Straton Papagianneas
- Naam
- Dr. S. Papagianneas
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727
Straton Papagianneas is een promovendus aan het Instituut voor Regiostudies.
Meer informatie over Straton Papagianneas
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Papagianneas S. (3 september 2024), Smart courts, smart justice? : Automation and digitisation of courts in China (Dissertatie. Leiden University Institute for Area Studies (LIAS), Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Bedner A.W. & Hof S. van der, Creemers R.J.E.H.
- Papagianneas S. (2023), Smart governance in China’s political-legal aystem, China Law and Society Review 6(2): 146-180.
- Papagianneas S. (2023), Automating intervention in Chinese justice: smart courts and supervision reform, Asian Journal of Law and Society 10(3): 463-489.
- Creemers R., Papagianneas S. & Knight A. (red.) (2023), The Emergence of China’s Smart State. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Papagianneas S. & Knight A.D. (2023), The stumbling smart state: fragmented policy experimentation & dubious consolidation. In: Creemers R., Papagianneas S. & Knight A. (red.), The emergence of China's smart state: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Papagianneas S. & Junius N. (2023), Fairness and justice through automation in China's smart courts, Computer Law and Security Review 51: 105897.
- Creemers R.J.E.H., Papagianneas S. & Knight A.D. (red.) (2023), The emergence of China's smart state. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
- Papagianneas S. (2021), Towards smarter and fairer justice?: A review of the Chinese scholarship on building smart courts and automating justice, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 51(2): 327-347.