Yonathan Listik
- Naam
- Y. Listik
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9512
- y.listik@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Yonathan Listik is docent bij International Studies.
Meer informatie over Yonathan Listik
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Faculteitsbureau
- International Studies
- Listik Y. (22 januari 2024), Resistance, disobedience and barbarity: connecting Walter Benjamin to decolonial theory. Leiden International Studies Blog. Leiden (Universiteit Leiden). [blog].
- Listik Yonathan Macmillen Voskoboynik Daniel {name=Philosophy Documentation Center sequence=additional affiliation=[]} (2024) Discourses of the Elders: The Aztec Huehuetlatolli; A First English Translation, translated by Sebastian Purcell. Bespreking van: . Teaching Philosophy 47: 621-624.
- Listik Y. (2023), Barbaric Jewishness: resistance to anti-semitism and Judeo-Christianity, Horizontes Decoloniales / Decolonial Horizons 8(1): 7-52.
- Listik Y. (2023), Judeo-Christianity, Jewish Barbarism and the necessity to decolonize Jewishness. In: Attia Y., Hirsch J. & Samson K. (red.), Minor perspectives on modernity beyond Europe: an encounter between Jewish studies and postcolonial thought nr. 1. Baden-Baden: Ergon. 135-150.
- Morelock J., Listik Y. & Kalia M. (2021), Why is Life Worth Saving? Neoliberalism, COVID-19, and Boris Johnson’s Public Statements, Praktyka Teoretyczna 42(4): .
- Listik Y. (2021), A Biopolitical Account of Social Pathology: Viewing Pathology as a Political-Ontological Issue. In: Harris N. (red.), Pathology Diagnosis and Social Research. Political Philosophy and Public Purpose. Political Philosophy and Public Purpose: Springer International Publishing.
- Listik Y. (2021) M. Naas, Derrida à Montréal. Bespreking van: Naas M. (2019), Derrida à Montréal: une pièce en trois actes. Montreal: University of Montreal Press. Phenomenological Reviews 7: 19.
- Listik Y. (2020), Touch and liminality: between Derrida and Nancy, Malice 10: .
- Listik Y. (2019), How existing things are invariably present as sense?, Intuitio 12(2): 32219.
- Listik Y. (2019), Jean-Luc Nancy’s notion of singularity, Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19: 76-95.
- Listik Y. (2018), Aesthetic regime's occupation of representation, Kriterion 59: 309-326.
- Listik Y. (2015), Derrida’s performance, Philosophy Now (107): 15-16.