Ton van Raan
Emeritus hoogleraar Kwantitatieve wetenschapsstudies
- Naam
- Prof.dr. A.F.J. van Raan
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0001-8980-5937
Zie profiel Ton van Raan (in English).
Emeritus hoogleraar Kwantitatieve wetenschapsstudies
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Tordoir P.P., van Raan A.F.J. & Poorthuis A. (2023), Effects of municipal boundaries measured by combining urban scaling and spatial interaction, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 20: 20220775.
- van Raan Anthony F. J. (2022), German cities with universities: Socioeconomic position and university performance, Quantitative Science Studies 3(1): 265-288.
- van Raan Anthony F. J. (2021), Sleeping beauties gain impact in overdrive mode, Scientometrics 126(5): 4311-4332.
- van Raan A.F.J. (2021), Coevolution of Field and Institute: The Institutionalization of Bibliometric Research Illustrated by the Emergence and Flourishing of the CWTS. In: Ball R. (red.), Handbook Bibliometrics. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2021), Laudation on the occasion of the presentation of the Derek de Solla Price Award 2021 to Prof. Ludo Waltman at the ISSI conference, Leuven, 2021, Scientometrics 126(10): 8235-8238.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2020), Urban scaling, geography, centrality: relation with local government structures, PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238418.
- van Raan A.F.J. & Winnink J.J. (2019), The occurrence of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ publications in medical research: their scientific impact and technological relevance, PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223373.
- van Raan A.F.J. (2019), Measuring Science: Basic Principles and Application of Advanced Bibliometrics. In: Glänzel W., Moed H.F., Schmoch U. & Thelwall M. (red.), Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Winnink J.J., Tijssen R.J.W. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2019), Searching for new breakthroughs in science: How effective are computerised detection algorithms?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 146: 673-686.
- Van Raan A.F.J. & Winnink J.J. (2018), Do younger Sleeping Beauties prefer a technological prince?, Scientometrics 114(2): 701-717.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2017), Sleeping beauties cited in patents: is there also a dormitory of inventions?, Scientometrics 110(3): 1123-1156.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2017) Book review: Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication. Bespreking van: Sugimoto C.R., Theories of Informetrics and Scholarly Communication. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 68(9): 2275-2283.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2017), Patent Citation Analysis and Its Value in Research Evaluation: A Review and A New Approach to Map Technology-Relevant Research, Journal of Data and Information Science 2(1): 13-50.
- Winnink J.J., Tijssen R.J.W. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2016), Theory-changing breakthroughs in science: the impact of research teamwork on scientific discoveries, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) 67(5): 1210-1223.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Van der Meulen G. & Goedhart W. (2016), Urban Scaling of Cities in the Netherlands, PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146775.
- Winnink J.J., Tijssen R.J.W. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2016), Breakout discoveries in science: What do they have in common?, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 21st International Conference in Science & Technology Indicators (STI) 13 september 2016 - 16 september 2016 1069-1076.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2015), Dormitory of Physical and Engineering Sciences: Sleeping Beauties May Be Sleeping Innovations, PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139786.
- Hinze S., Van Raan A.F.J. & Reale E. (2015), Introduction to the special section devoted to the 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 'Translational Twists and Turns: Science as a Socio-Economic Endeavor'. Berlin, Germany, September 4-6 2013, Research Evaluation 24(1): 1-3.
- Waltman L.R., Van Raan A.F.J. & Smart S. (2014), Exploring the relationship between the engineering and physical sciences and the health and life sciences by advanced bibliometric methods, PLoS ONE 9(10): e111530.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2014), Advances in bibliometric analysis: Research performance assessment and science mapping . In: Blockmans W., Engwall L. & Weaire D. (red.), Bibliometrics: Use and Abuse in the Review of Research Performance nr. Wenner-Gren International Series Vol. 87. London: Portland Press Ltd.. 17-28.
- Costas R., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2014), Erratum to "Effects of the durability of scientific literature at the group level: Case study of chemistry research groups in the Netherlands" [Res. Policy 42 (4) (2013) 886-894], Research Policy 43(8): 1468-1468.
- Van Eck N.J., Waltman L., Van Raan A.F.J., Klautz R.J.M. & Peul W.C. (2013), Citation analysis may severely underestimate the impact of clinical research as compared to basic research, PLoS ONE 8(4): e62395.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2013), Bibliometrische methoden bij evaluatie en observatie van wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen. In: Trier G.M. van, Evers P.M., Sieverts E. & Koren M. (red.), Handboek Informatiewetenschap voor bibliotheek en archief. Alphen aan de Rijn: Vakmedianet. 1-45.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2013), Citations, h-index, journal impact and rankings: Not all sorrow and misery. A short history of measuring science. . In: Holsteyn J. van, Mom R., Smit I., Tromp H. & Wolters G. (red.), Perspectives on the Past: 50 years of FSW.. Utrecht: Biblioscope. 86-103.
- Costas Comesana R., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J.van (2013), Effects of the durability of scientific literature at the group level: case study of chemistry research groups in the Netherlands, Research Policy 42(4): 886-894.
- Van Raan A.F.J. (2013), Universities scale like cities, PLoS ONE 8(3): e59384.
- Buter R.K. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2013), Identification and analysis of the highly cited knowledge base of sustainability science, Sustainability Science 8(2): 253-267.
- Waltman L.R., Van Eck N.J.P. & Raan A.F.J. van (2012), Universality of citation distributions revisited, 63(1): 72-77.
- Waltman L., Calero-Medina C.M., Kosten J., Noyons E.C.M., Tijssen R.J.W., Van Eck N.J., Van Leeuwen T.N., Van Raan A.F.J., Visser M.S. & Wouters P.F. (2012), The Leiden Ranking 2011/2012: Data collection, indicators, and interpretation, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. 791-802.
- Van Eck N.J.P., Waltman L.R., Raan A.F.J. van, Klautz R.J.M. & Peul W.C. (2012), Citation analysis may severely underestimate the impact of clinical research as compared to basic research: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
- Waltman L.R., Calero Medina C.M., Kosten J., Noyons E.C.M., Tijssen R.J.W., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Raan A.F.J. van, Visser M.S. & Wouters P. (2012), The Leiden Ranking 2011/2012: Data collection, indicators, and interpretation: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
- Waltman L.R., Calero-Medina C.M., Kosten J., Noyons E.C.M., Tijssen R.J.W., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Raan A.F.J. van, Visser M.S. & Wouters P. (2012), The Leiden Ranking 2011/2012: Data collection, indicators, and interpretation, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 63(12): 2419-2432.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2012), Properties of journal impact in relation to bibliometric research group performance indicators, Scientometrics 92(2): 457-469.
- Waltman L.R., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), On the correlation between bibliometric indicators and peer review: Reply to Opthof and Leydesdorff, Scientometrics 88(3): 1017-1022.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T.N. van & Visser M.S. (2011), Severe language effect in university rankings: particularly Germany and France are wronged in citation-based rankings, Scientometrics 88(2): 495-498.
- Waltman L.R., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), Towards a new crown indicator: An empirical analysis, Scientometrics 87(3): 467-481.
- Waltman L.R., Eck N.J.P. van, Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), On the correlation between bibliometric indicators and peer review: reply to Opthof and Leydesdorff, Scientometrics 88: 1017-1022.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T. N. van & Visser M.S. (2011), Severe language effect in university rankings: particularly Germany and France are wronged in citation-based rankings, Scientometrics 88: 495-498.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T.N. van & Visser M.S. (2011), Non-English papers decrease rankings, Nature 469: 34.
- Waltman L.R., Van Eck N.J.P. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), Universality of citation distributions revisited: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
- Costas R., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), The “Mendel syndrome” in science: durability of scientific literature and its effects on bibliometric analysis of individual scientists: Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), Searching for converging research using field to field citations, Scientometrics 86(2): 325-338.
- Costas R., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), The "Mendel syndrome" in science: durability of scientific literature and its effects on bibliometric analysis of individual scientists, Scientometrics 89(1): 177-205.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T.N. van & Visser M.S. (2011), Non-English papers decrease rankings, 469(7328): 34.
- Buter R.K. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), Non-alphanumeric characters in titles of scientific publications: an analysis of their occurrence and correlation with citation impact, Journal of Informetrics 5(4): 608-617.
- Waltman L.R., Van Eck N.J.P., Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2011), Towards a new crown indicator: Some theoretical considerations, Journal of Informetrics 5(1): 37-47.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Searching for converging research using field to field citations, Scientometrics 86: 325-338.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2010), The social sciences and the ranking of universities. In: Caillods F. (red.), World Social Science Report Knowledge Divides. Paris: UNESCO. 237-238.
- Waltman L.R., Eck N.J.P. van, Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Towards a new crown indicator: An empirical analysis. Leiden: SW Centrum Wetensch. & Techn. Studies (CWTS).
- Waltman L.R., Eck N.J.P. van, Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Towards a new crown indicator: Some theoretical considerations. Leiden: SW Centrum Wetensch. & Techn. Studies (CWTS).
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S., Van Eck N.J.P. & Waltman L.R. (2010), Rivals for the crown: Reply to Opthof and Leydesdorff. Leiden: SW Centrum Wetensch. & Techn. Studies (CWTS).
- Raan A.F.J. van (2010) Measures for measure. Bespreking van: (2010), The Publish or Perish Book: A Guide to Effective and Responsible Citation Analysis: Tarma Software Research 468: 763.
- Van Raan T. (2010) The publish or perish book: A guide to effective and responsible citation analysis. Bespreking van: Harzing A.W., The publish or perish book: A guide to effective and responsible citation analysis 468(7325): 763-763.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Identification of converging research areas using publication and citation data, Research Evaluation 19(1): 19-27.
- Costas Comesana R., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Is scientific literature subject to a 'sell-by-date'? : A general methodology to analyze the 'durability' of scientific documents, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61(2): 329-339.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S., Van Eck N.J.P. & Waltman L.R. (2010), Rivals for the crown: Reply to Opthof and Leydesdorff, Journal of Informetrics 4(3): 431-435.
- Nederhof Anton J., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2010), Highly cited non-journal publications in political science, economics and psychology: a first exploration, Scientometrics 83(2): 363-374.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Leeuwen T.N. van & Calero Medina C.M. (2009), Performance of European Science: Research Networks and Profiles of EU Countries in a Global Perspective. In: Delanghe H., Muldur U. & Soete L. (red.), European Science and Technology Policy:Towards Integration or Fragmentation?. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar Publishing. 256-290.
- Costas Comesana R., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2009), Development of a general methodology for the analysis of the "durability" of scientific documents. Larsen B. & Leta J. (red.), Proceedings of the 12th international conference on scientometrics and informetrics. ISSI 2009 nr. 2. Rio de Janeiro: BIREME/PAHO/WHO/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro . 918-919.
- Costas Comesana R., Bordons M., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2009), Scaling rules in the science system: influence of field-specific citation characteristics on the impact of individual researchers, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60(4): 740-753.
- Raan A.F.J. van (11 november 2008), Assessment of academic research performance with bibliometric methods. University of Aarhus. Aarhus. [lezing].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2008), Self-citation as an impact-reinforcing mechanism in the science system, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59(10): 1631-1643.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2008), Bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest European research universities: Prevalent scaling rules in the science system, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59(3): 461-475.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest European universities: prevalent scaling rules in the science system. Ithaca: Cornell University Open Access Archive.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Scaling rules in the science system: influence of field specific citation characteristics on the impact of research groups. Ithaca: Cornell Univerity Open Access Archive.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : Netherlands Royal Society for Astronomy and Meteorology (NVWS). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : Netherlands Physics Society (NNV). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : Board of the Foundation Lucas van Leyden. [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : European Assoc. of the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : international journal Scientometrics (Kluwer, NL). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : Leiden University Professors Club (HOLEC). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2007), Functie bij : international journal Research Evaluation (Beech-Tree Publishing, UK). [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van (12 december 2007), The Leiden Ranking, Lessons from Bibliometrics. Symposium on Ranking of Universities. Bruxelles. [lezing].
- Raan A.F.J. van (2006), Statistical properties of Bibliometric indicators: Research group indicator distributions and correlations, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57(3): 408-430.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2006), Challenges in the Ranking of Universities. In: Sadlak J. & Liu Nian Cai (red.), The World-Class University and Ranking: Aiming Beyond Status. Bucharest: UNESCO-CEPES. 81-123.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2006), Worldwide ranking of universities, Science Focus 1: .
- Raan A.F.J. van (2006), Comparison of the Hirsch-index with standard bibliometric indicators and with peer judgment for 147 chemistry research groups, Scientometrics 67(3): 491-502.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2005), Reply to the comments of Liu et al, Scientometrics 64: 111-112.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2005), Fatal Attraction: Conceptual and methodological problems in the ranking of universities by bibliometric methods, Scientometrics 62: 133-143.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2005), For your citations only? Hot topics in bibliometric analysis, Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives 3: 50-62.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2005), Reference-based publication networks with episodic memories. to be published, Scientometrics 63: 549-566.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2005), Mesurement of central aspects of scientific research: Performance, interdisciplinarity, structure, Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives 3: 1-19.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2004), Measuring science. Capita Selecta of current main issues. In: Moed H.F., Glanzel W. & Schmoch U. (red.), Handbook of Quantitative Science and Technology Research. Dordrecht: Kluwer Publishers. 19-50.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2004), A combination of quantitative and qualitative maps in an evaluative bibliometric context. Banissi E. & et al. (red.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information Visualization. . Los Alamitos Ca: IEEE Computer Society. 978-982.
- Buter R.K., Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2004), Monitoring environment and health R&D in relation to socio-economic problems: A new approach to impact assessment. Leiden: CWTS.
- Nederhof A.J., Raan A.F.J. van, Zwetsloot F.J.M. & Groot M.S. de (2004), Maatschappelijke waarde van wetenschap. Den Haag: Science Alliance.
- Leeuwen T.N. van, Raan A.F.J. van & Nederhof A.J. (2004), Bibliometric study of the Space Research Organization Netherlands (SRON), 1980-2003. Leiden: CWTS BV.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2004), Sleeping beauties in science, Scientometrics 59(3): 461-466.
- Leeuwen T.N. van, Visser M.S., Moed H.F., Nederhof Anton J. & Raan A.F.J. van (2003), The Holy Grail of science policy: Exploring and combining bibliometric tools in search of scientific excellence, Scientometrics 57: 257-280.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Visser M.S., Leeuwen T.N. van & Van Wijk E. (2003), Bibliometric analysis of Psychotherapy Research: Performance assessment and position in the journal landscape, Psychotherapy Research 13(4): 511-528.
- Rinia E.J., Van Leeuwen T.N., Kouw L.R. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2003), Can bibliometrics contribute to the study of interdisciplinary influence: A case study of physics, Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. . Beijing 341-349.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2003), The use of bibliometric analysis in research performance assessment and monitoring of interdisciplinary scientific developments, Technikfolgenabschätzung, Theorie und Praxis 12(1): 20-29.
- Van Leeuwen T.N. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2002), Wise Men’s Heritage. Bibliometric study of the research funded by the Netherlands Epilepsy Foundation (NEF) 1981-2000: National Epilepsy Fund.
- Tijssen R.J.W., Van Leeuwen T.N. & Van Raan A.F.J. (2002), Mapping the scientific performance of German medical research. An international comparative bibliometric study.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2002), Topkwaliteit in de breedte is een kweekplaats voor ontdekkingen. In: Amerongen W. van, Groen A. in 't & Otterspeer W. (red.), De universiteit en de spanning van de werkelijkheid. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. 89-94.
- Raan A.F.J. van & Noyons E.C.M. (2002), Discovery of patterns of scientific and technological development and knowledge transfer. In: Adamczak W. & Nase A. (red.), Gaining insight from research information. Kassel: Kassel University Press. 105-112.
- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (2002), Science mapping from publications. An example in mathematics and computer science. In: Meij J. (red.), Dealing with the data flood: STT/Beweton. 64-72.
- Rinia E.J., Leeuwen T.N. van, Bruins E.E.W., Vuren H.G. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2002), Measuring knowledge transfer between fields of science, Scientometrics 54(3): 347-362.
- Rinia E.J., Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2002), Impact measures of inderdisciplinary research in physics, Scientometrics 53(2): 241-248.
- Raan A.F.J. van & Leeuwen T.N. van (2002), Assessment of the scientific basis of interdisciplinary, applied research. Application of bibliometric methods in Nutrition and Food Research, 31(4): 611-632.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Competition amongst scientists for publication status: Toward a model of scientific publication and citation distributions, Scientometrics 51(1): 347-357.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Bibliometrics and internet: Some observations and expectations, Scientometrics 50(1): 59-63.
- Rinia E.J., Leeuwen T.N. van, Vuren H.G. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Influence of interdisciplinarity on peer-review and bibliometric evaluations in physics research, 30(3): 357-361.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2001), The Journal as Pièce de Résistance in an Electronic Environment. In: Wouters P. & Schröder P. (red.), The Global Research Village III Amsterdam 2000 - Access to Publicly Financed Research. Amsterdam: NIWI. 245-253.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Visser M.S. & Leeuwen T.N. van (2001), A bibliometric mehodology for exloring interdisciplinairy, 'unorthodox' field of science. A case study of environmental medicine. In: Maasen S. & Winterhager M. (red.), Science studies probing the dynamics of scientific knowledge. Bielefeld: Transcript. 87-122.
- Van Raan A.F.J., Leeuwen T.N. van & Visser M.S. (2001), Bibliometrics – Monitoring emerging fields A bibliometric methodology for exploring interdisciplinary, 'unorthodox' fields of science. A case study of environmental medicine. In: Maasen S. & Winterhager M. (red.), Science Studies. Probing the dynamics of scientific knowledge. 87-122.
- Rinia E.J., Leeuwen T.N. van, Vuren H.G. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Impact measures of interdisciplinary research programs in physics, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vols 1 and 2 - ISSI 10-11.
- Rinia E.J., Leeuwen T.N. van, Bruins E.E.W., Vuren H.G. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Measuring knowledge transfer between fields of science, Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vols 1 and 2 - ISSI 597-605.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Hot paper of sleeping beauty?, Natuur & Techniek 69(4): 46-47.
- Leeuwen T.N. van, Wurff L.J. van der & Raan A.F.J. van (2001), The use of combined bibliometric methods in research funding policy, Research Evaluation 10(3): 195-201.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Two-step competition process leads to quasi power-low income distributions. Application to scientific publication and citation distributions, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 298: 530-536.
- Leeuwen T. N. van, Moed H.F., Tijssen R.J.W., Visser M.S. & Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Language biases in the coverage of the Science Citation Index and its consequences for international comparisons of national research performance, Scientometrics 51(1): 335-346.
- Rinia E.J., Leeuwen T.N. van, Bruins E.E.W., Vuren H.G. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2001), Citation delay in interdisciplinary knowledge exchange, Scientometrics 51(1): 293-309.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2000), R&D evaluation at the beginning of the new century, Research Evaluation 9(2): 81-86.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2000), The Pandora's box of citation analysis: measuring scientific excellende, the last evil?. In: Cronin B. & Barsky Atkins H. (red.), A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield. Medford, NJ: ASIS Monograph Series, Information Today Inc.. 301-319.
- Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2000), Bibliometric study of the J.A. Cohen Institute (IRS) 1989-1998. Leiden: CWTS.
- Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (2000), Bibliometric study of the Medical Genetic Centre MGC-ZWN 1989-1998. Leiden: CWTS.
- Noyons E.C.M., Buter R.K. & Raan A.F.J. van (2000), The Role of Europe in World-Wide Science and Technology: Monitoring and Evaluation in a Context of Global Competition. Leiden: CWTS.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2000), Bibliométrie et évaluation de la recherche scientifique, Gestions Hospitalières 401(Décembre): 861-865.
- Raan A.F.J. van (2000), On growth, aging, and fractal differentiation of science, Scientometrics 47(2): 347-362.
- Raan A.F.J. van (1999), Advanced bibliometric methods for the evaluation of universities, Scientometrics 45(3): 417-423.
- Raan A.F.J. van (1999), Bibliometrische methoden bij evaluatie en observatie van wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen. In: Trier G.M. van & Jansen D.W.K. (red.), Handboek Informatiewetenschap. Alphen aan de Rijn: Samson. 1-36.
- Raan A.F.J. van (1999), Advanced bibliometric methods in the analysis of research performance and scientific developments: a contribution to science policy in transition countries. In: Dyker D.A. & Radovic S. (red.), Innovation and structural change in post-socialist countries: a quantitative approach: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 89-105.
- Raan A.F.J. van (1999), Evaluation of performance and trends in basic and applied research by advanced bibliometric methods. A science policy instrument for nations with an economy in transition. In: Paces V. & Pivec L. (red.), Science evaluation and its management. Amsterdam: IOS Press. 227-245.
- Raan A.F.J. van (1999), The interdisciplinary nature of science: Theoretical framework and bibliometric-empirical approach. In: Weingart P. & Stehr N. (red.), Practicing interdisciplinarity. Toronto Canada: University of Toronto Press. 66-78.
- Raan A.F.J. van, Noyons E.C.M. & Buter R.K. (1999), EC-TSER working visit. [overig].
- Raan A.F.J. van & Kruytbosch C. (red.) (1999), . Research Evaluation.
- Braun T., Garfield E., Glaenzel W.J.E., Raan A.F.J. van, Moed H.F., Schubert A. & Beck M.T. (red.) (1999), . Scientometrics.
- Airaghi A., Busch N.E., Georghiou L., Kuhlmann S., Ledoux M.J., Raan A.F.J. van & Viana Baptista J. (1999), Options and limits for assessing the socio-economic impact of European RTD Programmes. [Brussels (Belgium)]: ETAN.
- Leeuwen T.N. van & Raan A.F.J. van (1999), Bibliometric study on the Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) (1981-1997). Leiden: Centrum voor Wetenschaps en Technologie Studies (CWTS).
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- Raan A.F.J. van (1998), Herverdelen op kwaliteit, Hypothese 5(1 (juni)): 6-9.
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- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (1998), Advanced mapping of science and technology, Scientometrics 41(1-2): 61-67.
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- Noyons E.C.M. & Raan A.F.J. van (1998), Monitoring scientific developments from a dynamic perpective. Self-organized structuring to map neural network research, Journal of the American Society for Information Science 49(1): 68-81.
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- Raan A.F.J. van (1997), Science as an international enterprise, Science and Public Policy 24(5): 290-300.
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