Robert Heinsch
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. R.W. Heinsch LLM
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 7581
- 0000-0003-1240-4400

Dr. Robert W. Heinsch, LL.M. werkt als Universitair hoofddocent voor het Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies van de Universiteit Leiden.
Eerder was hij onderzoeksassistent bij de afdeling internationaal en europees recht van de Universiteit van Keulen en werkte hij bij het Law Centre for International and European Cooperation van diezelfde universiteit. Hij heeft ook als Legal Officer gewerkt voor de vicepresident van het Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) in Den Haag, en als juridisch adviseur bij de afdeling internationaal recht en internationale instituties van het hoofdkantoor van het Duitse Rode Kruis, gevestigd in Berlijn.
Robert Heinsch was gastdocent internationaal strafrecht en internationaal humanitair recht aan de Ruhr-Universität Bochum, en was werkzaam bij het Institute for International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict(IFHV). Hij is correspondent van het German Journal of Peace and Armed Conflict (JILPAC); lid van de Duitse Werkgroep voor Internationaal Strafrecht; lid van de United Nations Association (UNA) van Duitsland; en lid van de Duitse afdeling van de International Law Association (ILA).
Dr. Heinsch is gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit van Keulen, en heeft zijn master behaald aan de University of London. Hij heeft zijn eerste en tweede staatsexamen behaald, waarmee hij gekwalificeerd is voor alle juridische beroepen in Duitsland. Hij is gespecialiseerd in internationaal publiekrecht (algemeen), de bronnen van het internationaal publiekrecht, het gebruik van geweld, internationaal humanitair recht, en internationaal strafrecht.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Instituut voor Publiekrecht
- Grotius Centre for Intern Legal Studies
- Heinsch R.W. (2024), Zum Einsatz digitaler Beweismittel in internationalen Strafverfahren: Die „Leiden Guidelines on Digitally Derived Evidence (DDE)“ [On the use of digital evidence in international criminal proceedings: the "Leiden Guidelines on Digitally Derived Evidence (DDE)"], Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtswissenschaft 3(1): 2-10.
- Heinsch R.W. & Pinzauti G. (2024), Observations Pursuant to Rule 103 (Robert Heinsch and Giulia Pinzauti): ICC-01/18-262, 2 August 2024 | Other participants | Observations, Situation: Situation in the State of Palestine (International Criminal Court). [overig].
- Rose C.E., Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D.A., Driest S. van den, Heinsch R.W., Koppe E. & Schrijver N.J. (2022), An introduction to public international law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Irving E., Heinsch R.W. & Rewald S. (23 augustus 2022), Using the Leiden Guidelines to address key issues in digitally derived evidence. OpinioJuris. [blog].
- Heinsch R.W., Irving E. & Rewald S. (31 maart 2022), Leiden guidelines on the use of digitally derived evidence in international criminal courts and tribunals. Leiden (Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum/Grotius Centre). [webartikel].
- Heinsch R.W. (2022), Chapter 12: International humanitarian law. In: Rose C.E., Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D.A., Driest S. van den, Heinsch R.W., Koppe E. & Schrijver N.J. (red.), An Introduction to Public International Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 230-252.
- Fremuth M.L., Griebel J. & Heinsch R.W. (red.) (2021), Natural Resources and International Law – Developments and Challenges: A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Stephan Hobe. Baden-Baden: Nomos / Hart.
- Heinsch R.W. (2021), The Role of Customary International Law as a Tool for the Progressive Development of International Criminal Law: Undermining the Sovereignty of States for the Sake of Humanity?. In: Blokker N.M., Dam-de Jong D. & Prislan V. (red.), Furthering the Frontiers of International Law: Sovereignty, Human Rights, Sustainable Development. Leiden: Brill. 113-124.
- Heinsch R.W. (2021), Methodological Challenges in Ascertaining Customary International Humanitarian Law: Can Customary International Law Respond to Changing Circumstances in Warfare?. In: Krieger H. & Püschmann J. (red.), Law-Making and Legitimacy in International Humanitarian Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 170-194.
- Heinsch R. & Pinzauti G. (2020), To Be (a State) or Not to Be? The Relevance of the Law of Belligerent Occupation with regard to Palestine’s Statehood before the ICC, Journal of International Criminal Justice 18(4): 927-945.
- Heinsch R.W. & Poulopoulou S. (25 oktober 2020), Establishing and Directing an IHL Clinic: Lessons Learned from the Practice of the IHL Clinic at Leiden University. Opinio Juris: Opinio Juris & International Commission of Jurists. [blog].
- Heinsch R.W., annotatie bij: ICC 3 oktober 2011, nr. ICC-02/11, P.T. Ch. III, Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals 2020(57): 260-270 (Commentary on “Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorisation of an Investigation into the Situation the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire”).
- Heinsch R.W. & Pinzauti G. (2020), Submissions Pursuant to Rule 103 (Robert Heinsch & Giulia Pinzauti) [Situation in the State of Palestine] (International Criminal Court). [overig].
- Heinsch R.W. (2018), The Future of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission: A Possibility to Overcome the Weakness of IHL Compliance Mechanisms?. In: Djukić D. & Pons N. (red.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series nr. 55. Leiden-Boston: Brill | Nijhoff. 79-97.
- Heinsch R.W. (2018), Conduct of Hostilities. In: Djukić D. & Pons N. (red.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series nr. 55. Leiden-Boston: Brill | Nijhoff. 379-383.
- Heinsch R.W. (2018), Indiscriminate Attacks. In: Djukić D. & Pons N. (red.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series nr. 55. Leiden-Boston: Brill | Nijhoff. 408-412.
- Heinsch R.W. (2018), Principle of Distinction. In: Djukić D. & Pons N. (red.), The Companion to International Humanitarian Law. International humanitarian law series nr. 55. Leiden-Boston: Brill | Nijhoff. 306-308.
- Heinsch R.W. & Chevalier L. (2018), The Educational Value of International Humanitarian Law Clinics - The Leiden and Bochum Example, Humanitäres Völkerrecht: Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict 1(3-4): 225-240.
- D'Alessandra F. & Heinsch R.W. (2018), Rethinking the Relationship between Jus in Bello and Jus ad Bellum: A Dialogue Between Authors. In: Sadat L.N. (red.), Seeking Accountability For The Unlawful Use Of Force. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 453-492.
- Heinsch R.W. (2018), In memoriam Professor Frits Kalshoven: Some Personal words on the passing of one of the most respected International Humanitarian Law experts of the last century, Leiden Journal of International Law 31(1): 1-7.
- Heinsch R.W. (2017), The International Committee of the Red Cross and the Geneva Conventions of 1949. In: Geiss R., Zimmermann A. & Haumer S. (red.), Humanizing the laws of war - the Red Cross and the development of international humanitarian law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 27-56.
- Bartels R., Heinsch R.W. & Boogaard J. van den (11 september 2017), In Memoriam: Frits Kalshoven. EJIL: Talk!: European Society of International Law. [blog].
- Heinsch R.W. & Poulopoulou S. (2017), Difficulties in Prosecuting Drone Strikes as a War Crime under International Criminal Law: An International Humanitarian Law Pespective. In: Schüller A. & Nelson F. (red.), Litigating Drone Strikes: Challenging the Global Network of Remote Killing. Berlin: European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights. 58-84.
- Heinsch R.W. (2017), Modern drone warfare and the geographical scope of application of IHL: pushing the limits of territorial boundaries?. In: Ohlin J.D. (red.), Research Handbook on Remote Warfare. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 79-109.
- Heinsch R.W. (2017), Commentary on Rule 84 “Individual Criminal Responsibility for War Crimes”. In: Schmitt M. (red.), Tallinn Manual 2.0 on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare: Cambridge University Press. 391-396.
- Gill T., Geiss R. & Heinsch R.W. (2017), The Conduct of Hostilities and International Humanitarian Law: Challenges of 21st Century Warfare - Final Report of the International Law Association Study Group on the Conduct of Hostilities in the 21st Century. International Law Studies nr. 93. Newport, Rhode Island: U.S. Naval War College, Stockton Center for the Study of International Law.
- Heinsch R.W. (2016), Schriftliche Stellungnahme zu "Keine Straflosigkeit bei Kriegsverbrechen – Völkerstrafprozesse in Deutschland voranbringen" (BT-Drucksache 18/6341) (Bundestag). [position paper].
- Heinsch R.W. (2016), Foreign Fighters and International Criminal Law. In: Guttry A. de, Capone F. & Paulussen C. (red.), Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond. The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. 161-185.
- Heinsch R.W. & Fontein T. (2015), Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from selected case law [of the International Criminal Court]. In: Ziccardi Capaldo G. (red.), The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2014: Volume I. The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press. 387-426.
- Heinsch R.W. (2015), Judicial ‘Law-Making’ in the Jurisprudence of the ICTY and ICTR in Relation to Protecting Civilians from Mass Violence: How Can Judge-Made Law Be Brought into Coherence with the Doctrine of the Formal Sources of International Law. In: Ambach P., Bostedt F., Dawson G. & Kostas S. (red.), The Protection of Non-Combatants During Armed Conflict and Safeguarding the Rights of Victims in Post-Conflict Society. Leiden - Boston: Brill / Nijhoff. 297-330.
- Heinsch R.W., Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals 43: 290-302.
- Heinsch R.W. (2015), Modernizing International Humanitarian Law: The Necessity of Dealing with the Challenges of 21st Century Warfare. In: Voorhoeve J. (red.), The Third Hague Peace Conference. The Hague: The Hague University of Applied Sciences. 22-25.
- Heinsch R.W. (2015), Conflict Classification in Ukraine: The Return of the "Proxy War"?, International Law Studies 91: 323-360.
- Gill T.D., Geiß R., Heinsch R., McCormack T., Paulussen C. & Dorsey J. (red.) (2014), Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2012. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law nr. 15. The Hague: Asser Press (Springer).
- Gill T., Heinsch R.W. & Geiß R. (2014), Challenges of 21st Century Warfare - The Conduct of Hostilities and International Humanitarian Law: Interim Report. London: International Law Association.
- Heinsch R.W. & Schoeberl K.. HuV-I 27(3).
- Heinsch R.W. & Fontein T. 1: 433-492.
- Heinsch R.W. (2013), Methodology of Law-Making: Customary International Law and New Military Technologies. In: Saxon D. (red.), International Humanitarian Law and the Changing Technology of War. International humanitarian law series. Leiden - Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 17-42.
- Heinsch R.W. (2012), Lieber Code. In: Hufford L. & Pugliese E. (red.), War Crimes: An Historical Encyclopedia, from 1850 to the present. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio.
- Heinsch R.W. & Hollos R., The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 12: 389-448.
- Heinsch R.W. (2012), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Scope of the ‘Combat Zone’: Some Thoughts on the Geographical scope of Application of International Humanitarian Law, Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Informationsschriften 25(4): 184-192.
- Heinsch R.W. (2010), Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from selected case law of the International Criminal Court. In: Capaldo G. (red.), The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2009. New York: Oxford University Press. 385-407.
- Heinsch R.W. & Schnegg A. (2010), Legal Maxims: Summaries and Extracts from selected case law of the International Criminal Court. In: Ziccardi Capaldo G. (red.), The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2009: Volume I. The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press. 469-509.
- Heinsch R.W. (2010), The Crime of Aggression After Kampala: Success or Burden for the Future?, Goettingen Journal of International Law 2: 715-743.
- Heinsch R.W. (2010), Der Wandel des Kriegsbegriffs – Brauchen wir eine Revision des humanitären Völkerrechts?, Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Informationsschriften 23(3): 133-141.
- Heinsch R.W. (2009), How to achieve fair and expeditious trial proceedings before the ICC: Is it time for a more judge-dominated approach?. In: Stahn C. & Sluiter G. (red.), The Emerging Practice of the ICC: The Court at Five Years. Leiden; Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 479-500.
- Heinsch R.W. (2009), The International Committee of the Red Cross in Today’s International and Non-International Armed Conflicts. In: Giegerich Th. (red.), A Wiser Century? – Judicial Dispute Settlement, Disarmament and the Laws of War 100 Years after the Second Hague Peace Conference. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 393-416.
- Heinsch R.W. (2007), Die Weiterentwicklung des humanitären Völkerrechts durch die Strafgerichtshöfe für das ehemalige Jugoslawien und Ruanda. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag.
- Heinsch R.W. & Peterke S. (2005), Overview on the International Criminal Court, Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Informationsschriften : .
- Heinsch R.W. (2004), Bespreking van: , Hegemony or Stability: Alternatives to the Militarisation of Politics after September 11. Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Informationsschriften 17: 125-127.
- Heinsch R.W. (2003), Possibilities to Prosecute War Crimes Committed in Iraq, Humanitäres Völkerrecht - Informationsschriften 16: 132-138.
- Board member of the editorial board of the JILPAC/HUV