Ria Reis
Emeritus hoogleraar medische antropologie, in het bijzonder antropologie in public health
- Naam
- Prof.dr. R. Reis
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 9111
- r.reis@lumc.nl
- null
Ria Reis is professor in medische antropologie bij de afdeling Public Health en Eerste Lijnsgeneeskunde (PHEG) van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Daarnaast is zij universitair hoofddocent bij de afdeling Antropologie van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en wetenschappelijk staflid van het Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD). Op de Universiteit van Kaapstad (UCT) in Zuid Afrika is zij Honorary Professor bij het Children’s Institute van de School of Child and Adolescent Health.
Medische Antropologie
Medische antropologie geeft gedetailleerde beschrijvingen van gezondheid en gezondheidspraktijken in de context van de sociale relaties en dagelijkse leefwereld van de mensen waarom het gaat, ingebed als deze zijn in bredere maatschappelijke processen en institutionele structuren. Inzicht in de sociale context van (on)gezondheid is noodzakelijk voor zowel evidence-based als value-based medicine. Het beste bewijs dat voorhanden is wordt gecombineerd met de klinische ervaring van de dokter en met de waarden van de patiënt: perspectieven en behoeften die tot stand komen in de relaties van patiënten met hun zorgverleners én met hun eigen sociale netwerk.
Inzicht in de sociale context helpt om grip te krijgen op de mechanismen waarlangs structurele ongelijkheid en sociale ontwrichting kunnen resulteren in gecumuleerde gezondheidsproblemen die van generatie op generatie wordt overgedragen. In de onderzoekslijn Prevention, Population Care & Disease management (PrePoD) draag ik met medisch antropologische theorie en kwalitatieve onderzoeksmethoden eraan bij dat context deel wordt van de causale modellen die ons helpen interventies te ontwerpen.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Ria Reis studeerde in 1987 cum laude af in de culturele antropologie aan de VU Amsterdam. Terwijl zij zich in haar doctoraalfase op het Tibetan Buddhism in Ladakh had gericht, bracht haar promotieonderzoek haar naar medische antropologie, neuropsychiatrie en Afrika. Zij woonde van 1985-88 in Swaziland en onderzocht er traditionele genezing en de kloof tussen prevalentie en behandeling van epilepsie. Haar proefschrift Sporen van ziekte; Epilepsie en medische pluraliteit in Swaziland werd in 1997 verdedigd op de Universiteit van Amsterdam. In de jaren negentig was zij betrokken bij projecten over epilepsie, chronische ziekten en functiebeperkingen in verschillende culturen. Over de laatste 20 jaar verschoof haar onderzoek naar de intergenerationele overdracht van kwetsbaarheid in contexten van ongelijkheid en (post)conflict, en de gezondheidspercepties, -strategieën en -veerkracht van jonge mensen.
In veel van haar werk wordt antropologisch onderzoek vorm gegeven in multidisciplinair interventie onderzoek, in samenwerking met professionals en beleidsmakers. Zoals zij haar tijd moet verdelen tussen LUMC en haar andere universiteiten, zo verdeelt zij ook haar energie tussen projecten in Nederland en Afrika. Ze is betrokken bij diverse onderzoeks- en interventiestudies in de jeugd- en community gezondheidszorg binnen de Academische werkplaats Samen. In Afrika geeft zij leiding aan de sociaal wetenschappelijke component van de MaxART Universal Test and Treat trial in Swaziland en aan een mixed methods project over seksuele voorlichting op scholen in Burundi; binnen de Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities-alliantie werkte zij samen in de ontwikkeling van een sobere thermometer voor Afrika.
Onderwijs en management zijn vanaf het begin van haar carrière belangrijk in haar werk geweest. Met LUMC collegae werkt zij in een doorlopend project aan het verbeteren van de inbedding van culturele competenties in het medisch basis curriculum. Hier geeft zij in verschillende modulen les over cultuur en gezondheid en in kwalitatieve methoden. In de jaren negentig heeft zij met collegae van de Universiteit van Amsterdam een van de eerste gevorderde internationale masters programma’s in Nederland gebouwd: the Amsterdam Master’s in Medical Anthropology (AMMA). Dit programma, waarvan zij tot 2010 directeur was, wordt wereldwijd nog steeds beschouwd als benchmark voor programma’s toegepaste medische antropologie. Zij is lid geweest van verschillende wetenschappelijke adviescommissie, zoals die van het African Studies Centre (2004-12) en de werkgroep en subcommissie ‘Gezond Leven’ van het preventieprogramma van ZonMw (2001-2009). Sinds 2013 is zij (technisch) voorzitter van de GO VIDI (nu DO VIDI) selectie commissie van NWO.
Op 22 maart 2010 sprak Ria Reis haar oratie uit, getiteld: 'Verschil maken'.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
In 2014 werd haar toewijding om antropologie verschil te laten maken voor kinderen en jongeren in Afrika beloond met een Honorary leerstoel bij het Children’s Institute op de School of Child & Adolescent Health van de Universiteit van Kaapstad (UCT).
Emeritus hoogleraar medische antropologie, in het bijzonder antropologie in public health
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 3
- Public Health en Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde
- Oueslati, R.; Woudstra, A.J.; Alkirawan, R.; Reis, R.; Zaalen, Y. van; Slager, M.T.; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Touwen, D.P. (2024), What value structure underlies shared decision making?, Patient Education and Counseling 124.
- Sande, M.C.E. van de; Fekkes, M.; Diekstra, R.F.W.; Gravesteijn, C.; Kocken, P.L. & Reis, R. (2024), Low-achieving adolescent students' perspectives on their interactions with classmates, Children and Youth Services Review 156.
- Ellermeijer, R.E.C.; Robinson, M.A.; Guevara, A.F.; O'Hare, G.; Veldhuizen, C.I.S.; Wessells, M.; Reis, R. & Jordans, M.J.D. (2023), A systematic review of the literature on community-level child protection in low- and middle-income countries, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 18(3): 309-329.
- Myburgh, H.; Hoddinott, G.; Seeley, J.; Bond, V.; Bock, P.; Hayes, R.; Reis, R.; Reynolds, L. & HPTN 071 PopARTStudy Team (2023), Testing when I know my status, SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 4.
- Molemans, M.; Reis, R.; Shabalala, F.; Dlamini, N.; Masilela, N.; Simelane, N.; Pell, C.; Chao, A.R.; Spiegelman, D.; Vernooij, E. & Leth, F. van (2023), Reasons for using traditional and complementary care by people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy and association with interrupted care, BMC COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE AND THERAPIES 23(1).
- Rod, M.H.; Rod, N.H.; Russo, F.; Klinker, C.D.; Reis, R. & Stronks, K. (2023), Promoting the health of vulnerable populations, Health & Place 80.
- Sande, M.C. van de; Kocken, P.L.; Diekstra, R.F.; Reis, R.; Gravesteijn, C. & Fekkes, M. (2023), What are the most essential social-emotional skills?, Frontiers in Education 8.
- Oueslati, R.; Reis, R.; Vries, M. de; Slager, M.; Sijp, J. van der; Stiggelbout, A. & Touwen, D. (2023), (WIP) Towards culturally sensitive shared decision-making in oncology: A study protocol, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 139-139.
- Oueslati, R.; Woudstra, A.; Reis, R.; Slager, M.; Touwen, D. & Stiggelbout, A. (2023), (WIP) What values steer the behavior of actors in shared decision-making? An analysis of the models, Patient Education and Counseling 109: 65-65.
- Brakema, E.A.; Kleij, R.M.J.J. van der; Poot, C.C.; An, P. le; Anastasaki, M.; Crone, M.R.; Hong, L.H.T.C.; Kirenga, B.; Lionis, C.; Mademilov, M.; Numans, M.E.; Oanh, L.T.T.; Tsiligianni, I.; Sooronbaev, T.; Walusimbi, S.; Williams, S.; Chavannes, N.H.; Reis, R. & FRESH AIR Collaborators (2022), Mapping low-resource contexts to prepare for lung health interventions in four countries (FRESH AIR), The Lancet Global Health 10(1): E57-E70.
- Wademan, D.T.; Hoddinott, G.; Purchase, S.E.; Seddon, J.A.; Hesseling, A.C.; Garcia-Prats, A.J.; Reis, R. & Reynolds, L.J. (2022), Practical and psychosocial challenges faced by caregivers influence the acceptability of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis preventive therapy for young children, PLoS ONE 17(7).
- Olislagers, Q.; Leth, F. van; Shabalala, F.; Dlamini, N.; Simelane, N.; Masilela, N.; Gomez, G.B.; Pell, C.; Vernooij, E.; Reis, R. & Molemans, M. (2022), Reasons for, and factors associated with, positive HIV retesting, AIDS Care.
- Oueslati, R.; Reis, R.; Vries, M.C. de; Slager, M.T.; Sijp, J.R.M. van der; Stiggelbout, A.M. & Touwen, D.P. (2022), Towards culturally sensitive shared decision-making in oncology, International Journal of Qualitative Methods 21.
- Slagboom, M.N.; Crone, M.R. & Reis, R. (2022), Exploring syndemic vulnerability across generations, Social Science & Medicine 295.
- Nele Martens, Mathilde R. Crone, Ashna Hindori-Mohangoo, Manodj Hindori, Ria Reis, Ilir S. Hoxha, Jedidia Abanga, Shanaaz Matthews, Lizette Berry, Rianne M. J. J. van der Kleij, M. Elske van den Akker-van Marle, Astrid van Damme, Florence Talrich, Katrien Beeckman, Christine Mc Court, Sharon Schindler Rising & Deborah L. Billings & Marlies Rijnders (2022), Group Care in the first 1000 days, Implementation Science 3.
- Sande, M.C. van de; Fekkes, M.; Diekstra, R.F.; Gravesteijn, C.; Reis, R. & Kocken, P.L. (2022), Effects of an SEL program in a diverse population of low achieving secondary education students, Frontiers in Education 6.
- Crone, M.R.; Slagboom, M.N.; Overmars, A.; Starken, L.; Sande, M.C.E. van de; Wesdorp, N. & Reis, R. (2021), The evaluation of a family-engagement approach to increase physical activity, healthy nutrition, and well-being in children and their parents, Frontiers in Public Health 9.
- Wijnakker, R.; Lambregts, M.M.C.; Rump, B.; Veldkamp, K.E.; Reis, R.; Visser, L.G. & Boer, M.G.J. de (2020), Limited multi-drug resistant organism related stigma in carriers exposed to isolation precautions, Journal of Hospital Infection 106(1): 126-133.
- Walsh, F.; Khan, S.; Barnighausen, T.; Hettema, A.; Lejeune, C.; Mazibuko, S.; Mlambo, C.K.; Reis, R.; Fleming, Y.; Khumalo, G.; Zwane, M.; Okello, V. & Spiegelman, D. (2020), Getting to 90-90-90, Current HIV/AIDS Reports 17(4): 324-332.
- Hu, R.V.P.F.; Ramdas, S.; Nieuwkerk, P.; Reis, R.; Fat, R.F.M.L.A.; Vries, H.J.C. de & Schallig, H.D.F.H. (2020), Body location of "New World" cutaneous leishmaniasis lesions and its impact on the quality of life of patients in Suriname, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14(10).
- Tize, C.; Berckmoes, L.; Jong, J. de & Reis, R. (2020), Charlie Hebdo as a critical event in a secondary school, Transcultural Psychiatry 58(5).
- Khan, S.; Spiegelman, D.; Walsh, F.; Mazibuko, S.; Pasipamire, M.; Chai, B.Y.; Reis, R.; Mlambo, K.; Delva, W.; Khumalo, G.; Zwane, M.; Fleming, Y.; Mafara, E.; Hettema, A.; Lejeune, C.; Chao, A.; Barnighausen, T. & Okello, V. (2020), Early access to antiretroviral therapy versus standard of care among HIV-positive participants in Eswatini in the public health sector, Journal of the International AIDS Society 23(9).
- Chao, A.; Spiegelman, D.; Khan, S.; Walsh, F.; Mazibuko, S.; Pasipamire, M.; Chai, B.; Reis, R.; Mlambo, K.; Delva, W.; Khumalo, G.; Zwane, M.; Fleming, Y.; Mafara, E.; Hettema, A.; Lejeune, C.; Barnighausen, T. & Okello, V. (2020), Mortality under early access to antiretroviral therapy vs. Eswatini's national standard of care, HIV Medicine 21(7): 429-440.
- Hertog, T.N. den; Maassen, E.; Jong, J.T.V.M. de & Reis, R. (2020), Contextualized understanding of depression, Transcultural Psychiatry 58(4).
- Hendriks, T.D.; Reis, R.; Sostakova, M. & Berckmoes, L.H. (2020), Violence and vulnerability, Children & Society 34(1): 31-45.
- Slagboom, M.N.; Crone, M.R. & Reis, R. (2020), Exploring syndemic vulnerability across generations, SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE.
- Pannebakker, N.M.; Kooken, P.L.; Dommelen, P. van; Mourik, K. van; Reis, R.; Reijneveld, S.A. & Numans, M.E. (2020), Care use and its intensity in children with complex problems are related to varying child and family factors, PLoS ONE.
- Lahuis Anke, Tankink Julia, Scholte W. F., Kleber R. J. & Reis R. (2019), Clinicians' Perspectives on Professional Dilemmas and Boundaries in Mental Health Care for Undocumented Migrants with PTSD, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 10.
- Pell, C.; Reis, R.; Dlamini, N.; Moyer, E. & Vernooij, E. (2019), 'Then her neighbour will not know her status': how health providers advocate antiretroviral therapy under universal test and treat, International Health 11(1): 36-41.
- Hinton, D.E.; Reis, R. & Jong, J. de (2019), Ghost Encounters Among Traumatized Cambodian Refugees: Severity, Relationship to PTSD, and Phenomenology, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry.
- Upadhaya, N.; Tize, C.; Adhikari, R.P.; Gurung, D.; Pokhrel, R.; Maharjan, S.M. & Reis, R. (2019), Geographies of adolescent distress: A need for a community-based psychosocial care system in Nepal, Intervention 17(1): 76-85.
- Sande, M.C.E. van de; Fekkes, M.; Kocken, P.L.; Diekstra, R.F.W.; Reis, R. & Gravesteijn, C. (2019), Do universal social and emotional learning programs for secondary school students enhance the competencies they address? A systematic review, Psychology in the Schools 56(10): 1545-1567.
- Molemans, M.; Vernooij, E.; Dlamini, N.; Shabalala, F.S.; Khan, S.; Leth, F. van; Gomez, G.B. & Reis, R. (2019), Changes in disclosure, adherence and healthcare interactions after the introduction of immediate ART initiation: an analysis of patient experiences in Swaziland, Tropical Medicine and International Health 24(5): 563-570.
- Boer, A.W. de; Drewes, Y.M.; Mutsert, R. de; Numans, M.E.; Heijer, M. den; Dekkers, O.M.; Roos, A. de; Lamb, H.J.; Blom, J.W. & Reis, R. (2018), Incidental findings in research: A focus group study about the perspective of the research participant, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 47(1): 230-237.
- Mourik, K. van; Crone, M.R. & Reis, R. (2018), Relevance of the intervention module "Coping with stress and unhelpful emotions" for parents living in multi-ethnic deprived neighborhoods, Children and Youth Services Review 88: 426-433.
- Shabalala, F.S.; Vernooij, E.; Pell, C.; Simelane, N.; Masilela, N.; Spiegelman, D.; Chai, B.; Khan, S. & Reis, R. (2018), Understanding reasons for discontinued antiretroviral treatment among clients in test and treat: a qualitative study in Swaziland, Journal of the International AIDS Society 21.
- Fournet, N.; Mollema, L.; Ruijs, W.L.; Harmsen, I.A.; Keck, F.; Durand, J.Y.; Cunha, M.P.; Wamsiedel, M.; Reis, R.; French, J.; Smit, E.G.; Kitching, A. & Steenbergen, J.E. van (2018), Under-vaccinated groups in Europe and their beliefs, attitudes and reasons for non-vaccination; two systematic reviews, BMC Public Health 18.
- Khan, S.; Spiegelman, D.; Walsh, F.; Mazibuko, S.; Pasi, M.; Chai, B.; Reis, R.; Mlambo, K.; Delva, W.; Khumalo, G.; Zwane, M.; Fleming, Y.; Mafara, E.; Hettema, A.; Lejeune, C.; Barnighausen, T. & Okello, V. (2018), Universal test and treat (UTT) versus standard of care for access to antiretroviral therapy in HIV clients: The MaxART stepped-wedge randomized controlled health systems trial in Swaziland, Journal of the International AIDS Society 21: 161-162.
- Hinton, D.E.; Reis, R. & Jong, J. de (2018), Migraine-Like Visual Auras Among Traumatized Cambodians with PTSD: Fear of Ghost Attack and Other Disasters, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 42(2): 244-277.
- Nes, K.A. van; Veerkamp, J.S.J. & Reis, R. (2018), Barriers and opportunities to oral health in Dutch-Moroccan children in the Netherlands: a narrative report, European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 19(5): 353-364.
- Ventevogel, P.; Niyonkuru, J.; Ndayisaba, A.; Reis, R. & Jong, J.T.V.M. de (2018), Change and continuity in Burundian divinatory healing, Journal of Eastern African Studies 12(1): 22-43.
- Pell, C.; Vernooij, E.; Masilela, N.; Simelane, N.; Shabalala, F. & Reis, R. (2018), False starts in 'test and start': a qualitative study of reasons for delayed antiretroviral therapy in Swaziland, International Health 10(2): 78-83.
- Rabaia, Y.; Kassis, S.; Amro, Z.; Giacaman, R. & Reis, R. (2018), Coping and Helping to Cope: Perspectives of Children of Palestinian Political Detainees, Children & Society 32(5): 345-356.
- Rossell, N.; Salaverria, C.; Hernandez, A.; Alabi, S.; Vasquez, R.; Bonilla, M.; Lam, C.G.; Ribeiro, R. & Reis, R. (2018), Community resources support adherence to treatment for childhood cancer in El Salvador, Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 36(3): 319-332.
- Rossell, N.; Challinor, J.; Gigengack, R. & Reis, R. (2017), Choosing a miracle: Impoverishment, mistrust, and discordant views in abandonment of treatment of children with cancer in El Salvador, Psycho-Oncology 26(9): 1324-1329.
- Mourik, K. van; Crone, M.R.; Wolff, M.S. de & Reis, R. (2017), Parent Training Programs for Ethnic Minorities: a Meta-analysis of Adaptations and Effect, Prevention Science 18(1): 95-105.
- Luymes, C.H.; Boelhouwer, N.J.; Poortvliet, R.K.E.; Ruijter, W. de; Reis, R. & Numans, M.E. (2017), Understanding deprescribing of preventive cardiovascular medication: a Q-methodology study in patients, Patient Preference and Adherence.
- Walsh, F.J.; Barnighausen, T.; Delva, W.; Fleming, Y.; Khumalo, G.; Lejeune, C.L.; Mazibuko, S.; Mlambo, C.K.; Reis, R.; Spiegelman, D.; Zwane, M. & Okello, V. (2017), Impact of early initiation versus national standard of care of antiretroviral therapy in Swaziland's public sector health system: study protocol for a stepped-wedge randomized trial, Trials 18.
- Bezem, J.; Heinen, D.; Reis, R.; Buitendijk, S.E.; Numans, M.E. & Kocken, P.L. (2017), Improving access to school health services as perceived by school professionals, BMC Health Services Research 17.
- Berckmoes, L.H.; Jong, J.T.V.M. de & Reis, R. (2017), Intergenerational transmission of violence and resilience in conflict-affected Burundi: a qualitative study of why some children thrive despite duress, Global Mental Health 4.
- Rump, B.; Boer, M. de; Reis, R.; Wassenberg, M. & Steenbergen, J. van (2017), Signs of stigma and poor mental health among carriers of MRSA, Journal of Hospital Infection 95(3): 268-274.
- Sande, M.C.E. van de; Reis, R. & Kocken, P.L. (2017), Which social and emotional skills are important for psychosocial problems of prevocational education students?
- Charak, R.; Jong, J.T.V.M. de; Berckmoes, L.H.; Ndayisaba, H. & Reis, R. (2017), Assessing the factor structure of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, and cumulative effect of abuse and neglect on mental health among adolescents in conflict-affected Burundi, Child Abuse and Neglect 72: 383-392.
- Mourik, K. van; Crone, M.R.; Pels, T.V.M. & Reis, R. (2016), Parents' beliefs about the cause of parenting problems and relevance of parenting support: Understanding low participation of ethnic minority and low socioeconomic status families in the Netherlands, Children and Youth Services Review 61: 345-352.
- Faber, M. von; Geest, G. van der; Weele, G.M. van der; Blom, J.W.; Mast, R.C. van der; Reis, R. & Gussekloo, J. (2016), Older people coping with low mood: a qualitative study, International Psychogeriatrics 28(4): 603-612.
- Luymes, C.H.; Kleij, R.M.J.J. van der; Poortvliet, R.K.E.; Ruijter, W. de; Reis, R. & Numans, M.E. (2016), Deprescribing Potentially Inappropriate Preventive Cardiovascular Medication: Barriers and Enablers for Patients and General Practitioners, Annals of Pharmacotherapy 50(6): 446-454.
- Camlin, C.S.; Seeley, J.; Viljoen, L.; Vernooij, E.; Simwinga, M.; Reynolds, L.; Reis, R.; Plank, R.; Orne-Gliemann, J.; McGrath, N.; Larmarange, J.; Hoddinott, G.; Getahun, M.; Charlebois, E.D. & Bond, V. (2016), Strengthening universal HIV 'test-and-treat' approaches with social science research, AIDS 30(6): 969-970.
- Shabalala, F.; Lannoy, A. de; Moyer, E. & Reis, R. (2016), Rethinking the family in the context of care for adolescents living with HIV in Swaziland, AIDS Care 28: 8-17.
- van't Klooster, C.; Andel, T. van & Reis, R. (2016), Patterns in medicinal plant knowledge and use in a Maroon village in Suriname, Journal of Ethnopharmacology 189: 319-330.
- Yoder, H.N.C.; Tol, W.A.; Reis, R. & Jong, J.T.V.M. de (2016), Child mental health in Sierra Leone: a survey and exploratory qualitative study, International Journal of Mental Health Systems 10.
- Hinton, D.E.; Barlow, D.H.; Reis, R. & Jong, J. de (2016), A Transcultural Model of the Centrality of "Thinking a Lot" in Psychopathologies Across the Globe and the Process of Localization: A Cambodian Refugee Example, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 40(4): 570-619.
- Vernooij, E.; Mehlo, M.; Hardon, A. & Reis, R. (2016), Access for all: contextualising HIV treatment as prevention in Swaziland, AIDS Care 28: 7-13.
- Hertog, T.N. den; Jong, M. de; Ham, A.J. van der; Hinton, D. & Reis, R. (2016), "Thinking a Lot" Among the Khwe of South Africa: A Key Idiom of Personal and Interpersonal Distress, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 40(3): 383-403.
- Thomas, F.C.; Tol, W.A.; Vallipuram, A.; Sivayokan, S.; Jordans, M.J.D.; Reis, R. & Jong, J.T.V.M. de (2016), Emic Perspectives on the Impact of Armed Conflict on Children's Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being: Applying a Social Ecological Framework of Resilience in Northern Sri Lanka, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 22(3): 246-253.
- Kleij, M.R. van der; Crone, M.; Reis, R. & Paulussen, T. (2016), Unravelling the factors decisive to the implementation of EPODE-derived community approaches targeting childhood obesity: a longitudinal, multiple case study, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 13(1).
- Kleij, R.M.J.J. van der; Crone, M.R.; Reis, R. & Paulussen, T.G.W.M. (2016), Critical stakeholder determinants to the implementation of intersectoral community approaches targeting childhood obesity, Health Education Research 31(6).
- Kleij, R. van der; Coster, N.; Verbiest, M.; Assema, P. van; Paulussen, T.; Reis, R. & Crone, M. (2015), Implementation of intersectoral community approaches targeting childhood obesity: a systematic review, Obesity Reviews 16(6): 454-472.
- Kleij, R.M.J.J. van der; Crone, M.R.; Paulussen, T.G.W.M.; Gaar, V.M. van de & Reis, R. (2015), A stitch in time saves nine? A repeated cross-sectional case study on the implementation of the intersectoral community approach Youth At a Healthy Weight, BMC Public Health 15.
- Jong, J.T.V.M. de; Berckmoes, L.H.; Kohrt, B.A.; Song, S.J.; Tol, W.A. & Reis, R. (2015), A Public Health Approach to Address the Mental Health Burden of Youth in Situations of Political Violence and Humanitarian Emergencies, Current Psychiatry Reports 17(7).
- Hinton, D.E.; Reis, R. & Jong, J. de (2015), The "Thinking a Lot" Idiom of Distress and PTSD: An Examination of Their Relationship among Traumatized Cambodian Refugees Using the "Thinking a Lot" Questionnaire, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 29(3): 357-380.
- Dedding, C.; Reis, R.; Wolf, B. & Hardon, A. (2015), Revealing the hidden agency of children in a clinical setting, Health Expectations 18(6): 2121-2128.
- Rossell, N.; Salaverria, C.; Hernandez, A.; Alabi, S.; Vasquez, R.; Bonilla, M.; Lam, C.; Ribeiro, R. & Reis, R. (2014), LINKING COMMUNITY RESOURCES TO SUPPORT ADHERENCE TO TREATMENT APPOINTMENTS AND REDUCE ABANDONMENT IN CHILDHOOD CANCER IN EL SALVADOR, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 61: S363-S364.
- Both Jonna & Reis Ria (2014), Unfulfilled promises, unsettled youth: the aftermath of conflict for former child soldiers in Yumbe District, north western Uganda, Intervention 12(3): 344-355.
- Gerrits, T.; Reis, R.; Braat, D.D.M.; Kremer, J.A.M. & Hardon, A.P. (2013), Bioethics in practice: Addressing ethically sensitive requests in a Dutch fertility clinic, Social Science and Medicine 98: 330-339.
- Jong, J. de & Reis, R. (2013), Collective trauma processing: Dissociation as a way of processing postwar traumatic stress in Guinea Bissau, Transcultural Psychiatry 50(5): 644-661.
- Reis, R. (2013), Children enacting idioms of witchcraft and spirit possession as a response to trauma: therapeutically beneficial, and for whom?, Transcultural Psychiatry 50(5): 622-43.
- Reis, R. (2013), Children enacting idioms of witchcraft and spirit possession as a response to trauma: Therapeutically beneficial, and for whom?, Transcultural Psychiatry 50(5): 622-643.
- Nahar, P.; Reeuwijk, M. van & Reis, R. (2013), Contextualising sexual harassment of adolescent girls in Bangladesh, Reproductive Health Matters 21(41): 78-86.
- Weele, G.M. van der; Jong, R. de; Waal, M.W.M. de; Spinhoven, P.; Rooze, H.A.H.; Reis, R.; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Gussekloo, J. & Mast, R.C. van der (2012), Response to an unsolicited intervention offer to persons aged >= 75 years after screening positive for depressive symptoms: a qualitative study, International Psychogeriatrics 24(2): 270-277.
- Drewes, Y.M.; Koenen, J.M.; Ruijter, W. de; Dijk-van Dijk, D.D.A. van; Weele, G.M. van der; Middelkoop, B.J.C.; Reis, R.; Assendelft, W.J.J. & Gussekloo, J. (2012), GPs' perspectives on preventive care for older people: a focus group study.
- Dekker, F.; Neven, A.K.; Andriesse, B.; Kernick, D.; Reis, R.; Ferrari, M.D. & Assendelft, W.J.J. (2012), Prophylactic treatment of migraine; the patient's view, a qualitative study, BMC Family Practice 13: -.
- Weele, G.M. van der; Jong, R. de; Waal, M.W.M. de; Spinhoven, P.; Rooze, H.A.H.; Reis, R.; Assendelft, W.J.J.; Gussekloo, J. & Mast, R.C. van der (2012), Response to an unsolicited intervention offer to persons aged ≥ 75 years after screening positive for depressive symptoms: a qualitative study., International Psychogeriatrics 24(2): 270-7.
- Korfker, D.G.; Reis, R.; Rijnders, M.E.B.; Meijer-van Asperen, S.; Read, L.; Sanjuan, M.; Herschderfer, K. & Buitendijk, S.E. (2012), The lower prevalence of female genital mutilation in the Netherlands: a nationwide study in Dutch midwifery practices., International Journal of Public Health.
- Dedding, C.; Doorn, R. van; Winkler, L. & Reis, R. (2011), How will e-health affect patient participation in the clinic? A review of e-health studies and the current evidence for changes in the relationship between medical professionals and patients, SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE 72(1): 49-53.
- Tol, W.A.; Reis, R.; Susanty, D. & Jong, J.T.V.M. de (2010), Communal Violence and Child Psychosocial Well-being: Qualitative Findings from Poso, Indonesia, Transcultural Psychiatry 47(1): 112-135.
- Akello, G.; Reis, R. & Richters, A. (2010), Silencing distressed children in the context of war in northern Uganda: An analysis of its dynamics and its health consequences, Social Science and Medicine 71(2): 213-220.
- Igreja, V.; Dias-Lambranca, B.; Hershey, D.A.; Racin, L.; Richters, A. & Reis, R. (2010), The epidemiology of spirit possession in the aftermath of mass political violence in Mozambique, Social Science and Medicine 71(3): 592-599.
- Reis, R. (2010), Lichaamsdonatie versus orgaandonatie, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 154: A2222.
- Jong, J.T. de & Reis, R. (2010), Kiyang-yang, a West-African Postwar Idiom of Distress, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 34(2): 301-321.
- Derwig J. & Reis R. (2008), 'Being fat' from a child's point of view, International Journal of Obesity 32: S211-S211.
- Israels Trijn, Chirambo Chawanangwa, Caron Huib, de Kraker Jan, Molyneux Elizabeth & Reis Ria (2008), The guardians' perspective on paediatric cancer treatment in Malawi and factors affecting adherence, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 51(5): 639-642.
- Akello G., Richters A. & Reis R. (2007), War affected children in northern Uganda confronting malaria themselves: its implications to policy and priority healthcare setting, Tropical Medicine and International Health 12: 47-47.
- Israels Trijn, Munthali Alister, Molyneux Elizabeth, Caron Huib, de Kraker Jan & Reis Ria (2007), The guardians' perspectives on Wilms tumour treatment in Malawi, Pediatric Blood and Cancer 49(4): 531-532.
- Dang TV, Thanh HN, Wang W, Wu J, Begley C, Reis R, De Boer H, Prilipko L, Chadwick DW, Baker GA & Jacoby A (2005), Developing approaches to reducing stigma of epilepsy: Findings from a rapid appraisal of epilepsy care in Vietnam, Epilepsia 46: 350-350.
- Coppoolse, K.; Oderwald, A.; Haan, M. de & Reis, R. (2004), Methodological problems in qualitative research among Moroccan patients who are chronically ill, Ethnicity and Health 9: S108-S108.
- Reis R & Meinardi H (2002), ILAE/WHO "Out of the Shadows Campaign" Stigma: does the flag identify the cargo?, Epilepsy and Behavior 3(6): S33-S37.
- Meinardi H, Scott RA, Reis R & Sander JWAS (2001), The treatment gap in epilepsy: The current situation and ways forward, Epilepsia 42(1): 136-149.