Stefan Romeijn
- Naam
- Ing. S.G. Romeijn
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4499

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- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
- LACDR/Drug Delivery Technology
- Os W.L. van, Wielaert L., Alter C., Davidovic D., Sachl R., Kock T., Ugueto Gonzalez U., Arias-Alpizar G., Lozano Vigario F., Knol R.A., Kuster R., Romeijn S., Lopez Mora N., Detampel P., Hof M., Huwyler J. & Kros A. (2024), Lipid conjugate dissociation analysis improves the in vivo understanding of lipid-based nanomedicine, Journal of Controlled Release 371: 85-100.
- Geersing T.H., Dogan D., Nejadnik M.R., Romeijn S., Knibbe C.A.J. & Crul M. (2024), Aggregate formation and antibody stability in infusion bags: the impact of manual and robotic compounding of monoclonal antibodies, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 113(4): 1029-1037.
- Ramakrishnan A., Bouwman E. & Romeijn S.G. (2023), Palladium-catalyzed synthesis of carboxylic acid anhydrides from alkenes, Journal of Catalysis 428: 115192.
- Benkstein K.D., Balakrishnan G., Bhirde A., Chalus P., Das T.K., Do N., Duewer D.L., Filonov N., Cheong F.C., Garidel P., Gill N.S., Grabarek A.D., Grier D.G., Hadley J., Hollingsworth A.D., Howard W.W., Jarzebski M., Jiskoot W., Kar S.R., Kestens V., Khasa H., Kim Y.J., Koulov A., Matter A., Philips L.A., Probst C., Ramaye Y., Randolph T.W., Ripple D.C., Romeijn S.G., Saggu M., Schleinzer F., Snell J.R., Tatarkiewicz J.K., Wright H.A. & Yang D. (2022), An interlaboratory comparison on the characterization of a sub-micrometer polydisperse particle dispersion, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 111(3): 699-709.
- Heuts J.J.M., Haaren C. van, Romeijn S.G., Ossendorp F., Jiskoot W. & Maaden K. van der (2022), Quantification of lipid and peptide content in antigenic peptide-loaded liposome formulations by reversed-phase UPLC using UV absorbance and evaporative light scattering detection, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 111(4): 1040-1049.
- Jacobse J., Voorde W. ten, Tandon A., Romeijn S.G., Grievink H.W., Maaden K. van der, Esdonk M.J. van, Moes D.J.A.R., Loeff F., Bloem K., Vries A. de, Rispens T., Wolbink G., Kam M. de, Ziagkos D., Moerland M., Jiskoot W., Bouwstra J., Burggraaf J., Schrier L., Rissmann R. & Cate R. ten (2021), Comprehensive evaluation of microneedle-based intradermal adalimumab delivery vs. subcutaneous administration: results of a randomized controlled clinical trial, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 87(8): 3162-3176.
- Abdolahpur Monikh F., Doornhein N., Romeijn S., Vijver M.G. & Peijnenburg W.J.G.M. (2021), Method for extraction of nanoscale plastic debris from soil, Analytical Methods 13(13): 1576-1583.
- Leone M.L., Romeijn S.G., Du G., Dévédec S.E. Le, Vrieling H., O'Mahony C., Bouwstra J.A. & Kersten G.F.A. (2020), Diphtheria toxoid dissolving microneedle vaccination: Adjuvant screening and effect of repeated-fractional dose administration, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 580: 119182.
- Leone M., Romeijn S., Slütter B., O'Mahony C., Kersten G. & Bouwstra J.A. (2020), Hyaluronan molecular weight: Effects on dissolution time of dissolving microneedles in the skin and on immunogenicity of antigen, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 146: 105269.
- Yu M., Silva T.C., Opstal A. van, Romeijn S., Every H.A., Jiskoot W., Witkamp G.J. & Ottens M. (2019), The Investigation of Protein Diffusion via H-Cell Microfluidics, Biophysical Journal 116(4): 595-609.
- Benne N., Leboux R.J.T., Glandrup M., Duijn J. van, Lozano Vigario F., Neustrup M.A., Romeijn S., Galli F., Kuiper J., Jiskoot W. & Slütter B. (2019), Atomic force microscopy measurements of anionic liposomes reveal the effect of liposomal rigidity on antigen-specific regulatory T cell responses, Journal of Controlled Release 318: 246-255.
- Leone M., Priester M.I., Romeijn S., Nejadnik M.R., Mönkäre J., O'Mahony C., Jiskoot W., Kersten G. & Bouwstra J.A. (2019), Hyaluronan-based dissolving microneedles with high antigen content for intradermal vaccination: Formulation, physicochemical characterization and immunogenicity assessment, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 134: 49-59.
- Vlieland N.D., Nejadnik M.R., Gardarsdottir H., Romeijn S.G., Sediq A.S., Bouvy M.L., Egberts A.C.G., Bemt B.J.F. van den & Jiskoot W. (2018), The Impact of Inadequate Temperature Storage Conditions on Aggregate and Particle Formation in Drugs Containing Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Inhibitors, Pharmaceutical Research 35(2): 42-52.
- Feng J., Chen D., Sediq A.S., Romeijn S., Tichelaar F.D., Jiskoot W., Yang J. & Koper M.T.M. (2018), Cathodic Corrosion of a Bulk Wire to Nonaggregated Functional Nanocrystals and Nanoalloys, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10(11): 9532-9540.
- Mönkare J., Pontier M.J., Kampen E.E.M. van, Du G., Leone M., Romeijn S.G., Nejadnik M.R., O'Mahony C., Slütter B.A., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2018), Development of PLGA nanoparticle loaded dissolving microneedles and comparison with hollow microneedles in intradermal vaccine delivery, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 129: 111-121.
- Du G., Leone M., Romeijn S.G., Kersten G.F.A., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2018), Immunogenicity of diphtheria toxoid and poly(I:C) loaded cationic liposomes after hollow microneedle-mediated intradermal injection in mice, International Journal of Pharmacological Research 547(1-2): 250-257.
- Schie K.A. van, Kruithof S., Ooijevaar-de Heer P., Derksen N.I.L., Bovenkamp F.S. van de, Saris A., Vidarsson G., Bentlage A.E.H., Jiskoot W., Romeijn S.G., Koning R.I., Bos E., Stork E.M., Koeleman C.A.M., Wuhrer M., Rispens T. & Wolbink G. (2018), Restricted immune activation and internalisation of anti-idiotype complexes between drug and antidrug antibodies, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 77(10): 1471-1479.
- Du G., Woythe L., Maaden K. van der, Leone M., Romeijn S.G., Kros A., Kersten G.F.A., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2018), Coated and Hollow Microneedle-Mediated Intradermal Immunization in Mice with Diphtheria Toxoid Loaded Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles, Pharmaceutical Research 35(10): 189.
- Heuts J.M.M., Varypataki E.M., Maaden K. van der, Romeijn S.G., Drijfhout J.W., Scheltinga A.T. van, Ossendorp F. & Jiskoot W. (2018), Cationic Liposomes: A Flexible Vaccine Delivery System for Physicochemically Diverse Antigenic Peptides, Pharmaceutical Research 35: 207.
- Schipper P., Maaden K. van der, Groeneveld V.G.D., Ruigrok M.J.R., Romeijn S.G., Uleman S., Oomens C., Kersten G.F.A., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2017), Diphtheria toxoid and N-trimethyl chitosan layer-by-layer coated pH-sensitive microneedles induce potent immune responses upon dermal vaccination in mice, Journal of Controlled Release 262: 28-36.
- Schipper P., Maaden K. van der, Romeijn S., Oomens C., Kersten G., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J. (2016), Repeated fractional intradermal dosing of an inactivated polio vaccine by a single hollow microneedle leads to superior immune responses, Journal of Controlled Release 242: 141-147.
- Schipper P., Maaden K. van der, Romeijn S.G., Oomens C., Kersten G.F.A., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2016), Determination of depth-dependent intradermal immunogenicity of adjuvanted inactivated polio vaccine delivered by microinjections via hollow microneedles, Pharmaceutical Research 33: 2269-2279.
- Halim L.A., Brinks V., Jiskoot W., Romeijn S.G., Haselberg R., Burns C., Wadhwa M. & Schellekens H. (2016), Quality and Batch-to-Batch Consistency of Original and Biosimilar Epoetin Products, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 105(2): 542-550.
- Bickel F., Herold E.M., Signes A., Romeijn S.G., Jiskoot W. & Kiefer H. (2016), Reversible NaCl-induced aggregation of a monoclonal antibody at low pH: Characterization of aggregates and factors affecting aggregation, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 107: 310-320.
- Monkare J.T., Nejadnik M.R., Baccouche K., Romeijn S., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2015), IgG-loaded hyaluronan-based dissolving microneedles for intradermal protein delivery, 218: 53-62.
- Ahmadi M., Bryson C.J., Cloake E.A., Welch K., Filipe V., Romeijn S.G., Hawe A., Jiskoot W., Baker M.P. & Fogg M.H. (2015), Small Amounts of Sub-Visible Aggregates Enhance the Immunogenic Potential of Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutics, 32(4): 1383-1394.
- Maaden K. van der, Trietsch S.J., Kraan H., Varypataki E.M., Romeijn S., Zwier R., Linden H.J. van der, Kersten G., Hankemeier T., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J. (2014), Novel Hollow Microneedle Technology for Depth-Controlled Microinjection-Mediated Dermal Vaccination: A Study with Polio Vaccine in Rats, 31(7): 1846-1854.
- Maaden Koen van der, Varypataki Eleni Maria, Yu Huixin, Romeijn Stefan, Jiskoot Wim & Bouwstra Joke (2014), Parameter optimization toward optimal microneedle-based dermal vaccination, 64: 18-25.
- Maaden K. van der, Varypataki E.M., Romeijn S.G., Ossendorp F.A., Jiskoot W. & Bouwstra J.A. (2014), Ovalbumin-coated pH-sensitive microneedle arrays effectively induce ovalbumin-specific antibody and T-cell responses in mice, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 88(2): 310-315.
- Halim Liem Andhyk, Brinks Vera, Jiskoot Wim, Romeijn Stefan, Praditpornsilpa Kearkiat, Assawamakin Anunchai & Schellekens Huub (2014), How Bio-questionable are the Different Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Copy Products in Thailand?, 31(5): 1210-1218.
- Heljo Ville P., Filipe Vasco, Romeijn Stefan, Jiskoot Wim & Juppo Anne M. (2013), Stability of rituximab in freeze-dried formulations containing trehalose or melibiose under different relative humidity atmospheres, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 102(2): 401-414.
- Bouwstra J.A., Groenink H.W.W., Kempenaar J.A., Romeijn S.G. & Ponec M.P. (2008), The water distribution and natural moisturizer factor in human skin equivalents grown at various relative humidities, 128: 378-388.
- Amidi M., Romeijn S.G., Verhoef J., Junginger H.E., Bungener L., Huckriede A., Crommelin D.J.A. & Jiskoot W. (2007), N-Trimethyl chitosan (TMC) nanoparticles loaded with influenza subunit antigen for intranasal vaccination: Biological properties and immunogenicity in a mouse model, Vaccine 25: 144-153.
- Amidi M., Romeijn S.G., Borchard G., Junginger H.E., Hennink W.E. & Jiskoot W. (2006), Preparation and characterization of protein-loaded N-trimethyl chitosan nanoparticles as nasal delivery system, JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE 111: 107-116.
- Nugroho A.K., Romeijn S.G., Zwier R., Vries J.B. de, Dijkstra D., Wikström H., Pasqua O.D., Danhof M. & Bouwstra J.A. (2006), Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics analysis of transdermal iontophoresis of 5-OH-DPAT in rats: in vitro - in vivo correlation, JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES 95: 1570-1585.
- Berg M.P. van den, Verhoef J., Romeijn S.G. & Merkus F.W.H.M. (2004), Uptake of estradiol and progesterone into the CSF following intranasal and intravenous delivery in rats, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 58: 131-135.
- Berg M.P. van den, Merkus P., Romeijn S.G., Verhoef J. & Merkus F.W.H.M. (2004), Uptake of melatonin into the cerebrospinal fluid after nasal and intravenous delivery: studies in rats and comparison with a human study, PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH 21: 799-802.
- Bivas-Benita M., Oudshoorn M., Romeijn S.G., Meijgaarden K.E. van, Koerten H.K., Meulen J. van der, Lambert J., Ottenhoff T.H.M., Benita S., Junginger H.E. & Borchard G. (2004), Cationic submicron emulsions for pulmonary DNA immunization, JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE 100: 145-155.
- Bivas-Benita M., Romeijn S.G., Junginger H.E. & Borchard G. (2004), PLGA-PEI nanoparticles for gene delivery to pulmonary epithelium, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 58: 1-6.
- Berg M.P. van den, Merkus P., Romeijn S.G., Verhoef J. & Merkus F.W.H.M. (2003), Hydroxocobalamin uptake into the cerebrospinal fluid after nasal and intravenous delivery in rats and humans, Journal of Drug Targeting 11: 325-331.
- Berg M.P. van den, Verhoef J., Romeijn S.G. & Merkus F.W.H.M. (2002), Uptake of hydrocortisone into the cererbospinal fluid of rats: comparison of intranasal and intravenous administration in the same animal, STP PHARMA SCIENCES 12: 251-255.
- Berg M.P. van den, Romeijn S.G., Verhoef J. & Merkus F.W.H.M. (2002), Serial cerebrospinal fluid sampling in a rat model to study drug uptake form the nasal cavity, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 116: 99-107.
- Boek W.M., Romeijn S.G., Graamans K., Verhoef J., Merkus F.W.H.M. & Huizing E.H. (1999), Validation of animal experiments on ciliary function in vitro. II. The influence of absorption enhancers, preservatives and physiological saline, Acta Oto-laryngologica 119: 98-101.
- Boek W.M., Romeijn S.G., Graamans K., Verhoef J., Merkus F.W.H.M. & Huizing E.H. (1999), Validation of animal experiments on ciliary function in vitro. I. The influence of substances used clinically, Acta Oto-laryngologica 119: 93-97.
- Merkus F.W.H.M., Verhoef J., Marttin E., Romeijn S.G., Kuy P.H.M. van der, Hermens W.A.J.J. & Schipper N.G.M. (1999), Cyclodextrins in nasal drug delivery, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 36: 41-47.
- Merkus F.W.H.M., Kuy P.H.M. van der, Marttin E., Romeijn S.G. & Verhoef J. (1998), Efficacy and safety of cyclodextrins in nasal drug delivery. In: , Proceedings of the 9th Int.Symp. of Cyclodextrins. Dordrecht, NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers.