Vivian Kraaij
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. V. Kraaij
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3736
- 0000-0003-1146-177x
Vivian Kraaij is UHD bij de sectie Klinische Psychologie. Haar werk bij de universiteit omvat onderzoek, cursus ontwikkeling, onderwijs en management.
Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina van Vivian Kraaij
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Koppenborg K., Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Ly V. (2024), Academic stress, mindfulness-related skills and mental healthin international university students, Journal of American College Health 72(3): 787–795.
- Krause-Utz A.D., Černáková R., Hoogenboom A.W.J., Büttner S., Demirelli Z., Mouthaan J., Schie C.C. van, Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2023), Psychological factors linked to intimate partner violence and childhood maltreatment: on dissociation as a possible bridge symptom, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 38(21-22): 11337-11789.
- Luenen S. van, Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Kraaij V. (2023), Long‑term effectiveness of an online self‑help intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms, AIDS and Behavior 27: 1694-1702.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2023), Moodpep: description and evaluation of an online self-help program for young adults with feelings of depression, Journal of Emotion and Psychopathology 1(1): 41-51.
- Koppenborg K.A., Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Ly V. (2022), Academic stress, mindfulness-related skills and mental health in international university students, Journal of American College Health : 1-9.
- Witlox M., Kraaij V., Garnefski N., BohlmeijerE., Smit F. & Spinhoven P. (2022), Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of an acceptance and commitment therapy intervention vs. a cognitive behavioral therapy intervention for older adults with anxiety symptoms: a randomized controlled trial, PLoS ONE : 1-20 (0262220).
- Furukawa T.A., Luenen S. van, Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Cuijpers P. (2021), Dismantling, optimising, and personalising internet cognitive behavioural therapy for depression: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis using individual participant data, The Lancet Psychiatry 8(6): 500-511.
- Witlox M., Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Waal M.W.M. de, Smit F., Bohlmeijer E. & Spinhoven P. (2021), Blended acceptance and commitment therapy versus face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy for older adults with anxiety symptoms in primary care: pragmatic single-blind cluster randomized trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 23(3): e24366.
- Dalen M. van, Leemreis W.H., Kraaij V., Laat P.C.J. de, Pasmans S.G.M.A., Versnel S.L., Koudstaal M.J., Hillegers M.H.J., Utens E.M.W.J. & Okkerse J.M.E. (2021), Parenting children with a cleft lip with or without palate or a visible infantile hemangioma: a cross-sectional study of distress and parenting stress, Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 58(12): 1536-1546.
- Witlox M., Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Simou M., Dusseldorp E., Bohlmeijer E. & Spinhoven P. (2021), Prevalence of anxiety disorders and subthreshold anxiety throughout later life: systematic review and meta-analysis, Psychology and Aging 36(2): 268-287.
- Dalen M. van, Hermans M.M., Leemreis W.H., Kraaij V., Laat P.C.J. de, Pasmans S.G.M.A., Versnel S.L., Koudstaal M.J., Hillegers M.H.J., Utens E.M.W.J. & Okkerse J.M.E. (2021), Emotional and behavioral problems in children with a cleft lip with or without palate or an Infantile Hemangioma, Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal : 1-10.
- Van Luenen S., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Dusseldorp E. & Garnefski N. (2020), Moderators of the effect of guided online self-help for people with HIV and depressive symptoms, AIDS Care 32(8): 942-948.
- Vavani B., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Amone-P'Olak K. & Garnefski N. (2020), Intervention targets for people living with HIV and depressive symptoms in Botswana, African Journal of AIDS Research 19(1): 80-88.
- Spaan P., Luenen S. van, Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2020), Psychosocial interventions enhance HIV medication adherence: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Journal of Health Psychology 25(10-11): 1326-1340.
- Luenen S. van, Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Wilderjans T.F. & Garnefski N. (2019), Exploring Mediators of a Guided Web-Based Self-Help Intervention for People With HIV and Depressive Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Trial, JMIR Mental Health 6(8): e12711.
- Vavani B., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P. & Garnefski N. (2019), A booklet self-help intervention to reduce depressive symptoms among people living with HIV in Botswana: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 20: e486.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2019), The Self-Compassionate Coping Measure (4 items): Psychometric features and relationships with depression and anxiety in adults, Advances in Health and Behavior (AHB) 2(2): 75-78.
- Kraaij V., Bik J. & Garnefski N. (2019), Cognitive and behavioral coping in people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An exploratory study searching for intervention targets for depressive symptoms, Journal of Health Psychology 24(13): 1878-1883.
- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2019), The Behavioral Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Development, psychometric properties and relationships with emotional problems and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Personality and Individual Differences 137: 56-61.
- Van Luenen S., Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Van den Akker-Van Marle M.E. (2019), Cost-utility of a guided Internet-based intervention in comparison with attention only for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 118: 34-40.
- Ongkosuwito E.M., Vlies L. van der, Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Neck J.W. van, Kuijpers-Jagtman A.M. & Hovius S.E.R. (2018), Stress in Parents of a Child with Hemifacial Microsomia: The role of child characteristics and parental coping strategies, Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 55(7): 959-965.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2018), Specificity of relations between adolescents’ cognitive emotion regulation strategies and symptoms of depression and anxiety, Cognition and Emotion 32(7): 1401-1408.
- Van Luenen S., Garnefski N., Spinhoven P., Spaan P., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Kraaij V. (2018), The Benefits of Psychosocial Interventions for Mental Health in People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, AIDS and Behavior 22(1): 9-42.
- Geerlings L.R.C., Thompson C., Kraaij V. & Keijsers G.P.J. (2018), Culturally competent practice: A mixed methods study among students, academics and alumni of clinical psychology master’s programs in the Netherlands, Europe's Journal of Psychology 14(1): 88-106.
- Luenen S. van, Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Kraaij V. (2018), Guided internet-based intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: a randomised controlled trial in the Netherlands, The Lancet HIV 5(9): e488-e497.
- Witlox M., Kraaij V., Garnefski N., De Waal M.W.M., Smit F., Hoencamp E., Gussekloo J., Bohlmeijer E.T. & Spinhoven P. (2018), An Internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for older adults with anxiety complaints: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial, Trials 19: e502.
- Garnefski N., Rood Y. van, Roos C. de & Kraaij V. (2017), Relationships between traumatic life events, cognitive emotion regulation strategies, and somatic complaints, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 24(2): 144-151.
- Garnefski N., Hossain S. & Kraaij V. (2017), Relationships between maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and psychopathology in adolescents from Bangladesh, Archives of Depression and Anxiety 3(2): 23-29.
- Pothoff S., Garnefski N., Miklósi M., Ubbiali A., Dominguez-Sanchez F.J., Martins E.C., Witthoft M. & Kraaij V. (2016), Cognitive emotion regulation and psychopathology across cultures: A comparison between six European countries, Personality and Individual Differences 98: 218-224.
- Luenen S. van, Kraaij V., Spinhoven P. & Garnefski N. (2016), An internet-based self-help intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 17: e172.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Fles H., Brands A. & Tricht S. van (2016), Effects of a self-help program on depressed mood for women with an unfulfilled child wish, Journal of Loss and Trauma. International Perspectives on Stress & Coping 21(4): 275-285.
- Bruggink A., Huisman S., Vuijk R., Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2016), Cognitive emotion regulation, anxiety and depression in adults with autism spectrum disorder, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 22: 34-44.
- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2015), Cognitive, behavioral and goal adjustment coping and depressive symptoms in young people with diabetes: A search for intervention targets for coping skills training, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 22(1): 45-53.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2014), CBT-based self-help program for people with rheumatism: Physical tension, cognitive coping and goal adjustment as mechanisms of change. In: Kaniasty K., Moore K.A., Howard S. & Buchwald P. (red.), Stress and Anxiety. Applications to Social and Environmental Threats, Psychological Well-Being, Occupational Challenges, and Developmental Psychology. Berlin: Logos Verlag. 127-138.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2014), Bully victimization and emotional problems in adolescents: Moderation by specific cognitive coping strategies?, Journal of Adolescence 37(7): 1153-1160.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Benoist M., Bout Z., Karels E. & Smit A. (2013), Effect of a Cognitive Behavioral Self-Help Intervention on Depression, Anxiety, and Coping Self-Efficacy in People With Rheumatic Disease, Arthritis Care and Research 65(7): 1077-1084.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Schroevers D. (2013), Leven met ongewenste kinderloosheid. Amsterdam: Boom.
- Versteegh H.P., Bakia A., Koopman H.M., Kraaij V. & Versteegh F.G.A. (2013), Evaluation of HIV and AIDS knowledge in rural Cameroon men with the use of a questionnaire, PAn African Medical Journal 16: e141.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Wijers E. & Hamming J. (2013), Effects of a cognitive-behavioral self-help program on depressed mood for people with peripheral arterial disease, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 20(2): 186-191.
- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2012), Coping and depressive symptoms in adolescents with a chronic medical condition: A search for intervention targets, Journal of Adolescence 35(6): 1593-1600.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Benoist M., Bout Z., Karels E. & Smit A. (2012), Effectiveness of a CBT-based self-help program for people with rheumatism and depressive symptoms, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 48.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Fles H., Brands A. & Van Tricht S. (2012), Evaluation of a cognitive behavioral self-help program for people who are definitive involuntarily childless, Psychology & Health 27(S1): 74.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2012), Cognitive coping and goal adjustment are associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety in people with acquired hearing loss, International Journal of Audiology 51(7): 545-550.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2012), Effects of a cognitive behavioral self-help program on emotional problems for people with acquired hearing loss: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education 17(1): 75-84.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Schroevers M.J. (2011), Effects of a cognitive behavioral self-help program on depressed mood for people with acquired chronic physical impairments: A pilot randomized controlled trial, Filozofija i Društvo 85(2): 304-307.
- Schroevers M.J., Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2011), Cancer patients' experience of positive and negative changes due to the illness: Relationships with psychological well-being, coping and goal reengagement, Psycho-Oncology 20(2): 165-172.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Graaf M. de & Karels L. (2010), Psychological intervention targets for people with visual impairments: The importance of cognitive coping and goal adjustment, Disability and Rehabilitation 32(2): 142-147.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2010), Do cognitive coping and goal adjustment strategies used shortly after myocardial infarction predict depressive outcomes 1 year later?, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 25(5): 383-389.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Schroevers M.J. (2010), Leven met een lichamelijke beperking. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.
- Kraaij V., Emmerik A.A.P. van & Garnefski N. (2010), Zelfhulpprogramma's. In: Schadé A., Boenink A.D. & Danner S.A. (red.), Handboek hiv en psychische klachten. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 277-284.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2010), Regulación cognoscitiva de la Emoción: Estado del arte/cognitive emotion regulation: State of the art. In: Sanchez Aragón R. (red.), Regulación emocional: Una travesia de la cultura al desarrollo de las relaciones personales/emotional regulation: A crossing from culture to the development of personal relationships. Mexico: National Autonomous University of Mexico. 1-34.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J., Weijmer J. & Helmerhorst F.M. (2010), Cognitive coping, goal adjustment, and depressive and anxiety symptoms in people undergoing infertility treatment, Journal of Health Psychology 15(6): 876-886.
- Kraaij V., Emmerik A.A.P. van, Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J., Lo-Fo-Wong D., Empelen P. van, Dusseldorp E., Witlox R. & Maes S. (2010), Effects of a cognitive behavioral self-help program and a computerized structured writing intervention on depressed mood for HIV-infected people: A pilot randomized controlled trial, Filozofija i Društvo 80: 200-204.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Schroevers M.J. (2009), Coping, goal adjustment, and positive and negative affect in definitive infertility, Journal of Health Psychology 14: 18-26.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J. & Maes S. (2009), Effects of cognitive behavioral self-help program for HIV-infected people: A randomized controlled trial, Psychology & Health 24: 240.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2009), Psychological intervention targets for people with chronic illness and disabilities: The importance of cognitive coping and goal adjustment, Psychology & Health 24: 179.
- Van der Veek S.C.M., Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2009), Cognitive coping strategies and stress in parents of children with Down Syndrome: A prospective study, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 47: 295-306.
- Veek S.C.M., Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Maes S. (2009), Down or up? Explaining positive and negative emotions in parents of children with Down syndrome: Goals, cognitive coping and coping resources, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability 34: 216-229.
- Kraaij V., Emmerik A.A.P. van, Garnefski N. & Schroevers M.J. (2009), Psychologische zelfhulpprogramma's voor hiv-positieven, HIV nieuws 121: 6-7.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2009), Cognitive coping and psychological adjustment in different types of stressful life events, Individual Differences Research 7: 168-181.
- Garnefski N., Grol M., Kraaij V. & Hamming J.F. (2009), Cognitive coping and goal adjustment in people with Peripheral Arterial Disease: Relationships with depressive symptoms, Filozofija i Društvo 76: 132-137.
- Garnefski N., Koopman H.M., Kraaij V. & Cate R. ten (2009), Brief report: Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and psychological adjustments in adolescents with a chronic disease, Journal of Adolescence 32: 449-454.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Schroevers M.J., Aarnink J., Heiden D.J., Es S.M. van der, Herpen M. van & Somsen G.A. (2009), Cognitive coping and goal adjustment after first-time myocardial infarction: relationships with symptoms of depression, Behavioral Medicine 35: 79-86.
- Schroevers M.J., Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2008), How do cancer patients manage unattainable personal goals and regulate their emotions? An examination of the relations between goal adjustment, cognitive emotion-regulation strategies, and positive and negative affect, British Journal of Health Psychology 13: 551-562.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Vlietstra A. (2008), Cognitive coping and depressive symptoms in definitive fertility: A prospective study, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 29: 9-16.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J., Veek S. van der, Witlox R. & Maes S. (2008), Cognitive coping, goal self-efficacy and personal growth in HIV-infected men who have sex with men, Filozofija i Društvo 72: 301-304.
- Kraaij V., Van der Veek S., Garnefski N., Schroevers M.J., Witlox R. & Maes S. (2008), Coping, goal adjustment, and psychological well-being in HIV-infected men who have sex with men, AIDS Patient Care and STDs 22: 395-402.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Schroevers M.J. & Somsen G.A. (2008), Posttraumatic growth after a myocardial infarction: A matter of personality, psychological health, or cognitive coping?, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 15: 270-277.
- Kraaij V., Arensman E., Garnefski N. & Kremers I.P. (2007), The role of cognitive coping in female victims of stalking, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 22: 1603-1612.
- Gebhardt W.A., Doest L.T. ter, Dijkstra A., Maes S., Garnefski N., Wilde E.J. de & Kraaij V. (2007), The facilitation of important personal goals through exercise, Perceptual and Motor Skills 105: 546-548.
- Amone-P'Olak K., Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2007), The impact of war experiences and physical abuse on formerly abducted boys in Northern Uganda, South African Psychiatry Review 10: 76-82.
- Garnefski N., Rieffe C., Jellesma F.C., Meerum Terwogt M. & Kraaij V. (2007), Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems in 9-11-year-old children. The development of an instrument, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 16(1): 1-9.
- Van der Veek S., Kraaij V., Koppen W. van, Garnefski N. & Joekes K.J. (2007), Goal disturbance, cognitive coping and psychological distress in HIV-infected persons, Journal of Health Psychology 12: 225-230.
- Schroevers M.J., Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2007), Goal disturbance, cognitive coping strategies, and psychological adjustment to different types of stressful life event, Personality and Individual Differences 43: 413-423.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2007), The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Psychometric features and prospective relationships with depression and anxiety in adults, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 23: 141-149.
- Amone-P'Olak K., Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2007), Adolescents caught between fires: Cognitive emotion regulation in response to war experiences in Northern Uganda, Journal of Adolescence 30: 655-669.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2006), Cognitive emotion regulation with health-threat events: general or unique relations?, Psychology & Health 21(Suppl. 1): 53-54.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Vlietstra A. (2006), Goal disturbance and cognitive emotion regulation in people with infertility, Psychology & Health 21(Suppl. 1): 85-85.
- Veek S. van der, Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Maes S. (2006), Having a child with Down syndrome: Goal disturbence, coping and coping resouces, Psychology & Health 21(Suppl. 1): 155-155.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2006), Relationships between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and depressive symptoms: A comparitive study of five specific samples, Personality and Individual Differences 40: 1659-1669.
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2006), Cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire - development of a short 18-item version (CERQ-short), Personality and Individual Differences 41: 1045-1053.
- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2006), The role of intrusion, avoidance, and cognitive coping strategies more than 50 years after war, Anxiety, Stress and Coping 19: 1-14.
- Veek S. van der, Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2005), Down om uw kind met Down? Een onderzoek naar het stress-copingmodel in ouders van kinderen met Downsyndroom, Down + Up-date 72: 1-3.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Etten M. van (2005), Specificity of relations between adolescents' cognitive emotion regulation strategies and Internalizing and Externalizing psychopathology, Journal of Adolescence 28: 619-631.
- Garnefski N., Baan N. & Kraaij V. (2005), Psychological distress and cognitive emotion regulation strategies among farmers who fell victim to the foot-and-mouth crisis, Personality and Individual Differences 38: 1317-1327.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Van der Veek S., Joekes K.J. & Van Koppen W. (2005), Cognitive emotion regulation, goal disturbance and psychological distress in people infected with HIV, Psychology & Health 20: 137-137.
- Veek S.C.M., Kraaij V., Koppen W. van & Garnefski N. (2004), Goal disturbance, cognitive coping and psychological distress in HIV infected persons. In: , Reports of the Honours Research project 2003-2004 in the Departement of Psychology. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. 101-121.
- Koppen W. van, Kraaij V., Veek S.C.M. & Garnefski N. (2004), De gezamenlijke effecten van coping en copingbronnen op depressieve en angst symptomen bij personen die HIV geinfecteerd zijn of AIDS hebben. In: , Reports of the Honours Research project 2003-2004 in the Department of Psychology. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. 21-39.
- Garnefski N., Teerds J., Kraaij V., Legerstee J. & Kommer T. van den (2004), Cognitive emotion regulation strategies and depressive symptoms: differences between males and females, Personality and Individual Differences 36: 267-276.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Gerwen L.J. van (2003), Cognitive coping and anxiety among people with fear of flying. In: Borr R. & Gerwen L. van (red.), Psychological perspectives on the fear of flying. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Limited. 89-99.
- Garnefski N., Boon S. & Kraaij V. (2003), Relationships between cognitive strategies of adolescents and depressive symptomatology across different types of life events, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 32: 401-408.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (2003), Job conditions and wellness/health outcomes in Dutch secondary school teachers, Psychology & Health 18: 473-487.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Gerwen L.J. van (2003), Cognitive coping and anxiety symptoms among people who seek help for fear of flying, Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 74: 273-277.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Wilde E.J. de, Dijkstra A., Gebhardt W.A., Maes S. & Doest L.T. ter (2003), Negative life events and depressive symptoms in late adolescence: bonding and cognitive coping as vulnerability factors?, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 32: 185-193.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Maes S., Kraaij V. & Joekes K.J. (2003), The job demand-control-social support model and wellness/health outcomes: a European study, Psychology & Health 18: 421-440.
- Garnefski N., Pannebakker N., Ruchlewska A. & Kraaij V. (2003), De relatie tussen persoonlijkheidstrekken, cognitieve emotieregulatieve strategieën en symptomen van depressie, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 31: 250-261.
- Kraaij V., Arensman E. & Spinhoven P. (2002), Negative life events and depression in elderly persons: a meta-analysis, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 57B(1): P87-P94.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2002), CERQ: Manual for the use of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Leiderdorp: Datec.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2002), CERQ. Handleiding voor het gebruik van de Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Leiden: Datec V.O.F..
- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2002), The Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ), Abstract book of the 16th conference of the European Health Society, Lisbon, Portugal. . Lisbon 109-109.
- Kraaij V., Pruymboom E. & Garnefski N. (2002), Cognitive coping and depressive symptoms in the elderly: a longitudinal study, Aging & Mental Health 6(3): 275-281.
- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2002), Negative life events and depressive symptoms in late life: buffering effects of parental and partner bonding?, Personal Relationships 9: 205-214.
- Garnefski N., Kommer T. van den, Kraaij V., Teerds J., Legerstee J. & Onstein E.J. (2002), The relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems: comparison between a clinical and a non-clinical sample, European Journal of Personality 16: 403-420.
- Garnefski N., Legerstee J., Kraaij V., Kommer T. van den & Teerds J. (2002), Cognitive coping strategies and symptoms of depression and anxiety: A comparison between adolescents and adults, Journal of Adolescence 25: 603-611.
- Garnefski N., Kommer T. van den, Kraaij V., Teerds J., Legerstee J. & Onstein E.J. (2002), The relationship between cognitive emotion regulation strategies and emotional problems: comparison between a clinical and a non-clinical sample, European Journal of Personality 16: 403-420.
- Kraaij V., Garnefski N. & Maes S. (2002), The joint effects of stress, coping, and coping resources on depressive symptoms in the elderly, Anxiety, Stress and Coping 15(2): 163-177.
- Blaauw E., Arensman E., Kraaij V., Winkel F-W & Bout R.G. (2002), Traumatic life events and suicide risk among jail inmates: the influence of types of events, time period and significant others, Journal of Traumatic Stress 15(1): 9-16.
- Baan N.W.A., Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2002), Religiositeit, slechts een gedachtenspinsel? Een onderzoek naar de relatie van religieuze- en cognitieve copingsmechanismen met welbevinden onder boeren getroffen door de MKZ-crisis, Psyche en Geloof 13: 114-127.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2001), Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and emotional problems, Personality and Individual Differences 30: 1311-1327.
- Kraaij V. & Wilde E.J. de (2001), Negative life events and depressive symptoms in the elderly: a life span perspective, Aging & Mental Health 5(1): 84-91.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2001), De relatie tussen cognitieve copingstrategieën en symptomen van depressie, angst en suïcidaliteit, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 29(3): 148-158.
- Teerds J., Kommer T. van den, Legerstee J., Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2000), Cognitive coping strategies: differences between males and females. In: Garnefski N. & Prins F.J. (red.), Coping with psychology: a yearly publication devoted to the results of the Honours Research Students Project in de Department of Psychology.. Leiden: Department of Psychology, Leiden University. 213-226.
- Kommer T. van den, Legerstee J., Teerds J., Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2000), Cognitive coping and psychopathology in adulthood: differences between a clinical and a community sample. In: Garnefski N. & Prins F.J. (red.), Coping with psychology: a yearly publication devoted to the results of the Honours Research Students Project in de Department of Psychology.. Leiden: Department of Psychology, Leiden University. 137-148.
- Legerstee J., Teerds J., Kommer T. van den, Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2000), Differences in cognitive coping between adolescents and adults and its relationship with psychopathology. In: Garnefski N. & Prins F.J. (red.), Coping with psychology: a yearly publication devoted to the results of the Honours Research Students Project in de Department of Psychology.. Leiden: Department of Psychology, Leiden University. 149-162.
- Dijkstra A., Garnefski N., Gebhardt W.A., Kraaij V., Maes S., Meel-Jansen A.T. van, Doest L.T. ter & Wilde E.J. de (2000), Gedrag en gezondheid 2000: Resultaten van een onderzoek naar gedrag en gezondheid bij leerlingen van het Koning Willem I College. Leiden: Sectie Klinische en Gezondheidspsychologie, UL.
- Legerstee J., Kommer T. van den, Teerds J., Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (2000), Cognitive self-regulation strategies and emotional problems: differences between adolescents and adults. [overig].
- Kraaij V. (28 november 2000), Depressive symptoms in the Elderly: negative liefe events and buffering factors (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Enschede: PrintPartnersIpskamp. Promotor(en): Spinhoven P.
- Kraaij V. (28 november 2000), Depressive symptoms in the elderly: negative life events and buffering factors (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Enschede: PrintPartners Ipskamp. Promotor(en): Maes S. & Spinhoven P.
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- Kraaij V. & Garnefski N. (2000), The joint effects of stress, coping, and coping resources on well-being. [overig].
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- Kraaij V. (28 november 2000), Depressive symptoms in the Elderly: negative life effects and buffering factors (Dissertatie, Leiden University). Enschede: PrintPartnersIpsKamp. Promotor(en): Spinhoven P.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Joekes K.J., Pomaki G. & Kraaij V. (1999), Social support as a moderator for teacher stress: A European study. [overig].
- Pomaki G., Kraaij V., Verhoeven C.J.M. & Joekes K.J. (1999), Work stressors, coping and burnout among teachers: A Greek-Dutch comparison. [overig].
- Garnefski N. & Kraaij V. (1999), Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and depression. [overig].
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- Dusseldorp E., Elderen-Van Kemenade T.M.T. van, Maes S., Meulman J.J. & Kraaij V. (1999), A Meta-analysis of Psychoeducational Programs for Coronary Heart Disease Patients, Health Psychology 18(5): 506-519.
- Dusseldorp E., Elderen-Van Kemenade T.M.T. van, Maes S., Meulman J.J. & Kraaij V. (1999), A meta-analysis of psychoeducational programs for coronary heart disease patients, Health Psychology 18(5): 506-519.
- Kraaij V., Kremers I.P., Arensman E. & Kerkhof A.J.F.M. (1998), Life events over the life cycle and depression in late life. In: Kosky R.J., Eshkevari H.S., Goldney R.D. & Hassan R. (red.), Suicide prevention: The global context. New York: Plenum Press. 163-166.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), Euroteach: Werkgerelateerde gezondheid in OSG de Meergronden te Almere. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), EuroTeach: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen werkaspecten en werkgerelateerde gezondheid in het Johan de Witt Gymnasium te Dordrecht. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), EuroTeach: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen werkaspecten en werkgerelateerde gezondheid in het Heerbeeck College te Best. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), EuroTeach: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen werkaspecten en werkgerelateerde gezondheid in het Pius X College te Bladel. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), EuroTeach: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen werkaspecten en werkgerelateerde gezondheid in het Maerlant Lyceum te Den Haag. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), EuroTeach: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen werkaspecten en werkgerelateerde gezondheid in het Sancta Maria Lyceum te Haarlem. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Verhoeven C.J.M., Kraaij V., Joekes K.J. & Maes S. (1998), EuroTeach: Een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen werkaspecten en werkgerelateerde gezondheid in het Bonaventura College te Leiden. Leiden: Department of Clinical and Health Psychology.
- Kraaij V., Kremers I.P. & Arensman E. (1997), The relationship between stressful and traumatic life events and depression in the elderly, Crisis : The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 18(2): 86-88.
- Blaauw R.W. & Kraaij V. (1997), Suicide prevention: The global context, Crisis : The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 18(2): 90-91.
- Kraaij V. & Kerkhof A.J.F.M. (1997) Suicide and aging: International Perspectives. Bespreking van: Pearson J.L. (1997), Review of the book Suicide and aging: International Perspectives. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense 28: 95-96.
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