Roberto Arciero
- Naam
- Dr. R. Arciero MA
- Telefoon
- 071 5272727

Zie Engelstalig profiel Roberto Arciero
- Faculteit Archeologie
- World Archaeology
- Near Eastern
- Arciero R. (6 december 2024), Irrigating the desert: water management, agricultural practices, and social complexity in Southern Turkmenistan during the Bronze Age (Dissertatie, Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) Archaeological Studies Leiden University nr. 54. Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Düring B.s., Akkermans P.M.M.G.
- Forni L & Arciero R. (2022), Identity and interaction at Togolok 1 in the Murghab region (Southern Turkmenistan) during the Bronze Age. In: Coppini C., Cyrus G. & Golestaneh H. (red.) Bridging the gap: disciplines, times, and spaces in dialogue. Sessions 4 and 6 from the conference Broadening Horizons 6 held at the Freie Universität Berlin, 24-28 June 2019. nr. 3 Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing.
- Billings T. N., Cerasetti B., Forni L., Arciero R., Dal Martello R., Carra M., Rouse L.M., Boivin N. & Spengler R.N. (2022), Agriculture in the Karakum: an archaeobotanical analysis from Togolok 1, southern Turkmenistan (ca. 2300–1700 B.C.) , Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution : 10.
- Arciero R., Water in the desert? The Oxus Civilization and the role of the irrigation system. Leiden Archeology Blog. Leiden: Leiden University. [blog].
- Cerasetti B., Arciero R., Billings T.N., Cattani M., D’Ippolito L., Forni L., Luneau E., Olson K.G., Potenza A.C., Rouse L.M. & Spengler R.N. (2022), The rise and decline of the desert cities: the last stages of the BMAC at Togolok 1 (Southern Turkmenistan). In: Baumer C., Novák M. & Rutishauser S. (red.), Cultures in contact: central Asia as focus of trade, cultural exchange and knowledge transmission. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Cerasetti B., Arciero R., Carra M., Curci A., De Grossi Mazzorin J., Forni L., Luneau E., Rouse L.M. & Spengler R.N. (2019), Bronze and Iron Age Urbanisation in Turkmenistan. Preliminary results from the excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab alluvial fan. Baumer C. & Novak M. (red.), Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids: Learnings and conclusions from new archaeological investigations and discoveries. Proceedings of the First International Congress on Central Asian Archaeology held at the University of Bern, 4–6 February 2016. First International Congress on Central Asian Archaeology 4 februari 2016 - 6 februari 2016. Bern: Harrassowitz Verlag. 63-72.
- Arciero R. & Forni L. (2018), La prima urbanizzazione in Turkmenistan: coesistenza tra nomadi e sedentari nel delta interno del fiume Murghab Risultati preliminari delle indagini archeologiche ed etnografiche presso il sito di Togolok 1. Ferrari A., Pupulin E., Ruffilli M. & Tomelleri V. (red.), Armenia, Caucaso e Asia Centrale - Ricerche 2017. nr. 7. Venezia: Edizioni Ca’ Foscari.
- Arciero R. (2016), Nuove scoperte lungo la Via della Seta, Archeologia Viva 178(Jul-Aug): 46-56.