Verena Meyer
University lecturer
- Naam
- Dr. V.H. Meyer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2281
- 0000-0001-5465-4833

Verena Meyer is universitair docent Islam in Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië aan het Leiden Institute for Area Studies. In haar werk maakt zij gebruik van etnografisch veldonderzoek, training in hedendaagse kritische theorie en literaire studies in het Javaans, Maleis en Arabisch om vragen te onderzoeken over islamitische identiteit, de rol van het geheugen en de vorming van erfgoed, en de overdracht van kennis door tijd en ruimte.
Meer informatie over Verena Meyer
University lecturer
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS Indonesie
- Meyer V.H. (2025), Learning at Graves: The Living, the Dead, and Questions of Identity in Islamic Java, History and Anthropology : .
- Meyer V.H., Zainal A.B., Schäfer S. & Hanafi T. 30 januari 2025, Islam and Politics in Indonesia with Verena Meyer, Zainal Abidin, Saskia Schäfer, and Taufiq Hanafi. The Channel 45. International Institute for Asian Studies [podcast].
- Meyer V.H. (2024), Bespreking van: Kloos D., Westmoreland M.R., Schmidt L. & Barendregt B. (2023), Provocative images in contemporary Islam. Leiden: Leiden University Press. Contemporary Islam : 233.
- Meyer V.H. (2024), Bespreking van: Robson S. & Sidomulyo H. (2023), Kidung Pañji Margasmara: a Middle Javanese romance, by Kěmuling Rat Dyah Atapêng Raje . Bibliotheca Indonesica. Leiden. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 87(1): 218-219.
- Meyer V.H. 20 maart 2024, Digitising the colonial archive: examining the risks of reaffirming colonial discourse. Sacred Pixels 2. SOAS University of London [podcast].
- Meyer V.H. (2024), Epilogue: Asia as a privileged space of inquiry in the field of Islamic studies, International Journal of Islam in Asia 4(1-2): 206-213.
- Acri A., Aminullah Z. & Meyer V.H. (2024), Antinomianism as a way to God in nineteenth-century Java: the Suluk Lonthang between Islamic and pre-Islamic religious discourse, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society : .
- Meyer V.H. (2024), Grave matters: ambiguity, modernism, and the quest for moderate Islam in Indonesia, Journal of the American Academy of Religion : 20 (lfae061).
- Meyer V., Skovgaard-Petersen J., Frydenlund I. & Larsson G. (2024), Reflections on the Special Issue: Burning of the Qur’an, Temenos - Nordic Journal for the Study of Religion 60(2): 203-222.
- Meyer V.H. (2023), Where is Mecca? : or, map and territory: reflections from Java. In: Ricci R. (red.), Storied island: new explorations in Javanese literature. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde nr. 316. Leiden: Brill. 176-200.
- Meyer V.H. (2023), Murdering Mangir: literature and memories of violence in Islamic Java, Philological Encounters : .
- Meyer V.H. (2022), Text and writing in Southeast Asian Studies: A discussion of Richard Fox's More than words: transforming script, agency and collective life in Bali (Cornell University Press, 2018): introduction, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 53(1-2): 339-340.
- Meyer V.H. (2022), More than diacritics: writing, power, and the porosity of script and language in Java, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 53(1-2): 356-358.
- Meyer V.H. (2021), Traces of the other form of life: the rural, the urban, and Indonesians’ social mobility in Candra Aditya’s Dewi pulang, Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia 177(2-3): 234-242.
- Meyer V.H. (2021), A "wali’s" quest for guidance: the Islamic genealogies of the "Seh Mlaya", Wacana: Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia 22(3): 675-692.
- Meyer V.H. (2020), From Taṣawwuf Modern to Neo-Sufism : Nurcholish Madjid, Fazlur Rahman, and the development of an idea. In: Ewing K.P. & Corbett R. (red.), Modern Sufis and the state: the politics of Islam in South Asia and beyond. New York: Columbia University Press. 40-56.
- Meyer V.H. (2019), Translating divinity : punning and paradox in Hamzah Fansuri's poetic sufism, Indonesia and the Malay World 47(139): 353-372.
- Meyer V.H. (2016), The people and the Wayang by Franz Magnis Suseno : translation and introduction, International Journal of Dharma Studies 4(3): 1-16.
- Meyer V.H. (2013), Bespreking van: Putra N.D. (2011), A literary mirror: Balinese reflections on modernity and identity in the Twentieth Century. Leiden: KITLV Press. Journal of Asian Studies 72(3): 748-750.