Wilma Resing
Emeritus hoogleraar Diagnostiek en Onderzoek van Intelligentie en Leerpotentieel
- Naam
- Prof.dr. W.C.M. Resing
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- resing@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0003-3864-4517
Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina van Wilma Resing.
Emeritus hoogleraar Diagnostiek en Onderzoek van Intelligentie en Leerpotentieel
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Ontwikkelings- & Onderwijspsychologie
- Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J., Splinter S.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2021), Computerized dynamic testing of children's potential for reasoning by analogy: the role of executive functioning, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 37: 632–644.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M. & Stad F.E. (2020), Dynamic testing of children's solving of analogies: differences in potential for learning of gifted and average-ability children, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 19(1): 43-64.
- Touw K.W.J., Vogelaar B., Thissen F., Rovers S. & Resing W.C.M. (2020), Progression and individual differences in children's series completion after dynamic testing, British Journal of Educational Psychology 90(1): 184-205.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process-oriented dynamic testing in a complex figure task, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 18(1): 67-80.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Elliott J.G. & Vogelaar B. (2019), Dynamic testing: Can a robot as tutor be of help in assessing children's potential for learning?, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(4): 540-554.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M., Stad F.E. & Sweijen S.W. (2019), Is planning related to dynamic testing outcomes? Investigating the potential for learning of gifted and average-ability children, Acta Psychologica 196: 87-95.
- Touw K.W.J., Vogelaar B., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Using electronic technology in the dynamic testing of young primary school children: Predicting school achievement, Educational Technology Research and Development 67(2): 443-465.
- Resing W.C.M., Vogelaar B. & Elliott J.G. (2019), Children's solving of 'Tower of Hanoi' tasks: dynamic testing with the help of a robot, Educational Psychology 40(9): 1136-1163.
- Veerbeek J., Vogelaar B., Verhaegh J. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), Process assessment in dynamic testing using electronic tangibles, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35(1): 127-142.
- Stad F.E., Wiedl K.H., Vogelaar B., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2019), The role of cognitive flexibility in young children's potential for learning under dynamic testing conditions, European Journal of Psychology of Education 34(1): 123-146.
- Vogelaar B., Resing W.C.M., Stad F.E. & Verdel R. (2018), Dynamische tests en hoogbegaafden: ook zij hebben individuele instructie nodig, Tijdschrift voor Remedial Teaching 26(1): 20-23.
- Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2018), Changes over time and transfer of analogy-problem solving of gifted and non-gifted children in a dynamic testing setting, Educational Psychology 38(7): 898-914.
- Stad F.E., Van Heijningen C.J.M., Wiedl K.H. & Resing W.C.M. (2018), Predicting school achievement: Differential effects of dynamic testing measures and cognitive flexibility for math performance, Learning and Individual Differences 67: 117-125.
- Elliott J.G., Resing W.C.M. & Beckmann J.F. (2018), Dynamic assessment: A case of unfulfilled potential?, Educational Review 70(1): 7-17.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M., Oostdijk W., Rijke Y.B. de & Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. de (2018), Relation between early over- and undertreatment and behavioural problems in preadolescent children with congenital hypothyroidism, Hormone Research in Paediatrics 90(4): 247–256.
- Touw K.J.W., Vogelaar B., Verdel R., Bakker M. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Children’s progress in solving figural analogies: Are outcomes of dynamic testing helpful for teachers?, Educational and Child Psychology 34(1): 21-38.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J. (red.) (2017), Bridging the gap between psychological assessment and educational instruction. Educational and Child Psychology: The British Psychological Society.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J. (2017), Guest Editorial: Bridging the gap between psychological assessment and educational instruction, Educational and Child Psychology 34(1): 6-8.
- Vogelaar B., Bakker M., Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Dynamic testing and test anxiety amongst gifted and average-ability children, British Journal of Educational Psychology 87(1): 75-89.
- Resing W.C.M., Touw K.W.J., Veerbeek J. & Elliott J.G. (2017), Progress in the inductive strategy-use of children from different ethnic backgrounds: A study employing dynamic testing, Educational Psychology 37(2): 173-191.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Pronk C.M.E. & Elliott J.G. (2017), Progression paths in children's problem solving: The influence of dynamic testing, initial variability, and working memory, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 153: 83-109.
- Bosma T., Stevenson C.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Differences in need for instruction: Dynamic testing in children with arithmetic difficulties, Journal of Education and Training Studies 5(6): 132-145.
- Vogelaar B., Bakker M., Hoogeveen A.J.M. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Dynamic testing of gifted and average-ability children’s analogy problem-solving: Does executive functioning play a role?, Psychology in the Schools 54(8): 837-851.
- Veerbeek J., Verhaegh J., Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Process oriented measurement using electronic tangibles, Journal of Education and Learning 6(2): 155-170.
- Laughlan F., Boyle C., Gibbs S. & Resing W.C.M. (red.) (2017), Labelling and diagnoses. Educational and Child Psychology.
- Veerbeek J., Hessels M.G.P., Vogelaar S. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Pretest versus no pretest: An investigation into the problem-solving processes in a dynamic testing context, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 16(3): 260-280.
- Stad F.E., Vogelaar B., Veerbeek J. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Young children’s transfer of series completion in a dynamic test setting: does cognitive flexibility play a role?, International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology 4(4): 199.
- Laughlan F., Boyle C., Gibbs S. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Labelling and diagnoses, Educational and Child Psychology 34(4): 5-8.
- Smeets-Van Veldhoven J.C.M., Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2017), Klaar voor groep 3? Het perspectief van de leerkracht, Pedagogische Studien 94(5): 406-417.
- Cole R., Resing W. & Gibbs S. (red.) (2016), Neuroscience and Educational Psychology. Educational and Child Psychology.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamic testing of analogical reasoning in 5-to 6-year-olds: Multiple-choice versus constructed-response training items, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 34(6): 550-565.
- Resing W.C.M., Bakker M., Pronk C.M.E. & Elliott J.G. (2016), Dynamic testing and transfer: An examination of children's problem-solving strategies, Learning and Individual Differences 49: 110-119.
- Stad F.E., Wiedl K.H. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamic testing of children’s series completion ability: Cognitive flexibility as a predictor of performance, Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology 6(2): 143-154.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C. (2016), Dynamic testing: Assessing cognitive potential of children with culturally diverse backgrounds, Learning and Individual Differences 47: 27-36.
- Vogelaar B. & Resing W.C.M. (2016), Gifted and average-ability children’s progression in analogical reasoning in a dynamic testing setting, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 15(3): 349-367.
- Resing W.C.M. (2016), Dynamisch en statisch testen: Onmisbaar in psychodiagnostisch onderzoek, Tijdschrift voor Neuropsychologie 11(1): 52-64.
- Resing W.C.M. & Vogelaar B. (2016), Dynamisch testen: Ook begaafde leerlingen verschillen in instructiebehoefte. In: Gerven E.W.H.M. van (red.), De Gids: begaafdheid in het basisonderwijs. Nieuwolda: Leuker.nu. 47-58.
- Resing W.C.M. (2016), Leervermogen. In: Verschueren K. & Koomen H.M. (red.), Handboek Diagnostiek in de Leerlingenbegeleiding: Kind en context. Apeldoorn: Garant. 131-147.
- Resing W.C.M. & Verschueren K. (2016), Intelligentie. In: Verschueren K. & Koomen H.M. (red.), Handboek Diagnostiek in de Leerlingenbegeleiding: Kind en context. Apeldoorn: Garant. 109-129.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M., Rijke Y.B. de, Ridder M.A.J. de & Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. de (2016), Individualized initial treatment to optimize eventual cognitive outcome in congenital hypothyroidism, Pediatric Research 80: 816–823.
- Cole R., Resing W. & Gibbs S. (2016), Guest editorial: Neuroscience and educational psychology, Educational and Child Psychology 33(1): 5-7.
- Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2015), Can Intelligence Testing Inform Educational Intervention for Children with Reading Disability?, Journal of Intelligence 3(4): 137-157.
- Resing W.C.M., Tunteler E. & Elliott J.G. (2015), The Effect of Dynamic Testing With Electronic Prompts and Scaffolds on Children's Inductive Reasoning: A Microgenetic Study, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 14(2): 231-251.
- Verschueren K. & Resing W.C.M. (2015), Intelligentiediagnostiek volgens het CHC model: Van theorie naar praktijk. In: Resing W.C.M. (red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 63-84.
- Resing W.C.M. (2015), Intelligentiemeting: theorie en psychologische modelvorming. In: Resing W.C.M. (red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 19-40.
- Resing W.C.M. (2015), Tot slot. In: Resing W.C.M. (red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 397-401.
- Resing W.C.M. & Bleichrodt N. (2015), RAKIT-2: Intelligentiemeting bij kinderen in de basisschoolleeftijd. In: Resing W.C.M. (red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 141-167.
- Resing W.C.M. (2015), Praktische aspecten van intelligentiemeting: Afname, scoring en interpretatie. In: Resing W.C.M. (red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 41-62.
- Resing W.C.M. & Bleichrodt N. (2015), WNV: Non-verbale intelligentiemeting voor een brede leeftijdsrange. In: Resing W.C.M. (red.), Handboek intelligentietheorie en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson. 225-247.
- Resing W.C.M. (red.) (2015), Handboek intelligentiemeting en testgebruik. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Stevenson C.W., Bergwerff C., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2014), Working memory and dynamic measures of analogical reasoning as predictors of children's math and reading achievement, Infant and Child Development 23(1): 51-66.
- Cline T., Lauchlan F. & Resing W.C.M. (2014), Guest editorial: Bilingualism and language diversity, Educational and Child Psychology 31(2): 5-7.
- Cline T., Lauchlan T. & Resing W.C.M. (red.) (2014), Bilingualism and language diversity. Educational and Child Psychology.
- Resing W.C.M., Bleichrodt N., Drenth P.J.D.D. & Zaal J.N. (2014), Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test-2 (RAKIT-2). Supplement scoringshandleiding. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Stevenson C.E., Hickendorff M., Resing W.C.M., Heiser W.J. & De Boeck P.A.L. (2013), Explanatory item response modeling of children's change on a dynamic test of analogical reasoning, Intelligence 41(3): 157-168.
- Stevenson C.E., Heiser W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), Working memory as a moderator of training and transfer of analogical reasoning in children, Contemporary Educational Psychology 38(3): 159-169.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J.G. (red.) (2013), . Educational and Child Psychology.
- Smeets J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), De overgang van najaarskleuters naar groep 3, Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek 52: 442-453.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J.G. (2013), Guest editorial, Educational and Child Psychology 30(2): 5-6.
- Verhaegh J., Fontijn W.F.J., Aarts E.H.L. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), In-game assessment and training of nonverbal cognitive skills using TagTiles, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 17(8): 1637-1646.
- Resing W.C.M. (2013), Dynamic testing and individualized instruction: Helpful in cognitive education?, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 12(1): 81-95.
- Verhaegh J., Fontijn W.F.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2013), On the correlation between children's performances on electronic board tasks and nonverbal intelligence test measures, Computers & Education 69: 419-430.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M., De Rijke Y.B., De Ridder M.A.J. & De Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. (2013), Cognitive development in congenital hypothyroidism: Is overtreatment a greater threat than undertreatment?, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 98(11): 4499-4506.
- Bosma T., Hessels M.G.P. & Resing W.C.M. (2012), Teachers' preferences for educational planning: Dynamic testing, teaching' experience and teachers' sense of efficacy, TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION 28(4): 560-567.
- Resing W.C.M., Bleichrodt N., Drenth P.J.D. & Zaal J. (2012), Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test-2 (RAKIT-2). Verantwoording. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Resing W.C.M., Bleichrodt N., Drenth P.J.D. & Zaal J. (2012), Revisie Amsterdamse Kinder Intelligentie Test-2 (RAKIT-2). Afname handleiding. Amsterdam: Pearson.
- Elliott J.G. & Resing W.C.M. (2012), Cross-cultural factors in learning and motivation. In: Seel N.M. (red.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. US: Springer. 850-853.
- Resing W.C.M., Elliott J.G. & Grigorenko E.L. (2012), Dynamic testing and assessment. In: Seel S. (red.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. US: Springer. 1055-1058.
- Resing W.C.M., Xenidou-Dervou I., Steijn W.M.P. & Elliott J.G. (2012), A "picture" of children's potential for learning: Looking into strategy changes and working memory by dynamic testing, Learning and Individual Differences 22(1): 144-150.
- Resing W.C.M., Bosma T. & Stevenson C.E. (2012), Dynamic testing: Measuring inductive reasoning in children with developmental disabilities and mild cognitive impairments, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 11(2): 159-178.
- Resing W.C.M., Touw K.W.J., Verdel R.J., Slootjes M.M.A.J., Reiss S.A.J.A.P. & Vluggen Y.R. (2012), Dynamisch testen met de AnimaLogica: Van theorie naar praktijk. Leiden/Den Haag.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2012), Need for Instruction: Dynamic Testing in Special Education, European Journal of Special Needs Education 27(1): 1-19.
- Henning J.R., Verhaegh J. & Resing W.C.M. (2011), Creating an individualized learning situation using scaffolding in a tangible electronic series completion task, Educational and Child Psychology 28(2): 85-100.
- Resing W.C.M., Steijn W.M.P., Xenidou-Dervou L., Stevenson C.E. & Elliott J.G. (2011), Testing with an electronic console: Do children listen to the computer?, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 10(2): 178-194.
- Lauchlan F., Resing W.C.M. & Elliott J.G. (red.) (2011), Computerised approaches to assessment. Educational and Child Psychology: British Psychological Society.
- Stevenson C.E., Touw K.W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2011), Computerized dynamic testing: A study of the potential of an approach using sensor technology, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 110(2): 178-194.
- Stevenson C.E., Resing W.C.M., Bosma T., Verdel R.J., Stad F.E., Touw K.W.J. & Slootjes M.M.A.J. (2011), Dynamisch testen met Animalogica: Onderzoek naar het potentieel om te leren in de klas. Leiden/Den Haag: Interne publicatie Universiteit Leiden (Ontwikkelings- en Onderwijspsychologie) en Haags Centrum voor Onderwijsbegeleiding.
- Resing W.C.M., Lauchlan F. & Elliott J.G. (2011), Guest Editorial, Educational and Child Psychology 28(2): 6-7.
- Resing W.C.M. & Elliott J.G. (2011), Dynamic testing with tangible electronics: Measuring children’s change in strategy use with a series completion task, British Journal of Educational Psychology 81: 579-605.
- Stevenson C.E., Touw K.W.J. & Resing W.C.M. (2011), Computer or Paper Analogy Puzzles: Does Assessment Mode Influence Young Children’s Strategy Progression?, Educational and Child Psychology 28(2): 67-84.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2010), The effects of self- and other-scaffolding on progression and variation in children’s geometric analogy performance: A microgenetic research, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 9(3): 251-272.
- Elliott J.G., Grigorenko E.L. & Resing W.C.M. (2010), Dynamic Assessment: The need for a dynamic approach. In: Peterson P., Baker E. & McGaw B. (red.), International Encyclopedia of Education, Volume 3. Oxford: Elsevier. 220-225.
- Resing W.C.M. (2010) Book review. Bespreking van: Kaufman J.C. (2009), Intelligent Testing: Integrating psychological theory and clinical practice. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press. Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 9(9): 298-300.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2010), Teacher’s appraisal of dynamic assessment outcomes: Recommendations for weak math-performers, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 9(2): 91-115.
- Resing W.C.M., Jong F.M. de, Bosma T. & Tunteler E. (2009), Learning during dynamic testing: Variability in strategy use by indigenous and ethnic minority children, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 8(1): 22-37.
- Verhaegh J., Resing W.C.M., Fontijn W. & Jacobs A. (2009), Playing with blocks or the computer? Solving complex visual-spatial reasoning tasks: Comparing children’s performances on tangible and virtual puzzles, Educational and Child Psychology 26(3): 18-39.
- Stevenson C.E., Resing W.C.M. & Froma M.N. (2009), Analogical reasoning skill acquisition with self-explanation in 7-8 year olds: Does feedback help?, Educational and Child Psychology 26(3): 6-17.
- Bongers-Schokking J.J., Resing W.C.M. & Muinck Keizer-Schrama S.M.P.F. de (2009), Is over-treatment a greater threat for cognitive development in congenital hypothyroidism than under-treatment?, Hormone Research 72(Suppl. 3): 166-166.
- Resing W.C.M., Tunteler E., Jong F.M. de & Bosma T. (2009), Dynamic testing in indigenous and ethnic minority children, Learning and Individual Differences 19(4): 445-450.
- Resing W.C.M., Tunteler E., Jong F.M. de & Velt A.E. (2008), Dynamic testing in children: Individual differences and learning patterns in indigenious and ethnic minority children, International Journal of Psychology 43(3-4): 734-734.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Bridging the gap between diagnostic assessment and classroom practice, Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology 7: 174-196.
- Tunteler E., Pronk C.M.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Inter- and intra-individual variability in the process of change in the use of analogical strategies to solve geometric tasks in children: A microgenetic analysis, Learning and Individual Differences 18(1): 44-60.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y. & Bleichrodt N. (2008), Indicatiestelling leerlinggebonden financiering MBO: Instrumentarium. Amsterdam: Boom Test Uitgevers.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y., Pameijer N.K. & Bleichrodt N. (2008), Indicatiestelling speciaal onderwijs en leerlinggebonden financiering: Condities en instrumentarium. Amsterdam: Boom Test Uitgevers.
- Ebersbach M. & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Implicit and explicit knowledge of linear and exponential growth in 5-and 9-year-olds, Journal of Cognition and Development 9(3): 286-309.
- Ebersbach M., Dooren W., Noortgate W. van den & Resing W.C.M. (2008), Understanding linear and exponential growth: Searching for the roots in 6- to 9-year-olds, Cognitive Development 23(2): 237-257.
- Ebersbach M., Lehner M., Resing W.C.M. & Wilkening F. (2008), Forecasting exponential growth and exponential decline: Similarities and differences, Acta Psychologica 127(2): 247-257.
- Evers A. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Het drijfzand van didactische leeftijdsequivalenten, Psychometrika 42(9): 466-472.
- Resing W.C.M. & Drenth P.J.D. (2007), Intelligentie: Weten en meten. Amsterdam: Nieuwezijds.
- Resing W.C.M. (2007), Intelligentie en leervermogen: Statisch en dynamisch testen. In: Verschueren K. & Koomen H.M.Y. (red.), Handboek diagnostiek in de leerlingenbegeleiding. Antwerpen/Apeldoorn: Garant. 105-124.
- Botting N. & Resing W.C.M. (red.) (2007), . Educational and Child Psychology.
- Tunteler E., Pronk C.M.E. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Scaffolding and analogical reasoning in young children: A microgenetic study, Developing potentials for learning. Abstracts 12th Biennal Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction : 197-197.
- Botting N. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Editorial: Language impairments: Their impact on educational progress, Educational and Child Psychology 24: 6-8.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Change in spontaneous analogical transfer in young children: A microgenetic study, Infant and Child Development 16(1): 71-94.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Effects of prior assistance in using analogies on young children's unprompted analogical problem solving over time: A microgenetic study, British Journal of Educational Psychology 77(1): 43-68.
- Ebersbach M. & Resing W.C.M. (2007), Shedding new light on an old problem: The estimation of shadow sizes in children and adults, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 97(4): 265-285.
- Resing W.C.M. & Tunteler E. (2007), Children becoming more intelligent: Can the Flynn effect be generalized to other child intelligence tests?, International Journal of Testing 7(2): 191-208.
- Resing W.C.M. (2006), Using children’s “ability to learn” in diagnosis and assessment, Educational and Child Psychology 23(3): 6-11.
- Resing W.C.M. (2006), Intelligentieonderzoek en dynamisch testen in de klas: Zicht op het niveau van cognitieve ontwikkeling van kinderen. In: Taal M.H. & Dudink A.C.M. (red.), Schoolpsychologie: De school als context voor ontwikkeling. Amsterdam: Boom. 36-70.
- Resing W.C.M. & Figgs J. (red.) (2006), . Educational and Child Psychology.
- Resing W.C.M. (2006), Editorial, Educational and Child Psychology 23(3): 4-5.
- Bosma T. & Resing W.C.M. (2006), Dynamic assessment and a reversal task: A contribution to needs-based assessment, Educational and Child Psychology 23(3): 81-98.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y., Pameijer N.K. & Bleichrodt N. (2005), Indicatiestelling speciaal onderwijs en leerlinggebonden financiering: Condities en instrumentarium. Amsterdam: Boom Test uitgevers.
- Resing W.C.M. (2005), Intelligence testing. In: Kempf-Leonard K. (red.), Encyclopedia of social measurement, Vol. 3. San Diego, CA: Academic press. 307-315.
- Resing W.C.M. & Aalsvoort G.M. van der (2005), Symposium. [overig].
- Nijenhuis J. te, Resing W.C.M., Tolboom E. & Bleichrodt N. (2004), Short-term memory as an additional predictor of school achievement for immigrant children?, Intelligence 32: 203-213.
- Resing W.C.M. & Tunteler E. (2004), Zicht op het leerpotentieel van jonge kinderen: de rol van dynamische assessmentprocedures en variabel oplossingsgedrag. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der (red.), Eén kind, één plan. Leuven: Acco. 79-89.
- Nijenhuis J. te, Resing W.C.M., Tolboom E. & Bleichrodt N. (2004), Does cultural background influence the intellectual performance of children from immigrant groups? The RAKIT Intelligence Test for immigrant children, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 20: 10-26.
- Tunteler E. & Resing W.C.M. (2004), Age differences in patterns of strategy production for analogy problems among five- to eight-year-old children, Educational and Child Psychology 21: 74-88.
- Schittekatte M., Kort W., Resing W.C.M., Vermeir G. & Verhaeghe P. (2003), The Netherlands and Flemish speaking Belgium. In: Georgas J., Weiss L., Vijver F.J.R. van de & Saklofske D.H. (red.), Cultures and Children's intelligence: A cross-cultural analysis of the WISC-III. New York: Academic Press. 109-119.
- Resing W.C.M. & Wubbe F.M.D. (2003), Dynamic testing: Preliminary results of a meta-analysis on test effects, Improving learning: Fostering the will to learn : 708-708.
- Resing W.C.M. & Roth-Van der Werf G.J.M. (2003), Teaching children to think inductively: Looking through the theoretical mirror, Educational and Child Psychology 20: 52-63.
- Resing W.C.M. & Blok J.B. (2002), De classificatie van intelligentiescores. Voorstel voor een eenduidig systeem, Psychometrika 37: 244-249.
- Resing W.C.M. & Blok J.B. (2002), De classificatie van intelligentiescores. Een eerste stap, Psychometrika 37(10): 525-527.
- Resing W.C.M., Evers A., Koomen H.M.Y., Pameijer N.K., Bleichroth N. & Boxtel H. van (2002), Indicatiestelling: Condities en instrumentarium. Amsterdam/Meppel: NDC/Boom.
- Kort W., Schittekatte E.L., Compaan M., Bosmans N., Bleichrodt N., Vermeir G., Resing W.C.M. & Verhaeghe P. (2002), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Handleiding. Vertaling en Bewerking. London: The Psychological Corporation.
- Evers A., Vliet-Mulder J.C. van, Resing W.C.M., Starren J.C.M.G., Alphen De Veer R.J. & Boxtel H. van (2002), COTAN Testboek voor het Onderwijs. Amsterdam: NDC/Boom.
- Wubbe F.B.J., Resing W.C.M. & Van Putten C.M. (2002), Compatibility of the BLIK and SCHOBL-R with each other and with the Big Five in six year-old children. In: Garnefski N. (red.), Coping with psychology. Leiden: Department of Psychology, University of Leiden. 141-156.
- Resing W.C.M., Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. & Bosma T. (2002), Dynamic assessment: Using measures for learning potential in the diagnostic process. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der, Resing W.C.M. & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (red.), Learning potential assessment and cognitive training: Actual research and perspectives in theory building and methodology. Oxford: Elsevier Science. 29-64.
- Resing W.C.M. & Roth-Van der Werf G.J.M. (2002), Learning potential assessment and cognitive training in inductive reasoning: Emergent relationship?. In: Aalsvoort G.M. van der, Resing W.C.M. & Ruijssenaars A.J.J.M. (red.), Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice Volume 7. Learning Potential Assessment and Cognitive Training. New York: Elsevier Science Ltd.. 175-208.
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- Resing W.C.M. (1997), Learning potential assessment: The alternative for measuring intelligence?, Educational and Child Psychology 14(4): 68-82.
- Resing W.C.M., Bosma T. & Iedema R. (1997), Assessing inductive thinking skills in ethnic minority groups. In: Vosniadou S., Matsagouras E., Maridaki-Kassotaki K. & Kotsanis S. (red.), Abstracts: 7th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction. Athens: Gutenberg University Publications. 179-179.
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- Resing W.C.M., Verbraeken J.C. & Slenders A.P.A.C. (1997), Denktraining: Kinderen leren hoe te redeneren, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 52(5): 207-219.
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