Simona Demkova
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. S. Demkova LLM MA
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-2169-0165

Simona Demková is universitair docent in Europees recht aan het Europa Instituut.
Simona Demková is universitair docent in Europees recht aan het Europa Instituut. Ze leidt een onderzoeksproject over de 'mensgerichte digitale transformatie van de EU', gefinancierd met een startersbeurs van de Universiteit Leiden. Haar onderzoeksexpertise bestrijkt een breed gebied van het Europees recht, waaronder het administratief en constitutioneel recht van de EU, de bescherming van grondrechten, maar ook digitalisering en regulering van nieuwe technologieën.
Meer informatie over Simona Demková is beschikbaar op haar Engelse profielpagina.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Europees Recht
- Demková S. & De Gregorio G. (10 februari 2025), The Looming Enforcement Crisis in European Digital Policy: A rule-of-law centered path forward. Verfassungsblog. [blog].
- Demkova S. (31 oktober 2024), The AI Act’s Right to Explanation: A Plea for an Integrated Remedy. Media Laws. [blog].
- Demkova. S. & De Gregorio G. (25 april 2024), More Rights does not Necessarily Mean Better Legal Protection: A Critical Look at Remedies in European Digital Policy. The Digital Constitutionalist. [blog].
- De Gregorio G. & Demkova S. (2024), The Constitutional Right to an Effective Remedy in the Digital Age: A Perspective from Europe. In: Oirsouw C. van, Poorter J. de, Leijten I., Schyff G. van der, Stremler M. & De Visser M. (red.), European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2023: Constitutional Law in the Digital Era. European Yearbook of Constitutional Law nr. 5. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. 223-254.
- Demkova S. (2024), The EU’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and Fundamental Rights. In: Fink M. (red.), Redressing Fundamental Rights Violations by the EU: The Promise of the ‘Complete System of Remedies'. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 391-421.
- Demkova S., Fink M. & Gentile G. (4 oktober 2023), The digital future of European public administration: introduction to the symposium on safeguarding the right to good administration in the age of AI. The Digital Constitutionalist. [blog].
- Demkova S. (2023), Automated decision-making and effective remedies: the new dynamics in the protection of EU fundamental rights in the area of freedom, security and justice. Elgar Studies in European Law and Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
- Demková S. & Hofmann H.C.H. (2022), General principles of procedural justice. In: Ziegler K.S., Neuvonen P.J. & Moreno-Lax V. (red.), Research handbook on general principles in EU law: constructing legal orders in Europe. Research Handbooks in European Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 209-226.
- Demková S. (2022), Enforcing remedies: the challenges of automatisation for effective oversight. In: Ligeti K. & Brodersen KH. (red.), Studies on Enforcement in Multilevel Regulatory Systems. Luxemburger Juristische Studien = Luxembourg Legal Studies nr. 24. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 185-210.
- Demková S. (2021), The decisional value of information in European semi-automated decision-making, Review of European Administrative Law 14(2): 29-50.
- Quintel T. & Demková S. (2020), Allocation of responsibilities in interoperable information exchanges: effective review compromised?. In: Amalfitano C., Anrò I., Rass-Masson L. & Théron J. (red.) L'État de droit = o stato di diritto = The rule of law: ateliers doctoraux 2019 de la European School of law Toulouse, Università degli studi di Milano. Cahiers Jean Monnet nr. 6 Toulouse: Editions des Presses de l'Université de Toulouse 1 Capitole. 589-616.
- Demková S. (2019), The grand chamber's take on composite procedures under the single supervisory mechanism, Review of European Administrative Law 12(1): 209-224.