Thomas Ottenhoff
Emeritus hoogleraar Immunologie, in het bijzonder de afweer tegen mycobacteriën
- Naam
- Prof.dr. T.H.M. Ottenhoff
- 0000-0003-3706-3403
• Hoogleraar Immunologie, in het bijzonder de immunologie en immunogenetica van mycobacteriële infectieziekten. • Hoofd Laboratorium van de Afdeling Infectieziekten • Hoofdgroep Immunologie en Immunogenetica van Bacteriële Infectieziekten Mijn missie is het ontrafelen van immunologische en gastheer-genetische mechanismen van beschermende en pathologische immuniteit tegen mycobacteriële infecties, om effectievere interventie strategieën te ontwerpen, waaronder nieuwe vaccinatie strategieën, innovatieve diagnostische en antimicrobiële behandelingen.
Meer informatie over Thomas Ottenhoff
Tuberculose onderzoek is een belangrijk thema in mijn onderzoeksprogramma's. Het tbc-onderzoek is fundamenteel, preklinisch, translationeel en klinisch van aard en omvat deels gehumaniseerde diermodellen van tuberculose. Ons onderzoek is met name gericht op het ontwikkelen van betere vaccins, evenals diagnostische, immunologische, transcriptomische en metabole "biomarker profielen". Dit werk heeft geleid tot een aantal “eerst-in-de-mens” klinische trials met nieuwe, moleculair gedefinieerde synthetische tbc-vaccins. Systeembiologie, chemische genetica, transcriptomics, metabolomics en immunomics-benaderingen worden in mijn lab gebruikt om de belangrijkste cellulaire signaalroutes te identificeren in de afweer van de gastheer tegen intracellulaire pathogenen in het algemeen, en M. tuberculosis en Salmonellae in het bijzonder. Ook worden correlaten van bescherming en mogelijke correlaten van risico op het ontwikkelen van ziekte onderzocht. Daarnaast is er aandacht voor de rol van co-infecties (worm-infecties, HIV) en co-morbiditeit, waaronder diabetes type 2, een belangrijke tbc-risicofactor. Technologieën ontwikkeld in het onderzoek naar tbc hebben het ook mogelijk gemaakt biomarkers van door ebola-vaccins geïnduceerde beschermende immuun responses in kaart te brengen. Er zijn uitgebreide internationale samenwerkingsnetwerken, waaronder met toonaangevende partners uit endemische gebieden / landen uit de EU, de VS en tbc endemische gebieden (SA, Gambia, Gabon, Ethiopië, Indonesië, Brazilië, China, enz.). De groep heeft een sterke internationale reputatie en een uitgebreide portfolio van externe projecten.
Enkele wetenschappelijke bijdragen
We hebben een internationaal onderzoeksprogramma ontwikkeld op het gebied van de immunologie, celbiologie en immunogenetica van mycobacteriële infectieziekten. We ontdekten onder andere de eerste specifieke doelwit antigenen voor tegen mycobacterium gerichte T-cellen bij de mens; waren betrokken bij het identificeren van de eerste Thelper-1-cellen bij de mens; ontdekten een nieuwe menselijke immuundeficiëntie die het gevolg was van genetische mutaties in de receptor voor interleukine-12; isoleerden de eerste monoklonale T-regulatoire cellen bij de mens; zijn betrokken geweest bij vele genetische studies met vele anderen waarin we verschillende nieuwe genetische varianten ontdekten die invloed hebben op het risico op tuberculose en lepra; we ontdekten samen met prof. Jacques Neefjes een nieuwe PKB / Akt1 gecontroleerde signaalroute die gemanipuleerd wordt door Salmonella en Mtb om fagosoom-lysosoom fusie te remmen; vonden receptor tyrosine kinasen als nieuwe doelwitten voor gastgerichte therapieën bij TB, en waren nauw betrokken bij verschillende klinische fase I / IIa-trials naar de veiligheid en immunogeniciteit van nieuwe TB-subunit vaccins. Onze wetenschappelijke missie is het ontrafelen van immunologische en gastheer-genetische mechanismen van beschermende en pathologische immuniteit tegen mycobacteriële infecties en gerelateerde infectieziekten, om effectievere interventiestrategieën te ontwerpen. Eén focus ligt daarbij op de rol van T-cel subsets (T-helper, T-regulator), macrofaag subsets, intracellulaire signaleringsnetwerken, cellulaire functie analyses en systeembiologie. Een tweede, meer translationeel georiënteerde focus ligt op het ontdekken van nieuwe relevante Mtb-antigenen, het op basis daarvan ontwerpen van betere TB-vaccins en nieuwe TB-diagnostische testen, en het identificeren van TB-biomarkers.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Training en opleiding
1982: arts diploma, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC)
1986: PhD (cum laude), Universiteit Leiden ("HLA klasse II immuun respons genen bij lepra")
Academische aanstellingen
1982-1986: PhD-training en klinisch Bloed Bank Consultant in Transfusie Geneeskunde bij LUMC
1986-1988: Senior Scientist aan het Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopië
1989-1993: Constantijn en Christiaan Huygens Fellow (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek)
1991-1993: Gasthoogleraar bij de Cell Biology and Metabolism Branch, NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD
1994: Universitair docent aan het LUMC
1998: Universitair hoofddocent aan het LUMC
2001: Gewoon Hoogleraar aan het LUMC en de Universiteit Leiden (Afd. Infectieziekten)
2008: Gastprofessor aan Stanford University (Dept Microbiology and Immunology, prof. Gary Schoolnik, Stanford University School of Medicine), Palo Alto, CA.
2018: Gastprofessor aan Stanford University (Dept Immunology, prof. Mark M Davis, Stanford University School of Medicine), Palo Alto, CA.
Training van postdocs en promovendi
Ik heb het voorrecht gehad om in de loop van de jaren met veel uitstekende studenten en onderzoekers in het laboratorium te mogen werken. Ik heb 18 promovendi begeleid, en ben als adviseur bij anderen betrokken. Ik heb > 20 postdoctorale fellows begeleid.
Emeritus hoogleraar Immunologie, in het bijzonder de afweer tegen mycobacteriën
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Infectieziekten
- Biggelaar, R.H.G.A. van den; Walburg, K.V.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Doorn, C.L.R. van; Meiler, E.; Ries, A.S. de; Fusco, M.C.; Meijer, A.H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Saris, A. (2024), Identification of kinase inhibitors as potential host-directed therapies for intracellular bacteria, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Dirks, R.P.; Ordas, A.; Jong-Raadsen, S.; Brittijn, S.A.; Haks, M.C.; Henkel, C.V.; Oravcova, K.; Racz, P.I.; Tuinhof-Koelma, N.; Wiweger, M.I.K.N.; Gillespie, S.H.; Meijer, A.H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Jansen, H.J. & Spaink, H.P. (2024), The Human Pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the Fish Pathogen Mycobacterium marinum Trigger a Core Set of Late Innate Immune Response Genes in Zebrafish Larvae, Biology 13(9).
- Barclay, A.M.; Ninaber, D.K.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Walburg, K.; Bárcena, M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Does, A.M. van der & Joosten, S.A. (2024), Mycobacteria develop biofilms on airway epithelial cells and promote mucosal barrier disruption, iScience 27(11).
- Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Veen, S. van; Tsonaka, R.; Ruibal, P.; Roukens, A.H.E.; Arbous, S.M.; Manniën, J.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A.; BEAT-COVID Grp & COVID-19 LUMC Grp (2024), Longitudinal soluble marker profiles reveal strong association between cytokine storms resulting from macrophage activation and disease severity in COVID-19 disease, Scientific Reports 14(1).
- Kilinc, G.; Boland, R.; Heemskerk, M.T.; Spaink, H.P.; Haks, M.C.; Vaart, M. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Meijer, A.H. & Saris, A. (2024), Host-directed therapy with amiodarone in preclinical models restricts mycobacterial infection and enhances autophagy, Microbiology Spectrum 12(8).
- Szachniewicz, M.M.; Neustrup, M.A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Veen, S. van; Koning, R.I.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Geluk, A.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2024), Evaluation of PLGA, lipid-PLGA hybrid nanoparticles, and cationic pH-sensitive liposomes as tuberculosis vaccine delivery systems in a Mycobacterium tuberculosis challenge mouse model - A comparison, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 666.
- Bakker, A.T.; Kotsogianni, I.; Avalos, M.; Punt, J.M.; Liu, B.; Piermarini, D.; Gagestein, B.; Slingerland, C.J.; Zhang, L.; Willemse, J.J.; Ghimire, L.B.; Berg, R.J.H.B.N. van den; Janssen, A.P.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Boeckel, C.A.A. van; Wezel, G.P. van; Ghilarov, D.; Martin, N.I. & Stelt, M. van der (2024), Discovery of isoquinoline sulfonamides as allosteric gyrase inhibitors with activity against fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria, NATURE CHEMISTRY 16(9).
- Szachniewicz, M.M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Veen, S. van; Geluk, A.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2024), Cationic pH-sensitive liposome-based subunit tuberculosis vaccine induces protection in mice challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 203.
- Voogd, L.; Wolfswinkel, M. van; Satti, I.; White, A.D.; Dijkman, K.; Gela, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Marshall, J.L.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Mcshane, H.; Sharpe, S.A.; Verreck, F.A.W. & Joosten, S.A. (2024), Mtb-Specific HLA-E-Restricted T Cells Are Induced during Mtb Infection but Not after BCG Administration in Non-Human Primates and Humans, Vaccines 12(10).
- Voogd, L.; Drittij, A.M.H.F.; Dingenouts, C.K.E.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Unen, V. van; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Ruibal, P.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Leitner, J.A.; Steinberger, P.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Davis, M.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2024), MtbHLA-E-tetramer-sorted CD8+ T cells have a diverse TCR repertoire, iScience 27(3).
- Davies, L.R.L.; Wang, C.Q.; Steigler, P.; Bowman, K.A.; Fischinger, S.; Hatherill, M.; Fisher, M.; Mbandi, S.K.; Rodo, M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dockrell, H.M.; Sutherland, J.S.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Boom, W.H.; Walzl, G.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Nemes, E.; Scriba, T.J.; Lauffenburger, D.; Alter, G. & Fortune, S.M. (2024), Age and sex influence antibody profiles associated with tuberculosis progression, Nature Microbiology.
- Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Li, W.C.; Moorlag, S.J.C.F.M.; Koeken, V.A.C.M.; Koenen, H.J.P.M.; Joosten, L.A.B.; Vyakarnam, A.; Ahmed, A.; Rakshit, S.; Adiga, V.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Li, Y.; Netea, M.G. & Joosten, S.A. (2024), BCG vaccination-induced acquired control of mycobacterial growth differs from growth control preexisting to BCG vaccination, Nature Communications 15(1).
- Biggelaar, R.H.G.A. van den; Walburg, K.V.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Doorn, C.L.R. van; Meiler, E.; Ries, A.S. de; Meijer, A.H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Saris, A. (2024), Identification of kinase modulators as host-directed therapeutics against intracellular methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 14.
- Martinez-Murillo, P.A.; Huttner, A.; Lemeille, S.; Medaglini, D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Harandi, A.M.; Didierlaurent, A.M.; Siegrist, C.A.; VEBCON; VSV-EBOVAC & VSV-EBOPLUS Consortia (2024), Refined innate plasma signature after rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP immunization is shared among adult cohorts in Europe and North America, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Alonso-Rodríguez, N.; Vianello, E.; Veen, S. van; Jenum, S.; Tonby, K.; Riessen, R. van; Lai, X.R.; Mortensen, R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Dyrhol-Riise, A.M. (2024), Whole blood RNA signatures in tuberculosis patients receiving H56:IC31 vaccine as adjunctive therapy, Frontiers in Immunology 15.
- Ahmed, A.; Tripathi, H.; Meijgaarden, K.E.V.; Kumar, N.C.; Adiga, V.; Rakshit, S.; Parthiban, C.; Eveline, J.S.; D'Souza, G.; Dias, M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Netea, M.G.; Joosten, S.A. & Vyakarnam, A. (2023), BCG revaccination in adults enhances pro-inflammatory markers of trained immunity along with anti-inflammatory pathways, iScience 26(10).
- Barclay, A.M.; Ninaber, D.K.; Veen, S. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Does, A.M. van der & Joosten, S.A. (2023), Airway epithelial cells mount an early response to mycobacterial infection, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 13.
- Niewold, P.; Dijkstra, D.J.; Cai, Y.; Goletti, D.; Palmieri, F.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Verreck, F.A.W.; Akkerman, O.W.; Hofland, R.W.; Delemarre, E.M.; Nierkens, S.; Verheul, M.K.; Pollard, A.J.; Dissel, J.T. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Trouw, L.A. & Joosten, S.A. (2023), Identification of circulating monocytes as producers of tuberculosis disease biomarker C1q, Scientific Reports 13(1).
- Musvosvi, M.; Huang, H.; Wang, C.L.; Xia, Q.; Rozot, V.; Krishnan, A.; Acs, P.; Cheruku, A.; Obermoser, G.; Leslie, A.; Behar, S.M.; Hanekom, W.A.; Bilek, N.; Fisher, M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Walzl, G.; Hatherill, M.; Davis, M.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Adolescent Cohort Study Team & GC6-74 Consortium (2023), T cell receptor repertoires associated with control and disease progression following Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, Nature Medicine 29(1): 258-+.
- Tang, H.Q.; Ali, A.; Abdelazem, E.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Heeren, R.M.A. & Mashaghi, A. (2023), Random forest and live single-cell metabolomics reveal metabolic profiles of human macrophages upon polarization, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 120(8).
- Nziza, N.; Jung, W.Y.; Mendu, M.; Chen, T.A.; McNamara, R.P.; Fortune, S.M.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Bryson, B.; Ngonzi, J.; Bebell, L.M. & Alter, G. (2023), Maternal HIV infection drives altered placental Mtb-specific antibody transfer, Frontiers in Microbiology 14.
- Afkhami, S.; D'Agostino, M.R.; Vaseghi-Shanjani, M.; Lepard, M.; Yang, J.X.; Lai, R.; Choi, M.W.Y.; Chacon, A.; Zganiacz, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ertl, H.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Jeyanathan, M.; Gillgrass, A. & Xing, Z. (2023), Intranasal multivalent adenoviral-vectored vaccine protects against replicating and dormant M.tb in conventional and humanized mice, npj Vaccines 8(1).
- Wolfswinkel, M. van; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Niewold, P. & Joosten, S.A. (2023), Extensive flow cytometric immunophenotyping of human PBMC incorporating detection of chemokine receptors, cytokines and tetramers, Cytometry Part A 103(7): 600-610.
- Tang, H.Q.; Abouleila, Y.; Saris, A.; Shimizu, Y.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Mashaghi, A. (2023), Ebola virus-like particles reprogram cellular metabolism, Journal of Molecular Medicine 101(5): 557-568.
- Eckold, C.; Doorn, C.L.R. van; Ruslami, R.; Ronacher, K.; Riza, A.L.; Veen, S. van; Lee, J.S.; Kumar, V.; Kerry-Barnard, S.; Malherbe, S.T.; Kleynhans, L.; Stanley, K.; Joosten, S.A.; Critchley, J.A.; Hill, P.C.; Crevel, R. van; Wijmenga, C.; Haks, M.C.; Ioana, M.; Alisjahbana, B.; Walzl, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dockrell, H.M.; Vianello, E.; Cliff, J.M. & TANDEM Consortium (2023), Impaired resolution of blood transcriptomes through tuberculosis treatment with diabetes comorbidity, Clinical and Translational Medicine 13(9).
- Nziza, N.; Cizmeci, D.; Davies, L.; Irvine, E.B.; Jung, W.Y.; Fenderson, B.A.; Kock, M. de; Hanekom, W.A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Day, C.L.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Alter, G. (2023), Defining discriminatory antibody fingerprints in active and latent tuberculosis (vol 13, 856906, 2022), Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Carvalho, P.C.G.D.; Hirata, T.D.C.; Alves, L.Y.M.; Moscardini, I.F.; Nascimento, A.P.B. do; Costa-Martins, A.G.; Sorgi, S.; Harandi, A.M.; Ferreira, D.M.; Vianello, E.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Santoro, F.; Martinez-Murillo, P.; Huttner, A.; Siegrist, C.A.; Medaglini, D.; Nakaya, H.I.; VSV-EBOVAC Consortia & VSV-EBOPLUS Consortia (2023), Baseline gene signatures of reactogenicity to Ebola vaccination, Frontiers in Immunology 14.
- Meier, S.; Seddon, J.A.; Maasdorp, E.; Kleynhans, L.; Plessis, N. du; Loxton, A.G.; Malherbe, S.T.; Zak, D.E.; Thompson, E.; Duffy, F.J.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Suliman, S.; Sutherland, J.S.; Winter, J.; Kuivaniemi, H.; Walzl, G.; Tromp, G.; GC6-74 Consortium & Catalysis TB Biomarkers Consortium (2022), Neutrophil degranulation, NETosis and platelet degranulation pathway genes are co-induced in whole blood up to six months before tuberculosis diagnosis, PLoS ONE 17(12).
- Biesbroek, G.; Kapitein, B.; Kuipers, I.M.; Gruppen, M.P.; Stijn, D. van; Peros, T.E.; Veenendaal, M. van; Jansen, M.H.A.; Zee, C.W. van der; Kuip, M. van der; Asmuth, E.G.J. von; Mooij, M.G.; Boer, M.E.J. den; Landman, G.W.; Houten, M.A. van; Schonenberg-Meinema, D.; Furth, A.M.T. van; Hensbroek, M.B. van; Scherpbier, H.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A.; Ketharanathan, N.; Blink, M.; Brackel, C.L.H.; Zaaijer, H.L.; Hombrink, P.; Berg, J.M. van den; Buddingh, E.P. & Kuijpers, T.W. (2022), Inflammatory responses in SARS-CoV-2 associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome and Kawasaki Disease in children, PLoS ONE 17(11).
- Vianello, E.; Gonzalez-Dias, P.; Veen, S. van; Engele, C.G.; Quinten, E.; Monath, T.P.; Medaglini, D.; Santoro, F.; Huttner, A.; Dubey, S.; Eichberg, M.; Ndungu, F.M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Essone, P.N.; Agnandji, S.T.; Siegrist, C.A.; Nakaya, H.I.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; VSV-EBOVAC Consortium & VSV-EBOPLUS Consortium (2022), Transcriptomic signatures induced by the Ebola virus vaccine rVSV Delta G-ZEBOV-GP in adult cohorts in Europe, Africa, and North America: a molecular biomarker study, The Lancet Microbe 3(2): E113-E123.
- Persson, J.; Andersson, B.; Veen, S. van; Haks, M.C.; Obudulu, O.; Torkzadeh, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kanberg, N.; Gisslen, M.; Andersson, L.M. & Harandi, A.M. (2022), Stratification of COVID-19 patients based on quantitative immune-related gene expression in whole blood, Molecular Immunology 145: 17-26.
- Evers, T.M.J.; Sheikhhassani, V.; Tang, H.Q.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Mashaghi, A. (2022), Single-cell mechanical characterization of human macrophages, Advanced NanoBiomed Research 2(7).
- Santos, C.C. dos; Walburg, K.V.; Veen, S. van; Wilson, L.G.; Trufen, C.E.M.; Nascimento, I.P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Leite, L.C.C. & Haks, M.C. (2022), Recombinant BCG-LTAK63 vaccine candidate for tuberculosis induces an inflammatory profile in human macrophages, Vaccines 10(6).
- Ding, Y.; Haks, M.C.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Harms, A.C.; Hankemeier, T.; Eeza, M.N.H.; Matysik, J.; Alia, A. & Spaink, H.P. (2022), Leptin mutation and mycobacterial infection lead non-synergistically to a similar metabolic syndrome, Metabolomics 18(8).
- Pongracz, T.; Nouta, J.; Wang, W.J.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Linty, F.; Vidarsson, G.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hokke, C.H.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Arbous, S.M.; Roukens, A.H.E.; Wuhrer, M.; BEAT-COVID Grp & COVID-19 Grp (2022), Immunoglobulin G1 Fc glycosylation as an early hallmark of severe COVID-19, EBioMedicine 78.
- Zlei, M.; Sidorov, I.A.; Joosten, S.A.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Myeni, S.K.; Pothast, C.R.; Brouwer, C.S. de; Boomaars-van der Zanden, A.L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Morales, S.T.; Wessels, E.; Janse, J.J.; Goeman, J.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Kroes, A.C.M.; Cannegieter, S.C.; Roestenberg, M.; Visser, L.G.; Kikkert, M.; Feltkamp, M.C.W.; Arbous, S.M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Roukens, A.H.E.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Collaboration BEAT-COVID & Collaboration LUMC COVID (2022), Immune determinants of viral clearance in hospitalised COVID-19 patients, Cells 11(17).
- Vianello, E.; Gonzalez-Dias, P.; Veen, S. van; Engele, C.G.; Quinten, E.; Monath, T.P.; Medaglini, D.; Santoro, F.; Huttner, A.; Dubey, S.; Eichberg, M.; Ndungu, F.M.; Kremsner, P.G.; Essone, P.N.; Agnandji, S.T.; Siegrist, C.A.; Nakaya, H.I.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; VSV-EBOVAC Consortium & VSV-EBOPLUS Consortium (2022), Transcriptomic signatures induced by the Ebola virus vaccine rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP in adult cohorts in Europe, Africa, and North America, The Lancet Microbe 3(2): E113-E123.
- Waal, A.M. de; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Does, A.M. van der (2022), Lung epithelial cells interact with immune cells and bacteria to shape the microenvironment in tuberculosis, Thorax 77.
- Uzorka, J.W.; Bakker, J.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Leyten, E.M.S.; Delfos, N.M.; Hetem, D.J.; Kerremans, J.; Zwarts, M.; Cozijn, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Arend, S.M. (2022), Biomarkers to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection among borderline QuantiFERON results, European Respiratory Journal 60(2).
- Rakshit, S.; Adiga, V.; Ahmed, A.; Parthiban, C.; Kumar, N.C.; Dwarkanath, P.; Shivalingaiah, S.; Rao, S.S.; D'Souza, G.; Dias, M.; Maguire, T.J.A.; Doores, K.J.; Zoodsma, M.; Geckin, B.; Dasgupta, P.; Babji, S.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Joosten, S.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Li, Y.; Netea, M.G.; Stuart, K.D.; Rosa, S.C. de; McElrath, M.J. & Vyakarnam, A. (2022), Evidence for the heterologous benefits of prior BCG vaccination on COVISHIELD (TM) vaccine-induced immune responses in SARS-CoV-2 seronegative young Indian adults, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Ruibal, P.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E.V.; Wolfswinkel, M. van; Derksen, I.; Scheeren, F.A.; Janssen, G.M.C.; Veelen, P.A. van; Sarfas, C.; White, A.D.; Sharpe, S.A.; Palmieri, F.; Petrone, L.; Goletti, D.; Abeel, T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2022), Identification of HLA-E binding Mycobacterium tuberculosis-derived epitopes through improved prediction models, The Journal of Immunology 209(8): 1555-1565.
- Boland, R.; Heemskerk, M.T.; Forn-Cuni, G.; Korbee, C.J.; Walburg, K.V.; Esselink, J.J.; Santos, C.C. dos; Waal, A.M. de; Hoeven, D.C.M. van der; Sar, E. van der; Ries, A.S. de; Xie, J.J.; Spaink, H.P.; Vaart, M. van der; Haks, M.C.; Meijer, A.H. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2022), Repurposing tamoxifen as potential host-directed therapeutic for tuberculosis, mBio 14(1).
- Ruibal, P.; Derksen, I.; Wolfswinkel, M. van; Voogd, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Hebieshy, A.F. el; Hall, T. van; Schoufour, T.A.W.; Wijdeven, R.H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Scheeren, F.A. & Joosten, S.A. (2022), Thermal-exchange HLA-E multimers reveal specificity in HLA-E and NKG2A/CD94 complex interactions, Immunology 168(3).
- Doorn, C.L.R. van; Eckold, C.; Ronacher, K.; Ruslami, R.; Veen, S. van; Lee, J.S.; Kumar, V.; Kerry-Barnard, S.; Malherbe, S.T.; Kleynhans, L.; Stanley, K.; Hill, P.C.; Joosten, S.A.; Crevel, R. van; Wijmenga, C.; Critchley, J.A.; Walzl, G.; Alisjahbana, B.; Haks, M.C.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Vianello, E.; Cliff, J.M. & TANDEM Consortium (2022), Transcriptional profiles predict treatment outcome in patients with tuberculosis and diabetes at diagnosis and at two weeks after initiation of anti-tuberculosis treatment, EBioMedicine 82.
- Siljan, W.W.; Sivakumaran, D.; Ritz, C.; Jenum, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Ulvestad, E.; Holter, J.C.; Heggelund, L. & Grewal, H.M.S. (2022), Host transcriptional signatures predict etiology in community-acquired pneumonia, Biomarker Insights 17.
- Gela, A.; Murphy, M.; Rodo, M.; Hadley, K.; Hanekom, W.A.; Boom, W.H.; Johnson, J.L.; Hoft, D.F.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Suliman, S.; Moody, D.B.; Lewinsohn, D.M.; Hatherill, M.; Seshadri, C.; Nemes, E.; Scriba, T.J.; Briel, L.; Veldtsman, H.; Khomba, N.; Pienaar, B.; Africa, H.; Steyn, M. & Delayed BCG Study Team (2022), Effects of BCG vaccination on donor unrestricted T cells in two prospective cohort studies, EBioMedicine 76.
- Kilinc, G.; Walburg, K.V.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Valkenburg, M.L.; Aubry, A.; Haks, M.C.; Saris, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2022), Development of human cell-based in vitro infection models to determine the intracellular survival of Mycobacterium avium, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 12.
- Bahrami, F.; Masoudzadeh, N.; Veen, S. van; Persson, J.; Lari, A.; Sarvnaz, H.; Taslimi, Y.; Ostensson, M.; Andersson, B.; Sharifi, I.; Goyonlo, V.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Haks, M.C.; Harandi, A.M. & Rafati, S. (2022), Blood transcriptional profiles distinguish different clinical stages of cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans, Molecular Immunology 149: 165-173.
- Voogd, L.; Ruibal, P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2022), Antigen presentation by MHC-E: a putative target for vaccination?, Trends in Immunology 43(5): 355-365.
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Pothast, C.R.; Konig, M.; Huisman, W.; Dalebout, T.; Tak, T.; Azimi, S.; Kruize, Y.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Zlei, M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bie, F.J. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Arbous, S.M.; Zhang, J.L.H.; Verheij, M.; Prins, C.; Does, A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Janse, J.J.; Roestenberg, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Smits, H.H.; Jochems, S.P.; Collaboration BEAT-COVID Grp & Collaboration COVID-19 LUMC Grp (2022), Prolonged activation of nasal immune cell populations and development of tissue-resident SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8(+) T cell responses following COVID-19, Nature Immunology 23.
- Jacobs, R.; Awoniyi, D.O.; Baumann, R.; Stanley, K.; McAnda, S.; Kaempfer, S.; Malherbe, S.T.; Singh, M.; Walzl, G.; Chegou, N.N. & AE-TBC Consortium (2022), Concurrent evaluation of cytokines improves the accuracy of antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in the diagnosis of active tuberculosis, Tuberculosis 133.
- Niewold, P.; Ijsselsteijn, M.E.E.; Verreck, F.A.W.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A.A. (2022), An imaging mass cytometry immunophenotyping panel for non-human primate tissues, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Evers, T.M.J.; Sheikhhassani, V.; Haks, M.C.; Storm, C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Mashaghi, A. (2022), Single-cell analysis reveals chemokine-mediated differential regulation of monocyte mechanics, iScience 25(1).
- Mehta, K.; Spaink, H.P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Graaf, P.H. van der & Hasselt, J.G.C. van (2022), Host-directed therapies for tuberculosis: quantitative systems pharmacology approaches, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 43(4): 293-304.
- Nziza, N.; Cizmeci, D.; Davies, L.; Irvine, E.B.; Jung, W.Y.; Fenderson, B.A.; Kock, M. de; Hanekom, W.A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Day, C.L.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Alter, G. (2022), Defining discriminatory antibody fingerprints in active and latent tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- (2022), Discovery of HLA-E-Presented Epitopes, Methods in Molecular Biology 2574.
- Straat, M.E.; Martinez-Tellez, B.; Eyk, H.J. van; Bizino, M.B.; Veen, S. van; Vianello, E.; Stienstra, R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Lamb, H.J.; Smit, J.W.A.; Jazet, I.M.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Boon, M.R. (2022), Differences in inflammatory pathways between Dutch South Asians vs Dutch Europids with type 2 diabetes, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 108(4).
- Eckold, C.; Doorn, C.L.R. van; Ruslami, R.; Ronacher, K.; Riza, A.L.; Veen, S. van; Lee, J.S.; Kumar, V.; Kerry-Barnard, S.; Malherbe, S.T.; Kleynhans, L.; Stanley, K.; Joosten, S.A.; Critchley, J.A.; Hill, P.C.; Crevel, R. van; Wijmenga, C.; Haks, M.C.; Ioana, M.; Alisjahbana, B.; Walzl, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dockrell, H.M.; Vianello, E.; Cliff, J.M. & TANDEM Consortium (2022), Impaired resolution of blood transcriptomes through tuberculosis treatment with diabetes comorbidity.
- Kilinc, G.; Saris, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), Development and employment of a human cell-based in vitro Mycobacterium avium infection model to identify host-directed therapeutics as a novel treatment strategy, European Journal of Immunology 51: 102-102.
- Kilinc, G.; Saris, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), Development and employment of a human cell-based in vitro Mycobacterium avium infection model to identify host-directed therapeutics as a novel treatment strategy, European Journal of Immunology 51: 102-102.
- Zhou, Z.J.; Hooij, A. van; Vervenne, R.; Sombroek, C.C.; Fat, E.T.K.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Verreck, F. & Geluk, A. (2021), Quantitative rapid test for detection and monitoring of active pulmonary tuberculosis in nonhuman primates, Biology 10(12).
- Rijnink, W.F.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2021), B-cells and antibodies as contributors to effector immune responses in tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Meier, N.R.; Battegay, M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Furrer, H.; Nemeth, J.; Ritz, N. & Swiss HIV Cohort Study (2021), HIV-infected patients developing tuberculosis disease show early changes in the immune response to novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Sivakumaran, D.; Ritz, C.; Gjoen, J.E.; Vaz, M.; Selvam, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Doherty, T.M.; Jenum, S. & Grewal, H.M.S. (2021), Host blood RNA transcript and protein signatures for sputum-independent diagnostics of tuberculosis in adults, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Kilinc, G.; Saris, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Haks, M.C. (2021), Host-directed therapy to combat mycobacterial infections*, Immunological Reviews 301(1).
- Santoro, F.; Donato, A.; Lucchesi, S.; Sorgi, S.; Gerlini, A.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Gonzalez-Dias, P.; Nakaya, H.I.; Huttner, A.; Siegrist, C.A.; Medaglini, D.; Pozzi, G.; VSV-EBOVAC Consortium & VSV-EBOPLUS Consortium (2021), Human transcriptomic response to the VSV-vectored Ebola vaccine, Vaccines 9(2).
- Gliddon, H.D.; Kaforou, M.; Alikian, M.; Habgood-Coote, D.; Zhou, C.X.; Oni, T.; Anderson, S.T.; Brent, A.J.; Crampin, A.C.; Eley, B.; Heyderman, R.; Kern, F.; Langford, P.R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hibberd, M.L.; French, N.; Wright, V.J.; Dockrell, H.M.; Coin, L.J.; Wilkinson, R.J.; Levin, M. & ILULU Consortium (2021), Identification of reduced host transcriptomic signatures for tuberculosis disease and digital PCR-based validation and quantification, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Adankwah, E.; Nausch, N.; Minadzi, D.; Abass, M.K.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Mayatepek, E.; Phillips, R.O. & Jacobsen, M. (2021), Interleukin-6 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis dormancy antigens improve diagnosis of tuberculosis, Journal of Infection 82(2): 245-252.
- Coppola, M.; Jurion, F.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Tima, H.G.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Geluk, A.; Romano, M. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), In-vivo expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens recognised in three mouse strains after infection and BCG vaccination, npj Vaccines 6(1).
- Meier, N.R.; Sutter, T.M.; Jacobsen, M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Vogt, J.E.; Ritz, N. & CITRUS Study Team (2021), Machine learning algorithms evaluate immune response to novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens for diagnosis of tuberculosis, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10.
- Ruibal, P.; Voogd, L.; Joosten, S.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), The role of donor-unrestricted T-cells, innate lymphoid cells, and NK cells in anti-mycobacterial immunity, Immunological Reviews 301(1): 30-47.
- Coppola, M.; Lai, R.P.J.; Wilkinson, R.J. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), The in vivo transcriptomic blueprint of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lung, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Delemarre, E.M.; Hoorn, L. van; Bossink, A.W.J.; Drylewicz, J.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Akkerman, O.W.; Goletti, D.; Petruccioli, E.; Navarra, A.; Broek, B.T.A. van den; Paardekooper, S.P.A.; Haeften, I. van; Koenderman, L.; Lammers, J.W.J.; Thijsen, S.F.T.; Hofland, R.W. & Nierkens, S. (2021), Serum biomarker profile including CCL1, CXCL10, VEGF, and adenosine deaminase activity distinguishes active from remotely acquired latent tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Heemskerk, M.T.; Korbee, C.J.; Esselink, J.J.; Santos, C.C. dos; Veen, S. van; Gordijn, I.F.; Vrieling, F.; Walburg, K.V.; Engele, C.G.; Dijkman, K.; Wilson, L.; Verreck, F.A.W.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Haks, M.C. (2021), Repurposing diphenylbutylpiperidine-class antipsychotic drugs for host-directed therapy of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Salmonella enterica infections, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Doorn, C.L.R. van; Schouten, G.K.; Veen, S. van; Walburg, K.V.; Esselink, J.J.; Heemskerk, M.T.; Vrieling, F. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase inhibitor dichloroacetate improves host control of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection in human macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Doorn, C.L.R. van; Steenbergen, S.A.M.; Walburg, K.V. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2021), Pharmacological poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors decrease Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in human macrophages, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Grace, P.S.; Dolatshahi, S.; Lu, L.E.L.; Cain, A.; Palmieri, F.; Petrone, L.; Fortune, S.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Lauffenburger, D.A.; Goletti, D.; Joosten, S.A. & Alter, G. (2021), Antibody subclass and glycosylation shift following effective TB treatment, Frontiers in Immunology 12.
- Lubbers, R.; Sutherland, J.S.; Goletti, D.; Paus, R.A. de; Dijkstra, D.J.; Moorsel, C.H.M. van; Veltkamp, M.; Vestjens, S.M.T.; Bos, W.J.W.; Petrone, L.; Malherbe, S.T.; Walzl, G.; Gelderman, K.A.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Geluk, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Trouw, L.A. (2020), Expression and production of the SERPING1-encoded endogenous complement regulator C1-inhibitor in multiple cohorts of tuberculosis patients, Molecular Immunology 120: 187-195.
- Vrieling, F.; Kostidis, S.; Spaink, H.P.; Haks, M.C.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2020), Analyzing the impact of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection on primary human macrophages by combined exploratory and targeted metabolomics, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Ding, Y.; Raterink, R.J.; Marin-Juez, R.; Veneman, W.J.; Egbers, K.; Eeden, S. van den; Haks, M.C.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Harms, A.C.; Alia, A.; Hankemeier, T. & Spaink, H.P. (2020), y Tuberculosis causes highly conserved metabolic changes in human patients, mycobacteria-infected mice and zebrafish larvae, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Loon, W. van; Gomez, M.P.; Jobe, D.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Coninx, M.; Kestens, L.; Sutherland, J.S.; Kampmann, B. & Tientcheu, L.D. (2020), Use of resuscitation promoting factors to screen for tuberculosis infection in household-exposed children in The Gambia, BMC Infectious Diseases 20(1).
- Dijkman, K.; Lubbers, R.; Borggreven, N.V.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A.; Trouw, L.A. & Verreck, F.A.W. (2020), Systemic and pulmonary C1q as biomarker of progressive disease in experimental non-human primate tuberculosis, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Sivakumaran, D.; Jenum, S.; Vaz, M.; Selvam, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Malherbe, S.T.; Doherty, T.M.; Ritz, C. & Grewal, H.M.S. (2020), Combining host-derived biomarkers with patient characteristics improves signature performance in predicting tuberculosis treatment outcomes, Communications Biology 3(1).
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Middendorp, H. van; Prins, C.; Drittij, A.M.H.F.; Vrieling, F.; Visser, L.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Evers, A.W.M. (2020), An internet-based psychological intervention with a serious game to improve vitality, psychological and physical condition, and immune function in healthy male adults, Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7).
- Ortega, P.A.; Silva-Miranda, M.; Torres-Larios, A.; Campos-Chavez, E.; Franken, K.C.L.C.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Ivanyi, J. & Espitia, C. (2020), Selection of a single domain antibody, specific for an HLA-bound epitope of the mycobacterial Ag85B antigen, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Uzorka, J.W.; Duinkerk, D.L.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Bakker, J.A.; Ramai, R.S.R.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Arend, S.M. (2020), Trends in diagnostic methods and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in a tertiary care center from 2000 to 2017, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 39.
- Pejoski, D.; Rham, C. de; Martinez-Murillo, P.; Santoro, F.; Auderset, F.; Medaglini, D.; Pozzi, G.; Vono, M.; Lambert, P.H.; Huttner, A.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Villard, J.; Siegrist, C.A.; VEBCON Consortium; VSV-EBOVAC Consortium & VSV-EBOPLUS Consortium (2020), Rapid dose-dependent Natural Killer (NK) cell modulation and cytokine responses following human rVSV-ZEBOV Ebolavirus vaccination, npj Vaccines 5(1).
- Moreira, J.D.; Koch, B.E.V.; Veen, S. van; Walburg, K.V.; Vrieling, F.; Guimaraes, T.M.P.D.; Meijer, A.H.; Spaink, H.P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C. & Heemskerk, M.T. (2020), Functional inhibition of host histone deacetylases (HDACs) enhances in vitro and in vivo anti-mycobacterial activity in human macrophages and in Zebrafish, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Coppola, M.; Villar-Hernandez, R.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Latorre, I.; Moreno, B.M.; Garcia-Garcia, E.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Prat, C.; Stojanovic, Z.; Galvao, M.L.D.; Millet, J.P.; Sabria, J.; Sanchez-Montalva, A.; Noguera-Julian, A.; Geluk, A.; Dominguez, J. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2020), Cell-mediated immune responses to in vivo-expressed and stage-specific mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in latent and active tuberculosis across different age groups, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2020), A trial of M72/AS01(E) vaccine to prevent tuberculosis.
- Rakshit, S.; Hingankar, N.; Alampalli, S.V.; Adiga, V.; Sundararaj, B.K.; Sahoo, P.N.; Finak, G.; Kumar, J.A.J.U.; Dhar, C.; D'Souza, G.; Virkar, R.G.; Ghate, M.; Thakar, M.R.; Paranjape, R.S.; Rosa, S.C. de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Vyakarnam, A. (2020), HIV Skews a balanced Mtb-specific Th17 response in latent tuberculosis subjects to a pro-inflammatory profile independent of viral load, Cell Reports 33(9).
- Bakkum, T.; Heemskerk, M.T.; Bos, E.; Groenewold, M.; Oikonomeas-Koppasis, N.; Walburg, K.V.; Veen, S. van; Lienden, M.J.C. van der; Leeuwen, T. van; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Koster, A.J. & Kasteren, S.I. van (2020), Bioorthogonal correlative light-electron microscopy of mycobacterium tuberculosis in macrophages reveals the effect of antituberculosis drugs on subcellular bacterial distribution, ACS Central Science 6(11): 1997-2007.
- Ruibal, P.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Loon, J.J.F. van; Steen, D. van der; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2020), Peptide binding to HLA-E molecules in humans, nonhuman primates, and mice reveals unique binding peptides but remarkably conserved anchor residues, The Journal of Immunology 205(10): 2861-2872.
- Penn-Nicholson, A.; Mbandi, S.K.; Thompson, E.; Mendelsohn, S.C.; Suliman, S.; Chegou, N.N.; Malherbe, S.T.; Darboe, F.; Erasmus, M.; Hanekom, W.A.; Bilek, N.; Fisher, M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Winter, J.; Murphy, M.; Wood, R.; Morrow, C.; Rhijn, I. van; Moody, B.; Murray, M.; Andrade, B.B.; Sterling, T.R.; Sutherland, J.; Naidoo, K.; Padayatchi, N.; Walzl, G.; Hatherill, M.; Zak, D.; Scriba, T.J.; Adolescent Cohort Study Team; GC6-74 Consortium; SATVI Clinical Lab Team; ScreenTB Consortium; AE-TBC Consortium; RePORT Brazil Team; Peruvian Household Contacts Cohort & CAPRISA IMPRESS Team (2020), RISK6, a 6-gene transcriptomic signature of TB disease risk, diagnosis and treatment response, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Migliori, G.B.; Tiberi, S.; Zumla, A.; Petersen, E.; Chakaya, J.M.; Wejse, C.; Torrico, M.M.; Duarte, R.; Alffenaar, J.W.; Schaaf, H.S.; Marais, B.; Cirillo, D.M.; Alagna, R.; Rendon, A.; Pontali, E.; Piubello, A.; Figueroa, J.; Ferlazzo, G.; Garcia-Basteiro, A.; Centis, R.; Visca, D.; D'Ambrosio, L. & Sotgiu, G. (2020), MDR/XDR-TB management of patients and contacts, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 92: S15-S25.
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Middendorp, H. van; Prins, C.; Drittij, A.M.H.F.; Vrieling, F.; Visser, L.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Evers, A.W.M. (2020), An internet-based psychological intervention with a serious game to improve vitality, psychological and physical condition, and immune function in healthy male adults: randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(7).
- Ottenhoff, T. H. M. (2020), Betere vaccins tegen tuberculose, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 164.
- Gebremicael, G.; Kassa, D.; Alemayehu, Y.; Gebreegziaxier, A.; Kassahun, Y.; Baarle, D. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Cliff, J.M. & Haks, M.C. (2019), Gene expression profiles classifying clinical stages of tuberculosis and monitoring treatment responses in Ethiopian HIV-negative and HIV-positive cohorts, PLoS ONE 14(12).
- Dijkman, K.; Vervenne, R.A.W.; Sombroek, C.C.; Boot, C.; Hofman, S.O.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kocken, C.H.M.; Haanstra, K.G.; Vierboom, M.P.M. & Verreck, F.A.W. (2019), Disparate Tuberculosis Disease Development in Macaque Species Is Associated With Innate Immunity, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Vrieling, F.; Wilson, L.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Walzl, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2019), Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) supports Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in macrophages by inducing lysosomal dysfunction, PLoS Pathogens 15(4).
- Ramaiah, A.; Nayak, S.; Rakshit, S.; Manson, A.L.; Abeel, T.; Shanmugam, S.; Sahoo, P.N.; John, A.J.U.K.; Sundaramurthi, J.C.; Narayanan, S.; D'Souza, G.; Hoegen, P. von; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Swaminathan, S.; Earl, A.M. & Vyakarnam, A. (2019), Evidence for Highly Variable, Region-Specific Patterns of T-Cell Epitope Mutations Accumulating in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Adankwah, E.; Lundtoft, C.; Guler, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Mayatepek, E.; Owusu-Dabo, E.; Phillips, R.O.; Nausch, N. & Jacobsen, M. (2019), Two-Hit in vitro T-Cell Stimulation Detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in QuantiFERON Negative Tuberculosis Patients and Healthy Contacts From Ghana, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Lewinsohn, D.M.; Hoft, D.F.; Moody, D.B.; Seshadri, C.; Altman, J.D.; Behar, S.M.; Chien, Y.H.; Hanekom, W.A.; Kronenberg, M.; Picker, L.J.; Sacha, J.B.; Scriba, T.J.; Sharpe, S.; Treiner, E.; Rhijn, I. van; Williams, A.; Collaboration TB Vaccine Discover & Bill Melinda Gates Fdn (2019), Harnessing donor unrestricted T-cells for new vaccines against tuberculosis, Vaccine 37(23): 3022-3030.
- Tran, T.M.; Bijker, E.M.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Visser, L.; Schats, R.; Venepally, P.; Lorenzi, H.; Crompton, P.D. & Sauerwein, R.W. (2019), Whole-blood transcriptomic signatures induced during immunization by chloroquine prophylaxis and Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, Scientific Reports 9.
- Duffy, F.J.; Weiner, J.; Hansen, S.; Tabb, D.L.; Suliman, S.; Thompson, E.; Maertzdorf, J.; Shankar, S.; Tromp, G.; Parida, S.; Dover, D.; Axthelm, M.K.; Sutherland, J.S.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Picker, L.J.; Walzl, G.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Zak, D.E.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Parida, S.K.; Golinski, R.; Maertzdorf, J.; Weiner, J.; Jacobson, M.; McEwen, G.; Walzl, G.; Black, G.F.; Spuy, G. van der; Stanley, K.; Kriel, M.; Plessis, N. du; Nene, N.; Loxton, A.G.; Chegou, N.N.; Suliman, S.; Scriba, T.; Fisher, M.; Mahomed, H.; Hughes, J.; Downing, K.; Penn-Nicholson, A.; Mulenga, H.; Abel, B.; Bowmaker, M.; Kagina, B.; Kwong, W.; Hanekom, C.W.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Klein, M.R.; Haks, M.C.; Ranken, K.L.F.; Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Joosten, S.A.; Baarle, D. van; Miedema, F.; Boom, W.H.; Thiel, B.; Sadoff, J.; Sizemore, D.; Ramachandran, S.; Barker, L.; Brennan, M.; Weichold, F.; Muller, S.; Geiter, L.; Schoolnik, G.; Dolganov, G.; , T. van; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Joloba, M.; Zalwango, S.; Nsereko, M.; Okwera, B.; Kisingo, H.; Dockrell, H.M.; Smith, S.; Gorak-Stolinska, P.; Hur, Y.G.; Lalor, M.; Lee, J.S.; Crampin, A.C.; French, N.; Ngwira, B.; Smith, A.B.; Watkins, K.; Ambrose, L.; Simukonda, F.; Mvula, H.; Chilongo, F.; Saul, J.; Branson, K.; Kassa, D.; Abebe, A.; Mesele, T.; Tegbaru, B.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Aseffa, A.; Bekele, Y.; Iwnetu, R.; Tafesse, M.; Yamuah, L.; Ota, M.; Sutherland, J.; Hill, P.; Adegbola, R.; Corrah, T.; Antonio, M.; Togun, T.; Adetifa, I.; Donkor, S.; Andersen, P.; Rosenkrands, I.; Doherty, M.; Weldingh, K. & GC6-74 Consortium (2019), Immunometabolic Signatures Predict Risk of Progression to Active Tuberculosis and Disease Outcome, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Huangfu, P.; Laurence, Y.V.; Alisjahbana, B.; Ugarte-Gil, C.; Riza, A.L.; Walzl, G.; Ruslami, R.; Moore, D.A.J.; Ioana, M.; McAllister, S.; Ronacher, K.; Koesoemadinata, R.C.; Grint, D.; Kerry, S.; Coronel, J.; Malherbe, S.T.; Griffiths, U.; Dockrell, H.M.; Hill, P.C.; Crevel, R. van; Pearson, F.; Critchley, J.A.; Dockrell, H.M.; Cliff, J.M.; Eckold, C.; Moore, D.A.; Griffiths, U.K.; Critchley, J.A.; Kerry, S.R.; Pearson, F.; Grint, D.; Anmontse, R.; Netea, M.N.; Crevel, R. van; Ruesen, C.; Lachmandas, E.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Vrieling, F.; Haks, M.C.; Kumar, V.; Wijmenga, C.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Beigier, M.; Golinski, R.; Walzl, G.; Ronacher, K.; Malherbe, S.T.; Kleynhans, L.; Smith, B.; Stanley, K.; Spuy, G.D. van der; Loxton, A.G.; Chegou, N.N.; Bosman, M.; Thiart, L.; Wagman, C.; Tshivhula, H.; Selamolela, M.; Prins, N.; Plessis, W.J. du; Rensburg, I.C. van; Toit, L. du; McAllister, S.M.; Hill, P.C.; Verrall, A.E.; Ioana, M.; Riza, A.L.; Cimpoeru, A.; Ciocoiu, A.; Dorobantu, S.C.; Plesea, R.M.; Popescu, E.; Cucu, M.G.; Streata, I.; Burada, F.; Serban-Sosoi, S.; Nicoli, E.R.; Panduru, M.N.; Cioboata, R.; Dudau, M.O.; Nitu, F.M.; Bazavan, I.C.; Olteanu, M.; Editoiu, C.D.; Florescu, A.; Ciontea, M.S.; Capitanescu, I.D.; Olaru, M.; Tataru, T.; Papurica, M.D.; Valutanu, I.; Dubreu, V.; Stamatoiu, L.; Enoiu, C.; Mota, M.; Popa, S.; Firanescu, A.G.; Popa, A.; Gheonea, I.A.; Bicuti, S.; Lepadat, A.; Streba, C.; Demetrian, A.D.; Ciurea, M.; Vladu, I.M.; Clenciu, D.; Bicu, M.L.; Ugarte-Gil, C.; Coronel, J.; Lopez, S.; Limascca, R.; Villaizan, K.; Castro, B.; Flores, J.; Solano, W.; Alisjahbana, B.; Ruslami, R.; Soetedjo, N.N.M.; Santoso, P.; Chaidir, L.; Koesoemadinata, R.C.; Susilawati, N.; Annisa, J.; Livia, R.; Yunivita, V.; Soeroto, A.Y.; Permana, H.; Imaculata, S.; Gunawan, Y.; Dewi, N.F.; Apriani, L.A. & TANDEM Consortium (2019), Point of care HbA(1c) level for diabetes mellitus management and its accuracy among tuberculosis patients: a study in four countries, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 23(3): 283-+.
- Dijkman, K.; Sombroek, C.C.; Vervenne, R.A.W.; Hofman, S.O.; Boot, C.; Remarque, E.J.; Kocken, C.H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kondova, I.; Khayum, M.A.; Haanstra, K.G.; Vierboom, M.P.M. & Verreck, F.A.W. (2019), Prevention of tuberculosis infection and disease by local BCG in repeatedly exposed rhesus macaques, Nature Medicine 25(2): 255-+.
- Tio-Coma, M.; Hooij, A. van; Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Banu, S.; Khadge, S.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Goulart, I.M.; Bekele, Y.; Hagge, D.A.; Moraes, M.O.; Teles, R.M.B.; Pinheiro, R.O.; Zwet, E.W. van; Goeman, J.J.; Aseffa, A.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Modlin, R.L. & Geluk, A. (2019), Whole blood RNA signatures in leprosy patients identify reversal reactions before clinical onset: a prospective, multicenter study, Scientific Reports 9.
- Rakshit, S.; Ahmed, A.; Adiga, V.; Sundararaj, B.K.; Sahoo, P.N.; Kenneth, J.; D'Souza, G.; Bonam, W.; Johnson, C.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Finak, G.; Gottardo, R.; Stuart, K.D.; Rosa, S.C. de; McElrath, M.J. & Vyakarnam, A. (2019), BCG revaccination boosts adaptive polyfunctional Th1/Th17 and innate effectors in IGRA(+) and IGRA(-) Indian adults, JCI insight 4(24).
- Mourik, B.C.; Steenwinkel, J.E.M. de; Knegt, G.J. de; Huizinga, R.; Verbon, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Soolingen, D. van & Leenen, P.J.M. (2019), Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates of the Beijing and East-African Indian lineage induce fundamentally different host responses in mice compared to H37Rv, Scientific Reports 9.
- Tanner, R.; Smith, S.G.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Giannoni, F.; Wilkie, M.; Gabriele, L.; Palma, C.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & McShane, H. (2019), Optimisation, harmonisation and standardisation of the direct mycobacterial growth inhibition assay using cryopreserved human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Journal of Immunological Methods 469: 1-10.
- Buul, A.R. van; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Veen, S. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Haks, M.C.; Chavannes, N.H. & Taube, C. (2019), Peripheral blood gene expression in COPD patients with morning symptoms, European Respiratory Journal 54.
- Uzorka, J.W.; Wallinga, J.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Arend, S.M. (2019), Radiological Signs of Latent Tuberculosis on Chest Radiography: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Open Forum Infectious Diseases 6(7).
- Uzorka, J.W.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Bakker, J.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Huisman, E.; Prins, C.; Zwan, C.J. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Arend, S.M. (2019), Abnormalities suggestive of latent tuberculosis infection on chest radiography; how specific are they?, Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 15.
- Vrieling, F.; Alisjahbana, B.; Sahiratmadja, E.; Crevel, R. van; Harms, A.C.; Hankemeier, T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2019), Plasma metabolomics in tuberculosis patients with and without concurrent type 2 diabetes at diagnosis and during antibiotic treatment, Scientific Reports 9.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2019), Mobilizing unconventional T cells, Science 366(6463): 302-303.
- Teles, R.M.B.; Lu, J.; Tio-Coma, M.; Goulart, I.M.B.; Banu, S.; Hagge, D.; Bobosha, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Pellegrini, M.; Geluk, A. & Modlin, R.L. (2019), Identification of a systemic interferon-gamma inducible antimicrobial gene signature in leprosy patients undergoing reversal reaction, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13(10).
- Nathavitharana, R.R.; Yoon, C.; MacPherson, P.; Dowdy, D.W.; Cattamanchi, A.; Somoskovi, A.; Broger, T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Arinaminpathy, N.; Lonnroth, K.; Reither, K.; Cobelens, F.; Gilpin, C.; Denkinger, C.M. & Schumacher, S.G. (2019), Guidance for Studies Evaluating the Accuracy of Tuberculosis Triage Tests, Journal of Infectious Diseases 220: S116-S125.
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Crompvoets, P.I.; Bosch, J.A.; Cohen, S.; Middendorp, H. van; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Visser, L.G. & Evers, A.W.M. (2019), Effectiveness of Stress-Reducing Interventions on the Response to Challenges to the Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Review, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 88(5): 274-286.
- Arroyo, L.; Marin, D.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Barrera, L.F. (2018), Potential of DosR and Rpf antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis to discriminate between latent and active tuberculosis in a tuberculosis endemic population of Medellin Colombia, BMC Infectious Diseases 18.
- Abebe, F.; Belay, M.; Legesse, M.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), IgA and IgG against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2031 discriminate between pulmonary tuberculosis patients, Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected and non-infected individuals, PLoS ONE 13(1).
- Prezzemolo, T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Caccamo, N.; Dieli, F.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2018), Detailed characterization of human Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific HLA-E restricted CD8(+) T cells, European Journal of Immunology 48(2): 293-305.
- Korbee, C.J.; Heemskerk, M.T.; Kocev, D.; Strijen, E. van; Rabiee, O.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Wilson, L.; Savage, N.D.L.; Dzeroski, S.; Haks, M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), Combined chemical genetics and data-driven bioinformatics approach identifies receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors as host-directed antimicrobials, Nature Communications 9.
- Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.S.; Namuganga, A.R.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Geluk, A.; Gebremichael, G.; Mendy, J.; Malherbe, S.; Stanley, K.; Spuy, G.D. van der; Kriel, M.; Loxton, A.G.; Kriel, B.; Simukonda, F.; Bekele, Y.; Sheehama, J.A.; Nelongo, J.; Vyver, M. van der; Gebrexabher, A.; Hailu, H.; Esterhuyse, M.M.; Rosenkrands, I.; Aagard, C.; Kidd, M.; Kassa, D.; Mihret, A.; Howe, R.; Cliff, J.M.; Crampin, A.C.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Walzl, G. & AE-TBC Consortium (2018), Africa-wide evaluation of host biomarkers in QuantiFERON supernatants for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, Scientific Reports 8.
- Bilsen, M.P.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Jong, H.K. de; Joosten, S.A.; Prins, C.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Jonker, J.T.; Crobach, S.; Pelger, R.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Arend, S.M. (2018), A novel view on the pathogenesis of complications after intravesical BCG for bladder cancer, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 72: 63-68.
- Uzorka, J.W.; Bossink, A.W.J.; Franken, W.P.J.; Thijsen, S.F.T.; Leyten, E.M.S.; Haeften, A.C. van; Doornenbal, G.; Boonstra, P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Arend, S.M. (2018), Borderline QuantiFERON results and the distinction between specific responses and test variability, Tuberculosis 111: 102-108.
- Barruet Emilie, Morales Blanca M., Moody Tania, Cain Corey J., Wentworth Kelly, Chan Tea V., Ton Amy, Ottenhoff Tom Hm, Haks Marielle C., Hellman Judith, Nakamura Mary & Hsiao Edward C. (2018), Abnormal Monocyte Responses in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 33: 51-51.
- Nora, R.L.; Walburg, K.V.; Hagen, P.M. van; Swagemakers, S.M.A.; Spek, P.J. van der; Quinten, E.; Velthoven, M. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dik, W.A. & Haks, M.C. (2018), Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Control Early Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection via Interferon Signaling, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(3): 1384-1395.
- Duffy, F.J.; Thompson, E.; Downing, K.; Suliman, S.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Boom, W.H.; Thiel, B.; Weiner, J.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Dover, D.; Tabb, D.L.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Tromp, G.; Scriba, T.J.; Zak, D.E.; Walzl, G. & GC6-74 Consortium (2018), A Serum Circulating miRNA Signature for Short-Term Risk of Progression to Active Tuberculosis Among Household Contacts, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Suliman, S.; Thompson, E.G.; Sutherland, J.; Weiner, J.; Ota, M.O.C.; Shankar, S.; Penn-Nicholson, A.; Thiel, B.; Erasmus, M.; Maertzdorf, J.; Duffy, F.J.; Hill, P.C.; Hughes, E.J.; Stanley, K.; Downing, K.; Fisher, M.L.; Valvo, J.; Parida, S.K.; Spuy, G. van der; Tromp, G.; Adetifa, I.M.O.; Donkor, S.; Howe, R.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Boom, W.H.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hatherill, M.; Aderem, A.; Hanekom, W.A.; Scriba, T.J.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Zak, D.E.; Walzl, G.; Grand Challenges 6-74 GC6-74 Grp & Adolescent Cohort Study Grp (2018), Four-Gene Pan-African Blood Signature Predicts Progression to Tuberculosis, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 197(9): 1198-1208.
- Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Arend, S.M.; Prins, C.; Oftung, F.; Korsvold, G.E.; Kik, S.V.; Arts, R.J.W.; Crevel, R. van; Netea, M.G. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), Mycobacterial growth inhibition is associated with trained innate immunity, Journal of Clinical Investigation 128(5): 1837-1851.
- Orlando, V.; Manna, M.P. la; Goletti, D.; Palmieri, F.; Presti, E. lo; Joosten, S.A.; Mendola, C. la; Buccheri, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dieli, F. & Caccamo, N. (2018), Human CD4 T-Cells With a Naive Phenotype Produce Multiple Cytokines During Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection and Correlate With Active Disease, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Weinberger, B.; Haks, M.C.; Paus, R.A. de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Bauer, T. & Grubeck-Loebenstein, B. (2018), Impaired Immune Response to Primary but Not to Booster Vaccination Against Hepatitis B in Older Adults, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Zhu, B.D.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Evans, T.G. & Zhang, Y. (2018), Tuberculosis vaccines: Opportunities and challenges, Respirology 23(4): 359-368.
- Goletti, D.; Lee, M.R.; Wang, J.Y.; Walter, N. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), Update on tuberculosis biomarkers: From correlates of risk, to correlates of active disease and of cure from disease, Respirology 23(5): 455-466.
- Alter, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2018), Antibody glycosylation in inflammation, disease and vaccination, Seminars in Immunology 39(C): 102-110.
- Meier, N.R.; Jacobsen, M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Ritz, N. (2018), A Systematic Review on Novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens and Their Discriminatory Potential for the Diagnosis of Latent and Active Tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Caccamo, N.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Dieli, F. (2018), Atypical Human Effector/Memory CD4(+) T Cells With a Naive-Like Phenotype, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), Correlates of vaccine adjuvanticity, vaccine activity, protective immunity and disease in human infectious disease and cancer, Seminars in Immunology 39(C): 1-3.
- Coppola, M. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), Genome wide approaches discover novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens as correlates of infection, disease, immunity and targets for vaccination, Seminars in Immunology 39(C): 88-101.
- Gebremicael, G.; Kassa, D.; Quinten, E.; Alemayehu, Y.; Gebreegziaxier, A.; Belay, Y.; Baarle, D. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Cliff, J.M. & Haks, M.C. (2018), Host Gene Expression Kinetics During Treatment of Tuberculosis in HIV-Coinfected Individuals Is Independent of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy, Journal of Infectious Diseases 218(11): 1833-1846.
- Weiner, J.; Maertzdorf, J.; Sutherland, J.S.; Duffy, F.J.; Thompson, E.; Suliman, S.; McEwen, G.; Thiel, B.; Parida, S.K.; Zyla, J.; Hanekom, W.A.; Mohney, R.P.; Boom, W.H.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Howe, R.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Scriba, T.J.; Zak, D.E.; Walzl, G.; Kaufmann, S.H.E. & GC6-74 Consortium (2018), Metabolite changes in blood predict the onset of tuberculosis, Nature Communications 9.
- Barruet, E.; Morales, B.M.; Cain, C.J.; Ton, A.N.; Wentworth, K.L.; Chan, T.V.; Moody, T.A.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hellman, J.; Nakamura, M.C. & Hsiao, E.C. (2018), NF-kappa B/MAPK activation underlies ACVR1-mediated inflammation in human heterotopic ossification, JCI insight 3(22).
- Lubbers, R.; Sutherland, J.S.; Goletti, D.; Paus, R.A. de; Moorsel, C.H.M. van; Veltkamp, M.; Vestjens, S.M.T.; Bos, W.J.W.; Petrone, L.; Nonno, F. del; Bajema, I.M.; Dijkman, K.; Verreck, F.A.W.; Walzl, G.; Gelderman, K.A.; Groeneveld, G.H.; Geluk, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Trouw, L.A. (2018), Complement Component C1q as Serum Biomarker to Detect Active Tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Lubbers Rosalie, Sutherland Jayne, Goletti Delia, Verreck Frank A. W., Geluk Annemieke, Ottenhoff Tom H. M., Joosten Simone A. & Trouw Leendert A. (2018), Complement component C1q as serum biomarker to detect active tuberculosis, Molecular Immunology 102: 185-185.
- Vrieling, F.; Ronacher, K.; Kleynhans, L.; Akker, E. van den; Walzl, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2018), Patients with Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Have a Pro-Atherogenic Plasma Lipid Profile, EBioMedicine 32: 192-200.
- Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Khatri, B.; Smith, S.G.; Drittij, A.M.F.H.; Paus, R.A. de; Goeman, J.J.; Ho, M.M.; Dockrell, H.M.; McShane, H.; Joosten, S.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2018), Cross-laboratory evaluation of multiplex bead assays including independent common reference standards for immunological monitoring of observational and interventional human studies, PLoS ONE 13(9).
- Coppola, M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Robbins, N.; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Adams, L.B.; Gillis, T.P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2018), Vaccines for Leprosy and Tuberculosis: Opportunities for Shared Research, Development, and Application, Frontiers in Immunology 9.
- Shao, W.G.; Pedrioli, P.G.A.; Wolski, W.; Scurtescu, C.; Schmid, E.; Vizcaino, J.A.; Courcelles, M.; Schuster, H.; Kowalewski, D.; Marino, F.; Arlehamn, C.S.L.; Vaughan, K.; Peters, B.; Sette, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Meijgaarden, K.E.; Nieuwenhuizen, N.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Schlapbach, R.; Castle, J.C.; Nesvizhskii, A.I.; Nielsen, M.; Deutsch, E.W.; Campbell, D.S.; Moritz, R.L.; Zubarev, R.A.; Ytterberg, A.J.; Purcell, A.W.; Marcilla, M.; Paradela, A.; Wang, Q.; Costello, C.E.; Ternette, N.; Veelen, P.A. van; Els, C.A.C.M. van; Heck, A.J.R.; Souza, G.A. de; Sollid, L.M.; Admon, A.; Stevanovic, S.; Rammensee, H.G.; Thibault, P.; Perreault, C.; Bassani-Sternberg, M.; Aebersold, R. & Caron, E. (2018), The SysteMHC Atlas project, Nucleic Acids Research 46(D1): D1237-D1247.
- Petruccioli, E.; Scriba, T.J.; Petrone, L.; Hatherill, M.; Cirillo, D.M.; Joosten, S.A.; Codecasa, L.R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Denkinger, C.M. & Goletti, D. (2017), Long-lasting tuberculous pleurisy, European Respiratory Journal 49(5).
- Mourik, B.C.; Lubberts, E.; Steenwinkel, J.E.M. de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Leenen, P.J.M. (2017), Interactions between Type 1 Interferons and the Th17 Response in Tuberculosis: Lessons Learned from Autoimmune Diseases, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Dockrell, H.M.; Drager, N.; Ho, M.M.; McShane, H.; Neyrolles, O.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Patel, B.; Roordink, D.; Spertini, F.; Stenger, S.; Thole, J.; Verreck, F.A.W.; Williams, A. & TBVAC2020 Consortium (2017), TBVAC2020: Advancing Tuberculosis Vaccines from Discovery to Clinical Development, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Gjoen, J.E.; Jenum, S.; Sivakumaran, D.; Mukherjee, A.; Macaden, R.; Kabra, S.K.; Lodha, R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Doherty, T.M.; Ritz, C. & Grewal, H.M.S. (2017), Novel transcriptional signatures for sputum-independent diagnostics of tuberculosis in children, Scientific Reports 7.
- Haks, M.C.; Bottazzi, B.; Cecchinato, V.; Gregorio, C. de; Giudice, G. del; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Lanzavecchia, A.; Lewis, D.J.M.; Maertzdorf, J.; Mantovani, A.; Sallusto, F.; Sironi, M.; Uguccioni, M. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2017), Molecular Signatures of Immunity and Immunogenicity in Infection and Vaccination, Frontiers in Immunology 8.
- Coppola, M.; Arroyo, L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Geluk, A.; Barrera, L.F. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2017), Differences in IgG responses against infection phase related Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) specific antigens in individuals exposed or not to Mtb correlate with control of TB infection and progression, Tuberculosis 106: 25-32.
- Rakshit, S.; Adiga, V.; Nayak, S.; Sahoo, P.N.; Sharma, P.K.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Jesuraj, U.J.A.; Dhar, C.; Souza, G.D.; Finak, G.; Rosa, S.C. de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Vyakarnam, A. (2017), Circulating Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR latency antigen-specific, polyfunctional, regulatory IL10(+) Th17 CD4 T-cells differentiate latent from active tuberculosis, Scientific Reports 7.
- Paus, R.A. de; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Prins, C.; Kamphorst, M.H.; Arend, S.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2017), Immunological characterization of latent tuberculosis infection in a low endemic country, Tuberculosis 106: 62-72.
- Uzorka, J.W.; Kroft, L.J.M.; Bakker, J.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Huisman, E.; Knetsch-Prins, C.; Zwan, C.J. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Arend, S.M. (2017), Proof of concept that most borderline Quantiferon results are true antigen-specific responses, European Respiratory Journal 50(5).
- Dam, A.D. van; Hanssen, M.J.W.; Eenige, R. van; Quinten, E.; Sips, H.C.; Hulsman, C.J.M.; Jazet, I.M.; Lichtenbelt, W.D.V.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Boon, M.R. (2017), South Asian men have lower expression of IFN signalling genes in white adipose tissue and skeletal muscle compared with white men, Diabetologia 60(12): 2525-2528.
- Marcal, P.H.; Fraga, L.A.; Ottenhoff, T.; Geluk, A.; Duthie, M. & Teixeira, H.C. (2017), IMMUNE RESPONSE TO RECOMBINANT PROTEINS OF MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE POTENTIAL APPLICATION FOR LEPROSY DIAGNOSIS, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 97(5): 236-236.
- Verreck, F.A.W.; Tchilian, E.Z.; Vervenne, R.A.W.; Sombroek, C.C.; Kondova, I.; Eissen, O.A.; Sommandas, V.; Werff, N.M. van der; Verschoor, E.; Braskamp, G.; Bakker, J.; Langermans, J.A.M.; Heidt, P.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kralingen, K.W. van; Thomas, A.W.; Beverley, P.C.L. & Kocken, C.H.M. (2017), Variable BCG efficacy in rhesus populations: Pulmonary BCG provides protection where standard intra-dermal vaccination fails, Tuberculosis 104: 46-57.
- Schakel, L.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Middendorp, H. van; Prins, C.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Visser, L.G. & Evers, A.W.M. (2017), The effects of a psychological intervention directed at optimizing immune function: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 18.
- Bian, Y.; Shang, S.B.; Siddiqui, S.; Zhao, J.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Cantor, H. & Wang, C.R. (2017), MHC Ib molecule Qa-1 presents Mycobacterium tuberculosis peptide antigens to CD8(+) T cells and contributes to protection against infection, PLoS Pathogens 13(5).
- Norrby, M.; Vesikari, T.; Lindqvist, L.; Maeurer, M.; Ahmed, R.; Mandavifar, S.; Bennett, S.; McClain, J.B.; Shepherd, B.M.; Li, D.; Hokey, D.A.; Kromann, I.; Hoff, S.T.; Andersen, P.; Visser, A.W. de; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Andersson, J. & Brighenti, S. (2017), Safety and immunogenicity of the novel H4:IC31 tuberculosis vaccine candidate in BCG-vaccinated adults: Two phase I dose escalation trials, Vaccine 35(12): 1652-1661.
- Kimuda, S.G.; Nalwoga, A.; Levin, J.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Elliott, A.M.; Cose, S. & Andia-Biraro, I. (2017), Humoral Responses to Rv1733c, Rv0081, Rv1735c, and Rv1737c DosR Regulon-Encoded Proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Individuals with Latent Tuberculosis Infection, Journal of Immunology Research.
- Huttner, A.; Combescure, C.; Grillet, S.; Haks, M.C.; Quinten, E.; Modoux, C.; Agnandji, S.T.; Brosnahan, J.; Dayer, J.A.; Harandi, A.M.; Kaiser, L.; Medaglini, D.; Monath, T.; Roux-Lombard, P.; Kremsner, P.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Siegrist, C.A. & VEBCON VSV EBOVAC Consortia (2017), A dose-dependent plasma signature of the safety and immunogenicity of the rVSV-Ebola vaccine in Europe and Africa, Science Translational Medicine 9(385).
- Tran, T.M.; Jones, M.B.; Ongoiba, A.; Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Venepally, P.; Skinner, J.; Doumbo, S.; Quinten, E.; Visser, L.G.; Whalen, E.; Presnell, S.; O'Connell, E.M.; Kayentao, K.; Doumbo, O.K.; Chaussabel, D.; Lorenzi, H.; Nutman, T.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Traore, B.; Kirkness, E.F.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Crompton, P.D. (2016), Transcriptomic evidence for modulation of host inflammatory responses during febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria, Scientific Reports 6.
- Tran, T.M.; Jones, M.B.; Ongoiba, A.; Bijker, E.M.; Schats, R.; Venepally, P.; Skinner, J.; Doumbo, S.; Quinten, E.; Visser, L.G.; Whalen, E.; Presnell, S.; O'Connell, E.M.; Kayentao, K.; Doumbo, O.K.; Chaussabel, D.; Lorenzi, H.; Nutman, T.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Traore, B.; Kirkness, E.F.; Sauerwein, R.W. & Crompton, P.D. (2016), Transcriptomic evidence for modulation of host inflammatory responses during febrile Plasmodium falciparum malaria, Scientific Reports 6.
- Awoniyi, D.O.; Teuchert, A.; Sutherland, J.S.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Loxton, A.G.; Sheehama, J.; Kassa, D.; Crampin, A.C.; Dockrell, H.M.; Kidd, M.; Rosenkrands, I.; Geluk, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Chegou, N.N.; Walzl, G. & AE-TBC Consortium (2016), Evaluation of cytokine responses against novel Mtb antigens as diagnostic markers for TB disease, Journal of Infection 73(3): 219-230.
- Kassa, D.; Ran, L.; Jager, W. de; Broek, T. van den; Jacobi, R.; Mekonen, M.; Messele, T.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Baarle, D. van (2016), Discriminative expression of whole blood genes in HIV patients with latent and active TB in Ethiopia, Tuberculosis 100: 25-31.
- Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Nonno, F. del; Baiocchini, A.; Petrone, L.; Vanini, V.; Smits, H.H.; Palmieri, F.; Goletti, D. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2016), Patients with Tuberculosis Have a Dysfunctional Circulating B-Cell Compartment, Which Normalizes following Successful Treatment, PLoS Pathogens 12(6).
- Boer, M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Goletti, D.; Vanini, V.; Prins, C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2016), KLRG1 and PD-1 expression are increased on T-cells following tuberculosis-treatment and identify cells with different proliferative capacities in BCG-vaccinated adults, Tuberculosis 97: 163-171.
- Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Fortune, S.; Pepponi, I.; Ruhwald, M.; Schrager, L.K. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2016), TB biomarkers, TB correlates and human challenge models: New tools for improving assessment of new TB vaccines, Tuberculosis 99: S8-S11.
- Jenum, S.; Bakken, R.; Dhanasekaran, S.; Mukherjee, A.; Lodha, R.; Singh, S.; Singh, V.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kabra, S.K.; Doherty, T.M.; Ritz, C. & Grewal, H.M.S. (2016), BLR1 and FCGR1A transcripts in peripheral blood associate with the extent of intrathoracic tuberculosis in children and predict treatment outcome, Scientific Reports 6.
- Arroyo, L.; Rojas, M.; Ortiz, B.L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Garcia, L.F.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Barrera, L.F. (2016), Dynamics of the T cell response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR and Rpf antigens in a Colombian population of household contacts of recently diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients, Tuberculosis 97: 97-107.
- Tientcheu, L.D.; Haks, M.C.; Agbla, S.C.; Sutherland, J.S.; Adetifa, I.M.; Donkor, S.; Quinten, E.; Daramy, M.; Antonio, M.; Kampmann, B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dockrell, H.M. & Ota, M.O. (2016), Host Immune Responses Differ between M-africanum- and M-tuberculosis-Infected Patients following Standard Anti-tuberculosis Treatment, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10(5).
- Toulza, F.; Tsang, L.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Brown, M. & Dockrell, H.M. (2016), Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific CD4(+) T-cell response is increased, and Treg cells decreased, in anthelmintic-treated patients with latent TB, European Journal of Immunology 46(3): 752-761.
- Zak, D.E.; Penn-Nicholson, A.; Scriba, T.J.; Thompson, E.; Suliman, S.; Amon, L.M.; Mahomed, H.; Erasmus, M.; Whatney, W.; Hussey, G.D.; Abrahams, D.; Kafaar, F.; Hawkridge, T.; Verver, S.; Hughes, E.J.; Ota, M.; Sutherland, J.; Howe, R.; Dockrell, H.M.; Boom, W.H.; Thiel, B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Crampin, A.C.; Downing, K.; Hatherill, M.; Valvo, J.; Shankar, S.; Parida, S.K.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Walzl, G.; Aderem, A.; Hanekom, W.A.; ACS Cohort Study Grp & GC6-74 Cohort Study Grp (2016), A blood RNA signature for tuberculosis disease risk: a prospective cohort study, Lancet 387(10035): 2312-2322.
- Lachmandas, E.; Beigier-Bompadre, M.; Cheng, S.C.; Kumar, V.; Laarhoven, A. van; Wang, X.H.; Ammerdorffer, A.; Boutens, L.; Jong, D. de; Kanneganti, T.D.; Gresnigt, M.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, L.A.B.; Stienstra, R.; Wijmenga, C.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Crevel, R. van & Netea, M.G. (2016), Rewiring cellular metabolism via the AKT/mTOR pathway contributes to host defence against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in human and murine cells, European Journal of Immunology 46(11): 2574-2586.
- Ottenhoff, T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Haks, M.C.; Caccamo, N.; Dieli, F. & Joosten, S.A. (2016), Human CD8(+) T-cells recognizing peptides from Mycobacterium tuberculosis presented by HLA-E have an unorthodox Th2-like, multifunctional, Mtb-inhibitory phenotype and represent a novel human T-cell subset, European Journal of Immunology 46: 512-512.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Dood, C.J. de; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J.V. van der; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.S.; Howe, R.; Mihret, A.; Kassa, D.; Vyver, M. van der; Sheehama, J.; Simukonda, F.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Walzl, G.; Geluk, A. & AE-TBC Consortium (2016), Multi-center evaluation of a user-friendly lateral flow assay to determine IP-10 and CCL4 levels in blood of TB and non-TB cases in Africa, Clinical Biochemistry 49(1-2): 22-31.
- Weinberger, B.; Haks, M.C.; Katzgraber, F.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Grubeck-Loebenstein, B. (2016), Immune response and early transcriptional changes after primary and booster vaccination against hepatitis B in young and old adults, European Journal of Immunology 46: 872-872.
- Rakshit, S.; Sundararaj, B.K.; Sahoo, P.N.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Jesuraj, A.; D'Souza, G. & Vyakarnam, A. (2016), Comparative analysis of the host mediated antigen-specific responses In Indian cohorts with different TB infected states, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 45: 407-407.
- Teixeira, H.C.; Mattos, A.M.M.; Almeida, C.S.; Abad, L.P.M.; Franken, K. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2016), IgG1 and Th1 responses to DosR, Rpf and active growth phase antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Brazilian tuberculosis patients, Journal of Immunology 196.
- Jenum, S.; Dhanasekaran, S.; Lodha, R.; Mukherjee, A.; Saini, D.K.; Singh, S.; Singh, V.; Medigeshi, G.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Doherty, T.M.; Kabra, S.K.; Ritz, C. & Grewal, H.M.S. (2016), Approaching a diagnostic point-of-care test for pediatric tuberculosis through evaluation of immune biomarkers across the clinical disease spectrum, Scientific Reports 6.
- Fraga, L.; Marcal, P.; Zandim, P.; Oliveira, L.; Ottenhoff, T.; Geluk, A. & Teixeira, H. (2016), Immune response to Mycobacterium leprae: potential application for leprosy diagnosis, European Journal of Immunology 46: 643-643.
- Petruccioli, E.; Scriba, T.J.; Petrone, L.; Hatherill, M.; Cirillo, D.M.; Joosten, S.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Denkinger, C.M. & Goletti, D. (2016), Correlates of tuberculosis risk: predictive biomarkers for progression to active tuberculosis, European Respiratory Journal 48(6): 1751-1763.
- Inkeles, M.S.; Teles, R.M.B.; Pouldar, D.; Andrade, P.R.; Madigan, C.A.; Lopez, D.; Ambrose, M.; Noursadeghi, M.; Sarno, E.N.; Rea, T.H.; Ochoa, M.T.; Iruela-Arispe, M.L.; Swindell, W.R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Geluk, A.; Bloom, B.R.; Pellegrini, M. & Modlin, R.L. (2016), Cell-type deconvolution with immune pathways identifies gene networks of host defense and immunopathology in leprosy, JCI insight 1(15).
- Belay, M.; Legesse, M.; Mihret, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Franken, K.L.; Bjune, G. & Abebe, F. (2016), IFN-gamma and IgA against non-methylated heparin-binding hemagglutinin as markers of protective immunity and latent tuberculosis: Results of a longitudinal study from an endemic setting.
- Sutherland, J.S.; Mendy, J.; Gindeh, A.; Walzl, G.; Togun, T.; Owolabi, O.; Donkor, S.; Ota, M.O.; Fat, E.T.K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Geluk, A. & Corstjens, P.L.A.M. (2016), Use of lateral flow assays to determine IP-10 and CCL4 levels in pleural effusions and whole blood for TB diagnosis, Tuberculosis 96: 31-36.
- Kassa, D.; Jager, W. de; Gebremichael, G.; Alemayehu, Y.; Ran, L.; Fransen, J.; Wolday, D.; Messele, T.; Tegbaru, B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Baarle, D. van (2016), The effect of HIV coinfection, HAART and TB treatment on cytokine/chemokine responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) antigens in active TB patients and latently Mtb infected individuals, Tuberculosis 96: 131-140.
- Mattos, A.M.M.; Chaves, A.S.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Figueiredo, B.B.M.; Ferreira, A.P.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Teixeira, H.C. (2016), Detection of IgG1 antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR and Rpf antigens in tuberculosis patients before and after chemotherapy.
- Arroyo, L.; Rojas, M.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Barrera, L.F. (2016), Multifunctional T Cell Response to DosR and Rpf Antigens Is Associated with Protection in Long-Term Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Infected Individuals in Colombia, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 23(10): 813-824.
- Chegou, N.N.; Sutherland, J.S.; Malherbe, S.; Crampin, A.C.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Geluk, A.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Loxton, A.G.; Spuy, G. van der; Stanley, K.; Kotze, L.A.; Vyver, M. van der; Rosenkrands, I.; Kidd, M.; Helden, P.D. van; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Walzl, G. & AE-TBC Consortium (2016), Diagnostic performance of a seven-marker serum protein biosignature for the diagnosis of active TB disease in African primary healthcare clinic attendees with signs and symptoms suggestive of TB, Thorax 71(9): 785-794.
- Joosten, S.A.; Sullivan, L.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2016), Characteristics of HLA-E Restricted T-Cell Responses and Their Role in Infectious Diseases, Journal of Immunology Research.
- Coppola, M.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Commandeur, S.; Dolganov, G.; Kramnik, I.; Schoolnik, G.K.; Comas, I.; Lund, O.; Prins, C.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Korsvold, G.E.; Oftung, F.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2016), New Genome-Wide Algorithm Identifies Novel In-Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Antigens Inducing Human T-Cell Responses with Classical and Unconventional Cytokine Profiles, Scientific Reports 6.
- (2015), BCG-vaccination induces divergent pro-inflammatory or regulatory T-cell responses in adults., Clinical and Vaccine Immunology.
- Lachmandas, E.; Vrieling, F.; Wilson, L.G.; Joosten, S.A.; Netea, M.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H. & Crevel, R. van (2015), The Effect of Hyperglycaemia on In Vitro Cytokine Production and Macrophage Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PLoS ONE.
- Medaglini, D.; Harandi, A.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Siegrist, C.A.; Agnandji, S.T.; Ahmed, R.; Anderson, J.; Auderset, F.; Borgianni, L.; Brosnahan, J.; Ciabattini, A.; Engler, O.; Haks, M.C.; Heppner, G.; Gerlini, A.; Kremsner, P.G.; Leib, S.; Monath, T.; Ndungu, F.; Njuguna, P.; Page, M.; Pozzi, G.; Rappuoli, R.; Santoro, F.; Strasser, M. & VSV-EBOVAC Consortium (2015), Ebola vaccine R&D: Filling the knowledge gaps, Science Translational Medicine 7(317).
- Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Haks, M.C.; Caccamo, N.; Dieli, F.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2015), Human CD8(+) T-cells Recognizing Peptides from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) Presented by HLA-E Have an Unorthodox Th2-like, Multifunctional, Mtb Inhibitory Phenotype and Represent a Novel Human T-cell Subset, PLoS Pathogens 11(3).
- Walzl, G.; Haks, M.C.; Joosten, S.A.; Kleynhans, L.; Ronacher, K. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2015), Clinical Immunology and Multiplex Biomarkers of Human Tuberculosis, Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine 5(4).
- Ronacher, K.; Joosten, S.A.; Crevel, R. van; Dockrell, H.M.; Walzl, G. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2015), Acquired immunodeficiencies and tuberculosis: focus on HIV/AIDS and diabetes mellitus.
- Boer, M.C.; Prins, C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Dissel, J.T. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2015), Mycobacterium bovis BCG Vaccination Induces Divergent Proinflammatory or Regulatory T Cell Responses in Adults, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 22(7): 778-788.
- Caccamo, N.; Pietra, G.; Sullivan, L.C.; Brooks, A.G.; Prezzemolo, T.; Manna, M.P. la; Liberto, D. di; Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Carlo, P. di; Titone, L.; Moretta, L.; Mingari, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Dieli, F. (2015), Human CD8 T lymphocytes recognize Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens presented by HLA-E during active tuberculosis and express type 2 cytokines, European Journal of Immunology 45(4): 1069-1081.
- Wilson, G.J.; Marakalala, M.J.; Hoving, J.C.; Laarhoven, A. van; Drummond, R.A.; Kerscher, B.; Keeton, R.; Vosse, E. van de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Plantinga, T.S.; Alisjahbana, B.; Govender, D.; Besra, G.S.; Netea, M.G.; Reid, D.M.; Willment, J.A.; Jacobs, M.; Yamasaki, S.; Crevel, R. van & Brown, G.D. (2015), The C-Type Lectin Receptor CLECSF8/CLEC4D Is a Key Component of Anti-Mycobacterial Immunity, Cell Host and Microbe 17(2): 252-259.
- Belay, M.; Legesse, M.; Mihret, A.; Bekele, Y.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Bjune, G. & Abebe, F. (2015), Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines against Rv2031 Are Elevated during Latent Tuberculosis: A Study in Cohorts of Tuberculosis Patients, Household Contacts and Community Controls in an Endemic Setting, PLoS ONE 10(4).
- Lachmandas, E.; Vrieling, F.; Wilson, L.G.; Joosten, S.A.; Netea, M.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H. & Crevel, R. van (2015), The Effect of Hyperglycaemia on In Vitro Cytokine Production and Macrophage Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PLoS ONE 10(2).
- Khadge, S.; Banu, S.; Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Goulart, I.M.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Kabir, S.; Dey, H.; Goulart, L.R.; Lobato, J.; Carvalho, W.; Bekele, Y.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Aseffa, A.; Spencer, J.S.; Oskam, L.; Otttenhoff, T.H.M.; Hagge, D.A. & Geluk, A. (2015), Longitudinal immune profiles in type 1 leprosy reactions in Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia and Nepal, BMC Infectious Diseases 15.
- Boon, M.R.; Bakker, L.E.H.; Haks, M.C.; Quinten, E.; Schaart, G.; Beek, L. van; Wang, Y.N.; Schinkel, L. van; Harmelen, V. van; Meinders, A.E.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dijk, K.W. van; Guigas, B.; Jazet, I.M. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2015), Short-term high-fat diet increases macrophage markers in skeletal muscle accompanied by impaired insulin signalling in healthy male subjects, Clinical Science 128(2): 143-151.
- Elliott, T.O.J.P.; Owolabi, O.; Donkor, S.; Kampmann, B.; Hill, P.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Haks, M.C.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Maertzdorf, J. & Sutherland, J.S. (2015), Dysregulation of Apoptosis Is a Risk Factor for Tuberculosis Disease Progression, Journal of Infectious Diseases 212(9): 1469-1479.
- Smith, S.G.; Smits, K.; Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Satti, I.; Fletcher, H.A.; Caccamo, N.; Dieli, F.; Mascart, F.; McShane, H.; Dockrell, H.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & TBVI TB Biomarker Working Grp (2015), Intracellular Cytokine Staining and Flow Cytometry: Considerations for Application in Clinical Trials of Novel Tuberculosis Vaccines, PLoS ONE 10(9).
- Boer, M.C.; Joosten, S.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2015), Regulatory T-cells at the interface between human host and pathogens in infectious diseases and vaccination, Frontiers in Immunology 6.
- Coppola, M.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2015), Synthetic Long Peptide Derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Latency Antigen Rv1733c Protects against Tuberculosis, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 22(9): 1060-1069.
- Haks, M.C.; Goeman, J.J.; Magis-Escurra, C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2015), Focused human gene expression profiling using dual-color reverse transcriptase multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, Vaccine 33(40): 5282-5288.
- Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Fletcher, H.A.; Guzman, C.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2015), Big Data in Vaccinology: Introduction and section summaries, Vaccine 33(40): 5237-5240.
- Vaart M. van der, Korbee C.J., Lamers G.E.M., Tengeler A.C., Hosseini R., Haks M.C., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Spaink H.P. & Meijer A.H. (2014), The DNA Damage-Regulated Autophagy Modulator DRAM1 Links Mycobacterial Recognition via TLR-MYD88 to Autophagic Defense, Cell Host and Microbe 15(6): 753-767.
- Spaink H.P., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Dirks R.P. & Meijer A.H. (2014), New high-throughput technologies for drug screening in animal models of TB. In: Spaink H.P., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Dirks R.P. & Meijer A.H. (red.), The art & science of tuberculosis vaccine development. Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia: Oxford University Press. 545-557.
- Dissel, J.T. van; Joosten, S.A.; Hoff, S.T.; Soonawala, D.; Prins, C.; Hokey, D.A.; O'Dee, D.M.; Graves, A.; Thierry-Carstensen, B.; Andreasen, L.V.; Ruhwald, M.; Visser, A.W. de; Agger, E.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kromann, I. & Andersen, P. (2014), A novel liposomal adjuvant system, CAF01, promotes long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific T-cell responses in human, Vaccine 32(52): 7098-7107.
- Crevel, R. van; Dockrell, H.M. & TANDEM Consortium (2014), TANDEM: understanding diabetes and tuberculosis, Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2(4): 270-272.
- Dutruel, C.; Thole, J.; Geels, M.; Mollenkopf, H.J.; Ottenhoff, T.; Guzman, C.A.; Fletcher, H.A.; Leroy, O. & Kaufmann, S.H.E. (2014), TRANSVAC workshop on standardisation and harmonisation of analytical platforms for HIV, TB and malaria vaccines: 'How can big data help?', Vaccine 32(35): 4365-4368.
- Commandeur, S.; Coppola, M.; Dijkman, K.; Friggen, A.H.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Wilson, L.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2014), Clonal Analysis of the T-Cell Response to In Vivo Expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein Rv2034, Using a CD154 Expression Based T-Cell Cloning Method, PLoS ONE 9(6).
- Hur, Y.G.; Crampin, A.C.; Chisambo, C.; Kanyika, J.; Houben, R.; Ndhlovu, R.; Mzembe, T.; Lalor, M.K.; Saul, J.; Branson, K.; Stanley, C.; Ngwira, B.; French, N.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Dockrell, H.M. & Gorak-Stolinska, P. (2014), Identification of Immunological Biomarkers Which May Differentiate Latent Tuberculosis from Exposure to Environmental Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Children, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 21(2): 133-142.
- Essone, P.N.; Chegou, N.N.; Loxton, A.G.; Stanley, K.; Kriel, M.; Spuy, G. van der; Franken, K.L.; Ottenhoff, T.H. & Walzl, G. (2014), Host Cytokine Responses Induced after Overnight Stimulation with Novel M-tuberculosis Infection Phase-Dependent Antigens Show Promise as Diagnostic Candidates for TB Disease, PLoS ONE 9(7).
- Commandeur, S.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Dijkman, K.; Clark, S.O.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Wilson, L.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Williams, A.; Christensen, D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2014), The in vivo expressed Mycobacterium tuberculosis (IVE-TB) antigen Rv2034 induces CD4(+) T-cells that protect against pulmonary infection in HLA-DR transgenic mice and guinea pigs, Vaccine 32(29): 3580-3588.
- Vaart, M. van der; Korbee, C.J.; Lamers, G.E.M.; Tengeler, A.C.; Hosseini, R.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Spaink, H.P. & Meijer, A.H. (2014), The DNA Damage-Regulated Autophagy Modulator DRAM1 Links Mycobacterial Recognition via TLR-MYD88 to Autophagic Defense, Cell Host and Microbe 15(6): 753-767.
- Mar Serra-Vidal, M.A. del; Latorre, I.; Franken, K.L.C.M.; Diaz, J.; Souza-Galvao, M.L. de; Casas, I.; Maldonado, J.; Mila, C.; Solsona, J.; Jimenez-Fuentes, M.A.; Altet, N.; Lacoma, A.; Ruiz-Manzano, J.; Ausina, V.; Prat, C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Dominguez, J. (2014), Immunogenicity of 60 novel latency-related antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Frontiers in Microbiology 5.
- Bobosha, K.; Fat, E.M.T.K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Bekele, Y.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Dood, C.J. de; Dijkman, K.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Wilson, L.; Aseffa, A.; Spencer, J.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Corstjens, P.L.A.M. & Geluk, A. (2014), Field-Evaluation of a New Lateral Flow Assay for Detection of Cellular and Humoral Immunity against Mycobacterium leprae, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(5).
- Mihret, A.; Loxton, A.G.; Bekele, Y.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Kidd, M.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Aseffa, A.; Howe, R. & Walzl, G. (2014), Combination of gene expression patterns in whole blood discriminate between tuberculosis infection states, BMC Infectious Diseases 14.
- Caccamo, N.; Pietra, G.; Sullivan, L.C.; Brooks, A.G.; Prezzemolo, T.; Joosten, S.; Manna, M.P. la; Liberto, D. di; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Carlo, P. di; Titone, L.; Moretta, L.; Mingari, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Dieli, F. (2014), Analysis of CD8 T-cells recognising Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen presented by HLA-E molecule, Immunology 143: 69-69.
- Geluk Annemieke, van Meijgaarden Krista E., Joosten Simone A., Commandeur Susanna & Ottenhoff Tom H. M. (2014), Innovative strategies to identify M. tuberculosis antigens and epitopes using genome-wide analyses, Frontiers in Immunology 5.
- Ivanyi, J. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2014), Significance of antigen and epitope specificity in tuberculosis, Frontiers in Immunology 5.
- Boer, M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Joosten, S.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2014), CD8(+) Regulatory T Cells, and Not CD4(+) T Cells, Dominate Suppressive Phenotype and Function after In Vitro Live Mycobacterium bovis-BCG Activation of Human Cells, PLoS ONE 9(4).
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Wilson, L.; Bobosha, K.; Schip, J.J.V.D.P.V.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Quinten, E.; Dijkman, K.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Haisma, E.M.; Haks, M.C.; Hees, C.L.M. van & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2014), Longitudinal Immune Responses and Gene Expression Profiles in Type 1 Leprosy Reactions, Journal of Clinical Immunology 34(2): 245-255.
- Bobosha, K.; Wilson, L.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Bekele, Y.; Zewdie, M.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Abebe, M.; Hussein, J.; Khadge, S.; Neupane, K.D.; Hagge, D.A.; Jordanova, E.S.; Aseffa, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2014), T-Cell Regulation in Lepromatous Leprosy, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 8(4).
- Sutherland, J.S.; Loxton, A.G.; Haks, M.C.; Kassa, D.; Ambrose, L.; Lee, J.S.; Ran, L.; Baarle, D. van; Maertzdorf, J.; Howe, R.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Boom, W.H.; Thiel, B.A.; Crampin, A.C.; Hanekom, W.; Ota, M.O.C.; Dockrell, H.; Walzl, G.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & GCGH Biomarkers TB Consortium (2014), Differential gene expression of activating Fc gamma receptor classifies active tuberculosis regardless of human immunodeficiency virus status or ethnicity, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 20(4): O230-O238.
- Anderson, S.T.; Kaforou, M.; Brent, A.J.; Wright, V.J.; Banwell, C.M.; Chagaluka, G.; Crampin, A.C.; Dockrell, H.M.; French, N.; Hamilton, M.S.; Hibberd, M.L.; Kern, F.; Langford, P.R.; Ling, L.; Mlotha, R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Pienaar, S.; Pillay, V.; Scott, J.A.G.; Twahir, H.; Wilkinson, R.J.; Coin, L.J.; Heyderman, R.S.; Levin, M.; Eley, B.; ILULU Consortium & KIDS TB Study Grp (2014), Diagnosis of Childhood Tuberculosis and Host RNA Expression in Africa, New England Journal of Medicine 370(18): 1712-1723.
- Huang, W.; Qi, Y.J.; Diao, Y.J.; Yang, F.; Zha, X.D.; Ren, C.P.; Huang, D.K.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Wu, Q.S. & Shen, J.J. (2014), Use of Resuscitation-Promoting Factor Proteins Improves the Sensitivity of Culture-based Tuberculosis Testing in Special Samples, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 189(5): 612-614.
- Laarhoven, A. van; Mandemakers, J.J.; Kleinnijenhuis, J.; Enaimi, M.; Lachmandas, E.; Joosten, L.A.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Netea, M.G.; Soolingen, D. van & Crevel, R. van (2013), Low Induction of Proinflammatory Cytokines Parallels Evolutionary Success of Modern Strains within the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Genotype, Infection and Immunity 81(10): 3750-3756.
- Jackson-Sillah, D.; Cliff, J.M.; Mensah, G.I.; Dickson, E.; Sowah, S.; Tetteh, J.K.A.; Addo, K.K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Bothamley, G. & Dockrell, H.M. (2013), Recombinant ESAT-6-CFP10 Fusion Protein Induction of Th1/Th2 Cytokines and FoxP3 Expressing Treg Cells in Pulmonary TB, PLoS ONE 8(6).
- Legesse, M.; Ameni, G.; Medhin, G.; Mamo, G.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Bjune, G. & Abebe, F. (2013), IgA Response to ESAT-6/CFP-10 and Rv2031 Antigens Varies in Patients With Culture-Confirmed Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Healthy Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Infected and Non-Infected Individuals in a Tuberculosis Endemic Setting, Ethiopia, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 78(3): 266-274.
- Joosten, S.A.; Fletcher, H.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2013), A Helicopter Perspective on TB Biomarkers: Pathway and Process Based Analysis of Gene Expression Data Provides New Insight into TB Pathogenesis, PLoS ONE 8(9).
- Paus, R.A. de; Crevel, R. van; Beek, R. van; Sahiratmadja, E.; Alisjahbana, B.; Marzuki, S.; Rimmelzwaan, G.F.; Dissel, J.T. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Vosse, E. van de (2013), The influence of influenza virus infections on the development of tuberculosis.
- Commandeur, S.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Prins, C.; Pichugin, A.V.; Dijkman, K.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Dolganov, G.; Kramnik, I.; Schoolnik, G.K.; Oftung, F.; Korsvold, G.E.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2013), An Unbiased Genome-Wide Mycobacterium tuberculosis Gene Expression Approach To Discover Antigens Targeted by Human T Cells Expressed during Pulmonary Infection, Journal of Immunology 190(4): 1659-1671.
- Boer, M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Bastid, J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2013), CD39 is involved in mediating suppression by Mycobacterium bovis BCG-activated human CD8(+) CD39(+) regulatory T cells., European Journal of Immunology 43(7): 1925-32.
- Kaforou, M.; Wright, V.J.; Oni, T.; French, N.; Anderson, S.T.; Bangani, N.; Banwell, C.; Brent, A.J.; Crampin, A.C.; Dockrell, H.M.; Eley, B.; Heyderman, R.S.; Hibberd, M.L.; Kern, F.; Langford, P.R.; Ling, L.; Mendelson, M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Zgambo, F.; Wilkinson, R.J.; Coin, L.J. & Levin, M. (2013), Detection of tuberculosis in HIV-infected and -uninfected African adults using whole blood RNA expression signatures: a case-control study.
- Huang, W.; Qi, Y.J.; Ren, C.P.; Wen, H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Shen, J.J. (2013), Interferon-γ responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rpf proteins in contact investigation., Tuberculosis 93(6): 612-7.
- Loxton, A.G.; Stanley, K.; Chegou, N.; Ottenhoff, T.; Walzl, G. & G Biomarkers TB Consortium (2013), Immunogenicity of Novel DosR Candidate Vaccine Antigens of Mtb in ARV-Naive HIV plus Patients with a Range of CD4 Counts from a High-Burden Country, AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 29(11): A151-A151.
- Hur, Y.G.; Gorak-Stolinska, P.; Ben-Smith, A.; Lalor, M.K.; Chaguluka, S.; Dacombe, R.; Doherty, T.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Dockrell, H.M. & Crampin, A.C. (2013), Combination of Cytokine Responses Indicative of Latent TB and Active TB in Malawian Adults, PLoS ONE 8(11).
- Sutherland, J.S.; Lalor, M.K.; Black, G.F.; Ambrose, L.R.; Loxton, A.G.; Chegou, N.N.; Kassa, D.; Mihret, A.; Howe, R.; Mayanja-Kizza, H.; Gomez, M.P.; Donkor, S.; Franken, K.; Hanekom, W.; Klein, M.R.; Parida, S.K.; Boom, W.H.; Thiel, B.A.; Crampin, A.C.; Ota, M.; Walzl, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dockrell, H.M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E. & GCGH Biomarkers TB Consortium (2013), Analysis of Host Responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens in a Multi-Site Study of Subjects with Different TB and HIV Infection States in Sub-Saharan Africa, PLoS ONE 8(9).
- Huang, W.; Qi, Y.J.; Ren, C.P.; Wen, H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Shen, J.J. (2013), Interferon-gamma responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rpf proteins in contact investigation, Tuberculosis 93(6): 612-617.
- Boer, M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Bastid, J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Joosten, S.A. (2013), CD39 is involved in mediating suppression by Mycobacterium bovis BCG-activated human CD8+CD39+regulatory T cells, European Journal of Immunology 43(7): 1925-1932.
- Geluk, A.; Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Spencer, J.S.; Banu, S.; Martins, M.V.S.B.; Cho, S.N.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Kim, H.J.; Bekele, Y.; Uddin, M.K.M.; Hadi, S.A.; Aseffa, A.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B.; Dockrell, H.M. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2012), New Biomarkers with Relevance to Leprosy Diagnosis Applicable in Areas Hyperendemic for Leprosy, Journal of Immunology 188(10): 4782-4791.
- Britten, C.M.; Janetzki, S.; Butterfield, L.H.; Ferrari, G.; Gouttefangeas, C.; Huber, C.; Kalos, M.; Levitsky, H.I.; Maecker, H.T.; Melief, C.J.M.; O'Donnell-Tormey, J.; Odunsi, K.; Old, L.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Ottensmeier, C.; Pawelec, G.; Roederer, M.; Roep, B.O.; Romero, P.; Burg, S.H. van der; Walter, S.; Hoos, A. & Davis, M.M. (2012), T Cell Assays and MIATA: The Essential Minimum for Maximum Impact, Immunity 37(1): 1-2.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2012), The knowns and unknowns of the immunopathogenesis of tuberculosis.
- Oni, T.; Gideon, H.P.; Bangani, N.; Tsekela, R.; Seldon, R.; Wood, K.; Wilkinson, K.A.; Goliath, R.T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Wilkinson, R.J. (2012), Smoking, BCG and Employment and the Risk of Tuberculosis Infection in HIV-Infected Persons in South Africa, PLoS ONE 7(10): -.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2012), New pathways of protective and pathological host defense to mycobacteria, Trends in Microbiology 20(9): 419-428.
- Houben, E.N.G.; Bestebroer, J.; Ummels, R.; Wilson, L.; Piersma, S.R.; Jimenez, C.R.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Luirink, J. & Bitter, W. (2012), Composition of the type VII secretion system membrane complex, Molecular Microbiology 86(2): 472-484.
- Kassa, D.; Ran, L.; Geberemeskel, W.; Tebeje, M.; Alemu, A.; Selase, A.; Tegbaru, B.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Friggen, A.H.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Wolday, D.; Messele, T. & Baarle, D. van (2012), Analysis of Immune Responses against a Wide Range of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens in Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
- Riano, F.; Arroyo, L.; Paris, S.; Rojas, M.; Friggen, A.H.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Garcia, L.F. & Barrera, L.F. (2012), T cell responses to DosR and Rpf proteins in actively and latently infected individuals from Colombia.
- Romano, M.; Aryan, E.; Korf, H.; Bruffaerts, N.; Franken, C.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Huygen, K. (2012), Potential of Mycobacterium tuberculosis resuscitation-promoting factors as antigens in novel tuberculosis sub-unit vaccines.
- Png, E.; Alisjahbana, B.; Sahiratmadja, E.; Marzuki, S.; Nelwan, R.; Balabanova, Y.; Nikolayevskyy, V.; Drobniewski, F.; Nejentsev, S.; Adnan, I.; Vosse, E. van de; Hibberd, M.L.; Crevel, R. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Seielstad, M. (2012), A genome wide association study of pulmonary tuberculosis susceptibility in Indonesians, BMC Medical Genetics 13: -.
- Oni, T.; Gideon, H.P.; Bangani, N.; Tsekela, R.; Seldon, R.; Wood, K.; Wilkinson, K.A.; Goliath, R.T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Wilkinson, R.J. (2012), Risk Factors Associated with Indeterminate Gamma Interferon Responses in the Assessment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in a High-Incidence Environment.
- Songane, M.; Kleinnijenhuis, J.; Alisjahbana, B.; Sahiratmadja, E.; Parwati, I.; Oosting, M.; Plantinga, T.S.; Joosten, L.A.B.; Netea, M.G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Vosse, E. van de & Crevel, R. van (2012), Polymorphisms in Autophagy Genes and Susceptibility to Tuberculosis, PLoS ONE 7(8): -.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dass, R.H.; Yang, N.H.; Zhang, M.Z.M.; Wong, H.E.E.; Sahiratmadja, E.; Khor, C.C.; Alisjahbana, B.; Crevel, R. van; Marzuki, S.; Seielstad, M.; Vosse, E. van de & Hibberd, M.L. (2012), Genome-Wide Expression Profiling Identifies Type 1 Interferon Response Pathways in Active Tuberculosis, PLoS ONE 7(9): -.
- Joosten, S.A.; Goeman, J.J.; Sutherland, J.S.; Opmeer, L.; Boer, K.G. de; Jacobsen, M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Finos, L.; Magis-Escurra, C.; Ota, M.O.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Haks, M.C. (2012), Identification of biomarkers for tuberculosis disease using a novel dual-color RT-MLPA assay, Genes and Immunity 13(1): 71-82.
- Png, E.; Alisjahbana, B.; Sahiratmadja, E.; Marzuki, S.; Nelwan, R.; Adnan, I.; Vosse, E. van de; Hibberd, M.; Crevel, R. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Seielstad, M. (2012), Polymorphisms in SP110 are not associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesians.
- Does, A.M. van der; Joosten, S.A.; Vroomans, E.; Bogaards, S.J.P.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dissel, J.T. van & Nibbering, P.H. (2012), The Antimicrobial Peptide hLF1-11 Drives Monocyte-Dendritic Cell Differentiation toward Dendritic Cells That Promote Antifungal Responses and Enhance Th17 Polarization, Journal of Innate Immunity 4(3): 284-292.
- Parsons, S.D.C.; Warren, R.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Gey van Pittius, N.C. & Helden, P.D. van (2012), Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in dogs in a high-risk setting, Research in Veterinary Science 92(3): 414-419.
- Steenwinkel, J.E.M. de; Knegt, G.J. de; Kate, M.T. ten; Verbrugh, H.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Bakker-Woudenberg, I.A.J.M. (2012), Dynamics of interferon-gamma release assay and cytokine profiles in blood and respiratory tract specimens from mice with tuberculosis and the effect of therapy, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 31(6): 1195-1201.
- Chegou, N.N.; Essone, P.N.; Loxton, A.G.; Stanley, K.; Black, G.F.; Spuy, G.D. van der; Helden, P.D. van; Franken, K.L.; Parida, S.K.; Klein, M.R.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Walzl, G. (2012), Potential of Host Markers Produced by Infection Phase-Dependent Antigen-Stimulated Cells for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in a Highly Endemic Area, PLoS ONE 7(6): -.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Ellner, J.J. & Kaufmann, S.H.E. (2012), Ten challenges for TB biomarkers.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Kaufmann, S.H.E. (2012), Vaccines against Tuberculosis: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go?, PLoS Pathogens 8(5): -.
- Chegou, N.N.; Black, G.F.; Loxton, A.G.; Stanley, K.; Essone, P.N.; Klein, M.R.; Parida, S.K.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Doherty, T.M.; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.; Ottenhoff, T.H. & Walzl, G. (2012), Potential of novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection phase-dependent antigens in the diagnosis of TB disease in a high burden setting, BMC Infectious Diseases 12: -.
- Greco, E.; Quintiliani, G.; Santucci, M.B.; Serafino, A.; Ciccaglione, A.R.; Marcantonio, C.; Papi, M.; Maulucci, G.; Delogu, G.; Martino, A.; Goletti, D.; Sarmati, L.; Andreoni, M.; Altieri, A.; Alma, M.; Caccamo, N.; Liberto, D. di; Spirito, M. de; Savage, N.D.; Nisini, R.; Dieli, F.; Ottenhoff, T.H. & Fraziano, M. (2012), Janus-faced liposomes enhance antimicrobial innate immune response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(21): E1360-E1368.
- Thye, T.; Owusu-Dabo, E.; Vannberg, F.O.; Crevel, R. van; Curtis, J.; Sahiratmadja, E.; Balabanova, Y.; Ehmen, C.; Muntau, B.; Ruge, G.; Sievertsen, J.; Gyapong, J.; Nikolayevskyy, V.; Hill, P.C.; Sirugo, G.; Drobniewski, F.; Vosse, E. van de; Newport, M.; Alisjahbana, B.; Nejentsev, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hill, A.V.S.; Horstmann, R.D. & Meyer, C.G. (2012), Common variants at 11p13 are associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis, Nature Genetics 44(3): 257-259.
- Bobosha, K.; Tang, S.T.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Bekele, Y.; Martins, M.V.S.B.; Lund, O.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Khadge, S.; Pontes, M.A.D.; Goncalves, H.D.; Hussien, J.; Thapa, P.; Kunwar, C.B.; Hagge, D.A.; Aseffa, A.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2012), Mycobacterium leprae virulence-associated peptides are indicators of exposure to M. leprae in Brazil, Ethiopia and Nepal, Mem�rias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 107: 112-123.
- Geluk, A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Dijkman, K.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2012), A multistage-polyepitope vaccine protects against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in HLA-DR3 transgenic mice, Vaccine 30(52): 7513-7521.
- Greco, E.; Quintiliani, G.; Santucci, M.B.; Serafino, A.; Ciccaglione, A.R.; Caccamo, N.; Nisini, R.; Dieli, F.; Ottenhoff, T.H. & Fraziano, M. (2012), Janus-faced liposomes as a novel immunotherapeutic strategy to enhance anti-microbial innate immune response, Immunology 137: 150-150.
- Dissel, J.T. van; Soonawala, D.; Joosten, S.A.; Prins, C.; Arend, S.M.; Bang, P.; Tingskov, P.N.; Lingnau, K.; Nouta, J.; Hoff, S.T.; Rosenkrands, I.; Kromann, I.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Doherty, T.M. & Andersen, P. (2011), Ag85B-ESAT-6 adjuvanted with IC31® promotes strong and long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific T cell responses in volunteers with previous BCG vaccination or tuberculosis infection., Vaccine 29(11): 2100-9.
- Carstens, M.G.; Camps, M.G.M.; Henriksen-Lacey, M.; Franken, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Perrie, Y.; Bouwstra, J.A.; Ossendorp, F. & Jiskoot, W. (2011), Effect of vesicle size on tissue localization and immunogenicity of liposomal DNA vaccines., Vaccine 29(29-30): 4761-70.
- Carstens, M.G.; Maaden, K. van der; Velden, D. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Melief, C.J.; Ossendorp, F.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Jiskoot, W. (2011), Evaluation of the high-pressure extrusion technique as a method for sizing plasmid DNA-containing cationic liposomes., Journal of Liposome Research.
- Reece, S.T.; Nasser-Eddine, A.; Dietrich, J.; Stein, M.; Zedler, U.; Schommer-Leitner, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Andersen, P. & Kaufmann, S.H.E. (2011), Improved long-term protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing/W in mice after intra-dermal inoculation of recombinant BCG expressing latency associated antigens., Vaccine 29(47): 8740-4.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Dood, C.J. de; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Wiesmeijer, K.C.; Riuttamaki, T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Spencer, J.S.; Tanke, H.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2011), Lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of cellular- and humoral immune responses., Clinical Biochemistry.
- Geluk, A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Dijkman, K.; Wilson, L.; Kim, H.J.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Spencer, J.S.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), ML1419c Peptide Immunization Induces Mycobacterium leprae-Specific HLA-A*0201-Restricted CTL In Vivo with Potential To Kill Live Mycobacteria.
- Abdallah, A.M.; Bestebroer, J.; Savage, N.D.L.; Punder, K. de; Zon, M. van; Wilson, L.; Korbee, C.J.; Sar, A.M. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Wel, N.N. van der; Bitter, W. & Peters, P.J. (2011), Mycobacterial Secretion Systems ESX-1 and ESX-5 Play Distinct Roles in Host Cell Death and Inflammasome Activation., The Journal of Immunology 187(9): 4744-53.
- Tchilian, E.Z.; Ronan, E.O.; Lara, C. de; Lee, L.N.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Vordermeier, M.H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Beverley, P.C.L. (2011), Simultaneous Immunization against Tuberculosis., PLoS ONE 6(11): e27477.
- Steenwinkel, J.E.M. de; Knegt, G.J. de; Kate, M.T. ten; Verbrugh, H.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Bakker-Woudenberg, I.A.J.M. (2011), Dynamics of interferon-gamma release assay and cytokine profiles in blood and respiratory tract specimens from mice with tuberculosis and the effect of therapy., European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.
- Dissel, J.T. van; Soonawala, D.; Joosten, S.A.; Prins, C.; Arend, S.M.; Bang, P.; Tingskov, P.N.; Lingnau, K.; Nouta, J.; Hoff, S.T.; Rosenkrands, I.; Kromann, I.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Doherty, T.M. & Andersen, P. (2011), Ag85B-ESAT-6 adjuvanted with IC31 (R) promotes strong and long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific T cell responses in volunteers with previous BCG vaccination or tuberculosis infection, Vaccine 29(11): 2100-2109.
- Carvalho, R.; Sonneville, J. de; Stockhammer, O.W.; Savage, N.D.L.; Veneman, W.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dirks, R.P.; Meijer, A.H. & Spaink, H.P. (2011), A High-Throughput Screen for Tuberculosis Progression, PLoS ONE 6(2).
- Bobosha, K.; Ploeg-Van Schip, J.J. van der; Zewdie, M.; Sapkota, B.R.; Hagge, D.A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Inbiale, W.; Aseffa, A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2011), Immunogenicity of Mycobacterium leprae unique antigens in leprosy endemic populations in Asia and Africa, Leprosy Review 82(4): 445-458.
- Commandeur, S.; Lin, M.Y.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Korsvold, G.E.; Oftung, F.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), Double- and monofunctional CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR antigens and peptides in long-term latently infected individuals, European Journal of Immunology 41(10): 2925-2936.
- Carstens, M.G.; Camps, M.G.M.; Henriksen-Lacey, M.; Franken, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Perrie, Y.; Bouwstra, J.A.; Ossendorp, F. & Jiskoot, W. (2011), Effect of vesicle size on tissue localization and immunogenicity of liposomal DNA vaccines, Vaccine 29(29-30): 4761-4770.
- Oni, T.; Burke, R.; Tsekela, R.; Bangani, N.; Seldon, R.; Gideon, H.P.; Wood, K.; Wilkinson, K.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Wilkinson, R.J. (2011), High prevalence of subclinical tuberculosis in HIV-1-infected persons without advanced immunodeficiency: implications for TB screening, Thorax 66(8): 669-673.
- Corstjens, P.L.A.M.; Dood, C.J. de; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Wiesmeijer, K.C.; Riuttamaki, T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Spencer, J.S.; Tanke, H.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2011), Lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of cellular- and humoral immune responses, Clinical Biochemistry 44(14-15): 1241-1246.
- Lee, L.N.; Ronan, E.O.; Lara, C. de; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Tchilian, E.Z. & Beverley, P.C.L. (2011), CXCR6 Is a Marker for Protective Antigen-Specific Cells in the Lungs after Intranasal Immunization against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Infection and Immunity 79(8): 3328-3337.
- Sutherland, J.S.; Hill, P.C.; Adetifa, I.M.; Jong, B.C. de; Donkor, S.; Joosten, S.A.; Opmeer, L.; Haks, M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Adegbola, R.A. & Ota, M.O.C. (2011), Identification of Probable Early-Onset Biomarkers for Tuberculosis Disease Progression, PLoS ONE 6(9): -.
- Carstens, M.G.; Maaden, K. van der; Velden, D. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Melief, C.J.; Ossendorp, F.; Bouwstra, J.A. & Jiskoot, W. (2011), Evaluation of the high-pressure extrusion technique as a method for sizing plasmid DNA-containing cationic liposomes, Journal of Liposome Research 21(4): 286-295.
- Chiacchio, T.; Petruccioli, E.; Vanini, V.; Butera, O.; Cuzzi, G.; Petrone, L.; Matteucci, G.; Lauria, F.N.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Girardi, E.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Goletti, D. (2011), Higher Frequency of T-Cell Response to M. tuberculosis Latency Antigen Rv2628 at the Site of Active Tuberculosis Disease than in Peripheral Blood, PLoS ONE 6(11): -.
- Reece, S.T.; Nasser-Eddine, A.; Dietrich, J.; Stein, M.; Zedler, U.; Schommer-Leitner, S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Andersen, P. & Kaufmann, S.H.E. (2011), Improved long-term protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing/W in mice after intra-dermal inoculation of recombinant BCG expressing latency associated antigens, Vaccine 29(47): 8740-8744.
- Abdallah, A.M.; Bestebroer, J.; Savage, N.D.L.; Punder, K. de; Zon, M. van; Wilson, L.; Korbee, C.J.; Sar, A.M. van der; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Wel, N.N. van der; Bitter, W. & Peters, P.J. (2011), Mycobacterial Secretion Systems ESX-1 and ESX-5 Play Distinct Roles in Host Cell Death and Inflammasome Activation, Journal of Immunology 187(9): 4744-4753.
- Tchilian, E.Z.; Ronan, E.O.; Lara, C. de; Lee, L.N.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Vordermeier, M.H.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Beverley, P.C.L. (2011), Simultaneous Immunization against Tuberculosis, PLoS ONE 6(11): -.
- Geluk, A.; Eeden, S.J.F. van den; Dijkman, K.; Wilson, L.; Kim, H.J.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Spencer, J.S.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Pereira, G.M.B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), ML1419c Peptide Immunization Induces Mycobacterium leprae-Specific HLA-A*0201-Restricted CTL In Vivo with Potential To Kill Live Mycobacteria, Journal of Immunology 187(3): 1393-1402.
- Commandeur, S.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Lin, M.Y.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Friggen, A.H.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Oftung, F.; Korsvold, G.E.; Geluk, A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), Identification of Human T-Cell Responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Resuscitation-Promoting Factors in Long-Term Latently Infected Individuals, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18(4): 676-683.
- Tang, S.T.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Caccamo, N.; Guggino, G.; Klein, M.R.; Weeren, P. van; Kazi, F.; Stryhn, A.; Zaigler, A.; Sahin, U.; Buus, S.; Dieli, F.; Lund, O. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), Genome-Based In Silico Identification of New Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigens Activating Polyfunctional CD8(+) T Cells in Human Tuberculosis, Journal of Immunology 186(2): 1068-1080.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2011), New insights and tools to combat leprosy nerve damage, Leprosy Review 82(4): 334-337.
- Dissel, J.T. van; Arend, S.M.; Prins, C.; Bang, P.; Tingskov, P.N.; Lingnau, K.; Nouta, J.; Klein, M.R.; Rosenkrands, I.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kromann, I.; Doherty, T.M. & Andersen, P. (2010), Ag85B-ESAT-6 adjuvanted with IC31 promotes strong and long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific T cell responses in naïve human volunteers., Vaccine 28(20): 3571-81.
- Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Weeren, P.C. van; Kazi, F.; Geluk, A.; Savage, N.D.L.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Flower, D.R.; Hanekom, W.A.; Klein, M.R. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis peptides presented by HLA-E molecules are targets for human CD8 T-cells with cytotoxic as well as regulatory activity., PLoS Pathogens 6(2): e1000782.
- Parwati, I.; Alisjahbana, B.; Apriani, L.; Soetikno, R.D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Zanden, A.G.M. van der; Meer, J. van der; Soolingen, D. van & Crevel, R. van (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype is an independent risk factor for tuberculosis treatment failure in Indonesia., Journal of Infectious Diseases 201(4): 553-7.
- Caccamo, N.; Guggino, G.; Joosten, S.A.; Gelsomino, G.; Carlo, P. di; Titone, L.; Galati, D.; Bocchino, M.; Matarese, A.; Salerno, A.; Sanduzzi, A.; Franken, W.P.J.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Dieli, F. (2010), Multifunctional CD4(+) T cells correlate with active Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, European Journal of Immunology 40(8): 2211-2220.
- Geluk, A.; Ploeg-van Schip, J.J. van der; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Commandeur, S.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Benckhuijsen, W.E.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Naafs, B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Enhancing sensitivity of detection of immune responses to Mycobacterium leprae peptides in whole-blood assays.
- Dissel, J.T. van; Arend, S.M.; Prins, C.; Bang, P.; Tingskov, P.N.; Lingnau, K.; Nouta, J.; Klein, M.R.; Rosenkrands, I.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kromann, I.; Doherty, T.M. & Andersen, P. (2010), Ag85B-ESAT-6 adjuvanted with IC31 (R) promotes strong and long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific T cell responses in naive human volunteers, Vaccine 28(20): 3571-3581.
- Nemec, A. & Dijkshoorn, L. (2010), Variations in colistin susceptibility among different species of the genus Acinetobacter, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 65(2): 367-369.
- Vosse, E. van de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Paus, R.A. de; Verhard, E.M.; Boer, T. de; Dissel, J.T. van & Kuijpers, T.W. (2010), Mycobacterium bovis BCG-itis and cervical lymphadenitis due to Salmonella enteritidis in a patient with complete interleukin-12/-23 receptor beta1 deficiency.
- Fears, R.; Kaufmann, S.; Meulen, V. ter; Zumla, A. & EASAC Working Grp (2010), Drug-resistant tuberculosis in the European Union: Opportunities and challenges for control, Tuberculosis 90(3): 182-187.
- Parwati, I.; Alisjahbana, B.; Apriani, L.; Soetikno, R.D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Zanden, A.G.M. van der; Meer, J. van der; Soolingen, D. van & Crevel, R. van (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Genotype Is an Independent Risk Factor for Tuberculosis Treatment Failure in Indonesia, Journal of Infectious Diseases 201(4): 553-557.
- Does, A.M. van der; Beekhuizen, H.; Ravensbergen, B.; Vos, T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dissel, J.T. van; Drijfhout, J.W.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Nibbering, P.H. (2010), LL-37 Directs Macrophage Differentiation toward Macrophages with a Proinflammatory Signature, Journal of Immunology 185(3): 1442-1449.
- Vosse, E. van de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Paus, R.A. de; Verhard, E.M.; Boer, T. de; Dissel, J.T. van & Kuijpers, T.W. (2010), Mycobacterium bovis BCG-itis and Cervical Lymphadenitis due to Salmonella enteritidis in a Patient with Complete Interleukin-12/-23 Receptor beta 1 Deficiency, Infection 38(2): 128-130.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.; Doherty, T.M.; Dissel, J.T. van; Bang, P.; Lingnau, K.; Kromann, I. & Andersen, P. (2010), First in humans: A new molecularly defined vaccine shows excellent safety and strong induction of long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific Th1-cell like responses, Human Vaccines 6(12): 1007-1015.
- Parwati, I.; Alisjahbana, B.; Apriani, L.; Soetikno, R.D.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Zanden, A.G.M. van der; Meer, J. van der; Soolingen, D. van & Crevel, R. van (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Genotype Is an Independent Risk Factor for Tuberculosis Treatment Failure in Indonesia, Journal of Infectious Diseases 201(4): 553-557.
- Kraaij, M.D.; Savage, N.D.L.; Kooij, S.W. van der; Koekkoek, K.; Wang, J.; Berg, J.M. van den; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Kuijpers, T.W.; Holmdahl, R.; Kooten, C. van & Gelderman, K.A. (2010), Induction of regulatory T cells by macrophages is dependent on production of reactive oxygen species, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(41): 17686-17691.
- Joosten, S.A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Weeren, P.C. van; Kazi, F.; Geluk, A.; Savage, N.D.L.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Flower, D.R.; Hanekom, W.A.; Klein, M.R. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Mycobacterium tuberculosis Peptides Presented by HLA-E Molecules Are Targets for Human CD8(+) T-Cells with Cytotoxic as well as Regulatory Activity, PLoS Pathogens 6(2).
- Goletti, D.; Butera, O.; Vanini, V.; Lauria, F.N.; Lange, C.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Angeletti, C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Girardi, E. (2010), Response to Rv2628 latency antigen associates with cured tuberculosis and remote infection, European Respiratory Journal 36(1): 135-142.
- Mattos, A.M.M.; Almeida, C.D.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Alves, C.C.D.; Abramo, C.; Souza, M.A. de; L'Hotellier, M.; Alves, M.J.M.; Ferreira, A.P.; Oliveira, S.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Teixeira, H.C. (2010), Increased IgG1, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and IL-6 responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens in patients with Tuberculosis are lower after chemotherapy, International Immunology 22(9): 775-782.
- Ottenhoff, T.H.; Doherty, T.M.; Dissel, J.T. van; Bang, P.; Lingnau, K.; Kromann, I. & Andersen, P. (2010), First in humans: a new molecularly defined vaccine shows excellent safety and strong induction of long-lived Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific Th1-cell like responses., Human Vaccines 6(12): 1007-15.
- Joosten, S.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), Comment on "CCR5 Dictates the Equilibrium of Proinflammatory IL-17(+) and Regulatory Foxp3(+) T Cells in Fungal Infections", Journal of Immunology 185(3): 1351-1351.
- Hall, T. van; Oliveira, C.C.; Joosten, S.A. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2010), The other Janus face of Qa-1 and HLA-E diverse peptide repertoires in times of stress, Microbes and Infection 12(12-13): 910-918.
- Dongen, M. van; Savage, N.D.L.; Jordanova, E.S.; Briaire-de Bruijn, I.H.; Walburg, K.V.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hogendoorn, P.C.W.; Burg, S.H. van der; Gelderblom, H. & Hall, T. van (2010), Anti-inflammatory M2 type macrophages characterize metastasized and tyrosine kinase inhibitor-treated gastrointestinal stromal tumors, International Journal of Cancer 127(4): 899-909.
- Doherty M, Wallis RS, Zumla A, WHO-Tropical Diseases Research/Euroepan Commission joint expert consultation group (Akuffo H, Aseffa A, Klein N, Lang H, Locht C, Mitchison D, Narayanan P, Nunn A, Olesen O, Onyebujoh P, Ottenhoff TH, Parida S, Vahedi M & van Soolingen D (2009), Biomarkers for tuberculosis disease status and diagnosis, Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 15(3): 181-187.
- Caccamo N, Guggino G, Meraviglia S, Gelsomino G, Di Carlo P, Titone L, Bocchino M, Galati D, Matarese A, Nouta J, Klein MR, Salerno A, Sanduzzi A, Dieli F & Ottenhoff TH (2009), Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Specific CD8 T-Cells in Patients with Active Tuberculosis and in Individuals with Latent Infection, PLoS ONE 4(5).
- Kleinnijenhuis J, Joosten LAB, van de Veerdonk FL, Savage N, van Crevel R, Kullberg BJ, van der Ven A, Ottenhoff THM, Dinarello CA, van der Meer JWM & Netea MG (2009), Transcriptional and inflammasome-mediated pathways for the induction of IL-1 beta production by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, European Journal of Immunology 39(7): 1914-1922.
- Black GF, Thiel BA, Ota MO, Parida SK, Adegbola R, Boom WH, Dockrell HM, Franken KLMC, Friggen AH, Hill PC, Klein MR, Lalor MK, Mayanja H, Schoolnik G, Stanley K, Weldringh K, Kaufmann SH, Waltzl G & Ottenhof THM (2009), Immunogenicity of Novel DosR Regulon-Encoded Candidate Antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Three High-Burden Populations in Africa, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 16(8): 1203-1212.
- Smith SG, Joosten SA, Verscheure V, Pathan AA, McShane H, Ottenhoff THM, Dockrell HM & Mascart F (2009), Identification of Major Factors Influencing ELISpot-Based Monitoring of Cellular Responses to Antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PLoS ONE 4(11).
- van de Vosse E, van Dissel JT & Ottenhoff THM (2009), Genetic deficiencies of innate immune signalling in human infectious disease, Lancet Infectious Diseases 9(11): 688-698.
- Schuck SD, Mueller H, Kunitz F, Neher A, Hoffmann H, Franken KLCM, Repsilber D, Ottenhoff THM, Kaufmann SHE & Jacobsen M (2009), Identification of T-Cell Antigens Specific for Latent Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection, PLoS ONE 4(5).
- Arend SM, van Soolingen D & Ottenhoff THM (2009), Diagnosis and treatment of lung infection with nontuberculous mycobacteria, Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 15(3): 201-208.
- Verreck FAW, Vervenne RAW, Kondova I, van Kralingen KW, Remarque EJ, Braskamp G, van der Werff NM, Kersbergen A, Ottenhoff THM, Heidt PJ, Gilbert SC, Gicquel B, Hill AV, Martin C, McShane H & Tomas AW (2009), MVA.85A Boosting of BCG and an Attenuated, phoP Deficient M. tuberculosis Vaccine Both Show Protective Efficacy Against Tuberculosis in Rhesus Macaques, PLoS ONE 4(4).
- Lin MY, Reddy TBK, Arend SM, Friggen AH, Franken KLMC, van Meijgaarden KE, Verduyn MJC, Schoolnik GK, Klein MR & Ottenhoff THM (2009), Cross-Reactive Immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR Regulon-Encoded Antigens in Individuals Infected with Environmental, Nontuberculous Mycobacteria, Infection and Immunity 77(11): 5071-5079.
- van Crevel R, Parwati I, Sahiratmadja E, Marzuki S, Ottenhoff THM, Netea MG, van der Ven A, Nelwan RH, van der Meer JW, Alisjahbana B & van de Vosse E (2009), Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing Genotype Strains Is Associated with Polymorphisms in SLC11A1/NRAMP1 in Indonesian Patients with Tuberculosis.
- Ottenhoff THM (2009), Overcoming the global crisis: "Yes, we can", but also for TB ... ?, European Journal of Immunology 39(8): 2014-2020.
- Bivas-Benita M, Lin MY, Bal SM, van Meijgaarden KE, Franken KLMC, Friggen AH, Junginger HE, Borchard G, Klein MR & Ottenhoff THM (2009), Pulmonary delivery of DNA encoding Mycobacterium tuberculosis latency antigen Rv1733c associated to PLGA-PEI nanoparticles enhances T cell responses in a DNA prime/protein boost vaccination regimen in mice, Vaccine 27(30): 4010-4017.
- Spencer JS, Kim HJ, Roa RL, Marques MAM, da Silva R, Groathouse NA, Williams DL, Ottenhoff THM, Geluk A, Cho SN, Gelber R, Dockrell HM, Cole ST, Britton WJ, Duthie MS, Ireton G, Pessolani MCV, Slayden RA & Brennan PJ (2008), The use of proteomics and bioinformatics to identify novel antigens of Mycobacterium leprae towards the development of a rapid diagnostic test for the early detection of leprosy, Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8(4).
- Joosten SA & Ottenhoff THM (2008), Human CD4 and CD8 regulatory T cells in infectious diseases and vaccination, Human Immunology 69(11).
- Corstjens PLAM, Zuiderwijk M, Tanke HJ, Schip JJVV, Ottenhoff THM & Geluk A (2008), A user-friendly, highly sensitive assay to detect the IFN-gamma secretion by T cells, Clinical Biochemistry 41(6).
- Lin MY & Ottenhoff THM (2008), Not to wake a sleeping giant: new insights into host-pathogen interactions identify new targets for vaccination against latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, Biological Chemistry 389(5).
- Davila S, Hibberd ML, Dass RH, Wong HEE, Sahiratmadja E, Bonnard C, Alisjahbana B, Szeszko JS, Balabanova Y, Drobniewski F, van Crevel R, van de Vosse E, Nejentsev S, Ottenhoff THM & Seielstad M (2008), Genetic Association and Expression Studies Indicate a Role of Toll-Like Receptor 8 in Pulmonary Tuberculosis, PLoS Genetics 4(10).
- Amim L, Pacheco A, Fonseca-Costa J, Loredo C, Rabahi M, Melo M, Ribeiro F, Mello F, Oliveira M, Silva JRLE, Ottenhoff T, Kritski A & Santos A (2008), Role of IFN-gamma+874 T/A single nucleotide polymorphism in the tuberculosis outcome among Brazilians subjects, Molecular Biology Reports 35(4).
- Portugal MI, Todeschini AR, de Lima CS, Silva CAM, Mohana-Borges R, Ottenhoff THM, Mendonca-Previato L, Previato JO & Pessolani MCV (2008), Characterization of two heparan sulphate-binding sites in the mycobacterial adhesin Hlp, BMC Microbiology 8.
- Hanekom WA, Dockrell HM, Ottenhoff THM, Doherty TM, Fletcher H, McShane H, Weichold FF, Hoft DF, Parida SK & Fruth UJ (2008), Immunological outcomes of new tuberculosis vaccine trials: WHO panel recommendations, PLoS Medicine 5(7).
- Abdallah AM, Savage NDL, van Zon M, Wilson L, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, van der Wel NN, Ottenhoff THM & Bitter W (2008), The ESX-5 Secretion System of Mycobacterium marinum Modulates the Macrophage Response, Journal of Immunology 181(10).
- Geluk, A.; Ploeg, J. van der; Teles, R.O.B.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Prins, C.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Sarno, E.N.; Sampaio, E.P. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2008), Rational combination of peptides derived from different Mycobacterium leprae proteins improves sensitivity for Immunodiagnosis of M-leprae infection, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 15(3).
- de Boer T, van Dissel JT, Kuijpers TWJ, Rimmelzwaan GF, Kroon FP & Ottenhoff THM (2008), Influenza virus vaccination induces interleukin-12/23 receptor beta 1 (IL-12/23R beta 1)-independent production of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) and humoral immunity in patients with genetic deficiencies in IL-12/23R beta 1 or IFN-gamma receptor I, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 15(8).
- Savage NDL, de Boer T, Walburg KV, Joosten SA, van Meijgaarden K, Geluk A & Ottenhoff THM (2008), Human anti-inflammatory macrophages induce Foxp3(+)GITR(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells, which suppress via membrane-bound TGF beta-1, Journal of Immunology 181(3).
- Stalenhoef JE, Alisjahbana B, Nelwan EJ, van der Ven-Jongekrijg J, Ottenhoff THM, van der Meer JWM, Nelwan RH, Netea MG & van Crevel R (2008), The role of interferon-gamma in the increased tuberculosis risk in type 2 diabetes mellitus, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 27(2).
- Nejentsev S, Thye T, Szeszko JS, Stevens H, Balabanova Y, Chinbuah AM, Hibberd M, van de Vosse E, Alisjahbana B, Van Crevel R, Ottenhoff THM, Png E, Drobniewski F, Todd JA, Seielstad M & Horstmann RD (2008), Analysis of association of the TIRAP (MAL) S180L variant and tuberculosis in three populations, Nature Genetics 40(3).
- Schuck, S.D.; Kunitz, F.; Mueller, H.; Franken, K.L.; Ottenhoff, T.H.; Kaufmann, S.H. & Jacobsen, M. (2008), T-cell responses against subdominant antigens indicate latent M. tuberculosis infection, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 120.
- Leyten EMS, Prins C, Bossink AWJ, Thijsen S, Ottenhoff THM, van Dissel JT & Arend SM (2007), Effect of tuberculin skin testing on a Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific interferon-gamma assay, European Respiratory Journal 29(6).
- Sahiratmadja E, Alisjahbana B, de Boer T, Adnan I, Maya A, Danusantoso H, Danusantoso R, Nelwan RHH, Marzuki S, van der Meer JWM, van Crevel R, van de Vosse E & Ottenhoff THM (2007), Dynamic changes in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine profiles and gamma interferon receptor signaling integrity correlate with tuberculosis disease activity and response to curative treatment, Infection and Immunity 75(2).
- Joosten SA, van Meijgaarden KE, Savage NDL, de Boert T, Triebel F, van der Wal A, de Heer E, Klein MR, Geluk A & Ottenhoff THM (2007), Identification of a human CD8(+) regulatory T cell subset that mediates suppression through the chemokine CC chemokine ligand 4, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(19).
- Ottenhoff T (2007), Lack of immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis: DosR regulon proteins following BCG vaccination, Tropical Medicine and International Health 12.
- Noordzij JG, Hartwig NG, Verreck FAW, de Bruin-Versteeg S, de Boer T, van Dissel JT, de Groot R, Ottenhoff THM & van Dongen JJM (2007), Two patients with complete defects in interferon gamma receptor-dependent signaling, Journal of Clinical Immunology 27(5).
- Parkash, O.; Kumar, A.; Pandey, R.; Girdhar, B.K.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2007), Serological heterogeneity against various Mycobacterium leprae antigens and its use in serodiagnosis of leprosy patients, Journal of Medical Microbiology 56(9).
- Martinez V, Carcelain G, Badell E, Jouan M, Mauger I, Sellier P, Truffot C, Bricaire F, Arend SM, Ottenhoff T, Autran B & Gicquel B (2007), T-cell and serological responses to Erp, an exported Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein, in tuberculosis patients and healthy individuals, BMC Infectious Diseases 7.
- Kuijl C, Savage NDL, Marsman M, Tuin AW, Janssen L, Egan DA, Ketema M, van den Nieuwendijk R, van den Eeden SJF, Geluk A, Poot A, van der Marel G, Beijersbergen RL, Overkleeft H, Ottenhoff THM & Neefjes J (2007), Intracellular bacterial growth is controlled by a kinase network around PKB/AKT1, Nature 450(7170).
- Lin, M.Y.; Geluk, A.; Smith, S.G.; Stewart, A.L.; Friggen, A.H.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Verduyn, M.J.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Voskuil, M.I.; Dockrell, H.M.; Huygen, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Klein, M.R. (2007), Lack of immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis DosR regulon proteins following Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination, Infection and Immunity 75(7).
- Vordermeier HM, Brown J, Cockle PJ, Franken WPJ, Arend SM, Ottenhoff THM, Jahans K & Hewinson RG (2007), Assessment of cross-re activity between Mycobacterium bovis and M-kansasii ESAT-6 and CFP-10 at the T-Cell epitope level, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 14(9).
- Vordermeier HM, Brown J, Cockle PJ, Franken WPJ, Drijfhout JW, Arend SM, Ottenhoff THM, Jahans K & Hewinson RG (2007), Assessment of cross-reactivity between Mycobacterium bovis and M. kansasii ESAT-6 and CFP-10 at the T-Cell epitope level (vol 14, pg 1203, 2007).
- Sahiratmadja E, Wieringa FT, van Crevel R, de Visser AW, Adnan I, Alisjahbana B, Slagboom E, Marzuki S, Ottenhoff THM, van de Vosse E & Marx JJA (2007), Iron deficiency and NRAMP1 polymorphisms (INT4, D543N and 3/UTR) do not contribute to severity of anaemia in tuberculosis in the Indonesian population, British Journal of Nutrition 98(4).
- Ferwerda G, Kullberg BJ, de Jong DJ, Girardin SE, Langenberg DML, van Crevel R, Ottenhoff THM, van der Meer JWM & Netea MG (2007), Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is recognized by Toll-like receptors and NOD2, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 82(4).
- Roupie, V.; Romano, M.; Zhang, L.; Korf, H.; Lin, M.Y.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Klein, M.R. & Huygen, K. (2007), Immunogenicity of eight dormancy regulon-encoded proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in DNA-vaccinated and tuberculosis-infected mice, Infection and Immunity 75(2).
- Ferwerda G, de Jong DJ, van Crevel R, Ottenhoff THM, van der Meer JWM, Kullberg BJ & Netea MG (2007), Impaired immune recognition of M. tuberculosis and M. paratuberculosis in Crohn patients homozygous for the NOD2 3020insC mutation, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 19(10).
- Sahiratmadja E, Alisjahbana B, Buccheri S, Di Liberto D, de Boer T, Adnan I, van Crevel R, Klein MR, van Meijgaarden KE, Nelwan RHH, van de Vosse E, Dieli F & Ottenhoff THM (2007), Plasma granulysin levels and cellular interferon-gamma production correlate with curative host responses in tuberculosis, while plasma interferon-gamma levels correlate with tuberculosis disease activity in adults, Tuberculosis 87(4).
- Geluk, A.; Lin, M.Y.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Leyten, E.A.S.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Klein, M.R. (2007), T-cell recognition of the HspX protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis correlates with latent M-tuberculosis infection but not with M-bovis BCG vaccination, Infection and Immunity 75(6).
- Parkash, O.; Kumar, A.; Pandey, R.; Franken, K.L.M.C. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2007), Detection of Mycobacterium leprae infection employing a combinatorial approach of anti-45 kDa and modified anti-PGL-I antibody detection assays, Journal of Medical Microbiology 56(8).
- Sahiratmadja E, Baak-Pablo R, Visser AW, Alisjahbana B, Adnan I, van Crevel R, Marzuki S, van Dissel JT, Ottenhoff THM & van de Vosse E (2007), Association of polymorphisms in IL-12/IFN-gamma pathway genes with susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis in Indonesia, Tuberculosis 87(4).
- Alisjahbana B, Sahiratmadja E, Nelwan EJ, Purwa AM, Ahmad Y, Ottenhoff THM, Nelwan RHH, Parwati I, van der Meer JWM & van Crevel R (2007), The effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus on the presentation and treatment response of pulmonary tuberculosis, Clinical Infectious Diseases 45(4).
- Leyten EMS, Arend SM, Prins C, Cobelens FGJ, Ottenhoff THM & van Dissel JT (2007), Discrenancy between Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific gamma interferon release assays using short and prolonged in vitro incubation, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 14(7).
- Sanal O, Turul T, De Boer T, Van de Vosse E, Yalcin I, Tezcan I, Sun C, Memis L, Ottenhoff THM & Ersoy F (2006), Presentation of interleukin-12/-23 receptor beta 1 deficiency with various clinical symptoms of salmonella infections, Journal of Clinical Immunology 26(1).
- Parkash O, Kumar A, Nigam A, Franken KLMC & Ottenhoff THM (2006), Evaluation of recombinant serine-rich 45-kDa antigen (ML0411) for detection of antibodies in leprosy patients, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 64(4).
- Verreck FAW, de Boer T, Langenberg DML, van der Zanden L & Ottenhoff THM (2006), Phenotypic and functional profiling of human proinflammatory type-1 and anti-inflammatory type-2 macrophages in response to microbial antigens and IFN-gamma- and CD40L-mediated costimulation, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 79(2).
- Geluk A & Ottenhoff THM (2006), HLA and leprosy in the pre and postgenomic eras, Human Immunology 67(6).
- Demissie A, Leyten EMS, Abebe M, Wassie L, Aseffa A, Abate G, Fletcher H, Owiafe P, Hill PC, Brookes R, Ottenhoff THM, Andersen P & Doherty TM (2006), Recognition of stage-specific mycobacterial antigens differentiates between acute and latent infections with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 13(2).
- Netea MG, Azam T, Lewis EC, Joosten LAB, Wang MR, Langenberg D, Chan ED, Yoon DY, Ottenhoff T, Kim SH & Dinarello CA (2006), Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces interleukin-32 production through a caspase1/IL-18/interferon-gamma-dependent mechanism, PLoS Medicine 3(8).
- Leyten, E.M.S.; Lin, M.Y.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Friggen, A.H.; Prins, C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Voskuil, M.I.; Weldingh, K.; Andersen, P.; Schoolnik, G.K.; Arend, S.M.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Klein, M.R. (2006), Human T-cell responses to 25 novel antigens encoded by genes of the dormancy regulon of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Microbes and Infection 8(8).
- Leyten EMS, Mulder B, Prins C, Weldingh K, Andersen P, Ottenhoff THM, van Dissel JT & Arend SM (2006), Use of enzyme-linked immunospot assay with Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific peptides for diagnosis of recent infection with m. tuberculosis after accidental laboratory exposure, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 44(3).
- Hoeve MA, Savage NDL, de Boer T, Langenberg DML, Malefyt RD, Ottenhoff THM & Verreck FAW (2006), Divergent effects of IL-12 and IL-23 on the production of IL-17 by human T cells, European Journal of Immunology 36(3).
- van de Vosse E & Ottenhoff THM (2006), Human host genetic factors in mycobacterial and Salmonella infection: lessons from single gene disorders in IL-12/IL-23-dependent signaling that affect innate and adaptive immunity, Microbes and Infection 8(4).
- Alisjahbana B, van Crevel R, Sahiratmadja E, den Heijer M, Maya A, Istriana E, Danusantoso H, Ottenhoff THM, Nelwan RHH & van der Meer JWM (2006), Diabetes mellitus is strongly associated with tuberculosis in Indonesia, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 10(6).
- Geluk, A.; Klein, M.R.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Wieles, B.; Pereira, K.C.; Buhrer-Sekula, S.; Klatser, P.R.; Brennan, P.J.; Spencer, J.S.; Williams, D.L.; Pessolani, M.C.V.; Sampaio, E.P. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2005), Postgenomic approach to identify novel Mycobacterium leprae antigens with potential to improve immunodiagnosis of infection, Infection and Immunity 73(9).
- Williams, A.; Hatch, G.J.; Clark, S.O.; Gooch, K.E.; Hatch, K.A.; Hall, G.A.; Huygen, K.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Andersen, P.; Doherty, T.M.; Kaufmann, S.H.E.; Grode, L.; Seiler, P.; Martin, C.; Gicquel, B.; Cole, S.T.; Brodin, P.; Pym, A.S.; Dalemans, W.; Cohen, J.; Lobet, Y.; Goonetilleke, N.; McShane, H.; Hill, A.; Parish, T.; Smith, D.; Stoker, N.G.; Lowrie, D.B.; Kallenius, G.; Svenson, S.; Pawowski, A.; Blake, K. & Marsh, P.D. (2005), Evaluation of vaccines in the EU TB vaccine cluster using a guinea pig aerosol infection model of tuberculosis, Tuberculosis 85(1-2).
- Ressing, M.E.; Leeuwen, D. van; Verreck, F.A.W.; Keating, S.; Gomez, R.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Spriggs, M.; Schumacher, T.N.; Hutt-Fletcher, L.M.; Rowe, M. & Wiertz, E.J.H.J. (2005), Epstein-Barr virus gp42 is posttranslationally modified to produce soluble gp42 that mediates HLA class II immune evasion, Journal of Virology 79(2).
- Bivas-Benita M, Ottenhoff THM, Junginger HE & Borchard G (2005), Pulmonary DNA vaccination: Concepts, possibilities and perspectives, Journal of Controlled Release 107(1).
- de Lima CS, Zulianello L, Marques MAD, Kim H, Portugal MI, Antunes SL, Menozzi FD, Ottenhoff THM, Brennan PJ & Pessolani MCV (2005), Mapping the laminin-binding and adhesive domain of the cell surface-associated Hlp/LBP protein from Mycobacterium leprae, Microbes and Infection 7(9-10).
- Ottenhoff THM, Verreck FAW, Hoeve MA & van de Vosse E (2005), Control of human host immunity to mycobacteria, Tuberculosis 85(1-2).
- Morgan ME, van Bilsen JHM, Bakker AM, Heemskerk B, Schilham MW, Hartgers FC, Elferink BG, van der Zanden L, de Vries RRP, Huizinga TWJ, Ottenhoff THM & Toes REM (2005), Expression of FOXP3 mRNA is not confined to CD4(+)CD25(+) T regulatory cells in humans, Human Immunology 66(1).
- Antas, P.R.Z.; Cardoso, F.L.L.; Pereira, K.C.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Cunha, K.S.; Klatser, P.; Sarno, E.N.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Sampaio, E.P. (2005), T cell immune responses to mycobacterial antigens in Brazilian tuberculosis patients and controls, Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 99(9).
- Wood PMD, Fieschi C, Picard C, Ottenhoff THM, Casanova JL & Kumararatne DS (2005), Inherited defects in the interferon-gamma receptor or interleukin-12 signalling pathways are not sufficient to cause allergic disease in children, European Journal of Pediatrics 164(12).
- Fortes A, Pereira K, Antas PRZ, Franken CLMC, Dalcolmo M, Ribeiro-Carvalho MM, Cunha KS, Geluk A, Kritski A, Kolk A, Klatser P, Sarno EN, Ottenhoff THM & Sampaio EP (2005), Detection of in vitro interferon-gamma and serum tumour necrosis factor-alpha in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 141(3).
- Hill, P.C.; Jackson-Sillah, D.; Fox, A.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Lugos, M.D.; Jeffries, D.J.; Donkor, S.A.; Hammond, A.S.; Adegbola, R.A.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Klein, M.R. & Brookes, R.H. (2005), ESAT-6/CFP-10 fusion protein and peptides for optimal diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by ex vivo enzyme-linked immunospot assay in The Gambia, Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43(5).
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Wieles, B.; Arend, S.M.; Faber, W.R.; Naafs, B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2004), Immunological crossreactivity of the Mycobacterium leprae CFP-10 with its homologue in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 59(1).
- Bivas-Benita M, Oudshoorn M, Romeijn S, van Meijgaarden K, Koerten H, van der Meulen H, Lambert G, Ottenhoff T, Benita S, Junginger H & Borchard G (2004), Cationic submicron emulsions for pulmonary DNA immunization, Journal of Controlled Release 100(1).
- van Bergen J, Thompson A, van der Slik A, Ottenhoff THM, Gussekloo J & Koning F (2004), Phenotypic and functional characterization of CD4 T cells expressing killer Ig-like receptors, Journal of Immunology 173(11).
- Bivas-Benita, M.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Junginger, H.E.; Borchard, G.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M. & Geluk, A. (2004), Pulmonary delivery of chitosan-DNA nanoparticles enhances the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine encoding HLA-A*0201-restricted T-cell epitopes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vaccine 22(13-14).
- van de Vosse E, Hoeve MA & Ottenhoff THM (2004), Human genetics of intracellular infectious diseases: molecular and cellular immunity against mycobacteria and salmonellae, Lancet Infectious Diseases 4(12).
- Romano M, Denis O, D'Souza S, Wang XM, Ottenhoff THM, Brulet JM & Huygen K (2004), Induction of in vivo functional D-b-restricted cytolytic T cell activity against a putative phosphate transport receptor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Journal of Immunology 172(11).
- Janssen R, van Wengen A, Hoeve MA, ten Dam M, van der Burg M, van Dongen J, van de Vosse E, van Tol M, Bredius R, Ottenhoff TH, Weemaes C, van Dissel JT & Lankester A (2004), The same I kappa KB alpha mutation in two related individuals leads to completely different clinical syndromes, Journal of Experimental Medicine 200(5).
- Arend SM, de Palou EC, de Haas P, Janssen R, Hoeve MA, Verhard EM, Ottenhoff THM, van Soolingen D & van Dissel JT (2004), Pneumonia caused by Mycobacterium kansasii in a series of patients without recognised immune defect, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 10(8).
- Bayley JP, Ottenhoff THM & Verweij CL (2004), Is there a future for TNF promoter polymorphisms?, Genes and Immunity 5(5).
- MacLennan C, Fieschi C, Lammas DA, Picard C, Dorman SE, Sanal O, MacLennan JM, Holland SM, Ottenhoff THM, Casanova JL & Kumararatne DS (2004), Interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23 are key cytokines for immunity against salmonella in humans, Journal of Infectious Diseases 190(10).
- Aagaard C, Brock I, Olsen A, Ottenhoff THM, Weldingh K & Andersen P (2004), Mapping immune reactivity toward Rv2653 and Rv2654: Two novel low-molecular-mass antigens found specifically in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, Journal of Infectious Diseases 189(5).
- Ottenhoff THM & Bevan MJ (2004), Host-pathogen interactions - Editorial overview, Current Opinion in Immunology 16(4).
- Ottenhoff THM (2004), Genetics of type-I cytokines in human intracellular infectious diseases: a spectrum of novel genetic deficiencies demonstrates the essential role of type-I cytokines in immunity against nontuberculous mycobacteria, M-bovis BCG and salmonellae, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 62(3).
- Moraes MO, Pacheco AG, Schonkeren JJM, Vanderborght PR, Nery JAC, Santos AR, Moraes ME, Moraes JR, Ottenhoff THM, Sampaio EP, Huizinga TWJ & Sarno EN (2004), Interleukin-10 promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms as markers for disease susceptibility and disease severity in leprosy, Genes and Immunity 5(7).
- Verreck FAW, de Boer T, Langenberg DML, Hoeve MA, Kramer M, Vaisberg E, Kastelein R, Kolk A, de Waal-Malefyt R & Ottenhoff THM (2004), Human IL-23-producing type 1 macrophages promote but IL-10-producing type 2, macrophages subvert, immunity to (myco)bacteria, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(13).
- Vanderborght PR, Matos HJ, Salles AM, Vasconcellos SE, Silva VF, Huizinga TWJ, Ottenhoff THM, Sampaio EP, Sarno EN, Santos AR & Moraes MO (2004), Single nucleoticle polymorphisms (SNPs) at -238 and -308 positions in the TNF alpha promoter: Clinical and bacteriological evaluation in leprosy, International Journal of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases 72(2).
- Okkels LM, Brock I, Follmann F, Agger EM, Arend SM, Ottenhoff THM, Oftung F, Rosenkrands I & Andersen P (2003), PPE protein (Rv3873) from DNA segment RD1 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Strong recognition of both specific T-cell epitopes and epitopes conserved within the PPE family, Infection and Immunity 71(11).
- Ressing ME, van Leeuwen D, Verreck FAW, Gomez R, Heemskerk B, Toebes M, Mullen MM, Jardetzky TS, Longnecker R, Schilham MW, Ottenhoff THM, Neefjes J, Schumacher TN, Hutt-Fletcher LM & Wiertz EJHJ (2003), Interference with T cell receptor-HLA-DR interactions by Epstein-Barr virus gp42 results in reduced T helper cell recognition, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100(20).
- Kriek NMAJ, van der Hout E, Kelly P, van Meijgaarden KE, Geluk A, Ottenhoff THM, van der Marel GA, Overhand M, van Boom JH, Valentijn ARPM & Overkleeft HS (2003), Synthesis of novel tetrahydropyran-based dipeptide isosters by Overman rearrangement of 2,3-didehydroglycosides, European Journal of Organic Chemistry.
- Lichtenauer-Kaligis EGR, de Boer T, Verreck FAW, van Voorden S, Hoeve MA, van de Vosse E, Ersoy F, Tezcan H, van Dissel JT, Sanal O & Ottenhoff THM (2003), Severe Mycobacterium bovis BCG infections in a large series of novel IL-12 receptor beta 1 deficient patients and evidence for the existence of partial IL-12 receptor beta 1 deficiency, European Journal of Immunology 33(1).
- Koscielniak E, de Boer T, Dupuis S, Naumann L, Casanova JL & Ottenhoff THM (2003), Disseminated Mycobacterium peregrinum infection in a child with complete interferon-gamma receptor-1 deficiency, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 22(4).
- van de Vosse E, Lichtenauer-Kaligis EGR, van Dissel JT & Ottenhoff THM (2003), Genetic variations in the interleukin-12/interleukin-23 receptor (beta 1) chain, and implications for IL-12 and IL-23 receptor structure and function, Immunogenetics 54(12).
- Moraes MO, Santos AR, Schonkeren JJM, Vanderborght PR, Ottenhoff THM, Moraes ME, Moraes JR, Sampaio EP, Sarno EN & Huizinga TWJ (2003), Interleukin-10 promoter haplotypes are differently distributed in the Brazilian versus the Dutch population, Immunogenetics 54(12).
- Subronto, Y.W.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Geluk, A.; Arend, S.M.; Sunardi, T.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Hisyam, B.; Vries, R.R.P. de; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Marzuki, S.; Verhoef, J. & Snippe, H. (2003), Interferon-gamma production in response to M-tuberculosis antigens in TB patients in Indonesia, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 531.
- Ottenhoff THM, De Boer T, van Dissel JT & Verreck FAW (2003), Human deficiencies in type-1 cytokine receptors reveal the essential role of type-1 cytokines in immunity to intracellular bacteria, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 531.
- Hoeve MA, de Boer T, Langenberg DML, Sanal O, Verreck FAW & Ottenhoff THM (2003), IL-12 receptor deficiency revisited: IL-23-mediated signaling is also impaired in human genetic IL-12 receptor beta 1 deficiency, European Journal of Immunology 33(12).
- Skjot RLV, Brock I, Arend SM, Munk ME, Theisen M, Ottenhoff THM & Andersen P (2002), Epitope mapping of the immunodominant antigen TB10.4 and the two homologous proteins TB10.3 and TB12.9, which constitute a subfamily of the esat-6 gene family, Infection and Immunity 70(10).
- Santos AR, Suffys PN, Vanderborght PR, Moraes MO, Vieira LMM, Cabello PH, Bakker AM, Matos HJ, Huizinga TWJ, Ottenhoff THM, Sampaio EP & Sarno EN (2002), Role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10 promoter gene polymorphisms in leprosy, Journal of Infectious Diseases 186(11).
- Brahmbhatt S, Hussain R, Zafar S, Dawood G, Ottenhoff THM, Drijfhout JW, Bothamley G, Smith S, Lopez FV & Dockrell HM (2002), Human T cell responses to peptides of the Mycobacterium leprae 45-kD serine-rich antigen, Clinical and Experimental Immunology 128(1).
- Verreck FAW, de Boer T, Hoeve M, van Dissel JT, Sanal O, Kurimoto M & Ottenhoff THM (2002), Human host defense and cytokines in mycobacterial infectious diseases: Interleukin-18 cannot compensate for genetic defects in the interleukin-12 system, Clinical Infectious Diseases 35(2).
- Cardoso FLL, Antas PRZ, Milagres AS, Geluk A, Franken KLMC, Oliveira EB, Teixeira HC, Nogueira SA, Sarno EN, Klatser P, Ottenhoff THM & Sampaio EP (2002), T-cell responses to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis- specific antigen ESAT-6 in Brazilian tuberculosis patients, Infection and Immunity 70(12).
- Arend SM, van Meijgaarden KE, de Boer K, de Palou EC, van Soolingen D, Ottenhoff THM & van Dissel JT (2002), Tuberculin skin testing and in vitro T cell responses to ESAT-6 and culture filtrate protein 10 after infection with Mycobacterium marinum or M-kansasii, Journal of Infectious Diseases 186(12).
- Janssen R, van Wengen A, Verhard E, de Boer T, Zomerdijk T, Ottenhoff THM & van Dissel JT (2002), Divergent role for TNF-alpha in IFN-gamma-induced killing of Toxoplasma gondii and Salmonella typhimurium contributes to selective susceptibility of patients with partial IFN-gamma receptor 1 deficiency, Journal of Immunology 169(7).
- Geluk, A.; Meijgaarden, K.E. van; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Subronto, Y.W.; Wieles, B.; Arend, S.M.; Sampaio, E.P.; Boer, T. de; Faber, W.R.; Naafs, B. & Ottenhoff, T.H.M. (2002), Identification and characterization of the ESAT-6 homologue of Mycobacterium leprae and T-cell cross-reactivity with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Infection and Immunity 70(5).
- Ottenhoff THM (2002), Mycobacterium leprae and demyelination, Science 297(5586).
- van Crevel R, Ottenhoff THM & van der Meer JWM (2002), Innate immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Clinical Microbiology Reviews 15(2).
- Geluk A, Ottenhoff THM, Arend SM, Andersen P & Doherty TM (2002), ESAT-6 and CFP-10: What is the diagnosis? Authors' reply, Infection and Immunity 70(11).
- Lammas DA, De Heer E, Edgar JD, Novelli V, Ben-Smith A, Baretto R, Drysdale P, Binch J, MacLennan C, Kumararatne DS, Panchalingam S, Ottenhoff THM, Casanova JL & Emile JF (2002), Heterogeneity in the granulomatous response to mycobacterial infection in patients with defined genetic mutations in the interleukin 12-dependent interferon-gamma production pathway, International Journal of Experimental Pathology 83(1).
- Ottenhoff THM, Verreck FAW, Lichtenauer-Kaligis EGR, Hoeve MA, Sanal O & van Dissel JT (2002), Genetics, cytokines and human infectious disease: lessons from weakly pathogenic mycobacteria and salmonellae, Nature Genetics 32(1).
- Tanghe A, D'Souza S, Rosseels V, Denis O, Ottenhoff THM, Dalemans W, Wheeler C & Huygen K (2001), Improved immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a tuberculosis DNA vaccine encoding Ag85 by protein boosting, Infection and Immunity 69(5).
- Schuller S, Neefjes J, Ottenhoff T, Thole J & Young D (2001), Coronin is involved in uptake of Mycobacterium bovis BCG in human macrophages but not in phagosome maintenance, Cellular Microbiology 3(12).
- Arend SM, van Soolingen D, Ottenhoff THM & van Dissel JT (2001), Repeatedly negative tuberculin skin tests followed by active tuberculosis in an immunocompetent individual, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 58(2).
- Arend SM, Janssen R, Gosen JJ, Waanders H, de Boer T, Ottenhoff THM & van Dissel JT (2001), Multifocal osteomyelitis caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients with a genetic defect of the interferon-gamma receptor, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 59(3).
- Charo J, Geluk A, Sundback M, Mirzai B, Diehl AD, Malmberg KJ, Achour A, Huriguchi S, van Meijgaarden KE, Drijfhout JW, Beekman N, van Veelen P, Ossendorp F, Ottenhoff THM & Kiessling R (2001), The identification of a common pathogen-specific HLA class I A*0201-restricted cytotoxic T cell epitope encoded within the heat shock protein 65, European Journal of Immunology 31(12).
- van der Burg SH, Ressing ME, Kwappenberg KMC, de Jong A, Straathof K, de Jong J, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, Franken KLMC, Ottenhoff THM, Fleuren GJ, Kenter G, Melief CJM & Offringa R (2001), Natural T-HELPER immunity against human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) E7-derived peptide epitopes in patients with HPV16-positive cervical lesions: Identification of 3 human leukocyte antigen class II-restricted epitopes, International Journal of Cancer 91(5).
- Arend SM, Ottenhoff THM, Andersen P & van Dissel JT (2001), Uncommon presentations of tuberculosis: the potential value of a novel diagnostic assay based on the Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific antigens ESAT-6 and CFP-10, International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 5(7).
- Spierings E, de Boer T, Wieles B, Adams LB, Marani E & Ottenhoff THM (2001), Mycobacterium leprae-specific, HLA class II-restricted killing of human Schwann cells by CD4(+) Th1 cells: A novel immunopathogenic mechanism of nerve damage in leprosy, Journal of Immunology 166(10).
- Munk ME, Arend SM, Brock I, Ottenhoff THM & Andersen P (2001), Use of ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antigens for diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, Journal of Infectious Diseases 183(1).
- Arend SM, Engelhard ACF, Groot G, de Boer K, Andersen P, Ottenhoff THW & van Dissel JT (2001), Tuberculin skin testing compared with T-cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific and nonspecific antigens for detection of latent infection in persons with recent tuberculosis contact, Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 8(6).
- Macfarlane A, Mondragon-Gonzalez R, Vega-Lopez F, Wieles B, de Pena J, Rodriguez O, de la Torre RS, de Vries RRP, Ottenhoff THM & Dockrell HM (2001), Presence of human T-cell responses to the Mycobacterium leprae 45-kilodalton antigen reflects infection with or exposure to M-leprae, Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 8(3).
- Charo J, Sundback M, Geluk A, Ottenhoff T & Kiessling R (2001), DNA immunization of HLA transgenic mice with a plasmid expressing mycobacterial heat shock protein 65 results in HLA class I- and II-restricted T cell responses that can be augmented by cytokines, Human Gene Therapy 12(14).
- van Dissel JT, Arend SM & Ottenhoff THM (2001), Infections with non-tuberculous mycobacteria and salmonellae in patients with genetic defects in the interleukin-12/interferon-gamma-mediated pathway of macrophage activation, Netherlands Journal of Medicine 59(3).
- van Ham M, van Lith M, Lillemeier B, Tjin E, Gruneberg U, Rahman D, Pastoors L, van Meijgaarden K, Roucard C, Trowsdale J, Ottenhoff T, Pappin D & Neefjes J (2000), Modulation of the major histocompatibility complex class II-associated peptide repertoire by human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DO.
- Verhagen CE, de Boer T, Smits HH, Verreck FAW, Wierenga EA, Kurimoto M, Lammas DA, Kumararatne DS, Sanal O, Kroon FP, van Dissel JT, Sinigaglia F & Ottenhoff THM (2000), Residual type 1 immunity in patients genetically deficient for interleukin 12 receptor beta 1 (IL-12R beta 1): Evidence for an IL-12R beta 1-independent pathway of IL-12 responsiveness in human T cells.
- Spierings E, De Boer T, Zulianello L & Ottenhoff THM (2000), Novel mechanisms in the immunopathogenesis of leprosy nerve damage: The role of Schwann cells, T cells and Mycobacterium leprae.
- Spierings E, De Boer T, Zulianello L & Ottenhoff THM (2000), The role of Schwann cells, T cells and Mycobacterium leprae in the immunopathogenesis of nerve damage in leprosy, Leprosy Review 71.
- Arend SM, Geluk A, van Meijgaarden KE, van Dissel JT, Theisen M, Andersen P & Ottenhoff THM (2000), Antigenic equivalence of human T-cell responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific RD1-encoded protein antigens ESAT-6 and culture filtrate protein 10 and to mixtures of synthetic peptides.
- Vos K, Miltenburg AMM, van Meijgaarden KE, van den Heuvel M, Elferink DG, van Galen PJM, van Hogezand RA, van Vliet-Daskalopoulou E, Ottenhoff THM, Breedveld FC, Boots AMH & de Vries RRP (2000), Cellular immune response to human cartilage glycoprotein-39 (HC gp-39)-derived peptides in rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, Rheumatology 39(12).
- Franken KLMC, Hiemstra HS, van Meijgaarden KE, Subronto Y, den Hartigh J, Ottenhoff THM & Drijfhout JW (2000), Purification of His-tagged proteins by immobilized chelate affinity chromatography: The benefits from the use of organic solvent.
- Rea D, van Kooten C, van Meijgaarden KE, Ottenhoff THM, Melief CJM & Offringa R (2000), Glucocorticoids transform CD40-triggering of dendritic cells into an alternative activation pathway resulting in antigen-presenting cells that secrete IL-10.
- Arend SM, Andersen P, van Meijgaarden KE, Skjot RLV, Subronto YW, van Dissel JT & Ottenhoff THM (2000), Detection of active tuberculosis infection by T cell responses to early-secreted antigenic target 6-kDa protein and culture filtrate protein 10.
- Ottenhoff THM, de Boer T, Verhagen CE, Verreck FAW & van Dissel JT (2000), Human deficiencies in type 1 cytokine receptors reveal the essential role of type 1 cytokines in immunity to intracellular bacteria, Microbes and Infection 2(13).
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