Thijs Witty
Universitair Docent
- Naam
- Dr. T. Witty
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

Thijs Witty is universitair docent bij Leiden Universiteit Centre for the Arts in Society.
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Academie der Kunsten
Universitair Docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Literatuurwetenschap
- Davids Y., Watson G. & Witty T. (2023), Class: interviews. In: Davids Y. & Aikens N. (red.), I am going to be your last teacher: a workbook. Amsterdam: Roma Publications. 153-157.
- Witty T. (2022), De verbeelding van de catastrofe: Over visualiteit in de rouwliteratuur van Zabel Yesayan, Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 40(3): 6-14.
- Witty T. (22 september 2020), In Contact: Education during COVID. Notes of Hapticity Collective. [essay].
- Witty T. (2020), Towards Radical Praxis: Tiqqun, Form-of-Life and the Ethics of Civil War. In: Kalic S.N. & Foley A.P. (red.), Thinking About War and Peace: Past, Present, and Future: Inter-Disciplinary Press . 83-91.
- Witty T. (2020), Jezelf Buiten de Taal Plaatsen: Interview met Yael Davids, Metropolis M 2020(1): .
- Witty T. (28 juni 2019), Essays and Measure: Apprenticeships in Genre (Dissertatie. ASCA, Geesteswetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Rosello M., Baronian M.A.M.B.
- Witty T. (2017), Roland Barthes’ Bathmology. Living Together: European Summer School in Cultural Studies 14 augustus 2017 - 18 augustus 2017. Bergen, 14/08/2017-18/08/2017: Living Together: European Summer School in Cultural Studies.
- Witty T. (2016), A Disaster in the Translation Zone: Zabel Yesayan for the Present. ASCA International Workshop 2016: Transparency/Opacity 21 maart 2016 - 23 maart 2016. Amsterdam, 21/03/2016-23/03/2016: ASCA International Workshop 2016: Transparency/Opacity.
- Witty T. (2016), Opacity of the Outre-Langue: Marc Nichanian on Translation and Testimony. Translating Armenians, Armenians Translated 22 april 2016 - 23 april 2016. Ann Arbor, 22/04/2016-23/04/2016: Translating Armenians, Armenians Translated.
- Witty T. (2015), A Thinker of the Rootstock against the New Accelerationists: Hito Steyerl’s circulationism. The Coils of Politics and Aesthetics, Deleuze Mini-Conference 4 juli 2015 - 4 juli 2015. Amsterdam, 04/07/2015-04/07/2015: The Coils of Politics and Aesthetics, Deleuze Mini-Conference.
- Witty T. & Tali M. (2015), Wydarzenie w sztuce i polityce, Czas Kultury 186(3): 86-89.
- Witty T. (2015), For the New University, Open! Platform for Art, Culture, and the Public Domain : .
- Witty T. (2014), On the Impatience of Accelerationism, Kunstlicht 35(3): 95-109.
- Witty T. (2013), Questioning Limit-experience: Essayism in Terrence Malick's Badlands. Film-Philosophy Conference: Beyond Film 10 juli 2013 - 12 juli 2013. Amsterdam, 10/07/2013-12/07/2013: Film-Philosophy Conference: Beyond Film.
- Witty T. (2013), Antinomy and Essayism in Frére Dupont's Species Being and Nihilist Communism. ESSCS 2013 – European Summer School in Cultural Studies on Experiencing Space/ Spacing Experience: Concepts, Practices and Materialities 4 september 2013 - 8 september 2013. Bochum, 04/09/2013-08/09/2013: ESSCS 2013 – European Summer School in Cultural Studies on Experiencing Space/ Spacing Experience: Concepts, Practices and Materialities.
- Witty T. (2012), Virtuosity and Choreography: Contemporary Dance Development as Exodus. Avoir le courage de l’incertitude: Les cultures de la précarité 6 december 2012 - 7 december 2012. Paris, 06/12/2012-07/12/2012: Avoir le courage de l’incertitude: Les cultures de la précarité.
- Witty T. (2011), Can we Think the Image of Catastrophe?. ASCA International Workshop 2011 (Practicing Theory) 2 maart 2011 - 4 maart 2011. Amsterdam, 02/03/2011-04/03/2011: ASCA International Workshop 2011 (Practicing Theory) .
- Witty T. (2011), Sabotage, Pre-terrorism, Civil War: the Tarnac Affair. War and Peace: Ethics, Evil, Law and the State 19 mei 2011 - 21 mei 2011. Warsaw, 19/05/2011-21/05/2011: War and Peace: Ethics, Evil, Law and the State.
- Witty T. & Brits B. (2011), Community against Attributes: Derrida, Badiou, and Forms of Universality. Visions of the coming community 30 juni 2011 - 1 juli 2011. London, 30/06/2011-01/07/2011: Visions of the coming community.
- Witty T., Rosello M., Lierop D. van, Zuurmond A. & Brits B. (2011), Transporting Queer Dust: Housework and Feminization in Merzak Allouache’s 2003 Chouchou. Import–Export–transport: Queer Theory, Queer Critique and Activism in Motion 28 april 2011 - 30 april 2011. Vienna, 28/04/2011-30/04/2011: Import–Export–transport: Queer Theory, Queer Critique and Activism in Motion.