Sofia Fernandes Gomes
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. S.I. Fernandes Gomes
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5118
- 0000-0001-7218-1531

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Universitair docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Plant Sciences
- Liu X., Vrieling K., Fernandea Gomes S.I., Ossowicki A.S., Lommen S.T.E., Drift M.C.H. van der, Zwart F.A., Ekas L.S., Sousa Mascarenhas T.X. de, Erol O. & Bezemer T.M. (2025), Exploring the potential of root-associated bacteria to control an outbreak weed, Plant and Soil 506: 743-765.
- Wang D., Trimbos K.B., Gomes S.I.F., Jacquemyn H. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2024), Metabarcoding read abundances of orchid mycorrhizal fungi are correlated to copy numbers estimated using ddPCR, New Phytologist 242(4): 1825-1834.
- Georgopoulos K., Bezemer T.M., Neeft L., Martin Camargo A., Anslan S., Tedersoo L. & Fernandez Gomes S.I. (2024), Effects of soil biotic and abiotic characteristics on tree growth and aboveground herbivory during early afforestation, Applied Soil Ecology 202: 105579.
- Gomes S.I.F., Fortuna M.A., Bascompte J. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2022), Mycoheterotrophic plants preferentially target arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that are highly connected to autotrophic plants, New Phytologist 235(5): 2034-2045.
- Gomes S.I.F., Kikuchi I.A.B.S., Lachenaud O., Perdomo J., Léotard G., Maas P.J.M., Maas-van de Kamer H. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2022), Unravelling the species diversity, phylogeny and biogeography of the mycoheterotrophic Voyrieae (Gentianaceae) and the description of a new species, Taxon 71(5): 1013-1024.
- Ampt E.A., Francioli D., Ruijven J. van, Gomes S.I.F., Maciá‐Vicente J.G., Termorshuizen A.J., Bakker L.M. & Mommer L. (2022), Deciphering the interactions between plant species and their main fungal root pathogens in mixed grassland communities, Journal of Ecology 110(12): 3039-3052.
- Wang D.Y., Jacquemyn H., Gomes S.I.F., Vos R.A. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2021), Symbiont switching and trophic mode shifts in Orchidaceae, New Phytologist 231(2): 791-800.
- Soudzilovskaia N.A., Vaessen S., Barcelo M., He J., Rahimlou S., Abarenkov K., Brundrett M.C., Gomes S.I.F., Merckx V.S.F.T. & Tedersoo L. (2020), FungalRoot: global online database of plant mycorrhizal associations, New Phytologist 227(3): 955-966.
- Gomes S.I.F., Bodegom P.M. van, Agtmaal M. van, Soudzilovskaia N.A., Bestman M., Duijm E., Speksnijder A. & Eekeren N. van (2020), Microbiota in dung and milk differ between organic and conventional dairy farms, Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 1746.
- Eekeren N. van, Agtmaal M. van, Bestman M., Gomes S.I.F., Bodegom P.M. van, Soudzilovskaia N.A., Duijm E. & Speksnijder A. (2020), Bacteriën en schimmels op melkveebedrijf in beeld, Vfocus 2020(5): 26-29.
- Gomes S.I.F., Kielak A.M., Hannula S.E., Heinen R., Jongen R., Keesmaat I., Long J.R. de & Bezemer T.M. (2020), Microbiomes of a specialist caterpillar are consistent across different habitats but also resemble the local soil microbial communities, Animal Microbiome 2: 37.
- Martorelli I., Helwerda L.S., Kerkvliet J., Gomes S.I.F., Nuytinck J., Werff C.R.A. van der, Ramackers G.J., Goultiaev A.P., Merckx V.S.F.T. & Verbeek F.J. (2020), Fungal metabarcoding data integration framework for the MycoDiversity DataBase (MDDB), Journal Integrative Bioinformatics 17(1): 20190046.
- Giesemann P., Eichenberg D., Stockel M., Seifert L.F., Gomes S.I.F., Merckx V.S.F.T. & Gebauer G. (2020), Dark septate endophytes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Paris-morphotype) affect the stable isotope composition of 'classically' non-mycorrhizal plants, Functional Ecology 34(12): 2453-2466.
- Gomes S.I.F., Merckx V.S.F.T., Kehl J. & Gebauer G. (2020), Mycoheterotrophic plants living on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are generally enriched in(13)C,N-15 and(2)H isotopes, Journal of Ecology 108(4): 1250-1261.
- Merckx V.S.F.T. & Gomes S.I.F. (2020), Symbiosis: herbivory alters mycorrhizal nutrient exchange, Current Biology 30(10): R437-R439.
- Gomes S.I.F., Bodegom P.M. van, Merckx V.S.F.T. & Soudzilovskaia N.A. (2019), Global distribution patterns of mycoheterotrophy, Global Ecology and Biogeography 28(8): 1133-1145.
- Gomes S.I.F., Bodegom P.M. van, Merckx V.S.F.T. & Soudzilovskaia N.A. (2019), Environmental drivers for cheaters of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in tropical rainforests, New Phytologist 223(3): 1575–1583.
- Fernandes Gomes S.I. (30 oktober 2018), Cheating belowground interactions : diversity, ecology and distribution of mycoheterotrophy (Dissertatie. Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Bodegom P.M. van, Soudzilovkaia N.A.
- Gomes S.I.F., Aguirre Gutierrez J., Bidartondo M.I. & Merckx V.S.F.T. (2017), Arbuscular mycorrhizal interactions of mycoheterotrophic Thismia are more specialized than in autotrophic plants, New Phytologist 2013(3): 1418–1427.
- Gomes S.I.F., Merckx V.S.F.T. & Saavedra S. (2017), Fungal-host diversity among mycoheterotrophic plants increases proportionally to their fungal-host overlap, Ecology and Evolution 7(10): 3623–3630.
- Merckx V.S.F.T., Gomes S.I.F., Wapstra M., Hunt C., Steenbeeke G., Mennes C.B., Walsh N., Smissen R., Hsieh T.-H., Smets E.F. & Bidartondo M.I. (2017), The biogeographical history of the interaction between mycoheterotrophic Thismia (Thismiaceae) plants and mycorrhizal Rhizophagus (Glomeraceae) fungi, Journal of Biogeography 44(8): 1869–1879.
- Carvalheiro L.G., Biesmeijer J.C., Benadi G., Frund J., Stang M., Bartomeus I., Kaiser-Bunbury C.N., Baude M., Fernandes Gomes S.I., Merckx V.S.F.T., Baldock K.C.R., Bennett A.T.D., Boada R., Bommarco R., Cartar R., Chacoff N., Danhardt J., Dicks L.V., Dormann C.F., Ekroos J., Henson K.S.E., Holzschuh A., Junker R.R., Lopezaraiza-Mikel M., Memmott J., Montero-Castano A., Nelson I.L., Petanidou T., Power E.F., Rundlof M., Smith H.G., Stout J.C., Temitope K., Tscharntke T., Tscheulin T., Vila M. & Kunin W.E. (2014), The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness, Ecology Letters 17(11): 1389-1399.