Robert Poelmann
Hoogleraar / gast
- Naam
- Prof.dr. R.E. Poelmann
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5215
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Embryo's zijn fascinerende wezens indien je bedenkt dat een enkele cel zich door een aantal ontwikkelingsfasen heen worstelt tot een zeer complex ruimtelijk organisme, bestaande uit miljarden cellen. Deze zijn georganiseerd in honderden weefsels en organen die met elkaar samenspannen tot een functionerend geheel. De spanning is niet zozeer het laten samenwerken van al die onderdelen, maar veeleer de logistiek van de veranderingen. Elk ontwikkelingsstadium bereidt voor op een meestal nog ingewikkelder levensfase, waarbij de voortdurende eis is: levensvatbaarheid. Wij zijn slechts de eindfase van een lange reeks van veranderingen en we hebben het overleefd. Maar hoe verliep dat toch?
Op 29 juni 2001 sprak hij zijn oratie uit, getiteld 'De ontwikkelingsbioloog en de alchemist'.
Hoogleraar / gast
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Animal Sciences
- Wang M., Chen S., Cheng S., Nederstigt T.A.P., Poelmann R.E., DeRuiter M.C., Lamers G.E.M., Willemse J.J., Mascitelli C., Vijver M.G. & Richardson M.K. (2024), The biodistribution of polystyrene nanoparticles administered intravenously in the chicken embryo, Environment International 188: 108723.
- Poelmann, R.E. (2024), Evolution and development of the conduction system in the vertebrate heart: a role for hemodynamics and the epicardium, Journal of Experimental Biology 227(20).
- Wang M., Rücklin M., Poelmann R.E., Mooij C.L. de, Fokkema M., Lamers G.E.M., Bakker M.A.G. de, Chin E., Bakos L.J., Marone F., Wisse B.J., Ruiter M.C. de, Cheng S., Nurhidayat L., Vijver M.G. & Richardson M.K. (2023), Nanoplastics causes extensive congenital malformations during embryonic development by passively targeting neural crest cells, Environment International 173: 107865.
- Grewal, N.; Klautz, R. & Poelmann, R.E. (2023), Transforming growth factor serum concentrations in patients with proven non-syndromic aortopathy, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10.
- Grewal, N.; Dolmaci, O.; Jansen, E.; Klautz, R.; Driessen, A.; Lindeman, J. & Poelmann, R.E. (2023), Are acute type A aortic dissections atherosclerotic?, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9.
- Dolmaci, O.B.; Mathari, S. el; Driessen, A.H.G.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Poelmann, R.E.; Lindeman, J.H.N. & Grewal, N. (2023), Are thoracic aortic aneurysm patients at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases?, Journal of Clinical Medicine 12(1).
- Grewal, N.; Klautz, R. & Poelmann, R.E. (2023), Can transforming growth factor beta and downstream signalers distinguish bicuspid aortic valve patients susceptible for future aortic complications?, Cardiovascular Pathology 63.
- Dolmaci, O.B.; Ayyildiz, T.; Poelmann, R.E.; Driessen, A.H.G.; Koolbergen, D.R.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Lindeman, J.H.N. & Grewal, N. (2023), Risk for acquired coronary artery disease in genetic vs. congenital thoracic aortopathy, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9.
- Grewal, N.; Girdauskas, E.; Idhrees, M.; Velayudhan, B.; Klautz, R.; Driessen, A. & Poelmann, R.E. (2023), Structural abnormalities in the non-dilated ascending aortic wall of bicuspid aortic valve patients, Cardiovascular Pathology 62.
- Grewal, N.; Dolmaci, O.; Jansen, E.; Klautz, R.; Driessen, A. & Poelmann, R.E. (2023), Thoracic aortopathy in Marfan syndrome overlaps with mechanisms seen in bicuspid aortic valve disease, Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10.
- Dolmaci, O.B.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Poelmann, R.E.; Lindeman, J.H.N.; Sprengers, R.; Kroft, L. & Grewal, N. (2023), Thoracic aortic atherosclerosis in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve; a case-control study, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 23(1).
- Grewal, N.; Dolmaci, O.; Klautz, A.; Legue, J.; Driessen, A.; Klautz, R. & Poelmann, R. (2023), The role of transforming growth factor beta in bicuspid aortic valve aortopathy, Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
- Wang, M.R.; Rücklin, M.; Poelmann, R.E.; Mooij, C.L. de; Fokkema, M.; Lamers, G.E.M.; Bakker, M.A.G. de; Chin, E.; Bakos, L.J.; Marone, F.; Wisse, B.J.; Ruiter, M.C. de; Cheng, S.X.; Nurhidayat, L.; Vijver, M.G. & Richardson, M.K. (2023), Nanoplastics causes extensive congenital malformations during embryonic development by passively targeting neural crest cells, Environment International 173.
- Grewal, N. & Poelmann, R. (2023), Is the intimal thickness a key contributor to thoracic aortopathy?, Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 39.
- Grewal, N.; Klautz, R.J.M. & Poelmann, R.E. (2023), Intrinsic histological and morphological abnormalities of the pediatric thoracic aorta in bicuspid aortic valve patients are predictive for future aortopathy, Pathology - Research and Practice 248.
- Grewal, N.; Driessen, A.; Klautz, R.J.M. & Poelmann, R.E. (2022), Can general histopathology distinguish bicuspid aortopathy?, Journal of Cardiac Surgery 37(12).
- Gittenberger, E.; Poelmann, R.E. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2022), Introduction to Special Issue "Leaders in Cardiovascular Research, Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Adriana Gittenberger-de Groot", Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 9(4).
- Grewal, N.; Groot, A.C.G.D.; Lindeman, J.H.; Klautz, A.; Driessen, A.; Klautz, R.J.M. & Poelmann, R.E. (2022), Normal and abnormal development of the aortic valve and ascending aortic wall, Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery 11(4).
- Yi W., Rucklin M., Poelman R.E., Aldridge D.C. & Richardson M.K. (2021), Normal stages of embryonic development of a brood parasite, the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus (Teleostei: Cypriniformes), Journal of Morphology 282(6): 783-819.
- Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger-de Groot A.C., Goerdajal C., Grewal N., Bakker M.A.G. de & Richardson M.K. (2021), Ventricular septation and outflow tract development in crocodilians result in two aortas with bicuspid semilunar valves, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 8(10): 132.
- Grewal, N.; Velders, B.J.J.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Brakel, T.J. van & Lindeman, J.H.N. (2021), A systematic histopathologic evaluation of type-A aortic dissections implies a uniform multiple-hit causation, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 8(2).
- Dolmaci, O.B.; Driessen, A.H.G.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Poelmann, R.; Lindeman, J.H.N. & Grewal, N. (2021), Comparative evaluation of coronary disease burden, Open Heart 8(2).
- Dolmaci, O.B.; Legue, J.; Lindeman, J.H.N.; Driessen, A.H.G.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Brakel, T.J. van; Siebelink, H.M.J.; Mertens, B.J.A.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Grewal, N. (2021), Extent of coronary artery disease in patients with stenotic bicuspid versus tricuspid aortic valves, Journal of the American Heart Association Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease 10(12).
- Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Goerdajal, C.; Grewal, N.; Bakker, M.A.G. de & Richardson, M.K. (2021), Ventricular septation and outflow tract development in crocodilians result in two aortas with bicuspid semilunar valves, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 8(10).
- Chakrabarti M., Al-Sammarraie N., Gebere M.G., Bhattacharya A., Chopra S., Johnson J., Peña E.A., Eberth J.F., Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger-de Groot A.C. & Azhar M. (2020), Transforming growth factor beta3 is required for cardiovascular development, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 7(2): 19.
- Gittenberger-de Groot A.C., Peterson J.C., Wisse L.J., Roest A.A.W., Poelmann R.E., Bökenkamp R., Elzenga N.J., Hazekamp M., Bartelings M.M., Jongbloed M.R.M. & DeRuiter M.C. (2020), Pulmonary ductal coarctation and left pulmonary artery interruption; pathology and role of neural crest and second heart field during development, PLoS ONE 15(5): e0228478.
- Ge Y., Smits A.M., Munsteren J.C. van, Gittenberger-de Groot A.C., Poelmann R.E., Brakel T.J. van, Schalij M.J., Goumans M.-J., DeRuiter M.C. & Jongbloed M.R.M. (2020), Human epicardium-derived cells reinforce cardiac sympathetic innervation , Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 143: 26-37.
- Grewal N., Gittenberger-de Groot A.C., Thusen J. von der, Wisse L.J., Bartelings M.M., DeRuiter M.C., Klautz R.J.M. & Poelmann R.E. (2020), The development of the ascending aortic wall in tricuspid and bicuspid aortic valve: a process from maturation to degeneration, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(4): 908.
- Chakrabarti, M.; Al-Sammarraie, N.; Gebere, M.G.; Bhattacharya, A.; Chopra, S.; Johnson, J.; Pena, E.A.; Eberth, J.F.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Azhar, M. (2020), Transforming growth factor beta3 is required for cardiovascular development, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 7(2).
- Grewal, N.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Thusen, J. von der; Wisse, L.J.; Bartelings, M.M.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Klautz, R.J.M. & Poelmann, R.E. (2020), The development of the ascending aortic wall in tricuspid and bicuspid aortic valve, Journal of Clinical Medicine 9(4).
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Peterson, J.C.; Wisse, L.J.; Roest, A.A.W.; Poelmann, R.E.; Bokenkamp, R.; Elzenga, N.J.; Hazekamp, M.; Bartelings, M.M.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & DeRuiter, M.C. (2020), Pulmonary ductal coarctation and left pulmonary artery interruption, PLoS ONE 15(5).
- Ge, Y.; Smits, A.M.; Munsteren, J.C. van; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Brakel, T.J. van; Schalij, M.J.; Goumans, M.J.; DeRuiter, M.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2020), Human epicardium-derived cells reinforce cardiac sympathetic innervation, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology 143: 26-37.
- Poelmann R.E. & Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. (2019), Development and evolution of the metazoan heart, Developmental Dynamics 248(8): 634-656.
- Grewal N., Girdauskas E., DeRuiter M.C., Goumans M.J., Poelmann R.E., Klautz R.J.M. & Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. (2019), The role of hemodynamics in bicuspid aortopathy: a histopathologic study, Cardiovascular Pathology 41: 29-37.
- Kelder T.P., Vicente-Steijn R., Poelmann R.E., Schalij M.J., Ruiter M.C. de, Jongbloed M.R.M. & Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. (2019), Disruption of RHOA‐ROCK signaling results in atrioventricular block and disturbed development of the putative atrioventricular node, The Anatomical Record 302(1): 83-92.
- Gittenberger-De Groot A.C., Jongbloed M.R.M., Ruiter M.C. de, Bartelings M.M. & Poelmann R.E. (2019), Cardiac morphogenesis. In: Yagel S., Silverman N.H. & Gembruch U. (red.), Fetal Cardiology: Embryology, Genetics, Physiology, Echocardiographic Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Perinatal Management of Cardiac Diseases. Maternal-Fetal Medicine: CRC Press.
- Grewal, N.; Girdauskas, E.; DeRuiter, M.; Goumans, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E.; Klautz, R.J.M. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2019), The role of hemodynamics in bicuspid aortopathy: a histopathologic study, Cardiovascular Pathology 41: 29-37.
- Kelder, T.P.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J.; Deruiter, M.C.; Jongbloed, M.R.M. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2019), Disruption of RHOA-ROCK Signaling Results in Atrioventricular Block and Disturbed Development of the Putative Atrioventricular Node, Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 302(1): 83-92.
- Poelmann, R.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2019), Development and evolution of the metazoan heart, Developmental Dynamics 248(8): 634-656.
- Poelmann R.E. & Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. (2018), Hemodynamics in Cardiac Development, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 5(4): 54.
- Gittenberger-De Groot A.C., Koenraadt W.M.C., Bartelings M.M., Bökenkamp R., Ruiter M.C. de, Hazekamp M.G., Bogers A.J.J.C., Quaegebeur J.M., Schalij M.J., Vliegen H.W., Poelmann R.E. & Jongbloed M.R.M. (2018), Coding of coronary arterial origin and branching in congenital heart disease: The modified Leiden Convention, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 156(6): 2260-2269.
- Poelmann, R.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2018), Hemodynamics in Cardiac Development, Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 5(4).
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Koenraadt, W.M.C.; Bartelings, M.M.; Bokenkamp, R.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Hazekamp, M.G.; Bogers, A.J.J.C.; Quaegebeur, J.M.; Schalij, M.J.; Vliegen, H.W.; Poelmann, R.E. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2018), Coding of coronary arterial origin and branching in congenital heart disease: The modified Leiden Convention, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 156(6): 2260-2269.
- Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger‑de Groot A.C., Biermans M.W.M., Dolfing A.I., Jagessar A., Hattum S. van, Hoogenboom A., Wisse L.J., Vicente-Steijn R., Bakker M.A.G. de, Vonk F.J, Hirasawa T., Kurutani S & Richardson M.K. (2017), Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart, EvoDevo 8: 9.
- Vicente-Steijn R., Kelder T.P., Tertoolen L.G., Wisse L.J., Pijnappels D.A., Poelmann R.E., Schalij M.J., deRuiter M.C., Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. & Jongbloed M.R.M. (2017), RHOA-ROCK signalling is necessary for lateralization and differentiation of the developing sinoatrial node, Cardiovascular Research 113(10): 1186-1197.
- Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Biermans, M.W.M.; Dolfing, A.I.; Jagessar, A.; Hattum, S. van; Hoogenboom, A.; Wisse, L.J.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Bakker, M.A.G. de; Vonk, F.J.; Hirasawa, T.; Kuratani, S. & Richardson, M.K. (2017), Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart, EvoDevo 8.
- Vicente-Steijn, R.; Kelder, T.P.; Tertoolen, L.G.; Wisse, L.J.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J.; deRuiter, M.C.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2017), RHOA-ROCK signalling is necessary for lateralization and differentiation of the developing sinoatrial node, Cardiovascular Research 113(10): 1186-1197.
- Kelder, T.P.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Poelmann, R.E.; Mummery, C.L.; DeRuiter, M.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2016), The avian embryo to study development of the cardiac conduction system, Differentiation 91(4-5): 90-103.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Hoppenbrouwers, T.; Miquerol, L.; Kosaka, Y.; Poelmann, R.E.; Wisse, L.J.; Yost, H.J.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Deruiter, M.C. & Brunelli, L. (2016), 14-3-3epsilon controls multiple developmental processes in the mouse heart, Developmental Dynamics 245(11): 1107-1123.
- Soldt B.J. van, Metscher B.D., Poelmann R.E., Vervust B.L.C., Vonk F.J., Mueller G.B. & Richardson M.K. (2015), Heterochrony and Early Left-Right Asymmetry in the Development of the Cardiorespiratory System of Snakes, PLoS ONE 10(1): e116416.
- Kelder, T.P.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Harryvan, T.J.; Kosmidis, G.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J.; DeRuiter, M.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2015), The sinus venosus myocardium contributes to the atrioventricular canal: potential role during atrioventricular node development?
- Soldt, B.J. van; Metscher, B.D.; Poelmann, R.E.; Vervust, B.; Vonk, F.J.; Muller, G.B. & Richardson, M.K. (2015), Heterochrony and Early Left-Right Asymmetry in the Development of the Cardiorespiratory System of Snakes.
- Vicente-Steijn, R.; Scherptong, R.W.C.; Kruithof, B.P.T.; Duim, S.N.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Wisse, L.J.; Zhou, B.; Pu, W.T.; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J.; Tallquist, M.D.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2015), Regional differences in WT-1 and Tcf21 expression during ventricular development: implications for myocardial compaction.
- Poelmann R.E., Gittenberger-De Groot A.C., Vicente-Steijn R., Wisse L.J., Bartelings M.M., Everts S., Hoppenbrouwers T., Kruithof B.P.T., Jensen B., Bruin P.W. de, Hirasawa T., Kuratani S., Vonk F., Van de Put J.M.M.S., Bakker M.A. & Richardson M.K. (2014), Evolution and Development of Ventricular Septation in the Amniote Heart, PLoS ONE 9(9): e106569.
- Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Wisse, L.J.; Bartelings, M.M.; Everts, S.; Hoppenbrouwers, T.; Kruithof, B.P.T.; Jensen, B.; Bruin, P.W. de; Hirasawa, T.; Kuratani, S.; Vonk, F.; Put, J.M.M.S. van de; Bakker, M.A. de & Richardson, M.K. (2014), Evolution and Development of Ventricular Septation in the Amniote Heart, PLoS ONE 9(9).
- Grewal, N.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Poelmann, R.E.; Duim, S.; Lindeman, J.H.N.; Koenraadt, W.M.C.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Mohamed, S.A.; Sievers, H.H.; Bogers, A.J.J.C. & Goumans, M.J. (2014), Bicuspid aortic valve: phosphorylation of c-Kit and downstream targets are prognostic for future aortopathy, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 46(5): 831-839.
- Hahurij, N.D.; Calkoen, E.E.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Roest, A.A.W.; Groot, A.C.G.D.; Poelmann, R.E.; Ruiter, M.C. de; Munsteren, C.J. van; Steendijk, P. & Blom, A.A. (2014), Echocardiographic Assessment of Embryonic and Fetal Mouse Heart Development: A Focus on Haemodynamics and Morphology, Scientific World Journal.
- Grewal, N.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Goumans, M.J.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Poelmann, R.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2014), Normal and abnormal development of the aortic wall and valve: correlation with clinical entities, Netherlands Heart Journal 22(9): 363-369.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Calkoen, E.E.; Poelmann, R.E.; Bartelings, M.M. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2014), Morphogenesis and molecular considerations on congenital cardiac septal defects.
- Bokenkamp, R.; Brempt, R. van; Munsteren, J.C. van; Wijngaert, I. van den; Hoogt, R. de; Finos, L.; Goeman, J.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Blom, N.A. & DeRuiter, M.C. (2014), Dlx1 and Rgs5 in the Ductus Arteriosus: Vessel-Specific Genes Identified by Transcriptional Profiling of Laser-Capture Microdissected Endothelial and Smooth Muscle Cells, PLoS ONE 9(1).
- Grewal, N.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Lindeman, J.H.N.; Goumans, M.J.; Palmen, M.; Mohamed, S.A.; Sievers, H.H.; Bogers, A.J.J.C. & DeRuiter, M.C. (2014), Ascending aorta dilation in association with bicuspid aortic valve: A maturation defect of the aortic wall, Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 148(4): 1583-1590.
- Adel, B. den; Graaf, L.M. van der; Que, I.; Strijkers, G.J.; Lowik, C.W.; Poelmann, R.E. & Weerd, L. van der (2013), Contrast enhancement by lipid-based MRI contrast agents in mouse atherosclerotic plaques; a longitudinal study, Contrast Media and Molecular Imaging 8(1): 63-71.
- Tian, X.Y.; Hu, T.Y.; He, L.J.; Zhang, H.; Huang, X.Z.; Poelmann, R.E.; Liu, W.B.; Yang, Z.; Yan, Y.; Pu, W.T. & Zhou, B. (2013), Peritruncal Coronary Endothelial Cells Contribute to Proximal Coronary Artery Stems and Their Aortic Orifices in the Mouse Heart, PLoS ONE 8(11).
- Segers, F.M.E.; Adel, B. den; Bot, I.; Graaf, L.M. van der; Veer, E.P. van der; Gonzalez, W.; Raynal, I.; Winther, M. de; Wodzig, W.K.; Poelmann, R.E.; Berkel, T.J.C. van; Weerd, L. van der & Biessen, E.A.L. (2013), Scavenger Receptor-AI-Targeted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for In Vivo MRI Detection of Atherosclerotic Lesions, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 33(8): 1812-1819.
- Kruithof, B.P.T.; Kruithof-De-Julio, M.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-De-Groot, A.C.; Gaussin, V. & Goumans, M.J. (2013), Remodeling of the myocardium in early trabeculation and cardiac valve formation; a role for TGF beta 2, The International Journal of Developmental Biology 57(11-12): 853-863.
- Steijn, R.V.; Kelder, T.P.; Wisse, L.J.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C.; Schalij, M.J. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2013), Sinoatrial and atrioventriucular node development: role of ROCK signalling, European Heart Journal 34: 274-274.
- Adel, B. den; Graaf, L.M. van der; Strijkers, G.J.; Lamb, H.J.; Poelmann, R.E. & Weerd, L. van der (2013), Self-Gated CINE MRI for Combined Contrast-Enhanced Imaging and Wall-Stiffness Measurements of Murine Aortic Atherosclerotic Lesions, PLoS ONE 8(3).
- Kelder, T.P.; Steijn, R.V.; Harryvan, T.; Schalij, M.J.; Ruiter, M.C. de; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2013), Physical lineage tracing of cells contributing to the chicken cardiac conduction system, European Heart Journal 34: 275-275.
- Grewal, N.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C.; Klautz, R.J.M.; Palmen, M.; Lindeman, J.H.N.; Goumans, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E. & Deruiter, M.C. (2013), Bicuspid aortic valve and aneurysm formation: immaturity of the aortic wall, European Heart Journal 34: 1056-1057.
- Liu, Y.; Lu, X.R.; Xiang, F.L.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Robbins, J. & Feng, Q.P. (2012), Nitric oxide synthase-3 deficiency results in hypoplastic coronary arteries and postnatal myocardial infarction., European Heart Journal.
- Egorova, A.D.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Boer, H.C. de; Pas, S. van de; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2012), Endothelial colony-forming cells show a mature transcriptional response to shear stress, In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal 48(1): 21-29.
- Dijke, P. ten; Egorova, A.D.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2012), TGF-β signaling in endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition: the role of shear stress and primary cilia., Science Signaling 5(212): pt2.
- Egorova, A.D.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Boer, H.C. de; Pas, S. van de; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2012), Endothelial colony-forming cells show a mature transcriptional response to shear stress.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Winter, E.M.; Bartelings, M.M.; Goumans, M.J.; DeReuiter, M.C. & Poelmann, R.E. (2012), The arterial and cardiac epicardium in development, disease and repair., Differentiation.
- Adel, B. den; Bovens, S.M.; Boekhorst, B. te; Strijkers, G.J.; Poelmann, R.E.; Weerd, L. van der & Pasterkamp, G. (2012), Histological validation of iron-oxide and gadolinium based MRI contrast agents in experimental atherosclerosis: The do's and don't's, Atherosclerosis 225(2): 274-280.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, Jongbloed MR, Poelmann RE & Bartelings MM (2012), Structural heart Disease: Embryology.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Jongbloed MR & Poelmann RE (2012), Normal and Abnormal Cardiac Development.
- (2012), Peripheral Nervous System Topics.
- Poelmann, R.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2012), Cardiac birth defects, Differentiation 84(1): 1-3.
- Scherptong, R.W.C.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Wisse, L.J.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Bartelings, M.M.; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J. & Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C. (2012), Morphogenesis of outflow tract rotation during cardiac development: The pulmonary push concept.
- Egorova, A.D.; Heiden, K. van der; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2012), Primary cilia as biomechanical sensors in regulating endothelial function, Differentiation 83(2): S56-S61.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Winter, E.M.; Bartelings, M.M.; Goumans, M.J.; DeReuiter, M.C. & Poelmann, R.E. (2012), The arterial and cardiac epicardium in development, disease and repair, Differentiation 84(1): -.
- Dijke, P. ten; Egorova, A.D.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2012), TGF-beta Signaling in Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition: The Role of Shear Stress and Primary Cilia, Science Signaling 5(212): -.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Jongbloed MRM, Poelmann RE & Bartelings MM (2011), Structural heart disease.
- Speelman, L.; Akyildiz, A.C.; Adel, B. den; Wentzel, J.J.; Steen, A.F.W. van der; Virmani, R.; Weerd, L. van der; Jukema, J.W.; Poelmann, R.E.; Brummelen, E.H. van & Gijsen, F.J.H. (2011), Initial stress in biomechanical models of atherosclerotic plaques, Journal of Biomechanics 44(13): 2376-2382.
- Vicente-Steijn, R.; Passier, R.; Wisse, L.J.; Schalij, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2011), Funny current channel HCN4 delineates the developing cardiac conduction system in chicken heart, Heart Rhythm 8(8): 1254-1263.
- Egorova, A.D.; Heiden, K. van der; Pas, S. van de; Vennemann, P.; Poelma, C.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Dijke, P. ten; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2011), Tgf beta/Alk5 Signaling Is Required for Shear Stress Induced Klf2 Expression in Embryonic Endothelial Cells, Developmental Dynamics 240(7): 1670-1680.
- Egorova AD, Van der Heiden K, Van de Pas S, Vennemann P, Poelma C, DeRuiter MC, Goumans MJ, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, ten Dijke P, Poelmann RE & Hierck BP. (2011), Tgfβ/Alk5 signaling is required for shear stress induced klf2 expression in embryonic endothelial cells., Developmental Dynamics.
- Egorova, A.D.; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Nauli, S.M.; Dijke, P. ten; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2011), Lack of Primary Cilia Primes Shear-Induced Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition, Circulation Research 108(9): 1093U142.
- Jongbloed MRM, Steijn RV, Douglas YL, Wisse LJ, Mori K, Yokota Y, Bartelings MM, Schalij MJ, Mahtab EA, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & B (2011), Expression of Id2 in in the second heart field and cardiac defects in Id2 knockout mice, Developmental Dynamics.
- Egorova, A.D.; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Yoder, B.K.; Nauli, S.M.; Dijke, P. ten; Poelmann, R.E. & Hierck, B.P. (2011), Lack of Primary Cilia Primes Shear-Induced Endothelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition, Circulation Research 108(9): 1093-U142.
- Gittenberger-de Groot C, Jongbloed MRM, DeRuiter MC, Bartelings MM & Poelmann RE (2010), Embryology of congenital heart disease.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2010), Molecular developmental biology of the cardiovascular system.
- Pelster, B.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Rombough, P.; Schwerte, T. & Thompson, M.B. (2010), Functional Plasticity of the Developing Cardiovascular System: Examples from Different Vertebrates, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 83(5): 775-791.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Winter, E.M. & Poelmann, R.E. (2010), Epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) in development, cardiac disease and repair of ischemia, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 14(5): 1056-1060.
- Vicente-Steijn, R.; Kolditz, D.P.; Mahtab, E.A.F.; Askar, S.F.A.; Bax, N.A.M.; Graaf, L.M. van der; Wisse, L.J.; Passier, R.; Pijnappels, D.A.; Schalij, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E.; Gittenberger-De Groot, A.C. & Jongbloed, M.R.M. (2010), Electrical Activation of Sinus Venosus Myocardium and Expression Patterns of RhoA and Isl-1 in the Chick Embryo, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 21(11): 1284-1292.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Jongbloed MR, DeRuiter MC, Bartelings MM & Poelmann RE (2010), Embryology of Congenital Heart Disease.
- Boekhorst, B.C.M.T.; Bovens, S.M.; Kolk, C.W.A. van de; Cramer, M.J.M.; Doevendans, P.A.F.M.; Hove, M. ten; Weerd, L. van der; Poelmann, R.; Strijkers, G.J.; Pasterkamp, G. & Echteld, C.J.A. van (2010), The time window of MRI of murine atherosclerotic plaques after administration of CB2 receptor targeted micelles: inter-scan variability and relation between plaque signal intensity increase and gadolinium content of inversion recovery prepared versus non-prepared fast spin echo, NMR in Biomedicine 23(8): 939-951.
- Winter, E.M.; Hogers, B.; Graaf, L.M. van der; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E. & Weerd, L. van der (2010), Cell Tracking Using Iron Oxide Fails to Distinguish Dead from Living Transplanted Cells in the Infarcted Heart, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63(3): 817-821.
- Poelma, C.; Heiden, K. van der; Hierck, B.P.; Poelmann, R.E. & Westerweel, J. (2010), Measurements of the wall shear stress distribution in the outflow tract of an embryonic chicken heart, Interface 7(42): 91-103.
- Hogers B, van der Weerd L, Olofsen H, van der Graaf LM, DeRuiter MC, Groot ACGD & Poelmann RE (2009), Non-invasive tracking of avian development in vivo by MRI, NMR in Biomedicine 22(4): 365-373.
- Baiker M, Westerweel J & Hierck BP (2009), Visualization of chicken embryo vascualture.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Poelmann RE & Jongbloed MRM (2009), Normal and abnormal cardiac development.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2009), Cardiac Morphogenesis.
- Douglas YL, Mahtab EAF, Jongbloed MRM, Uhrin P, Zaujec J, Binder BR, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE, Deruiter MC & Gittenberger-De Groot AC (2009), Pulmonary Vein, Dorsal Atrial Wall and Atrial Septum Abnormalities in Podoplanin Knockout Mice With Disturbed Posterior Heart Field Contribution, Pediatric Research 65(1): 27-32.
- Winter, E.M.; Oorschot, A.A.M. van; Hogers, B.; Graaf, L.M. van der; Doevendans, P.A.; Poelmann, R.E.; Atsma, D.E.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. & Goumans, M.J. (2009), A New Direction for Cardiac Regeneration Therapy Application of Synergistically Acting Epicardium-Derived Cells and Cardiomyocyte Progenitor Cells, Circulation: Heart Failure 2(6): 643-653.
- Mahtab, E.A.F.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Hahurij, N.D.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Wisse, L.J.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Uhrin, P.; Zaujec, J.; Binder, B.R.; Schalij, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2009), Podoplanin Deficient Mice Show a RhoA-Related Hypoplasia of the Sinus Venosus Myocardium Including the Sinoatrial Node, Developmental Dynamics 238(1): 183-193.
- Douglas YL, Mahtab EA, Jongbloed MR, Uhrin P, Zaujec J, Binder BR, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE, DeRuiter MC & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2009), Pulmonary vein, dorsal atrial wall and atrial septum abnormalities in podoplanin knockout mice with disturbed posterior heart field contribution, Pediatric Research.
- Hogers B, van der Weerd L, Olofsen H, van der Graaf LM, DeRuiter MC, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2009), Non-invasive tracking of avian development in vivo by MRI.
- Mahtab, E.A.F.; Vicente-Steijn, R.; Hahurij, N.D.; Jongbloed, M.R.M.; Wisse, L.J.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Uhrin, P.; Zaujec, J.; Binder, B.R.; Schalij, M.J.; Poelmann, R.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2009), Podoplanin deficient mice show a RhoA-related hypoplasia of the sinus venosus myocardium including the sinoatrial node., Developmental Dynamics 238(1): 183-93.
- Bax NAM, Lie-Venema H, Vicente-Steijn R, Bleyl SB, Van Den Akker NMS, Maas S, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2009), Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Is Involved in the Differentiation of Second Heart Field-Derived Cardiac Structures in Chicken Embryos, Developmental Dynamics 238(10): 2658-2669.
- Winter EM, van Oorschot AA, Hogers B, van der Graaf LM, Doevendans PA, Poelmann RE, Atsma DE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Goumans MJ (2009), A new direction for cardiac regeneration therapy: application of synergistically acting epicardium-derived cells and cardiomyocyte progenitor cells., Circulation: Heart Failure 2(6): 643-53.
- Poelmann RE, VanderGraaf LM, DenAdel B & VanderWeerd L (2009), Atherosclerotic Plaques in the Mouse Aortic Arch as Detected by Lipid-based MR Contrast Agents, Circulation 120(18): S366S367.
- Bax NA, Lie-Venema H, Vicente-Steijn R, Bleyl SB, Van Den Akker NM, Maas S, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2009), Platelet-derived growth factor is involved in the differentiation of second heart field-derived cardiac structures in chicken embryos., Developmental Dynamics 238(10): 2658-69.
- Poelmann RE, Van der Heiden K, Groot AGD & Hierck BP (2008), Deciphering the endothelial shear stress sensor, Circulation 117(9).
- Poelmann RE, Jongbloed MRM & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2008), Pitx2 - A challenging teenager, Circulation Research 102(7).
- Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2008), Cardiac Development, Scientific World Journal 8.
- Kolditz DP, Wijffels MCEF, Blom NA, van der Laarse A, Hahurij ND, Lie-Venema H, Markwald RR, Poelmann RE, Schalij MJ & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2008), Epicardium-derived cells in development of annulus fibrosis and persistence of accessory pathways, Circulation 117(12).
- Van den Akker NMS, Winkel LCJ, Nisancioglu MH, Maas S, Wisse LJ, Armulik A, Poelmann RE, Lie-Venema H, Betsholtz C & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2008), PDGF-B signaling is important for murine cardiac development: Its role in developing atrioventricular valves, coronaries, and cardiac innervation.
- Poelmann RE, Groot ACGD & Hierck BP (2008), The development of the heart and microcirculation: role of shear stress, Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 46(5).
- Mahtab EAF, Wijffels MCEF, Van den Akker NMS, Hahurij ND, Lie-Venema H, Wisse LJ, DeRuiter MC, Uhrin P, Zaujec J, Binder BR, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-De Groot AC (2008), Cardiac malformations and myocardial abnormalities in Podoplanin knockout mouse embryos: Correlation with abnormal epicardial development, Developmental Dynamics 237(3).
- Hierck BP, Van der Heiden K, Alkemade FE, de Pas SV, Van Thienen JV, Groenendijk BCW, Bax WH, Van der Laarse A, DeRuiter MC, Horrevoets AJG & Poelmann RE (2008), Primary cilia sensitize endothelial cells for fluid shear stress, Developmental Dynamics 237(3).
- Fry BG, Scheib H, van der Weerd L, Young B, McNaughtan J, Ramjan SFR, Vidal N, Poelmann RE & Norman JA (2008), Evolution of an arsenal, Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 7(2).
- Groenendijk BCW, Stekelenburg-de Vos S, Vennemann P, Wladimiroff JW, Nieuwstadt FTM, Lindken R, Westerweel J, Hierck BP, Ursem NTC & Poelmann RE (2008), The endothelin-1 pathway and the development of cardiovascular defects in the haemodynamically challenged chicken embryo, Journal of Vascular Research 45(1).
- Hierck BP, Van der Heiden K, Poelma C, Westerweel J & Poelmann RE (2008), Fluid shear stress and inner curvature remodeling of the embryonic heart. Choosing the right lane!, Scientific World Journal 8.
- Van der Heiden K, Hierck BP, Krams R, de Crom R, Cheng C, Baiker M, Pourquie MJBM, Alkemade FE, DeRuiter MC, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2008), Endothelial primary cilia in areas of disturbed flow are at the base of atherosclerosis, Atherosclerosis 196(2).
- Lie-Venema H, Eralp I, Markwald RR, van den Akker NMS, Wijffels MCEF, Kolditz DP, van der Laarse A, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE, Bogers AJJC & Groot ACGD (2008), Periostin expression by epicardium-derived cells is involved in the development of the atrioventricular valves and fibrous heart skeleton, Differentiation 76(7).
- Winter, E.M.; Grauss, R.W.; Atsma, D.E.; Hogers, B.; Poelmann, R.E.; Geest, R.J. van der; Tschope, C.; Schalij, M.J.; Groot, A.C.G.D. & Steendijk, P. (2008), Left ventricular function in the post-infarct failing mouse heart by magnetic resonance imaging and conductance catheter: a comparative analysis, Acta Physiologica 194(2).
- Hahurij ND, Groot ACGD, Kolditz DP, Bokenkamp R, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE & Blom NA (2008), Accessory atrioventricular myocardial connections in the developing human heart - Relevance for perinatal supraventricular tachycardias, Circulation 117(22).
- DeRuiter MC, Alkemade FE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Poelmann RE, Havekes LM & van Dijk KW (2008), Maternal transmission of risk for atherosclerosis, Current Opinion in Lipidology 19(4).
- van den Akker NMS, Caolo V, Wisse LJ, Peters PPWM, Poelmann RE, Carmeliet P, Molin DGM & Groot ACGD (2008), Developmental coronary maturation is disturbed by aberrant cardiac vascular endothelial growth factor expression and Notch signalling, Cardiovascular Research 78(2).
- Hogers B., Gross D., Lehman V., Groot H.J.M. de, Erkelens K., Gittenberger-De Groot A.C. & Poelmann R.E. (2007), Imaging of heart development in embryos with magnetic resonance microscopy. In: Artman M., Woodrow Benson D., Srivastava D. & Nakazawa M. (red.), Cardiovascular development and congenital malformations. Molecular & Genetic Mechanisms: Blackwell Publishing. 163-165.
- Groot ACGD, Mahtab EAF, Hahurij ND, Wisse LJ, Deruiter MC, Wijffels MCEF & Poelmann RE (2007), Nkx2.5-negative myocardium of the posterior heart field and its correlation with podoplanin expression in cells from the developing cardiac pacemaking and conduction system, Anatomical Record: Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology 290(1).
- Roest PAM, van Iperen L, Vis S, Wisse LJ, Poelmann RE, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Molin DGM, Eriksson UJ & Gittenberger-De Groot AC (2007), Exposure of neural crest cells to elevated glucose leads to congenital heart defects, an effect that can be prevented by N-acetylcysteine, Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 79(3).
- Helderman F, Segers D, de Crom R, Hierck BP, Poelmann RE, Evans PC & Krams R (2007), Effect of shear stress on vascular inflammation and plaque development, Current Opinion in Lipidology 18(5).
- Stekelenburg-de Vos S, Steendijk P, Ursem NTC, Wladimiroff JW & Poelmann RE (2007), Systolic and diastolic ventricular function in the normal and extra-embryonic venous clipped chicken embryo of stage 24: a pressure-volume loop assessment, Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 30(3).
- Ginneken, V. van; Verhey, E.; Poelmann, R.; Ramakers, R.; Dijk, K.W. van; Ham, L.; Voshol, P.; Havekes, L.; Eck, M. van & Greef, J. van der (2007), Metabolomics (liver and blood profiling) in a mouse model in response to fasting: A study of hepatic steatosis, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1771(10).
- Alkemade FE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Schiel AE, VanMunsteren JC, Hogers B, van Vliet LSJ, Poelmann RE, Havekes LM, van Dijk KW & DeRuiter MC (2007), Intrauterine exposure to maternal atherosclerotic risk factors increases the susceptibility to atherosclerosis in adult life, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 27(10).
- DeRuiter MC, Hahurij N, Mahtab EAF, Douglas YL, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2007), The influence of immigrating extracardiac cells during embryonic development, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119.
- Winter, E.M.; Grauss, R.W.; Hogers, B.; Tuyn, J. van; Geest, R. van der; Lie-Venema, H.; Steijn, R.V.; Maas, S.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Steendijk, P.; Doevendans, P.A.; Laarse, A. van der; Poelmann, R.E.; Schalij, M.J.; Atsma, D.E. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2007), Preservation of left ventricular function and attenuation of remodeling after transplantation of human epicardium-derived cells into the infarcted mouse heart, Circulation 116(8).
- van de Ven RCG, Hogers B, van den Maagdenberg AMJM, de Groot HJM, Ferrari MD, Frants RR, Poelmann RE, van der Weerd L & Kiihne SR (2007), T-1 relaxation in in vivo mouse brain at ultra-high field, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 58(2).
- Hierck BP, van der Heiden K, DeRuiter MC, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2007), Fluid shear stress controls cardiovascular development. A functionomic approach, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119.
- Poelmann, R.E.; Hogers, B.; Alkemade, F.E.; DeRuiter, M.C.; Winter, E.M. & Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C. (2007), High field magnetic resonance microscopy in cardiovascular developmental biology, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119.
- Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Lie-Venema, H.; Akker, N.M.S. van den; Winter, E.M. & Poelmann, R.E. (2007), Coronary vascular development, Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 119.
- Cheng C, Helderman F, Tempel D, Segers D, Hierck B, Poelmann R, van Tol A, Duncker DJ, Robbers-Visser D, Ursem NTC, van Haperen R, Wentzel JJ, Gijsen F, van der Steen AFW, de Crom R & Krams R (2007), Large variations in absolute wall shear stress levels within one species and between species, Atherosclerosis 195(2).
- Lie-Venema, H.; Akker, N.M.S. van den; Bax, N.A.M.; Winter, E.M.; Maas, S.; Kekarainen, T.; Hoeben, R.C.; Deruiter, M.C.; Poelmann, R.E. & Groot, C.G. (2007), Origin, fate, and function of epicardium-derived cells (EPDCs) in normal and abnormal cardiac development, Scientific World Journal 7.
- Groenendijk BCW, Van der Heiden K, Hierck BP & Poelmann RE (2007), The role of shear stress on ET-1, KLF2, and NOS-3 expression in the developing cardiovascular system of chicken embryos in a venous Ligation model, Physiology 22(6).
- Tuyn, J. van; Atsma, D.E.; Winter, E.M.; Velde-Van Dijke, I. van der; Pijnappels, D.A.; Bax, N.A.M.; Knaan-Shanzer, S.; Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C.; Poelmann, R.E.; Laarse, A. van der; Wall, E.E. van der; Schalij, M.J. & Vries, A.A.F. de (2007), Epicardial cells of human adults can undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and obtain characteristics of smooth muscle cells in vitro, STEM CELLS 25(2).
- van den Akker NMS, Molin DGM, Peters PPWM, Maas S, Wisse LJ, van Brempt R, van Munsteren CJ, Bartelings MM, Poelmann RE, Carmeliet P & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2007), Tetralogy of Fallot and alterations in vascular endothelial growth factor-A signaling and Notch signaling in mouse embryos solely expressing the VEGF120 isoform, Circulation Research 100(6).
- Vennemann P, Kiger KT, Lindken R, Groenendijk BCW, Stekelenburg-de Vos S, ten Hagen TLM, Ursem NTC, Poelmann RE, Westerweel J & Hierck BP (2006), In vivo micro particle image velocimetry measurements of blood-plasma in the embryonic avian heart, Journal of Biomechanics 39(7).
- Bekker MN, van den Akker NMS, Bartelings MM, Arkesteijn JB, Fischer SGL, Polman JAE, Haak MC, Webb S, Poelmann RE, van Vugt JMG & Groot ACGD (2006), Nuchal edema and venous-lymphatic phenotype disturbance in human fetuses and mouse embryos with aneuploidy, Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 13(3).
- Van der Heiden K, Groenendijk BCW, Hierck BP, Hogers B, Koerten HK, Mommaas AM, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2006), Monocilia on chicken embryonic endocardium in low shear stress areas, Developmental Dynamics 235(1).
- Boot MJ, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Poelmann RE & Gourdie RG (2006), Connexin43 levels are increased in mouse neural crest cells exposed to homocysteine, Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology 76(2).
- Eralp I, Lie-Venema H, Bax NAM, Wijffels MCEF, Van der Laarse A, Deruiter MC, Bogers AJJC, Van den Akker NMS, Gourdie RG, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-De Groot AC (2006), Epicardium-derived cells are important for correct development of the Purkinje fibers in the avian heart, Anatomical Record Part a Discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary Biology 288A(12).
- Bekker MN, Van den Akker NMS, Bartelings MM, Haak MC, Poelmann RE, Van Vugt JMG & Gittenberger-DeGroot AC (2005), Increased nuchal translucency is related to a disturbed venouslymphatic phenotype, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 193(6): S158-S158.
- Groenendijk BCW, Hierck BP, Vrolijk J, Baiker M, Pourquie MJBM, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2005), Changes in shear stress-related gene expression after experimentally altered venous return in the chicken embryo, Circulation Research 96(12).
- Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Bartelings MM, Deruiter MC & Poelmann RE (2005), Basics of cardiac development for the understanding of congenital heart malformations, Pediatric Research 57(2).
- Eralp I, Lie-Venema H, DeRuiter MC, van den Akker NMS, Bogers AJJC, Mentink MMT, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2005), Coronary artery and orifice development is associated with proper timing of epicardial outgrowth and correlated Fas ligand associated apoptosis patterns, Circulation Research 96(5).
- Stekelenburg-De Vos S, Steendijk P, Ursem NTC, Wladimiroff JW, Delfos R & Poelmann RE (2005), Systolic and diastolic ventricular function assessed by pressure-volume loops in the stage 21 venous clipped chick embryo, Pediatric Research 57(1).
- Lie-Venema H, Eralp I, Maas S, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Poelmann RE & DeRuiter AC (2005), Myocardial heterogeneity in permissiveness for epicardium-derived cells and endothelial precursor cells along the developing heart tube at the onset of coronary vascularization, Anatomical Record Part a Discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary Biology 282A(2).
- Jongbloed MRM, Wijffels MCEF, Schalij MJ, Blom NA, Poelmann RE, van der Laarse A, Mentink MMT, Wang Z, Fishman GI & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2005), Development of the right ventricular inflow tract and moderator band - A possible morphological and functional explanation for Mahaim tachycardia, Circulation Research 96(7).
- Van den Arker NMS, Lie-Venema H, Maas S, Eralp I, DeRuiter MC, Poelmann RE & Groot ACG (2005), Platelet-derived growth factors in the developing avian heart and maturating coronary vasculature, Developmental Dynamics 233(4).
- Hierck BP, Witte B, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Gittenberger E (2005), Chirality in snails is determined by highly conserved asymmetry genes, Journal of Molluscan Studies 71.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Eralp I, Lie-Venema H, Bartelings M & Poelmann R (2004), Development of the coronary vasculature and its implications for coronary abnormalities in general and specifically in pulmonary atresia without ventricular septal defect, ACTA PAEDIATRICA 93: 13-19.
- Boot MJ, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Poelmann RE, van Iperen L & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2004), Homocysteine induces endothelial cell detachment and vessel wall thickening during chick embryonic development, Circulation Research 94(4).
- Aoyama N, Molin DGM, Mentink MMT, Koerten HK, De Ruiter MC, Gittenberger-De Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2004), Changing intracellular compartmentalization of beta-galactosidase in the ROSA26 reporter mouse during embryonic development: A light- and electron-microscopic study, Anatomical Record Part a Discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary Biology 279A(2).
- Poelmann RE, Jongbloed MRM, Molin DGM, Fekkes ML, Wang ZY, Fishman GI, Doetschman T, Azhar M & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2004), The neural crest is contiguous with the cardiac conduction system in the mouse embryo: a role in induction?, Anatomy and Embryology 208(5).
- Ursem NTC, Stekelenburg-de Vos S, Wladimiroff JW, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Hu N & Clark EB (2004), Ventricular diastolic filling characteristics in stage-24 chick embryos after extra-embryonic venous obstruction, Journal of Experimental Biology 207(9).
- Groenendijk BCW, Hierck BP, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2004), Development-related changes in the expression of shear stress responsive genes KLF-2, ET-1, and NOS-3 in the developing cardiovascular system of chicken embryos, Developmental Dynamics 230(1).
- Hierck BP, Molin DGM, Boot MJ, Poelmann RE & Groot ACGD (2004), A chicken model for DGCR6 as a modifier gene in the DiGeorge critical region, Pediatric Research 56(3).
- Molin DGM, Poelmann RE, DeRuiter MC, Azhar M, Doetschman T & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2004), Transforming growth factor beta-SMAD2 signaling regulates aortic arch innervation and development, Circulation Research 95(11).
- Jongbloed MRM, Schalij MJ, Poelmann RE, Blom NA, Fekkes ML, Wang ZY, Fishman GI & Gittenberger-De Groot AC (2004), Embryonic conduction tissue: A spatial correlation with adult arrhythmogenic areas, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 15(3).
- Boot MJ, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Poelmann RE, van Iperen L & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2004), Cardiac outflow tract malformations in chick embryos exposed to homocysteine, Cardiovascular Research 64(2).
- Boot MJ, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, Poelmann RE, Van Iperen L, Lindemans J & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2003), Folic acid and homocysteine affect neural crest and neuroepithelial cell outgrowth and differentiation in vitro, Developmental Dynamics 227(2).
- Boot MJ, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Iperen L & Poelmann RE (2003), The myth of ventrally emigrating neural tube (VENT) cells and their contribution to the developing cardiovascular system, Anatomy and Embryology 206(4).
- Stekelenburg-de Vos S, Ursem NTC, Hop WCJ, Wladimiroff JW, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2003), Acutely altered hemodynamics following venous obstruction in the early chick embryo, Journal of Experimental Biology 206(6).
- Boot MJ, Gittenberger-de-groot AC, van Iperen L, Hierck BP & Poelmann RE (2003), Spatiotemporally separated cardiac neural crest subpopulations that target the outflow tract septum and pharyngeal arch arteries, Anatomical Record 275A(1).
- Molin DGM, Bartram U, Van der Heiden K, Van Iperen L, Speer CP, Hierck BP, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-De-Groot AC (2003), Expression patterns of Tgf beta 1-3 associate with myocardialisation of the outflow tract and the development of the epicardium and the fibrous heart skeleton, Developmental Dynamics 227(3).
- Gittenberger-De Grot AC, Bartram U, Oosthoek PW, Bartelings MM, Hogers B, Poelmann RE, Jongewaard IN & Klewer SE (2003), Collagen type VI expression during cardiac development and in human fetuses with trisomy 21, Anatomical Record Part a Discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary Biology 275A(2).
- Aoyama N, Yamashina S, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Izumi T, Soma K & Ohwada T (2002), Conduction system abnormalities in rat embryos induced by maternal hyperthermia, Anatomical Record 267(3).
- Poelmann RE, Lie-Venema H & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2002), The role of the epicardium and neural crest, Texas Heart Institute Journal 29(4).
- Molin DGM, DeRuiter MC, Wisse LJ, Azhar M, Doetschman T, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2002), Altered apoptosis pattern during pharyngeal arch artery remodelling is associated with aortic arch malformations in Tgf beta 2 knock-out mice, Cardiovascular Research 56(2).
- Ursem NTC, Struijk PC, Poelmann RE, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Wladimiroff JW (2001), Dorsal aortic flow velocity in chick embryos of stage 16 to 28, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 27(7).
- Hogers B, Gross D, Lehmann V, de Groot HJM, de Roos A, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2001), Magnetic resonance microscopy at 17.6-tesla on chicken embryos in vitro, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14(1).
- Blom NA, Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Jongeneel TH, DeRuiter MC, Poelmann RE & Ottenkamp J (2001), Normal development of the pulmonary veins in human embryos and formulation at a morphogenetic concept for sinus venosus defects, American Journal of Cardiology 87(3).
- Bartram U, Molin DGM, Wisse LJ, Mohamad A, Sanford LP, Doetschman T, Speer CP, Poelmann RE & Gittenberger-de Groot AC (2001), Double-outlet right ventricle and overriding tricuspid valve reflect disturbances of looping, myocardialization, endocardial cushion differentiation, and apoptosis in TGF-beta(2)-knockout mice, Circulation 103(22).
- Poelmann RE, Molin D, Wisse LJ, Gittenberger-de Groot AC & Groot GD (2000), Apoptosis in cardiac development.
- Hogers B, Gross D, Lehmann V, Zick K, De Groot HJM, Gittenberger-De Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2000), Magnetic resonance microscopy of mouse embryos in utero.
- Verberne ME, Gittenberger-De Groot AC & Poelmann RE (2000), Distribution of antigen epitopes shared by nerves and the myocardium of the embryonic chick heart using different neuronal markers.
- Gittenberger-de Groot AC, Peeters MPFMV, Bergwerff M, Mentink MMT & Poelmann RE (2000), Epicardial outgrowth inhibition leads to compensatory mesothelial outflow tract collar and abnormal cardiac septation and coronary formation, Circulation Research 87(11).
- Verberne ME, Gittenberger-De Groot AC, Van Iperen L & Poelmann RE (2000), Distribution of different regions of cardiac neural crest in the extrinsic and the intrinsic cardiac nervous system.