Siuman Chung
- Naam
- Dr. S. Chung
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3830
- 0000-0003-1737-7544
Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina.
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Leer/Gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs
- Espin C.A., Chung S., Foegen A. & Campbell H. (2019), Curriculum-Based Measurement for secondary-school students. In: Kennedy M. & Pullen P. (red.), Handbook of Response to Intervention and Multi-tiered Instruction. New York: Taylor & Francis Ltd.
- Espin C.A., Bosch R.M. van den, Saab N., Chung S., Rippe R.C.A., Pat-El R., Beutick M. & Langa A. (2019), Data-based decision-making for students with learning problems: Why is it so difficult?. Vlaams-Nederlandse Interacademiale Leerproblemen 24 mei 2019 - 24 mei 2019.
- Chung S., Espin C.A. & Stevenson C.E. (2018), CBM maze-scores as indicators of reading level and growth for seventh-grade students, Reading & Writing 31(3): 627-648.
- Chung S. (26 juni 2018), CBM progress monitoring in reading and foreign-language learning for secondary-school students (Dissertatie. Education and Child Studies, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Espin C.A., Stevenson C.E.
- Espin C., Van den Bosch R. & Chung S. (2018), Data-based decision making: Improving teachers' understanding and interpretation of progress. Lorentz International Workshop, Data-based Decision-making in Education: The Data Are There... Why Aren’t They Used? 11 juni 2018 - 14 juni 2018. Leiden: Lorentz International Workshop, Data-based Decision-making in Education: The Data Are There... Why Aren’t They Used?.
- Bosch R.M. van den, Espin C.A., Chung S. & Saab N. (2017), Data-based decision making: Teachers’ comprehension of Curriculum-Based Measurement progress-monitoring graphs, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 32(1): 46-60.
- Espin C.A., Chung S., Foegen A. & Campbell H. (2017), Curriculum-Based Measurement for secondary-school students. In: Pullen P.C. & Kennedy M.J. (red.), Handbook of Response to Intervention and Multi-Tiered Instruction. New York, Verenigde Staten: Routledge.
- Espin C.A., Van den Bosch R.M., Boender P. & Chung S (2016), Teachers’ understanding of CBM progress-monitoring graphs : descriptions and patterns of data inspection.
- Espin C.A., Chung S. & Van den Bosch R.M. (2015), Response-to-Intervention (RTI): Een probleem-oplossende benadering voor leer- en gedragsproblemen in het onderwijs. ORD, Leiden, The Netherlands. [lezing].
- Chung S. & Espin C.A. (2013), CBM Progress monitoring in foreign language learning for secondary school students: Technical adequacy of different measures and scoring procedures, Assessment for Effective Intervention 38(4): 236-248.