Thomas Maguire
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. T.J. Maguire
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9506
- 0000-0003-3769-9962

Dr. Thomas Maguire is universitair docent 'Intelligence and Security' bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Universiteit Leiden, en Visiting Fellow bij de King's Intelligence and Security Group in het Department of War Studies, King's College London (KCL).
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Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- Gioe D.V., Jones A.R., Stanton D., Treddenick A. & Maguire T.J. (6 maart 2024), Canada Needs Real Foreign Intelligence: A muddled approach to espionage has been a disaster. Foreign Policy. [webartikel].
- Dylan H. & Maguire T.J. (2022), Secret Intelligence and public diplomacy in the Ukraine War, Survival 64(4): 33-74.
- Maguire T. & Franklin H. (2021), Creating a commonwealth security culture? : state-building and the international politics of security assistance in Tanzania, International History Review 43(1): 12-33.
- Glazzard A., Jesperson S., Maguire T. & Winterbotham E. (2018), Conflict, violent extremism and development: new challenges, new responses. London: Springer International Publishing.
- Glazzard A., Jesperson S., Maguire T. & Winterbotham E. (2017), Islamist violent extremism: a new form of conflict or business as usual?, Stability: international journal of security and development 6(1): .
- Maguire T.J. (2017), Kenya’s “war on poaching”: militarised responses to transnational organised crime. In: Reitano T, Jesperson S & Ruiz-Benitez de Lugo L.B. (red.), Militarised responses to transnational organised crime: the war on crime. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 61-90.
- Maguire T.J., Haenlein C. & Somerville K. (2016), Poaching, wildlife trafficking and terrorism. In: Haenline C. & Smith M.L.R. (red.), Poaching, wildlife trafficking and security in Africa: myths and realities: Routledge. 58.
- Maguire T.J. & Haenlein C. (2015), An illusion of complicity: terrorism and the illegal ivory trade in East Africa. London: Royal United Services Institute.
- Maguire T.J. (2015), Counter-subversion in early Cold War Britain: the Official Committee on Communism (Home), the IRD and “state-private networks”, Intelligence and National Security 30(5): 637--666.
- Maguire T.J. (2014), Interrogation and “psychological intelligence”: the construction of propaganda during the Malayan Emergency, 1948-1958. In: Andrew C. & Tobia S. (red.), Interrogation in war and conflict: Routledge.
- Maguire T.J. (2013), Transnational Threats and “State-Private Networks”: IRD Counter-Subversion in Early Cold War Britain, Inteligencia y Seguridad: Revista de Analisis y Prospectiva 13: 61-100.