Wim Boot
Emeritus hoogleraar Japans, Chinees en Koreaans
- Naam
- Prof.dr. W.J. Boot
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2171
- w.j.boot@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-2913-8287

Emeritus hoogleraar Japans, Chinees en Koreaans
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Japan
- Boot W.J. (2024), “The Message of the Taisei-kyō”: Chōon Dōkai’s Ken’yo-roku, Japonica Humboldtiana 25: 5-19.
- Boot W.J. (2024), Bespreking van: Linnepe A. (2023), “Wissen” und “Handeln” bei Yamaga Sokō. Eine Studie zu den begrifflichen Grundlagen der politischen Theorie im Japan der Frühen Neuzeit. München: Iudicium Verlag. Japonica Humboldtiana 25: 275-282.
- Boot W.J. (2023), "Mori Shōken cho Gohō shiji ron ni tsuite" 森尚謙著『護法資治論』について. In: Satoru K. & Satosdhi S. (red.), Shomotsu no jidai no shukyo: Nihon kinsei ni okeru kami to hotoke no hensen . Ajia Yūgaku nr. 287. Tokyo: Benseisha. 30-48.
- Boot W.J. (2023), "Column: Taisei-kyō kenkyū no susume"『大成経』研究のすゝめ. In: Satoru K. & Satoshdi S. (red.), Shomotsu no jidai to shūkyō: Nihon Kinsei ni okeru kami to hotoke no hensen. Ajia Yūgaku nr. 287. Tokyo: Benseisha. 140-144.
- Matsuo Bashō (2021), Een regenjasje voor het aapje: een integrale vertaling van Bashō's Sarumino [Sarumino] (vertaling Boot W.J. & Akkermans H.A.). Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Boot W.J. (2020), Bespreking van: McMullen J. (2020), The worship of Confucius in Japan. Massachusetts: Harvard University Asia Center. Monumenta Nipponica 75(2): 321-328.
- Boot W.J. (2020), Bespreking van: James McMullen (2020), The Worship of Confucius in Japan: Harvard University Asia Center. Monumenta Nipponica 75(2): 321-328.
- Boot W.J. & Takayama D. (red.) (2019), Tetsugaku Companion to Ogyu Sorai nr. 2: Springer.
- Boot W.J. (2018), Bespreking van: Friday K.F. (2017), Routledge Handbook of premodern Japanese history. Abingdon & New York: Routledge. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81: 569-570.
- Boot W.J. (2018), Bespreking van: Lewis J.B. (2015), The East Asian War, 1592-1598: international relations, violence, and memory. Asian States and Empires nr. 9. London: Routledge. Journal of Asian Studies 77(3): 820-822.
- Boot W.J. (2018), Bespreking van: Karl. F. Friday (ed.) (2017), Routledge Handbook of Premodern Japanese History. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 81(3): 569-570.
- Boot W.J. (2018), Bespreking van: Lewis J.B. (2015), The East Asian War, 1592–1598: International Relations, Violence, and Memory. London: Routledge. Journal of Asian Studies 77(3): 820-822.
- Boot W.J. (2014), Spirits, Gods, and Heaven in Confucian Thought. In: Huang Chun-chieh & Tucker John A. (red.), Dao Companion to Japanese Confucian Philosophy nr. 5. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media. 69-108.
- Boot W.J. (2014), Chinese Scholarship and Teaching in Eighteenth-Century Kyoto. In: Hayek M. & Horiuchi A. (red.), Listen Copy, Read. Popular Learning in Early Modern Japan. Brill's Japanese Studies Library nr. 46. Leiden/Boston: Brill. 226-250.
- Boot W.J. (2014) Schreib-Riten (shorei). Bespreking van: Rüttermann Markus (2011), Schreib-Riten (shorei): Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der japanischen Briefetikette. 3 vols.. IZUMI. Quellen, Studien und Materialien zur Kulter Japans nr. 14.1-3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Monumenta Nipponica 69(1): 113-116.
- Boot W.J. (2014) Critical Readings in the Intellectual History of Early Modern Japan. Bespreking van: Boot W.J. & et al (2012), Critical Readings in the Intellectual History of Early Modern Japan. Leiden & Boston: Brill. Nihon Shisōshigaku 46: 208-211.
- Boot W.J. (2014), Het nut van schoonheid. Keizers, krijgers en kastelen, (2014): 20-23.
- Boot W.J. (2014) Write-Rites (Shorei VL): Studies on the History of Japanese Mail Etiquette. Bespreking van: Markus Rüttermann (2011), Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der japanischen Briefetikette. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. Monumenta Nipponica 69(1): 113-116.
- Boot W.J. (2013), Bespreking van: Hiroshi W. (2010), Nihon seiji shisōshi: 17–19 seiki. Tokyo: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai. International Journal of Asian Studies 10: 106-108.
- Boot W.J. (2013), The Transfer of Learning The Import of Chinese and Dutch Books in Togukawa Japan, Itinerario 37(3): 188-206.
- Boot W.J. & Tjoa M.L.M. (2012), "Leaving my Country on my Country's business": Kim In'gyŏm's Poetic Diary of the Embassy of 1763-1764, 36: 85-103.
- Boot W.J. (red.) (2012), Critical Readings in the Intellectual History of Early Modern Japan. Leiden: Brill.
- Boot W.J. (21 december 2012), Op de valreep. Rede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar Japanse en Koreaanse Talen en Culturen aan de Universiteit Leiden. Leiden. [lezing].
- Boot W.J. (2011), De drie levens van Zhu Shunshui. In: Lindblad J.Th. & Schrikker A. (red.), Het verre gezicht. ... Opstellen aangeboden aan Prtof. Dr. Leonard Blussé.. Franeker: Van Wijnen. 247-263.
- Boot W.J. (2011), Kinsei ni okeru Ju-Butsu ronsō, KIKAN NIHON SHISOSHI 78: 88-107.
- Boot W.J. (2011), Articulating the Sinosphere. Sino-Japanese Relations in Space and Time, 54: 568-570.
- Boot W.J. (2010), Shotoku: Ethnicity, Ritual, and Violence in the Japanese Buddhist Tradition, Monumenta Nipponica 65(2): 397-400.
- Boot W.J. (2010) Shōtoku: Ethnicity, Ritual, and Violence in the Japanese Buddhist Tradition. Bespreking van: Como Micheal I. (2008), Shōtoku: Ethnicity, Ritual, and Violence in the Japanese Buddhist Tradition. Oxford: Oxford Univesity Press. Monumenta Nipponica 65: 397-400.
- Boot W.J. (2010), "Chūka ni tassuru kotoba nakunba": kinsei Nihon to kaigai bunka, Jōchi Daigaku Kokubungaku Ronshū 43: 1-15.
- Boot W.J. (2009), The Transfer of Learning: The Import of Chinese and Dutch Books in Tokugawa Japan. Groenendijk E., Viallé C. & Blussé J.L. (red.), Canton and Nagasaki compared, 1730-1830. Dutch, Chinese, Japanese Relations. Transactions. Canton and Nagasaki compared, 1730-1830. Dutch, Chinese, Japanese Relations. Leiden: IGEER. 45-56.
- Boot W.J. (2009), Emura Hokkai to Kanshi: 18-seiki nakagoro no Kyōto ni okeru Kanshigaku. Beijing Ribenxue Yanjiu Zhongxin (red.), Ershiyi shiji Dongbeiya Riben yanjiu lunwenji. . Peking: Xueyuan Chubanshe. 1-10.
- Boot W.J. (2009), Tegen het isolationisme. Holland als voorbeeld van Japan, Geschiedenis Magazine 44(2): 22-25.
- Boot W.J. (2009), Johann Joseph Hoffmann - der erste Japanologe?, Horin. Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur 16: 83-104.
- Boot W.J. (2008), Shizuki Tadao's Sakoku-ron. Boot W.J. & Remmelink W.G.J. (red.), The Patriarch of Dutch Learning Shizuki Tadao (1760-1806). . Tokyo: Japan-Netherlands Insititute. 88-106.
- Boot W.J. (2008), Preface. Boot W.J. & Remmelink W.G.J. (red.), The Patriarch of Dutch Learning Shizuki Tadao (1760-1806). . Tokyo: Japan-Netherlands Insititute. 9-23.
- Boot W.J. (2008), "Chōsen Seibatsu Ki" ni egakareta sensō: sengo no aru Nihonjin jugakusha no shisen kara mita Hideyoshi. Chŏng Tuhŭi & Yi Kyŏngsun (red.), Jinshin Sensō. 16-seiki Nit-Chō-Chū no kokusai sensō. . Tokyo: Akashi Shoten. 264-319.
- Boot W.J. & Remmelink W.G.J. (red.) (2008), The Patriarch of Dutch Learning Shizuki Tadao (1760-1806). Journal of the Japan-Netherlands Institute. Tokyo: Japan-Netherlands Insititute.
- Boot W.J. (2007), Chosŏn Chŏngbŏlgi sok-ŭi imjin waeran. Chŏnhu han Ilbon yuhakcha-ŭi sisŏn-ŭro pon Hideyoshi. Chŏng Tuhwi & Yi Kyŏngsun (red.), Imjin Waeran. Tong-Asia samguk chŏngjaeng. (A Transnational History of the 'Imjin Waeran" 1592-1598. The East Asian Dimension). . Seoul: Hyumanisŭt'ŭ Ch'ulp'an Kŭrup. 233-284.
- Boot W.J. (2007), Should Confucianism be studied as a Religious Tradition?. Breuker R.E. (red.), Korea in the Middle. Korean Studies and Area Studies. 313-332.
- Aikawa Tadaomi, Harada H., Yoshida T., Torii Y., Remmelink W.G.J. & Boot W.J. (red.) (2007), Rangakusha no furontia: Shizuki Tadao no sekai. Nagasaki: Nagasaki Bunkensha.
- Boot W.J. (2007), Keigaku, Gakujutsu Gepp? / Japanese Scientific Monthly 60(3): 4-7.
- Boot W.J. (2007), Bespreking van: Marra M.F. (2007), The Poetics of Motoori Norinaga: A Hermeneutical Journey: University of Hawaii Press. Monumenta Nipponica 62(3): 377-380.
- Boot W.J. (2006), Minagawa Kien (1734-1807): Kien Toyo to Meichu no kankei ni tsuite. Matsumura Yuji, Nakamura Yasuo, Takei Kyozo & Chen Jie (red.), Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Japanese Literature, Tokyo, 17th-18th November 2005. 29th International Conference on Japanese Literature. Tokyo: National Institute of Japanese Literature. 1-19.
- Nakano Mitsutoshi, Fujita Satoru, Boot W.J. & Suzuki Jun (2006), (Zadankai) Matsudaira Sadanobu no bungakuken, Bungaku 7(1): 2-24.
- Boot W.J. (2006), Bespreking van: Tucker J.A. (2006), Ogyu Sorai's Philosophical Masterworks: The Bendo and Benmei: University of Hawai‘i Press. Monumenta Nipponica 61(4): 559-566.
- Boot W.J. (2005), Exercises in biography - The case of Takebe Ayatari, Monumenta Nipponica 60(3): 393-407.
- Boot W.J. & Tucker J.A. (2005), Confucianism in the Early Tokugawa Period. In: Bary William Theodor de, Gluck Carol & Tiedeman Arthur E. (red.), Sources of Japanese Tradition, Second Edn, Vol. 2: 1600 to 2000. New York: Columbia University Press. 29-82.
- Boot W.J. (2005), Ieyasu and the Founding of the Tokugawa Shogunate. In: Bary William Theodor de, Gluck Carol & Tiedeman Arthur E. (red.), Sources of Japanese Tradition, Second Edn, Vol. 2: 1600 to 2000. New York: Columbia University Press. 1-28.
- Boot W.J. (2005), Yoroppa ni okeru Nihon Kanbungaku kenkyu no genjo to kadai, Sekai ni okeru Nihon Kanbungaku kenkyu no genjo to kadai. Internatonal Symposium, 3-4 september 2005. Tokyo: Nish? Gakusha Daigaku 21-seiki COE puroguramu. 29-60.
- Boot W.J. (2005) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: Lewis J.B. (2003), Frontier Contact between Choseon Korea and Tokugawa Japan nr. 2. Londen: RoutledgeCurzon. Harvard journal of Asiatic studies 65: 473-483.
- Boot W.J. (2005) Exercises in Biography. The Case of Takebe Ayatari. Bespreking van: Marceau L.E. (2002), Takebe Ayatari: A Bunjin Bohemian in Early Modern Japan nr. 3. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, Center for Japanese Studies. Monumenta Nipponica 60: 393-407.
- Boot W.J. (2005), Frontier contact between Choson Korea and Tokugawa Japan, Harvard journal of Asiatic studies 65(2): 473-483.
- Boot W.J. (2003), Ogyu Sorai, Studieregels. Bor J. & Leeuw K. van der (red.), 25 eeuwen oosterse filosofie. Teksten, toelichtingen. . Amsterdam: Boom. 562-569.
- Boot W.J. (2003), "Waert gij vogels soo mocht gij daer nae toe vliegen." Hendrik Hamel in Japan, 1666-1667. Roeper V. & Walraven B.C.A. (red.), De Wereld van Hendrik Hamel. Nederland en Korea in de zeventiende eeuw. 350-jarige herdenking van de stranding van het jacht De Sperwer op de Koreaanse kust. AMsterdam: SUN. 59-78.
- Boot W.J. (2003), Maxims of Foreign Policy. Blussé van Oud-Alblas J.L. & Fernández-Armesto F. (red.), Shifting Communities and Identity Formation in Early Modern Asia. conference NIAS, May 2000. Leiden: CNWS. 7-23.
- Boot W.J. (2003) Review. Bespreking van: McMullen I.J. (1999), Idealism, Protest and the Tale of Genji. The Confucianism of Kumazawa Banzan (1619-1691). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Japonica Humboldtiana 7: 239-251.
- Allsopp M.H., Calis J.N.M. & Boot W.J. (2003), Differential feeding of worker larvae affects caste characters in the Cape honeybee, Apis mellifera capensis, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 54: 555-561.
- Boot W.J. (2002), Tento ou la Voie de Ciel. Girard F., Horiuchi A. & Mace M. (red.), Repenser l'ordre, repenser l'heritage. Paysage intellectuel du Japon (XVIIe-XIXe siecle). . Geneve: Droz. 87-123.
- Boot W.J. (2002), Het voortleven van Hideyoshi. Poorter E.G. De (red.), Toyotomi Hideyoshi: geweldenaar en parvenu in het Japan van de 16e eeuw. . Leiden: Plantage. 75-101.
- Boot W.J. (2002) Nakae Toju (1608-1648) and Kumazawa Banzan (1619-1691). Two thinkers of the Edo period. Bespreking van: Soum J.-F. (2002), Nakae Tôju (1608-1648) et Kumazawa Banzan (1619-1691) : deux penseurs de l¿époque d'Edo nr. 1. Parijs: Institut des Hautes Études Japonaises, Collège de France. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 12: 133-136.
- Boot W.J. (2002), Jodai Bungaku, Jodai Bungaku 4(88): 22-37.
- Boot W.J. (2002), Hikaku rekishi no kanousei to hitsuyousei, Ibunka Kouryuu 3: 139-150.
- Boot W.J. (2002), Das Uebersetzen von konfuzianischen Texten im mittelalterichen Japan, Horin. Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur 9: 91-115.
- Boot W.J. (2001), Keizers en Shogun. Een geschiedenis van Japan tot 1868. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press/Salome.
- Boot W.J. (2001), Oranda ni okeru Nihongaku no genzai to shorai. Kurihara F., Kutsuzawa N. & Sato T. (red.), Edojidai no Nihon to Oranda. Nichi-ran koryu 400-nen kinen shinpojiumu hokoku. Nederlands-Japans Symposium te Tokyo, november 2000. Tokyo: Yogakushi Gakkai. 1-13.
- Boot W.J. (2001), Education, Schooling and Religion in Early Modern Japan. Boot W.J. & Shirahata Y. (red.), Two Faces of the Early Modern World: The Netherlands and Japan in the 17th and 18th Centuries. . Kyoto: International Research center for Japanese Studies. 15-34.
- Boot W.J. & Shirahata Y. (red.) (2001), Two Faces of the Early Modern World: The Netherlands and Japan in the 17th and 18th Centuries. Kyoto: International Research center for Japanese Studies.
- Boot W.J. (2001), Het einde van de wet: de voorspellingen van kroonprins Shotoku, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 114(1): 56-73.
- Boot W.J. (2000), Nihon, chuugoku, Seiyou. In: Blusse J.L., Remmelink W.G.J. & Smits I.B. (red.), Nichi-ran kouryuu 400 nen no rekishi to tenbou. Tokyo: Nichi-Ran Gakkai. 99-116.
- Boot W.J. (2000), Japan, China and the West. In: Blusse J.L., Remmelink W.G.J. & Smits I.B. (red.), Bridging the Divide. 400 years The Netherlands-Japan. Hilversum: Teleac NOT. 75-87.
- Boot W.J. (2000), The Death of a Shogun: Deification in Early Modern Japan. Teeuwen J., Breen J. & Teeuwen M. (red.), Shinto in History. Ways of the Kami. . London: Curzon. 144-166.
- Boot W.J. (2000) recensie. Bespreking van: Ng W. (2000), The I Ching in Tokugawa Thought and Culture. Honolulu: University of Hawaiï Press. Monumenta Nipponica 55: 606-609.
- Boot W.J. (2000), Menschenbild und Lebensstil im Konfuzianismus, Horin. Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur 7: 121-140.
- Boot W.J. (2000) The 'I Ching' in Tokugawa thought and culture: Asian interactions and comparisons. Bespreking van: Wai-Ming Ng (2000), The 'I Ching' in Tokugawa thought and culture: Asian interactions and comparisons: University of Hawaii Press. Monumenta Nipponica 55(4): 606-609.
- Boot W.J. (2000), Maxims of Foreign Policy, Itinerario 24: 62-79.
- Boot W.J. (1999), Hayashi Razan to Kaidan Zensho, SNKBZ 64: 3-6.
- Boot W.J. (1999) recensie. Bespreking van: Setton M. (1999), Korea's challenge to Orthodox Neo-Confucianism. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. T'oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 85: 523-527.
- Boot W.J. (1999) Approaches to Ogyû Sorai: Translation and transculturalization. Bespreking van: Sorai O. (1999), Translation and transculturalization nr. 2. Monumenta Nipponica 54: 247-258.
- Boot W.J. (1999), Tokugawa political writings, Monumenta Nipponica 54(2): 247-258.
- Boot W.J. (1999), Japanese Poetics and the Kokka Hachiron, Asiatica Venetiana 4: 23-43.
- Boot W.J. (1999), Bespreking van: Setton M. (1997), Chong Yagyong: Korea’s Challenge to Orthodox Neo-Confucianism. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press. T'oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 85: 523-527.
- Boot W.J. (1999), The empire of rites: The political thought of Ogyu Sorai, Japan 1666-1728, Monumenta Nipponica 54(2): 247-258.
- Boot W.J. (1997), vert., Marxistische idyllen van Ishikawa Takuboku. In: Idema W.L. (red.), Vijfhonderd opzichters van vijfhonderd bibliotheken doven de lichten. Gedichten uit China, Taiwan, Korea en Japan. Leiden: Plantage. 184-197.
- Boot W.J. (1997), vert., Gedichten uit de Manyôshû. In: Idema W.L. (red.), Vijfhonderd opzichters van vijfhonderd bibliotheken doven de lichten. Gedichten uit China, Taiwan, Korea en Japan. Leiden: Plantage. 114-127.
- Boot W.J. (1997), transl., The Confucian Ideal of Rule by Virtue and the Creation of National Politics. In: Rubinger E. & Rubinger R. (red.), Motoyama Yukihiko, Proliferating Talents: Essays on Politics, Thought, and Education in the Meija Era. Honolulu: Hawaii Univers. Press. 195-237.
- Boot W.J. (1997) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: McClain J.L. (1997), Urban Life and the State in the Early Modern Era nr. 1. Ithaca/Londen: Cornell Univers. press. JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT 40: 90-105.
- Boot W.J. (1996), Kotodama and the Ways of Reading the Manyôshû. In: Frellesvig B. & Hermansen Ch.M. (red.), Florilegium japonicum. Studies presented to Olof G. Lidin on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Kopenhagen: NN. 41-52.
- Boot W.J. (1996) recensie. Bespreking van: Yamashita S.H. (1996), Master Sorai's Responsals nr. 2. NN: University of Hawaii Press. JOURNAL OF JAPANESE STUDIES 22: 430-435.
- Boot W.J. (1995), Bespreking van: Yasunaga T. (1992), Ando Shoeki: Social and Ecological Philosopher of Eighteenth-Century Japan. New York: Weatherhill. Journal of Japanese Studies 21(1): 219-222.
- Boot W.J. (1995), Bespreking van: Sawada J.A. (1993), Confucian Values and Popular Zen: Sekimon Shingaku in Eighteenth-Century Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. Journal of Japanese Studies 21(1): 214-219.
- Boot W.J. (1992), Bespreking van: Eno R. (1990), The Confucian Creation of Heaven: Philosophy and the Defense of Ritual Mastery. SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture. Albany: State University of New York Press. T'oung Pao: International Journal of Chinese Studies 78(1-3): 202-207.
- Boot W.J. (1991), Bespreking van: Tucker M.E. (1989), Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714). Albany: State University of New York Press. Journal of Japanese Studies 17(1): 196-202.
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