Yena Kim
- Naam
- Dr. Y. Kim
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Kim Y. & Kret M.E. (2022), The emotional expressions and emotion perception in nonhuman primates. In: Dukes D., Samson A.C. & Walle E.A. (red.), The Oxford handbook of emotional development nr. 129.
- Vlaeyen J.M., Heesen R., Kret M.E., Clay Z., Bionda T. & Kim Y. (2022), Bared-teeth displays in bonobos (Pan paniscus): an assessment of he power asymmetry hypothesis, American Journal of Primatology : e23419.
- Yi Y., Kim Y., Hikmat A. & et al (2020), Information transfer through food from parents to offspring in wild Javan gibbons, Scientific Reports 10: 714.