René van der Veer
Emeritus Hoogleraar Historische Pedagogiek
- Naam
- Prof.dr. R. van der Veer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
Emeritus Hoogleraar Historische Pedagogiek
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen
- Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling
- Zavershneva E. & Veer R. van der (2018), Not by bread alone: Lev Vygotsky's Jewish writings, History of the Human Sciences 31(1): 36-55.
- Van der Veer R. & Zavershneva E. (2018), The final chapter of Vygotsky's Thinking and Speech: A reader's guide, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 54(2): 101-116.
- Van der Veer R. & Zavershneva E. (2018), Последняя глава ‘Мышления и речи’: Cтруктура аргументации и скрытое цитирование, Voprosy Psikhologii 5: 14-31.
- Van der Veer R. & Zavershneva E. (2018), Последняя глава ‘Мышления и речи’: Cтруктура аргументации и скрытое цитирование, Voprosy Psikhologii 5: 88-104.
- Zavershneva E. & Van der Veer R. (2018), Lev Vygotsky. In: Shackelford T.K. & Weekes-Shackelford V.A. (red.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. New York: Springer. 1-4.
- Zetterqvist Nelson K., Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2017), John Bowlby på besök i 1950-talets Sverige: En udda fågel i svensk barnpsykiatri, Socialvetenskaplig Tidskrift 24(1): 1-18.
- Van der Veer R. & Van Rosmalen L. (2017), Opvoedingsvoorlichting in cultuurhistorisch perspectief. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Rosmalen L. van (red.), Pedagogiek in beeld. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 101-114.
- Fuentas-Vega S., Castro P.J. & Van der Veer R. (2017), Co-sleeping versus sleep training: publications with advice for parents, Revista Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia 65(2): 203-210.
- Zavershneva E. & Van der Veer R. (2017), Zapisnye knizhki L.S. Vygotskogo: Izbrannoe [Notebooks L.S. Vygotsky. My Favorites]. Moscow: Kanon-Plyus.
- Zavershneva E. & Van der Veer R. (2017), Записные книжки Л.С. Выготского: избранное. Moscow: Kanon-Plyus.
- Yasnitsky A. & Van der Veer R. (red.) (2016), Revisionist revolution in Vygotsky studies. Hove, United Kingdom: Routledge Taylor &Francis Group.
- Cárcamo R.A., Vermeer H.J., Van der Veer R. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2016), Early full-time day care, mother–child attachment, and quality of the home environment in Chile: Preliminary findings, Early Education & Development 27(4): 457-477.
- Yasnitsky A., Van der Veer R., Aguilar E. & Garcia L.N. (red.) (2016), Vygotski revisitado. Una historia crítica de su contexto y legado. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Mino y Davila Editores.
- Van Rosmalen L., Van der Horst F.C.P. & Van der Veer R. (2016), From secure dependency to attachment. Mary Ainsworth's integration of Blatz's security theory into Bowlby's attachment theory, History of Psychology 19(1): 22-39.
- Mesman J., IJzendoorn M.H. van, Behrens K., Carbonell A.O., Cárcamo R., Cohen-Paraira I., Harpe C. de la, Ekmekci H., Emmen R.A.G., Heidar J.Y.A., Kondo-Ikemura K., Mels C., Mooya H., Murtisari S., Noblega M., Ortiz J.A., Sagi-Schwartz A., Sichimba F., Soares I., Steele H., Steele M., Pape M., Ginkel J.R. van, Veer R. van der., Wang L., Selcuk B., Yavuz M. & Zreik G. (2016), Is the ideal mother a sensitive mother? Beliefs about early childhood parenting in mothers across the globe, International Journal of Behavioral Development 40(5): 385-397.
- Van Rosmalen L., Van der Horst F.C. & Van der Veer R. (2016), From secure dependency to attachment: Mary Ainsworth's integration of Blatz's security theory into Bowlby's attachment theory, History of Psychology 19(1): 22-39.
- Cárcamo R.A., Vermeer H.J., Van der Veer R. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2015), Childcare in Mapuche and non-Mapuche families in Chile: The importance of socio-economic inequality, Journal of Child and Family Studies 24(9): 2668-2679.
- Van der Veer R. (2015), Vygotsky, the theater critic: 1922-3, History of the Human Sciences 28(2): 103-110.
- Van Rosmalen L., Van der Veer R. & Van der Horst F.C.P. (2015), Ainsworth's strange situation procedure: The origin of an instrument, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 51(3): 261-284.
- Van der Horst F.C.P., LeRoy H.A. & Van der Veer R. (2015), “When strangers meet”: John Bowlby and Harry Harlow on attachment behavior. In: Pilgrim D. (red.), Common Mental Health Problems. Vol. III: Psychological Approaches to Common Mental Health Problems. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.. 93-114.
- Van Rosmalen L., Van der Veer R. & Van der Horst F.C.P. (2015), Ainsworth’s strange situation procedure: The origin of an instrument. 7th Int. Attachment Conference (IAC) 6 augustus 2015 - 8 augustus 2015.
- Carcamo R.A., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Vermeer H.J. & Van der Veer R. (2014), The validity of the Massie-Campbell attachment during stress scale (ADS), Journal of Child and Family Studies 23(5): 767-775.
- Carcamo R.A., Vermeer H.J., De la Harpe C., Van der Veer R. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2014), The quality of childcare in Chile: Its stability and international ranking, Child and Youth Care Forum 43(6): 747-761.
- Yasnitsky A. & Van der Veer R. (2014), What is this book and what is it about?. In: Yasnitsky A., Veer R. van der & Ferrari M. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cultural-Historical Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-6.
- Valsiner J. & Van der Veer R. (2014), Encountering the border: Vygotsky's zona blizhaishego razvitia and its implications for theories of development. In: Yasnitsky A., Veer R. van der & Ferrari M. (red.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cultural-Historical Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 148-173.
- Yasnitsky A., Van der Veer R. & Ferrari M. (red.) (2014), The Cambridge handbook of cultural-historical psychology. Londen: Cambridge University Press.
- Cárcamo R.A., Van der Veer R., Vermeer H.J. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2014), From foundling homes to day care: A historical review of childcare in Chile, Cadernos de Saúde Pública 30(3): 461-472.
- Van der Veer R. (2013), The Institute of Education and Child Studies / Het Paedagogisch Instituut. In: Holsteyn J. van, Mom R., Smit I., Tromp H. & Wolters G. (red.), Perspectives on the past. 50 Years of FSW. / Vensters op het verleden. 50 jaar FSW. Utrecht: Biblioscope. 72-86.
- Van der Horst F.C.P., Van der Veer R. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2013), John Bowlby and ethology: An annotated interview with Robert Hinde. In: Slade A. & Holmes J.H. (red.), Attachment Theory nr. 1. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 257-274.
- Veer R. van der (2012), Cultural-historical psychology: Contributions by Lev Vygotsky. In: Valsiner J. (red.), The Oxford Handbook of Culture and Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 58-68.
- Veer R. van der (2012), Honderd jaar omgang met het kind. [overig].
- Veer R. van der (2012), Opvoeders en onderzoekers. Wie weet het beter?. [overig].
- Veer R. van der & Zavershneva E. (2012), Рукописи не горят , не так ли ?, PsyAnima, Dubna Psychological Journal 5: 139-144.
- Veer R. van der & Zavershneva E. (2012), Pеконструкция поездки Л.С. Выготского в Лондон (июль-август 1925 г. ), Voprosy Psikhologii 3: 89-105.
- Rosmalen L. van, Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2012), Of monkeys and men: Spitz and Harlow on the consequences of maternal deprivation, Attachment & Human Development 14(4): 425-437.
- Veer R. van der (2011), In search of the unknown, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 45: 419-421.
- Rosmalen L. van, Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2011), An unexpected admirer of Ladygina-Kohts, History of Psychology 14(4): 412-415.
- Veer R. van der & Yasnitsky A. (2011), Vygotsky in English: What still needs to be done, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 45: 475-493.
- Veer R. van der (2011), Opvoeden door beginners. Amsterdam: Balans.
- Veer R. van der & Pijl M. (20 juni 2011), Opvoedingsadviezen verstandig, willekeurig en doldwaas. [webartikel].
- Van Rosmalen L. & Van der Veer R. (14 september 2011), Oei, de winkel groeit!. Trouw: 19.
- Veer R. van der (2011), Adviseren door beginners?, Pedagogiek in Praktijk 17: 20-23.
- Veer R. van der & Zavershneva E. (2011), To Moscow with love: Partial reconstruction of Vygotsky’s trip to London, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 45: 458-474.
- Veer R. van der (2010), An essay by Walter Benjamin, History of Psychology 13: 339-340.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2010), The ontogeny of an idea: John Bowlby and contemporaries on mother-child separation, History of Psychology 13(1): 25-45.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2009), Separation and divergence: The untold story of James Robertson’s and John Bowlby’s theoretical dispute on mother-child separation, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 45(3): 236-252.
- Veer R. van der (2009) Review of Daniels, Vygotsky and research. Bespreking van: , Vygotsky and research. British Journal of Educational Studies 57: 436-438.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2009), Changing attitudes towards the care of children in hospital: A new assessment of the influence of the work of Bowlby and Robertson in Britain, 1940-1970, Attachment & Human Development 11(2): 119-142.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2009), Why we disagree to disagree: A reply to commentaries by Robertson and McGilly, and Lindsay, Attachment & Human Development 11(6): 569-572.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2008), Loneliness in infancy: Harry Harlow, John Bowlby and issues of separation, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 42(4): 354-369.
- Horst F.C.P. van der, LeRoy H.A. & Veer R. van der (2008), When strangers meet: John Bowlby and Harry Harlow on attachment behavior, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 42(4): 370-388.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2008), Veranderende opvattingen over de zorg voor kinderen in ziekenhuizen (1940-1970). Een heroverweging van de invloed van Bowlby en Robertson, Pedagogiek 28(3): 190-205.
- Suomi S.J., Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2008), Rigorous experiments on monkey love: An account of Harry Harlow's role in the history of attachment theory, Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 42(4): 354-369.
- Gillissen R., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Veer R. van der (2008), Parent-child relationship, temperament, and physiological reactions to rear-inducing film clips: Further evidence for differential susceptibility, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 99: 182-195.
- Veer R. van der (2008), Einleiting/Introduction. In: Rückriem G. (red.), Lev Semënovic Vygotskij: Briefe/Letters. 1924-1934. Berlin: Lehmann's Media.
- Veer R. van der (2008), Exploring Vygotsky's legacy: The meaning of mediation. In: Oers B. van, Wardekker W., Elbers E. & Veer R. van der (red.), The transformation of learning: Advances in cultural-historical activity theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 15-19.
- Veer R. van der (2008), The reception of Piaget's early ideas in the Soviet Union. In: Perret-Clermont A.N. & Barrelet J.M. (red.), Jean Piaget and Neuchatel: The learner and the scholar. London: Psychology Press. 167-185.
- Veer R. van der (2008), Creating the future: Vygotsky as an experimenter. In: Clegg J.W. (red.), The observation of human systems: Lessons from the history of anti-reductionistic empirical psychology.. New Bruswick-London: Transaction Publishers.
- Veer R. van der (2008), Multiple readings of Vygotsky. In: Oers B. van, Wardekker W., Elbers E. & Veer R. van der (red.), The transformation of learning: Advances in cultural-historical activity theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 20-37.
- Oers B. van, Wardekker W., Elbers E. & Veer R. van der (red.) (2008), The transformation of learning: Advances in cultural-historical activity theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (red.) (2008), . Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science.
- Veer R. van der (2008) The way things are. Review of A. Costall & O. Dreier, Doing things with things. Bespreking van: , Doing things with things.. Theory and Psychology 18(4): 551-552.
- Horst F.C.P. van der, Veer R. van der & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (2007), John Bowlby and ethology: An annotated interview with Robert Hinde, Attachment & Human Development 9(4): 321-335.
- Veer R. van der (2007), Lev Vygotsky. London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
- Veer R. van der (2007), Vygotsky in context: 1900 - 1935. In: Daniels H., Cole M. & Wertsch J.V. (red.), The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky. New York, USA: Cambridge University Press. 21-50.
- Veer R. van der (2007), Vygotsky, Lev. In: Koertge N. (red.), New Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Farmington Hills, MI: USA: Charls Scribner's Sons. 192-197.
- Veer R. van der (2007), Tamaro Dembo's European years. In: Valsiner J. (red.), Thinking in psychological science: Ideas and their makers. New Brunswick, NJ, USA: Transaction Publishers. 213-235.
- Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Zeijl J. van, Gilissen R., Mesman J., Juffer F., Veer R. van der, Stolk M.N., Alink L.R.A. & Koot H.M. (2007), Differential susceptibility to parental sensitivity and discipline: Temperament and gene - environment interaction. [overig].
- Gilissen R., Koolstra C.A., Van IJzendoorn M.H., Bakermans-Kranenburg M.J. & Veer R. van der (2007), Physiological reactions of preschoolers to fear-inducing film clips: Effects of temperamental fearfulness and quality of the parent-child relationship, Developmental Psychobiology 49: 187-195.
- Veer R. van der (2006), Tamaro Dembo's European years. In: Valsiner J. (red.), Thinking in psychological science: Ideas and their makers.. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. 213-233.
- Veer R. van der (2006), Janet's constructive theory of the social mind. In: Fiedler P. (red.), Trauma, Dissoziation, Persönlichkeit: Pierre Janets beiträge zur modernen psychiatrie, psychologie und psychotherapie.. Berlin: Pabst Science Publishers. 221-233.
- Veer R. van der (2006), A radical approach to teaching and learning, British Journal of Educational Studies 54: 265-267.
- Veer R. van der (2005), Lev Vygotsky. In: Lück H.E. & Miller R. (red.), Illustrierte Geschichte der Psychologie. (Koreaanse vertaling). Seoul: Sigma Press. 168-172.
- Veer R. van der (2005), Babyverzorging in cultuurhistorisch perspectief. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Frankrijker H. de (red.), Pedagogiek in Beeld. Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening. (Geheel gereviseerde druk. Eerdere druk 2002). Amsterdam: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 33-44.
- Horst F.C.P. van der & Veer R. van der (2005), John Bowlby als icoon: Ethologische noties in de gehechtheidstheorie. In: Ruyter D.J. de, Betram-Troost G.D. & Sieckelinck S.M.A. (red.), Idealen, idolen en iconen van de pedagogiek: Bijdragen aan de twaalfde landelijke pedagogendag.. Amsterdam: SWP. 55-63.
- Veer R. van der (2005), Vygotsky in context: 1900-1935. In: Cole M., Wertsch J.V. & Daniels H. (red.), The Cambridge companion to Vygotsky.. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Veer R. van der (2005), School vs Child: In search of mitigating circumstances, Culture & Psychology 11: 181-186.
- Veer R. van der (2004), The making of a developmental psychologist. In: Valsiner J. (red.), Heinz Werner and developmental science.. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 75-105.
- Arievitch I.M. & Veer R. van der (2004), The role of non-automatic regulation of activity: From Lipps to Galperin, History of Psychology 7(2): 154-182.
- Veer R. van der (2003), Bowlby, James (1907 - 1990). In: Fass P.S. (red.), Encyclopedia of children and childhood: in history and society.. New York: Macmillan.
- Veer R. van der (2003), Primitive mentality reconsidered, Culture and Psychology 9: 179-184.
- Veer R. van der (2002), Babyverzorging in cultuurhistorisch perspectief. In: IJzendoorn M.H. van & Frankrijker J.J.G.B. de (red.), Pedagogiek in beeld: Inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs, en hulpverlening. Amsterdam: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 37-50.
- Veer R. van der (2002), Lev Vygotsky. In: Lück H.E. & Miller R. (red.), Illustrierte Geschichte der Psychologie. München: Beltz Verlag. 136-138.
- Veer R. van der (red.) (2002), . Journal of Russian and Eastern European Psychology.
- Veer R. van der (red.) (2002), . Journal of Russian and Eastern European Psychology.
- Veer R. van der (2002) Vygotskian semiotics and Chomskyan linguistics. Bespreking van: Robbins D. (2002), Vygotsky"s psychology philosophy. New York: Kluwer Academic. Contemporary Psychology 47: 568-570.
- Veer R. van der (2002) On Comparing Vygotsky and Chomsky. Bespreking van: Robbins D. (2002), Vygotsky's Psychology-Philosophy: A Metaphor for Language Theory and Learning nr. 6. New York: Plenum. Theory and Psychology 12: 854-856.
- Veer R. van der (2002) Bekhterev's social psychology. Bespreking van: (2002), Suggestion and its role in social life. New Brunswick/London: Transaction Publishers. Mind, Culture and Activity 9: 72-74.
- Veer R. van der (2002), Vygotsky in English: What still needs to be done, Website for International Cultural Historical Studies ( : .
- Veer R. van der (2002), Vygotsky criticized, Journal of Russian and Eastern European Psychology 38: 3-9.
- Veer R. van der (2002), Editor's introduction. Criticizing Vygotsky, Journal of Russian and Eastern European Psychology 38(6): 3-9.
- Veer R. van der (2002), Berliner Gestaltpsychologie in Aktion: Zur Diskussion der Experimente von Tamara Dembo, Geschichte der Psychologie 10: 40-55.
- Veer R. van der & Valsiner J. (2001), Vygotsky. Uma Síntese. Sao Paulo: Unimarco Editora/Ediçoes Loyola.
- Veer R. van der (2001), La psicología pedagógica de Vigotski. In: Vigotski L.S. (red.), Psicología pedagógica. Un curso breve. Buenos Aires: Aique. 9-10.
- Veer R. van der (2001), Vygotskij, Lev Semenovic (1896-1934). In: Smelser N.J. & Baltes P.B. (red.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd. 16335-16339.
- Veer R. van der (2001), The idea of units of analysis: Vygotsky's contribution. In: Chaiklin S. (red.), The theory and practice of cultural-historical psychology. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press. 93-106.
- Veer R. van der (2001) Remembering Bartlett. Bespreking van: Saito A. (2001), Bartlett, culture, and cognition: Psychology Press. Culture and Psychology 7: 223-229.
- Veer R. van der (2001), Sobre la muerta de Guillermo Blanck, Novedades Educativas 13(120): 38-38.
- Veer R. van der (2000), Tamara Dembo's early years: Working with Lewin and Buytendijk, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 36: 109-126.
- Valsiner J. & Veer R. van der (2000), The social mind. Development of the idea. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
- Veer R. van der (2000), Piaget and Vygotsky: The role of the social in development. [overig].
- Frankrijker J.J.G.B. de, Kuipers H.J., Scholtens J.M.C. & Veer R. van der (red.) (2000), Gezin, morele opvoeding en antisociaal gedrag. Thema's uit de empirische, wijsgerige en historische pedagogiek. Bijdragen aan de 9e Landelijke Pedagogendag. Amsterdam: SWP.
- Veer R. van der (2000), Vygotsky today: On the verge of non-classical psychology, Contemporary Psychology 45: 418-421.
- Veer R. van der (2000), Some reflections concerning Galperin's theory, Human Development 43: 99-102.
- Veer R. van der (2000), Psychoanalysis in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union, Journal of Modern History 72: 853-855.
- Veer R. van der & Valsiner J. (1999), Vygotsky. Uma síntese. Sao Paulo: Unimarco Editora/Ediçoes Loyola.
- Veer R. van der (1999), Lev S. Vygotsky. In: Verschueren J., Östman J.O., Blommaert J. & Bulcaen C. (red.), Handbook of Pragmatics.. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 1-15.
- Veer R. van der (1999), Tamara Dembo's European years, From Past to Future 2: 1-17.
- Veer R. van der (1999), El desarrollo semiotico, Anuario de Psicologia 30: 130-133.
- Veer R. van der (1999), The essence of Ratner and other problems, Theory and Psychology 9: 710-713.
- Veer R. van der (1999), Piaget in the plural: The story of his reception in Latin America, Culture and Psychology 5: 217-222.
- Veer R. van der (1998), De instrumentele theorie van Vygotsky: de zelfregulering van ons gedrag. In: , Handboek Leerlingbegeleiding. Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson H.D. Tjeenk Willink. 1-18.
- Veer R. van der (1998) Educational psychology. Bespreking van: Vygotsky L.S. (1998), Manuscripts do not burn. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 34: 430-431.
- Dijken K.S. van, Veer R. van der, Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Kuipers H.J. (1998), Bowlby before Bowlby: The sources of an intellectual departure in psychoanalysis and psychology, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 34: 247-270.
- Veer R. van der (1998), What nonuniversal theory still needs to address to become universally accepted, New Ideas in Psychology 15: 217-220.
- Veer R. van der (1998), From concept attainment to knowledge information, Mind, Culture, & Activity 5: 89-94.
- Veer R. van der (1997), Vygotskij: Dalla critica letteraria alla psicologia, Eta Evolutiva 58: 92-98.
- Veer R. van der (1997), Leo Semyonovittch Vygotsky. In: Bringmann W.G., Lück H.E., Miller R. & Early Ch.E. (red.), A Picturial History of Psychology. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing Co.Inc.. 352-355.
- Veer R. van der (1997), A recepçao das primeiras ideias de Jean Piaget na Uniao Soviética. In: Barrelet J.M. & Perret-Clermont A.N. (red.), Jean Piaget: Aprendiz e Mestre. Lissabon: Instituto Piaget. 285-311.
- Dijken K.S. van & Veer R. van der (1997), The development of John Bowlby's ideas on attachment: His early works. In: Koops W., Hoeksma J.B. & Boom D.C. van den (red.), Development of interaction and attachment: Traditional and non-traditional approaches. Amsterdam: North-Holland. 23-38.
- Veer R. van der (1997), Some major themes in Vygotsky's theoretical work: An introduction. In: Rieber R.W. & Wollock J. (red.), The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky. Vol.3. Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology. New York-London: Plenum Press. 1-7.
- Veer R. van der (1997), Translator's foreword and ackowledgments. In: Rieber R.W. & Wollock J. (red.), The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky. Vol.3. Problems of the theory and history of psychology. New York-London: Plenum Press. v-vi.
- Veer R. van der (1997), Notes to the English edition: On Vygotsky's creative development. In: Rieber R.W. & Wollock J. (red.), The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky. Vol.3. Problems of the theory and history of psychology. New York-London: Plenum Press. 371-391.
- Kroonenberg P.M. & Veer R. van der (1996), Internationale publikaties en kwaliteit. Een onderzoek naar het publikatiegedrag van Nederlandse pedagogen en onderwijskundigen [International publications and quality. The publication habits of Dutch researchers in education], Pedagogische Studiën 73: 225-238.
- Miedema S., Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Veer R. van der (1992), Vygotsky's legacy: understanding and beyond. An introduction, Comenius 45: 365-370.
- Veer R. van der & Van Ijzendoorn M.H. (1988), Early Childhood attachment and later problem solving: A Vygotskian perspective. In: Valsiner J. (red.), Child Development Within Cultural Structured Enviroments: Parental Cognition and Adult–Child Interaction (Vol. 1). USA: Ablex Publishing Corporation. 215-246.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Veer R. van der (1985), De internationale status van de pedagogiek, Pedagogische verhandelingen 8: 4-12.
- Veer R. van der & Van Ijzendoorn M.H. (1985), Vygotsky's theory of the higher psychological processes: some criticisms, Human Development 28: 1-9.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Veer R. van der (1984), Main currents of critical psychology. Vygotskij, Holzkamp, Riegel. New York: Irvington PubSishers.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H. & Veer R. van der (1983), Holzkamp's critical psychology and the functional-historical method: a critical appraisal, Storia e critica della psicologia IV(1): 5-26.
- Veer R. van der & Van Ijzendoorn M.H. (1983), Vygotskij's cultuurhistorische theorie. Kritiek op het onderscheid tussen lagere en hogere psychische processen, Gedrag 11(4): 155-167.
- Veer R. van der, Miedema S. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (1983), Simons inductivistische benadering van de ontdekking, Kennis en Methode VII(1): 35-46.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H., Goossens F.A. & Veer R. van der (1983), Klaus F. Riegel and dialectical psychology: In search for the changing individual in a changing society, Storia e critica della psicologia V(1): 5-28.
- Veer R. van der, Miedema S. & Van IJzendoorn M.H. (1982), Discoverabilia in de ontdekkingskontekst, Utrechtse Pedagogische Verhandelingen 5: 163-190.
- Van IJzendoorn M.H., Veer R. van der & Goossens F.A. (1981), Kritische psychologie: drie stromingen. Baarn: Ambo.
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