Tessa Minter
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. T. Minter
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3816
- mintert@fsw.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-3440-3620

Tessa Minter is universitair docent bij het Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Ontwikkelingssociologie. In haar onderzoek en onderwijs richt zij zich op milieu-antropologie, met bijzondere belangstelling voor de bestaansstrategieën van van bossen afhankelijke mensen en kustvolken in de Aziatisch-Pacifische regio, en hun aanpassing aan sociale en milieuveranderingen.
Als het nieuws en artikelen van Tessa Minter zijn te vinden op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- B. Griffin & T. Minter (2024), Tom N. Headland [Tom N. Headland] (vertaling B. Griffin & T. Minter). United States: American Anthropological Association (AAA), Anthropology News : .
- Minter T., Naito D. & Sunderland T. (2023), A call for a wider perspective on sustainable forestry: introduction to the Special Issue on The Social Impacts of Logging, The International Forestry Review 25(S1): 1-16.
- Minter T. & Headland T.N. (2023), Why Philippine foragers have not become farmers. : Two decades of research on Agta swidden cultivation (1983 to 2004). In: Cairns M., Hill B. & Tossaporn K. (red.), Farmer Innovations and Best Practices by Shifting Cultivators in Asia-Pacific. Wallingford: CABI. 155-177.
- Littlejohn A.L., Boy J.D., De Musso F., Grasseni C., Kanters C.L., Luning S.W.J., Meerendonk T. van de, Minter T., Ochigame R.K. & Spierenburg M.J. (2022), Remodeling environments: anthropological perspectives on the limits of computational models. 8th Workshop on Computing within Limits 21 juni 2022 - 22 juni 2022.
- Diedrich A., Duce S., Eriksson H., Govan H., Harohau D., Koczberski G., Lau J., Mills D., Minter T., Steenbergen D. & Troell M. (2022), An applied research agenda for navigating diverse livelihood challenges in rural coastal communities in the tropics, One Earth 5(11): 1205-1215.
- Minter T. & Ploeg J. van der (2021), ‘Our happy hour became a hungry hour': logging, subsistence and social relations in Solomon Islands, International Forestry Review 23(4): 1-23.
- Tessa Minter (2021), A call to protect women’s rights in Solomon Islands’ forestry legislation, policy and practice [A call to protect women’s rights in Solomon Islands’ forestry legislation, policy and practice] (vertaling Minter T.), CIFOR Info Brief September 2021(338): 1-8.
- Minter T. (22 juni 2021), Women on the cutting edge : logging and gender in Solomon Islands. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Legierse T., Notsu A., Hiemstra M., Wijk W. van & Minter T. et al. (21 december 2021), Loneliness in solidarity and solidarity in loneliness: how students in cultural anthropology and development sociology navigate the Covid-19 crisis. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Hagen R.V. & Minter T. (2020), Displacement in the Name of Development. How Indigenous Rights Legislation Fails to Protect Philippine Hunter-Gatherers, Society & Natural Resources 33(1): 65-82.
- Ploeg J. van der, Sukulu M., Govan H., Minter T. & Eriksson H. (2020), Sinking islands, drowned logic; climate change and community-based adaptation discourses in Solomon Islands , Sustainability 12(17): 7225.
- Persoon G.A. & Minter T. (2020), Knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples in the context of resource management in relation to climate change in Southeast Asia , Sustainability 12(19): 7983.
- Page A.E., Minter T., Viguier S. & Migliano A.B. (2018), Hunter-gatherer health and development policy: How the promotion of sedentism worsens the Agta's health outcomes, Social Science & Medicine 197: 39-48.
- Persoon G.A. & Minter T. (2018), Can Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Create Legal Certainty for Hunter-Gatherers?. In: Bedner A. & Oomen B. (red.), Real Legal Certainty and its Relevance. Essays in Honour of Jan Michiel Otto. Law, Governance, and Development. Leiden: Leiden University Press. 43-56.
- Minter T., Orirana G., Boso D. & Ploeg J. van der (2018), From happy hour to hungry hour: logging, fisheries and food security in Malaita, Solomon Islands nr. 2018-07. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish.
- Pels P., Boog I., Florusbosch H.J., Kripe Z., Minter T., Postma M., Sleeboom‐Faulkner M., Simpson B., Dilger H., Schönhuth M., Poser A., Castillo R.C., Lederman R. & Richards‐Rissetto H. (2018), Data management in anthropology: The next phase in ethics governance?, Social Anthropology 26(3): 391-413.
- Mesman J., Minter T., Angnged A., Cissé I.A.H., Salali G.D. & Bamberg Migliano A. (2018), Universality Without Uniformity: A Culturally Inclusive Approach to Sensitive Responsiveness in Infant Caregiving, Child Development Research 89(3): 837-850.
- Minter T. (2018), Zo afgesloten van de buitenwereld, hoe bestaat het.
- Minter T. (2017), Mobility and Sedentarization among the Philippine Agta, Senri Ethnological Studies 95: 119-150.
- Mesman J., Minter T. & Angnged A. (2016), Received Sensitivity: Adapting Ainsworth's Scale to Capture Sensitivity in a Multiple-Caregiver Context, Attachment & Human Development 18(2): 101-114.
- Ploeg J. van der, Aquino D.M., Minter T. & Weerd M. van (2016), Recognising land rights for conservation tenure reforms in the Northern Sierra Madre, The Philippines, Conservation and Society 14(2): 146-160.
- Hagen R., Ploeg J. van der & Minter T. (2016), How do hunter-gatherers learn? The transmission of indigenous knowledge among the Agta of the Philippines, Hunter Gatherer Research 2(4): 389-413.
- Buenafe-Ze M., Minter T. & Telan W.G. (2016), Against mining and the need for mining: conundrums of the Agta from the Northeastern Philippines, Journal fur Entwicklungspolitik 32(4): 67-91.
- Van der Ploeg J., Aquino D.M., Minter T. & Van Weerd M. (2016), Recognising Land Rights For Conservation? Tenure Reforms In The Northern Sierra Madre, The Philippines, Conservation and Society 14(2): 146-160.
- Minter T. (2016) The Agta People: A Photographic Depiction. Bespreking van: Headland T.N., Headland J. & Uehara R.T. (2011), The Agta People: A Photographic Depiction. Dallas: SIL International. Anthropology Review Database : 229.
- Persoon G.A. & Minter T. (22 oktober 2015), The revival of hunter-gatherer research. Leiden Anthropology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Minter T. (2015), Health For All in 2015: How About Hunter-Gatherers?, ICA Gezondheid Magazine (April): 20-23.
- Minter T., Van der Ploeg J., Pedrablanca M., Sunderland T. & Persoon G.A. (2014), Limits to indigenous participation: The Agta and the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park, the Philippines, Human Ecology 42(5): 769-778.
- Cruz J.P., Headland T.N., Minter T., Grig S., Phil M. & Aparentado M.G. (2013), Land rights and inclusive development: The struggle of marginalized peoples against APECO and the pursuit of alternative development pathways, Landscape Journal 2(12): 54-63.
- Minter T., Ke W.l. & Persoon G.A. (2012), La formacion en contextos interculturales: Lecciones aprendidas en diversos paises Bogota. Bogota: Tropenbos Internacional.
- Minter T., Van der Ploeg J., Persoon G.A., Brabander V. de & Sunderland T. (2012), Whose Consent? Hunter-Gatherers and Extractive Industries in the Northeastern Phillipines, Society & Natural Resources 25(12): 1241-1257.
- Persoon G.A. & Minter T. (2011), Code of conduct for working with indigenous and local communities. Wageningen: Tropenbos International.
- Minter T. (19 mei 2010), The Agta of the Northern Sierra Madre. Livelihood strategies and resilience among Philippine hunter-gatherers (Dissertatie. Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Leiden Univeristy). Promotor(en): Persoon G.A. & Schefold R.
- Minter T. (2009), Contemporary Relations between Agta and Their Farming Neighbours in the Northern Sierra Madre of Philippines, Senri Ethnological Studies 73: 205-228.
- Persoon G.A., Weerd M. van, Aquino D.M. & Minter T. (2009), Value from the forest. In: Persoon G.A., Masipiqueña A.B., Ploeg J. van der, Masipiqueña M.D. & Weerd M. van (red.), Crossing Boundaries: celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre. Manila: CVPED. 107-115.
- Minter T., Pedrablanca M., Persoon G.A. & Schefold R. (2009), The Agta of the Sierra Madre. In: Persoon G.A., Masipiqueña A.B., Ploeg J. van der, Masipiqueña M.D. & Weerd M. van (red.), Crossing Boundaries: celebrating 20 years of environmental research in Cagayan Valley and Sierra Madre. Manila: CVPED. 63-73.
- Pedrablanca M.R., Peña N. dela, Minter T. & Van der Ploeg J. (2009), Facilitating the participation of the Agta in the management of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park. Masipiqueña A.B., Weerd M. van & Udto R.G. (red.), Changing Landscapes. Proceedings of the sixth international conference on environment and development.. The sixth international conference on environment and development. Changing Landscapes. Manilla: CVPED. 160-170.
- Persoon G.A., Est D.M.E. van & Minter T. (2006), Decentralisation of natural resource management: some themes and unresolved issues, antropologi Indonesia 29(3): 225-238.
- Perez P.L., Minter T. & Persoon G.A. (2005), Introduction: environmental change through social change?Towards understanding the role of indigenous peoples in the Philippines. In: Ploeg J. van der & Masipiqueña A.B. (red.), The future of the Sierra Madre: responding to social and ecological changes. Tuguegarao: Golden Press. 243-244.
- Persoon G.A., Minter T. & Visorro P. (2005), Indigenous peoples and tropical rain forest management: global discourses, local dilemmas. In: Snelder D.J. & Bernardo E.C. (red.), Comanagement in practice: the challenges and complexities of implementation in the Northern Sierra Madre mountain region. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press. 37-80.
- Minter T. & Ranay M.L. (2005), The law of the jungle: logging as sustainable livelihood activity for the Agta of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park?. Ploeg J. van der & Masipiquena A.B. (red.), The future of the Sierra Madre: responding to social and ecological changes. 5th Regional Conference on Environment and Development CVPED. Tuguegarao: Golden Press. 390-414.
- Minter T., Perez P.L. & Persoon G.A. (2005), Towards understanding the role of indigenous peoples in the Philippines: a synthesis. Ploeg J. van der & Masipiquena A.B. (red.), The future of the Sierra Madre: responding to social and ecological changes. 5th Regional Conference on Environment and Development CVPED Cabagan. Tuguegarao: Golden Press. 465-468.
- Minter T., Cureg M.C., Van der Ploeg J., Bagunu A.M., Aggabao T.R., Valencia J.G., Aquino D.M. & Ranay M.L. (2005), Ako ay Agta, Ako ay Filipino! Proceedings of the Agta Workshop. Cabagan: CVPED.
- Minter T., Cureg M.C., Aquino D.M. & Ranay M.L. (2005), Proceedings of Agta Workshop Ako ay Agta, Ako ay Pilipino. Tuguegarao: Golden Press.
- Minter T. & Ranay M.L. (2005), Census report and settlement map of the Agta of the Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park 2002-2005. Cabagan: Isabela State University.
- Van der Ploeg J. & Minter T. (2004), Cinereous vulture Aegypius monachus: first record for the Philippines, Forktail 20: 109.
- Persoon G.A., Minter T., Slee B. & Hammen C.M. van der (2004), The position of indigenous peoples in the management of tropical forests. Wageningen: Tropenbos International.
- Persoon G.A., Minter T. & Visorro P. (2003), Indigenous peoples and tropical rainforest management: global discourses, local dilemmas. Ploeg J. van der, Bernardo E.C. & Masipiquena A.B. (red.), The Sierra Madre Mountain Range: Global Relevance, Local Realities. 4th Regional Conference on Environment and Development. Tuguegarao City: Golden Press. 209-240.
- Elixhauser S., Snelder D.J.R.M., Minter T. & Persoon G.A. (2003), Ecotourism in the Northern SIerra Madre Natural Park: potentials and realities. Ploeg J. van der, Bernardo E.C. & Masipiquena A.B. (red.), The Sierra Madre Mountain Range: Global Relevance, Local Realities. 4th Regional Conference on Environment and Development. Tuguegarao City: Golden Press. 336-352.