Stephen Harris
Universitair docent Indiase en vergelijkende filosofie
- Naam
- Dr. S.E. Harris
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 8983
- 0000-0002-1389-8353

Stephen Harris is een Universitait Docent aan het Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte.
Meer informatie over Stephen Harris
Universitair docent Indiase en vergelijkende filosofie
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte
- Harris S.E. (2024), The philosopher returns to Saṃsāra: Plato and Śāntideva on benevolence, self-interest, and happiness. In: Carpenter A. & Harter P. (red.), Crossing the stream, leaving the cave: Buddhist-Platonist philosophical inquiries. New York : Oxford University Press. 269-288.
- Harris S.E. (2024), Buddhism and existentialism: Saṃvega as existential dread of the human condition. In: Aho K., Altman M. & Pedersen H. (red.), Routledge Handbook of contemporary existentialism: Routledge.
- Harris S.E. (2024), The Joke is Saṃsāra: Humor as a Means in Śāntideva’s Bodhisattva Path. In: Barbato M., Schneider M. & Volker F. (red.), Beyond Boundaries: Essays on Theology, Dialogue, and Religion in Honor of Perry Schmidt-Leukel. Munster, Germany : Waxmann Press. 253-260.
- Harris S.E. (2023), Buddhist Ethics and the Bodhisattva Path: Śāntideva on Virtue and Well-Being. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Harris S.E. (2022), Suffering (duḥkha) in Indian Buddhism. In: Flavel S. & Robbiano C. (red.), Key concepts in world philosophies: everything you need to know about doing cross-cultural philosophy: Bloomsbury.
- Harris S.E. (2022), Śāntideva: virtue on the empty path of the Bodhisattva. In: Edelglass W., McClintock S. & Harter P. (red.), The Routledge Handbook of Indian Buddhist Philosophy: Routledge.
- Harris S.E. (2021), Śāntideva’s Introduction to the Practices of Awakening (Bodhicaryāvatara). In: , Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion: Oxford University Press.
- Harris S.E. (2021), Anātmavāda. In: Goetz S. & Taliaferro C. (red.), The encyclopedia of philosophy of religion: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Framarin C. & Harris S.E. (2021), Pleasure, desire and welfare in Buddhist and Hindu texts. In: Kellner B., Eltschinger V., Mills E. & Ratié I. (red.), The road Less Taken: Essays in Honor of John Taber: The Austrian Academy of Sciences. 127-145.
- Harris S.E. (2018), A Nirvana that is Burning in Hell: Pain and Flourishing in Mahayana. Buddhist Moral Thought, Sophia : .
- Harris S.E. (2018), Promising Across Lives to Save Non-Existent Beings: Identity, Rebirth and the Bodhisattva’s Vow, Philosophy East and West 68(2): 386-407.
- Harris S.E. (2018), Altruism in the charnel ground: Śāntideva and Parfit on anātman, reductionism and benevolence. In: Davis G.F. (red.), Ethics without self, dharma without atman: western and Buddhist philosophical traditions in dialogue: Springer.
- Harris S.E. (2017), The Skillful Handling of Poison: Bodhicitta and the Kleśas in Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra, Journal of Indian Philosophy 45: 331-348.
- Harris S.E. (2016), Buddhism and disability. In: Schumm D.Y. & Stoltzfus M. (red.), Disability and world religion: an introduction: Baylor University Press. 25-45.
- Harris S.E. (2016), Where does the Cetanic Break Take Place? Weakness of Will in Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra, Comparative Philosophy 7(2): 26-43.
- Harris S.E. (2015), Demandingness, Well-Being and the Bodhisattva Path, Sophia: International Journal of Philosophy and Traditions 54(2): 201-216.
- Harris S.E. (2015), On the Classification of Śāntideva’s Ethics in the Bodhicaryāvatāra, Philosophy East and West 65(1): 249-275.
- Harris S.E. (2015) Review of Stephen C. Angle and Michael Slote (ed.), Virtue Ethics and Confucianism. Bespreking van: Angle Stephen C. & Slote Michael (2013), Virtue Ethics and Confucianism. New York: Routledge 10(1): 148-152.
- Harris S.E. (2014), Suffering and the Shape of Well-Being in Buddhist Ethics, Asian Philosophy 24(3): 242-259.
- Harris S.E. (2011), Does Anātman Rationally Entail Altruism? On Bodhicaryāvatāra 8:101-103, Journal of Buddhist Ethics 18: 93-123.