Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes
Hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie, in het bijzonder die van de mens
- Naam
- Prof.dr. S.M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- 0000-0003-3866-2803

Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes is hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie bij de afdeling Anatomie en Embryologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Ze is ook gastprofessor aan het Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, België. Ze is past-coördinator van de special interest groep “Stam Cellen” in de European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Ze ontving een VENI (2006) en een VICI (2019) onderzoeksbeurs van NWO/ZonMW en een ERC consolidator (2016) onderzoeksbeurs van de EC. Ze coördineert het ZonMW PSIDER-consortium HipGametes en is PI in het internationale Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine reNEW. Ook heeft zij tweemaal een Aspasia premie en tweemaal de Snoo – van 't Hoogerhuijs Stichting prijs ontvangen.
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Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes is hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie bij de afdeling Anatomie en Embryologie van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum. Ze is ook gastprofessor aan het Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent, België. Ze is past-coördinator van de special interest groep “Stam Cellen” in de European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Ze ontving een VENI (2006) en een VICI (2019) onderzoeksbeurs van NWO/ZonMW en een ERC consolidator (2016) onderzoeksbeurs van de EC. Ze coördineert het ZonMW PSIDER-consortium HipGametes en is PI in het internationale Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine reNEW. Ook heeft zij tweemaal een Aspasia premie en tweemaal de Snoo – van 't Hoogerhuijs Stichting prijs ontvangen.
Menselijke ontwikkeling
Er een groeiende belangstelling om menselijke ontwikkeling te begrijpen. Ten eerste omdat het duidelijk is geworden dat kwaadaardige cellen vroege ontwikkelingsprogramma's benutten voor hun overleving en groei, en daarom zal een dieper begrip van de menselijke ontwikkeling gevolgen hebben voor kankeronderzoek. Ten tweede omdat we betere (en efficiëntere) modellen willen ontwikkelen voor in vitro differentiatie naar specifieke celtypen vanuit menselijke pluripotente stamcellen met behulp van 3D-modellen met organoïden/organen-op-chip.
Deze leerstoel combineert expertise van menselijke ontwikkeling (toegang tot foetaal materiaal) met sterke kennis van in vitro differentiatie modellen (weefselkweek), en biedt een mix van fundamenteel en toegepast onderzoek. Bovendien is er een sterke inbedding met singel-cel sequencing, computational analyse en gene-editing technologieën. Onze focus blijft het urogenitale systeem, het ontwikkelen van assays om eicellen uit de eierstok te rijpen en in vitro gametogenese. Dit onderzoek is relevant voor nieuwe strategieën voor het behoud van vruchtbaarheid en het ontwikkelen van innovatieve technologieën op het gebied van menselijke reproductie.
De gerelateerde NWA-routes zijn:
- Personalised medicine: uitgaan van het individu
- Preventie en gezondheidszorgonderzoek
- Meten en detecteren: altijd, alles en overal
- Oorsprong van leven- op aarde en in het heelal
Regeneratieve geneeskunde: game changer op weg naar brede toepassing
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Dr. Chuva de Sousa Lopes promoveerde in 2004 aan de Universiteit Utrecht (Hubrecht Institute) ("BMP's, TGFbs en integrinen in spier- en kiemcelontwikkeling bij muizen") en heeft de inaugurele rede "Innovatieve technologieën in menselijke reproductie: uitdagingen voor de toekomst" in 2020 gegeven aan de Universiteit Leiden.
De afgelopen 5 jaar heeft Dr. Chuva de Sousa Lopes zich geconcentreerd op onderzoek met als doel het karakteriseren van de menselijke eierstokken tijdens de ontwikkeling en de volwassenheid. Hiervoor heeft haar onderzoeksgroep gebruik gemaakt van single cell transcriptomics en de gegenereerde kennis is van cruciaal belang geweest voor het ontwikkelen van methoden voor het in vitro kweken van menselijk eierstokmateriaal en voor het ontwikkelen van protocollen voor in vitro gametogenese met behulp van menselijke pluripotente stamcellen. Dit heeft geresulteerd in verschillende manuscripten in tijdschriften zoals Nature Communications (10.1038/s41467-019-11036-9) en Developmental Cell (10.1016/j.devcel.2024.01.006). Bovendien concentreerde Chuva de Sousa Lopes zich op het begrijpen hoe verschillen in de geslachtschromosomen leiden tot vrouwelijke of mannelijke gonadale differentiatie. Daarbij heeft haar onderzoeksgroep een differentiatieprotocol ontwikkeld om op zeer efficiënte wijze primordiale kiemcellen te genereren uit menselijke pluripotente stamcellen, gepubliceerd in Cell Rep Methods (10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100488).
Chuva de Sousa Lopes publiceerde samen met LUMC-collega's, zoals prof. F. Koning in Nature immunology (10.1038/s41590-018-0294-9) en prof. T. Rabelink in Cell Stem Cell (10.1016/j.stem.2022.10.008) ; landelijk met Prof. B. Eggen (Groningen) in Science (10.1126/science.aba5906) en Dr. Rios (Utrecht) in Nature Biotechnology (10.1038/s41587-021-00926-3); en internationaal met Prof. Montseraat (Spanje) in Nature Materials (10.1038/s41563-020-00804-4) en met Dr. Ebrahimkhani (VS) in Nature (10.1038/s41586-023-06914-8).
Hoogleraar Ontwikkelingsbiologie, in het bijzonder die van de mens
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 4
- Anatomie en Embryologie
- Darmasaputra, G.S.; Geerlings, C.C.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Clevers, H. & Galli, M. (2024), Binucleated human hepatocytes arise through late cytokinetic regression during endomitosis M phase, Journal of Cell Biology 223(8).
- Hislop, J.; Song, Q.; Keshavarz, F.K.; Alavi, A.; Schoenberger, R.; Legraw, R.; Velazquez, J.J.; Mokhtari, T.; Taheri, M.N.; Rytel, M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Watkins, S.; Stolz, D.; Kiani, S.; Sozen, B.; Bar-Joseph, Z. & Ebrahimkhani, M.R. (2024), Modelling post-implantation human development to yolk sac blood emergence, Nature 626(7998).
- Cheng, H.; Wei, F.; Valle, J.S. del; Stolk, T.H.R.; Huirne, J.A.; Asseler, J.D.; Pilgram, G.S.K.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der; Mello, N.M. van & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2024), In vitro growth of secondary follicles from cryopreserved-thawed ovarian cortex, Human Reproduction 39(12).
- (2023), Efficient and scalable generation of primordial germ cells in 2D culture using basement membrane extract overlay, Cell Reports: Methods.
- (2023), Generating high-fidelity cochlear organoids from human pluripotent stem cells, Cell Stem Cell.
- (2023), Bioengineered 3D Ovarian Models as Paramount Technology for Female Health Management and Reproduction, Bioengineering.
- Valle, J.S. del & Lopes, S.C.D. (2023), Bioengineered 3D Ovarian Models as Paramount Technology for Female Health Management and Reproduction, Bioengineering 10(7).
- Rüland, L.; Andreatta, F.; Massalini, S.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Clevers, H.; Hendriks, D. & Artegiani, B. (2023), Organoid models of fibrolamellar carcinoma mutations reveal hepatocyte transdifferentiation through cooperative BAP1 and PRKAR2A loss, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Hendriks, D.; Brouwers, J.F.; Hamer, K.; Geurts, M.H.; Luciana, L.; Massalini, S.; López-Iglesias, C.; Peters, P.J.; Rodríguez-Colman, M.J.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Artegiani, B. & Clevers, H. (2023), Engineered human hepatocyte organoids enable CRISPR-based target discovery and drug screening for steatosis, Nature Biotechnology 41(11): 1567-+.
- Wei, F.; Fan, X.Y.; Valle, J.S. del; Asseler, J.D.; Meeren, L.E. van der; Cheng, H.; Roelen, B.A.J.; Louwe, L.A.; Pilgram, G.S.K.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der; Mello, N.M. van & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2023), Classification of atretic small antral follicles in the human ovary, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(23).
- (2023), Engineered human hepatocyte organoids enable CRISPR-based target discovery and drug screening for steatosis, Nature Biotechnology.
- Jain, V.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Benotmane, M.A.; Verratti, V.; Mitchell, R.T. & Stukenborg, J.B. (2023), Human development and reproduction in space-a European perspective, NPJ MICROGRAVITY 9(1).
- (2023), Immune subset-committed proliferating cells populate the human foetal intestine throughout the second trimester of gestation, Nature Communications.
- Christodoulaki, A.; He, H.; Zhou, M.; Barberán, A.C.; Roo, C. de; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Baetens, M.; Menten, B.; Soom, A. van; Sutter, P. de; Weyers, S.; Boel, A.; Stoop, D. & Heindryckx, B. (2023), Characterization of ovarian tissue oocytes from transgender men reveals poor calcium release and embryo development, which might be overcome by spindle transfer, Human Reproduction 38(6): 1135-1150.
- (2023), The role of DNA hydroxymethylation and TET enzymes in placental development and pregnancy outcome, Clinical Epigenetics.
- (2023), Retained chromosomal integrity following CRISPR-Cas9-based mutational correction in human embryos, Molecular Therapy.
- Eikmans, M.; Keur, C. van der; Anholts, J.D.H.; Drabbels, J.J.M.; Beelen, E. van; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Hoorn, M.L. van der (2022), Primary trophoblast cultures: characterization of HLA profiles and immune cell interactions, Frontiers in Immunology 13.
- Barker, R.A.; Boer, G.J.; Cattaneo, E.; Charo, R.A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Cong, Y.L.; Fujita, M.; Goldman, S.; Hermeren, G.; Hyun, I.; Lisgo, S.; Rosser, A.E.; Anthony, E. & Lindvall, O. (2022), The need for a standard for informed consent for collection of human fetal material, Stem Cell Reports 17(6): 1245-1247.
- Mircea, M.; Hochane, M.; Fan, X.Y.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Garlaschelli, D. & Semrau, S. (2022), Phiclust: a clusterability measure for single-cell transcriptomics reveals phenotypic subpopulations, Genome Biology 23(1).
- Ramovs, V.; Janssen, H.; Fuentes, I.; Pitaval, A.; Rachidi, W.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Freund, C.; Gidrol, X.; Mummery, C. & Raymond, K. (2022), hiPSC-derived skin organoids as tools for disease modelling: characterization of the epidermal-dermal junction, Journal of Investigative Dermatology 142(12): S278-S278.
- Valle, J.S. del; Mancini, V.; Garay, M.L.; Asseler, J.D.; Fan, X.Y.; Metzemaekers, J.; Louwe, L.A.; Pilgram, G.S.K.; Westerlaken, L.A.J.V.; Mello, N.M. van & Lopes, S.C.D.M. (2022), Dynamic in vitro culture of cryopreserved-thawed human ovarian cortical tissue using a microfluidics platform does not improve early folliculogenesis, Frontiers in Endocrinology 13.
- Popovic, M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2022), Emerging in vitro platforms and omics technologies for studying the endometrium and early embryo-maternal interface in humans, Placenta 125: 36-46.
- Ramovs, V.; Janssen, H.; Fuentes, I.; Pitaval, A.; Rachidi, W.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Freund, C.; Gidrol, X.; Mummery, C.L. & Raymond, K. (2022), Characterization of the epidermal-dermal junction in hiPSC-derived skin organoids, Stem Cell Reports 17(6): 1279-1288.
- Hasaart, K.A.L.; Manders, F.; Ubels, J.; Verheul, M.; Roosmalen, M.J. van; Groenen, N.M.; Oka, R.; Kuijk, E.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Boxtel, R. van (2022), Article Human induced pluripotent stem cells display a similar mutation burden as embryonic pluripotent cells in vivo, iScience 25(2).
- Vasconcelos, S.; Pinto, J.; Ramalho, C.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Marques, J. & Doria, S. (2022), EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF EPIGENETIC REGULATORS IN HUMAN PLACENTAS FROM IDIOPATHIC PREGNANCY LOSSES, Medicine 101(30).
- Panfilio, K.A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2022), The extended analogy of extraembryonic development in insects and amniotes, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377(1865).
- Czukiewska, S.M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2022), Fetal germ cell development in humans, a link with infertility, Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 131: 58-65.
- Roelen, B.A.J. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2022), Stay on the road: from germ cell specification to gonadal colonization in mammals, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377(1865).
- Ineveld, R.L. van; Collot, R.; Roman, M.B.; Pagliaro, A.; Bessler, N.; Ariese, H.C.R.; Kleinnijenhuis, M.; Kool, M.; Alieva, M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Wehrens, E.J. & Rios, A.C. (2022), Multispectral confocal 3D imaging of intact healthy and tumor tissue using mLSR-3D, Nature Protocols 17(12): 3028-+.
- Stamatiadis, P.; Cosemans, G.; Boel, A.; Menten, B.; Sutter, P. de; Stoop, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Lluis, F.; Coucke, P. & Heindryckx, B. (2022), TEAD4 regulates trophectoderm differentiation upstream of CDX2 in a GATA3-independent manner in the human preimplantation embryo, Human Reproduction 37(8): 1760-1773.
- Lopes, S.C.D.; Roelen, B.A.J.; Lawson, K.A. & Zwijsen, A. (2022), The development of the amnion in mice and other amniotes, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377(1865).
- Krop, J.; Zwan, A. van der; Ijsselsteijn, M.E.; Kapsenberg, H.; Luk, S.J.; Hendriks, S.H.; Keur, C. van der; Verleng, L.J.; Somarakis, A.; Meeren, L. van der; Haasnoot, G.; Bos, M.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der; Koning, F.; Claas, F.H.J.; Heidt, S. & Eikmans, M. (2022), Imaging mass cytometry reveals the prominent role of myeloid cells at the maternal-fetal interface, iScience 25(7).
- Wang, G.Q.; Heijs, B.; Kostidis, S.; Rietjens, R.G.J.; Koning, M.; Yuan, L.S.; Tiemeier, G.L.; Mahfouz, A.; Dumas, S.J.; Giera, M.; Kers, J.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Berg, C.W.V.; Berg, B.M.V. & Rabelink, T.J. (2022), Spatial dynamic metabolomics identifies metabolic cell fate trajectories in human kidney differentiation, Cell Stem Cell 29(11): 1580-+.
- Popovic, M.; Azpiroz, F. & Lopes, S.C.D.M. (2021), Engineered models of the human embryo, Nature Biotechnology 39.
- Fan, X.Y.; Moustakas, I.; Bialecka, M.; Valle, J.S. del; Overeem, A.W.; Louwe, L.A.; Pilgram, G.S.K.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der; Mei, H.L. & Lopes, S.C.D.M. (2021), Single-cell transcriptomics analysis of human small antral follicles, PLoS Genetics 22(21).
- Martin-Inaraja, M.; Ferreira, M.; Taelman, J.; Eguizabal, C. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2021), Improving in vitro culture of human male fetal germ cells, Cells 10(8).
- Overeem, A.W.; Chang, Y.W.; Spruit, J.; Roelse, C.M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2021), Ligand-receptor interactions elucidate sex-specific pathways in the trajectory from primordial germ cells to gonia during human development, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 9.
- Stamatiadis, P.; Boel, A.; Cosemans, G.; Popovic, M.; Bekaert, B.; Guggilla, R.; Tang, M.; Sutter, P. de; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Menten, B.; Stoop, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Coucke, P. & Heindryckx, B. (2021), Comparative analysis of mouse and human preimplantation development following POU5F1 CRISPR/Cas9 targeting reveals interspecies differences, Human Reproduction 36(5).
- Sen, M.Y.; Mooijman, D.; Chialastri, A.; Boisset, J.C.; Popovic, M.; Heindryckx, B.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Dey, S.S. & Oudenaarden, A. van (2021), Strand-specific single-cell methylomics reveals distinct modes of DNA demethylation dynamics during early mammalian development, Nature Communications 12.
- Mishra, S.; Taelman, J.; Chang, Y.W.; Boel, A.; Sutter, P. de; Heindryckx, B. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2021), Sex-specific isolation and propagation of human premeiotic fetal germ cells and germ cell-like cells, Cells 10(5).
- Cahan, P.; Cacchiarelli, D.; Dunn, S.J.; Hemberg, M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Morris, S.A.; Rackham, O.J.; Sol, A. del & Wells, C.A. (2021), Computational stem cell biology, Cell Stem Cell 28(1).
- Mishra, S.; Taelman, J.; Popovic, M.; Tilleman, L.; Duthoo, E.; Jeught, M. van der; Deforce, D.; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Menten, B.; Sutter, P. de; Boel, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Heindryckx, B. (2021), Activin A-derived human embryonic stem cells show increased competence to differentiate into primordial germ cell-like cells, Stem Cells 39(5).
- (2021), Molecular makeup of the human adult ovary, Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity.
- Fan, X.Y.; Moustakas, I.; Bialecka, M.; Valle, J.S. del; Overeem, A.W.; Louwe, L.A.; Pilgram, G.S.K.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der; Mei, H.L. & Lopes, S.C.D.M. (2021), Single-cell transcriptomics analysis of human small antral follicles, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(21).
- Ineveld, R.L. van; Kleinnijenhuis, M.; Alieva, M.; Blank, S. de; Roman, M.B.; Vliet, E.J. van; Mir, C.M.; Johnson, H.R.; Bos, F.L.; Heukers, R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Drost, J.; Dekkers, J.F.; Wehrens, E.J. & Rios, A.C. (2021), Revealing the spatio-phenotypic patterning of cells in healthy and tumor tissues with mLSR-3D and STAPL-3D, Nature Biotechnology 39(10).
- Hendriks, D.; Artegiani, B.; Hu, H.L.; Lopes, S.C.D. & Clevers, H. (2021), Establishment of human fetal hepatocyte organoids and CRISPR-Cas9-based gene knockin and knockout in organoid cultures from human liver, Nature Protocols 16(1): 182-217.
- Garreta, E.; Kamm, R.D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Lancaster, M.A.; Weiss, R.; Trepat, X.; Hyun, I. & Montserrat, N. (2021), Rethinking organoid technology through bioengineering, Nature Materials 20(2): 145-155.
- Kretzschmar, K.; Boonekamp, K.E.; Bleijs, M.; Asra, P.; Koomen, M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Giovannone, B. & Clevers, H. (2021), Troy/Tnfrsf19 marks epidermal cells that govern interfollicular epidermal renewal and cornification, Stem Cell Reports 16(9).
- Chang, Y.W.; Overeem, A.W.; Roelse, C.M.; Fan, X.Y.; Freund, C. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2021), Tissue of origin, but not XCI state, influences germ cell differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells, Cells 10(9).
- Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Alexdottir, M.S. & Valdimarsdottir, G. (2020), The TGF beta family in human placental development at the fetal-maternal interface, Biomolecules 10(3).
- Guo, N.N.; Unen, V. van; Ijsselsteijn, M.E.; Ouboter, L.F.; Meulen, A.E. van der; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Koning, F. & Li, N. (2020), A 34-marker panel for imaging mass cytometric analysis of human snap-frozen tissue, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Artegiani, B.; Hendriks, D.; Beumer, J.; Kok, R.; Zheng, X.; Joore, I.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Zon, J. van; Tans, S. & Clevers, H. (2020), Fast and efficient generation of knock-in human organoids using homology-independent CRISPR-Cas9 precision genome editing, Nature Cell Biology 22.
- Falke, L.L.; He, N.N.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Broekhuizen, R.; Lyons, K.; Nguyen, T.Q. & Goldschmeding, R. (2020), FoxD1-driven CCN2 deletion causes axial skeletal deformities, pulmonary hypoplasia, and neonatal asphyctic death, Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling 13.
- Kracht, L.; Borggrewe, M.; Eskandar, S.; Brouwer, N.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Laman, J.D.; Scherjon, S.A.; Prins, J.R.; Kooistra, S.M. & Eggen, B.J.L. (2020), Human fetal microglia acquire homeostatic immune-sensing properties early in development, Science 369: 530-+.
- Daoud, A.M.P.; Popovic, M.; Dondorp, W.J.; Bustos, M.T.; Bredenoord, A.L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Brink, S.C. van den; Roelen, B.A.J.; Wert, G.M.W.R. de & Heindryckx, B. (2020), Modelling human embryogenesis, Human Reproduction Update 26(6).
- Hasaart, K.A.L.; Manders, F.; Hoorn, M.L. van der; Verheul, M.; Poplonski, T.; Kuijk, E.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Boxtel, R. van (2020), Mutation accumulation and developmental lineages in normal and Down syndrome human fetal haematopoiesis, Scientific Reports 10.
- Velazquez, J.J.; LeGraw, R.; Moghadam, F.; Tan, Y.Q.; Kilbourne, J.; Maggiore, J.C.; Hislop, J.; Liu, S.; Cats, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Plaisier, C.; Cahan, P.; Kiani, S. & Ebrahimkhani, M.R. (2020), Gene regulatory network analysis and engineering directs development and vascularization of multilineage human liver organoids, Cell Systems 12(1).
- Zwan, A. van der; Unen, V. van; Beyrend, G.; Laban, S.; Keur, C. van der; Kapsenberg, H.J.M.; Hollt, T.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Hoorn, M.L.P. van der; Koning, F.; Claas, F.H.J.; Eikmans, M. & Heidt, S. (2020), Visualizing dynamic changes at the maternal-fetal interface throughout human pregnancy by mass cytometry, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Lei, Q.J.; Lai, X.; Eliveld, J.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Pelt, A.M.M. van & Hamer, G. (2020), In vitro meiosis of male germline stem cells, Stem Cell Reports 15(5): 1140-1153.
- Anderson, R.A.; Amant, F.; Braat, D.; D'Angelo, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Demeestere, I.; Dwek, S.; Frith, L.; Lambertini, M.; Maslin, C.; Moura-Ramos, M.; Nogueira, D.; Rodriguez-Wallberg, K.; Vermeulen, N. & ESHRE Guideline Grp Female Fertili (2020), ESHRE guideline, Human Reproduction Open 2020(4).
- Shvetsova, E.; Sofronova, A.; Monajemi, R.; Gagalova, K.; Draisma, H.H.M.; White, S.J.; Santen, G.W.E.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Heijmans, B.T.; Meurs, J. van; Jansen, R.; Franke, L.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Boomsma, D.I.; Pool, R.; Dongen, J. van; Hottenga, J.J.; Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van; Stehouwer, C. da; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Schalkwijk, C.G.; Wijmenga, C.; Zhernakova, S.; Tigchelaar, E.F.; Slagboom, P.E.; Beekman, M.; Deelen, J.; Heemst, D. van; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Duijn, C.M. van; Hofman, B.A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Jhamai, P.M.; Verbiest, M.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Verkerk, M.; Breggen, R. van der; Rooij, J. van; Lakenberg, N.; Mei, H.L.; Bot, J.; Zhernakova, D.V.; Hof, P.V. 't; Deelen, P.; Nooren, I.; Moed, M.; Vermaat, M.; Luijk, R.; Bonder, M.J.; Iterson, M. van; Dijk, F. van; Galen, M. van; Arindrarto, W.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Swertz, M.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Isaacs, A.; Francioli, L.C.; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Dijk, F. van; Palamara, P.F.; Elbers, C.C.; Neerincx, P.B.; Ye, K.; Guryev, V.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Deelen, P.; Abdellaoui, A.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Oven, M. van; Vermaat, M.; Li, M.; Laros, J.F.; Karssen, L.C.; Kanterakis, A.; Amin, N.; Hottenga, J.J.; Lameijer, E.W.; Kattenberg, M.; Dijkstra, M.; Byelas, H.; Setten, J. van; Schaik, B.D. van; Bot, J.; Nijman, I.J.; Renkens, I.; Marschall, T.; Schonhuth, A.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Handsaker, R.E.; Polak, P.; Sohail, M.; Vuzman, D.; Hormozdiari, F.; Enckevort, D. van; Mei, H.; Koval, V.; Moed, M.H.; Velde, K.J. van der; Rivadeneira, F.; Estrada, K.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Isaacs, A.; McCarroll, S.A.; Beekman, M.; Craen, A.J. de; Suchiman, H.E.; Hofman, B.A.; Oostra, B.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Willemsen, G.; Platteel, M.; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Pitts, S.J.; Potluri, S.; Sundar, P.; Cox, D.R.; Sunyaev, S.R.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Stoneking, M.; Knijff, P. de; Kayser, M.; Li, Q.; Li, Y.; , Y. du; Chen, R.; Cao, H.; Li, N.; Cao, S.; Wang, J.; Bovenberg, J.A.; Pe'er, I.; Slagboom, P.E.; Duijn, C.M. van; Boomsma, D.I.; Ommen, G.J. van; Bakker, P.I. de; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; BIOS Consortium & GoNL Consortium (2019), Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population, European Journal of Human Genetics 27.
- Canovas S & Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM (2019), Epigenetic reprogramming of mammalian primordial germ cells.
- Eguizabal, C.; Aran, B.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Geens, M.; Heindryckx, B.; Panula, S.; Popovic, M.; Vassena, R. & Veiga, A. (2019), Two decades of embryonic stem cells: a historical overview, Human Reproduction Open 2019(1).
- Li, N.; Unen, V. van; Guo, N.N.; Abdelaal, T.; Somarakis, A.; Eggermont, J.; Mahfouz, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F. & Koning, F. (2019), Early-Life Compartmentalization of Immune Cells in Human Fetal Tissues Revealed by High-Dimensional Mass Cytometry, Frontiers in Immunology 10.
- Kuijk, E.; Blokzijl, F.; Jager, M.; Besselink, N.; Boymans, S.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Boxtel, R. van & Cuppen, E. (2019), Early divergence of mutational processes in human fetal tissues, Science Advances 5(5).
- (2019), Two decades of embryonic stem cells: a historical overview, Human Reproduction Open 2019(1).
- Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2019), Accelerating maturation of kidney organoids., Nature Materials 18(4).
- Taelman, J.; Popovic, M.; Bialecka, M.; Tilleman, L.; Warrier, S.; Jeught, M. van der; Menten, B.; Deforce, D.; Sutter, P. de; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Abe, K.; Heindryckx, B. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2019), WNT Inhibition and Increased Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling Promotes Derivation of Less Heterogeneous Primed Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Compatible with Differentiation, Stem Cells and Development 28(9): 579-592.
- Furtado, C.L.M.; Salomao, K.B.; Verruma, C.G.; Leite, S.B.P.; Rios, A.F.L.; Bialecka, M.; Moustakas, I.; Mei, H.L.; Paz, C.C.P. de; Duarte, G.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Ramos, E.S. (2019), Variation in DNA methylation in the KvDMR1 (ICR2) region in first-trimester human pregnancies, Fertility and Sterility 111(6): 1186-1193.
- Fan, X.; Bialecka, M.; Moustakas, I.; Lam, E.; Torrens-Juaneda, V.; Borggreven, N.V.; Trouw, L.; Louwe, L.A.; Pilgram, G.S.K.; Mei, H.; Westerlaken, L. van der & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2019), Single-cell reconstruction of follicular remodeling in the human adult ovary, Nature Communications 10.
- Quinn, P.M.; Buck, T.M.; Mulder, A.A.; Ohonin, C.; Alves, C.H.; Vos, R.M.; Bialecka, M.; Herwaarden, T. van; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Talib, M.; Freund, C.; Mikkers, H.M.M.; Hoeben, R.C.; Goumans, M.J.; Boon, C.J.F.; Koster, A.J.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Jost, C.R. & Wijnholds, J. (2019), Human iPSC-Derived Retinas Recapitulate the Fetal CRB1 CRB2 Complex Formation and Demonstrate that Photoreceptors and Muller Glia Are Targets of AAV5, Stem Cell Reports 12(5): 906-919.
- Li, N.; Unen, V. van; Abdelaal, T.; Guo, N.N.; Kasatskaya, S.A.; Ladell, K.; McLaren, J.E.; Egorov, E.S.; Izraelson, M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Hollt, T.; Britanova, O.V.; Eggermont, J.; Miranda, N.F.C.C. de; Chudakov, D.M.; Price, D.A.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F. & Koning, F. (2019), Memory CD4(+) T cells are generated in the human fetal intestine, Nature Immunology 20(3): 301-+.
- Shvetsova, E.; Sofronova, A.; Monajemi, R.; Gagalova, K.; Draisma, H.H.M.; White, S.J.; Santen, G.W.E.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Heijmans, B.T.; Meurs, J. van; Jansen, R.; Franke, L.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Boomsma, D.I.; Pool, R.; Dongen, J. van; Hottenga, J.J.; Greevenbroek, M.M.J. van; Stehouwer, C. da; Kallen, C.J.H. van der; Schalkwijk, C.G.; Wijmenga, C.; Zhernakova, S.; Tigchelaar, E.F.; Slagboom, P.E.; Beekman, M.; Deelen, J.; Heemst, D. van; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Duijn, C.M. van; Hofman, B.A.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Jhamai, P.M.; Verbiest, M.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Verkerk, M.; Breggen, R. van der; Rooij, J. van; Lakenberg, N.; Mei, H.L.; Bot, J.; Zhernakova, D.V.; Hof, P.V. 't; Deelen, P.; Nooren, I.; Moed, M.; Vermaat, M.; Luijk, R.; Bonder, M.J.; Iterson, M. van; Dijk, F. van; Galen, M. van; Arindrarto, W.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Swertz, M.A.; Zwet, E.W. van; Isaacs, A.; Francioli, L.C.; Menelaou, A.; Pulit, S.L.; Dijk, F. van; Palamara, P.F.; Elbers, C.C.; Neerincx, P.B.; Ye, K.; Guryev, V.; Kloosterman, W.P.; Deelen, P.; Abdellaoui, A.; Leeuwen, E.M. van; Oven, M. van; Vermaat, M.; Li, M.; Laros, J.F.; Karssen, L.C.; Kanterakis, A.; Amin, N.; Hottenga, J.J.; Lameijer, E.W.; Kattenberg, M.; Dijkstra, M.; Byelas, H.; Setten, J. van; Schaik, B.D. van; Bot, J.; Nijman, I.J.; Renkens, I.; Marschall, T.; Schonhuth, A.; Hehir-Kwa, J.Y.; Handsaker, R.E.; Polak, P.; Sohail, M.; Vuzman, D.; Hormozdiari, F.; Enckevort, D. van; Mei, H.; Koval, V.; Moed, M.H.; Velde, K.J. van der; Rivadeneira, F.; Estrada, K.; Medina-Gomez, C.; Isaacs, A.; McCarroll, S.A.; Beekman, M.; Craen, A.J. de; Suchiman, H.E.; Hofman, B.A.; Oostra, B.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Willemsen, G.; Platteel, M.; Veldink, J.H.; Berg, L.H. van den; Pitts, S.J.; Potluri, S.; Sundar, P.; Cox, D.R.; Sunyaev, S.R.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Stoneking, M.; Knijff, P. de; Kayser, M.; Li, Q.; Li, Y.; , Y. du; Chen, R.; Cao, H.; Li, N.; Cao, S.; Wang, J.; Bovenberg, J.A.; Pe'er, I.; Slagboom, P.E.; Duijn, C.M. van; Boomsma, D.I.; Ommen, G.J. van; Bakker, P.I. de; Swertz, M.A.; Wijmenga, C.; BIOS Consortium & GoNL Consortium (2019), Skewed X-inactivation is common in the general female population, European Journal of Human Genetics 27(3): 455-465.
- Hochane, M.; Berg, P.R. van den; Fan, X.Y.; Berenger-Curries, N.; Adegeest, E.; Bialecka, M.; Nieveen, M.; Menschaart, M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Semrau, S. (2019), Single-cell transcriptomics reveals gene expression dynamics of human fetal kidney development, PLoS Biology 17(2).
- Popovic, M.; Dhaenens, L.; Taelman, J.; Dheedene, A.; Bialecka, M.; Sutter, P. de; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Menten, B. & Heindryckx, B. (2019), Extended in vitro culture of human embryos demonstrates the complex nature of diagnosing chromosomal mosaicism from a single trophectoderm biopsy, Human Reproduction 34(4): 758-769.
- Popovic, M.; Bialecka, M.; Fernandes, M.G.; Taelman, J.; Jeught, M. van der; Sutter, P. de; Heindryckx, B. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2019), Human blastocyst outgrowths recapitulate primordial germ cell specification events.
- Loomans, C.J.M.; Giuliani, N.W.; Balak, J.; Ringnalda, F.; Gurp, L. van; Huch, M.; Boj, S.F.; Sato, T.; Kester, L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Roost, M.S.; Bonner-Weir, S.; Engelse, M.A.; Rabelink, T.J.; Heimberg, H.; Vries, R.G.J.; Oudenaarden, A. van; Carlotti, F.; Clevers, H. & Koning, E.J.P. de (2018), Expansion of Adult Human Pancreatic Tissue Yields Organoids Harboring Progenitor Cells with Endocrine Differentiation Potential, Stem Cell Reports 10(3): 712-724.
- Fernandes, M.G.; He, N.N.; Wang, F.; Iperen, L. van; Eguizabal, C.; Matorras, R.; Roelen, B.A.J. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2018), Human-specific subcellular compartmentalization of P-element induced wimpy testis-like (PIWIL) granules during germ cell development and spermatogenesis, Human Reproduction 33(2): 258-269.
- Fernandes, M.G.; Bialecka, M.; Salvatori, D.C.F. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2018), Characterization of migratory primordial germ cells in the aortagonad-mesonephros of a 4.5-week-old human embryo: a toolbox to evaluate in vitro early gametogenesis, Molecular Human Reproduction 24(5): 233-243.
- Ghimire, S.; Jeught, M. van der; Neupane, J.; Roost, M.S.; Anckaert, J.; Popovic, M.; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Mestdagh, P.; Vandesompele, J.; Deforce, D.; Menten, B.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Sutter, P. de & Heindryckx, B. (2018), Comparative analysis of naive, primed and ground state pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells originating from the same genetic background, Scientific Reports 8.
- Li, N.; Unen, V. van; Hollt, T.; Thompson, A.; Bergen, J. van; Pezzotti, N.; Eisemann, E.; Vilanova, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F. & Koning, F. (2018), Mass cytometry reveals innate lymphoid cell differentiation pathways in the human fetal intestine, Journal of Experimental Medicine 215(5).
- Vertesy, A.; Arindrarto, W.; Roost, M.S.; Reinius, B.; Torrens-Juaneda, V.; Bialecka, M.; Moustakas, I.; Ariyurek, Y.; Kuijk, E.; Mei, H.L.; Sandberg, R.; Oudenaarden, A. van & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2018), Parental haplotype-specific single-cell transcriptomics reveal incomplete epigenetic reprogramming in human female germ cells, Nature Communications 9.
- Dobreva, M.P.; Escalona, V.A.; Lawson, K.A.; Sanchez, M.N.; Ponomarev, L.C.; Pereira, P.N.G.; Stryjewska, A.; Criem, N.; Huylebroeck, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Aerts, S. & Zwijsen, A. (2018), Amniotic ectoderm expansion in mouse occurs via distinct modes and requires SMAD5-mediated signalling, Development 145(13).
- Moser, G.; Windsperger, K.; Pollheimer, J.; Lopes, S.C.D. & Huppertz, B. (2018), Human trophoblast invasion: new and unexpected routes and functions, Histochemistry and Cell Biology 150(4): 361-370.
- Zhang, Y.C.; Yang, Y.; Jiang, M.; Huang, S.X.; Zhang, W.W.; Alam, D. al; Danopoulos, S.; Mori, M.; Chen, Y.W.; Balasubramanian, R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Serra, C.; Bialecka, M.; Kim, E.; Lin, S.J.; Carvalho, A.L.R.T. de; Riccio, P.N.; Cardoso, W.V.; Zhang, X.; Snoeck, H.W. & Que, J.W. (2018), 3D Modeling of Esophageal Development using Human PSC-Derived Basal Progenitors Reveals a Critical Role for Notch Signaling, Cell Stem Cell 23(4): 516-+.
- Warrier, S.; Taelman, J.; Tilleman, L.; Jeught, M. van der; Duggal, G.; Lierman, S.; Popovic, M.; Soom, A. van; Peelman, L.; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Sutter, P. de & Heindryckx, B. (2018), Transcriptional landscape changes during human embryonic stem cell derivation, Molecular Human Reproduction 24(11): 543-555.
- Hu, H.L.; Gehart, H.; Artegiani, B.; Lopez-Iglesias, C.; Dekkers, F.; Basak, O.; Es, J. van; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Begthel, H.; Korving, J.; Born, M. van den; Zou, C.H.; Quirk, C.; Chiriboga, L.; Rice, C.M.; Ma, S.; Rios, A.; Peters, P.J.; Jong, Y.P. de & Clevers, H. (2018), Long-Term Expansion of Functional Mouse and Human Hepatocytes as 3D Organoids, Cell 175(6): 1591-+.
- He, N.N.; Iperen, L. van; Jong, D. de; Szuhai, K.; Helmerhorst, F.M.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2017), Human Extravillous Trophoblasts Penetrate Decidual Veins and Lymphatics before Remodeling Spiral Arteries during Early Pregnancy, PLoS ONE 12(1).
- He, N.N.; Lim, S.J.; Mello, J.C.M. de; Navarro, I.; Bialecka, M.; Salvatori, D.C.F.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der; Pereira, L.V. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2017), At term, XmO and XpO mouse placentas show differences in glucose metabolism in the trophectoderm-derived outer zone, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 5(63).
- Nigro, A. lo; Jaime-Soguero, A. de; Khoueiry, R.; Cho, D.S.; Ferlazzo, G.M.; Perini, I.; Escalona, V.A.; Aranguren, X.L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Koh, K.P.; Conaldi, P.G.; Hu, W.S.; Zwijsen, A.; Lluis, F. & Verfaillie, C.M. (2017), PDGFR alpha(+) Cells in Embryonic Stem Cell Cultures Represent the In Vitro Equivalent of the Pre-implantation Primitive Endoderm Precursors, Stem Cell Reports 8(2): 318-333.
- Warrier, S.; Jeught, M. van der; Duggal, G.; Tilleman, L.; Sutherland, E.; Taelman, J.; Popovic, M.; Lierman, S.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Soom, A. van; Peelman, L.; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Coninck, D.I.M. de; Menten, B.; Mestdagh, P.; Sompele, J. van de; Deforce, D.; Sutter, P. de & Heindryckx, B. (2017), Direct comparison of distinct naive pluripotent states in human embryonic stem cells, Nature Communications 8.
- Warrier, S.; Popovic, M.; Taelman, J.; Tilleman, L.; Lierman, S.; Ferrer-Buitrago, M.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Soom, A. van; Peelman, L.; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Deforce, D.; Sutter, P. de & Heindryckx, B. (2017), Origins of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Fate: Role of the Post Inner Cell Mass Intermediate, Human Reproduction 32: 37-38.
- Geens, M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2017), X chromosome inactivation in human pluripotent stem cells as a model for human development: back to the drawing board?, Human Reproduction Update 23(5): 520-532.
- Roost, M.S.; Slieker, R.C.; Bialecka, M.; Iperen, L. van; Fernandes, M.M.G.; He, N.N.; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Szuhai, K.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Mummery, C.L.; Heijmans, B.T. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2017), DNA methylation and transcriptional trajectories during human development and reprogramming of isogenic pluripotent stem cells, Nature Communications 8.
- Silva, A.F.A. da; Machado, F.B.; Pavarino, E.C.; Biselli-Perico, J.M.; Zampieri, B.L.; Francisco, R.D.; Rodrigues, P.T.M.; Machado, D.T.; Santos-Reboucas, C.B.; Fernandes, M.G.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Rios, A.F.L. & Medina-Acosta, E. (2016), Trisomy 21 Alters DNA Methylation in Parent-of-Origin-Dependent and -Independent Manners, PLoS ONE 11(4).
- Schmitz, F.; Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.; Wiekmeijer, A.S.; Brugman, M.H.; Mearin, M.L.; Mulder, C.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bergen, J. van & Koning, F. (2016), The composition and differentiation potential of the duodenal intraepithelial innate lymphocyte compartment is altered in coeliac disease, Gut 65(8): 1269-1278.
- Beets, K.; Staring, M.W.; Criem, N.; Maas, E.; Schellinx, N.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Umans, L. & Zwijsen, A. (2016), BMP-SMAD signalling output is highly regionalized in cardiovascular and lymphatic endothelial networks.
- Bertocchini, F. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2016), Germline development in amniotes: A paradigm shift in primordial germ cell specification, BioEssays 38(8): 791-800.
- Orlova, V.V.; Lopes, S.C.D. & Valdimarsdottir, G. (2016), BMP-SMAD signaling: From pluripotent stem cells to cardiovascular commitment, Cytokine and Growth Factor Reviews 27: 55-63.
- Crisan, M.; Kartalaei, P.S.; Neagu, A.; Karkanpouna, S.; Yamada-Inagawa, T.; Purini, C.; Vink, C.S.; Linden, R. van der; Ijcken, W. van; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Monteiro, R.; Mummery, C. & Dzierzak, E. (2016), BMP and Hedgehog Regulate Distinct AGM Hematopoietic Stem Cells Ex Vivo, Stem Cell Reports 6(3): 383-395.
- Villacorte, M.; Delmarcelle, A.S.; Lernoux, M.; Bouquet, M.; Lemoine, P.; Bolsee, J.; Umans, L.; Lopes, S.C.D.S.; Smissen, P. van der; Sasaki, T.; Bommer, G.; Henriet, P.; Refetoff, S.; Lemaigre, F.P.; Zwijsen, A.; Courtoy, P.J. & Pierreux, C.E. (2016), Thyroid follicle development requires Smad1/5-and endothelial cell-dependent basement membrane assembly, Development 143(11): 1958-1970.
- Heeren, A.M.; He, N.N.; Souza, A.F. de; Goercharn-Ramlal, A.; Iperen, L. van; Roost, M.S.; Fernandes, M.M.G.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2016), On the development of extragonadal and gonadal human germ cells, Biology Open 5(2): 185-194.
- Fernandes, M.G.; Dries, R.; Roost, M.S.; Semrau, S.; Bernardo, A.D.; Davis, R.P.; Ramakrishnan, R.; Szuhai, K.; Maas, E.; Umans, L.; Escalona, V.A.; Salvatori, D.; Deforce, D.; Criekinge, W. van; Huylebroeck, D.; Mummery, C.; Zwijsen, A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2016), BMP-SMAD Signaling Regulates Lineage Priming, but Is Dispensable for Self-Renewal in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells, Stem Cell Reports 6(1): 85-94.
- Ghimire, S.; Heindryckx, B.; Jeught, M. van der; Neupane, J.; O'Leary, T.; Lierman, S.; Vos, W.H. de; Lopes, S.C.D.; Deroo, T. & Sutter, P. de (2015), Inhibition of Transforming Growth Factor beta Signaling Promotes Epiblast Formation in Mouse Embryos, Stem Cells and Development 24(4): 497-506.
- Roost, M.S.; Iperen, L. van; Ariyurek, Y.; Buermans, H.P.; Arindrarto, W.; Devalla, H.D.; Passier, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Zwet, E.W. van; Goeman, J.J. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), KeyGenes, a Tool to Probe Tissue Differentiation Using a Human Fetal Transcriptional Atlas, Stem Cell Reports 4(6): 1112-1124.
- Devalla, H.D.; Schwach, V.; Ford, J.W.; Milnes, J.T.; El-Haou, S.; Jackson, C.; Gkatzis, K.; Elliott, D.A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Mummery, C.L.; Verkerk, A.O. & Passier, R. (2015), Atrial-like cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells are a robust preclinical model for assessing atrial-selective pharmacology, EMBO Molecular Medicine 7(4): 394-410.
- Roovers, E.F.; Rosenkranz, D.; Mahdipour, M.; Han, C.T.; He, N.N.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der; Zischler, H.; Butter, F.; Roelen, B.A.J. & Ketting, R.F. (2015), Piwi Proteins and piRNAs in Mammalian Oocytes and Early Embryos, Cell Reports 10(12): 2069-2082.
- Takasato, M.; Er, P.X.; Chiu, H.S.; Maier, B.; Baillie, G.J.; Ferguson, C.; Parton, R.G.; Wolvetang, E.J.; Roost, M.S.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Little, M.H. (2015), Kidney organoids from human iPS cells contain multiple lineages and model human nephrogenesis, Nature 526(7574): 564-U238.
- Heeren, A.M.; Iperen, L. van; Klootwijk, D.B.; Bernardo, A.D.; Roost, M.S.; Fernandes, M.M.G.; Louwe, L.A.; Hilders, C.G.; Helmerhorst, F.M.; Westerlaken, L.A.J. van der & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), Development of the follicular basement membrane during human gametogenesis and early folliculogenesis, BMC Developmental Biology 15.
- Sugimoto, M.; Kondo, M.; Koga, Y.; Shiura, H.; Ikeda, R.; Hirose, M.; Ogura, A.; Murakami, A.; Yoshiki, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Abe, K. (2015), A Simple and Robust Method for Establishing Homogeneous Mouse Epiblast Stem Cell Lines by Wnt Inhibition, Stem Cell Reports 4(4): 744-757.
- Warrier, S.; Duggal, G.; Taelman, J.; Lierman, S.; Lopes, S.C.D.S.; Soom, A. van; Peelman, L.; Nieuwerburgh, F. van; Coninck, D. de; Menten, B.; Sompele, J. van de; Deforce, D.; Jeught, M. van der; Sutter, P. de & Heindryckx, B. (2015), Comparative analysis of different culture conditions inducing naive pluripotency in human embryonic stem cells, Human Reproduction 30: 93-93.
- Duggal, G.; Heindryckx, B.; Warrier, S.; Taelman, J.; Jeught, M. van der; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.C.D. & Sutter, P. de (2015), Exogenous supplementation of Activin A enhances germ cell differentiation of human embryonic stem cells, Molecular Human Reproduction 21(5): 410-423.
- Jeught, M. van der; O'Leary, T.; Duggal, G.; Sutter, P. de; Lopes, S.C.D. & Heindryckx, B. (2015), The post-inner cell mass intermediate: implications for stem cell biology and assisted reproductive technology, Human Reproduction Update 21(5): 616-626.
- Kugler, J.; Tharmann, J.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Kemler, R.; Luch, A. & Oelgeschlager, M. (2015), A Bmp Reporter Transgene Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Model as a Tool to Identify and Characterize Chemical Teratogens, Toxicological Sciences 146(2): 374-385.
- Crisan, M.; Kartalaei, P.S.; Vink, C.; Yamada-Inagawa, T.; Bollerot, K.; IJcken, W. van; Linden, R. van der; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Monteiro, R.; Mummery, C. & Dzierzak, E. (2015), BMP signalling differentially regulates distinct haematopoietic stem cell types, Nature Communications 6.
- Ghimire S., Van der Jeught M., Neupane J., Van Nieuwerburgh F., Deforce D., Lopes S. Chuva de Sousa, De Sutter P. & Heindryckx B. (2015), Derivation conditions affect pluripotency and differentiation propensity of mouse embryonic stem cells, Human Reproduction 30: 458-458.
- Jeught, M. van der; Taelman, J.; Duggal, G.; Ghimire, S.; Lierman, S.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Deforce, D.; Deroo, T.; Sutter, P. de & Heindryckx, B. (2015), Application Of Small Molecules Favoring Naive Pluripotency during Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derivation, Cellular Reprogramming 17(3): 170-180.
- Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2015), Current status of in vitro differentiation of stem cells into gametes, Animal reproduction / Colegio Brasileiro de Reproducao Animal 12(1): 46-51.
- Berg, C.W. van den; Okawa, S.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Iperen, L. van; Passier, R.; Braam, S.R.; Tertoolen, L.G.; Sol, A. del; Davis, R.P. & Mummery, C.L. (2015), Transcriptome of human foetal heart compared with cardiomyocytes from pluripotent stem cells, Development 142(18): 3231-U263.
- Sugimoto, M.; Kondo, M.; Koga, Y.; Ikeda, R.; Chuva De Sousa Lopes, S.M. & Abe, K. (2015), Effects of Wnt signal inhibition on establishment of EpiSCs, Genes and Genetic Systems 90(6): 405-405.
- Bernardo, A.D.; Heeren, A.M.; Iperen, L. van; Fernandes, M.G.; He, N.N.; Anjie, S.; Noce, T.; Ramos, E.S. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), Meiotic Wave Adds Extra Asymmetry to the Development of Female Chicken Gonads, Molecular Reproduction and Development 82(10): 774-786.
- Locher, H.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Iperen, L. van; Huisman, M.A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), Development of the stria vascularis and potassium regulation in the human fetal cochlea: Insights into hereditary sensorineural hearing loss, Developmental Neurobiology 75(11): 1219-1240.
- Slieker, R.C.; Roost, M.S.; Iperen, L. van; Suchiman, H.E.D.; Tobi, E.W.; Carlotti, F.; Koning, E.J.P. de; Slagboom, P.E.; Heijmans, B.T. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2015), DNA Methylation Landscapes of Human Fetal Development, PLoS Genetics 11(10).
- Duggal, G.; Warrier, S.; Ghimire, S.; Broekaert, D.; Jeught, M. van der; Lierman, S.; Deroo, T.; Peelman, L.; Soom, A. van; Cornelissen, R.; Menten, B.; Mestdagh, P.; Vandesompele, J.; Roost, M.; Slieker, R.C.; Heijmans, B.T.; Deforce, D.; Sutter, P. de; Lopes, S.C.D. & Heindryckx, B. (2015), Alternative Routes to Induce Naive Pluripotency in Human Embryonic Stem Cells, STEM CELLS 33(9): 2686-2698.
- Cajal, M.; Creuzet, S.E.; Papanayotou, C.; Saberan-Djoneidi, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Zwijsen, A.; Collignon, J. & Camus, A. (2014), A conserved role for non-neural ectoderm cells in early neural development, Development 141(21): 4127-4138.
- Machado, F.B.; Machado, F.B.; Faria, M.A.; Lovatel, V.L.; Silva, A.F.A. da; Radic, C.P.; Brasi, C.D. de; Rios, A.F.L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Silveira, L.S. da; Ruiz-Miranda, C.R.; Ramos, E.S. & Medina-Acosta, E. (2014), 5(me)CpG Epigenetic Marks Neighboring a Primate-Conserved Core Promoter Short Tandem Repeat Indicate X-Chromosome Inactivation, PLoS ONE 9(7).
- Bernardo, A.D. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2014), The Involvement of the Proamnion in the Development of the Anterior Amnion Fold in the Chicken, PLoS ONE 9(3).
- Locher, H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Huisman, M.A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2014), TUBB3: Neuronal Marker or Melanocyte Mimic?, Cell Transplantation 23(11): 1471-1473.
- Locher, H.; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Iperen, L. van; Huisman, M.A.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2014), Distribution and Development of Peripheral Glial Cells in the Human Fetal Cochlea, PLoS ONE 9(1).
- Caetano, L.C.; Gennaro, F.G.O.; Coelho, K.; Araujo, F.M.; Vila, R.A.; Araujo, A.; Bernardo, A.D.; Marcondes, C.R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Ramos, E.S. (2014), Differential expression of the MHM region and of sex-determining-related genes during gonadal development in chicken embryos, Genetics and molecular research : GMR 13(1): 838-849.
- Jeught, M. van der; Heindryckx, B.; O'Leary, T.; Duggal, G.; Ghimire, S.; Lierman, S.; Roy, N. van; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Deroo, T.; Deforce, D. & Sutter, P. de (2014), Treatment of human embryos with the TGF beta inhibitor SB431542 increases epiblast proliferation and permits successful human embryonic stem cell derivation, Human Reproduction 29(1): 41-48.
- Jeught, M. van der; O'Leary, T.; Ghimire, S.; Lierman, S.; Duggal, G.; Versieren, K.; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Heindryckx, B. & Sutter, P. de (2013), The Combination of Inhibitors of FGF/MEK/Erk and GSK3 beta Signaling Increases the Number of OCT3/4-and NANOG-Positive Cells in the Human Inner Cell Mass, But Does Not Improve Stem Cell Derivation, Stem Cells and Development 22(2): 296-306.
- O'Leary, T.; Heindryckx, B.; Lierman, S.; Jeught, M. van der; Duggal, G.; Sutter, P. de & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2013), Derivation of human embryonic stem cells using a post-inner cell mass intermediate., Nature Protocols 8(2): 254-64.
- Locher, H.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Iperen, L. van; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Huisman, M.A. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2013), Neurosensory development and cell fate determination in the human cochlea, Neural Development 8.
- Locher, H.; Rooij, K.E. de; Groot, J.C.M.J. de; Doorn, R. van; Gruis, N.A.; Lowik, C.W.G.M.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Frijns, J.H.M. & Huisman, M.A. (2013), Class III beta-tubulin, a novel biomarker in the human melanocyte lineage, Differentiation 85(4-5): 173-181.
- Dobreva, M.P.; Lhoest, L.; Pereira, P.N.G.; Umans, L.; Camus, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Zwijsen, A. (2013), Periostin as a Biomarker of the Amniotic Membrane (vol 2012, 987185, 2012), Stem Cells International.
- Duggal, G.; Heindryckx, B.; Warrier, S.; O'Leary, T.; Jeught, M. van der; Lierman, S.; Vossaert, L.; Deroo, T.; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Sutter, P. de (2013), Influence of Activin A Supplementation During Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derivation on Germ Cell Differentiation Potential, Stem Cells and Development 22(23): 3141-3155.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes & SM and McLaren A (2012), Primordial germ cells in mouse and human.
- O'Leary, T.; Heindryckx, B.; Lierman, S.; Bruggen, D. van; Goeman, J.J.; Vandewoestyne, M.; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Sutter, P. de (2012), Tracking the progression of the human inner cell mass during embryonic stem cell derivation, Nature Biotechnology 30(3): 278-+.
- Jeught, M. van der; Ghimire, S.; O'Leary, T.; Lierman, S.; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.C.D.S.; Heindryckx, B. & Sutter, P. de (2012), The TGF beta pathway plays a pivotal role in early embryo lineage segregation in both mouse and human, Human Reproduction 27.
- Bernardo, A.D.; Sprenkels, K.; Rodrigues, G.; Noce, T. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2012), Chicken primordial germ cells use the anterior vitelline veins to enter the embryonic circulation, Biology Open 1(11): 1146-1152.
- Teklenburg, G.; Weimar, C.H.E.; Fauser, B.C.J.M.; Macklon, N.; Geijsen, N.; Heijnen, C.J.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Kuijk, E.W. (2012), Cell Lineage Specific Distribution of H3K27 Trimethylation Accumulation in an In Vitro Model for Human Implantation, PLoS ONE 7(3): -.
- Dobreva, M.P.; Lhoest, L.; Pereira, P.N.G.; Umans, L.; Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Zwijsen, A. (2012), Periostin as a biomarker of the amniotic membrane., Stem Cells International 2012: 987185.
- Ghimire, S.; Jeught, M. van der; Neupane, J.; Lierman, S.; O'Leary, T.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Heindryckx, B. & Sutter, P. de (2012), Dose-dependent effect of inhibition of the transforming growth factor beta pathway during early mouse lineage segregation, Human Reproduction 27.
- Versieren, K.; Jeught, M. van der; O'Leary, T.; Duggal, G.; Gerris, J.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Heindryckx, B. & Sutter, P. de (2012), Effect of Small Molecule Supplements during In Vitro Culture of Mouse Zygotes and Parthenogenetic Embryos on Hypoblast Formation and Stem Cell Derivation, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 8(4): 1088-1097.
- Bialecka, M.; Young, T.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Berge, D. ten; Sanders, A.; Beck, F. & Deschamps, J. (2012), Cdx2 contributes to the expansion of the early primordial germ cell population in the mouse, Developmental Biology 371(2): 227-234.
- Sountoulidis, A.; Stavropoulos, A.; Giaglis, S.; Apostolou, E.; Monteiro, R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Chen, H.Y.; Stripp, B.R.; Mummery, C.; Andreakos, E. & Sideras, P. (2012), Activation of the Canonical Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) Pathway during Lung Morphogenesis and Adult Lung Tissue Repair, PLoS ONE 7(8): -.
- Sideras, P.; Stavropoulos, A.; Giaglis, S.; Apostolou, E.; Monteiro, R.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Chen, H.Y.; Stripp, B.R.; Mummery, C.; Andreakos, E. & Sountoulidis, A. (2012), ACTIVATION OF THE CANONICAL BONE MORPHOGENETIC PROTEIN (BMP) PATHWAY DURING LUNG MORPHOGENESIS AND ADULT LUNG TISSUE REPAIR.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes, SM and Mummery & CL (2012), Differentiation in early development.
- Bialecka, M.; Young, T.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Berge, D. ten; Sanders, A.; Beck, F. & Deschamps, J. (2012), Cdx2 contributes to the expansion of the early primordial germ cell population in the mouse, Developmental Biology 371(2): 227-234.
- Pereira, P.N.G.; Dobreva, M.P.; Maas, E.; Cornelis, F.M.; Moya, I.M.; Umans, L.; Verfaillie, C.M.; Camus, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Huylebroeck, D. & Zwijsen, A. (2012), Antagonism of Nodal signaling by BMP/Smad5 prevents ectopic primitive streak formation in the mouse amnion, Development 139(18): 3343-3354.
- Pereira, P.N.G.; Dobreva, M.P.; Maas, E.; Cornelis, F.M.; Moya, I.M.; Umans, L.; Verfaillie, C.M.; Camus, A.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Huylebroeck, D. & Zwijsen, A. (2012), Antagonism of Nodal signaling by BMP/Smad5 prevents ectopic primitive streak formation in the mouse amnion, DEVELOPMENT 139(18): 3343-3354.
- Leeuwis, J.W.; Nguyen, T.Q.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Giezen, D.M. van der; Ven, K. van der; Rouw, P.J.H.; Offerhaus, G.J.A.; Mummery, C.L. & Goldschmeding, R. (2011), Direct visualization of Smad1/5/8-mediated transcriptional activity identifies podocytes and collecting ducts as major targets of BMP signalling in healthy and diseased kidneys, Journal of Pathology 224(1): 121-132.
- Kuijk, E.W.; Lopes, S.M.C.D.S.; Geijsen, N.; Macklon, N. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2011), The different shades of mammalian pluripotent stem cells, Human Reproduction Update 17(2): 254-271.
- Duggal, G.; Heindryckx, B.; O'Leary, T.; Lierman, S.; Deforce, D.; Lopes, S.C.D. & Sutter, P. de (2011), Culture optimisation to direct differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into primordial germ cells, Human Reproduction 26: I347I347.
- Roelen BA & Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM (2011), 1st Royan Institute International Summer School on Developmental Biology and Stem Cells. Tehran, 12-15 July 2010. .
- Roelen BA & Chuva De Sousa Lopes SM (2011), Origins of pluripotent stem cells.
- Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2011), The way of the germline, its developmental cycle and epigenetic network., Differentiation.
- O'Leary, T.; Heindryckx, B.; Lierman, S.; Jeught, M. van der; Menten, B.; Deforce, D.; Cornelissen, R.; Lopes, S.C.D. & Sutter, P. de (2011), The Influence of Early Embryo Traits on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Derivation Efficiency, Stem Cells and Development 20(5): 785-793.
- Puy, L. du; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Haagsman, H.P. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2011), Analysis of co-expression of OCT4, NANOG and SOX2 in pluripotent cells of the porcine embryo, in vivo and in vitro, Theriogenology 75(3): 513-526.
- Roelen BA & Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM (2011), 1st Royan Institute International Summer School on Developmental Biology and Stem Cells. Tehran, 12-15 July 2010., International Journal of Developmental Biology 55(1): 1-4.
- Puy, L. du; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Haagsman, H.P. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2010), Differentiation of Porcine Inner Cell Mass Cells Into Proliferating Neural Cells, Stem Cells and Development 19(1): 61-70.
- Lopes, S.M.C.D. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2010), On the formation of germ cells: The good, the bad and the ugly., Differentiation 79(3): 131-40.
- Villacorte, M.; Suzuki, K.; Hayashi, K.; Lopes, S.C.D.; Haraguchi, R.; Taketo, M.M.; Nakagata, N. & Yamada, G. (2010), Antagonistic crosstalk of Wnt/beta-catenin/Bmp signaling within the Apical Ectodermal Ridge (AER) regulates interdigit formation, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 391(4): 1653-1657.
- Kuijk, E.W.; Gier, J. de; Lopes, S.M.C.D.; Chambers, I.; Pelt, A.M.M. van; Colenbrander, B. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2010), A Distinct Expression Pattern in Mammalian Testes Indicates a Conserved Role for NANOG in Spermatogenesis, PLoS ONE 5(6).
- Lopes, S.M.C.D.S. & Roelen, B.A.J. (2010), An overview on the diversity of cellular organelles during the germ cell cycle., Histology and Histopathology 25(2): 267-76.
- Kobayakawa, S.; Lie-Venema, H.; Mummery, C.L. & Lopes, S.M.C.D. (2010), Human germ cells development during the first trimester-X chromosome activity in human germ cells, Differentiation 80: S48S48.
- Silveira Ramos, E and Chuva de Sousa Lopes & SM (2009), Dosage compensation: from mice to humans to birds and back again.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes & SM and McLaren A (2009), Primordial germ cells in mouse and human.
- Nijmeijer RM, Leeuwis JW, DeLisio A, Mummery CL & Lopes SMCD (2009), Visceral endoderm induces specification of cardiomyocytes in mice, Stem Cell Research 3(2-3): 170-178.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes, SM and Mummery & CL. (2009), Differentiation in early development.
- Cree LM, Samuels DC, Lopes SCDS, Rajasimha HK, Wonnapinij P, Mann JR, Dahl HHM & Chinnery PF (2008), A reduction of mitochondrial DNA molecules during embryogenesis explains the rapid segregation of genotypes, Nature Genetics 40(2): 249-254.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Hayashi K, Shovlin TC, Mifsud W, Surani MA & McLaren A (2008), X chromosome activity in mouse XX primordial germ cells., PLoS Genetics 4(2): e30.
- Roelen BA & Lopes SM (2008), Of stem cells and gametes: similarities and differences., Current Medicinal Chemistry 15(13): 1249-56.
- Hayashi K, Lopes SMCD, Tang F & Surani MA (2008), Dynamic Equilibrium and Heterogeneity of Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells with Distinct Functional and Epigenetic States, Cell Stem Cell 3(4): 391-401.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM & Roelen BA (2008), Primordial germ cell specification: the importance of being 'blimped'., Histology and Histopathology 23(12): 1553-61.
- Hayashi K, Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, Kaneda M, Tang F, Hajkova P, Lao K, O'Carroll D, Das PP, Tarakhovsky A, Miska EA & Surani MA (2008), MicroRNA biogenesis is required for mouse primordial germ cell development and spermatogenesis., PLoS ONE 3(3): e1738.
- Monteiro RM, Lopes SMCD, Bialecka M, de Boer S, Zwijsen A & Mummery CL (2008), Real time monitoring of BMP Smads transcriptional activity during mouse development, genesis 46(7).
- Hayashi K, Lopes SMCD & Surani MA (2007), Germ cell specification in mice, SCIENCE 316(5823): 394-396.
- Brons IGM, Smithers LE, Trotter MWB, Rugg-Gunn P, Sun BW, Lopes SMCD, Howlett SK, Clarkson A, Ahrlund-Richter L, Pedersen RA & Vallier L (2007), Derivation of pluripotent epiblast stem cells from mammalian embryos, Nature 448(7150): 191-U7.
- Lopes SMCDS, Hayashi K & Surani MA (2007), Proximal visceral endoderm and extraembryonic ectoderm regulate the formation of primordial germ cell precursors, BMC Developmental Biology 7: -.
- de Bruijn DRH, Peters WJM, Lopes CD, van Dijk AHA, Willemse MP, Pfundt R, de Boer P & van Kessel AG (2006), Targeted disruption of the synovial sarcoma-associated SS18 gene causes early embryonic lethality and affects PPARBP expression, Human Molecular Genetics 15(19): 2936-2944.
- Payer B, Lopes SMCD, Barton SC, Lee C, Saitou M & Surani MA (2006), Generation of stella-GFP transgenic mice: A novel tool to study germ cell development, genesis 44(2): 75-83.
- de Sousa Lopes SMC, Hassink RJ, Feijen A, van Rooijen MA, Doevendans PA, Tertoolen L, de la Rivere AB & Mummery CL (2006), Patterning the heart, a template for human cardiomyocyte development.
- Chuva de Sousa Lopes SM, van den Driesche S, Carvalho RL, Larsson J, Eggen B, Surani MA & Mummery CL (2005), Altered primordial germ cell migration in the absence of transforming growth factor beta signaling via ALK5., Developmental Biology 284(1): 194-203.
- Lopes SMCD, Roelen BAJ, Monteiro RM, Emmens R, Lin HY, Li E, Lawson KA & Mummery CL (2004), BMP signaling mediated by ALK2 in the visceral endoderm is necessary for the generation of primordial germ cells in the mouse embryo, Genes and Development 18(15): 1838-1849.
- Monteiro RM, Lopes SMCD, Korchynskyl O, ten Dijke P & Mummery CL (2004), Spatio-temporal activation of Smad1 and Smad5 in vivo: monitoring transcriptional activity of Smad proteins, Journal of Cell Science 117(20): 4653-4663.
- Lopes SMCDS, Feijen A, Korving J, Korchynskyi O, Larsson J, Karlsson S, Ten Dijke P, Lyons KM, Goldschmeding R, Doevendans P & Mummery CL (2004), Connective tissue growth factor expression and Smad signaling during mouse heart development and myocardial infarction, Developmental Dynamics 231(3): 542-550.
- de Sousa Lopes SM, Carvalho RL, van den Driesche S, Goumans MJ, ten Dijke P & Mummery CL (2003), Distribution of phosphorylated Smad2 identifies target tissues of TGF beta ligands in mouse development., Gene Expression Patterns 3(3): 355-60.
- Cachaco AS, Lopes SMCD, Kuikman I, Bajanca F, Abe K, Baudoin C, Sonnenberg A, Mummery CL & Thorsteinsdottir S (2003), Knock-in of integrin beta 1D affects primary but not secondary myogenesis in mice, DEVELOPMENT 130(8): 1659-1671.
- Althini S, Bengtsson H, Usoskin D, Soderstrom S, Kylberg A, Lindqvist E, Lopes SCD, Olson L, Lindeberg J & Ebendal T (2003), Normal nigrostriatal innervation but dopamine dysfunction in mice carrying hypomorphic tyrosine hydroxylase alleles, Journal of Neuroscience Research 72(4): 444-453.
- Koop EA, Lopes SMCD, Feiken E, Bluyssen HAR, Van Der Valk M, Voest EE, Mummery CL, Moolenaar WH & Gebbink MFBG (2003), Receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu expression as a marker for endothelial cell heterogeneity; analysis of RPTP mu gene expression using LacZ knock-in mice, International Journal of Developmental Biology 47(5): 345-354.
- Drissi H, Luc QY, Shakoori R, Lopes SCD, Choi JY, Terry A, Hu M, Jones S, Neil JC, Lian JB, Stein JL, Van Wijnen AJ & Stein GS (2000), Transcriptional autoregulation of the bone related CBFA1/RUNX2 gene, Journal of Cellular Physiology 184(3): 341-350.
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