Theodorus van Berkel
Emeritus hoogleraar Biofarmacie in het bijzonder de drug targeting
- Naam
- Prof.dr. T.J.C. van Berkel
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727

Emeritus hoogleraar Biofarmacie in het bijzonder de drug targeting
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Biopharmaceutics
- Berkel T.J.C. van (25 maart 2011), Met Hartstocht voor de Va(ar)ten. Rede uitgesproken ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de Biofarmacie, in het bijzonder Drug Targeting aan de Universiteit Leiden. Leiden. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), The concerted action of various cell types from the liver in lipoprotein catabolism. Workshop SFB Biomembranes. University of Graz, Austria. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), Gene Therapy: A view from Academia. ULLA staff meeting. London, UK. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), In vivo fate of antisense oligonucleotides. EU meeting. Napels, Italy. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), The importance of scavenger-receptor class A and B for the metabolism of modified LDL and HDL by sinusoidal liver cells. 9th International Symposium on Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid. Christchurch, New Zealand. [lezing].
- Keulen A.C.I. van, Drijfhout J.W., Noordende J.M. van 't, Spies F., Koerten H.K., Berkel T.J.C. van & Biessen E.A.L. (1998), Development of non-viral vectors for hepatic gene therapy in vivo. 14th Lecture on Course on Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Development of new vectors and transcriptional switches for the gene therapy of human diseases. Vividale del Friuli, Udine, Italy. [lezing].
- Rensen P.C.N., Keulen A.C.I. van, Herijgers N., Sliedregt L.A.J.M., Santbrink P.J. van, Berkel T.J.C. van & Biessen E.A.L. (1998), Recombinant chylomicrons as promosing carriers of DNA for non-viral gene therapy. 14th Lecture Course on Biophysics and Molecular Biology: Development of new vectors and transcriptional switches for the gene therapy of human diseases. Cividale del Friuli, Udine, Italy. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), Role of scavenger-receptors in lipoprotein metabolism. International Medicine. Utrecht, The Netherlands. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), Receptor-dependent cellular targeting of synthetic gene delivery systems. Conference on gene Therapy. Keystone, Colorado, USA. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), Role of scavenger-receptors class A and B in (modified) LDL and HDL metabolism. European Atherosclerosis Society. Geneva, Switzerland. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), New delivery systems for the specific targeting of drugs. Yamanouchi. Shizuoka, Japan. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), Oxidized LDL catabolism in scavenger receptor class A type I, II knock out mice. 71th Session of the American Heart Association. Dallas, USA. [lezing].
- Berkel T.J.C. van (1998), Receptor-dependent cellular targeting of synthetic gene-delivery systems. Gene Medicine. Houston, USA. [lezing].