?”

The abstracts of the sessions are available on achs2016.uqam.ca.

All interested speakers are invited to submit a paper or a poster proposal by completing the electronic form at https://achs2016.uqam.ca/secure/submitAbstract.php.

Proposals should target either one of the listed sessions or one of the following themes:
 Uses of heritage and conflicts I: political uses (heritage changes politics)
Uses of heritage and conflicts II: economic value (heritage changes economy)
Heritage-makers I: the activist vs the expert, their changing roles (heritage changes people)
Heritage makers II: co-construction and community-based heritage (heritage changes place)
Notion of heritage I: geographical and linguistic processes of transformation (heritage changes itself)
Notion of heritage II: new objects, new manifestations (changes in heritage)
Between the global and the local I: heritage policies (heritage changes local policies)
Between the global and the local II: postcolonial heritage, heritage and mobility (heritage changes local societies)
Justice, law and right to heritage (heritage changes rights)
Epistemologies, ontologies, teaching (how do we study and teach heritage as an agent of change)

Conference Website: https://achs2016.uqam.ca/en/

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