Sara Petrollino
University Lecturer
- Naam
- Dr. S. Petrollino
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 3069
- 0000-0001-7037-5762

Sara Petrollino is universitair docent aan het Leiden University Centre for Linguistics. Ze is antropologisch taalkundige en gespecialiseerd in talen en culturen van Oost-Afrika. Ze bestudeert de relatie tussen taal, cultuur en cognitie, dus hoe beïnvloeden de talen die we spreken en de culturen waarin we leven onze cognitie en ons wereldbeeld? Ze werkt al meer dan 10 jaar met de Hamar herders en andere etnische groepen in het zuidwesten van Ethiopië.
University Lecturer
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL T&C van Afrika
- Petrollino S. (2024), Herding games and socialisation into pastoral linguacultural practices, Journal of African Cultural Studies 37(1): 86-110.
- Sanders E., Petrollino S., Scheifer G. F., Heuvel H. van den. & Handy C.A. (2024), FAIRification of LeiLanD. Calzolari N., Kan M., Hoste V., Lenci A., Sakti S. & Xue N. (red.), Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024). Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024) 20 mei 2024 - 25 mei 2024. Torino: ELRA and ICCL. 7101–7106.
- Petrollino S. & Sam-Sin F., Color me cattle: embracing the Hamar worldview. Things That Talk. Leiden: Things That Talk foundation. [blog].
- Petrollino S. (2024), Bridging constructions in Hamar discourse, Studies in African Linguistics 53(1&2): 141-165.
- Petrollino S. (2023), Chapter 40: Hamar. In: Meyer R., Wakjira B. & Leyew Z. (red.), The Oxford handbook of Ethiopian languages. Oxford Handbooks Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Petrollino S. (2023), ‘Father of the spotted cow’: Hamar titles and their connection to cattle appearance. In: Ndlovu S. (red.), Personal names and naming from an anthropological-linguistic perspective: De Gruyter Mouton.
- Petrollino S. (2023), Hamar narratives. [dataset].
- Petrollino S. (2021), The Hamar cattle model: the semantics of appearance in a pastoral linguaculture, Language Sciences 89: 101448.
- Petrollino S. (2020), Cattle appearance: stimuli and tasks: OSF. [dataset].
- Wal G.J. van der, Smits H.J., Petrollino S., Nyst V.A.S. & Kossmann M.G. (red.) (2020), Essays on African languages and linguistics : in honour of Maarten Mous. ASC occasional publication nr. 41. Leiden: African Studies Centre Leiden (ASCL).
- Petrollino S. (2019), Existential predication in Hamar, Nordic Journal of African Studies 28(4): 1-27.
- Petrollino S. (2018), Between Tone and Stress in Hamar. In: Clem E., Jenks P. & Sande H. (red.), Theory and description in African Linguistics: Selected papers from the 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Contemporary African Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press.
- Petrollino S. (2018), Recent publications in African linguistics, Journal of African Languages and Linguistics 39(1): 121-124.
- Petrollino S. (10 november 2016), A grammar of Hamar : a South Omotic language of Ethiopia (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL), Humanities, Leiden University) Cushitic and Omotic Studies nr. 6. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag. Promotor(en): Mous M.P.G.M. & Philippson G.
- Petrollino S. (2016), Between tone and stress in Hamar. 47th Annual Conference on African Linguistics University of California, Berkeley, March 23-26, 2016. .
- Manfredi S. & Petrollino S. (2013), Juba Arabic. In: Michaelis S., Maurer P., Haspelmath M. & Huber M. (red.), The Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Manfredi S. & Petrollino S. (2012), Juba Arabic language structure dataset. In: Michaelis S., Maurer P., Haspelmath M. & Huber M. (red.), Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures online. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
- Cupi L., Petrollino S., Savá G. & Tosco M. (2012), Preliminary notes on the Hamar verb. In: Marie-Claude S.S. & Vanhove M. (red.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cushitic and Omotic Languages. Köln:: Rüdiger Köppe. 181-195.
- Petrollino S. & Mous M.P.G.M. (2010), Recollecting Words and Expressions in Aasá, a Dead Language in Tanzania, Anthropological Linguistics 52(2): 206-216.