Wouter Kalf
Universitair docent Ethiek en politieke filosofie
- Naam
- Dr. W.F. Kalf
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2232
- w.f.kalf@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Wouter Kalf is een onderzoeker aan het Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte.
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Universitair docent Ethiek en politieke filosofie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Kalf W.F. (2023), The belief problem for moral error theory, Inquiry 66(4): 492-513.
- Kalf W.F. (2023), Meta-ethiek: methode, theorieën, ontwikkelingen. Amsterdam: VU University Press.
- Kalf W.F. (2023), Which answers to the now what question collapse into abolitionism (if any)?, Inquiry. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy : 1-25.
- Kalf W.F. (2021), Quietist metaethical realism and moral determination, Ratio 34(3): 248-256.
- Kalf W.F. (2020), Conceptual Engineering in Practical Philosophy, Or How Moral Sceptics Can and Should Improve the World. In: Hermann J., Hopster J., Kalf W. & Klenk M. (red.), Philosophy in the Age of Science?. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 73-92.
- Kalf W.F. (2019), The Prudential Companions-in-Guilt Objection to Moral Error Theory. In: Cowie C. & Rowland R. (red.), Companions in Guilt Arguments in Metaethics.
- Kalf W.F. (2019), Introduction, Ratio 32(4): 227-230.
- Kalf W.F. (2018), Moral Error Theory: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Kalf W.F. (2018), Mackie’s Conceptual Reform Moral Error Theory, Journal of Value Inquiry 53(2): 175-191.
- Kalf W.F. (2018), Evidentie, Verlegenheid, en de Vergissingstheorie. In: Meijer M. (red.), Overtuigd en toch Onzeker. Nijmegen: Valkhof Pers.
- Kalf W.F. (2018), Bespreking van: Chrisman Matthew (2016), The Meaning of ‘Ought’: Beyond Descriptivism and Expressivism in Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ethical Perspectives 25(4): 823-827.
- Kalf W.F. (2018), Bespreking van: Roeser Sabine (2017), Risk, Technology and Moral Emotions: Routledge. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 110(2): 240-245.
- Kalf W.F. (2018), Kant’s Solution to the Problem of Free Will (Summer University ‘Aspects of Responsibility’, Central European University, Budapest) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2017), Against Hybrid Expressivist-Error Theory, Journal of Value Inquiry 51(1): 105-122.
- Hermann J., Kalf W.F. & Philipse H. (2017), Editorial, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20(4): 705-707.
- Kalf W.F. (2017), Response to Richard Rowland (Companions in Guilt Arguments in Metaethics, Australian Catholic University, Rome , Invited) . .
- Kalf W.F. & Hermann J. (2017), A Wittgensteinian Response to Moral Error Theory (Wittgensteinian Approaches to Moral Philosophy, KU Leuven, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2016), Bespreking van: Crisp Roger (2015), The Cosmos of Duty: Henry Sidgwick’s Methods of Ethics. Oxford: Clarendon. Ethical Perspectives 23.
- Kalf W.F. (2016), Against Hybrid Expressivist-Error Theory (Seminar for Analytic Philosophy, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2016), ‘On Quintelier's Empirical Defence of Moral Relativism’ (Response) (Universal Moral Values Conference, Utrecht University) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2016), From Moral Phenomenology to Moral Error Theory (Central European University, Budapest, Summer School ‘Moral Phenomenology’, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2016), Moral Rationalism, Reasons, and Rational Requirements (Objectivity in Ethics, Utrecht University) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2016), Moral Rationalism, Reasons, and Rational Requirements (Joint Session of the Mind Association and the Aristotelian Society, Cardiff University, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2015), Are moral properties impossible?, Philosophical Studies 172(2): 1869-1887.
- Kalf W.F. (2015), Bespreking van: Fletcher Guy & Ridge Michael (2014), Having it Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ethical Perspectives 22(3): 725-729.
- Kalf W.F. (2015), Presupposition Moral Error Theory (TiLPS Philosophy Colloquium, University of Tilburg, Invited). .
- Kalf W.F. (2015), Against Hybrid Expressivist-Error Theory (Philosophy Colloquium, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, 2015) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2015), What is ‘Good’ Medical Ethics? (‘What is Good Medical Ethics and What Good is Medical Ethics?’ University of Bristol, Invited) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy, Res Publica 20(3): 263-279.
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Why solar radiation management is (much) more likely to be morally permissible, Ethics, Policy and Environment 17(2): 150-152.
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Bioethics after Moral Scepticism (ETHOX Centre, University of Oxford, Invited) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Bioethics after Moral Scepticism (Centre for Ethics in Medicine, University of Bristol) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), ‘Why quasi-realists need minimalism about truth’ (Response) (Postgraduate Conference on Truth, University of Venice, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Presupposition Moral Error Theory (Senior Research Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Presupposition Moral Error Theory (The 35th Dutch-Flemish Day of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Presupposition Moral Error Theory (OZSW Annual Conference, VU University Amsterdam, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2014), Empirical and Philosophical Bioethics (Centre for Ethics in Medicine Seminar Series, University of Bristol, Invited) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2013), Moral Error Theory, Entailment and Presupposition, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16(5): 923-937.
- Kalf W.F. (2013), Are Moral Properties Impossible? (Postgraduate Session, 87th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Refereed). .
- Kalf W.F. (2013), Moral Error Theory and Categorical Epistemic Normativity (Understanding Value Graduate Conference, University of Sheffield, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2012), Moral Error Theory, Entailment and Presupposition (British Society for Ethical Theory, refereed). .
- Kalf W.F. (2012), Moral Error Theory and Revolutionary Moral Realism (Centre for Ethics and Metaethics, University of Leeds) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2011), Moral Error Theory, Entailment and Presupposition (5th Annual Arché Philosophy Graduate Conference, University of St. Andrews, Refereed). .
- Kalf W.F. (2011), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy (ChiPhi Early Modern Philosophy Workshop, University of Sheffield) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2011), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy (1st CEGP Political Theory Graduate Conference, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2011), What to make of the Error Theorist’s Conceptual Claim (Centre for Ethics and Metaethics, University of Leeds) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2011), Moral Error Theory vs. Sophisticated Moral Naturalism (Postgraduate Seminar, University of Leeds) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2010), Defending Moral Error Theory (Centre for Ethics and Metaethics, University of Leeds) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2010), A New Argument for the Humean Theory of Normative Reasons (University of Oslo & University of Leeds ‘Knowledge and Agency Workshop’, University of Leeds) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2010), Why Metaethical Cognitivism? (Postgraduate Seminar, University of Leeds) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2010), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy (3rd Biannual Philosophy Graduate Conference, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2009), Event-Causal Libertarianism and the Problem of Control (Moral Responsibility: Neuroscience, Organization and Engineering, University of Delft, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2009), Event-Causal Libertarianism and the Problem of Control (Summer University ‘Aspects of Responsibility’, Central European University, Budapest) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2009), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy (Nederlands-Vlaamse Dag voor de Filosofie (Dutch-Flemish Philosophy Day), University of Tilburg, the Netherlands, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2009), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy (Graduate Student Conference, Claremont Graduate University, California, USA, Refereed) . .
- Kalf W.F. (2009), The Tractatus Theologico-Politicus and the Received View of Spinoza on Democracy (Postgraduate Seminar, University of Leeds) . .