Rint Sybesma
- Naam
- Prof.dr. R.P.E. Sybesma
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2529
- r.p.e.sybesma@hum.leidenuniv.nl
- 0000-0002-4366-5809

Rint Sybesma is hoogleraar Chinese taalkunde. Hij is verbonden aan het LIAS (Leiden University Institute for Area Studies) en het LUCL (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics).
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS China
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Univ Centre for Linguistics
- LUCL Taalwetenschap
- Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2023), Missing and not found: what adjectival agreement reveals about determinerless headlines in Dutch and German, Linguistic Variation : 1-39.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2022), Four different structures for locative resultatives, Journal of Chinese Linguistics 50(1): 277-289.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2022), Place and distance: locative expressions in Mandarin and Cantonese. In: Simpson A. (red.), New explorations in Chinese theoretical syntax: studies in honor of Yen-Hui Audrey Li. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 77-109.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2021), Raise is rise+v (rather than rise+Voice), Snippets 40: 7-8.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2021), Voice and little v and VO-OV word-order variation in Chinese languages, Syntax 24(1): 44-77.
- Lu M., Lipták A.K. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2019), A structural account of the difference between achievements and accomplishments: evidence from Changsha Xiang Chinese, Journal of East Asian Linguistics 28(3): 279-306.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2019), 限定性和汉语主句 : Finiteness and main clauses in Mandarin, International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 6(2): 325-344.
- Wolff M. de & Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Noun Modification. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 238-247.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Tense. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 281-290.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.) (2017), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Chinese Loanwords in Dutch. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 543-546.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Word Order, Modern. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 589-591.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Classifiers, Nominal. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 620-627.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Complement (and Object). In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics 645-646.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Finiteness. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol II, 233-237.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Aspect, Inner. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol I, 186-193.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Chinese in the Netherlands. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol I, 456-462.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Chinese Linguistics in the Netherlands. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill. 537-743.
- Reckman H., Cheng L.L., Hijzelendoorn P.M. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (2017), Crossroads Semantics. Computation, experiment and grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Otting N. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2017), Yes-no questions. In: Sybesma R.P.E., Behr W., Gu Y., Handel Z., Huang C.T.J. & Myers J. (red.), Encyclopedia of Chinese language and linguistics. Leiden: Brill. Vol IV, 663-670.
- Singhapreecha P. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2016), An ellipsis analysis of split nominals in Thai, Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 44: 57-88.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2015), Mandarin. In: Kiss T. & Alexiadou A. (red.), Syntax – Theory and Analysis. An international handbook. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1518-1559.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2014), The syntactic structure of noun phrases. In: Huang C.T. James, Li Y.H. Audrey & Simpson A. (red.), The handbook of Chinese linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics. London: John Wiley & Sons. 248-274.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2014), Transitive psych-predicates. In: Li H.Y.A., Simpson A. & Tsai W.T.D. (red.), Chinese syntax in a cross-linguistic perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 207-228.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2013), Cantonese sin 先 and the question of microvariation and macrovariation. In: Cao Guangshun, Chappell Hilary, Djamouri Redouane & Wiebusch Thekla (red.), Breaking down the barriers: Interdisciplinary studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond. Taipei: Academia Sinica. 971-994.
- Shen Y. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2012), 作格动词的性质和作格结构的构造 Zuògédòngcí de xìngzhi hé zuògéjiégòu de gòuzào (On the nature of unaccusative verbs and the construction of unaccusative structures), Shìjiè Hànyǔ Jiàoxué 2012(3): 306-321.
- Cheng L.L., Doetjes J.S., Sybesma R.P.E. & Zamparelli R. (2012), On the interpretation of number and classifiers, Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica 24(2): 175-194.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2012), Classifiers and DP, Linguistic Inquiry 43(4): 634-650.
- Hsieh F.F. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2011), On the linearization of Chinese sentence-final particles: Max spell out and why CP moves?, Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature 1(1): 53-90.
- Crisma P., Marten L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2011), The point of Bantu, Chinese and Romance nominal classification, Italian Journal of Linguistics / Rivista di Linguistica 23(2): 251-299.
- Shen Y. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2010), 句法结构标记“给”与动词结构的衍生关系 Jùfǎ jiégòu biāojì ‘gěi’ yǔ dòngcíjiégòu de yǎnshēng guānxi (The syntactic marker ‘gei’ and the derivational relations in the structure of the verb), 中国语文 [Zhōngguó Yǔwén] (3): 222-237.
- Peng G.Z. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2010), 现代汉语中表偏离义的VA词组Xiàndài Hànyǔ zhōng biǎo piānlíyì de VA cízǔ (Modern Chinese VA phrases with an excessive meaning), 現代中國語研究 [Gendai Chūgokugo kenkyū] Contemporary Research in Modern Chinese 12(1): 19-29.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2009), Het Chinees en het Nederlands zijn eigenlijk hetzelfde. Houten: Het Spectrum.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2009) Review of Pieter Muysken’s Functional categories (CUP). Bespreking van: (2008), Functional categories, door Pieter Muysken nr. 3: CUP. Nederlandse Taalkunde 14: 402-404.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2009), De 的 as an underspecified classifier: first explorations, Yŭyánxué lùncóng 39: 1-19.
- Sio J.U.S. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), The nominal phrase in Northern Zhuang: a descriptive study, Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics 3(1): 175-225.
- Hsieh F.F. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), 生成语法理论和汉语语气词研究 Shēngchéng yǔfa lǐlùn hé Hànyǔ yǔqì yánjiū (Generative grammar and the study of sentence final particles in Chinese). In: Shen Y. & Feng S. (red.), 当代语言学理论和汉语研究/Contemporary linguistic theories and related studies on Chinese. Peking: Shangwu Shuju. 364-374.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), Zhuang: A Tai language with some Sinitic characteristics. Postverbal ‘can’ in Zhuang, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Lao. [Studies in Language Companion Series 90.]. Muysken P. (red.), From linguistic areas to areal linguistics. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 221-274.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Djamouri R. & Meisterernst B. (red.) (2008), Chinese linguistics in Leipzig. Paris: EHESS.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Sio J.U.S. (2008), D is for Demonstrative. Investigating the position of the demonstrative in Chinese and Zhuang, The Linguistic Review 25: 253-478.
- Cheng L.L., Doetjes J.S. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2008), How universal is the Universal Grinder?, Linguistics in the Netherlands 25(1): 50-62.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2007), Whether we Tense-agree overtly or not, Linguistic Inquiry 38: 580-587.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Li B. (2007), The dissection and structural mapping of Cantonese sentence final particles, Lingua 117: 1739-1783.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2007), ). 北方方言和粤语中名词的可数标记 Běifāng fāngyán hé Yuèyǔ zhōng míngcí de kěshǔbiāojì (Markers of countability on the noun in Mandarin and Cantonese), Yŭyánxué lùncóng 35: 234-245.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Cheng L.L. (2006), A Chinese relative. In: Broekhuis H., Corver N., Huybregts R., Kleinhenz U. & Koster J. (red.), Organizing grammar: linguistic studies in honour of Henk van Riemsdijk. Studies in Generative Grammar nr. 86. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 69-76.
- Djamouri R. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (2006), Chinese linguistics in Budapest. Parijs: EHESS-CRLAO.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Shen Y. (2006), Small clause results and the internal structure of the Chinese resultative small clause, Journal of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology 20(4): 40-46.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2005), Classifiers in four varieties of Chinese. In: Cinque G. & Kayne R.S. (red.), The Oxford handbook of comparative syntax. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 259-292.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2004), Exploring Cantonese tense. Cornips L. & Doetjes J. (red.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2004. . Amsterdam: AVT/John Benjamins. 169-180.
- Sybesma R.P.E., Barbiers L.C.J., Dikken M. den, Doetjes J.S., Postma G.J. & Wyngaerd G. vanden (red.) (2004), Teun Hoekstra: Arguments and structure. Studies on the architecture of the sentence. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2004), Postverbal 'can' in Cantonese (and Hakka) and Agree, Lingua 114(4): 419-445.
- Barbiers L.C.J. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2004), On the different verbal behavior of auxiliaries, Lingua 114: 389-398.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (2003), Forked modality, Linguistics in the Netherlands 20(1): 13-23.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (2003), The Second Glot International State-of-the-Article Book. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (2002), Een generatieve inleiding. Bussum: Coutinho.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (2000), The First Glot International State-of-the-Article Book. Berlijn: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1999), The Mandarin VP. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1999), Overt wh-movement in Chinese and the structure of CP. Wang H.S., Tsai F.F. & Lien C.F. (red.), Selected Papers from the Fifth International Conference of Chinese Linguistics. . Taipei: The Crane Publishing Co. 279-299.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (1999), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Cheng L.L. (1999), Bare and not so bare nouns and the structure of NP, Linguistic Inquiry 30(4): 509-542.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (1998), Yi-wan Tang, yi-ge Tang: Classifiers and Massifiers, Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies XXVIII(3): 385-412.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (1998), . Glot International.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (1998), On dummy objects and the transitivity of run. Bezooijen R. van & Kager R. (red.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1998. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 81-93.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1997), Take and the theme in Chinese and Kwa. In: Déchaine R.M. & Manfredi V. (red.), Object Positions in Benue-Kwa. Den Haag: HAG. 169-188.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (1997), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1997), Why Chinese verb -le is a resultative predicate, Journal of East-Asian Linguistics 6(3): 215-261.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1997), Five books on Chinese, Glot International 2(7): 17-19.
- Sybesma R.P.E. & Wijngaerd G. van den (1997), Realizing end points: the syntax and semantics of Dutch ge and Mandarin le. In: Coerts J. & Hoop H. de (red.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 1997. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 207-218.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (1996), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1996) recensie. Bespreking van: Shyu S.I. (1996), The syntax of topic and focus in Mandarin Chinese nr. 4. NN: NN. Glot International 2: 13-14.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995), The diachronics of verb-le in Chinese: Where does the perfective semantics come from?. In: Velde P. van de (red.), IIAS Yearbook 1994. Leiden: IIAS. 35-44.
- Cheng L.L. & Sybesma R.P.E. (red.) (1995), . Glot International.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995) recensie. Bespreking van: Xiaobo R. (1995), Syntaxe des constructions passives en chinois nr. 2. NN: NN. Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 24: 287-302.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995), Ge- en -le, TABU: Bulletin voor Taalwetenschap 25(4): 198-200.
- Sybesma R.P.E. (1995) recensie. Bespreking van: Tsai W.-T.D. (1995), On economizing the theory of A-bar dependencies nr. 2. NN: NN. Glot International 1: 11-12.