Seda Gürkan
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. S. Gürkan
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 8206
- 0000-0003-4971-9537

Seda Gürkan is Assistant Professor in European Approaches to Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) van de Universiteit Leiden. Zij is ook een Affiliated Fellow en Hoogleraar bij het Department of Political Science en het Institute for European Studies (IEE), bij de Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
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Seda Gürkan is Assistant Professor in European Approaches to Security, Diplomacy and Global Affairs bij het Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) van de Universiteit Leiden. Zij is ook een Affiliated Fellow en Hoogleraar bij het Department of Political Science en het Institute for European Studies (IEE), bij de Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Meer informatie op de Engelstalige website.
Universitair docent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Institute of Security and Global Affairs
- Sanchez Salgado R. & Gürkan S. (2025), Emotions and policy change in the wake of political scandals: How did the Qatargate shake the European Parliament?, European Policy Analysis : 1-22.
- Gürkan S. (2024), EU-Turkey relations in a "dangerous world": prospects and challenges after the 2023 elections in Turkey. In: Christofis N. (red.), Elections and earthquakes: quo vadis Turkey?. The Mediterranean Politics nr. 8. London: Transnational Press London. 197-208.
- Gürkan S. (2024), Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2024 Country Report — Turkey. . Gütersloh: BTI.: Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. .
- Gürkan S. (2024), Case study-Turkey : the state of autocratisation in the European neighbourhood & case selection nr. D.3.4. RED-SPINEL. [working paper].
- Gürkan S. (2024), How does the Council legitimize the EU’s response to international crises? : emotion discourse analysis of the high representative’s communications on Russia’s war of aggression. In: Coman R. & Sierens V. (red.), EU council presidencies in times of crises: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Gürkan S. (2024), Constructing an ‘emotional community’ in times of crisis: the EU’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Journal of European Integration 46(5): 635–659.
- Terzi Ö & Gürkan S (1 oktober 2024), Emotions are running high in EU foreign policy – and that's ok. The Loop, ECPR's Political Science Blog: ECPR. [blog].
- Gürkan S. (2023), The impact of autocratisation processes in the neighbourhood on the EU's conditionality policy: insights from EU-Turkey relations (2016-2020). In: Potvin-Solis L. (red.), L'Union européenne et la paix = The European Union and the peace. Colloques Jean Monnet. Bruxelles: Bruylant. 565-588.
- Gürkan S. (6 januari 2023), A crunch year for EU-Turkey relations: with or without Erdogan. BTI Transformation Index: BTI. [blog].
- Tomini L., Gürkan S. & Matrakova M. (2023), Understanding Dissensus Driven by Competing Power Centres Around the EU: In Coman, R. and Brack, N. (eds.) Debating Dissensus over Liberal Democracy, Think Piece, Working Paper Series, no.1. RED-SPINEL . [overig].
- Gürkan S. (2022), Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2022 Country Report — Turkey. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. Gütersloh: BTI.
- Brack N. & Gürkan S. (red.) (2021), Theorising the crises of the European Union. The Globalisation, Europe, Multilateralism Series. London: Routledge.
- Gürkan S. & Coman R. (2021), The EU-Turkey deal in the 2015 ‘refugee crisis’: when intergovernmentalism cast a shadow on the EU’s normative power, Acta Politica 56(2): 276-305.
- Terzi Ö., Palm T. & Gürkan S. (2021), Introduction: emotion(al) norms in EUropean foreign policy, Global Affairs 7(2): 93-102.
- Gürkan S. (2021), Emotions in parliamentary diplomacy: debating the Armenian genocide in the European Parliament, Global Affairs 7(2): 103-122.
- Gürkan S. & Tomini L. (2021), The limits of Europeanization research agenda: decoding the reverse process in and around the EU. In: Brack N. & Gürkan S. (red.), Theorising the crises of the European Union: Routledge.
- Brack N. & Gürkan S (2021), European integration (theories) in crisis?. In: Brack N. & Gürkan S. (red.), Theorising the crises of the European Union. London: Routledge. 1-21.
- Gürkan S. & Brack N. (2021), Understanding and explaining the European Union in a crisis context: concluding reflections. In: Brack N. & Gürkan S. (red.), Theorising the crises of the European Union. London: Routledge. 246-262.
- Gürkan S. & Rietveld J. (2021), Process tracing: tracing the causal pathways between independent and dependent variables. In: Morin J.F., Olsson C. & Atikcan E.O. (red.), Research methods in the social sciences: an A-Z of key concepts. New York: Oxford University Press. 219-223.
- Gürkan S. & Terzi O. (2021), Why emotions are key to understanding EU Foreign Policy, LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) Blog 2021(8): .
- Tomini L. & Gürkan S. (2020), Contesting the EU, contesting democracy and rule of law in Europe: conceptual suggestions for future research. In: Lorenz A. & Anders L.H. (red.), Illiberal trends and anti-EU politics in East Central Europe . Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Toygür I. & Gürkan S. (2020), Why the EU should not opt for another refugee deal with Turkey with no shared responsibility [Expert Opinion]. Real Instituto Elcano. [overig].
- Gürkan S. (2020), The assessment of the 2020 European Commission report on Turkey and a guide for a persuasive engagement with Turkey. Brussels: European Parliament.
- Gürkan S. (2020), Bertelsmann Stiftung, BTI 2020 Country Report: Turkey. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Gürkan S. (2019), La puissance normative européenne face à la crise de la solidarité = The Normative Power Europe in the face of solidarity crisis in Europe. In: Coman R., Fromont L. & Weyembergh A. (red.), Les solidarités européennes: entre enjeux, tensions et reconfigurations: Bruylant. 385-414.
- Gürkan S. (2019), The role of the European Parliament in the enlargement process: insights from parliamentary relations with Turkey. In: Raube K., Muftuler-Bac M. & Wouters J. (red.), Parliamentary cooperation and diplomacy in EU external relations: an essential companion: Edward Elgar. 221-235.
- Gürkan S. (30 oktober 2019), Speaking loudly but carrying a small stick: is the EU powerless against Erdogan?. The Conversation.
- Gürkan S. (2018), The role of the European Parliament in Turkey-EU relations: a troublemaker or a useful normative actor?, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 18(1): 107-125.
- Gürkan S. (27 september 2018), Yeni söylem AB-Türkiye iliskilerine ivme kazandırır mı? = Will the new rhetoric be enough for revitalizing EU-Turkey relations?. Euronews.
- Gürkan S. (4 juli 2018), Not too close but not too far away: EU’s relations with the New Turkey, EURACTIV, Op-Ed. EURACTIV, Opinions.
- Gürkan S. (27 april 2017), EU-Turkey relations in the aftermath of Turkey’s constitutional referendum, Carte Blanche, IEE, Université libre de Bruxelles. The IEE Blog: IEE, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). [blog].
- Gürkan S. (2017), Testing times for Turkey, defence management review, (2): 148-150.
- Gürkan S. (27 april 2017), EU-Turkey relations in the aftermath of Turkey's constitutional referendum: IEE, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). [blog].
- Gürkan S. (2008), Time to get strategic on terrorism: why does NATO need a counter-terrorism strategy?, NATO Review : .
- Advisory Board Member, Philosophy, Politics and Economics Programme
- Research Fellow
- Prof/Lecturer in European Studies
- Country Expert on Turkey