Tim Ofman
- Naam
- Dr. T.P. Ofman
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4481
- t.p.ofman@lic.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-1687-2191
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Institute of Chemistry
- LIC/Chemical Biology
- LIC/CB/Bio-organic Synthesis
- Ofman T.P. (28 maart 2024), Design and synthesis of next generation carbohydrate-mimetic cyclitols : towards deactivators of inverting glycosidases and glycosyl transferases (Dissertatie. Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Overkleeft H.S. & Codée J.D.C.
- Ofman T.P., Heming J.J.A., Nin-Hill A., Küllmer F., Moran E., Bennett M., Steneker R., Klein A.M., Ruijgrok G., Kok K., Armstrong Z.W.B., Aerts J.M.F.G., Marel G.A. van der, Rovira C., Davies G.J., Artola M.E., Codée J.D.C. & Overkleeft H.S. Rovira Carme Davies Gideon J. Artola Marta Codée Jeroen D. C. Overkleeft Herman S. (2024), Conformational and electronic variations in 1,2‐ and 1,5a‐Cyclophellitols and their impact on retaining α‐glucosidase inhibition, Chemistry: a European Journal 30(31): e202400723.
- Thaler M., Ofman T.P., Kok K., Heming J.J.A., Moran E., Pickles I., Leijs A.A., Nieuwendijk A.M.C.H. van den, Berg R.J.B.H.N. van den, Ruijgrok G., Armstrong Z., Salgado-Benvindo C., Ninaber D.K., Snijder E.J., Boeckel C.A.A. van, Artola M., Davies G.J., Overkleeft H.S. & Hemert M.J. van (2024), Epi-Cyclophellitol Cyclosulfate, a Mechanism-Based Endoplasmic Reticulum α-Glucosidase II Inhibitor, Blocks Replication of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Coronaviruses, ACS Central Science 10(8): 1594-1608.
- Ofman T.P., Marel G.A. van der, Codée J.D.C. & Overkleeft H.S. (2023), Design and synthesis of exocyclic cyclitol aziridines as potential mechanism-based glycosidase inactivators, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 26(16): e202300186.
- Ofman T.P., Küllmer F., Marel G.A. van der, Codée J.D.C. & Overkleeft H.S. (2021), An orthogonally protected cyclitol for the construction of nigerose- and dextran-mimetic cyclophellitols, Organic Letters 23(24): 9516-9519.
- Zhou J., Mock E.D., Al Ayed K., Di X., Kantae V., Burggraaff L., Stevens A.F., Martella A., Mohr F., Jiang M., Wel T. van der, Wendel T.J., Ofman T.P., Tran Y., Koster N. de, Westen G.J.P. van, Hankemeier T. & Stelt M. van der (2020), Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of α-Ketoamides as Inhibitors of the Phospholipase A and Acyltransferase Enzyme Family, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63(17): 9340-9359.
- Hansen T., Ofman T.P., Vlaming J.G.C., Gagarinov I.A., Beek J. van, Goté T.A., Tichem J.M., Ruijgrok G., Overkleeft H.S., Filippov D.V., Marel G.A. van der & Codée J.D.C. (2020), Reactivity-stereoselectivity mapping for the assembly of Mycobacterium marinum lipooligosaccharides, Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 60(2): 937-945.