Rik de Ruiter
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. R. de Ruiter
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9411
- r.de.ruiter@fgga.leidenuniv.nl

Het huidige onderzoek van Rik de Ruiter richt zich op politiek, bestuur en beleid van de Europese Unie, zowel op nationaal als supranationaal niveau. Hij is vooral geïnteresseerd in de betrokkenheid van national parlementen in het Europese integratie proces.
The first strand in Rik’s current research agenda focuses on recent developments in the EU legislative process and their effects on the EU and on domestic levels. Research themes within this strand include the informal negotiations between the EP and the Council, the scrutiny by national parliaments of and media reporting on EU-level decision making processes on directives, and the degree of overlap in scrutiny of EU legislative acts between Upper and Lower Houses. The second research strand focuses on the use by MPs of information from OMCs on the performance of national policies in parliamentary debates. A third strand in Rik’s research agenda focuses on the Open Method of Coordination (OMC), a non-binding benchmarking policy tool aimed at fostering exchanges of policy practices between EU member states with regard to education, internet, research and development, and social and employment policies.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Instituut Bestuurskunde
- Ruiter R. de, Steunenberg B. & Hoppema M. (2023), Omzetting en uitvoering: een literaatuurstudie. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden/IOB Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.
- Smeets S. & Ruiter R. de (2019), Scrutiny by means of debate: the Dutch parliamentary debate about the Banking Union, Acta Politica 54(4): 564–583.
- Winzen T., Ruiter R. de & Rocabert J. (2018), Is parliamentary attention to the EU strongest when it is needed the most? National parliaments and the selective debate of EU policies, European Union Politics 19(3): 481–501.
- Ruiter R. de & Vliegenthart R. (2018), Understanding media Attention in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands for EU legislative acts in negotiation at the EU level (2000‐2010), Comparative European Politics 16(4): 649-669.
- Ruiter R. de, Schalk J. & Rijthoven Y.J.F.A. van (2016), Vragen naar de bekende weg? Een analyse van informatiebronnen waarop schriftelijke vragen over Europese zaken in de Nederlandse Tweede Kamer zijn gebaseerd, Res Publica 58(2): 141-167.
- De Ruiter R. (2015), Houses of Abstention or Houses of Reflection? Upper Houses in EU Member States and the Ex ante Scrutiny of EU Legislation, Journal of European Integration 37(3): 391-407.
- Ruiter R. de (2014), Public parliamentary activities and open methods of coordination, Journal of Legislative Studies 49(6): 704-719.
- Ruiter R. de (2013), Full disclosure? The Open Method of Coordination, parliamentary debates and media coverage, European Union Politics 14(1): 95-114.
- Ruiter R. de (2013), Under the radar? National parliaments and the ordinary legislative procedure in the European Union, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 20(8): 1196-1212.
- Ruiter R. de & Neuhold C. (2012), The winner takes it all? The implications of the Lisbon Treaty for the EPs legislative rile in co-decision. In: Laursen F. (red.), The Lisbon Treaty: institutional choices and implementation: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Farnham.
- Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Ruiter R. de & Voermans W.J.M. (2012), 'Wir machen das so': Studie zu den Grenzeffecten der europäischen Politik. Den Haag: Universiteit Leiden.
- Steunenberg B., Beerkens M., Berg C.F. van den, Hartmann J.M.R., Ruiter A. de, Ruiter R. de & Voermans W.J.M. (2012), 'Wij doen dat zo': Onderzoek naar de grenseffecten van Europees beleid. Den Haag: Univeristeit Leiden.
- Ruiter R. de & Neuhold C. (2012), Why Is Fast Track the Way to Go? Justifications for Early Agreement in the Co-Decision Procedure and Their Effects, European Law Journal 18(4): 536-544.
- Holman O., Ruiter R. de & Vliegenthart R. (2011), The problematic nature of Dutch football. In: Grant W., Garcia B. & Niermann A. (red.), The Europeanization of club football. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Ruiter R. de (2011), De invloed van EU soft law op het functioneren van de representatieve democratie. Methoden van open coördinatie en het Nederlandse parlement. In: Thomassen J. & Andeweg R. (red.), Democratic Audit. Leiden: Leiden University Press.
- Ruiter R. de (2011), The national parliamentary arena and methods of open coordination: Explaining the frequency of OMC-related executive-legislative interactions, Journal of Contemporary European Research 7(1): 101-119.
- Neuhold C. & Ruiter R. de (2010), Out of REACH? Parliamentary control of EU affairs in the Netherlands and the UK, Journal of Legislative Studies 16(1): 57-72.
- Ruiter R. de (2010), Variations on a theme. Governing the knowledge-based society in the EU through methods of open coordination in education and R&D, Journal of European Integration 32(2): 157-173.
- Ruiter R. de (2010), EU soft law and the functioning of representative democracy: the use of methods of open coordination by Dutch and British parliamentarians, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY 17(6): 874-890.
- Ruiter R. de (2009), Multilateral Surveillance in Education by the OMC. In: Jakobi P., Martens K. & Wolf K.D. (red.), Education in Political Science. Discovering a neglected field. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Ruiter R. de (2009) Europe in the Global Age, Anthony Giddens. Bespreking van: Giddens A., Europe in the Global Age. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 17(1).
- Ruiter R. de (2008), Developing Multilateral Surveillance Tools in the EU, 31(5): 896-914.
- Asselt M., Bauch R., Braun J., Kanen M., Neuhold C., Ruiter R. de & Versluis E. (2008), The Netherlands and REACH. The interaction between the national and European fields of influence in the development of EU chemicals policy. The Hague.
- Ruiter R. de (2007), To Prevent a Shift of Competences. Developing the Open Method of Coordination: Education, Research and Development, Social Inclusion, e-Europe (Dissertatie, Leiden University).