Ruth Clemens
- Naam
- Dr. R.A. Clemens
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2165
- 0000-0003-3937-4627

Ruth Clemens is onderzoeker aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
Meer informatie over Ruth Clemens
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Moderne Engelstalige letterkunde
- Clemens R.A. (2024), ‘A vast sequence of imponderable beings’: becoming-imperceptible in the third policeman and Cees Nooteboom’s the following story. In: Ebury K., Fagan P. & Greaney J. (red.), Flann O'Brien and the Nonhuman: environments, animals, machines. Cork: Cork University Press.
- Clemens R.A. (2024), Afterword: swamp boy summer, Soapbox 5: 289-310.
- Clemens R.A. & Flannery B. (2023), Soy Boy, Meme Ecology, and the Fascist Imaginary. In: Braidotti R. & Dolphijn R. (red.), Deleuze and Guattari and Fascism: Edinburgh University Press.
- Clemens R.A. (2022), Linguistic Incompossibility. In: Braidotti R., Klumbyte G. & Jones E. (red.), More Posthuman Glossary: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Adkins P., Clemens R.A. & Ryan D. (2022), Introduction: reading Braidotti / reading Woolf, Comparative Critical Studies 19(2): 115-127.
- Clemens R.A. (2022), ‘Languages are so like their boots’: linguistic incompossibility in Flush, Comparative Critical Studies 19(2): 259-280.
- Clemens R.A. (2022), Between Anxiety and Utopia: Eliot and Europe, The T.S. Eliot Studies Annual 4(1): 253-263.
- Clemens R.A. (2022), Bombast and sesquipedalian words: translation, mistranslation, and the epigraph to The Waste Land, Modernist Cultures 17(1): 109-126.
- Clemens R.A & Casey M. (2022), Viral Temporalities: Literatures of Disease and Posthuman Conceptions of Time. In: Ağın B. & Horzum Ş. (red.), Posthuman Pathogenesis: Contagion in Literature, Arts, and Media. Routledge Studies in Literature and Health Humanities. London: Routledge.
- Clemens R.A. (2021), Bespreking van: Braidotti R. & Hlavajova M. (2018), Poshuman glossary: Bloomsbury. Comparative Critical Studies 18(1): 99-102.
- Clemens R.A. (20 januari 2020), The nomadic footnote: multilingualism and transnationalism in Modernist Paratexts (Dissertatie, Leeds Trinity, University of Leeds). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Taylor-Barry J., Hibbitt R.
- Clemens R.A. (2018), “Making flowers”: the first English translation of a short story by Dutch modernist Carry van Bruggen, Feminist Modernist Studies 1(3): 336-347.