Wei Chen
Promovendus / gast
- Naam
- Dr. W. Chen
- w.chen@liacs.leidenuniv.nl

I got my Master Degree in December 2016 from China, and now I am pursuing my PhD in Medialab at LIACS under supervision of Professor dr. Michael Lew and Professor dr. Aske Plaat.
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My research focuses on addressing computer vision tasks based on deep learning approaches, for example, using the paradigm of convolutional neural networks(CNN) to boost the feature classification in computer vision tasks and improve the performance of accuracy and retrieving speed of those tasks.
Promovendus / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Inst of Advanced Computer Science
- Chen W., Liu Y., Wang W., Bakker E.M., Georgiou T., Fieguth P.W., Liu L. & Lew M.S. (2023), Deep Learning for Instance Retrieval: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45(6): 7270-7292.
- Chen W., Liu Y., Wang W., Bakker E.M., Georgiou T.K., Fieguth P., Liu L. & Lew M.S.K. (2022), Deep image retrieval: a survey. arXiv. [working paper].
- Chen W., Liu Y., Pu N., Wang W., Liu L. & Lew M.S.K. (2022), Feature Estimations based Correlation Distillation for Incremental Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 24: 1844-1856.
- Pu N., Liu Y., Chen W., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2022), Meta reconciliation normalization for lifelong person re-identification, MM '22: Proceedings of the 30th ACM international conference on multimedia. the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 10 oktober 2022 - 14 oktober 2022. New York, USA: Association for Computing Machinery. 541-549.
- Pu N., Chen W., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2021), Lifelong person re-identification via adaptive knowledge accumulation, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). CVPR 2021: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 19 juni 2021 - 25 juni 2021: IEEE. 7901-7910 .
- Chen W., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2021), Integrating information theory and adversarial learning for cross-modal retrieval, Pattern Recognition 117: 107983.
- Chen W. (13 oktober 2021), Exploring deep learning for intelligent image retrieval (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Lew M.S. & Plaat A.
- Georgiou T.K., Schmitt S., Bäck T.H.W., Chen W. & Lew M.S.K. (2021), Norm loss: an efficient yet effective regularization method for deep neural networks, 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020) 10 januari 2020 - 15 januari 2020: IEEE. 8812-8818.
- Georgiou T.K., Schmitt S., Bäck T.H.W., Pu N., Chen W. & Lew M.S.K. (2021), Comparison of deep learning and hand crafted features for mining simulation data, 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020) 10 januari 2020 - 15 januari 2020: IEEE. 1-8.
- Georgiou T., Liu Y., Chen W. & Lew M.S.K. (2020), A survey of traditional and deep learning-based feature descriptors for high dimensional data in computer vision, International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 9: 135-170.
- Pu N., Chen W., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2020), Dual Gaussian-based variational subspace disentanglement for visible-infrared person re-identification. Atrey P.K. & Li Z. (red.), MM '20: proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on multimedia. ACM Multimedia Conference 2020 12 oktober 2020 - 16 oktober 2020. New York, NY, U.S.A.: ACM. 2149-2158.
- Chen W., Liu Y., Wang W., Tuytelaars T., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2020), On the exploration of incremental learning for fine-grained image retrieval. The 31st British Machine Vision Virtual Conference. BMVC 2020 7 september 2020 - 10 september 2020. Durham, U.K.: BMVC.
- Chen W. Wang W. Liu L. Lew M.S.K. (2020), New ideas and trends in deep multimodal content understanding: a review, Neurocomputing 426: 195-215.
- Liu Y., Chen W., Liu L. & Lew M.S. (2019), SwapGAN: A Multistage Generative Approach for Person-to-Person Fashion Style Transfer, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 21(9): 2209-2222.
- Chen W., Pu N., Liu Y., Bakker E.M. & Lew M.S.K. (2019), Domain Uncertainty Based On Information Theory for Cross-Modal Hash Retrieval, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 8 juli 2019 - 12 juli 2019. Shanghai, China: IEEE. 43-48.
- Liu Y., Guo Y., Chen W. & Lew M.S.K. (2018), An Extensive Study of Cycle-Consistent Generative Networks for Image-to-Image Translation, 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2018, Beijing, China, August 20-24, 2018.. 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 20 augustus 2018 - 24 augustus 2018: IEEE Computer Society. 219-224.