Simon Willmetts
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. S.D. Willmetts
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9500
- 0000-0002-7047-6034

Simon Willmetts is Universitair Hoofddocent Intelligence Studies bij het instituut Security and Global Affairs. Hij is een cultuurhistoricus met interesse in de geschiedenis van geheimhouding, inlichtingen, toezicht en digitale privacy. Zijn onderzoek richt zich op de bredere sociale en culturele impact van geheime inlichtingendiensten en hun activiteiten. In zijn eerste boek, In Secrecy’s Shadow: The OSS and CIA in Hollywood Cinema (2016), onderzoekt hij het ineenstorten van het publieke vertrouwen in de overheid in de periode na de Tweede Wereldoorlog door de lens van naoorlogse spionagefilms. Meer recent is hij geïnteresseerd geraakt in de manier waarop hedendaagse dystopische fictie het debat over digitale privacy interpreteert en vormt. Doorkiesnummer: 7670.
Meer informatie is te vinden op de Engelse pagina.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Intelligence
- Willmetts S. (2024), Forbidden history: CIA censorship, the invisible government, and the origins of the “deep state” conspiracy theory, Intelligence and National Security 39(2): 281-297.
- Willmetts S. (2023), The many realisms of John Le Carré, Intelligence and National Security 38(2): 204-217.
- Constant Hijzen and Simon Willmetts (2022), Institutional and Organizational Crisis: The CIA After 9/11. In: Sanneke Kuipers Allan McConnell et al. (red.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Simon Willmetts (2022), Culture in Intelligence Studies. In: Huw Dylan Michael Goodman Robert Dover (red.), A Research Agenda for Intelligence Studies and Government: Edward Elgar Press.
- Willmetts S. (2019), The cultural turn in intelligence studies, Intelligence and National Security 34(6): 800-817.
- Willmetts S.D. (2018), Digital Dystopia: Surveillance, Autonomy, and Social Justice in Gary Shteyngart’s Super Sad True Love Story, American Quarterly 70(2): 267-289.
- Willmetts S.D. (3 februari 2017), What are the Orwellian Dystopias of the 21st Century?. [webartikel].
- Willmetts S.D. (6 februari 2016), “I Am Skeptical That Capitalism Has a Future”: An Interview with Cory Doctorow. [webartikel].
- Willmetts S.D. (29 januari 2016), When the Internet Got Nasty: Art on the Electronic Superhighway. [webartikel].
- Willmetts S.D. (2016), In Secrecy's Shadow: The OSS and CIA in Hollywood Cinema, 1941-1979. Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
- Willmetts S.D. (26 oktober 2015), Homeland, Snowden and Fictional Defences of the CIA. [webartikel].
- Willmetts S.D. (1 september 2015), Why Burning Man is Silicon Valley. [webartikel].
- Willmetts S.D. (2015), The Burgeoning Fissures of Dissent: Allen Dulles and the Selling of the CIA in the Aftermath of the Bay of Pigs, History 100(340): 167-188.
- Willmetts S.D. (2015), The CIA and the Invention of Tradition, Journal of Intelligence History 14(2): 112-128.
- Willmetts S.D. (2015) Review of 'Imagining Surveillance: Eutopian and Dystopian Literature and Film'. Bespreking van: Marks P. (2015), Imagining Surveillance: Eutopian and Dystopian Literature and Film: Edinburgh University Press. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 11(2): 237-239.
- Willmetts S.D. (18 november 2013), Secrecy at the Heart of Kennedy Conspiracy Fears. The Yorkshire Post.
- Willmetts S.D. (2013), Quiet Americans: The CIA in Early Cold War Culture, Journal of American Studies 47(1): .
- Willmetts S.D. & Moran C. (2013), Filming Treachery: British Cinema and Television's Fascination with the Cambridge Five, Journal of British Cinema and Television 49(70): 239-252.
- Willmetts S.D. (2013), Fact vs. Fiction: A False Dichotomy?. In: Moran C. & Murphy C.J. (red.), Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US Historiography since 1945: Edinburgh University Press. 146-171.
- Willmetts S.D. (2013), Central Intelligence Agency. In: Lynch T.J. (red.), The Oxford Encyclopaedia of American Military and Diplomatic History: Oxford University Press. 144-151.
- Willmetts S.D. (2011), Secrecy, Censorship and Beltway Books: Understanding the Work of the CIA's Publications Review Board, Intelligence and Counterintelligence : .