Willemijn Heeren
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. W.F.L. Heeren
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7068
- w.f.l.heeren@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0001-7124-027X
Willemijn Heeren is Universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Boer M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2023), The language dependency of /m/ in native Dutch and non-native English, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154(4): 2168-2176.
- Smorenburg L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2023), Idiosyncratic and linguistic information in /s/ in telephone speech (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen). [congress paper].
- Boer M.M. de, Quené H. & Heeren W.F.L. (2022), Long-term within-speaker consistency of filled pauses in native and non-native speech, JASA Express Letters 2(3): 035201.
- Heeren W.F.L., SmorenburgB.J.L. & Gold E. (2022), Optimizing the strength of evidence: combining segmental speech features, Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the international association for forensic phonetics and acoustics. . Prague 13-14.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2022), The effects of linguistic contexts on the acoustics and strength-of-evidence of /s/, Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the international association for forensic phonetics and acoustics. . Prague 21-22.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2022), Language-dependency of /s/ in L1 Dutch and L2 English, Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the international association for forensic phonetics and acoustics. . Prague: Charles University. 72-73.
- Heeren W.F.L., Voeten C. & Marks T. (2022), Speaker discrimination as a function of vowel realization: does focus affect perception?, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 11: .
- He L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Between-speaker variability in dynamic formant characteristics in spontaneous speech, Speaker Individuality in Phonetics and Speech Sciences: Speech Technology and Forensic Applications - Book of Abstracts. XVII AISV Conference 4 februari 2021 - 5 februari 2021. XVII AISV Conference. Zürich: University of Zürich. 71-72.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Language-dependency of /m/ in L1 Dutch and L2 English. XVII AISV Conference, Zurich. 4 februari 2021 - 5 februari 2021. [conferentie poster].
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Forensic value of acoustic-phonetic features from Standard Dutch nasals and fricative, Speaker Individuality in Phonetics and Speech Sciences: Speech Technology and Forensic Applications - Book of Abstracts. XVII AISV Conference 4 februari 2021 - 5 februari 2021. Zürich: University of Zürich. 46-47.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Acoustic and speaker variation in Dutch /n/ and /m/ as a function of phonetic context and syllabic position, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(2): 979.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Effects of speech channel on acoustic measurements and speaker discrimination from /s/. International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics, Marburg. 22 augustus 2021 - 25 augustus 2021. [conferentie poster].
- Jong N.H. de, Pacilly J.J.A. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), PRAAT scripts to measure speed fluency and breakdown fluency in speech automatically, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 28(4): 456-476.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2021), Test speaker sample size: speaker modelling for acoustic-phonetic features in conversational speech, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. 29th Conference of The International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) 22 augustus 2021 - 25 augustus 2021. Marburg, Germany.
- Heeren W.F.L. & He L. (2021), Between-speaker variability in segmental F1 dynamics in spontaneous speech, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. 29th Conference of The International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA) 22 augustus 2021 - 25 augustus 2021. Marburg, Germany.
- Heeren W.F.L., Boer M.M. de, Smorenburg B.J.L. & Vloed D. van der (2021), Exploiting Dutch speech collections for forensic speech science, Proceedings Digital Humanities Benelux 2021: The Humanities in a Digital World. Digital Humanities Benelux 2021 2 juni 2021 - 4 juni 2021. Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Jong N.H. de, Pacilly J.J.A. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), PRAAT scripts to measure speed fluency and breakdown fluency in speech automatically, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 28(4): 456-476.
- Ditewig S., Smorenburg B.J.L., Quené H. & Heeren W.F.L. (2021), An acoustic-phonetic study of retraction of /s/ in Moroccan Dutch and endogenous Dutch, Nederlandse Taalkunde 26(3): 315-338.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), The distribution of speaker information in Dutch fricatives /s/ and /x/ from telephone dialogues, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(2): 949-960.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2020), The contribution of dynamic versus static formant information in conversational speech, Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 27(1): 75-98.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2020), The Effect of Word Class on Speaker-dependent Information in the Standard Dutch Vowel /aː/, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(4): 2028-2039.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), The effect of phonetic context on speaker information in nasal consonants. 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, Virtual Conference. 14 december 2020 - 18 december 2020. [conferentie poster].
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Binnensprekervariatie in de uitspraak van /m/ in verschillende talen: abstract. Middag van de Fonetiek 2020 18 december 2020 - 18 december 2020. Amsterdam: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Fonetische Wetenschappen.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Spraak als bewijs: uitspraakvariatie tussen sprekers én binnen sprekers, Congresbundel NVC Digitale Marktdag. Digitale Marktdag Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie 19 juni 2020 - 19 juni 2020. Den Haag: Boom Criminologie. 28.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Acoustics of Dutch filled pauses: general trends and variation. De Grote Taaldag 31 januari 2020 - 31 januari 2020.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2020), Cross-linguistic filled pause realization: the acoustics of uh and um in native Dutch and non-native English, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148(6): 3612-3622.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Pauzemarkeerders in L2-Engels: L1 transfer of aangeleerd?, : .
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Speaker variation in Dutch /x/ and /s/ as a function of syllabic position and lip-rounding. Calhoun Sasha, Escudero Paola, Tabain Marija & Warren Paul (red.), Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 5 augustus 2019 - 9 augustus 2019. Melbourne 612-616.
- Ditewig S., Heeren W.F.L., Smorenburg B.J.L. & Quené H. (2019), /s/-retraction in Moroccan Dutch and endogenous Dutch. Conference of the Sociolinguistics Circle, Utrecht. 5 april 2019 - 5 april 2019. [conferentie poster].
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The speaker-specificity of filled pauses: A cross-linguistic study. Calhoun S., Escudero P., Tabain M. & Warren P. (red.). 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences 5 augustus 2019 - 9 augustus 2019. Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.. 607-611.
- Ditewig S., Pinget A.F. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Regional variation in the pronunciation of /s/ in the Dutch language area, Nederlandse Taalkunde 24(2): 195-212.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Re-assessing the role of vowel formant dynamics in speaker-dependent information, Proceedings of ExAPP 2019. 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation 26 september 2019 - 28 december 2019. Münster, Germany 24.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The distribution of speaker-specificity in fricative /x/ acoustics, Proceedings of ExAPP 2019. 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation 26 september 2019 - 28 december 2019. Münster, Germany 49, 50.
- De Boer M.M. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Individual variation in native and non-native filled pauses, Proceedings of ExAPP 2019. 4th Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation 26 september 2019 - 28 december 2019. Münster, Germany 8-9.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The idiosyncrasy of filled pauses in L2 English in the context of phonetic convergence. The International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE) 26 juni 2019 - 28 juni 2019. Leeuwarden.
- De Boer M.M. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Individual variation in filled pauses in the native and second language. Conference of the Sociolinguistics Circle 5 april 2019 - 5 april 2019. Utrecht.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Acoustic speaker characteristics of fricative /x/ in Standard Dutch. Conference of the Sociolinguistics Circle 5 april 2019 - 5 april 2019. Utrecht.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), The role of position in native and non-native filled pause acoustics. Dag van de Fonetiek, Amsterdam. 13 december 2019 - 13 december 2019. [conferentie poster].
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2019), Cross-linguistic forensic speaker comparisons: do filled pauses contain language-independent features?. Roundtable of the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics 5 september 2019 - 8 september 2019.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2018), The interaction of linguistic structure and speaker-dependent information in speech. . Zürich, Switserland.
- Boer M.M. de & Heeren W.F.L. (2018), De realisatie van gevulde pauzes in L1-Nederlands en L2-Engels. Dag van de Fonetiek 21 december 2018 - 21 december 2018.
- Fayt C.J.E. & Heeren W.F.L. (2018), Contextuele invloeden op de productie van /h/ in het Nederlands van Belgisch-Franstalige leerders, Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 7(1): 89-110.
- Bon M., Heeren W.F.L. & Vloed D. van der (2018), The speaker-dependency of features of hesitation markers in Dutch spontaneous phone conversations, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustic. . Huddersfield, UK 71-72.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2018), Does a token’s linguistic context affect its speaker-dependent information?, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. . Huddersfield, UK. 31-32.
- Smorenburg B.J.L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2018), Speaker-specificity of Dutch fricative /s/ in spontaneous telephone speech, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. . Huddersfield, UK 119-120.
- Bibyk S., Heeren W.F.L., Albin A., Rankinen W., Salverda A.P., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2017), Boundary tone processing during online comprehension, : .
- Albers L. & Heeren W.F.L. (2017), Indexical information as a function of linguistic condition: does prosodic prominence affect speaker-specificity?, Proceedings of the 26th Annual conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. 187-189.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2017), Speaker-dependency of /s/ in spontaneous telephone conversation, Proceedings of the 26th Annual conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. . Split, Kroatia 68-71.
- Heeren W.F.L., Bibyk S.A., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2015), Asking or Telling – Real-time Processing of Prosodically Distinguished Questions and Statements, Language and Speech 58(4): 1-28.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2015), Coding pitch differences in voiceless fricatives: Whispered relative to normal speech, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138(6): 3427-3438.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2015), Vocalic correlates of pitch in whispered versus normal speech, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138(6): 3800-3810.
- Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W., Pacilly J., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E. van (2014), Above and beyond the segments. Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2014), Does boundary tone production in whispered speech depend on its bearer? Exploring a case of tonal crowding in whisper. In: Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W.F.L., Pacilly J.J.A., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E.A. van (red.), Above and beyond the segments. Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 131-143.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2014), Fricative cues to pitch in whispered versus normal speech. Fuchs S., Grice M., Hermes A., Lancia L. & Muecke D. (red.), Proceedings of the 10th international Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne, May 5-8 2014. 182-185.
- Heeren W.F.L., Vloed D. van der & Vermeulen J. (2014), Exploring long-term formants in bilingual speakers, Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics. . Zurich 39-40.
- Heeren W.F.L., Bibyk S., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2014), Tuning in to different cues to whispered boundary tones, 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe. . Utrecht, The Netherlands 86-87.
- Heeren W.F.L., Bibyk S., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2014), Tuning in to whispered boundary tones. Campbell N., Gibbon D. & Hirst D. (red.), Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody, Dublin, May 20-23. . Dublin 603-607.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Van Heuven V.J. (2014), The interaction of accent and boundary tone in the perception of whispered speech. Campbell N., Gibbon D. & Hirst D. (red.), Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Speech Prosody. . Dublin 398-402.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Pacilly J.J.A. (2014), Local versus global spectral change as pitch cue in whispered speech, 6th International Conference on Tone and Intonation in Europe. 3-4.
- Caspers J., Chen Y., Heeren W.F.L., Pacilly J.J.A., Schiller N.O. & Zanten E.A. van (red.) (2014), Above and beyond the segments. Experimental linguistics and phonetics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Lorenzi C. (2014), Prosody perception in normal and whispered French, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135(4): 2026-2040.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Heuven V.J. van (2014), The interaction of lexical and phrasal prosody in whispered speech, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136(6): 3272-3289.
- Bibyk S., Heeren W.F.L., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2013), Asking or telling? Real-time processing of boundary tones, Proceedings of LSA Annual Meeting, January 3-6, 2013. LSA annual meeting, Boston. Boston.
- Heeren W.F.L., Avram A., Cardinaletti A., Coene M.M.R. & Volpato F. (2012), Can speech pitch perception be measured language-independently?. In: Elenbaas M. & Aalberse S. (red.), Linguistics in The Netherlands 2012. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 55-67.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Lorenzi C. (2012), The whispering talker: production and perception of French boundary tones, Proceedings of the LISTA workshop 2012: 66.
- Heeren W.F.L., Coene M.M.R., Vaerenberg B., Avram A., Cardinaletti A., Del Bo L., Pascu A., Volpato F. & Govaerts P. (2012), Development of the A§E test battery for speech pitch perception assessment in cochlear implant users, Cochlear Implants International 13(4): 206-219.
- Schauwers K., Coene M.M.R., Heeren W.F.L., Del Bo L., Pascu A. & Govaerts P. (2011), Pitch perception in cochlear implanted and classical hearing aid users, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 75(suppl. 1): 52.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2011), Hearing and perceiving intonation in whispered speech. In: Zonneveld W., Quené H. & Heeren W. (red.), Sound and Sounds. Studies presented to M.E.H. (Bert) Schouten on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Utrecht: UiL OTS. 91-102.
- De Jong F.M.G., Heeren W.F.L., Van Hessen A.J., Ordelman R.J.F. & Nijholt A. (2011), Automated Metadata Extraction for Semantic Access to Spoken Word Archives. Ruiz Miyares L. & Alvarez Silva M.R. (red.), Proceedings 12th International Symposium on Social Communication: Communicación Social en el Siglio XXI. . Santiago de Cuba 896-905.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Heuven V.J. van (2011), Acoustics of whispered boundary tones: effects of vowel type and tonal crowding. Lee W-S. & Zee E. (red.), Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. 851-854.
- Bibyk S., Heeren W.F.L., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2011), Gotta conundrum, gotta solution, Proceedings of Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Prosody 2, September 23-25, 2011. . Montreal.
- Zonneveld W., Quené H. & Heeren W.F.L. (red.) (2011), Sound and Sounds. Studies presented to M.E.H. (Bert) Schouten on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Utrecht: UiL OTS.
- Heeren W.F.L., Bibyk S., Gunlogson C. & Tanenhaus M.K. (2011), Got evidence for online processing of boundary tones: Proceedings of CUNY, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA, March 24-26, 2011, Proceedings CUNY 2011 : .
- Heeren W.F.L., Vaerenberg B., Coene M., Daemers K., Govaerts P., Avram A., Cardinaletti A., Ceulaer G. de, Del Bo L., Gillis S., Pascu A., Rooryck J.E.C.V., Schauwers K., Heuven V.J.J.P. van & Volpato F. (2010), Linguistic assessment tools for the Digisonic® Dual electric-acoustic speech processor, Cochlear Implants International 11(supplement 1): 306-311.
- Bosker H.R., Briaire J.J., Heeren W.F.L., Heuven V.J. van & Jongman S. (2010), Whispered speech as input for cochlear implants. In: Kampen J. van & Nouwen R. (red.), Linguistics in The Netherlands 2010. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-15.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Schouten M.E.H. (2010), Perceptual development of the Finnish /t-tː/ distinction in Dutch 12-year-old children: A training study, Journal of Phonetics 38(4): 594-603.
- Ordelman R.J.F., Heeren W.F.L., De Jong F.M.G., Huijbregts M.A.H. & Hiemstra D. (2009), Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Heritage Archives, Journal of Digital Information 10(6): 17-33.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Heuven V.J. van (2009), Perception and production of boundary tones in whispered Dutch, Proceedings of Interspeech, September 6-10, 2009. Interspeech 2009. Brighton UK 2411-2414.
- Malaisé V., Gazendam L., Heeren W.F.L., Ordelman R.J.F. & Brugman H. (2009), Relevance of ASR for the Automatic Generation of Keywords Suggestions for TV programs, Actes de la 16ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. . Paris: Association pour le traitement automatique des langues.
- Heeren W.F.L., Van der Werff L.B., De Jong F.M.G., Ordelman R.J.F., Verschoor T., Van Hessen A.J. & Langelaar M. (2009), Easy Listening: Spoken Document Retrieval in CHoral, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 24(2-3): 236-252.
- Heeren W.F.L. & Schouten M.E.H. (2008), Perceptual development of phoneme contrasts: how sensitivity changes along acoustic dimensions that contrast phoneme categories, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124(4): 2291-2302.
- De Jong F.M.G., Oard D.W., Heeren W.F.L. & Ordelman R.J.F. (2008), Access to recorded interviews: A research agenda, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 1(1): 3:1-3:27.
- Jansen Michel, Heeren W.F.L. & Van Dijk E.M.A.G. (2008), VideoTrees: improving video surrogate presentation using hierarchy, Proceedings of Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. . London 560-567.
- Heeren W.F.L., De Jong F.M.G., Van der Werff L.B., Huijbregts M.A.H. & Ordelman R.J.F. (2008), Evaluation of spoken document retrieval for historic speech collections, Proceedings of LREC 2008. . Marrakech: European Language Resources Association. 520-520.
- Ordelman R.J.F., Heeren W.F.L., Huijbregts M.A.H., Hiemstra D. & De Jong F.M.G. (2008), Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Word Archives, Proceedings of the ECDL 2008 Workshop on Information Access to Cultural Heritage. . Amsterdam: ILPS, University of Amsterdam.
- Heeren W.F.L. & De Jong F.M.G. (2008), Disclosing spoken culture: user interfaces for access to spoken word archives, Proceedings of Human Computer Interaction 2008. . Liverpool, UK: The British Computer Society. 23-32.
- Heeren W.F.L., Ordelman R.J.F. & De Jong F.M.G. (2008), Affordable access to multimedia by exploiting collateral data, Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. . London 542-550.
- Van der Werff L.B. & Heeren W.F.L. (2008), Subword-based Indexing for a Minimal False Positive Rate, Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Workshop Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech. . Enschede: Centre for Telematics and Information Technology. 77-79.
- Aly R.B.N., Hauff C., Heeren W.F.L., Hiemstra D., De Jong F.M.G., Ordelman R.J.F., Verschoor T. & De Vries A.P. (2008), The Lowlands team at TRECVID 2007, TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Online Proceedings. . Geithesburg, U.S.: NIST.
- Van der Werff L.B. & Heeren W.F.L. (2007), Evaluating ASR Output for Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech. . Enschede: Centre for Telematics and Information Technology. 7-14.
- Van der Werff L.B., Heeren W.F.L., Ordelman R.J.F. & De Jong F.M.G. (2007), Radio Oranje: Enhanced Access to a Historical Spoken Word Collection, Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands. . Utrecht: Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap. 207-218.
- Heeren W.F.L., Van der Werff L.B., Ordelman R.J.F., Van Hessen A.J. & De Jong F.M.G. (2007), Radio Oranje: Searching the Queen's speech(es), Proceedings of ACM SIGIR, July 23-27, 2007. . Amsterdam 903-903.
- Ordelman R.J.F., De Jong F.M.G. & Heeren W.F.L. (2006), Exploration of audiovisual heritage using audio indexing technology, Proceedings of the first workshop on intelligent technologies for cultural heritage exploitation. : Università di Trento. 36-39.
- Ordelman R.J.F., De Jong F.M.G., Heeren W.F.L. & Van Hessen A.J. (2006), Audio Indexing Technology for the Exploration of Audiovisual Heritage Collections, Proceedings of BNAIC 2006. . Namur, Belgium: BNVKI. 413-414.
- Heeren W.F.L. (7 juli 2006), Perceptual Development of Phoneme Contrasts in Adults and Children (Dissertatie, -, Utrecht University). Promotor(en): Nooteboom S.G. & Schouten M.E.H.
- Van der Maas P., Heeren W.F.L. & Van Hessen A.J. (2006), Het Radio Oranje Project 'Googlen' met Hare Majesteit Koningin Wilhelmina, Dixit 4(2): 6-7.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2005), L2 Development of Quantity Perception: Dutch Listeners Learning Finnish /t-t:/, Proceedings of Interspeech 2005. . Lisbon 753-756.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2005), Perceptual Development of a Nonnative Length Contrast: Dutch Adults Learning Finnish /t-t:/, Proceedings of the ISCA workshop on Plasticity in Speech Perception 2005. . London: UCL. 32-35.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2005), Perceptual Development of the Duration Cue in Dutch /A-a:/, Proceedings of Interspeech 2005. . Lisbon 745-748.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2004), The perceptual development of a British-English phoneme contrast in Dutch adults. In: Quené H. & Heuven V.J. van (red.), On Speech and Language. Studies for Sieb G. Nooteboom: LOT Occasional Series. 73-82.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2004), The perceptual development of a British-English phoneme contrast in Dutch adults, Linguistics in the Netherlands 21. 91-101.
- Heeren W.F.L. (2004), The perceptual development of a new phoneme contrast by adult and 12-year-old listeners, Proceedings of From Sound to Sense: 50+ Years of Discoveries in Speech Communication. . Boston: MIT. c31-c36.
- Hoeks J., Heeren W.F.L. & Stowe L. (2001), Processing Implausible Sentences: An ERP Study on Making Sense, Proceedings of CUNY, March, 15-17, 2001. . Philadelphia P.A.
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