Universiteit Leiden

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Sophie van Romburgh

Universitair docent

Dr. S.G. van Romburgh
+31 71 527 2727

Sophie van Romburgh is universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.

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Universitair docent

  • Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
  • Centre for the Arts in Society
  • Oude Britse letterkunde


Arsenaalstraat 1
2311 CT Leiden


  • Romburgh S.G. van (2025), Imagining Septentrional Etymology: A First Theorisation of the Role of Experience in Early Modern Philology on Words of the North European Past. In: Melion Walter S., Pieper Christoph, Smith Paul J. & Traninger Anita (red.), Reading Images from the Past: In Honour of Karl A.E. Enenkel. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture nr. 100. Leiden and Boston: BRILL. 594-619. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2022), "Experience theory" (Text work published in Call for "Role of Experience" reading group, PARC Platform for Arts Research in Collaboration, 16 Dec 2022). [overig]. Overig
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2021), Slow reading on the wing: Entangling enactive literary criticism, the energia of early modern imagining, and artistic research. In: Haar A.D.M. van de & Schulte Nordholt A.E. (red.), Figurations animalières à travers les textes et l’image en Europe. Du Moyen Âge à nos jours. Essais en homage à Paul J. Smith. Faux Titre nr. 453. Leiden, Boston: Brill. 422-434. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2019), L’hybridité érudite des poèmes de circonstance scaldiques et anglo-saxons modernes. In: Pouey-Mounou A.-P. & Smith P. (red.), Langues hybrides: expérimentations linguistiques et littéraires (XVe–début XVIIe siècle)/ Hybridsprachen: Linguistische und literarische Untersuchungen (15.–Anfang 17. Jh.). De lingua et linguis VI (Project Eurolab – Projekt Eurolab). Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance nr. 598. Genève: Librairie Droz. 191-214. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2019), Member of the Scientific committee for the conference ‘Le filologie medievali oggi/ Medieval Philology Today/ Mittelalterphilologien heute’, to be held at the Università degli Studi ‘Carlo Bo’, Urbino (IT) in Fall 2020 (Università degli Studi ‘Carlo Bo’). [overig]. Overig
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2018), 'Hyperboreo sono': An Exploration of Erudition in Early Modern Germanic Philology, Erudition and the Republic of Letters 3(3): 274-313. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2018), Some kinesic-enactive implicatures of reading ‘energia’ in early modern Septentrional philology (Paper given at The Making of the Humanities VII, 15-17 November 2018, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam NL). The Making of the Humanities VII 15 november 2018 - 17 november 2018. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2017), ‘In the morning, when my brain is worlding’ (artwork, with artist talk, presented at the conference ‘Worlding the brain: Affect, Care, Engagement’, 2–4 November 2017, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam NL). 'Worlding the brain: affect, care, engagement', University of Amsterdam 2 november 2017 - 4 november 2017. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2017), ‘In the morning, when my brain is worlding’ (artwork in the public atrium of CREA during the conference ‘Worlding the brain: Affect, Care, Engagement’, 2–4 November 2017, CREA building, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam NL). [overig]. Overig
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2017), Perambulation. In: Mascini V. (red.), Cloud Inverse. Amsterdam: Raddraaier Printers. 13-15, 18. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2016), Bespreking van: Weststeijn Thijs (2015), Art and Antiquity in the Netherlands and Britain: The vernacular arcadia of Franciscus Junius (1591–1677). Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History nr. 12. Leiden and Boston: Brill. History of Humanities 1(1): 192-194.
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2016), How to Make the Past Age Present: Some of Ole Worm’s and Francis Junius’ Humanist Efforts. In: Molinari A. & Dallapiazza M. (red.), Mittelalterphilologien heute: Eine Standortbestimmung. Band 1: Die germanischen Philologien. Würzburg: Verlag Königshausen und Neumann. 157-172. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2013), Making Septentrional Poetry Present: the Efforts of Francis Junius and Fellow Seventeenth-Century Philologists (Invited paper given at Le filologie medievali oggi/ Medieval Philology Today/ Mittelalterphilologien heute, 02-04 Dec 2013, Università degli Studi ‘Carlo Bo’, Urbino IT). Le filologie medievali oggi/ Medieval Philology Today/ Mittelalterphilologien heute 2 december 2013 - 4 december 2013. Urbino (IT). Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2011), Reciprocal bonds between words and friends, or Correspondence according to Francis Junius (Invited lecture given at the Cultures of Knowledge Seminar, 26 May 2011, History Faculty, University of Oxford, Oxford). Cultures of Knowledge Seminar. Oxford (UK). Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Montoya A.C., Romburgh S.G. van & Anrooij W. van (2010), Introduction: Questioning Early Modern Medievalisms. In: Montoya A.C., Romburgh S.G. van & Anrooij W. van (red.), Early Modern Medievalisms. The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production. Intersections. Yearbook for Early Modern Studies nr. 15. Leiden / Boston: Brill. 1-15. Boekdeel
  • Montoya A.C., Romburgh S.G. van & Anrooij W. van (red.) (2010), Early Modern Medievalisms. The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production. Intersections: Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture nr. 15. Leiden / Boston: Brill. Boekredactie
  • Romburgh S.G. van & Skovgaard-Petersen K. (red.) (2008), Humanist Discoveries of the Scandinavian Past. Renaessanceforum. Humanist Discoveries of the Scandinavian Past. Renaessanceforum. Boekredactie
  • Romburgh S.G. van & Skovgaard-Petersen K. (2008), Introduction: Humanist Discoveries of the Scandinavian Past, Humanist Discoveries of the Scandinavian Past. Renaessanceforum 5: 1-3. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Montoya A.C., Romburgh S.G. van & Anrooij W. van (2008), Early-Modern Medievalisms: The Interplay between Scholarly Reflection and Artistic Production. Three-Day International Conference, Leiden University, 21-23 August 2008 (LUCAS, Leiden University). [overig]. Overig
  • Heesakkers C.L. & Romburgh S.G. van (2007), Franciscus Junius' Oratio funebris on the Professor of Medicine Gerardus Bontius, Humanistica Lovaniensia LVI: 24-49. 'Refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2007), De zalmenzaal: Waar humanist en rune samenkomen. . Nieuwsbrief Neolatinistenverband Nederland. Den Haag 15-24. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2007), Interdisciplinarity and Early Modern Medievalisms (Paper given at the symposium of Intersections: Yearbook for Early Modern Studies, 30 Jan 2007, Leiden University, Leiden NL). Symposium of Intersections: Yearbook for Early Modern Studies. Leiden. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2006), De besegelte borne: Een humanistisch discours rond de "Leidse Willeram". In: Hoftijzer Paul, Ommen K. van, Warnar G. & Witkam J.J. (red.), Bronnen van Kennis. Wetenschap, kunst en cultuur in de collecties van de Leidse Universiteitsbibliotheek. Leiden: Primavera Pers. 85-91. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2006), Texturized Scholarship: The Concordia discors of Humanist Germanic Philology (Paper given at the Annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, 23-25 Mar 2006, San Francisco CA). Annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America 23 maart 2006 - 25 maart 2006. San Francisco. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Papy J. & Romburgh S.G. van (2006), Architects of Humanist Learning (Panel) (Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (23-25 Mar 2006)). [overig]. Overig
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2005), UBL, 579 G 14, als paratekst. Deneire T., Verbeke D. & Sacré D. (red.), De verhoudingen tussen auteur, drukker en gededicaceerde bij Neolatijnse publicaties. Acta selecta van de studiedag voor Neolatijn te Antwerpen, Museum Plantin-Moretus op 17 december 2004. Studiedag voor Neolatijn, Antwerpen, Museum Plantin-Moretus, 17 december 2004. Leuven 29-49. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2005), From Alfred to Sidney to Virgil: Anglo-Saxon Text and Early Modern Context (Paper given at the 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 05-08 May 2005, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI). 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies 5 mei 2005 - 8 mei 2005. Kalamazoo. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2005), Runes, Adages and Hieroglyphs: The Emblematic Emulation of Septentrional Inscription (Paper given at the Annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, 07-09 Apr 2005, Cambridge UK). Annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America 7 april 2005 - 9 april 2005. Cambridge UK. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2005) Boekbespreking. Bespreking van: Saunders Corinne (2001), Chaucer (Blackwell Guides to Criticism) nr. 4. Oxford: Blackwell. English Studies 86: 370-371. Boekbespreking
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2004), "For my Worthy Freind Mr Franciscus Junius." An Edition of the Correspondence of Francis Junius F.F. (1591-1677) (BSIH 121). Brill's Studies in Intellectual History nr. 121. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Boek
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2004), Junius [Du Jon], Franciscus (1591-1677). In: Matthew H.C.G. & Harrison B. (red.), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2004), Septentrionalist Emblematics: An Early Modern Play on Runes. In: Dijkhuizen J.F. van, Hoftijzer P.G., Roding J.G. & Smith P.J. (red.), Living in Posterity: Essays in Honour of Bart Westerweel. Hilversum: Verloren. 221-228. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2004), "The forced stile of a forrainer:" Francis Junius and English. Visser-Fuchs L. (red.), Current Research in Dutch Universities and Polytechnics on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics. Papers read at the twenty-fifth research symposium held in Utrecht on 12 December 2003. Twenty-fifth research symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics, Utrecht, 12 December 2003. Utrecht 22-40. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2004), Come and Read the Runes: The Discourse of Humanist Germanic Philology (Paper given at the 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 06-09 May 2004, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI). 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies 6 mei 2004 - 9 mei 2004. Kalamazoo. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2003), Latin Discourse on the Early Germanic Languages: Francis Junius’ Correspondence (Paper given at the XII International Congress for Neo-Latin Studies, 03-09 Aug 2003, Universität Bonn, Bonn DE). XII International Congress for Neo-Latin Studies 3 augustus 2003 - 9 augustus 2003. Bonn (DE). Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2003), Ole Worm and the Construction of Medieval Runic Literature (Paper given at the 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 8-11 May 2003). 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies 8 mei 2013 - 11 mei 2013. Kalamazoo MI. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van & Skovgaard-Petersen K. (2003), Humanist Research on the Germanic and Nordic Past (2 Panels) (XII International Congress for Neo-Latin Studies (3-9 Aug 2003)). [overig]. Overig
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2002), Translations of Culture: Francis Junius’ English and Dutch Versions of his Latin Art Theory (Paper given at Anglo–Dutch and Scoto–Dutch Relations and the Translation of Culture, The Sir Thomas Browne Institute, Leiden University, Leiden NL). Anglo–Dutch and Scoto–Dutch Relations and the Translation of Culture (The Sir Thomas Browne Institute, Leiden University. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2002), How did Junius Conceive of Cædmon and Old English Poetry? (Paper given at the 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, 2-5 May 2002). 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2 mei 2002 - 5 mei 2002. Kalamazoo MI. 'Refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2002), Bespreking van: Neville J. (1999), Representations of the Natural World in Old English Poetry. Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England nr. 27. Cambridge UK, New York NY, Melbourne AU: Cambridge University Press. English Studies 83: 73-74. Boekbespreking
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2002), Bespreking van: Dodwell C.R. (2000), Anglo-Saxon Gestures and the Roman Stage. Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England nr. 28. Cambridge UK, New York NY, Melbourne AU: Cambridge University Press. English Studies 83: 74-76. Boekbespreking
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2002), Bespreking van: Matthews D. (2000), The Invention of Middle English: An Anthology of Primary Sources. Making the Middle Ages nr. 2. Turnhout (B): Brepols. European Journal of English Studies 6(2): 223-224. Boekbespreking
  • Romburgh S.G. van (2001), Why Francis Junius (1591-1677) Became an Anglo-Saxonist, or, the Study of Old English for the Elevation of Dutch. In: Shippey T.A. & Arnold M. (red.), Appropriating the Middle Ages: Scholarship, Politics, Fraud. Studies in Medievalism 11 nr. 11. Cambridge etc.: D.S. Brewer. 5-36. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (1999), De Latijnse brief in de vroegmoderne tijd, Musaeus 6(3): 7-22. 'Non-refereed' artikel in tijdschrift
  • Romburgh S.G. van (1998), Junius's Warrant for Isaac Vossius (1672) and Junius's Will (1672). In: Bremmer R.H. Jr (red.), Franciscus Junius F.F. and his Circle (DQR Studies in Literature 21). Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 237-240. Boekdeel
  • Romburgh S.G. van (1998), Bespreking van: Biggam C.P. (1998), Blue in Old English. An Interdisciplinary Semantic Study. Costerus new series nr. 110. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. English Studies 79: 469-470. Boekbespreking
  • Romburgh S.G. van (1997), Colouring Beowulf: the unconventional use of light and dark. Kooper E. (red.), Proceedings of the XVIIIth Medievalists' Research Symposium 1996. 79-89. Non-refereed' congrespublicatie
  • Romburgh S.G. van (1997) recensie. Bespreking van: Nativel C. (1997), Franciscus Junius. De Pictura veterum libri tres ... nr. 2. Geneve: Droz. Archai: Revista de Estudos sobre as Origens do Pensamento Ocidental 13: 471-472. Boekbespreking
  • Romburgh S.G. van (1997) Recensie. Bespreking van: Schwyter J.R. (1996), Old English Legal Language.The Lexical Field of Theft. Odense: Odense University Press. Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik 48: 1997. Boekbespreking
  • Bremmer Jr. Rolf H., Dekker C. & Romburgh S.G. van (red.) (1995), Current Research in Dutch and Belgian Universities and Polytechnics on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics. Leiden: NN. Boekredactie


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