William Michael Schmidli
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. W.M. Schmidli
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2341
- w.m.schmidli@hum.leidenuniv.nl

William Michael Schmidli is een universitair docent aan het Insitituut voor Geschiedenis.
Universitair Docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Geschiedenis
- Algemene Geschiedenis
- Schmidli W.M. (2022), Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Schmidli W.M. (2022), Human rights: norms and policy. In: Duyvesteyn I. & Wal A.M. van der (red.) World history for international studies. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 215-232.
- Schmidli W.M. (2022) The Late Cultural Cold War. Bespreking van: Hunt A. (2021), We Begin Bombing in Five Minutes: Late Cold War Culture in the Age of Reagan. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. Diplomatic History 46(5): 1036–1038.
- Schmidli W.M. (20 januari 2022), Reagan, Containment, and the Transformation of Democracy in the 1980s (Lezing). Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study.
- Schmidli W.M. (2021), Rockin’ to free the world?: Amnesty International’s benefit concert tours, 1986-88, Diplomatic History 45(4): 688-713.
- Schmidli W.M. (2021), Reagan’s Project Democracy and the U.S. Intervention in Nicaragua. In: Hunt J. & Miles S. (red.) The Reagan Moment: America and the World in the 1980s. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 237-259.
- Schmidli W.M. (2021), Bespreking van: Teishan A. Latner (2018), Cuban Revolution in America: Havana and the Making of a United States Left, 1968-1992. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. H-Diplo .
- Schmidli W.M. (2021), Gorbymania, Nicastroika, and the Malta Altercation: Nicaragua and U.S.-Soviet Relations, 1989-1990. Transnational Studies Association Conference 5 juli 2021 - 7 juli 2021. Online: Transnational Studies Association Conference.
- Schmidli W.M. (2021), Winter Soldiers in the Tropics: Vietnam Veterans and Central American Peace Activism in the 1980s. SHAFR 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting 17 juni 2021 - 20 juni 2021. Online: Annual Conference of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR).
- Schmidli W.M. (2019), Bespreking van: Snyder Sarah B. (2018), From Selma to Moscow: How Human Rights Activists Transformed U.S. Foreign Policy. New York: Columbia University Press. Journal of Cold War Studies 21(2): 197-199.
- Schmidli W.M. (2019), “Capitalism is Not a Dream to Be Realized But a Nightmare that is All Too Real”: Human Rights and Transnational Solidarity Activists in Revolutionary Nicaragua, 1979-1990”. The Transatlantic Studies Association 18th Annual Conference 8 juli 2019 - 10 juli 2019. Lancaster, UK: Transnational Studies Association Conference.
- Schmidli W.M. (2019), “‘The Grindstone on Which We Sharpen Ourselves’: Solidarity Activism and the U.S. War on Nicaragua, 1981-1990”. International, transnational, and global histories of the Nicaraguan Revolution, 1977-1990 15 mei 2019 - 15 mei 2019. London School of Economics, London, UK.: International, Transnational, and Global Histories of the Nicaraguan Revolution.
- Schmidli W.M. (2019), “Rockin’ to Free the World?: Amnesty International’s Benefit Concert Tours, 1986-88”. Culture & International History VI: Visions of Humanity 6 mei 2019 - 8 mei 2019. John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin.: Culture & International History VI.
- Pee R. & Schmidli W.M. (red.) (2019), The Reagan Administration, the Cold War, and the Transition to Democracy Promotion: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Pee R. & Schmidli W.M. (2019), Introduction: the Reagan administration and democracy promotion. In: Schmidli W.M. & Pee R. (red.), The Reagan administration, the Cold War, and the transition to democracy promotion: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-28.
- Schmidli W.M. (2019), Recreating the Cold War consensus: democracy promotion and the crisis of American hegemony. In: Pee R. & Schmidli W.M. (red.), The Reagan administration, the Cold War, and the transition to democracy promotion: Palgrave Macmillan. 75-92.
- Pee R. & Schmidli W.M. (2019), Conclusion. In: Pee R. & Schmidli W.M. (red.), The Reagan administration, the Cold War, and the transition to democracy promotion: Palgrave Macmillan. 277-301.
- Schmidli W.M. (2013), The Fate of Freedom Elsewhere: Human Rights and U.S. Cold War Policy Toward Argentina. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.