Pieter Hiemstra
Hoogleraar Longziekten, in het bijzonder de celbiologie en immunologie van longziekten
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P.S. Hiemstra
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 3848
- p.s.hiemstra@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-0238-5982
Pieter S. Hiemstra is hoogleraar Celbiologie en Immunologie van Longziekten, en hoofd van het Laboratorium voor Respiratoire Celbiologie en Immunologie van de afdeling Longziekten van het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (LUMC). Verder is hij o.a. voorzitter van Assembly 3 (Basic and Translational Sciences) van de European Respiratory Society (ERS), Section Editor Basic Science van de European Respiratory Journal, en voorzitter van de Wetenschappelijke Adviescommissie van het Longfonds. Pieter Hiemstra is in 2014 verkozen als Fellow van de European Respiratory Society (ERS), de grootste longziekten vereniging ter wereld.
Meer informatie over Pieter Hiemstra
Celbiologie and Immunologie van Longziekten
De celbiologie en immunologie van longziekten vormen een fascinerend onderwerp van wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Onderzoek in dit vakgebied is niet alleen van groot belang voor ons inzicht in longaandoeningen, maar ook voor de preventie, en de huidige en toekomstige behandeling van deze ziekten. Hiemstra werkt hieraan in een inspirerende omgeving: een klinische afdeling die een ontmoetingsplaats vormt voor basaal, translationeel en klinisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Het onderzoek van Hiemstra richt zich voornamelijk op chronisch obstructieve longziekten (COPD) en astma, en sinds kort ook op longkanker. Binnen dit onderzoek nemen de epitheelcellen die de luchtwegen en longblaasjes bekleden een centrale plaats in. Inzicht in het functioneren van deze cellen is essentieel voor het begrijpen van chronische ontsteking, herstel van beschadigd longweefsel en longkanker.
Verder beschouwt Hiemstra het onderwijs aan studenten biomedische wetenschappen en geneeskunde als een belangrijke taak, waarbij hij er waarde aan hecht studenten te overtuigen van het belang van fundamenteel inzicht in ziekteprocessen voor de geneeskunde. Het enthousiast maken van studenten voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek is een uitdagende opdracht. Van 2007-2013 was Hiemstra voorzitter van de Opleidingscommissie Biomedische Wetenschappen van het LUMC.
Wetenschappelijke carrière
Pieter S. Hiemstra studeerde Medische Biologie aan de Universiteit van Utrecht. In 1988 promoveerde hij aan de Universiteit van Leiden op het proefschrift “Activation of the alternative pathway of the complement system by immunoglobulin A” bij de Faculteit Geneeskunde (afdeling Nierziekten). Na een jaar als post-doc bij de afdeling Nierziekten en Reumatologie te hebben gewerkt, werkte hij van 1988 tot 1992 bij de afdeling Infectieziekten aan de biologie van fagocyten. In die periode werkte hij ook gedurende 5 maanden bij de University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA, USA) waar zijn interesse voor antimicrobiële peptiden ontstond. In 1992 werd hij hoofd van het laboratorium van de afdeling Longziekten, eerst als universitair docent, en in 1994 als universitair hoofddocent. In 2004 volgde zijn benoeming als hoogleraar Celbiologie en Immunologie van Longziekten, en hij hield zijn oratie getiteld “Over grensbewaking en lange adem“ op 29 april 2005.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Pieter Hiemstra is in 2014 verkozen als Fellow van de European Respiratory Society (ERS), de grootste vereniging op het terrein van ter wereld.
Hoogleraar Longziekten, in het bijzonder de celbiologie en immunologie van longziekten
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Longziekten
- Paassen, J. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Linden, A.C. van der; Jonge, E. de; Zwaginga, J.J.; Klautz, R.J.M. & Arbous, M.S. (2024), MUC5AC concentrations in lung lavage fluids are associated with acute lung injury after cardiac surgery.
- Wang, Y.; Thaler, M.; Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Ly, N.; Leijs, A.A.; Ninaber, D.K.; Hansbro, P.M.; Boedijono, F.; Hemert, M.J. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Does, A.M. van der & Faiz, A. (2024), SARS-CoV-2-infected human airway epithelial cell cultures uniquely lack interferon and immediate early gene responses caused by other coronaviruses, Clinical & Translational Immunology 13(4).
- Witte, J.; Singh, H.; Turk, Y.; Huisstede, A. van; Birnie, E.; Hiemstra, P.; Kappen, J. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2023), Effect of bariatric surgery on lung function and asthma control after 8 years of follow-up, ALLERGY AND ASTHMA PROCEEDINGS 44(3): 165-170.
- Schrumpf, J.A.; Ninaber, D.K.; Müller, C.; Rankl, B.; Mutius, E. von; Smits, H.H. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2023), Farm dust reduces mucin production in rhinovirus-infected primary bronchial epithelial cells, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 34(8).
- Lennard, P.R.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Nibbering, P.H. (2023), Complementary Activities of Host Defence Peptides and Antibiotics in Combating Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria, Antibiotics 12(10).
- Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Schadewijk, W.A.A.M. van; Schwiening, M.; Ng-Blichtfeldt, J.P.; Marciniak, S.J.; Stolk, J.; Gosens, R. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2023), Cigarette smoke restricts the ability of mesenchymal cells to support lung epithelial organoid formation, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11.
- van Paassen J, Swets MC, Groeneveld GH, de Vries JJC, de Jong Y, ten Brinck RM, Hiemstra PS, Zwaginga JJ, de Jonge E & Arbous MS (2023), Viruses in the respiratory tract in elective cardiac surgery patients , Austin Journal of Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine 10(1).
- Faiz, A.; Mahbub, R.M.; Boedijono, F.S.; Tomassen, M.I.; Kooistra, W.; Timens, W.; Nawijn, M.; Hansbro, P.M.; Johansen, M.D.; Pouwels, S.D.; Heijink, I.H.; Massip, F.; Biase, M.S. de; Schwarz, R.F.; Adcock, I.M.; Chung, K.F.; Does, A. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Goulaouic, H.; Xing, H.M.; Abdulai, R.; Rinaldis, E. de; Cunoosamy, D.; Harel, S.; Lederer, D.; Nivens, M.C.; Wark, P.A.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Hylkema, M.N.; Brandsma, C.A.; Berge, M. van den & Cambridge Lung Canc Early (2023), IL-33 expression is lower in current smokers at both transcriptomic and protein levels, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 208(10): 1075-1087.
- Pouwels, S.D.; Berge, M. van den; Vasse, G.F.; Timens, W.; Brandsma, C.A.; Aliee, H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Guryev, V. & Faiz, A. (2023), Smoking increases expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-binding long ACE2 isoform in bronchial epithelium, Respiratory Research 24(1).
- Türk, Y.; Witte, J.A.; Huisstede, A. van; Melgert, B.N.; Schadewijk, A. van; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Kappen, J.H. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2023), Visceral adipose tissue, Clinical & Experimental Allergy 53(12): 1295-1297.
- Shrine, N.; Izquierdo, A.G.; Chen, J.; Packer, R.; Hall, R.J.; Guyatt, A.L.; Batini, C.; Thompson, R.J.; Pavuluri, C.; Malik, V.; Hobbs, B.D.; Moll, M.; Kim, W.; Tal-Singer, R.; Bakke, P.; Fawcett, K.A.; John, C.; Coley, K.; Piga, N.N.; Pozarickij, A.; Lin, K.; Millwood, I.Y.; Chen, Z.M.; Li, L.M.; Wijnant, S.R.A.; Lahousse, L.; Brusselle, G.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Manichaikul, A.; Oelsner, E.C.; Rich, S.S.; Barr, R.G.; Kerr, S.M.; Vitart, V.; Brown, M.R.; Wielscher, M.; Imboden, M.; Jeong, A.; Bartz, T.M.; Gharib, S.A.; Flexeder, C.; Karrasch, S.; Gieger, C.; Peters, A.; Stubbe, B.; Hu, X.W.; Ortega, V.E.; Meyers, D.A.; Bleecker, E.R.; Gabriel, S.B.; Gupta, N.; Smith, A.V.; Luan, J.A.; Zhao, J.H.; Hansen, A.F.; Langhammer, A.; Willer, C.; Bhatta, L.; Porteous, D.; Smith, B.H.; Campbell, A.; Sofer, T.; Lee, J.; Daviglus, M.L.; Yu, B.; Lim, E.; Xu, H.F.; O'Connor, G.T.; Thareja, G.; Albagha, O.M.E.; Ismail, S.I.; Al-Muftah, W.; Badji, R.; Mbarek, H.; Darwish, D.; Fadl, T.; Yasin, H.; Ennaifar, M.; Abdellatif, R.; Alkuwari, F.; Alvi, M.; Al-Sarraj, Y.; Saad, C.; Althani, A.; Fethnou, E.; Qafoud, F.; Alkhayat, E.; Afifi, N.; Tomei, S.; Liu, W.; Lorenz, S.; Syed, N.; Almabrazi, H.; Vempalli, F.R.; Temanni, R.; Abu Saqri, T.; Khatib, M.; Hamza, M.; Abu Zaid, T.; Khouly, A. el; Pathare, T.; Poolat, S.; Al-Ali, R.; Al-Khodor, S.; Alshafai, M.; Badii, R.; Chouchane, L.; Estivill, X.; Fakhro, K.; Mokrab, Y.; Puthen, J.; Tatari, Z.; Suhre, K.; Granell, R.; Faquih, T.O.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Slats, A.M.; Mullin, B.H.; Hui, J.; James, A.; Beilby, J.; Patasova, K.; Hysi, P.; Koskela, J.T.; Wyss, A.B.; Jin, J.P.; Sikdar, S.; Lee, M.; May-Wilson, S.; Pirastu, N.; Kentistou, K.A.; Joshi, P.K.; Timmers, P.R.H.J.; Williams, A.T.; Free, R.C.; Wang, X.Y.; Morrison, J.L.; Gilliland, F.D.; Chen, Z.H.; Wang, C.A.; Foong, R.E.; Harris, S.E.; Taylor, A.; Redmond, P.; Cook, J.P.; Mahajan, A.; Lind, L.; Palviainen, T.; Lehtimäki, T.; Raitakari, O.T.; Kaprio, J.; Rantanen, T.; Pietiläinen, K.H.; Cox, S.R.; Pennell, C.E.; Hall, G.L.; Gauderman, W.J.; Brightling, C.; Wilson, J.F.; Vasankari, T.; Laitinen, T.; Salomaa, V.; Mook-Kanamori, D.O.; Timpson, N.J.; Zeggini, E.; Dupuis, J.; Hayward, C.; Brumpton, B.; Langenberg, C.; Weiss, S.; Homuth, G.; Schmidt, C.O.; Probst-Hensch, N.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Morrison, A.C.; Polasek, O.; Rudan, I.; Lee, J.H.; Sayers, I.; Rawlins, E.L.; Dudbridge, F.; Silverman, E.K.; Strachan, D.P.; Walters, R.G.; Morris, A.P.; London, S.J.; Cho, M.H.; Wain, L.; Hall, I.P.; Tobin, M.D.; China Kadoorie Biobank Collabo & Qatar Genome Program Res QGPR (2023), Multi-ancestry genome-wide association analyses improve resolution of genes and pathways influencing lung function and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk, Nature Genetics 55(3): 410-+.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Heijink, I.H. (2023), Oxidation alters IL-33 function: new insights in the biology of different forms of IL-33 and their relevance for COPD, European Respiratory Journal 62(3).
- Rathnayake, S.N.H.; Ditz, B.; Nijnatten, J. van; Sadaf, T.; Hansbro, P.M.; Brandsma, C.A.; Timens, W.; Schadewijk, A. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Hacken, N.H.T. ten; Oliver, B.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Berge, M. van den & Faiz, A. (2023), Smoking induces shifts in cellular composition and transcriptome within the bronchial mucus barrier, Respirology 28(2): 132-142.
- Rafiq, R.; Aleva, F.E.; Schrumpf, J.A.; Daniels, J.M.; Bet, P.M.; Boersma, W.G.; Bresser, P.; Spanbroek, M.; Lips, P.; Broek, T.J. van den; Keijser, B.J.F.; Ven, A.J.A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Heijer, M. den; Jongh, R.T. de & PRECOVID-Study Grp (2022), Vitamin D supplementation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with low serum vitamin D, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 116(2): 491-499.
- Tulen, C.B.M.; Wang, Y.; Beentjes, D.; Jessen, P.J.J.; Ninaber, D.K.; Reynaert, N.L.; Schooten, F.J. van; Opperhuizen, A.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Remels, A.H.V. (2022), Dysregulated mitochondrial metabolism upon cigarette smoke exposure in various human bronchial epithelial cell models, Disease Models and Mechanisms 15(3).
- Buul, A.R. van; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Poberezhets, V.; Bonten, T.N.; Mutsert, R. de; Hiemstra, P.S.; Cessie, S. le; Rosendaal, F.R.; Chavannes, N.H. & Taube, C. (2022), Factors associated with physical activity among COPD patients with mild or moderate airflow obstruction, Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease 92(1).
- Dickens, J.A.; Rutherford, E.N.; Abreu, S.; Chambers, J.E.; Ellis, M.O.; Schadewijk, A. van; Hiemstra, P.S. & Marciniak, S.J. (2022), Novel insights into surfactant protein C trafficking revealed through the study of a pathogenic mutant, European Respiratory Journal 59(1).
- Carbo, E.C.; Sidorov, I.A.; Rijn-Klink, A.L. van; Pappas, N.; Boheemen, S. van; Mei, H.L.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Eagan, T.M.; Claas, E.C.J.; Kroes, A.C.M. & Vries, J.J.C. de (2022), Performance of five metagenomic classifiers for virus pathogen detection using respiratory samples from a clinical cohort, Pathogens 11(3).
- Aghapour, M.; Ubags, N.D.; Bruder, D.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sidhaye, V.; Rezaee, F. & Heijink, I.H. (2022), Role of air pollutants in airway epithelial barrier dysfunction in asthma and COPD, European Respiratory Review 31(163).
- Knudsen, K.S.; Lehmann, S.; Nielsen, R.; Tangedal, S.; Haaland, I.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Eagan, T.M. (2022), The lower airways microbiome and antimicrobial peptides in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis differ from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, PLoS ONE 17(1).
- Ditz, B.; Boekhoudt, J.; Couto, N.; Brandsma, C.A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Tew, G.W.; Neighbors, M.; Grimbaldeston, M.A.; Timens, W.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Rossen, J.W.A.; Guryev, V.; Berge, M. van den & Faiz, A. (2022), The microbiome in bronchial biopsies from smokers and ex-smokers with stable COPD , COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 19(1): 81-87.
- Aliee, H.; Massip, F.; Qi, C.C.; Biase, M.S. de; Nijnatten, J. van; Kersten, E.T.G.; Kermani, N.Z.; Khuder, B.; Vonk, J.M.; Vermeulen, R.C.H.; Neighbors, M.; Tew, G.W.; Grimbaldeston, M.A.; Hacken, N.H.T. ten; Hu, S.L.; Guo, Y.K.; Zhang, X.Y.; Sun, K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ponder, B.A.; Makela, M.J.; Malmstrom, K.; Rintoul, R.C.; Reyfman, P.A.; Theis, F.J.; Brandsma, C.A.; Adcock, I.M.; Timens, W.; Xu, C.J.; Berge, M. van den; Schwarz, R.F.; Koppelman, G.H.; Nawijn, M.C.; Faiz, A.; U-BIOPRED Study Grp; Cambridge Lung Canc Early & INER-Ciencias Mexican Lung Program (2022), Determinants of expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry-related genes in upper and lower airways.
- Becker, E.J.; Faiz, A.; Berge, M. van den; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Clark, K.; Liu, G.; Xiao, X.H.; Alekseyev, Y.O.; O'Connor, G.; Lam, S.; Spira, A.; Lenburg, M.E. & Steiling, K. (2022), Bronchial gene expression signature associated with rate of subsequent FEV1 decline in individuals with and at risk of COPD, Thorax 77(1): 31-39.
- Riet, S. van; Schadewijk, A. van; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Barcena, M.; Stolk, J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Does, A.M. van der (2022), Organoid-based expansion of patient-derived primary alveolar type 2 cells for establishment of alveolus epithelial Lung-Chip cultures, American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 322(4): L526-L538.
- Roukens, A.H.E.; Pothast, C.R.; Konig, M.; Huisman, W.; Dalebout, T.; Tak, T.; Azimi, S.; Kruize, Y.; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Zlei, M.; Staal, F.J.T.; Bie, F.J. de; Dongen, J.J.M. van; Arbous, S.M.; Zhang, J.L.H.; Verheij, M.; Prins, C.; Does, A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Vries, J.J.C. de; Janse, J.J.; Roestenberg, M.; Myeni, S.K.; Kikkert, M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.; Heemskerk, M.H.M.; Smits, H.H.; Jochems, S.P.; Collaboration BEAT-COVID Grp & Collaboration COVID-19 LUMC Grp (2022), Prolonged activation of nasal immune cell populations and development of tissue-resident SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8(+) T cell responses following COVID-19, Nature Immunology 23.
- Pranke, I.M.; Chevalier, B.; Premchandar, A.; Baatallah, N.; Tomaszewski, K.F.; Bitam, S.; Tondelier, D.; Golec, A.; Stolk, J.; Lukacs, G.L.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Dadlez, M.; Lomas, D.A.; Irving, J.A.; Delaunay-Moisan, A.; Anken, E. van; Hinzpeter, A.; Sermet-Gaudelus, I. & Edelman, A. (2022), Keratin 8 is a scaffolding and regulatory protein of ERAD complexes, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 79(9).
- Altieri, A.; Piyadasa, H.; Hemshekhar, M.; Osawa, N.; Recksiedler, B.; Spicer, V.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Halayko, A.J. & Mookherjee, N. (2022), Combination of IL-17A/F and TNF-α uniquely alters the bronchial epithelial cell proteome to enhance proteins that augment neutrophil migration, Journal of Inflammation 19(1).
- Does, A.M. van der; Mahbub, R.M.; Ninaber, D.K.; Rathnayake, S.N.H.; Timens, W.; Berge, M. van den; Aliee, H.; Theis, F.J.; Nawijn, M.C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Faiz, A. (2022), Early transcriptional responses of bronchial epithelial cells to whole cigarette smoke mirror those of in-vivo exposed human bronchial mucosa, Respiratory Research 23(1).
- Waal, A.M. de; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Joosten, S.A. & Does, A.M. van der (2022), Lung epithelial cells interact with immune cells and bacteria to shape the microenvironment in tuberculosis, Thorax 77.
- Vincenzo, S. di; Ninaber, D.K.; Cipollina, C.; Ferraro, M.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Pace, E. (2022), Cigarette smoke impairs airway epithelial wound repair, Antioxidants 11(10).
- Altieri, A.; Piyadasa, H.; Hemshekhar, M.; Osawa, N.; Recksiedler, B.; Spicer, V.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Halayko, A.J. & Mookherjee, N. (2022), Combination of IL-17A/F and TNF-alpha uniquely alters the bronchial epithelial cell proteome to enhance proteins that augment neutrophil migration, Journal of Inflammation 19(1).
- Faiz, A.; Pavlidis, S.; Kuo, C.H.; Rowe, A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Berg, M.; Wisman, M.; Guo, Y.K.; Djukanovi, R.; Sterk, P.; Meyer, K.B.; Nawijn, M.C.; Adcock, I.; Chung, K.F. & Berge, M. van den (2022), Th2 high and mast cell gene signatures are associated with corticosteroid sensitivity in COPD, Thorax 78.
- Knudsen, K.S.; Lehmann, S.; Nielsen, R.; Tangedal, S.; Paytuvi-Gallart, A.; Sanseverino, W.; Martinsen, E.M.H.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Eagan, T.M. (2022), The lower airways microbiota and antimicrobial peptides indicate dysbiosis in sarcoidosis, Microbiome 10(1).
- Baptista, D.; Teixeira, L.M.; Barata, D.; Birgani, Z.T.; King, J.; Riet, S. van; Pasman, T.; Poot, A.A.; Stamatialis, D.; Rottier, R.J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Carlier, A.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Habibovic, P.; Giselbrecht, S. & Truckenmuller, R. (2022), 3D lung-on-chip model based on biomimetically microcurved culture membranes, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering 8(6): 2684-2699.
- Slob, E.M.A.; Faiz, A.; Nijnatten, J. van; Vijverberg, S.J.H.; Longo, C.; Kutlu, M.; Chew, F.T.; Sio, Y.Y.; Herrera-Luis, E.; Espuela-Ortiz, A.; Perez-Garcia, J.; Pino-Yanes, M.; Burchard, E.G.; Potocnik, U.; Gorenjak, M.; Palmer, C.; Maroteau, C.; Turner, S.; Verhamme, K.; Karimi, L.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Pijnenburg, M.W.; Neighbors, M.; Grimbaldeston, M.A.; Tew, G.W.; Brandsma, C.A.; Berce, V.; Aliee, H.; Theis, F.; Sin, D.D.; Li, X.; Berge, M. van den; Maitland-van der Zee, A.H. & Koppelman, G.H. (2022), Association of bronchial steroid inducible methylation quantitative trait loci with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment response.
- Nijnatten, J. van; Brandsma, C.A.; Steiling, K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Berge, M. van den & Faiz, A. (2022), High miR203a-3p and miR-375 expression in the airways of smokers with and without COPD, Scientific Reports 12(1).
- Guillon, A.; Brea-Diakite, D.; Cezard, A.; Wacquiez, A.; Baranek, T.; Bourgeais, J.; Picou, F.; Vasseur, V.; Meyer, L.; Chevalier, C.; Auvet, A.; Carballido, J.M.; Desbarats, L.N.; Dingli, F.; Turtoi, A.; Gouellec, A. le; Fauvelle, F.; Donchet, A.; Crepin, T.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Paget, C.; Loew, D.; Herault, O.; Naffakh, N.; Goffic, R. le & Si-Tahar, M. (2022), Host succinate inhibits influenza virus infection through succinylation and nuclear retention of the viral nucleoprotein, The EMBO Journal 41(12).
- Wildung, M.; Herr, C.; Riedel, D.; Wiedwald, C.; Moiseenko, A.; Ramirez, F.; Tasena, H.; Heimerl, M.; Alevra, M.; Movsisyan, N.; Schuldt, M.; Volceanov-Hahn, L.; Provoost, S.; Nothe-Menchen, T.; Urrego, D.; Freytag, B.; Wallmeier, J.; Beisswenger, C.; Bals, R.; Berge, M. van den; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Brandsma, C.A.; Maes, T.; Andreas, S.; Heijink, I.H.; Pardo, L.A. & Lize, M. (2022), miR449 protects airway regeneration by controlling AURKA/HDAC6-mediated ciliary disassembly, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(14).
- Wijngaarden, A.L. van; Mantegazza, V.; Hiemstra, Y.L.; Volpato, V.; Bijl, P. van der; Pepi, M.; Palmen, M.; Delgado, V.; Marsan, N.A.; Tamborini, G. & Bax, J.J. (2022), Prognostic impact of extra-mitral valve cardiac involvement in patients with primary mitral regurgitation, JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 15(6): 961-970.
- Weger, L.A. de; Hal, P.T.W. van; Bos, B.; Molster, F.; Mostert, M. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2021), Personalized pollen monitoring and symptom scores.
- Bonda, W.L.M.; Lavergne, M.; Vasseur, V.; Brisson, L.; Roger, S.; Legras, A.; Guillon, A.; Guyetant, S.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Si-Tahar, M.; Iochmann, S. & Reverdiau, P. (2021), Kallikrein-related peptidase 5 contributes to the remodeling and repair of bronchial epithelium, FASEB Journal 35(10).
- Khedoe, P.P.P.S.J.; Wu, X.H.; Gosens, R. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2021), Repairing damaged lungs using regenerative therapy, Current Opinion in Pharmacology 59: 85-94.
- Mahbub, R.; Does, A. van der; Ninaber, D.; Rathnayake, S.; Brandsma, C.; Berge, M. van den; Aliee, H.; Nawijn, M.; Hiemstra, P. & Faiz, A. (2021), TRANSCRIPTOME DYNAMICS IN BRONCHIAL EPITHELIAL CELLS FOLLOWING TO CIGARETTE EXPOSURE, Respirology 26: 139-139.
- Schouten, I.G.M.; Mumford, R.A.; Moes, D.J.A.R.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Stolk, J. (2021), The course of A alpha Val541 as a proteinase 3 specific neo-epitope after alpha-1-antitrypsin augmentation in severe deficient patients, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(15).
- Ditz, B.; Boekhoudt, J.G.; Aliee, H.; Theis, F.J.; Nawijn, M.; Brandsma, C.A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Tew, G.W.; Grimbaldeston, M.A.; Neighbors, M.; Guryev, V.; Berge, M. van den & Faiz, A. (2021), Comparison of genome-wide gene expression profiling by RNA Sequencing versus microarray in bronchial biopsies of COPD patients before and after inhaled corticosteroid treatment: does it provide new insights?, ERJ Open Research 7(2).
- Eenjes, E.; Riet, S. van; Kroon, A.A.; Slats, A.M.; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Boerema-De Munck, A.; Buscop-Van Kempen, M.; Ninaber, D.K.; Reiss, I.K.M.; Clevers, H.; Rottier, R.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2021), Disease modeling following organoid-based expansion of airway epithelial cells, American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 321(4): L775-L786.
- Hiemstra, A.F.; Rambonnet, L.; Gravendeel, B. & Schilthuizen, M. (2021), The effects of COVID-19 litter on animal life, Animal Biology 71(2): 215-231.
- Iliescu, D.; Greiff, S.; Proyer, R.; Ziegler, M.; Allen, M.; Claes, L.; Fokkema, M.; Hasking, P.; Hiemstra, A.; Maes, M.; Mund, M.; Nye, C.; Scherer, R.; Wetzel, E. & Zeinoun, P. (2021), Supporting academic freedom and living societal responsibility the role of authors, reviewers, and editors in the publication process at EJPA, European Journal of Psychological Assessment 37(2): 81-85.
- Wijngaarden, A.L. van; Riva, M. de; Hiemstra, Y.L.; Bijl, P. van der; Fortuni, F.; Bax, J.J.; Delgado, V. & Marsan, N.A. (2021), Parameters associated with ventricular arrhythmias in mitral valve prolapse with significant regurgitation, Heart 107(5): 411--418.
- Ditz, B.; Boekhoudt, J.G.; Aliee, H.; Theis, F.J.; Nawijn, M.; Brandsma, C.A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Tew, G.W.; Grimbaldeston, M.A.; Neighbors, M.; Guryev, V.; Berge, M. van den & Faiz, A. (2021), Comparison of genome-wide gene expression profiling by RNA Sequencing versus microarray in bronchial biopsies of COPD patients before and after inhaled corticosteroid treatment: does it provide new insights?
- Esteve-Codina, A.; Hofer, T.P.; Burggraf, D.; Heiss-Neumann, M.S.; Gesierich, W.; Boland, A.; Olaso, R.; Bihoreau, M.T.; Deleuze, J.F.; Moeller, W.; Schmid, O.; Artigas, M.S.; Renner, K.; Hohlfeld, J.M.; Welte, T.; Fuehner, T.; Jerrentrup, L.; Koczulla, A.R.; Greulich, T.; Prasse, A.; Muller-Quernheim, J.; Gupta, S.; Brightling, C.; Subramanian, D.R.; Parr, D.G.; Kolsum, U.; Gupta, V.; Barta, I.; Dome, B.; Strausz, J.; Stendardo, M.; Piattella, M.; Boschetto, P.; Korzybski, D.; Gorecka, D.; Nowinski, A.; Dabad, M.; Fernandez-Callejo, M.; Endesfelder, D.; Castell, W. zu; Hiemstra, P.S.; Venge, P.; Noessner, E.; Griebel, T.; Heath, S.; Singh, D.; Gut, I. & Ziegler-Heitbrock, L. (2021), Gender specific airway gene expression in COPD sub-phenotypes supports a role of mitochondria and of different types of leukocytes, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Baptista, D.; Teixeira, L.M.; Birgani, Z.T.; Riet, S. van; Pasman, T.; Poot, A.; Stamatialis, D.; Rottier, R.J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Habibovic, P.; Blitterswijk, C. van; Giselbrecht, S. & Truckenmuller, R. (2021), 3D alveolar in vitro model based on epithelialized biomimetically curved culture membranes, Biomaterials 266.
- Pasman, T.; Baptista, D.; Riet, S. van; Truckenmuller, R.K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rottier, R.J.; Hamelmann, N.M.; Paulusse, J.M.J.; Stamatialis, D. & Poot, A.A. (2021), Development of an in vitro airway epithelial-endothelial cell culture model on a flexible porous poly(trimethylene carbonate) membrane based on calu-3 airway epithelial cells and lung microvascular endothelial cells, Membranes 11(3).
- Gribaldo, L.; Hurley, K.; Hiemstra, P. & Greene, C. (2021), Increased focus on non-animal models for COVID-19 and non-COVID lung research.
- Turk, Y.; Theel, W.; Huisstede, A. van; Geijn, G.J.M. van de; Birnie, E.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sont, J.K.; Taube, C. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2020), Short-term and long-term effect of a high-intensity pulmonary rehabilitation programme in obese patients with asthma, European Respiratory Journal 56(1).
- Hurkmans, D.P.; Kuipers, M.E.; Smit, J.; Marion, R. van; Mathijssen, R.H.J.; Postmus, P.E.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Aerts, J.G.J.V.; Thusen, J.H. von der & Burg, S.H. van der (2020), Tumor mutational load, CD8(+) T cells, expression of PD-L1 and HLA class I to guide immunotherapy decisions in NSCLC patients, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 69(5): 771-777.
- Pasman, T.; Baptista, D.; Riet, S. van; Truckenmuller, R.K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rottier, R.J.; Stamatialis, D. & Poot, A.A. (2020), Development of porous and flexible PTMC membranes for in vitro organ models fabricated by evaporation-induced phase separation, Membranes 10(11).
- Wang, Y.; Ninaber, D.K.; Schadewijk, A. van & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), Tiotropium and fluticasone inhibit rhinovirus-induced mucin production via multiple mechanisms in differentiated airway epithelial cells, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10.
- Weger, L.A. de; Molster, F.; Raat, K. de; Haan, J. den; Romein, J.; Leeuwen, W. van; Groot, H. de; Mostert, M. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), A new portable sampler to monitor pollen at street level in the environment of patients, Science of the Total Environment 741.
- Amato-Lourenco, L.F.; Galvao, L.D.; Weger, L.A. de; Hiemstra, P.S.; Vijver, M.G. & Mauad, T. (2020), An emerging class of air pollutants: potential effects of microplastics to respiratory human health?, Science of the Total Environment 749.
- Schrumpf, J.A.; Does, A.M. van der & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), Impact of the local inflammatory environment on mucosal vitamin D metabolism and signaling in chronic inflammatory lung diseases, Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Khedoe, P.; Marges, E.; Hiemstra, P.; Ninaber, M. & Geelhoed, M. (2020), Interstitial lung disease in patients with systemic sclerosis: toward personalized-medicine-based prediction and drug screening models of systemic sclerosis-related interstitial lung disease (SSc-ILD), Frontiers in Immunology 11.
- Riet, S. van; Schadewijk, A. van; Vos, S. de; Vandeghinste, N.; Rottier, R.J.; Stolk, J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Khedoe, P. (2020), Modulation of airway epithelial innate immunity and wound repair by M(GM-CSF) and M(M-CSF) macrophages, Journal of Innate Immunity 12(5): 410-421.
- Allam, V.S.R.R.; Faiz, A.; Lam, M.; Rathnayake, S.N.H.; Ditz, B.; Pouwels, S.D.; Brandsma, C.A.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Tew, G.W.; Neighbors, M.; Grimbaldeston, M.; Berge, M. van den; Donnelly, S.; Phipps, S.; Bourke, J.E. & Sukkar, M.B. (2020), RAGE and TLR4 differentially regulate airway hyperresponsiveness, Allergy 76(4).
- Gosens, R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Adcock, I.M.; Bracke, K.R.; Dickson, R.P.; Hansbro, P.M.; Krauss-Etschmann, S.; Smits, H.H.; Stassen, F.R.M. & Bartel, S. (2020), Host-microbe cross-talk in the lung microenvironment, European Respiratory Journal 56(2).
- George, L.; Taylor, A.R.; Esteve-Codina, A.; Artigas, M.S.; Thun, G.A.; Bates, S.; Pavlidis, S.; Wagers, S.; Boland, A.; Prasse, A.; Boschetto, P.; Parr, D.G.; Nowinski, A.; Barta, I.; Hohlfeld, J.; Greulich, T.; Berge, M. van den; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Hinks, T.; Wenzel, S.; Siddiqui, S.; Richardson, M.; Venge, P.; Heath, S.; Gut, I.; Tobin, M.D.; Edwards, L.; Riley, J.H.; Djukanovic, R.; Auffray, C.; De-Meulder, B.; Erik-Dahlen, S.; Adcock, I.M.; Chung, K.F.; Ziegler-Heitbrock, L.; Sterk, P.J.; Singh, D.; Brightling, C.E.; U-BIOPRED Study Team & EvA Study Team (2020), Blood eosinophil count and airway epithelial transcriptome relationships in COPD versus asthma, Allergy 75(2): 370-380.
- Rafiq, R.; Haddaoui, H. el; Mutsert, R. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Heijer, M. den & Jongh, R.T. de (2020), Adiposity is a confounding factor which largely explains the association of serum vitamin D concentrations with C-reactive protein, leptin and adiponectin, Cytokine 131.
- Ubags, N.D.; Baker, J.; Boots, A.; Costa, R.; El-Merhie, N.; Fabre, A.; Faiz, A.; Heijink, I.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Lehmann, M.; Meiners, S.; Enes, S.R. & Bartel, S. (2020), ERS International Congress, Madrid, 2019, ERJ Open Research 6(1).
- Greene, C.M. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), Innate immunity of the lung, Journal of Innate Immunity 12(1): 1-3.
- Riet, S. van; Ninaber, D.K.; Mikkers, H.M.M.; Tetley, T.D.; Jost, C.R.; Mulder, A.A.; Pasman, T.; Baptista, D.; Poot, A.A.; Truckenmuller, R.; Mummery, C.L.; Freund, C.; Rottier, R.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), In vitro modelling of alveolar repair at the air-liquid interface using alveolar epithelial cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells, Scientific Reports 10(1).
- Aghapour, M.; Remels, A.H.V.; Pouwels, S.D.; Bruder, D.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Cloonan, S.M. & Heijink, I.H. (2020), Mitochondria: at the crossroads of regulating lung epithelial cell function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 318(1): L149-L164.
- Voskamp, A.L.; Kormelink, T.G.; Wijk, R.G. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Taube, C.; Jong, E.C. de & Smits, H.H. (2020), Modulating local airway immune responses to treat allergic asthma: lessons from experimental models and human studies, Seminars in Immunopathology 42(1): 95-110.
- Peek, N.F.A.W.; Nell, M.J.; Brand, R.; Jansen-Werkhoven, T.; Hoogdalem, E.J. van; Verrijk, R.; Vonk, M.J.; Wafelman, A.R.; Valentijn, A.R.P.M.; Frijns, J.H.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Driphout, J.W.; Nibbering, P.H. & Grote, J.J. (2020), Ototopical drops containing a novel antibacterial synthetic peptide, PLoS ONE 15(4).
- Guillon, A.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Si-Tahar, M. (2020), Pulmonary immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 infection: harmful or not?, Intensive Care Medicine 46(10): 1897-1900.
- Hu, Y.; Ng-Blichfeldt, J.P.; Ota, C.; Ciminieri, C.; Ren, W.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Stolk, J.; Gosens, R. & Konigshoff, M. (2020), Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is critical for regenerative potential of distal lung epithelial progenitor cells in homeostasis and emphysema, Stem Cells 38(11): 1467-1478.
- Salgado-Benvindo, C.; Thaler, M.; Tas, A.; Ogando, N.S.; Bredenbeek, P.J.; Ninaber, D.K.; Wang, Y.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Snijder, E.J. & Hemert, M.J. van (2020), Suramin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection in cell culture by interfering with early steps of the replication cycle, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 64(8).
- Schrumpf, J.A.; Ninaber, D.K.; Does, A.M. van der & Hiemstra, P.S. (2020), TGF-β1 impairs vitamin D-induced and constitutive airway epithelial host defense mechanisms, Journal of Innate Immunity 12(1): 74-89.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Jongh, R.T. de (2020), Vitamin D deficiency in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a chicken-or-egg story, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 202(3): 312-313.
- Christenson, S.A.; Berge, M. van den; Faiz, A.; Inkamp, K.; Bhakta, N.; Bonser, L.R.; Zlock, L.T.; Barjaktarevic, I.Z.; Barr, R.G.; Bleecker, E.R.; Boucher, R.C.; Bowler, R.P.; Comellas, A.P.; Curtis, J.L.; Han, M.K.; Hansel, N.N.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Kaner, R.J.; Krishnanm, J.A.; Martinez, F.J.; O'Neal, W.K.; Paine, R.; Timens, W.; Wells, J.M.; Spira, A.; Erle, D.J. & Woodruff, P.G. (2019), An airway epithelial IL-17A response signature identifies a steroid-unresponsive COPD patient subgroup, Journal of Clinical Investigation 129(1): 169-181.
- Does, A.M. van der; Heijink, M.; Mayboroda, O.A.; Persson, L.J.; Aanerud, M.; Bakke, P.; Eagan, T.M.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Giera, M. (2019), Dynamic differences in dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in sputum of COPD patients and controls, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1864(3): 224-233.
- Faiz, A.; Steiling, K.; Roffel, M.P.; Postma, D.S.; Spira, A.; Lenburg, M.E.; Borggrewe, M.; Eijgenraam, T.R.; Jonker, M.R.; Koppelman, G.H.; Pouwels, S.D.; Liu, G.; Alekseyev, Y.O.; Lam, S.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Timens, W.; Brandsma, C.A.; Heijink, I.H. & Berge, M. van den (2019), Effect of long-term corticosteroid treatment on microRNA and gene-expression profiles in COPD, European Respiratory Journal 53(4).
- Bals, R.; Boyd, J.; Esposito, S.; Foronjy, R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Jimenez-Ruiz, C.A.; Katsaounou, P.; Lindberg, A.; Metz, C.; Schober, W.; Spira, A. & Blasi, F. (2019), Electronic cigarettes: a task force report from the European Respiratory Society, European Respiratory Journal 53(2).
- Wijck, Y. van; John-Schuster, G.; Schadewijk, A. van; Oever, R.L. van den; Obieglo, K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Muller, A.; Smits, H.H. & Taube, C. (2019), Extract of Helicobacter pylori Ameliorates Parameters of Airway Inflammation and Goblet Cell Hyperplasia following Repeated Allergen Exposure, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 180(1): 1-9.
- Hiemstra, P.S. (2019), Macrophage function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: The many faces of notch signalling, EBioMedicine 43: 22-23.
- Hiemstra PS, Wang Y, Romeo PP, Nikkels J, Ninaber DK, Schrumpf JA & van der Does AM (2019), Modulation of Rhinovirus-Induced Responses in Airway Epithelial Cells by Cigarette Smoke: Effect of Short-Time Smoking Cessation, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 199.
- Nawroth, J.C.; Barrile, R.; Conegliano, D.; Riet, S. van; Hiemstra, P.S. & Villenave, R. (2019), Stem cell-based Lung-on-Chips: The best of both worlds?, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 140: 12-32.
- Ng-Blichfeldt, J.P.; Jong, T. de; Kortekaas, R.K.; Wu, X.H.; Lindner, M.; Guryev, V.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Stolk, J.; Konigshoff, M. & Gosens, R. (2019), TGF-beta activation impairs fibroblast ability to support adult lung epithelial progenitor cell organoid formation, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 317(1): L14-L28.
- Faiz A, Wisman M, Hiemstra P, Timens W, Woodruff P, Christenson S, Koppelman G, Van den Berge M & Heijink I (2019), UNDERSTANDING CORTICOSTEROID BIOLOGY USING TRANSCRIPTIONAL PROFILING OF BRONCHIAL BIOPSIES AND CRISPR-CAS9 KO MODELS, Respirology 24: 63-63.
- Hurkmans D, Kuipers M, Smit J, Mathijssen R, Postmus P, Hiemstra P, Aerts J, van Marion R, van der Burg S & von der Thusen J (2019), Combined assessment of tumour mutational load, CD8+T cell infiltration, and expression of PD-L1 and HLA class I in small biopsy specimens to predict immunotherapy response in non-small cell lung cancer, Virchows Archiv 475: S41-S41.
- Hurkmans D, Kuipers M, Smit J, Van Marion R, Mathijssen R, Postmus P, Hiemstra P, Aerts J, Von der Thusen J & Van der Burg S (2019), Tumor Mutational Load, CD8+T Cells, Expression of PD-L1 and HLA Class I to Guide Immunotherapy Decisions, Journal of Thoracic Oncology 14(10): S726-S726.
- Hiemstra, P.S.; Tetley, T.D. & Janes, S.M. (2019), Airway and alveolar epithelial cells in culture, European Respiratory Journal 54(5).
- Di Vincenzo S, Sangiorgi C, Ferraro M, Gjomarkaj M, Ninaber DK, Hiemstra PS & Pace E (2019), Cigarette smoke decreases E-Cadherin expression downregulating FoxO3 in lung epithelial cells, European Respiratory Journal 54.
- Roth D, Villenave R, Van der Does A, Hiemstra P & Nawroth J (2019), Late Breaking Abstract - High-content phenotypic profiling reveals that IL-13 impairs planar cell polarity and directional mucus clearance in human airway tissue, European Respiratory Journal 54.
- Ali, M.N.; Mori, M.; Mertens, T.C.J.; Siddhuraj, P.; Erjefalt, J.S.; Onnerfjord, P.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Egesten, A. (2019), Osteopontin Expression in Small Airway Epithelium in Copd is Dependent on Differentiation and Confined to Subsets of Cells, Scientific Reports 9.
- Paassen, J.; Dissel, J.T. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Cobbaert, C.M.; Juffermans, N.P.; Wilde, R.B. de; Stijnen, T.; Jonge, E. de; Klautz, R.J. & Arbous, M.S. (2019), Perioperative proADM-change is associated with the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome in critically ill cardiac surgery patients: a prospective cohort study, Biomarkers in Medicine 13(13): 1081-1091.
- Turk, Y.; Sin, H.K.; Huisstede, A. van; Birnie, E.; Biter, U.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2019), Prediction of Airflow Obstruction and the Risk of Complications in Morbidly Obese Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery, Obesity Surgery 29(9): 3076-3080.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Sterk, P.J. (2019), Translation of in vitro findings to patients with asthma: a timely and compelling challenge, European Respiratory Journal 54(4).
- Becker EJ, Faiz A, Van den Berge M, Timens W, Hiemstra PS, Liu G, Zhang X, Alekseyev YO, O'Connor GT, Lam S, Spira A, Lenburg ME & Steiling K (2019), A Bronchial Airway Gene Expression Signature of Future Lung Function Decline Is Enriched in XBP1-Regulated Genes, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 199.
- Does, A.M. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Mookherjee, N. & Matsuzaki, K. (2019), Antimicrobial Host Defence Peptides: Immunomodulatory Functions and Translational Prospects, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1117: 149-171.
- Buul, A.R. van; Wildschut, T.S.; Bonten, T.N.; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Slats, A.M.; Chavannes, N.H. & Taube, C. (2019), A systematic diagnostic evaluation combined with an Internet-based support system for asthma/COPD, European Respiratory Journal 54.
- Buul, A.R. van; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Veen, S. van; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Haks, M.C.; Chavannes, N.H. & Taube, C. (2019), Peripheral blood gene expression in COPD patients with morning symptoms, European Respiratory Journal 54.
- Tasena, H.; Faiz, A.; Timens, W.; Noordhoek, J.; Hylkema, M.N.; Gosens, R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Spira, A.; Postma, D.S.; Tew, G.W.; Grimbaldeston, M.A.; Berge, M. van den; Heijink, I.H. & Brandsma, C.A. (2018), microRNA-mRNA regulatory networks underlying chronic mucus hypersecretion in COPD, European Respiratory Journal 52(3).
- Carpaij, O.A.; Muntinghe, F.O.W.; Wagenaar, M.B.; Habing, J.W.; Timens, W.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Nawijn, M.C.; Kunz, L.I.Z.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Tew, G.W.; Holweg, C.T.J.; Brandsma, C.A. & Berge, M. van den (2018), Serum periostin does not reflect type 2-driven inflammation in COPD, Respiratory Research 19.
- Ng-Blichfeldt, J.P.; Schrik, A.; Kortekaas, R.K.; Noordhoek, J.A.; Heijink, I.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Stolk, J.; Konigshoff, M. & Gosens, R. (2018), Retinoic acid signaling balances adult distal lung epithelial progenitor cell growth and differentiation, EBioMedicine 36: 461-474.
- Broekman, W.; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Schepers, K.; Roelofs, H.; Stolk, J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2018), Mesenchymal stromal cells: a novel therapy for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?, Thorax 73(6): 565-574.
- Carpaij Orestes, Muntinghe F. O. W., Wagenaar M. B., Habing J. W., Timens W., Kerstjens H. A. M., Nawijn M. C., Kunz L. I. Z., Hiemstra P. S., Holweg C. T. J., Tew W. & Van den Berge M. (2018), Serum periostin is not a good biomarker to identify Th2-driven inflammation in COPD, European Respiratory Journal 52.
- Amatngalim, G.D.; Schrumpf, J.A.; Dishchekenian, F.; Mertens, T.C.J.; Ninaber, D.K.; Linden, A.C. van der; Pilette, C.; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Does, A.M. van der (2018), Aberrant epithelial differentiation by cigarette smoke dysregulates respiratory host defence, European Respiratory Journal 51(4).
- Piyadasa Hadeesha, Hemshekhar Mahadevappa, Altieri Anthony, Basu Sujata, Van der Does Anne M., Halayko Andrew J., Hiemstra Pieter S. & Mookherjee Neeloffer (2018), Activity of an innate defence regulator peptide to alleviate airway inflammation is mitigated by disruption of its central hydrophobic region, European Respiratory Journal 52.
- Durigon, T.S.; MacKenzie, B.; Oliveira, M.C.; Santos-Dias, A.; Angelis, K. de; Malfitano, C.; Palma, R.K. da; Guerra, J.M.; Damaceno-Rodrigues, N.R.; Caldini, E.G.; Almeida, F.M. de; Aquino-Santos, H.C.; Rigonato-Oliveira, N.C.; Oliveira, D.B.L. de; Aimbire, F.; Oliveira, A.P.L. de; Oliveira, L.V.F. de; Durigon, E.L.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Vieira, R.P. (2018), Aerobic Exercise Protects from Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Induced Pneumonia in Elderly Mice, Journal of Innate Immunity 10(4): 279-290.
- Eenjes, E.; Mertens, T.C.J.; Buscop-van Kempen, M.J.; Wijck, Y. van; Taube, C.; Rottier, R.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2018), A novel method for expansion and differentiation of mouse tracheal epithelial cells in culture, Scientific Reports 8.
- Aghapour, M.; Raee, P.; Moghaddam, S.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Heijink, I.H. (2018), Airway Epithelial Barrier Dysfunction in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Role of Cigarette Smoke Exposure, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 58(2): 157-169.
- van der Does Anne M., Amatngalim Gimano D., Schrumpf Jasmijn A., Dishchekenian Fernanda, Mertens Tinne C. J., Ninaber Dennis K., Van der Linden Abraham C., Pilette Charles, Taube Christian & Hiemstra Pieter S. (2018), Impairment of respiratory host defence resulting from cigarette smoke-induced changes in airway epithelial cell differentiation, European Respiratory Journal 52.
- Wijck, Y. van; Hiemstra, P.S. & Taube, C. (2018), Response to Comment on "Therapeutic Application of an Extract of Helicobacter pylori Ameliorates the Development of Allergic Airway Disease", Journal of Immunology 200(9): 3027-3028.
- Amaingalim, G.D. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2018), Airway Epithelial Cell Function and Respiratory Host Defense in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Chinese Medical Journal 131(9): 1099-1107.
- Wijck, Y. van; Kleijn, S. de; John-Schuster, G.; Mertens, T.C.J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Muller, A.; Smits, H.H. & Taube, C. (2018), Therapeutic Application of an Extract of Helicobacter pylori Ameliorates the Development of Allergic Airway Disease, Journal of Immunology 200(5): 1570-1579.
- Greene, C.M. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2018), Assembly 3: Basic and Translational Sciences, Breathe 14(1): 67-68.
- Rafiq, R.; Thijs, W.; Prein, R.; Jongh, R.T. de; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Mutsert, R. de & Heijer, M. den (2018), Associations of Serum 25(OH)D Concentrations with Lung Function, Airway Inflammation and Common Cold in the General Population, Nutrients 10(1).
- Hiemstra, P.S. (2018), How to write a response to the reviewers of your manuscript, Breathe 14(4): 319-321.
- Piyadasa, H.; Hemshekhar, M.; Altieri, A.; Basu, S.; Does, A.M. van der; Halayko, A.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Mookherjee, N. (2018), Immunomodulatory innate defence regulator (IDR) peptide alleviates airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness, Thorax 73(10): 908-917.
- Hartjes, F.J.; Vonk, J.M.; Faiz, A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Lapperre, T.S.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Postma, D.S.; Berge, M. van den & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2018), Predictive value of eosinophils and neutrophils on clinical effects of ICS in COPD, Respirology 23(11): 1023-1031.
- Farre, R.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Dinh-Xuan, A.T. (2018), Basic and translational research in the European Respiratory Journal, European Respiratory Journal 51(5).
- Does, A.M. van der; Amatngalim, G.D.; Keijser, B.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Villenave, R. (2018), Contribution of Host Defence Proteins and Peptides to Host-Microbiota Interactions in Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases, Vaccines 6(3).
- Zarcone, M.C.; Duistermaat, E.; Alblas, M.J.; Schadewijk, A. van; Ninaber, D.K.; Clarijs, V.; Moerman, M.M.; Vaessen, D.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Kooter, I.M. (2018), Effect of diesel exhaust generated by a city bus engine on stress responses and innate immunity in primary bronchial epithelial cell cultures, Toxicology in Vitro 48: 221-231.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Bals, R. (2018), Effects of E-Cigarette Use on Human Lung Tissue On Harm Reduction and Causing Harm, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 198(1): 6-7.
- Hiemstra, P.S.; Grootaers, G.; Does, A.M. van der; Krul, C.A.M. & Kooter, I.M. (2018), Human lung epithelial cell cultures for analysis of inhaled toxicants: Lessons learned and future directions, Toxicology in Vitro 47: 137-146.
- Rekha, R.S.; Mily, A.; Sultana, T.; Haq, A.; Ahmed, S.; Kamal, S.M.M.; Schadewijk, A. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Gudmundsson, G.H.; Agerberth, B. & Raqib, R. (2018), Immune responses in the treatment of drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis with phenylbutyrate and vitamin D-3 as host directed therapy, BMC Infectious Diseases 18.
- Chen, X.; Orriols, M.; Walther, F.J.; Laghmani, E.H.; Hoogeboom, A.M.; Hogen-Esch, A.C.B.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Folkerts, G.; Goumans, M.J.T.H.; Dijke, P. ten; Morrell, N.W. & Wagenaar, G.T.M. (2017), Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9 Protects against Neonatal Hyperoxia-Induced Impairment of Alveolarization and Pulmonary Inflammation, Frontiers in Physiology 8.
- Turk, Y.; Huisstede, A. van; Franssen, F.M.E.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rudolphus, A.; Taube, C. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2017), Effect of an Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program on Exercise Tolerance and Asthma Control in Obese Asthma Patients, Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 37(3): 214-222.
- Song, J.; Heijink, I.H.; Kistemaker, L.E.M.; Reinders-Luinge, M.; Kooistra, W.; Noordhoek, J.A.; Gosens, R.; Brandsma, C.A.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rots, M.G. & Hylkema, M.N. (2017), Aberrant DNA methylation and expression of SPDEF and FOXA2 in airway epithelium of patients with COPD, Clinical Epigenetics 9.
- Persson, L.J.P.; Aanerud, M.; Hardie, J.A.; Nilsen, R.M.; Bakke, P.S.; Eagan, T.M. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2017), Antimicrobial peptide levels are linked to airway inflammation, bacterial colonisation and exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, European Respiratory Journal 49(3).
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; Hacken, N.H. ten; Lapperre, T.S.; Timens, W.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Schadewijk, A. van; Vonk, J.M.; Sont, J.K.; Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Postma, D.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2017), Airway inflammation in COPD after long-term withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids, European Respiratory Journal 49(6).
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; Hacken, N.H. ten; Lapperre, T.S.; Timens, W.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Schadewijk, A. van; Vonk, J.M.; Sont, J.K.; Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Postma, D.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2017), Airway inflammation in COPD after long-term withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids, European Respiratory Journal 49(6).
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; Hacken, N.H.T. ten; Lapperre, T.S.; Timens, W.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Schadewijk, A. van; Vonk, J.M.; Sont, J.K.; Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Postma, D.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2017), Airway inflammation in COPD after long-term withdrawal of inhaled corticosteroids, European Respiratory Journal 49(1).
- Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Kleijn, S. de; Oeveren-Rietdijk, A.M. van; Plomp, J.J.; Boer, H.C. de; Pel, M. van; Rensen, P.C.N.; Berbee, J.F.P. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2017), Acute and chronic effects of treatment with mesenchymal stromal cells on LPS-induced pulmonary inflammation, emphysema and atherosclerosis development, PLoS ONE 12(9).
- Turk, Y.; Theel, W.; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Franssen, F.M.E.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rudolphus, A.; Taube, C. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2017), High intensity training in obesity: a Meta-analysis, Obesity Science and Practice 3(3): 258-271.
- Bonten, T.N.; Kasteleyn, M.J.; Mutsert, R. de; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rosendaal, F.R.; Chavannes, N.H.; Slats, A.M. & Taube, C. (2017), Defining asthma-COPD overlap syndrome: a population-based study, European Respiratory Journal 49(5).
- Zarcone, M.C.; Schadewijk, A. van; Duistermaat, E.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Kooter, I.M. (2017), Diesel exhaust alters the response of cultured primary bronchial epithelial cells from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae, Respiratory Research 18.
- Amatngalim, G.D.; Schrumpf, J.A.; Henic, A.; Dronkers, E.; Verhoosel, R.M.; Ordonez, S.R.; Haagsman, H.P.; Fuentes, M.E.; Sridhar, S.; Aarbiou, J.; Janssen, R.A.J.; Lekkerkerker, A.N. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2017), Antibacterial Defense of Human Airway Epithelial Cells from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients Induced by Acute Exposure to Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae: Modulation by Cigarette Smoke, Journal of Innate Immunity 9(4): 359-374.
- Boei, J.J.W.A.; Vermeulen, S.; Klein, B.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Verhoosel, R.M.; Jennen, D.G.J.; Lahoz, A.; Gmuender, H. & Vrieling, H. (2017), Xenobiotic metabolism in differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells, Archives of Toxicology 91(5): 2093-2105.
- Mertens, T.C.J.; Karmouty-Quintana, H.; Taube, C. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2017), Use of airway epithelial cell culture to unravel the pathogenesis and study treatment in obstructive airway diseases, Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 45: 101-113.
- Turk, Y.; Huisstede, A. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Taube, C. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2017), Pre-surgical Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Asthma Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery.
- Mertens, T.C.J.; Does, A.M. van der; Kistemaker, L.E.; Ninaber, D.K.; Taube, C. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2017), Cigarette smoke differentially affects IL-13-induced gene expression in human airway epithelial cells, Physiological Reports 5(13).
- Schrumpf, J.A.; Amatngalim, G.D.; Veldkamp, J.B.; Verhoosel, R.M.; Ninaber, D.K.; Ordonez, S.R.; Does, A.M. van der; Haagsman, H.P. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2017), Proinflammatory Cytokines Impair Vitamin D- Induced Host Defense in Cultured Airway Epithelial Cells, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 56(6): 749-761.
- Hoeke, G.; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Diepen, J.A. van; Pike-Overzet, K.; Ven, B. van de; Vazirpanah, N.; Mol, I.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Staal, F.J.T.; Stienstra, R.; Netea, M.G.; Dinarello, C.A.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Berbee, J.F.P. (2017), The Effects of Selective Hematopoietic Expression of Human IL-37 on Systemic Inflammation and Atherosclerosis in LDLr-Deficient Mice, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 18(8).
- John-Schuster, G.; Kleijn, S. de; Wijck, Y. van; Kremer, V.; Smits, H.H.; Pieper, M.P.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Taube, C. (2017), The effect of tiotropium in combination with olodaterol on house dust mite-induced allergic airway disease, Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 45: 210-217.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Does, A.M. van der (2017), Reprogramming of cellular metabolism: driver for airway remodelling in COPD?, European Respiratory Journal 50(5).
- Kasteleyn, M.J.; Bonten, T.N.; Mutsert, R. de; Thijs, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Cessie, S. le; Rosendaal, F.R.; Chavannes, N.H. & Taube, C. (2017), Pulmonary function, exhaled nitric oxide and symptoms in asthma patients with obesity: a cross-sectional study, Respiratory Research 18.
- Turk, Y.; Huisstede, A. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Taube, C. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2017), Pre-surgical Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Asthma Patients Undergoing Bariatric Surgery, Obesity Surgery 27(11): 3055-3060.
- Conickx, G.; Cobos, F.A.; Berge, M. van den; Faiz, A.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Joos, G.F.; Brusselle, G.G.; Mestdagh, P. & Bracke, K.R. (2017), microRNA profiling in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage of cigarette smoke-exposed mice and in COPD patients: a translational approach, Scientific Reports 7.
- Ricciardolo, F.L.M.; Petecchia, L.; Sorbello, V.; Stefano, A.; Usai, C.; Massaglia, G.M.; Gnemmi, I.; Mognetti, B.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J. & Sabatini, F. (2016), Bradykinin B2 receptor expression in the bronchial mucosa of allergic asthmatics: the role of NF-kB, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 46(3): 428-438.
- Amatngalim, G.D.; Broekman, W.; Daniel, N.M.; Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Schadewijk, A. van; Taube, C. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), Cigarette Smoke Modulates Repair and Innate Immunity following Injury to Airway Epithelial Cells, PLoS ONE 11(11).
- Tasena, H.; Berge, M. van den; Faiz, A.; Postma, D.S.; Timens, W.; Hylkema, M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Heijink, I.H. & Brandsma, C.A. (2016), Identification Of Micrornas That Potentially Regulate Chronic Mucus Hypersecretion In COPD, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 193.
- Taube, C. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), IL-13 and the Airway Epithelium It Is All in the Genes, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 193(4): 347-348.
- Faiz, A.; Postma, D.S.; Koppelman, G.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Timens, W.; Steiling, K.; Spira, A.; Heijink, I.H. & Berge, M. van den (2016), Inducible Expression Quantitative Trait Loci: A Novel Method To Identifying Genetic Variants Associated With Corticosteroid Responsiveness In COPD, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 193.
- Leuenberger, C.; Schuoler, C.; Bye, H.; Mignan, C.; Rechsteiner, T.; Hillinger, S.; Opitz, I.; Marsland, B.; Faiz, A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Camici, G.G.; Kohler, M.; Huber, L.C. & Brock, M. (2016), MicroRNA-223 controls the expression of histone deacetylase 2: a novel axis in COPD, Journal of Molecular Medicine 94(6): 725-734.
- Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Berbee, J.F.P. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), Murine models of cardiovascular comorbidity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 310(11): L1011-L1027.
- Brook, M.; Tomlinson, G.H.; Miles, K.; Smith, R.W.P.; Rossi, A.G.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Wout, E.F.A. van 't; Dean, J.L.E.; Gray, N.K.; Lu, W.Y. & Gray, M. (2016), Neutrophil-derived alpha defensins control inflammation by inhibiting macrophage mRNA translation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(16): 4350-4355.
- Schilders, K.A.A.; Eenjes, E.; Riet, S. van; Poot, A.A.; Stamatialis, D.; Truckenmuller, R.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Rottier, R.J. (2016), Regeneration of the lung: Lung stem cells and the development of lung mimicking devices, Respiratory Research 17.
- Yazdi, M.T.; Schinkelshoek, M.S.; Loof, N.M.; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Welters, M.J.P. & Burg, S.H. van der (2016), Standard radiotherapy but not chemotherapy impairs systemic immunity in non-small cell lung cancer, OncoImmunology 5(12).
- Postma, D.S.; Wijkstra, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Melgert, B.N.; Braunstahl, G.J.; Hylkema, M.N. & Sterk, P.J. (2016), The Dutch National Program for Respiratory Research, Lancet Respiratory Medicine 4(5): 356-+.
- Haisma, E.M.; Goblyos, A.; Ravensbergen, B.; Adriaans, A.E.; Cordfunke, R.A.; Schrumpf, J.; Limpens, R.W.A.L.; Schimmel, K.J.M.; Hartigh, J. den; Hiemstra, P.S.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Ghalbzouri, A. el & Nibbering, P.H. (2016), Antimicrobial Peptide P60.4Ac-Containing Creams and Gel for Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Cultured Skin and Airway Epithelial Surfaces, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 60(7): 4063-4072.
- Stolk, J.; Broekman, W.; Mauad, T.; Zwaginga, J.J.; Roelofs, H.; Fibbe, W.E.; Oostendorp, J.; Bajema, I.; Versteegh, M.I.M.; Taube, C. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), A phase I study for intravenous autologous mesenchymal stromal cell administration to patients with severe emphysema, QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 109(5): 331-336.
- Otter, I. den; Willems, L.N.A.; Schadewijk, A. van; Wijngaarden, S. van; Janssen, K.; Jeu, R.C. de; Sont, J.K.; Sterk, P.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), Lung function decline in asthma patients with elevated bronchial CD8, CD4 and CD3 cells, European Respiratory Journal 48(2): 393-402.
- Smits, H.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Costa, C.P. da; Ege, M.; Edwards, M.; Garn, H.; Howarth, P.H.; Jartti, T.; Jong, E.C. de; Maizels, R.M.; Marsland, B.J.; McSorley, H.J.; Muller, A.; Pfefferle, P.I.; Savelkoul, H.; Schwarze, J.; Unger, W.W.J.; Mutius, E. von; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Taube, C. (2016), Microbes and asthma: Opportunities for intervention, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 137(3): 690-697.
- (2016), Functional characterisation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells from COPD patients, European Respiratory Journal Open Research 2(2).
- Hiemstra, P.S.; Amatngalim, G.D.; Does, A.M. van der & Taube, C. (2016), Antimicrobial Peptides and Innate Lung Defenses Role in Infectious and Noninfectious Lung Diseases and Therapeutic Applications, Chest 149(2): 545-551.
- Tkacova, R.; Dai, D.; Vonk, J.M.; Leung, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Berge, M. van den; Kunz, L.; Hollander, Z.; Tashkin, D.P.; Wise, R.A.; Connett, J.E.; Ng, R.T.; McManus, B.M.; Man, S.; Postma, D.S. & Sin, D.D. (2016), Airway Hyperresponsiveness In COPD: A Marker Of Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome?, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 193.
- Verheul, M.K.; Erp, S.J.H. van; Woude, D. van der; Levarht, E.W.N.; Mallat, M.J.K.; Verspaget, H.W.; Stolk, J.; Toes, R.E.M.; Meulen-de Jong, A.E. van der; Hiemstra, P.S.; Kooten, C. van & Trouw, L.A. (2016), Anti-carbamylated protein antibodies: a specific hallmark for rheumatoid arthritis. Comparison to conditions known for enhanced carbamylation; renal failure, smoking and chronic inflammation.
- Smits, H.H.; Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Mutius, E. von & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), Childhood allergies and asthma: New insights on environmental exposures and local immunity at the lung barrier, Current Opinion in Immunology 42: 41-47.
- Zarcone, M.C.; Duistermaat, E.; Schadewijk, A. van; Jedynska, A.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Kooter, I.M. (2016), Cellular response of mucociliary differentiated primary bronchial epithelial cells to diesel exhaust, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 311(1): L111-L123.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Bals, R. (2016), Basic science of electronic cigarettes: assessment in cell culture and in vivo models, Respiratory Research 17.
- Mertens, T.C.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Taube, C. (2016), Azithromycin differentially affects the IL-13-induced expression profile in human bronchial epithelial cells, Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 39: 14-20.
- Tkacova, R.; Dai, D.L.Y.; Vonk, J.M.; Leung, J.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Berge, M. van den; Kunz, L.; Hollander, Z.; Tashkin, D.; Wise, R.; Connett, J.; Ng, R.; McManus, B.; Man, S.F.P.; Postma, D.S. & Sin, D.D. (2016), Airway hyperresponsiveness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A marker of asthma-chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap syndrome?, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 138(6): 1571-+.
- Stolarczyk, M.; Amatngalim, G.D.; Yu, X.; Veltman, M.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Scholte, B.J. (2016), ADAM17 and EGFR regulate IL-6 receptor and amphiregulin mRNA expression and release in cigarette smoke-exposed primary bronchial epithelial cells from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Physiological Reports 4(16).
- Pont, M.J.; Honders, M.W.; Kremer, A.N.; Kooten, C. van; Out, C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Boer, H.C. de; Jager, M.J.; Schmelzer, E.; Vries, R.G.; Hinai, A.S. al; Kroes, W.G.; Monajemi, R.; Goeman, J.J.; Bohringer, S.; Marijt, W.A.F.; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Griffioen, M. (2016), Microarray Gene Expression Analysis to Evaluate Cell Type Specific Expression of Targets Relevant for Immunotherapy of Hematological Malignancies, PLoS ONE 11(5).
- Stolarczyk, M.; Amatngalim, G.D.; Yu, X.; Veltman, M.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Scholte, B.J. (2016), ADAM17 and EGFR regulate IL-6 receptor and amphiregulin mRNA expression and release in cigarette smoke-exposed primary bronchial epithelial cells from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Physiological Reports 4(16).
- Breij, A. de; Karnaoukh, T.G.; Schrumpf, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Nibbering, P.H.; Dissel, J.T. van & Visser, P.C. de (2016), The licorice pentacyclic triterpenoid component 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid enhances the activity of antibiotics against strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 35(4): 555-562.
- Yazdi, M.T.; Riet, S. van; Schadewijk, A. van; Fiocco, M.; Hall, T. van; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Burg, S.H. van der (2016), The positive prognostic effect of stromal CD8+tumor-infiltrating T cells is restrained by the expression of HLA-E in non-small cell lung carcinoma, Oncotarget 7(3): 3467-3478.
- Broekman, W.; Amatngalim, G.D.; Mooij-Eijk, Y. de; Oostendorp, J.; Roelofs, H.; Taube, C.; Stolk, J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2016), TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta-activated human mesenchymal stromal cells increase airway epithelial wound healing in vitro via activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor, Respiratory Research 17.
- Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Lapperre, T.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Thiadens, H.A.; Boezen, H.M.; Hacken, N.H.T. ten; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Postma, D.S.; Timens, W.; Sont, J.K. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2015), Prediction of Long-Term Benefits of Inhaled Steroids by Phenotypic Markers in Moderate-to-Severe COPD: A Randomized Controlled Trial, PLoS ONE 10(12).
- Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Hoeke, G.; Kooijman, S.; Dijk, W.; Buijs, J.T.; Kersten, S.; Havekes, L.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Boon, M.R. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2015), Brown adipose tissue takes up plasma triglycerides mostly after lipolysis, Journal of Lipid Research 56(1): 51-59.
- Amatngalim, G.D.; Wijck, Y. van; Mooij-Eijk, Y. de; Verhoosel, R.M.; Harder, J.; Lekkerkerker, A.N.; Janssen, R.A.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Basal Cells Contribute to Innate Immunity of the Airway Epithelium through Production of the Antimicrobial Protein RNase 7, Journal of Immunology 194(7): 3340-3350.
- Christenson, S.A.; Steiling, K.; Berge, M. van den; Hijazi, K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Postma, D.S.; Lenburg, M.E.; Spira, A. & Woodruff, P.G. (2015), Asthma-COPD Overlap, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 191(7): 758-766.
- Wagenaar, G.T.M.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Gosens, R. (2015), Therapeutic potential of soluble guanylate cyclase modulators in neonatal chronic lung disease, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 309(10): L1037-L1040.
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; Postma, D.S.; Klooster, K.; Lapperre, T.S.; Vonk, J.M.; Sont, J.K.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2015), Relapse in FEV1 Decline After Steroid Withdrawal in COPD, Chest 148(2): 389-396.
- Rafiq, R.; Aleva, F.E.; Schrumpf, J.A.; Heijdra, Y.F.; Taube, C.; Daniels, J.M.A.; Lips, P.; Bet, P.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ven, A.J.A.M. van der; Heijer, M. den & Jongh, R.T. de (2015), Prevention of exacerbations in patients with COPD and vitamin D deficiency through vitamin D supplementation (PRECOVID): a study protocol, BMC Pulmonary Medicine 15.
- Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Parallel activities and interactions between antimicrobial peptides and complement in host defense at the airway epithelial surface, Molecular Immunology 68(1): 28-30.
- Yazdi, M.T.; Loof, N.M.; Franken, K.L.M.C.; Taube, C.; Oostendorp, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Welters, M.J.P. & Burg, S.H. van der (2015), Local and systemic XAGE-1b-specific immunity in patients with lung adenocarcinoma, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 64(9): 1109-1121.
- Hansel, N.N.; Pare, P.D.; Rafaels, N.; Sin, D.D.; Sandford, A.; Daley, D.; Vergara, C.; Huang, L.L.; Elliott, W.M.; Pascoe, C.D.; Arsenault, B.A.; Postma, D.S.; Boezen, H.M.; Bosse, Y.; Berge, M. van den; Hiemstra, P.S.; Cho, M.H.; Litonjua, A.A.; Sparrow, D.; Ober, C.; Wise, R.A.; Connett, J.; Neptune, E.R.; Beaty, T.H.; Ruczinski, I.; Mathias, R.A.; Barnes, K.C. & Lung Hlth Study (2015), Genome-Wide Association Study Identification of Novel Loci Associated with Airway Responsiveness in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 53(2): 226-234.
- Kraaijeveld, K.; Weger, L.A. de; Garcia, M.V.; Buermans, H.; Frank, J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Dunnen, J.T. den (2015), Efficient and sensitive identification and quantification of airborne pollen using next-generation DNA sequencing, Molecular Ecology Resources 15(1): 8-16.
- van't Wout, E.F.A.; Schadewijk, A. van; Lomas, D.A.; Stolk, J.; Marciniak, S.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Function of monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages in alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency, European Respiratory Journal 45(2): 365-376.
- Annoni, R.; Silva, L.F.F.; Nussbaumer-Ochsner, Y.; Schadewijk, A. van; Manad, T.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Rabe, K.F. (2015), Increased expression of granzymes A and B in fatal asthma, European Respiratory Journal 45(5): 1485-1488.
- Kistemaker, L.E.M.; Os, R.P. van; Dethmers-Ausema, A.; Bos, I.S.T.; Hylkema, M.N.; Berge, M. van den; Hiemstra, P.S.; Wess, J.; Meurs, H.; Kerstjens, H.A.M. & Gosens, R. (2015), Muscarinic M-3 receptors on structural cells regulate cigarette smoke-induced neutrophilic airway inflammation in mice, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 308(1): L96-L103.
- Dijkstra, A.E.; Postma, D.S.; Ginneken, B. van; Wielputz, M.O.; Schmidt, M.; Becker, N.; Owsijewitsch, M.; Kauczor, H.U.; Koning, H.J. de; Lammers, J.W.; Oudkerk, M.; Brandsma, C.A.; Bosse, Y.; Nickle, D.C.; Sin, D.D.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Wijmenga, C.; Smolonska, J.; Zanen, P.; Vonk, J.M.; Berge, M. van den; Boezen, H.M. & Groen, H.J.M. (2015), Novel Genes for Airway Wall Thickness Identified with Combined Genome-Wide Association and Expression Analyses, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 191(5): 547-556.
- Hiemstra, P.S.; McCray, P.B. & Bals, R. (2015), The innate immune function of airway epithelial cells in inflammatory lung disease, European Respiratory Journal 45(4): 1150-1162.
- Faiz, A.; Postma, D.S.; Steiling, K.; Spira, A.; Lenburg, M.; Koppelman, G.H.; Liu, G.; Alekseyev, Y.O.; Hiemstra, P.; Sterk, P.J.; Timens, W.; Brandsma, C.; Heijink, I.H. & Berge, M. van den (2015), Effect Of Long Term Corticosteroid Treatment On Microrna And Gene Expression Profiles In Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Transcriptomics Of The Glucold Study, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 191.
- Christenson, S.A.; Steiling, K.; Berge, M. van den; Hijazi, K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Postma, D.S.; Lenburg, M.E. & Woodruff, P.G. (2015), GENOMIC SIGNATURES OF TYPE-2 INFLAMMATION IN COPD, Respirology 20: 2-2.
- Kleijn, S. de; Wijck, Y. van; Kremer, V.; Smits, H.; Pieper, M.; Hiemstra, P. & Taube, C. (2015), Tiotropium Inhibits Airway Inflammation And Goblet Cell Metaplasia In A House Dust Mite (hdm)-Induced Rechallenge Model Of Allergic Airway Disease, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 191.
- Kistemaker, L.E.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Bos, I.S.T.; Bouwman, S.; Berge, M. van den; Hylkema, M.N.; Meurs, H.; Kerstjens, H.A.M. & Gosens, R. (2015), Tiotropium attenuates IL-13-induced goblet cell metaplasia of human airway epithelial cells, Thorax 70(7): 668-676.
- Wout, E.F.A. van 't; Schadewijk, A. van; Boxtel, R. van; Dalton, L.E.; Clarke, H.J.; Tommassen, J.; Marciniak, S.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Virulence Factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Induce Both the Unfolded Protein and Integrated Stress Responses in Airway Epithelial Cells, PLoS Pathogens 11(6).
- Groot, J.C. de; Roon, E.N.H. van; Storm, H.; Veeger, N.J.G.M.; Zwinderman, A.H.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Bel, E.H.D. & Brinke, A. ten (2015), Vitamin D reduces eosinophilic airway inflammation in nonatopic asthma, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 135(3): 670-U133.
- Thijs, W.; Janssen, K.; Schadewijk, A.M. van; Papapoulos, S.E.; Cessie, S. le; Middeldorp, S.; Melissant, C.F.; Rabe, K.F. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Nasal Levels of Antimicrobial Peptides in Allergic Asthma Patients and Healthy Controls: Differences and Effect of a Short 1,25(OH)(2) Vitamin D3 Treatment, PLoS ONE 10(11).
- Nussbaumer-Ochsner, Y.; Stolk, J.; Silva, L.F.F. da; Schadewijk, A. van; Jeu, R.C. de; Prins, F.A.; Mauad, T.; Rabe, K.F. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Association of Lung Inflammatory Cells with Small Airways Function and Exhaled Breath Markers in Smokers - Is There a Specific Role for Mast Cells?, PLoS ONE 10(6).
- Persson, L.J.P.; Aanerud, M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Michelsen, A.E.; Ueland, T.; Hardie, J.A.; Aukrust, P.; Bakke, P.S. & Eagan, T.M.L. (2015), Vitamin D, Vitamin D Binding Protein, and Longitudinal Outcomes in COPD, PLoS ONE 10(3).
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; van't Wout, E.F.A.; Schadewijk, A. van; Postma, D.S.; Kerstjens, H.A.M.; Sterk, P.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2015), Regulation of YKL-40 expression by corticosteroids: effect on pro-inflammatory macrophages in vitro and its modulation in COPD in vivo, Respiratory Research 16.
- Thijs, W.; Hiemstra, P.; Mutsert, R. de; Taube, C. & Rosendaal, F.R. (2015), No Association Between Visceral Fat And Exhaled Nitric Oxide In A Population Based Cohort.
- Huisstede, A. van; Rudolphus, A.; Cabezas, M.C.; Biter, L.U.; Geijn, G.J. van de; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2015), Effect of bariatric surgery on asthma control, lung function and bronchial and systemic inflammation in morbidly obese subjects with asthma, Thorax 70(7): 659-667.
- Dijkstra, A.E.; Boezen, H.M.; Berge, M. van den; Vonk, J.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Barr, R.G.; Burkart, K.M.; Manichaikul, A.; Pottinger, T.D.; Silverman, E.K.; Cho, M.H.; Crapo, J.D.; Beaty, T.H.; Bakke, P.; Gulsvik, A.; Lomas, D.A.; Bosse, Y.; Nickle, D.C.; Pare, P.D.; Koning, H.J. de; Lammers, J.W.; Zanen, P.; Smolonska, J.; Wijmenga, C.; Brandsma, C.A.; Groen, H.J.M.; Postma, D.S. & Life Lines Cohort Study Grp (2015), Dissecting the genetics of chronic mucus hypersecretion in smokers with and without COPD, European Respiratory Journal 45(1): 60-75.
- Berbee, J.F.P.; Boon, M.R.; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Bartelt, A.; Schlein, C.; Worthmann, A.; Kooijman, S.; Hoeke, G.; Mol, I.M.; John, C.; Jung, C.; Vazirpanah, N.; Brouwers, L.P.J.; Gordts, P.L.S.M.; Esko, J.D.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Havekes, L.M.; Scheja, L.; Heeren, J. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2015), Brown fat activation reduces hypercholesterolaemia and protects from atherosclerosis development, Nature Communications 6.
- Wout, E.F.A. van 't; Hiemstra, P.S. & Marciniak, S.J. (2014), The Integrated Stress Response in Lung Disease, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 50(6): 1005-1009.
- Dijkstra, A.E.; Smolonska, J.; Berge, M. van den; Wijmenga, C.; Zanen, P.; Luinge, M.A.; Platteel, M.; Lammers, J.W.; Dahlback, M.; Tosh, K.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Spira, A.; Vestbo, J.; Nordestgaard, B.G.; Benn, M.; Nielsen, S.F.; Dahl, M.; Verschuren, W.M.; Picavet, H.S.J.; Smit, H.A.; Owsijewitsch, M.; Kauczor, H.U.; Koning, H.J. de; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, E.; Mejza, F.; Nastalek, P.; Diemen, C.C. van; Cho, M.H.; Silverman, E.K.; Crapo, J.D.; Beaty, T.H.; Lomas, D.A.; Bakke, P.; Gulsvik, A.; Bosse, Y.; Obeidat, M.A.; Loth, D.W.; Lahousse, L.; Rivadeneira, F.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Hofman, A.; Stricker, B.H.; Brusselle, G.G.; Duijn, C. van; Brouwer, U.; Koppelman, G.H.; Vonk, J.M.; Nawijn, M.C.; Groen, H.J.M.; Timens, W.; Boezen, H.M.; Postma, D.S. & LifeLines Cohort Study (2014), Susceptibility to Chronic Mucus Hypersecretion, a Genome Wide Association Study, PLoS ONE 9(4).
- Hoonhorst, S.J.M.; Hacken, N.H.T. ten; Vonk, J.M.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Lapperre, T.S.; Sterk, P.J. & Postma, D.S. (2014), Steroid Resistance in COPD? Overlap and Differential Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Smokers and Ex-Smokers, PLoS ONE 9(2).
- Weger, L.A. de; Hiemstra, P.S.; Buysch, E. op den & Vliet, A.J.H. van (2014), Spatiotemporal monitoring of allergic rhinitis symptoms in the Netherlands using citizen science, Allergy 69(8): 1085-1091.
- Verhamme, F.M.; Bracke, K.R.; Amatngalim, G.D.; Verleden, G.M.; Pottelberge, G.R. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Joos, G.F. & Brusselle, G.G. (2014), Role of activin-A in cigarette smoke-induced inflammation and COPD, European Respiratory Journal 43(4): 1028-1041.
- Kistemaker, L.E.M.; Bos, S.T.; Mudde, W.M.; Hylkema, M.N.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Wess, J.; Meurs, H.; Kerstjens, H.A.M. & Gosens, R. (2014), Muscarinic M-3 Receptors Contribute to Allergen-Induced Airway Remodeling in Mice, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 50(4): 690-698.
- Haisma, E.M.; Breij, A. de; Chan, H.; Dissel, J.T. van; Drijfhout, J.W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Ghalbzouri, A. el & Nibbering, P.H. (2014), LL-37-Derived Peptides Eradicate Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from Thermally Wounded Human Skin Equivalents, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 58(8): 4411-4419.
- Eick, S.; Puklo, M.; Adamowicz, K.; Kantyka, T.; Hiemstra, P.; Stennicke, H.; Guentsch, A.; Schacher, B.; Eickholz, P. & Potempa, J. (2014), Lack of cathelicidin processing in Papillon-Lefevre syndrome patients reveals essential role of LL-37 in periodontal homeostasis, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 9.
- Wout, E.F. van 't; Dickens, J.A.; Schadewijk, A. van; Haq, I.; Kwok, H.F.; Ordonez, A.; Murphy, G.; Stolk, J.; Lomas, D.A.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Marciniak, S.J. (2014), Increased ERK signalling promotes inflammatory signalling in primary airway epithelial cells expressing Z alpha(1)-antitrypsin, Human Molecular Genetics 23(4): 929-941.
- Loth, D.W.; Artigas, M.S.; Gharib, S.A.; Wain, L.V.; Franceschini, N.; Koch, B.; Pottinger, T.D.; Smith, A.V.; Duan, Q.; Oldmeadow, C.; Lee, M.K.; Strachan, D.P.; James, A.L.; Huffman, J.E.; Vitart, V.; Ramasamy, A.; Wareham, N.J.; Kaprio, J.; Wang, X.Q.; Trochet, H.; Kahonen, M.; Flexeder, C.; Albrecht, E.; Lopez, L.M.; Jong, K. de; Thyagarajan, B.; Alves, A.C.; Enroth, S.; Omenaas, E.; Joshi, P.K.; Fall, T.; Vinuela, A.; Launer, L.J.; Loehr, L.R.; Fornage, M.; Li, G.; Wik, J.B.; Tang, W.B.; Manichaikul, A.; Lahousse, L.; Harris, T.B.; North, K.E.; Rudnicka, A.R.; Hui, J.; Gu, X.J.; Lumley, T.; Wright, A.F.; Hastie, N.D.; Campbell, S.; Kumar, R.; Pin, I.; Scott, R.A.; Pietilainen, K.H.; Surakka, I.; Liu, Y.M.; Holliday, E.G.; Schulz, H.; Heinrich, J.; Davies, G.; Vonk, J.M.; Wojczynski, M.; Pouta, A.; Johansson, A.; Wild, S.H.; Ingelsson, E.; Rivadeneira, F.; Vozke, H.; Hysi, P.G.; Eiriksdottir, G.; Morrison, A.C.; Rotter, J.I.; Gao, W.; Postma, D.S.; White, W.B.; Rich, S.S.; Hofman, A.; Aspelund, T.; Couper, D.; Smith, L.J.; Psaty, B.M.; Lohman, K.; Burchard, E.G.; Uitterlinden, A.G.; Garcia, M.; Joubert, B.R.; McArdle, W.L.; Musk, A.B.; Hansel, N.; Heckbert, S.R.; Zgaga, L.; Meurs, J.B.J. van; Navarro, P.; Rudan, I.; Oh, Y.M.; Redline, S.; Jarvis, D.L.; Zhao, J.H.; Rantanen, T.; O'Connor, G.T.; Ripatti, S.; Scott, R.J.; Karrasch, S.; Grallert, H.; Gaddis, N.C.; Starr, J.M.; Wijmenga, C.; Minster, R.L.; Lederer, D.J.; Pekkanen, J.; Gyllensten, U.; Campbe, H.; Morris, A.P.; Glaser, S.; Hammond, C.J.; Burkart, K.M.; Beilby, J.; Kritchevsky, S.B.; Gucinason, V.; Hancock, D.B.; Williams, D.; Polasek, O.; Zemunik, T.; Kolcic, I.; Petrini, M.F.; Wjst, M.; Kim, W.J.; Porteous, D.J.; Scotland, G.; Smith, B.H.; Villanen, A.; Heliovaara, M.; Attia, J.R.; Sayers, I.; Hampel, R.; Gieger, C.; Deary, I.J.; Boezen, H.M.; Newman, A.; Jarvelin, M.R.; Wilson, J.F.; Lind, L.; Stricker, B.H.; Teumer, A.; Spector, T.D.; Melen, E.; Peters, M.J.; Lange, L.A.; Barr, R.G.; Bracke, K.R.; Verhamme, F.M.; Sung, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Cassano, P.A.; Sood, A.; Hayward, C.; Dupuis, J.; Hall, I.P.; Brusselle, G.G.; Tobin, M.D. & London, S.J. (2014), Genome-wide association analysis identifies six new loci associated with forced vital capacity, Nature Genetics 46(7): 669-677.
- Weger, L.A. de; Beerthuizen, T.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Sont, J.K. (2014), Development and validation of a 5-day-ahead hay fever forecast for patients with grass-pollen-induced allergic rhinitis, International Journal of Biometeorology 58(6): 1047-1055.
- Hiemstra, P.S. & Bourdin, A. (2014), Club cells, CC10 and self-control at the epithelial surface, European Respiratory Journal 44(4): 831-832.
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Mlejnek, E.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Bonas, M.J.; Dijksman, T.R.; Labuda, L.A.; Schot, R.; Guigas, B.; Moller, G.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2014), CD24 (hi) CD27 (+) B cells from patients with allergic asthma have impaired regulatory activity in response to lipopolysaccharide, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 44(4): 517-528.
- Huisstede, A. van; Rudolphus, A.; Schadewijk, A. van; Cabezas, M.C.; Mannaerts, G.H.H.; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2014), Bronchial and Systemic Inflammation in Morbidly Obese Subjects with Asthma: A Biopsy Study, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 190(8): 951-954.
- Thijs, W.; Dehnavi, R.A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Roos, A. de; Melissant, C.F.; Janssen, K.; Tamsma, J.T. & Rabe, K.F. (2014), Association of lung function measurements and visceral fat in men with metabolic syndrome, Respiratory Medicine 108(2): 351-357.
- Berge, M. van den; Steiling, K.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Heijink, I.H.; Liu, G.; Alekseyev, Y.O.; Lenburg, M.E.; Spira, A. & Postma, D.S. (2014), Airway gene expression in COPD is dynamic with inhaled corticosteroid treatment and reflects biological pathways associated with disease activity, Thorax 69(1): 14-23.
- Yazdi, M.T.; Keene, K.R.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Burg, S.H. van der (2014), Recent progress in peptide vaccination in cancer with a focus on non-small-cell lung cancer, Expert Review of Vaccines 13(1): 87-116.
- Kupczyk, M.; Haque, S.; Sterk, P.J.; Nizankowska-Mogilnicka, E.; Papi, A.; Bel, E.H.; Chanez, P.; Dahlen, B.; Gaga, M.; Gjomarkaj, M.; Howarth, P.H.; Johnston, S.L.; Joos, G.F.; Kanniess, F.; Tzortzaki, E.; James, A.; Middelveld, R.J.M.; Dahlen, S.E. & BIOAIR Investigators (2013), Detection of exacerbations in asthma based on electronic diary data: results from the 1-year prospective BIOAIR study, Thorax 68(7): 611-618.
- (2013), Antimicrobial peptides and innate immunity.
- Lima, T.M. de; Kazama, C.M.; Koczulla, A.R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Macchione, M.; Fernandes, A.L.G.; Santos, U.D.; Bueno-Garcia, M.L.; Zanetta, D.M.; Andre, C.D.S. de; Saldiva, P.H.N. & Nakagawa, N.K. (2013), pH in exhaled breath condensate and nasal lavage as a biomarker of air pollution-related inflammation in street traffic-controllers and office-workers, Clinics 68(12): 1488-1494.
- Reinius, L.E.; Gref, A.; Saaf, A.; Acevedo, N.; Joerink, M.; Kupczyk, M.; D'Amato, M.; Bergstrom, A.; Melen, E.; Scheynius, A.; Dahlen, S.E.; Pershagen, G.; Soderhall, C.; Kere, J. & BIOAIR Study Grp (2013), DNA Methylation in the Neuropeptide S Receptor 1 (NPSR1) Promoter in Relation to Asthma and Environmental Factors, PLoS ONE 8(1).
- Gast, K.B.; Smit, J.W.A.; Heijer, M. den; Middeldorp, S.; Rippe, R.C.A.; Cessie, S. le; Koning, E.J.P. de; Jukema, J.W.; Rabelink, T.J.; Roos, A. de; Rosendaal, F.R.; Mutsert, R. de & NEO Study Grp (2013), Abdominal adiposity largely explains associations between insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and subclinical atherosclerosis: The NEO study, Atherosclerosis 229(2): 423-429.
- Huisstede, A. van; Cabezas, M.C.; Geijn, G.J.M. van de; Mannaerts, G.H.; Njo, T.L.; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2013), Underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis of asthma in the morbidly obese.
- Veer, E.P. van der; Bruin, R.G. de; Kraaijeveld, A.O.; Vries, M.R. de; Bot, I.; Pera, T.; Segers, F.M.; Trompet, S.; Gils, J.M. van; Roeten, M.K.; Beckers, C.M.; Santbrink, P.J. van; Janssen, A.; Solingen, C. van; Swildens, J.; Boer, H.C. de; Peters, E.A.; Bijkerk, R.; Rousch, M.; Doop, M.; Kuiper, J.; Schalij, M.J.; Wal, A.C. van der; Richard, S.; Berkel, T.J.C. van; Pickering, J.G.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Goumans, M.J.; Rabelink, T.J.; Vries, A.A.F. de; Quax, P.H.A.; Jukema, J.W.; Biessen, E.A.L. & Zonneveld, A.J. van (2013), Quaking, an RNA-Binding Protein, Is a Critical Regulator of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype, Circulation Research 113(9): 1065-1075.
- Kistemaker, L.E.M.; Bos, I.S.T.; Hylkema, M.N.; Nawijn, M.C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Wess, J.; Meurs, H.; Kerstjens, H.A.M. & Gosens, R. (2013), Muscarinic receptor subtype-specific effects on cigarette smoke-induced inflammation in mice, European Respiratory Journal 42(6): 1677-1688.
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; Strebus, J.; Budulac, S.E.; Lapperre, T.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Postma, D.S.; Mauad, T.; Timens, W.; Hiemstra, P.S. & GLUCOLD Groningen Leiden Univ (2013), Inhaled Steroids Modulate Extracellular Matrix Composition in Bronchial Biopsies of COPD Patients: A Randomized, Controlled Trial, PLoS ONE 8(5).
- Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Wong, M.C.; Wagenaar, G.T.M.; Plomp, J.J.; Eck, M. van; Havekes, L.M.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Berbee, J.F.P. (2013), The Effect of PPE-Induced Emphysema and Chronic LPS-Induced Pulmonary Inflammation on Atherosclerosis Development in APOE*3-LEIDEN Mice, PLoS ONE 8(11).
- Berbee, J.F.P.; Wong, M.C.; Wang, Y.N.; Hoorn, J.W.A. van der; Khedoe, P.P.S.J.; Klinken, J.B. van; Mol, I.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Tsikas, D.; Romijn, J.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Princen, H.M.G. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2013), Resveratrol protects against atherosclerosis, but does not add to the antiatherogenic effect of atorvastatin, in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP mice, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 24(8): 1423-1430.
- Smith, M.E.; Bozinovski, S.; Malmhall, C.; Sjostrand, M.; Glader, P.; Venge, P.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Anderson, G.P.; Linden, A. & Qvarfordt, I. (2013), Increase in Net Activity of Serine Proteinases but Not Gelatinases after Local Endotoxin Exposure in the Peripheral Airways of Healthy Subjects, PLoS ONE 8(9).
- Santos, A.B.G. dos; Binoki, D.; Silva, L.F.F.; Araujo, B.B. de; Otter, I. den; Annoni, R.; Tsokos, M.; Stein, R.T.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Rabe, K.F.; Debertin, A.; Tschernig, T. & Mauad, T. (2013), Immune cell profile in infants' lung tissue, Annals of Anatomy 195(6): 596-604.
- Goblyos, A.; Schimmel, K.J.M.; Valentijn, A.R.P.M.; Fathers, L.M.; Cordfunke, R.A.; Chan, H.L.; Oostendorp, J.; Nibbering, P.H.; Drijfhout, J.W.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Hartigh, J. den (2013), Development of a Nose Cream Containing the Synthetic Antimicrobial Peptide P60.4Ac for Eradication of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Carriage, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 102(10): 3539-3544.
- Ravensberg, A.J.; Slats, A.M.; Wetering, S. van; Janssen, K.; Wijngaarden, S. van; Jeu, R. de; Rabe, K.F.; Sterk, P.J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2013), CD8(+) T cells characterize early smoking-related airway pathology in patients with asthma, Respiratory Medicine 107(7): 959-966.
- Sabatini, F.; Luppi, F.; Petecchia, L.; Stefano, A. di; Longo, A.M.; Eva, A.; Vanni, C.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Sorbello, V.; Fabbri, L.M.; Rossi, G.A. & Ricciardolo, F.L.M. (2013), Bradykinin-induced asthmatic fibroblast/myofibroblast activities via bradykinin B-2 receptor and different MAPK pathways, European Journal of Pharmacology 710(1-3): 100-109.
- Steiling, K.; Berge, M. van den; Hijazi, K.; Florido, R.; Campbell, J.; Liu, G.; Xiao, J.; Zhang, X.H.; Duclos, G.; Drizik, E.; Si, H.Q.; Perdomo, C.; Dumont, C.; Coxson, H.O.; Alekseyev, Y.O.; Sin, D.; Pare, P.; Hogg, J.C.; McWilliams, A.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Timens, W.; Chang, J.T.; Sebastiani, P.; O'Connor, G.T.; Bild, A.H.; Postma, D.S.; Lam, S.; Spira, A. & Lenburg, M.E. (2013), A Dynamic Bronchial Airway Gene Expression Signature of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Lung Function Impairment, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 187(9): 933-942.
- Huisstede, A. van; Biter, L.U.; Luitwieler, R.; Cabezas, M.C.; Mannaerts, G.; Birnie, E.; Taube, C.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Braunstahl, G.J. (2013), Pulmonary Function Testing and Complications of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Obesity Surgery 23(10): 1596-1603.
- Wong M.C., Diepen J.A. van, Hu L., Guigas B., Boer H.C., Puijvelde G.H. van, Kuiper J., Zonneveld A.J. van, Shoelson S.E., Voshol P.J., Romijn J.A., Havekes L.M., Tamsma J.T., Rensen P.C.N., Hiemstra P.S. & Berbee J.F.P. (2012), Hepatocyte-specific IKK beta expression aggravates atherosclerosis development in APOE*3-Leiden mice, Atherosclerosis 220(2): 362-368.
- Wong M.C., Diepen J.A. van, Hu L., Guigas B., Boer H.C. de, Puijvelde G.H.M. van, Kuiper J., Zonneveld A.J. van, Shoelson S.E., Voshol P.J., Romijn J.A., Havekes L.M., Tamsma J.T., Rensen P.C., Hiemstra P.S. & Berbée J.F. (2012), Hepatocyte-specific IKKβ expression aggravates atherosclerosis development in APOE*3-Leiden mice, Atherosclerosis 220(2): 362-368.
- Schadewijk, A. van; van't Wout, E.F.A.; Stolk, J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2012), A quantitative method for detection of spliced X-box binding protein-1 (XBP1) mRNA as a measure of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress., Cell Stress and Chaperones 17(2): 275-9.
- Wong, M.C.; Diepen, J.A. van; Hu, L.H.; Guigas, B.; Boer, H.C. de; Puijvelde, G.H. van; Kuiper, J.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Shoelson, S.E.; Voshol, P.J.; Romijn, J.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Tamsma, J.T.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Berbee, J.F.P. (2012), Hepatocyte-specific IKKβ expression aggravates atherosclerosis development in APOE*3-Leiden mice.
- Schrumpf, J.A.; Sterkenburg, M.A.J.A. van; Verhoosel, R.M.; Zuyderduyn, S. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2012), Interleukin 13 Exposure Enhances Vitamin D-Mediated Expression of the Human Cathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide 18/LL-37 in Bronchial Epithelial Cells, Infection and Immunity 80(12): 4485-4494.
- Wout, E.F.A. van 't; Schadewijk, A. van; Savage, N.D.L.; Stolk, J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2012), alpha(1)-Antitrypsin Production by Proinflammatory and Antiinflammatory Macrophages and Dendritic Cells, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 46(5): 607-613.
- Persson, L.J.P.; Aanerud, M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Hardie, J.A.; Bakke, P.S. & Eagan, T.M.L. (2012), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Is Associated with Low Levels of Vitamin D, PLoS ONE 7(6): -.
- Ricciardolo, F.L.M.; Stefano, A. di; Silvestri, M.; Schadewijk, A.M. van; Malerba, M.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Sterk, P.J. (2012), EXHALED NITRIC OXIDE IS RELATED TO BRONCHIAL EOSINOPHILIA AND AIRWAY HYPERRESPONSIVENESS TO BRADYKININ IN ALLERGEN-INDUCED ASTHMA EXACERBATION, International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 25(1): 175-182.
- Vlugt, L.E.P.M. van der; Mlejnek, E.; Ozir-Fazalalikhan, A.; Dijksman, T.R.; Labuda, L.A.; Schot, R.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Moller, G.M.; Yazdanbakhsh, M. & Smits, H.H. (2012), Reduced B cell IL-10 in response to LPS in Allergic Asthma patients: an impaired Breg function?, Immunology 137: 459-459.
- Berge, M. van den; Vonk, J.M.; Gosman, M.; Lapperre, T.S.; Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Sterk, P.J.; Kunz, L.I.Z.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Timens, W.; Hacken, N.H.T. ten; Kerstjens, H.A.M. & Postma, D.S. (2012), Clinical and inflammatory determinants of bronchial hyperresponsiveness in COPD.
- Budulac, S.E.; Boezen, H.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Lapperre, T.S.; Vonk, J.M.; Timens, W.; Postma, D.S. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2012), Toll-Like Receptor (TLR2 and TLR4) Polymorphisms and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, PLoS ONE 7(8): -.
- Fumagalli, M.; Ferrari, F.; Luisetti, M.; Stolk, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Capuano, D.; Viglio, S.; Fregonese, L.; Cerveri, I.; Corana, F.; Tinelli, C. & Iadarola, P. (2012), Profiling the Proteome of Exhaled Breath Condensate in Healthy Smokers and COPD Patients by LC-MS/MS., International Journal of Molecular Sciences 13(11): 13894-910.
- Annoni, R.; Lancas, T.; Tanigawa, R.Y.; Matsushita, M.D.; Fernezlian, S.D.; Bruno, A.; Silva, L.F.F. da; Roughley, P.J.; Battaglia, S.; Dolhnikoff, M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Rabe, K.F. & Mauad, T. (2012), Extracellular matrix composition in COPD.
- Wong, M.C.; Diepen, J.A. van; Hu, L.H.; Guigas, B.; Boer, H.C. de; Puijvelde, G.H. van; Kuiper, J.; Zonneveld, A.J. van; Shoelson, S.E.; Voshol, P.J.; Romijn, J.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Tamsma, J.T.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Berbee, J.F.P. (2012), Hepatocyte-specific IKK beta expression aggravates atherosclerosis development in APOE*3-Leiden mice, Atherosclerosis 220(2): 362-368.
- Aarbiou, J.; Copreni, E.; Buijs-Offerman, R.M.; Wegen, P. van der; Castellani, S.; Carbone, A.; Tilesi, F.; Fradiani, P.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Yueksekdag, G.; Diana, A.; Rosenecker, J.; Ascenzioni, F.; Conese, M. & Scholte, B.J. (2012), Lentiviral small hairpin RNA delivery reduces apical sodium channel activity in differentiated human airway epithelial cells.
- Ziegler-Heitbrock, L.; Frankenberger, M.; Heimbeck, I.; Burggraf, D.; Wjst, M.; Haussinger, K.; Brightling, C.; Gupta, S.; Parr, D.; Subramanian, D.; Singh, D.; Kolsum, U.; Boschetto, P.; Potena, A.; Gorecka, D.; Nowinski, A.; Barta, I.; Dome, B.; Strausz, J.; Greulich, T.; Vogelmeier, C.; Bals, R.; Hohlfeld, J.M.; Welte, T.; Venge, P.; Gut, I.; Boland, A.; Olaso, R.; Hager, J.; Hiemstra, P.; Rabe, K.F.; Unmuessig, M.; Muller-Ouernhelm, J. & Prasse, A. (2012), The EvA study: aims and strategy.
- Budulac, S.E.; Postma, D.S.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Lapperre, T.S.; Kunz, L.I.Z.; Vonk, J.M.; Boezen, H.M.; Timens, W. & GLUCOLD Study Grp (2012), Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and lung function decline with or without long-term corticosteroids treatment in COPD, European Journal of Pharmacology 696(1-3): 136-142.
- Wout, E.F.A. van 't; Schadewijk, A. van; Savage, N.D.L.; Stolk, J. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2011), Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Production by Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Macrophages and Dendritic Cells., American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology.
- Zuyderduyn, S.; Ninaber, D.K.; Schrumpf, J.A.; Sterkenburg, M.A.J.A. van; Verhoosel, R.M.; Prins, F.A.; Wetering, S. van; Rabe, K.F. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2011), IL-4 and IL-13 exposure during mucociliary differentiation of bronchial epithelial cells increases antimicrobial activity and expression of antimicrobial peptides, Respiratory Research 12: -.
- Berge, M. van den; Hiemstra, P.S. & Postma, D.S. (2011), Genetics of glucocorticoids in asthma, New England Journal of Medicine 365(25): 2434-5; author reply 2435-6.
- Chappell, S.L.; Daly, L.; Lotya, J.; Alsaegh, A.; Guetta-Baranes, T.; Roca, J.; Rabinovich, R.; Morgan, K.; Millar, A.B.; Donnelly, S.C.; Keatings, V.; MacNee, W.; Stolk, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Miniati, M.; Monti, S.; O'Connor, C.M. & Kalsheker, N. (2011), The role of IREB2 and transforming growth factor beta-1 genetic variants in COPD: a replication case-control study, BMC Medical Genetics 12: -.
- Zuyderduyn, S. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2011), Playing a dirty trick on airway smooth muscle: house dust mite does it again.
- de Weger LA, Beerthuizen T, Gast-Strookman JM, van der Plas DT, Terreehorst I, Hiemstra PS & Sont JK (2011), Difference in symptom severity between early and late grass pollen season in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis., Clinical and Translational Allergy 1(1): 18.
- Vosse, E. van de; Verhard, E.M.; Tool, A.J.T.; Visser, A.W. de; Kuijpers, T.W.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Dissel, J.T. van (2011), Severe congenital neutropenia in a multigenerational family with a novel neutrophil elastase (ELANE) mutation, Annals of Hematology 90(2): 151-158.
- Amir, A.L.; Steen, D.M. van der; Loenen, M.M. van; Hagedoorn, R.S.; Boer, R. de; Kester, M.D.G.; Ru, A.H. de; Lugthart, G.J.; Kooten, C. van; Hiemstra, P.S.; Jedema, I.; Griffioen, M.; Veelen, P.A. van; Falkenburg, J.H.F. & Heemskerk, M.H.M. (2011), PRAME-Specific Allo-HLA-Restricted T Cells with Potent Antitumor Reactivity Useful for Therapeutic T-Cell Receptor Gene Transfer, Clinical Cancer Research 17(17): 5615-5625.
- Berge, M. van den; Hiemstra, P.S. & Postma, D.S. (2011), Genetics of Glucocorticoids in Asthma.
- Kunz, L.I.Z.; Lapperre, T.S.; Snoeck-Stroband, J.B.; Budulac, S.E.; Timens, W.; Wijngaarden, S. van; Schrumpf, J.A.; Rabe, K.F.; Postma, D.S.; Sterk, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Groningen Leiden Univ Corticostero (2011), Smoking status and anti-inflammatory macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage and induced sputum in COPD, Respiratory Research 12: -.
- Rabe, K.F. & Hiemstra, P.S. (2010), Theophylline for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease? .... Time to Move On, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 182(7): 868-869.
- Oenema, T.A.; Kolahian, S.; Nanninga, J.E.; Rieks, D.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Zuyderduyn, S.; Halayko, A.J.; Meurs, H. & Gosens, R. (2010), Pro-inflammatory mechanisms of muscarinic receptor stimulation in airway smooth muscle, Respiratory Research 11.
- Orgeig, S.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Veldhuizen, E.J.A.; Casals, C.; Clark, H.W.; Haczku, A.; Knudsen, L. & Possmayer, F. (2010), Recent advances in alveolar biology: Evolution and function of alveolar proteins, Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 173: S43S54.
- Budulac, S.E.; Postma, D.S.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Kunz, L.I.Z.; Siedlinski, M.; Smit, H.A.; Vonk, J.M.; Rutgers, B.; Timens, W.; Boezen, H.M. & Groningen Leiden Univ Corticostero (2010), Multidrug resistance-associated protein-1 (MRP1) genetic variants, MRP1 protein levels and severity of COPD, Respiratory Research 11.
- Otter, I. den; Silva, L.F.F.; Carvalho, A.L.N.; Pires-Neto, R.C.; Annoni, R.; Ferreira, D.S.; Bajema, I.; Schadewijk, A. van; Rabe, K.F.; Dolhnikoff, M.; Sterk, P.J.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Mauad, T. (2010), High-affinity immunoglobulin E receptor expression is increased in large and small airways in fatal asthma, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 40(10): 1473-1481.
- Haq, I.; Chappell, S.; Johnson, S.R.; Lotya, J.; Daly, L.; Morgan, K.; Guetta-Baranes, T.; Roca, J.; Rabinovich, R.; Millar, A.B.; Donnelly, S.C.; Keatings, V.; MacNee, W.; Stolk, J.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Miniati, M.; Monti, S.; O'Connor, C.M. & Kalsheker, N. (2010), Association of MMP-12 polymorphisms with severe and very severe COPD: A case control study of MMPs - 1, 9 and 12 in a European population, BMC Medical Genetics 11.
- Kania, R.E.; Lamers, G.E.M.; Laar, N. van de; Dijkhuizen, M.; Lagendijk, E.; Huy, P.T.B.; Herman, P.; Hiemstra, P.; Grote, J.J.; Frijns, J. & Bloemberg, G.V. (2010), Biofilms on tracheoesophageal voice prostheses: a confocal laser scanning microscopy demonstration of mixed bacterial and yeast biofilms, Biofouling 26(5): 519-526.
- Does, A.M. van der; Beekhuizen, H.; Ravensbergen, B.; Vos, T.; Ottenhoff, T.H.M.; Dissel, J.T. van; Drijfhout, J.W.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Nibbering, P.H. (2010), LL-37 Directs Macrophage Differentiation toward Macrophages with a Proinflammatory Signature, Journal of Immunology 185(3): 1442-1449.
- Wagenaar, G.T.M.; Uhrin, P.; Weipoltshammer, K.; Almeder, M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Geiger, M.; Meijers, J.C.M. & Schofer, C. (2010), Expression patterns of protein C inhibitor in mouse development, Journal of Molecular Histology 41(1): 27-37.
- Zuuren, E.J. van; Terreehorst, I.; Tupker, R.A.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Akkerdaas, J.H. (2010), Anaphylaxis after consuming soy products in patients with birch pollinosis, Allergy 65(10): 1348-1349.
- Wong, M.C.; Diepen, J.A. van; Hu, L.; Guigas, B.; Boer, H.C. de; Romijn, J.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Shoelson, S.E.; Voshol, P.J.; Tamsma, J.T.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Hiemstra, P.S. & Berbee, J.F.P. (2010), DELETE LIVER-SPECIFIC IKK-beta ACTIVATION SEVERELY AGGRAVATES ATHEROSCLEROSIS DEVELOPMENT IN APOE*3-LEIDEN MICE, Atherosclerosis. Supplements 11(2): 103-103.
- Lapperre TS, Snoeck-Stroband JB, Gosman MME, Jansen DF, van Schadewijk A, Thiadens HA, Vonk JM, Boezen HM, ten Hacken NHT, Sont JK, Rabe KF, Kerstjens HAM, Hiemstra PS, Timens W, Postma DS & Sterk PJ (2009), Effect of Fluticasone With and Without Salmeterol on Pulmonary Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease A Randomized Trial, Annals of Internal Medicine 151(8): 517U20.
- Rensen ELJ, Evertse CE, Schadewijk WAAM, Wijngaarden S, Ayre G, Mauad T, Hiemstra PS, Sterk PJ & Rabe KF (2009), Eosinophils in bronchial mucosa of asthmatics after allergen challenge: effect of anti-IgE treatment, Allergy 64(1): 72-80.
- (2009), Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency from biomarkers to health care.
- Gosens R, Rieks D, Meurs H, Ninaber DK, Rabe KF, Nanninga J, Kolahian S, Halayko AJ, Hiemstra PS & Zuyderduyn S (2009), Muscarinic M3 receptor stimulation increases cigarette smoke-induced IL-8 secretion by human airway smooth muscle cells, European Respiratory Journal 34(6): 1436-1443.
- Wong MC, Hu LH, Van Diepen JA, Romijn JA, Voshol PJ, Havekes LM, Shoelson SE, Tamsma JT, Rensen PC & Hiemstra PS (2009), Chronic Hepatic Inflammation Severely Aggravates Atherosclerosis Development, Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 29(7): E98E98.
- Vernooy JHJ, Drummen NEA, Van Suylen RJ, Cloots RHE, Moller GM, Bracke KR, Zuyderduyn S, Dentener MA, Brusselle GG & Hiemstra PS (2009), Enhanced pulmonary leptin expression in patients with severe COPD and asymptomatic smokers, Thorax 64(1): 26-32.
- Koczulla R, Dragonieri S, Schot R, Bals R, Gauw SA, Vogelmeier C, Rabe KF, Sterk PJ & Hiemstra PS (2009), Comparison of exhaled breath condensate pH using two commercially available devices in healthy controls, asthma and COPD patients, Respiratory Research 10.
- Li HN, Barlow PG, Bylund J, Mackellar A, Bjorstad A, Conlon J, Hiemstra PS, Haslett C, Gray M & Simpson AJ (2009), Secondary necrosis of apoptotic neutrophils induced by the human cathelicidin LL-37 is not proinflammatory to phagocytosing macrophages, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 86(4): 891-902.
- Li HN, Barlow PG, Bylund J, Mackellar A, Bjorstad A, Conlon J, Hiemstra PS, Haslett C, Gray M & Simpson AJ (2009), Secondary necrosis of apoptotic neutrophils induced by the human cathelicidin LL-37 is not proinflammatory to phagocytosing macrophages, Cytokine 48(1-2): 114-115.
- Rocha LA, Vargas PA, Silva LFF, Leon JE, Santos AB, Hiemstra PS & Mauad T (2008), Expression of secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor in the submandibular glands of AIDS patients, Oral Diseases 14(1).
- Snoeck-Stroband JB, Lapperre TS, Gosman MME, Boezen HM, Timens W, ten Hacken NHT, Sont JK, Sterk PJ & Hiemstra PS (2008), Chronic bronchitis sub-phenotype within COPD: inflammation in sputum and biopsies, European Respiratory Journal 31(1).
- Puklo M, Guentsch A, Hiemstra PS, Eick S & Potempa J (2008), Analysis of neutrophil-derived antimicrobial peptides in gingival crevicular fluid suggests importance of cathelicidin LL-37 in the innate immune response against periodontogenic bacteria, Oral Microbiology and Immunology 23(4).
- Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Guetta-Baranes T, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Lotya J, Millar AB, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, MacNee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra PS, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM & Kalshelker N (2008), Genetic variants of microsomal epoxide hydrolase and glutamate-cysteine ligase in COPD, European Respiratory Journal 32(4).
- Vonk MJ, Hiemstra PS & Grote JJ (2008), An Antimicrobial Peptide Modulates Epithelial Responses to Bacterial Products, Laryngoscope 118(5).
- Anderson RL, Hiemstra PS, Ward C, Forrest IA, Murphy D, Proud D, Lordan J, Corris PA & Fisher AJ (2008), Antimicrobial peptides in lung transplant recipients with bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, European Respiratory Journal 32(3).
- Sullivan AL, Dafforn T, Hiemstra PS & Stockley RA (2008), Neutrophil elastase reduces secretion of secretory leukoproteinase inhibitor (SLPI) by lung epithelial cells: role of charge of the proteinase-inhibitor complex, Respiratory Research 9.
- de Weger L, Beerthuizen T, Gast-Strookman J, van der Plas D, Hiemstra P, Terreehorst I & Sont J (2008), Season variability in the relationship between grass pollen counts and ICT-based daily hay fever symptom scores in patients with allergic rhinitis: implications for hay fever forecasts, Allergy 63.
- Vos JB, Datson NA, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2007), Exploring host-pathogen interactions at the epithelial surface: application of transcriptomics in lung biology, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 292(2).
- Slats AM, Janssen K, van Schadewijk A, van der Plas DT, Schot R, van den Aardweg LG, de Jongste JC, Hiemstra PS, Mauad T, Rabe KF & Sterk PJ (2007), Bronchial inflammation and airway esponses to deep inspiration in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 176(2).
- van Wetering S, Zuyderduyn S, Ninaber DK, van Sterkenburg MAJA, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2007), Epithelial differentiation is a determinant in the production of eotaxin-2 and -3 by bronchial epithelial cells in response to IL-4 and IL-13, Molecular Immunology 44(5).
- Anderson RL, Hiemstra PS, Borthwick L, Lordan J, Corris PA & Fisher AJ (2007), The effect of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) on the release of secretory leucoproteinase inhibitor (SLPI) by lung epithelial cells in the presence of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 26(2).
- Lorenowicz MJ, Fernandez-Borja M, van Stalborch AMD, van Sterkenburg MAJA, Hiemstra PS & Hordijk PL (2007), Microtubule dynamics and Rac-1 signaling independently regulate barrier function in lung epithelial cells.
- Lapperre TS, Willems LNA, Timens W, Rabe KF, Hiemstra PS, Postma DS & Sterk PJ (2007), Small airways dysfunction and neutrophilic inflammation in bronchial biopsies and BAL in COPD, Chest 131(1).
- Gosman MME, Boezen HM, van Diemen CC, Snoeck-Stroband JB, Lapperre TS, Hiemstra PS, ten Hacken NHT, Stolk J & Postma DS (2007), A disintegrin and metalloprotease 33 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pathophysiology, Thorax 62(3).
- Hiemstra PS (2007), The role of epithelial beta-defensins and cathelicidins in host defense of the lung, Experimental Lung Research 33(10).
- Lapperre TS, Sont JK, van Schadewijk A, Gosman MME, Postma DS, Bajema IM, Timens W, Mauad T, Hiemstra PS, Kauffman HF, de Reus D, Boezen HM, Jansen DF, Vonk J, Barentsen MDW, Timens W, Zeinstra-Smit M, Luteijn AJ, van der Molen T, ter Veen G, Gosman MME, ten Hacken NHT, Kerstjens HAM, van Maaren MS, Postma DS, Veltman CA, Verbokkem A, Verhage I, Vink-Kloosters HK, Snoeck-Stroband JB, Thiadens H, Sont JK, Bajema I, Gast-Strookman J, Hiemstra PS, Janssen K, Lapperre TS, Rabe KF, van Schadewijk A, Schrumpf JA, Smit-Bakker J, Stolk J, Tire ACJA, van der Veen H, Wijffels MME, Willems LNA, Sterk PJ & Mauad T (2007), Smoking cessation and bronchial epithelial remodelling in COPD: a cross-sectional study, Respiratory Research 8.
- Luppi F & Hiemstra PS (2007), Epithelial responses to oxidative stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Lessons from expression profiling, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 175(6).
- Luppi F, Longo AM, de Boer WI, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2007), Interleukin-8 stimulates cell proliferation in non-small cell lung cancer through epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation, Lung Cancer 56(1).
- Grootendorst DC, Gauw SA, Verhoosel RM, Sterk PJ, Hospers JJ, Bredenbroker D, Bethke TD, Hiemstra PS & Rabe KF (2007), Reduction in sputum neutrophil and eosinophil numbers by the PDE4 inhibitor roflumilast in patients with COPD, Thorax 62(12).
- Hiemstra PS (2007), The response of bronchial epithelial cells to Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Beyond gene expression profiling, Pediatric Pulmonology.
- Hiemstra PS (2007), Antimicrobial peptides in the real world: implications for cystic fibrosis, European Respiratory Journal 29(4).
- Battaglia S, Mauad T, van Schadewijk AM, Vignola AM, Rabe KF, Bellia V, Sterk PJ & Hiemstra PS (2007), Differential distribution of inflammatory cells in large and small airways in smokers, Journal of Clinical Pathology 60(8).
- ter Horst SAJ, Walther FJ, Poorthuis BJHM, Hiemstra PS & Wagenaar GTM (2007), Inhaled nitric oxide attenuates pulmonary inflammation and fibrin deposition and prolongs survival in neonatal hyperoxic lung injury, AJP - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 293(1).
- Kania RE, Lamers GEM, Vonk MJ, Huy PTB, Hiemstra PS, Bloemberg GV & Grote JJ (2007), Demonstration of bacterial cells and glycocalyx in biofilms on human tonsils.
- Nuijsink M, Hop WCJ, Sterk PJ, Duiverman EJ, Hiemstra PS & de Jongste JC (2007), Urinary eosinophil protein X in children with atopic asthma, Mediators of Inflammation.
- Groeneveld TWL, Ramwadhdoebe TH, Trouw LA, van den Ham DL, van der Borden V, Drijfhout JW, Hiemstra PS, Daha MR & Roos A (2007), Human neutrophil peptide-1 inhibits both the classical and the lectin pathway of complement activation, Molecular Immunology 44(14).
- Zuyderduyn S, Ninaber DK, Hiemstra PS & Rabe KF (2006), The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 enhances IL-8 release by human airway smooth muscle cells, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 117(6).
- de Boer WI, Hau CM, van Schadewijk A, Stolk J, van Krieken JHJM & Hiemstra PS (2006), Expression of epidermal growth factors and their receptors in the bronchial epithelium of subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Clinical Pathology 125(2).
- Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Baranes TG, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Millar A, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, MacNee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra P, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM & Kalsheker N (2006), Cryptic haplotypes of SERPINA1 confer susceptibility to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Human Mutation 27(1).
- Goselink HM, Hiemstra PS, Van Noort P, Barge RMY, Willemze R & Falkenburg JHF (2006), Cytokine-dependent proliferation of human CD34(+) progenitor cells in the absence of serum is suppressed by their progeny's production of serine proteinases, STEM CELLS 24(2).
- Lapperre TS, Postma DS, Gosman MME, Snoeck-Stroband JB, ten Hacken NHT, Hiemstra PS, Timens W, Sterk PJ & Mauad T (2006), Relation between duration of smoking cessation and bronchial inflammation in COPD, Thorax 61(2).
- Tjabringa GS, Ninaber DK, Drijfhout JW, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2006), Human cathelicidin LL-37 is a chemoattractant for eosinophils and neutrophils that acts via formyl-peptide receptors, International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 140(2).
- Ravensberg AJ, Luijk B, Westers P, Hiemstra PS, Sterk PJ, Lammers JW & Rabe KF (2006), The effect of a single inhaled dose of a VLA-4 antagonist on allergen-induced airway responses and airway inflammation in patients with asthma, Allergy 61(9).
- de Haar SF, Hiemstra PS, van Steenbergen MTJM, Everts V & Beertsen W (2006), Role of polymorphonuclear leukocyte-derived serine proteinases in defense against Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Infection and Immunity 74(9).
- Aarbiou J, Tjabringa GS, Verhoosel RM, Ninaber DK, White SR, Peltenburg LTC, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2006), Mechanisms of cell death induced by the neutrophil antimicrobial peptides alpha-defensins and LL-37, Inflammation Research 55(3).
- Nell MJ, Tjabringa GS, Wafelman AR, Verrijk R, Hiemstra PS, Drijfhout JW & Grote JJ (2006), Development of novel LL-37 derived antimicrobial peptides with LIPS and LTA neutralizing and antimicrobial activities for therapeutic application, Peptides 27(4).
- Vos JB, Datson NA, van Kampen AH, Luyf AC, Verhoosel RM, Zeeuwen PL, Olthuis D, Rabe KF, Schalkwijk J & Hiemstra PS (2006), A molecular signature of epithelial host defense: comparative gene expression analysis of cultured bronchial epithelial cells and keratinocytes, BMC Genomics 7.
- Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Baranes TG, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Millar A, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, MacNee W, Stolk J, Hiemstra PS, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM & Kalsheker N (2006), The SERPINE2 gene and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Human Genetics 79(1).
- Bals R & Hiemstra PS (2006), Antimicrobial peptides in COPD - Basic biology and therapeutic applications, Current Drug Targets 7(6).
- Heemskerk, B.; Vreeswijk, T. van; Veltrop-Duits, L.A.; Sombroek, C.C.; Franken, K.; Verhoosel, R.M.; Hiemstra, P.S.; Leeuwen, D. van; Ressing, M.E.; Toes, R.E.M.; Tol, M.J.D. van & Schilham, M.W. (2006), Adenovirus-specific CD4(+) T cell clones recognizing endogenous antigen inhibit viral replication in vitro through cognate interaction, Journal of Immunology 177(12).
- Hiemstra PS (2006), Defensins and cathelicidins in inflammatory lung disease: beyond antimicrobial activity, Biochemical Society Transactions 34.
- Chen C, Hendriks EA, Duin RPW, Reiber JHC, Hiemstra PS, de Weger LA & Stoel BC (2006), Feasibility study on automated recognition of allergenic pollen: grass, birch and mugwort, Aerobiologia 22(4).
- Gosman MME, Willemse BWM, Jansen DF, Lapperre TS, van Schadewijk A, Hiemstra PS, Postma DS, Timens W & Kerstjens HAM (2006), Increased number of B-cells in bronchial biopsies in COPD, European Respiratory Journal 27(1).
- de Kluijver J, Schrumpf JA, Evertse CE, Sont JK, Roughley PJ, Rabe KF, Hiemstra PS, Mauad T & Sterk PJ (2005), Bronchial matrix and inflammation respond to inhaled steroids despite ongoing allergen exposure in asthma, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 35(10).
- Ravensberg AJ, Ricciardolo FLM, van Schadewijk A, Rabe KF, Sterk PJ, Hiemstra PS & Mauad T (2005), Eotaxin-2 and eotaxin-3 expression is associated with persistent eosinophilic bronchial inflammation in patients with asthma after allergen challenge, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 115(4).
- Matsushita MD, da Silva LFF, dos Santos MA, Fernezlian S, Schrumpf JA, Roughley P, Hiemstra PS, Saldiva PHN, Mauad T & Dolhnikoff M (2005), Airway proteoglycans are differentially altered in fatal asthma, Journal of Pathology 207(1).
- Luppi F, Aarbiou J, van Wetering S, Rahman I, de Boer WI, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2005), Effects of cigarette smoke condensate on proliferation and wound closure of bronchial epithelial cells in vitro: role of glutathione, Respiratory Research 6.
- Tjabringa GS, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2005), The human cathelicidin LL-37: a multifunctional peptide involved in infection and inflammation in the lung, Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 18(5).
- van Wetering S, Tjabringa GS & Hiemstra PS (2005), Interactions between neutrophil-derived antimicrobial peptides and airway epithelial cells, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 77(4).
- van Rensen ELJ, Sont JK, Evertse CE, Willems LNA, Mauad T, Hiemstra PS & Sterk PJ (2005), Bronchial CD8 cell infiltrate and lung function decline in asthma, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 172(7).
- Battaglia S, den Hertog H, Timmers MC, Lazeroms SPG, Vignola AM, Rabe KF, Bellia V, Hiemstra PS & Sterk PJ (2005), Small airways function and molecular markers in exhaled air in mild asthma, Thorax 60(8).
- Fregonese L, Swan FJ, van Schadewijk A, Dolhnikoff M, Santos MA, Daha MR, Stolk J, Tschernig T, Sterk PJ, Hiemstra PS, Rabe KF & Mauad T (2005), Expression of the anaphylatoxin receptors C3aR and C5aR is increased in fatal asthma, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 115(6).
- Tjabringa GS, Vos JB, Olthuis D, Ninaber DK, Rabe KF, Schalkwijk J, Hiemstra PS & Zeeuwen PLJM (2005), Host defense effector molecules in mucosal secretions, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 45(2).
- Vos JB, van Sterkenburg MA, Rabe KF, Schalkwijk J, Hiemstra PS & Datson NA (2005), Transcriptional response of bronchial epithelial cells to Pseudomonas aeruginosa: identification of early mediators of host defense, Physiological Genomics 21(3).
- Bals R & Hiemstra PS (2004), Innate immunity in the lung: how epithelial cells fight against respiratory pathogens, European Respiratory Journal 23(2).
- Hiemstra PS & Bals R (2004), Series introduction: innate host defense of the respiratory epithelium, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 75(1).
- Aarbiou J, Verhoosel RM, van Wetering S, de Boer WI, van Krieken JHJM, Litvinov SV, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2004), Neutrophil defensins enhance lung epithelial wound closure and mucin gene expression in vitro, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 30(2).
- Mauad T, van Schadewijk A, Schrumpf J, Hack CE, Fernezlian S, Garippo AL, Ejzenberg B, Hiemstra PS, Rabe KF & Dolhnikoff M (2004), Lymphocytic inflammation in childhood bronchiolitis obliterans, Pediatric Pulmonology 38(3).
- Aarbio J, van Schadewijk A, Stolk J, Sont JK, de Boer WI, Rabe KF, van Krieken JHJM, Mauad T & Hiemstra PS (2004), Human neutrophil defensins and secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor in squamous metaplastic epithelium of bronchial airways, Inflammation Research 53(6).
- Wagenaar GTA, Ter Horst SAJ, van Gastelen MA, Leijser LM, Mauad T, Van der Velden PA, De Heer E, Hiemstra PS, Poorthuis BJHM & Walther FJ (2004), Gene expression profile and histopathology of experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia induced by prolonged oxidative stress, Free Radical Biology and Medicine 36(6).
- Hiemstra PS, Fernie-King BA, McMichael J, Lachmann PJ & Sallenave JM (2004), Antimicrobial peptides: Mediators of innate immunity as templates for the development of novel anti-infective and immune therapeutics, Current Pharmaceutical Design 10(23).
- Nell MJ, Tjabringa GS, Vonk MJ, Hiemstra PS & Grote JJ (2004), Bacterial products increase expression of the human cathelicidin hCAP-18/LL-37 in cultured human sinus epithelial cells, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 42(2).
- Sterk PJ & Hiemstra PS (2004), Eosinophil progenitors in sputum - Throwing out the baby with the bath water?, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 169(5).
- Zuyderduyn S, Hiemstra PS & Rabe KF (2004), TGF-beta differentially regulates T(H)2 cytokine-induced eotaxin and eotaxin-3 release by human airway smooth muscle cells, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 114(4).
- Sont JK, de Boer WI, van Schadewijk WAAM, Grunberg K, van Krieken JHJM, Hiemstra PS & Sterk PJ (2003), Fully automated assessment of inflammatory cell counts and cytokine expression in bronchial tissue, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 167(11).
- Sorensen OE, Gram L, Johnsen AH, Andersson E, Bangsboll S, Tjabringa GS, Hiemstra PS, Malm J, Egesten A & Borregaard N (2003), Processing of seminal plasma hCAP-18 to ALL-38 by gastricsin - A novel mechanism of generating antimicrobial peptides in vagina, Journal of Biological Chemistry 278(31).
- Duits LA, Tjabringa GS, Aarts NJM, van't Wout JW, Hiemstra PS, Nibbering PH & van Dissel JT (2003), Plasma secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor in febrile patients - An indicator of the presence and extent of pulmonary infection, Clinical Microbiology and Infection 9(7).
- Koczulla R, von Degenfeld G, Kupatt C, Krotz F, Zahler S, Gloe T, Issbruicker K, Unterberger P, Zaiou M, Lebherz C, Karl A, Raake P, Pfosser A, Boekstegers P, Welsch U, Hiemstra PS, Vogelmeier C, Gallo RL, Clauss M & Bals R (2003), An angiogenic role for the human peptide antibiotic LL-37/hCAP-18, Journal of Clinical Investigation 111(11).
- Gorter AD, Oostrik J, van der Ley P, Hiemstra PS, Dankert J & van Alphen L (2003), Involvement of lipooligosaccharides of Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis in defensin-enhanced bacterial adherence to epithelial cells, Microbial Pathogenesis 34(3).
- Duits LA, Nibbering PH, van Strijen E, Vos JB, Mannesse-Lazeroms SPG, van Sterkenburg MAJA & Hiemstra PS (2003), Rhinovirus increases human beta-defensin-2 and -3 mRNA expression in cultured bronchial epithelial cells, FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 38(1).
- Tjabringa GS, Aarbiou J, Ninaber DK, Drijfhout JW, Sorensen OE, Borregaard N, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2003), The antimicrobial peptide LL-37 activates innate immunity at the airway epithelial surface by transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor, Journal of Immunology 171(12).
- Ricciardolo FLM, Stefano AD, van Krieken JHJM, Sont JK, van Schadewijk A, Rabe KF, Donner CF, Hiemstra PS, Sterk PJ & Mauad T (2003), Proliferation and inflammation in bronchial epithelium after allergen in atopic asthmatics, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 33(7).
- de Kluijver J, Grunberg K, Pons D, de Klerk EPA, Dick CR, Sterk PJ & Hiemstra PS (2003), Interleukin-1 beta and interleukin-1ra levels in nasal lavages during experimental rhinovirus infection in asthmatic and non-asthmatic subjects., Clinical and Experimental Allergy 33(10).
- Grootendorst DC, Gauw SA, Benschop N, Sterk PJ, Hiemstra PS & Rabe KF (2003), Efficacy of the novel phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor BAY 19-8004 on lung function and airway inflammation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 16(6).
- Kluijver JC, Evertse CE, Sont JK, Schrumpf JA, Zeijl-van der Ham JG, Dick CR, Rabe KF, Hiemstra PS & Sterk PJ (2003), Are rhinovirus-induced airway responses in asthma aggravated by chronic allergen exposure?, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 168(10).
- Van Rensen ELJ, Hiemstra PS, Rabe KF & Sterk PJ (2002), Assessment of microvascular leakage via sputum induction - The role of substance P and neurokinin A in patients with asthma, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 165(9).
- Rahman I, van Schadewijk AAM, Crowther AJL, Hiemstra PS, Stolk J, MacNee W & De Boer WI (2002), 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, a specific lipid peroxidation product, is elevated in lungs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 166(4).
- Hiemstra PS (2002), Novel roles of protease inhibitors in infection and inflammation, Biochemical Society Transactions 30.
- Wolfs TGAM, Buurman WA, van Schadewijk A, de Vries B, Daemen MARC, Hiemstra PS & van't Veer C (2002), In vivo expression of toll-like receptor 2 and 4 by renal epithelial cells: IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha mediated up-regulation during inflammation, Journal of Immunology 168(3).
- de Kluijver J, Evertse CE, Schrumpf JA, van der Veen H, Zwinderman AH, Hiemstra PS, Rabe KF & Sterk PJ (2002), Asymptomatic worsening of airway inflammation during low-dose allergen exposure in asthma - Protection by inhaled steroids, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 166(3).
- van Wetering S, Mannesse-Lazeroms SPG, van Sterkenburg MAJA & Hiemstra PS (2002), Neutrophil defensins stimulate the release of cytokines by airway epithelial cells: modulation by dexamethasone, Inflammation Research 51(1).
- Duits LA, Ravensbergen B, Rademaker M, Hiemstra PS & Nibbering PH (2002), Expression of beta-defensin 1 and 2 mRNA by human monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, Immunology 106(4).
- Aarbiou J, Ertmann M, van Wetering S, van Noort P, Rook D, Rabe KF, Litvinov SV, van Krieken JHJM, de Boer WI & Hiemstra PS (2002), Human neutrophil defensins induce lung epithelial cell proliferation in vitro, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 72(1).
- Aarbiou J, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (2002), Role of defensins in inflammatory lung disease, Annals of Medicine 34(2).
- Ricciardolo FLM, Timmers MC, Geppetti P, van Schadewijk A, Brahim JJ, Sont JK, de Gouw HWFM, Hiemstra PS, van Krieken JHJM & Sterk PJ (2001), Allergen-induced impairment of bronchoprotective nitric oxide synthesis in asthma, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 108(2).
- Duits LA, Rademaker M, Ravensbergen B, van Sterkenburg MAJA, van Strijen E, Hiemstra PS & Nibbering PH (2001), Inhibition of hBD-3, but not hBD-1 and hBD-2, mRNA expression by corticosteroids, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 280(2).
- Sorensen OE, Follin P, Johnsen AH, Calafat J, Tjabringa GS, Hiemstra PS & Borregaard N (2001), Human cathelicidin, hCAP-18, is processed to the antimicrobial peptide LL-37 by extracellular cleavage with proteinase 3, Blood 97(12).
- De Gouw HWFM, Marshall-Partridge SJ, Van der Veen H, Van den Aardweg JG, Hiemstra PS & Sterk J (2001), Role of nitric oxide in the airway response to exercise in healthy and asthmatic subjects, Journal of Applied Physiology 90(2).
- White SR, Williams P, Wojcik KR, Sun S, Hiemstra PS, Rabe KF & Dorscheid DR (2001), Initiation of apoptosis by actin cytoskeletal derangement in human airway epithelial cells, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 24(3).
- de Boer WI, Hiemstra PS, Sont JK, de Heer E, Rabe KF, van Krieken JHJM & Sterk PJ (2001), Image analysis and quantification in lung tissue, Clinical and Experimental Allergy 31(3).
- van Wetering S, van der Linden AC, van Sterkenburg MAJA, Rabe KF, Schalkwijk J & Hiemstra PS (2000), Regulation of secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) production by human bronchial epithelial cells: Increase of cell-associated SLPI by neutrophil elastase.
- de Boer WI, Sont JK, van Schadewijk A, Stolk J, van Krieken JH & Hiemstra PS (2000), Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, interleukin 8, and chronic airways inflammation in COPD.
- Gorter AD, Hiemstra PS, de Bentzmann S, van Wetering S, Dankert J & van Alphen L (2000), Stimulation of bacterial adherence by neutrophil defensins varies among bacterial species but not among host cell types.
- Mul FPJ, Zuurbier AEM, Janssen H, Calafat J, van Wetering S, Hiemstra PS, Roos D & Hordijk PL (2000), Sequential migration of neutrophils across monolayers of endothelial and epithelial cells, Journal of Leukocyte Biology 68(4).
- Rahman I, van Schadewijk AAM, Hiemstra PS, Stolk J, van Krieken JHJM, MacNee W & de Boer WI (2000), Localization of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase messenger RNA expression in lungs of smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
- Van Wetering S, Van Der Linden AC, Van Sterkenburg MAJA, De Boer WI, Kuijpers ALA, Schalkwijk J & Hiemstra PS (2000), Regulation of SLPI and elafin release from bronchial epithelial cells by neutrophil defensins.
- Welling MM, Nibbering PH, Paulusma-Annema A, Hiemstra PS, Pauwels EKJ & Calame W (2000), Imaging of bacterial infections with Tc-99m-labeled human neutrophil peptide-1 - Reply, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 41(12).
- van Wetering S, Sterk PJ, Rabe KF & Hiemstra PS (1999), Defensins: Key players or bystanders in infection, injury, and repair in the lung?
- Hiltermann JTN, Lapperre TS, van Bree L, Steerenberg PA, Brahim JJ, Sont JK, Sterk PJ, Hiemstra PS & Stolk J (1999), Ozone-induced inflammation assessed in sputum and bronchial, lavage fluid from asthmatics: A new noninvasive tool in epidemiologic studies on air pollution and asthma.
- Welling MM, Nibbering PH, Paulusma-Annema A, Hiemstra PS, Pauwels EKJ & Calame W (1999), Imaging of bacterial infections with Tc-99m-labeled human neutrophil peptide-1.
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