Wido la Heij
- Naam
- Dr. W. la Heij

- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Cognitieve Psychologie
- Starreveld P.A. & La Heij W. (2017), Picture-word interference is a Stroop effect: A theoretical analysis and new empirical findings, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24(3): 721-733.
- Boelens H. & La Heij W. (2017), The development of semantic blocking in children, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 35(2): 310-315.
- Christoffels I., Timmer K., Ganushchak L. & La Heij W. (2016), On the production of interlingual homophones: Delayed naming and increased N400, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 31(5): 628-638.
- Christoffels I., Ganushchak L. & La Heij W. (2016), When L1 suffers: Sustained, global slowing and the reversed language effect in mixed language context. In: Schwieter J.W. (red.), Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 171-192.
- Heij W. la, Boelens H.H. & Akerboom S.P. (2013), Color-picture interference in childeren: Effects of spatial and temporal segregation of color and form, Perceptual and Motor Skills 116(1): 78-90.
- Starreveld P.A., La Heij W. & Verdonschot R.G. (2013), Time course analysis of the effects of distractor frequency and categorical relatedness in picture naming; An evaluation of the response exclusion account, Language and Cognitive Processes 28(5): 633-654.
- Verdonschot R.G., La Heij W., Tamaoka K., Kiyama S., You W.P. & Schiller N.O. (2013), The multiple pronunciations of Japanese kanji: A masked priming investigation. , The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66(10): 2023-2038.
- Kuipers J.R. & La Heij W. (2012), Congruency effects in conceptualizing for speech, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Experimental Psychology 65(11): 2155-2168.
- Zhao H., La Heij W. & Schiller N.O. (2012), Orthographic and phonological facilitation in speech production: New evidence from picture naming in Chinese, Acta Psychologica 139: 272-280.
- Verdonschot R.G., Kiyama S., Tamaoka K., Kinoshita S., La Heij W. & Schiller N.O. (2011), The functional unit of Japanese word naming: evidence from masked priming, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37(6): 1458-1473.
- La Heij W. & Boelens H.H. (2011), Color-object interference: Further tests of an executive control account, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 108(1): 156-169.
- Verdonschot R.G., La Heij W., Paolieri D., Zhang Q. & Schiller N.O. (2011), Homophonic context effects when naming Japanese kanji: evidence for processing costs?, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology : Human Experimental Psychology 64: 1836-1849.
- Kuipers J.R. & La Heij W. (2009), The limitations of cascading in the speech production system, Language and Cognitive Processes 24: 120-135.
- Kuipers J.R. & La Heij W. (2008), Semantic facilitation in category and action naming: Testing the message-congruency account, Journal of Memory and Language 58: 123-139.
- Colzato L.S., Bajo M.T., Wildenberg W. van den, Paolieri D., Nieuwenhuis S., La Heij W. & Hommel B. (2008), How does bilingualism improve executive control? A comparison of active and reactive inhibition mechanisms, Estética 34(2): 302-312.
- La Heij W., Starreveld P.A. & Kuipers J.R. (2007), Structural complexity in not the (big) issue: A reply to Roelofs, Language and Cognitive Processes 22: 1261-1280.
- La Heij W. & Akerboom S.P. (2007), Word comprehension in a second language: A direct or indirect route to meaning?, Psychological Reports 100: 838-846.
- Kuipers J.R., La Heij W. & Costa A. (2006), A further look at semantic context affect in language production: The role of response congruency, Language and Cognitive Processes 21(7-8): 892-919.
- La Heij W., Kuipers J.R. & Starreveld P.A. (2006), In defense of the lexial-selection account of picture-word interference.A comment on Finkbeiner and Caramazza, Cortex 42(7): 1028-1031.
- Costa A., La Heij W. & Navarette A. (2006), The dynamics of bilingual lexical access, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 9: 137-151.
- La Heij W. (2005), Selection processes in monolingual and bilingual lexical access. In: Kroll J.F. & Groot A.M.B. de (red.), Handbook of bilingualism:Psycholinguistic approaches. New York: Oxford University Press. 289-307.
- Starreveld P.A. & La Heij W. (2004), Phonological facilitation of grammatical gender retrieval, Language and Cognitive Processes 19: 677-711.
- Bloem I., Van den Boogaard S. & La Heij W. (2004), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in language production: Further evidence for the conceptual selection model of lexical access, Journal of Memory and Language 51: 307-323.
- Jonkersz I. & La Heij W. (2003), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation. Implications for models of lexical access in language production, Journal of Memory and Language 48: 468-488.
- La Heij W., Heikoop K.W., Akerboom S.P. & Jonkersz I. (2003), Picture naming in picture context: Semantic interference of semantic facilitation?, Psychological Science 45: 49-62.
- Mitterer H., La Heij W. & Van der Heijden A.H.C. (2003), Stroop Dilution but not Word-Processing Dilution: Evidence for Attention Capture, Psychological Research 67: 30-42.
- La Heij W., Plooij P. & Van der Heijden A.H.C. (2001), A paradoxical exposure-duration effect in the Stroop task: Temporal segregation between stimulus attributes facilitates selection, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 27: 622-632.
- La Heij W., Van der Heijden A.H.C., Shiffrin R.M. & Wienese M. (2000), Perceptual inertia: spatial attention and warning foreperiod, Psychological Research 64: 93-105.
- Jonkersz I. & La Heij W. (2000), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation: implications for models of lexical access. [overig].
- Jonkersz I. & La Heij W. (2000), Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation: implications for models of lexical access. [overig].
- Starreveld P.A. & La Heij W. (1999), Word substitution errors in a speeded picture-word task, American Journal of Psychology 112: 521-553.
- La Heij W., Mak P., Sander J. & Willeboordse E. (1998), The gender-congruency effect in picture-word task, Psychological Research 61(3): 209-219.