Philip Spinhoven
Emeritus hoogleraar Klinische Psychologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P. Spinhoven
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-4117-335X
Kort CV
- Visiting professor la Sapienza Rome (2021)
- Wetenschappelijk directeur van het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden (2021)
Wetenschappelijk directeur van het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden (2018-2019)
- Professor in de Klinische Psychologie bij het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden (1998 – heden)
- Decaan van de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit Leiden (2008 – 2012)
- Wetenschappelijk directeur van het Instituut Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden (2007)
- Universitair hoofddocent bij het Departement Psychiatrie aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (1991 - 1998)
- Universitair docent bij het Departement Psychiatrie aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum (1981-1991)
- Promotie aan de Universiteit Leiden (1989)
- Doctoraal Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden (cum laude) (1981)
Mijn onderzoek richt zich op hoe vroege, recente en actuele stressoren interacteren met cognitieve processen (b.v. aandacht, geheugen, denken, redeneren), gedragsmatige processen (b.v. toenadering en vermijding), en biologische processen (b.v. brein activatie en de HPA-as). Mijn focus ligt op angststoornissen, depressieve stoornissen, somatoforme stoornissen en persoonlijkheidsstoornissen. Mijn doel is om de complexe interacties tussen cognitieve, gedragsmatige en biologische processen bij deze vier stress-gerelateerde stoornissen te begrijpen. Deze stoornissen vertonen een hoge mate van co-morbiditeit, hebben vergelijkbare oorzakelijke en onderhoudende factoren en reageren op soortgelijke psychologische en farmacologische behandelingen. In het onderzoeken van transdiagnostische risico factoren zoals vroegkinderlijk misbruik en onderhoudende factoren zoals emotie regulatie strategieën, gebruik ik uiteenlopende onderzoekmethoden (b.v., cognitieve laboratorium taken, vergelijkend therapie onderzoek, epidemiologisch onderzoek). Klik hier voor een recent overzicht van de meest voorkomende termen in mijn onderzoek.
Begeleiding promovendi
M. de Jong: Transdiagnostic treatment for eating disorders, 1 september (with H.W. Hoek & C.W. Korrelboom)
- M.J. ter Avest, Mindfulness-based interventions for depression. How does it work and for whom? Radboud Universiteit, 21 september (with A.E.M. Speckens)
- S. van Luenen: Living positive: ehealth for people with HIV and depressive symptoms, 26 juni (with N. Garnefski & V. Kraaij)
- S.Y. Struijs: Psychological vulnerability in depressive and anxiety disorder. VU Amsterdam, 2 april (with B. Penninx & Ph. Spinhoven
- A. Versluis: Reducing daily stress: Breaking a habit, 21 maart (with J.F. Brosschot)
- A. Krause: The influence of dissociation on emotional distractibility in Borderline Personality Disorder: A neuroimaging approach, 16 november (with: B. Elzinga)
- B. Busscher: Subjective and physiological reactivity to flight in people with fear of flying. Leiden, 7 september (with: J.C.N. de Geus)
- D. Enter: Dare to approach. Effects of testosterone on avoidance in social anxiety. Nijmegen (with: K. Roelofs)
- M.J. Huijbers: Meditation or medication. Preventing relapse in recurrent depression. Nijmegen (with: A.E.M. Speckens)
- M.L. van Orden: Collaborative mental health care. Changing the landscape of mental health care. Leiden (with E. Hoencamp & P.M.J. Haffmans)
- M. Koenders: Tangled up in mood. Predicting the disease course of bipolar disorder (with: B.M. Elzinga)
- M. Brom: The role of incentive learning and cognitive regulation in sexual arousal. (with: J.B.M.Z. Trimbos)
- J.J. Aardoom: E-mental health for eating disorders (with: E.F. van Furth)
- M. Spaans: Personality pathology in a forensic setting (with: E. de Beurs)
- Drost, J.: Worry and rumination. Underlying processes and transdiagnostic characteristics. (With: A.J.W. van der Does)
- Molendijk, M.L.: The role of BDNF in depression. Will the neurotrophin hypothesis sparkle on, long after the glitter of the firework is gone. (With: B.M. Elzinga, and B.W.J.H. Penninx)
- A.L. van Harmelen: Childhood emotional maltreatment: Impact on cognition and the brain. (With: B.M. Elzinga and B.W.J.H. Penninx)
- A.D.T. Muntingh: Cost-effectiveness of a collaborative stepped care intervention for anxiety disorders in the primary care setting. (With: C. van der Feltz-Cornelis, A.J.L.M. van Balkom and H. van Marwijk)
- T.M. van den Boogaard: The negotiated approach in the treatment of depressive disorders: The impact on patient-treatment compatibility and outcome. (With: R. Van Dyck and H. Vertommen.)
- K. de Jong: A chance for change: Building an outcome monitoring feedback system for outpatient mental health care. (With: W.J. Heiser and M.A. Nugter.)
- P. Bakvis: Psychogenic non epileptic seizures. Towards an integration of psychogenic, cognitive and neurobiological aspects. (With: K. Roelofs and F.G. Zitman.)
- N.Y.L. Oei: Memory function after stress. The effects of acute stress and cortisol on memory and the inhibition of emotional distraction. (With: B.M. Elzinga.)
- P. Meulenbeek: Prevention and early intervention in panic disorder. The effectiveness of the 'Don't panic course'. (With: W.J.M.J. Cuijpers and A.J.L.M. van Balkom.)
- J.M. van Peer: To approach or to avoid. Neurobiological mechanisms in social anxiety. (With K. Roelofs.)
- M.J. Verschuur: Effects of the Medical Investigation Bijlmermeer Aviation Disaster on health perception of residents and rescue workers. (With: F.R. Rosendaal.)
- A. Dingemans: Binge or control? Assessment of the validity, treatment and underlying mechanisms of Binge Eating Disorder. (With: E.F.van Furth and C.Martijn.)
- M.S. Tollenaar: Fading memories. The impact of stress hormones on the retrieval of emotional memories. (With: W.T.A.M. Everaerd and B. Elzinga.)
- N. Slee: Cognitive-behavioural therapy for deliberate self-harm. (With: N.Garnefski and E.Arensman.)
- R. Haringsma: Never too old to learn. The effectiveness of the Coping with Depression course for elderly. (With: G. Engels.)
- W. Merens: Manipulating serotonin function in depression. (With: A.J.W. van der Does.)
- M. Blom: Combination treatment for depressed outpatients. Efficacy and prediction of outcome. (With: R. van Dyck and E. Hoencamp.)
- A.E. van Giezen: A memory like an elephant. The consistency of memory for emotional events. (With: E. Arensman.)
- A. Greeven: Hypochondriasis. Diagnostic issues and treatment. (With: A.J.L.M. van Balkom.)
- T.M. Bean: Assessing the psychological distress and mental health care needs of unaccompanied refugee minors in the Netherlands. (With: L. Eurelings-Bontekoe)
- C.L.H. Bockting: The rhythm of depression. The course of recurrent depression and prevention of relapse using cognitive therapy. (With: A.H. Schene and M.W. Koeter)
- M. de Waal: Somatoform disorders in general practice. Epidemiology, treatment and comorbidity with depression and anxiety. (With: W.J.J. Assendelft)
- I. Arnold: Somatoform disorders in general practice. Epidemiology, treatment and comorbidity with depression and anxiety. (With: W.J.J. Assendelft)
- J. Giesen-Bloo: Crossing borders. Theory, assessment and treatment in borderline personality disorder. (With: A. Arntz and R. Van Dyck)
- M. Swinkels: Psychiatric comorbidity in epilepsy. (With: R. Van Dyck.)
- L. Booij: Experimental Manipulations of Tryptophan: Insight into Depression. (With: AJ.W. van der Does.)
- I. Kremers: Remembering autobiographical events in borderline personality disorder. (With: R. Van Dyck and A.J.W. van der Does.)
- L. van Gerwen: Fear of flying: Assessment and treatment issues. (With: R. Van Dyck.)
- D.B. Oosterbaan: Social Phobia: Cognitive and pharmacological treatment. (With: R. van Dyck and A.J.L.M. van Balkom.)
- F. Moene: Hypnosis and conversion disorder. (With: C.A.L. Hoogduin and R. van Dyck.)
- A. Bakker: Psychological and pharmacological treatment in panic disorder. (With: R. van Dyck.)
- D.C. Cath : Comparative studies in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. (With: C.A.L. Hoogduin.)
- V. Kraaij: Depressive symptoms in the elderly Negative life events and buffering factors. (With: C.M.J.G. Maes and E.J. de Wilde)
- J. Kuyk: Pseudo-epileptic seizures. Differential diagnosis and psychological characteristics. (With: R. van Dyck.)
- E.R.S. Nijenhuis: Somatoform dissociation: Phenomena, measurement, and theoretical issues. (With: R. van Dyck and O. van der Hart.)
- A.S. van Peski-Oosterbaan: Panic in asthma and non-cardiac chest pain. Implications for cognitive behavioural therapy. (With H.G.M. Rooijmans and A.J.W. van der Does.)
- M.M. ter Kuile: Treatment of chronic headaches: Factors associated with outcome. (With: H.G.M. Rooijmans.)
- A.J.L.M. van Balkom: Comparative treatment studies in panic disorder with agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive disorder. (With: R. van Dyck and C.A.L. Hoogduin.)
Emeritus hoogleraar Klinische Psychologie
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Pape L.M. van Straten A.Struijs S.Y. Spinhoven P. Antypa N. (2024), Effectiveness of a guided digital self-help intervention to improve sleep and the biological clock in university students – Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Internet Interventions 37: 1-10 (100763).
- Rohrbach P.J., Fokkema M., Spinhoven P., Van Furth E.F. & Dingemans A.E. (2023), Predictors and moderators of three online interventions for eating disorder symptoms in a randomized controlled trial , International Journal of Eating Disorders 56(10): 1909-1918.
- Baljé A.E. Karch J.D. Greeven A. van Giezen A.E. Muste E.H. Arntz A. Spinhoven P. (2023), Avoidant personality disorder severity index: dimensional structure and psychometric properties, Personality and Individual Differences 213: 1-7 (112268).
- Rohrbach P.J., Dingemans A.E., Evers C., Furth E.F. van, Spinhoven P., Aardoom J.J., Lähde I., Clemens F.C. & Van den Akker-Van Marle M.E. (2023), Cost-effectiveness of internet interventions compared with treatment as usual for people with mental disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Journal of Medical Internet Research 25: 1-25 (e38204).
- Ter Kuile M. & Spinhoven P. (2023), Klinische psychologie: theorieën en psychopathologie. In: Molen H.T. van der, Dehue F., Thewissen V., Gunther N. & Hooren S. van (red.), Klinische psychologie 1: theorieën en psychopathologie. Groningen/Utrecht: Noordhoff. 427-450.
- Spinhoven P. (2023), Over de toekomst van de klinische psychologie: "Failure is success in progress", De psycholoog 59(4): 36-45.
- Luenen S. van, Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Kraaij V. (2023), Long‑term effectiveness of an online self‑help intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms, AIDS and Behavior 27: 1694-1702.
- Spinhoven P., Zulaika G., Nyothach E., Eijk A.M. van, Obor D., Fwaya E., Mason L., Wang D., Kwaro D. & Phillips-Howard P.A. (2022), Quality of life and well-being problems in secondary schoolgirls in Kenya: prevalence, associated characteristics, and course predictors, PLOS Global Public Health : 1-22.
- de Klerk-Sluis J. M. Huijbers M. J. Locke S. Spijker J. Spinhoven P. Speckens A. E. M. Ruhe H. G (2022), Factors associated with relapse and recurrence of major depressive disorder in patients starting mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Depression and Anxiety 39(2): 113-122.
- Penninx B. Spinhoven P. (2022), Fifteen years of the Netherlands study of depression and anxiety: An introduction to the special issue , Journal of Affective Disorders 298(Part A): 355-356.
- Spinhoven P. Hoogerwerf E. van Giezen A. Greeven A. (2022), Mindfulness-based cognitive group therapy for treatment-refractory anxiety disorder: a pragmatic randomized controlled trial, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 90: 1-11 (102599).
- Witlox M., Kraaij V., Garnefski N., BohlmeijerE., Smit F. & Spinhoven P. (2022), Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of an acceptance and commitment therapy intervention vs. a cognitive behavioral therapy intervention for older adults with anxiety symptoms: a randomized controlled trial, PLoS ONE : 1-20 (0262220).
- Rohrbach P.J., Dingemans A.E., Furth E.F. van, Spinhoven P., Ginkel J.R. van, Bauer S. & Van den Akker‐Van Marle M.E. (2022), Cost‐effectiveness of three internet‐based interventions for eating disorders: a randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Eating Disorders 55(8): 1143-1155.
- Rohrbach P.J., Dingemans A. E., Spinhoven P., Van Ginkel J.R., Fokkema M., Wildermans T.F., Bauer S. & Van Furth E.F. (2022), Effectiveness of an online self‐help program, expert‐patient support, and their combination for eating disorders: Results from a randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Eating Disorders 55(10): 1361-1373.
- Eeden W.A. van, Hemert A.M. van, Giltay E.J., Spinhoven P., Beurs E. de & Carlier I.V.E. (2022), Prognostic value of pathological personality traits for treatment outcome in anxiety and depressive disorders: the Leiden routine outcome monitoring study, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 210(10): 767-776.
- Flens G., Terwee C.B., Smits N., Williams G., Spinhoven P., Roorda L.D. & Beurs E. de (2022), Construct validity, responsiveness, and utility of change indicators of the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS item banks for depression and anxiety administered as computerized adaptive test (CAT): a comparison with the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI), Psychological Assessment 34(1): 58-69.
- Struijs S.Y., Jong P.J. de, Jeronimus B.F., Does A.J.W. van der, Riese H. & Spinhoven P. (2021), Psychological risk factors and the course of depression and anxiety disorders: : a review of 15 years of NESDA research, Journal of Affective Disorders 295: 1347-1359.
- Witlox M., Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Waal M.W.M. de, Smit F., Bohlmeijer E. & Spinhoven P. (2021), Blended acceptance and commitment therapy versus face-to-face cognitive behavioral therapy for older adults with anxiety symptoms in primary care: pragmatic single-blind cluster randomized trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 23(3): e24366.
- Witlox M., Garnefski N., Kraaij V., Simou M., Dusseldorp E., Bohlmeijer E. & Spinhoven P. (2021), Prevalence of anxiety disorders and subthreshold anxiety throughout later life: systematic review and meta-analysis, Psychology and Aging 36(2): 268-287.
- Cuijpers P., Smit F., Aalten P., Batelaan N., Klein A.M., Salemink E., Spinhoven P., Struijs S.Y., Vonk P., Wiers R.W., Wit L. de, Gentili C., Ebert D.D., Bruffaerts R., Kessler R.C. & Karyotaki E. (2021), The associations of common psychological problems with mental disorders among college students, Frontiers in Psychiatry 12: 573637.
- Shahab M.K., Ridder J.A. de, Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H., Mook-Kanamori D.O. & Elzinga B.M. (2021), A tangled start: the link between childhood maltreatment, psychopathology, and relationships in adulthood, Child Abuse & Neglect 121: 105228.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Giltay E.J. (2021), Temporal relationships between happiness and psychiatric disorders and their symptom severity in a large cohort study: the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA), BMC Psychiatry 21: 1-11 (344).
- Flens G., Smits N., Terwee C.B.l., Pijck L., Spinhoven P. & Beurs E. de (2021), Practical significance of longitudinal measurement invariance violations in the Dutch-Flemish PROMIS item banks for depression and anxiety: an illustration with ordered-categorical data, Assessment 28(1): 277-294.
- Williams G.L., Beurs E. de, Spinhoven P., Flens G. & Paap M.C.S. (2021), Support for the higher-order factor structure of the WHODAS 2.0 self-report version in a Dutch outpatient psychiatric setting, Quality of Life Research 30(10): 2939-2949.
- Flens G., Smits N., Terwee C.B., Pijck L., Spinhoven P. & Beurs E. de (2020), Practical significance of longitudinal measurement invariance violations in the Dutch–Flemish PROMIS item banks for depression and anxiety: an illustration with ordered-categorical data, Assessment 28(1): 277-294.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Verdam M.G.E., Ballegooijen W. van, Spinhoven P., Does W. van der & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2020), Temporal stability of symptoms of affective disorders, cognitive vulnerability and personality over time, Journal of Affective Disorders 260: 77-83.
- Van Luenen S., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Dusseldorp E. & Garnefski N. (2020), Moderators of the effect of guided online self-help for people with HIV and depressive symptoms, AIDS Care 32(8): 942-948.
- Spinhoven P., Cuijpers P. & Hollon S. (2020), Cognitive-behavioural therapy and personalized treatment:An introduction to the special issue, Behaviour Research and Therapy 129: 1-8.
- Hoeboer C.M., Roos C. de, Son G.E. van, Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2020), The effect of parental emotional abuse on the severity and treatment of PTSD symptoms in children and adolescents, Child Abuse & Neglect 111: 104775.
- Both S., Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W. & Spinhoven P. (2020), Evidence for persistence of sexual evaluative learning effects, Journal of Sexual Medicine 17(3): 505-517.
- Busscher B., Spinhoven P. & De Geus E.J.C (2020), Synchronous change in subjective and physiological reactivity during flight as an indicator of treatment outcome for aviophobia: A longitudinal study with 3-year follow-up. , Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 67(101443): 1-7.
- Conijn J.M., Ark L A. van der & Spinhoven P. (2020), Satisficing in mental health care patients: the effect of cognitive symptoms on self-report data quality, Assessment 27(1): 178-193.
- Jong M. de, Spinhoven P., Korrelboom K., Deen M., Meer I. van der, Danner U.N., Schuur S. van der, Schoorl M. & Hoek H.W. (2020), Effectiveness of enhanced cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders: a randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Eating Disorders 53(5): 717-727.
- Hijne K., Penninx B.W., Hemert A.M. van & Spinhoven P. (2020), The association of changes in repetitive negative thinking with changes in depression and anxiety, Journal of Affective Disorders 275: 157-164.
- Ormel J., Spinhoven P., Vries Y.A. de, Cramer A.O.J., Siegle G.J., Bockting C.L.H. & Hollon S.D. (2020), The antidepressant standoff: why it continues and how to resolve it, Psychological Medicine 50(2): 177-186.
- Avest M.J. ter, Greven C.U., Huijbers M.J., Wilderjans T.F., Speckens A.E.M. & Spinhoven P. (2020), Mindfulness and affect during mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: an autoregressive latent trajectory analysis, Mindfulness 11(10): 2360-2370.
- Avest M.J. ter, Greven C.U., Huijbers M.J., Wilderjans T.F., Speckens A.E.M. & Spinhoven P. (2020), Prospective associations between home practice and depressive symptoms in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: a 15-months follow-up study, Cognitive Therapy and Research : 1-12.
- van Tuijl L.A., Bennik E.C., Penninx B., Spinhoven P. & de Jong P.J. (2020), Predictive value of implicit and explicit self-esteem for the recurrence of depression and anxiety disorders: a 3-year follow-up study, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 129(8): 788-798.
- van Vreeswijk M.F., Spinhoven P., Zedlitz A.M.E. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (2020), Mixed results of a pilot RCT of time-limited schema mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and competitive memory therapy plus treatment as usual for personality disorders, Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 11(3): 170-180.
- Vavani B., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Amone-P'Olak K. & Garnefski N. (2020), Intervention targets for people living with HIV and depressive symptoms in Botswana, African Journal of AIDS Research 19(1): 80-88.
- Conijn J.M., Ark L.A. van der & Spinhoven P. (2020), Satisficing in Mental Health Care Patients: The Effect of Cognitive Symptoms on Self-Report Data Quality, Assessment 27(1): 178-193.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Spinhoven P. & Brosschot J.F. (2020), Feasibility and effectiveness of a worry-reduction training using the smartphone: a pilot randomised controlled trial, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 48(2): 227-239.
- Flens G., Smits N., Terwee C.B., Dekker J., Huijbrechts I., Spinhoven P. & De Beurs E. (2019), Development of a computerized adaptive test for anxiety based on the Dutch-Flemish version of the PROMIS Item bank, Assessment 26(7): 1362-1374.
- Luenen S. van, Kraaij V., Spinhoven P., Wilderjans T.F. & Garnefski N. (2019), Exploring Mediators of a Guided Web-Based Self-Help Intervention for People With HIV and Depressive Symptoms: Randomized Controlled Trial, JMIR Mental Health 6(8): e12711.
- Ter Avest M.J., Dusseldorp E., Huijbers M.J., Van Aalderen J.R., Cladder-Micus M.B., Spinhoven P., Greven C.U. & Speckens A.E.M. (2019), Added value of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A Tree-based Qualitative Interaction Analysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy 122: 103467.
- Vavani B., Kraaij V., Spinhoven P. & Garnefski N. (2019), A booklet self-help intervention to reduce depressive symptoms among people living with HIV in Botswana: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 20: e486.
- Rohrbach P.J., Dingemans A.E., Spinhoven P., Van den Akker-Van Marle E., Van Ginkel J.R., Fokkema M., Moessner M., Bauer S. & Van Furth E.F. (2019), A randomized controlled trial of an Internet-based intervention for eating disorders and the added value of expert-patient support: study protocol, Trials 20: e509.
- Siegle G.J., Cramer A.O.J., Van Eck N.J., Spinhoven P., Hollon S.D., Ormel J., Strege M. & Bockting C.L.H. (2019), Where are the breaks in translation from theory to clinical practice (and back) in addressing depression? An empirical graph-theoretic approach, Psychological Medicine 49(16): 2681-2691.
- Van Luenen S., Kraaij V., Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Van den Akker-Van Marle M.E. (2019), Cost-utility of a guided Internet-based intervention in comparison with attention only for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 118: 34-40.
- Van Luenen S., Garnefski N., Spinhoven P., Spaan P., Dusseldorp E.M.L. & Kraaij V. (2018), The Benefits of Psychosocial Interventions for Mental Health in People Living with HIV: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, AIDS and Behavior 22(1): 9-42.
- Krause A.D., Winter D., Schriner F., Chiu C.D., Lis S., Spinhoven P., Bohus M., Schmahl C. & Elzinga B.M. (2018), Reduced amygdala reactivity and impaired working memory during dissociation in borderline personality disorder, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 268(4): 401-415.
- Spinhoven P., Van Hemert A.M. & Penninx B.W. (2018), Repetitive negative thinking as a predictor of depression and anxiety: A longitudinal cohort study, Journal of Affective Disorders 241: 216-225.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Spinhoven P. & Brosschot J.F. (2018), Effectiveness of a smartphone-based worry-reduction training for stress reduction: A randomized-controlled trial, Psychology & Health 33(9): 1079-1099.
- Spinhoven P., Bockting C., Ruhe E. & Spijker J. (2018), Comorbiditeit van psychische stoornissen: De Tijdstroom.
- Luenen S. van, Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Kraaij V. (2018), Guided internet-based intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: a randomised controlled trial in the Netherlands, The Lancet HIV 5(9): e488-e497.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Spinhoven P., Van der Does A.J.W. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2018), The predictive specificity of psychological vulnerability markers for the course of affective disorders, Journal of Psychiatric Research 103: 10-17.
- Spinhoven P., Klein N., Kennis M., Cramer A.O.J., Siegle G., Cuijpers P., Ormel J., Holloni S.D. & Bockting C.L.J. (2018), The effects of cognitive-behavior therapy for depression on repetitive negative thinking: A meta-analysis, Behaviour Research and Therapy 106: 71-85.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Rinck M., Roelofs K., Spinhoven P. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2018), The predictive value of Approach and Avoidance tendencies on the onset and course of depression and anxiety disorders, Depression and Anxiety 35(6): 551-559.
- Witlox M., Kraaij V., Garnefski N., De Waal M.W.M., Smit F., Hoencamp E., Gussekloo J., Bohlmeijer E.T. & Spinhoven P. (2018), An Internet-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for older adults with anxiety complaints: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial, Trials 19: e502.
- Spinhoven P., Bockting C., Ruhe E. & Spijker J. (red.) (2018), Comorbiditeit van psychische stoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
- Spinhoven P. (2018), Wat is comorbiditeit van psychische stoornissen. In: Spinhoven P., Bockting C., Ruhe E. & Spijker J. (red.), Comorbiditeit van Psychische Stoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 11-25.
- Spaans M., Molendijk M.L., De Beurs E., Rinne T. & Spinhoven P. (2017), Self-reported personality traits in forensic populations: a meta-analysis, Psychology, Crime & Law 23(1): 56-78.
- Aardoom J.J., Dingemans A.E., Fokkema M., Spinhoven P. & Van Furth E.F. (2017), Moderators of change in an Internet-based intervention for eating disorders with different levels of therapist support: what works for whom?, Behaviour Research and Therapy 89: 66-74.
- Spinhoven P., Huijbers M.J., Ormel J. & Speckens A.E.M. (2017), Improvement of mindfulness skills during Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy predicts long-term reductions of neuroticism in persons with recurrent depression in remission, Journal of Affective Disorders 213: 112-117.
- Spinhoven P., Huijbers M.J., Zheng Y., Ormel J. & Speckens A.E.M. (2017), Mindfulness facets and Big Five personality facets in persons with recurrent depression in remission, Personality and Individual Differences 110: 109-114.
- Van Orden M., Leone S., Haffmans J., Spinhoven P. & Hoencamp E. (2017), Prediction of Mental Health Services Use One Year After Regular Referral to Specialized Care Versus Referral to Stepped Collaborative Care, Community Mental Health Journal 53(3): 316-323.
- Spaans M., De Beurs E., Rinne T. & Spinhoven P. (2017), Prognostic Factors for Length of Enforced Forensic Treatment with Special Focus on Personality Disorder, International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 16(2): 93-103.
- Paans N.P.G., Bot M., Gibson-Smith D., Spinhoven P., Brouwer I.A., Visser M. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2017), Which biopsychosocial variables contribute to more weight gain in depressed persons?, Psychiatry Research 254: 96-103.
- Busscher B.H. & Spinhoven P. (2017), Cognitive coping as a mechanism of change in cognitive-behavioral therapy for fear of flying: a longitudinal study with 3-year follow-up, Journal of Clinical Psychology 73(9): 1064-1075.
- Conijn J.M., Spinhoven P., Meijer R.R. & Lamers F. (2017), Person misfit on the Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology: Low quality self-report or true atypical symptom profile?, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 26(4): e1548.
- Van den Berg L.J.M., Tollenaar M.S., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2017), A new perspective on PTSD symptoms after traumatic vs stressful life events and the role of gender, European Journal of Psychotraumatology 8(1): e1380470.
- Struijs S.Y., Lamers F., Vroling M.S., Roelofs K., Spinhoven P. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2017), Approach and avoidance tendencies in depression and anxiety disorders, Psychiatry Research 256: 475-481.
- Stoffels M., Nijs M., Spinhoven P., Mesbah R. & Hagenaars M.A. (2017), Emotion avoidance and fear bradycardia in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 57: 6-13.
- Peer J.M. van, Enter D., Steenbergen H. van, Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2017), Exogenous testosterone affects early threat processing in socially anxious and healthy women, Biological Psychology 129: 82-89.
- Spinhoven P., Van Hemert A.M. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2017), Experiential Avoidance and Bordering Psychological Constructs as Predictors of the Onset, Relapse and Maintenance of Anxiety Disorders: One or Many?, Cognitive Therapy and Research 41(6): 867-880.
- Spinhoven P., Van der Veen D.C., Voshaar R.C.O. & Comijs H.C. (2017), Worry and cognitive control predict course trajectories of anxiety in older adults with late-life depression, European Psychiatry 44: 134-140.
- De Jong K., Tiemens B., Verbraak E.A., Beekman A.T.F., Bockting C.L.H., Bouman T.K., Castelein S., Dyck R. van, Emmelkamp P.M.G., Feltz-Cornelis C.M. van der, Gaag M. van der, Huibers M.J.H., Hutschemaekers G.J.M., Keijser A. de, Keijsers G.P.J., Koekkoek B., Korrelboom K., Minnen A. van, Oppen P.C. van, Oudejans S.C.C., Oude Voshaar R.C., Schippers G.M., Scholing A., Spijker J., Spinhoven P., Straten A. van, Vermeiren R.R. & Zitman F.G. (2017), Red ROM als kwaliteitsinstrument, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 59: 242-244.
- Spinhoven P., Drost J., De Rooij M., Van Hemert A.M. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2016), Is experiential avoidance a mediating, moderating, independent, overlapping of proxy risk factor in the onset, relapse and maintenance of depressive disorders?, Cognitive Therapy and Research 40(2): 150-163.
- Enter D., Terburg D., Harrewijn A., Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2016), Single dose testosterone administration alleviates gaze avoidance in women with Social Anxiety Disorder, Psychoneuroendocrinology 63: 26-33.
- Distel M.A., Smit J.H., Spinhoven P. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2016), Borderline personality features in depressed or anxious patients, Psychiatry Research 241: 224-231.
- Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W., Spinhoven P., Trimbos B. & Both S. (2016), The effect of a dopamine antagonist on conditioning of sexual arousal in women, Psychopharmacology 233(7): 1179-1189.
- Aardoom J.J., Dingemans A.E., Spinhoven P., Van Ginkel J.R., De Rooij M.J. & Van Furth E.F. (2016), Web-based fully automated self-help with different levels of therapist support for individuals with eating disorder symptoms: A randomized controlled trial, Journal of Medical Internet Research 18(6): 13-27.
- Enter D., Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2016), Dare to approach: Single dose testosterone administration promotes threat approach in patients with Social Anxiety Disorder, Clinical Psychological Science 4(6): 1073-1079.
- Huijbers M.J., Spinhoven P., Spijker J., Ruhé H.G., Van Schaik D.J.F., Van Oppen P., Nolen W.A., Ormel J., Kuyken W., Van der Wilt G.J., Blom M.B.J., Schene A.H., Donders R.T. & Speckens A.E.M. (2016), Discontinuation of antidepressant medication after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression: randomised controlled non-inferiority trial, British Journal of Psychiatry 208(4): 366-373.
- De Jong M., Korrelboom K., Meer I. van der., Deen M.L., Hoek H.W. & Spinhoven P. (2016), Effectiveness of enhanced cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT-E) for eating disorders: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 17: e573.
- Versluis A., Verkuil B., Spinhoven P., Van der Ploeg M.M. & Brosschot J.F. (2016), Changing Mental Health and Positive Psychological Well-Being Using Ecological Momentary Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Journal of Medical Internet Research 18(6): e152.
- Baljé A., Greeven A., Van Giezen A., Korrelboom K., Arntz A. & Spinhoven P. (2016), Group schema therapy versus group cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder with comorbid avoidant personality disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 17: e487.
- Schene A.H., Sabbe B.G.C., Spinhoven P. & Ruhé H.G. (red.) (2016), Handboek Depressieve stoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
- Luenen S. van, Kraaij V., Spinhoven P. & Garnefski N. (2016), An internet-based self-help intervention for people with HIV and depressive symptoms: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials 17: e172.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Van Hemert A.M. & De Rooij M.J. (2016), Childhood maltreatment, maladaptive personality types and level and course of psychological stress: A six-year longitudinal study, Journal of Affective Disorders 191: 100-108.
- Huijbers M.J., Spinhoven P., Van Schaik D.J., Nolen W.A. & Speckens A.E. (2016), Patients with a preference for medication do equally well in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for recurrent depression as those preferring mindfulness, Journal of Affective Disorders 195: 32-39.
- Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W., Spinhoven P., Trimbos B. & Both S. (2016), The influence of emotion upregulation on the expectation of sexual reward, Journal of Sexual Medicine 13(1): 105-119.
- Muntingh A.D., Van der Feltz-Cornelis C.M., Van Marwijk H.W., Spinhoven P. & Van Balkom A.J. (2016), Collaborative care for anxiety disorders in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis, BMC Family Practice 17: e62.
- Paans N.P., Bot M., Gibson-Smith D., Van der Does A.J.W., Spinhoven P., Brouwer I., Visser M. & Penninx B.W. (2016), The association between personality traits, cognitive reactivity and body mass index is dependent on depressive and/or anxiety status, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 89: 26-31.
- Aardoom J.J., Dingemans A.E., Ginkel J.R. van, Spinhoven P., Furth E.F. van & Van den Akker-van Marle M.E. (2016), Cost-utility of an internet-based intervention with or without therapist support in comparison with a waiting list for individuals with eating disorder symptoms: a randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Eating Disorders 49(12): 1068-1076.
- Spaans M., Rinne T., De Beurs E. & Spinhoven P. (2015), The DAPP-SF as a screener for personality disorder in a forensic setting, Journal of Personality Assessment 97(2): 172-181.
- Busscher B., Spinhoven P. & De Geus E.J.C. (2015), Psychological distress and physiological reactivity during in vivo exposure in people with aviophobia, Psychosomatic Medicine 77(7): 762-774.
- Smeets-Janssen M.M.J., Roelofs K., Van Pelt J., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Giltay E.J. (2015), Salivary testosterone is consistently and positively associated with extraversion: Results from The Netherlands study of depression and anxiety, Neuropsychobiology 71(2): 76-84.
- Hovens J.G.F.M., Giltay E.J., Spinhoven P., Van Hemert A.M. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2015), Impact of childhood life events and childhood trauma on the onset and recurrence of depressive and anxiety disorders, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 76(7): 931-938.
- Broekhof R., Rius-Ottenheim N., Spinhoven P., Van der Mast R.C., Penninx B.W.J.H., Zitman F.G. & Giltay E.J. (2015), Long-lasting effects of affective disorders and childhood trauma on dispositional optimism, Journal of Affective Disorders 175: 351-358.
- Tibi L., Van Oppen P., Aderka Idan M., Van Balkom A.J.L.M., Batelaan N.M., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W. & Anholt G.E. (2015), An admixture analysis of age of onset in agoraphobia, Journal of Affective Disorders 180: 112-115.
- Bockting C.L.H., Smid N.H., Koeter M.W.J., Spinhoven P., Beck A.T. & Schene A.H. (2015), Enduring effects of Preventive Cognitive Therapy in adults remitted from recurrent depression: A 10 year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Affective Disorders 185: 188-194.
- Spinhoven P., Drost J., Van Hemert B. & Penninx B.W. (2015), Common rather than unique aspects of repetitive negative thinking are related to depressive and anxiety disorders and symptoms, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 33: 45-52.
- Huijbers M.J., Spinhoven P., Spijker J., Ruhe H.G., Van Schaik D.J.F., Van Oppen P., Nolen W.A., Ormel J., Kuyken W., Van der Wilt G.J., Blom M.B.J., Schene A.H., Donders A.R.T. & Speckens A.E.M. (2015), Adding mindfulness-based cognitive therapy to maintenance antidepressant medication for prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depressive disorder: Randomised controlled trial, Journal of Affective Disorders 187: 54-61.
- Cremers H.R., Veer I.M., Spinhoven P., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Roelofs K. (2015), Neural sensitivity to social reward and punishment anticipation in social anxiety disorder, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 8: e439.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Giltay E. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2015), Anxious or depressed and still happy?, PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139912.
- Koenders M.A., De Kleijn R., Giltay E.J., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Spijker A.T. (2015), A network approach to bipolar symptomatology in patients with different course types, PLoS ONE 10(10): e141420.
- Arnoud A., Stupar-Rutenfrans S., Bloo J., Van Dyck R. & Spinhoven P. (2015), Prediction of treatment discontinuation and recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder: Results from an RCT comparing Schema Therapy and Transference Focused Psychotherapy, Behaviour Research and Therapy 74: 60-71.
- Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W., Spinhoven P. & Both S. (2015), Extinction of aversive classically conditioned human sexual response, Journal of Sexual Medicine 12(4): 916-935.
- Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Hoencamp E., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Spijker A.T. (2015), The bidirectional impact of perceived and enacted support on mood in bipolar outpatients: A two-year prospective study, Comprehensive Psychiatry 60: 59-67.
- Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W., Spinhoven P., Cousijn J. & Both S. (2015), The influence of emotion down-regulation on the expectation of sexual reward, Behavior Therapy 46(3): 379-394.
- Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W., Krempeniou A., Van Hemert A.M. & Elzinga B. (2015), Trait rumination predicts onset of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder through trauma-related cognitive appraisals: A 4-year longitudinal study, Behaviour Research and Therapy 71: 101-109.
- Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W., Spinhoven P., Trimbos B. & Both S. (2015), D-Cycloserine reduces context specificity of sexual extinction learning, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 125: 202-210.
- Figueroa C.A., Ruhé H.G., Koeter M.W., Spinhoven P., Van der Does W., Bockting C.L. & Schene A.H. (2015), Cognitive reactivity versus dysfunctional cognitions and the prediction of relapse in recurrent major depressive disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 76(10): e1306-e1312.
- Van Orden M.L., Deen M.L., Spinhoven P., Haffmans J. & Hoencamp E. (2015), Five-year mental health care use by patients referred to collaborative care or to specialized care, Psychiatric Services 66(8): 840-844.
- Ter Kuile M.M. & Spinhoven P. (2015), Somatisch-symptoomstoornis en verwante stoornissen. In: Molen H.T. van der, Simon E. & Lankveld J. van (red.), Klinische Psychologie. Theorieën en psychopathologie. Groningen/Houten: Noordhoff Uitgevers. 291-314.
- Cremers H.R., Veer I.M., Spinhoven P., Rombouts S.A.R.B., Yarkoni T., Wager T.D. & Roelofs K. (2015), Altered cortical-amygdala coupling in social anxiety disorder during the anticipation of giving a public speech, Psychological Medicine 45(7): 1521-1529.
- Veer I.M., Oei N.Y.L., Van Buchem M.A., Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M. & Rombouts S.A.R.B. (2015), Evidence for smaller right amygdala volumes in posttraumatic stress disorder following childhood trauma, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 233(3): 436-442.
- Krause-Utz A., Elzinga B., Oei N.Y.L., Paret C., Niedtfeld I., Spinhoven P., Bohus M. & Schmahl C. (2015), Amygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate connectivity during distraction by interpersonal pictures in borderline personality disorder patients with interpersonal trauma history, Biological Psychiatry 77(9): 29S-29S.
- Drost J., Spinhoven P., Kruijt A.-W. & Van der Does W. (2014), The influence of worry and avoidance on the Iowa Gambling Task, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 45(1): 74-80.
- Krause-Utz A., Elzinga B.M., Oei N.Y.L., Spinhoven P., Bohus M. & Schmahl C. (2014), Susceptibility to distraction by social cues in borderline personality disorder, Psychopathology 47(3): 148-157.
- Brom M., Both S., Laan E., Everaerd W. & Spinhoven P. (2014), The role of conditioning, learning and dopamine in sexual behavior: A narrative review of animal and human studies, Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 38: 38-59.
- Molendijk M.L., Spinhoven P., Polak M., Bus B.A.A., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Serum BDNF concentrations as peripheral manifestations of depression: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analyses on 179 associations (N=9484), Molecular Psychiatry 19(7): 791-800.
- Spinhoven P., Penelo E., De Rooij M., Penninx B.W. & Ormel J. (2014), Reciprocal effects of stable and temporary components of neuroticism and affective disorders: Results of a longitudinal cohort study, Psychological Medicine 44(2): 337-348.
- De Heer E.W., Gerrits M.M.J.G., Beekman A.T.F., Dekker J., Van Marwijk H.W.J., De Waal M.W.M., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Van der Feltz-Cornelis C.M. (2014), The association of depression and anxiety with pain: A study from NESDA, PLoS ONE 9(10): e106907.
- Van Harmelen A., Van Tol M.-J., Dalgleish T., Van der Wee N.J.A., Veltman D.J., Aleman A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Hypoactive medial prefrontal cortex functioning in adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9(12): 2026-2033.
- Kleinloog D., Stevens J., Heuberger J., Spinhoven P. & Van Gerven J. (2014), The influence of personality on the sensitivity to subjective effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, Psychiatry Research 220(3): 945-953.
- Drost J., Van der Does W., Van Hemert A.M., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Spinhoven P. (2014), Repetitive negative thinking as a transdiagnostic factor in depression and anxiety: A conceptual replication, Behaviour Research and Therapy 63: 177-183.
- Krause-Utz A., Elzinga B.M., Oei N.Y.L., Paret C., Niedtfeld I., Spinhoven P., Bohus M. & Schmahl C. (2014), Annygdala and dorsal anterior cingulate connectivity during an emotional working memory task in borderline personality disorder patients with interpersonal trauma history, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8: e848.
- Koenders M.A., Giltay E.J., Spijker A.T., Hoencamp E., Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Stressful life events in bipolar I and II disorder: Cause or consequence of mood symptoms?, Journal of Affective Disorders 161: 55-72.
- Brom M., Laan E., Everaerd W., Spinhoven P. & Both S. (2014), Extinction and renewal of conditioned sexual responses, PLoS ONE 9(8): e105955.
- Van Harmelen A.L., Hauber K., Gunther Moor B., Spinhoven P., Boon A.E., Crone E.A. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Childhood emotional maltreatment severity is associated with dorsal medial prefrontal cortex responsivity to social exclusion in young adults, PLoS ONE 9(1): e85107.
- Slee N., Garnefski N. & Spinhoven P. (2014), Jongeren met zelfbeschadigend gedrag: Protocollaire cognitieve gedragstherapie. In: Braet C. & Bögels S. (red.), Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen en adolescenten met psychische klachten 1 nr. 1. Amsterdam: Boom. 593-619.
- Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W., Van Hemert A.M., De Rooij M. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Comorbidity of PTSD in anxiety and depressive Prevalence and shared risk factors, Child Abuse & Neglect 38(8): 1320-1330.
- Vermunt P., Spinhoven P., Loeffen J. & Westendorp R. (2014), Voorbij de geraniums: vitaliteit en zelforganisatie van ouderen in de wijk, Geron 2014(2): 12-15.
- Enter D., Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2014), Alleviating social avoidance: Effects of single dose testosterone administration on approach-avoidance action, Hormones and Behavior 65(4): 351-354.
- Greeven A., Van Balkom A.J.L.M. & Spinhoven P. (2014), Personality predicts time to remission and clinical status in hypochondriasis during a 6-year follow-up, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 202(5): 402-407.
- Muntingh A., Van der Feltz-Cornelis C., Van Marwijk H., Spinhoven P., Assendelft W., De Waal M., Ader H. & Van Balkom A. (2014), Effectiveness of collaborative stepped care for anxiety disorders in primary care: A pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 83(1): 37-44.
- Spinhoven P., Drost J., De Rooij M., Van Hemert A.M. & Penninx B.W. (2014), A longitudinal study of rxperiential avoidance in emotional disorders, Behavior Therapy 45(6): 840-850.
- Amelink M., Hashimoto S., Spinhoven P., Pasma H.R., Sterk P.J., Bel E.H. & Ten Brinke A. (2014), Anxiety, depression and personality traits in severe, prednisone-dependent asthma, Respiratory Medicine 108(3): 438-444.
- Apil S.R.A., Spinhoven P., Haffmans P.M.J. & Hoencamp E. (2014), Two-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of stepped care cognitive behavioral therapy to prevent recurrence of depression in an older population, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 29(3): 317-325.
- Bamelis L.L.M., Evers S.M.A.A., Spinhoven P. & Arntz A. (2014), Results of a multicenter randomized controlled trial of the clinical effectiveness of schema therapy for personality disorders, The American Journal of Psychiatry 171(3): 305-322.
- Goorden M., Muntingh A., Van Marwijk H., Spinhoven P., Ader H., Van Balkom A., Van der Feltz-Cornelis C. & Hakkaart-Van Roijen L. (2014), Cost utility analysis of a collaborative stepped care intervention for panic and generalized anxiety disorders in primary care, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 77(1): 57-63.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Van Hemert A.M., De Rooij M. & Penninx B.W. (2014), A longitudinal study of facets of extraversion in depression and social anxiety, Personality and Individual Differences 71: 39-44.
- Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W., Hickendorff M., Van Hemert A.M., Bernstein D.P. & Elzinga B.M. (2014), Childhood trauma questionnaire: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and validity across emotional disorders, Psychological Assessment 26(3): 717-729.
- Batelaan N.M., Rhebergen D., Spinhoven P., Van Balkom A.J. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2014), Two-Year course trajectories of anxiety disorders: do DSM classifications matter?, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 75(9): 985-993.
- Fledderus M., Bohlmeijer E.T., Fox J.P., Schreurs K.M.G. & Spinhoven P. (2013), The role of psychological flexibility in a self-help acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for psychological distress in a randomized controlled trial, Behaviour Research and Therapy 51(3): 142-151.
- Veen T. van, Wardenaar K.J., Carlier I.V.E., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Zitman F.G. (2013), Are childhood and adult life adversities differentially associated with specific symptom dimensions of depression and anxiety? Testing the tripartite model, Journal of Affective Disorders 146(2): 238-245.
- Aardoom J.J., Dingemans A.E., Spinhoven P. & Van Furth E.F. (2013), Treating eating disorders over the internet: A systematic review and future research directions, International Journal of Eating Disorders 46(6): 539-552.
- Blackwell S.E., Rius-Ottenheim N., Schulte-Van Maaren Y.W.M., Carlier I.V.E., Middelkoop H.A.M., Zitman F.G., Spinhoven P., Holmes E.A. & Giltay E.J. (2013), Optimism and mental imagery: A possible cognitive marker to promote well-being?, Psychiatry Research 206: 56-61.
- Rijsbergen G.D. van, Bockting C.L.H., Burger H., Spinhoven P., Koeter M.W.J., Ruhe H.G., Hollon S.D. & Schene A.H. (2013), Mood reactivity rather than cognitive reactivity is predictive of depressive relapse: A randomized study with 5.5-year follow-up, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81(3): 508-517.
- Muntingh A.D.T., De Heer E.W., Van Marwijk H.J.W., Ader H.J., Van Balkom A.J.L.M., Spinhoven P. & Feltz-Cornelis C.M. (2013), Screening high-risk patients and assisting in diagnosing anxiety in primary care: the Patient Health Questionnaire evaluated, BMC Psychiatry 13(192): .
- Enter D., Peer J.M. van, Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2013), Effects of testosterone administration on emotional face processing in healthy participants and patients with social phobia, Psychophysiology 50(SI): S17-S18.
- Tibi L., Van Oppen P., Aderka I.M., Van Balkom A.J.L.M., Batelaan N.M., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W. & Anholt G.E. (2013), Examining determinants of early and late age at onset in panic disorder: An admixture analysis, Journal of Psychiatric Research 47(12): 1870-1875.
- Spinhoven P., Van der Does W., Ormel J., Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2013), Confounding of big five personality assessments in emotional disorders by comorbidity and current disorder, European Journal of Personality 27(4): 389-397.
- Van Harmelen A.L., Van Tol M.J., Demenescu L.R., Van der Wee N.J., Veltman D.J., Aleman A., Van Buchem M.A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W. & Elzinga B.M. (2013), Enhanced amygdala reactivity to emotional faces in adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 8(4): 326-329.
- Goorden M., Muntingh A.D.T., Van Marwijk H.W.J., Spinhoven P., Ader H.J., Balkom A.J.L.M., Van der Feltz-Cornelis C.M. & Hakkaart-Van Roijen L. (2013), Cost-Utility analysis of a collaborative stepped care intervention for panic -and generalized anxiety disorder in primary care, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 16: S11.
- Busscher B., Spinhoven P., Gerwen L.J. van & Geus E.J.C. de (2013), Anxiety sensitivity moderates the relationship of changes in physiological arousal with flight anxiety during in vivo exposure therapy, Behaviour Research and Therapy 51(2): 98-105.
- Molendijk M.L., Bus B.A.A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H., Prickaerts J., Voshaar R.C.O. & Elzinga B.M. (2012), Gender specific associations of serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in anxiety, The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 13(7): 535-543.
- Krause-Utz A., Oei N.Y.L., Niedtfeld I., Bohus M., Spinhoven P., Schmahl C.G. & Elzinga B.M. (2012), Influence of emotional distraction on working memory performance in borderline personality disorder, Psychological Medicine 42(10): 2181-2192.
- Spinhoven P., Rooij M.J. de, Heiser W.J., Smit J.H. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2012), Personality and changes in comorbidity among anxiety and depressive disorders, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 121(4): 874-884.
- Giltay E.J., Enter D., Zitman F.G., Penninx B.W.J.H., Van Pelt J., Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2012), Salivary testosterone: Associations with depression, anxiety disorders, and antidepressant use in a large cohort study, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 72(3): 205-213.
- Moor M.H.M., Costa P.T., Terracciano A., Krueger R.F., De Geus E.J.C., Toshiko T., Penninx B.W.J.H., Esko T., Madden P.A.F., Derringer J.L., Amin N., Willemsen G., Hottenga J.J., Distel M.A., Uda M., Sanna S., Spinhoven P., Hartman C.A., Sullivan P., Realo A., Allik J., Heath A.C., Pergadia M.L., Agrawal A., Lin P., Grucza R., Nutile T., Ciullo M., Rujescu D., Giegling I., Konte B., Widen E., Cousminer D.L., Eriksson J.G., Palotie A., Peltonen L., Luciano M., Tenesa A., Davies G., Lopez L.M., Hansell N.K., Medland S.E., Ferrucci L., Schlessinger D., Montgomery G.W., Wright M.J., Aulchenko Y.S., Janssens A.C.J.W., Oostra B.A., Metspalu A., Abecasis G.R., Deary I.J., Räikkönen K., Bierut L.J., Martin N.G., Van Duijn C.M. & Boomsma D.I. (2012), Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for personality, Molecular Psychiatry 17: 337-349.
- Van der Weele G.M., De Waal M.W.M., Van den Hout W.B., De Craen A.J., Spinhoven P., Stijnen T., Assendelft W.J.J., Mast R. & Gussekloo J. (2012), Stepped care voor depressieve ouderen, Ensino em Re-vista 55: 548-552.
- Molendijk M.L., Haffmans J., Boudewijn B., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H., Prickaerts J., Oude Voshaar R.C. & Elzinga B.M. (2012), Serum BDNF concentrations show strong seasonal variation and correlations with the amount of ambient sunlight, PLoS ONE 7(11): e48046.
- Van der Weele G.M., De Jong R., De Waal M.W.M., Spinhoven P., Rooze H.A.H., Reis R., Assendelft W.J.J., Gussekloo J. & Mast R. (2012), Response to an unsolicited intervention offer to persons aged >= 75 years after screening positive for depressive symptoms: A qualitative study, International Psychogeriatrics 24(2): 270-277.
- Molendijk M.L., Bus B.A.A., Spinhoven P., Kaimatzoglou A., Oude Voshaar R.C., Penninx B.W.J.H., IJzendoorn M.H. van & Elzinga B.M. (2012), A systematic review and meta-analysis on the assiociation between BDNF val(66)met and hippocampal volume-A genuine effect or a winners curse?, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 159B(6): 731-740.
- Arntz A., Hawke L.D., Bamelis L., Spinhoven P. & Molendijk M.L. (2012), Changes in natural language use as an indicator of psychotherapeutic change in personality disorders, Behaviour Research and Therapy 50(3): 191-202.
- Veer I.M., Oei N.Y.L., Spinhoven P., Van Buchem M.A., Elzinga B.M. & Rombouts S.A.R.B. (2012), Endogenous cortisol is associated with functional connectivity between the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex, Psychoneuroendocrinology 37(7): 1039-1047.
- Van der Weele G.M., De Waal M.W.M., Van den Hout W.B., De Craen A.J.M., Spinhoven P., Stijnen T., Assendelft W.J.J., Van der Mast R.C. & Gussekloo J. (2012), Effects of a stepped-care intervention programme among older subjects who screened positive for depressive symptoms in general practice: The PROMODE randomised controlled trial, Age and Ageing 41(4): 482-488.
- Speckens A.E.M. & Spinhoven P. (2012), Somatoforme stoornissen. In: Hengeveld M.W. & Balkom A.J.L.M. van (red.), Leerboek Psychiatrie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 377-389.
- Spinhoven P. (2012), Inleiding. In: Vermetten E., Kleber R.J. & Hart O. van der (red.), Handboek posttraumatische stressstoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 17-18.
- Vreeswijk M.F., Broersen J. & Spinhoven P. (2012), The impact of measuring: Therapy results and therapeutic alliance. In: Vreeswijk M.F., Broersen J. & Nadort M. (red.), Schema therapy: Theory, research and practice. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. 283-298.
- Apil S., Hoencamp E., Haffmans P.M.J. & Spinhoven P. (2012), A stepped care relapse prevention program for depression in older people: A randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 27(6): 583-591.
- Molendijk M.L., Tol M.J. van, Penninx B.W.J.H., Wee N.J.A. van der, Aleman A., Veltman D.J., Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2012), BDNF val(66)met affects hippocampal volume and emotion-related hippocampal memory activity, Translational Psychiatry 2: e74.
- Hovens J.G.F.M., Giltay E.J., Wiersma J.E., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Zitman F.G. (2012), Impact of childhood life events and trauma on the course of depressive and anxiety disorders, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 126(3): 198-207.
- Van Dijck R., Emmelkamp P.M.G., Mulder N., Oude Voshaar R.C., Schippers G., Spinhoven P. & Vermeiren R. (2012), Benchmarken is ‘werk-in-uitvoering’, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 54(12): 1031-1038.
- Huijbers M.J., Spijker J., Donders A.R.T., Schaik D.F.J. van, Oppen P. van, Ruhe H.G., Blom M.B.J., Nolen W.A., Ormel J., Wilt G.J. van der, Kuyken W., Spinhoven P. & Speckens A.E.M. (2012), Preventing relapse in recurrent depression using mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, antidepressant medication or the combination: Trial design and protocol of the MOMENT study, BMC Psychiatry 12: e125.
- De Jong K., Van Sluis P., Nugter M.A., Heiser W.J. & Spinhoven P. (2012), Understanding the differential impact of outcome monitoring: Therapist variables that moderate feedback effects in a randomized clinical trial, Psychotherapy Research 22(4): 464-474.
- Van Vreeswijk M.F., Spinhoven P., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Broersen J. (2012), Changes in symptom severity, schemas and modes in heterogeneous psychiatric patient groups following short-term schema cognitive behavioural group therapy: A naturalistic pre-treatment and post-treatment design in an outpatient clinic, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 21(1): 29-38.
- Spinhoven P., Bamelis L., Haringsma R., Molendijk M.L. & Arntz A. (2012), Consistency of reporting sexual and physical abuse during psychological treatment of personality disorder: An explorative study, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 43: S43-S50.
- Oei N.Y.L., Veer I.M., Wolf O.T., Spinhoven P., Rombouts S.A.R.B. & Elzinga B.M. (2012), Stress shifts brain activation towards ventral 'affective' areas during emotional distraction, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7: 403-412.
- Aalderen J.R. van, Donders A.R.T., Giommi F., Spinhoven P., Barendregt H.P. & Speckens A.E.M. (2012), The efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in recurrent depressed patients with and without a current depressive episode: a randomized trial, Psychological Medicine 42(5): 989-1001.
- Drost J., Does A.J.W. van der, Antypa N., Zitman F.G., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2012), General, Specific and Unique Cognitive Factors Involved in Anxiety and Depressive Disorders, Cognitive Therapy and Research 36(6): 621-633.
- Luciano M., Lopez L.M., Moor M.H.M., Harris S.E., Davies G., Nutile T., Krueger R.F., Esko T., Schlessinger D., Toshiko T., Derringer J.L., Realo A., Hansell N.K., Pergadia M.L., Pesonen A.-K., Sanna S., Terracciano A., Madden P.A.F., Penninx B.W.J.H., Spinhoven P., Hartman C.A., Oostra B.A., Janssens A.C.J.W., Eriksson J.G., Starr J.M., Cannas A., Ferrucci L., Metspalu A., Wright M.J., Heath A.C., Duijn C.M. van, Bierut L.J., Raikkonen K., Martin N.G., Ciullo M., Rujescu D., Boomsma D.I. & Deary I.J. (2012), Longevity candidate genes and their association with personality traits in the elderly, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 159B(2): 192-200.
- Middeldorp C.M., Moor M.H.M., McGrath L.M., Gordon S.D., Blackwood D.H., Costa P.T., Terracciano A., Krueger R.F., Geus E.J.C. de, Nyholt D.R., Tanaka T, Esko T., Madden P.A.F., Derringer J.L., Amin N., Willemsen G., Hottenga J.J., Distel M.A., Uda M., Sanna S., Spinhoven P., Hartman C.A., Ripke S., Sullivan P.F., Realo A., Allik J., Heath A.C., Pergadia M.L., Agrawal A., Lin P., Grucza R.A., Widen E., Cousminer D.L., Eriksson J.G., Palotie A, Barnett J.H., Lee P.H., Luciano M., Tenesa A., Davies G., Lopez L.M., Hansell N.K., Medland S.E., Ferrucci L., Schlessinger D., Montgomery G.W., Wright M.J., Aulchenko Y.S., Janssens A.C.J.W., Oostra B.A., Metspalu A., Abecasis G.R., Deary I.J., Raikkonen K., Bierut L.J., Martin N.G., Wray N.R., Duijn C.M. van, Smoller J.W., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Boomsma D.I. (2011), The genetic association between personality and major depression of bipolar disorder. A polygenic score analysis using genome-wide association data, Translational Psychiatry 1: e50.
- Bakvis P., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G. & Roelofs K. (2011), Automatic avoidance tendencies in patients with Psychogenic Non Epileptic Seizures, Seizure 20(8): 628-634.
- Penninx B.W.J.H., Nolen W.A., Lamers F., Zitman F.G., Smit J.H., Spinhoven P., Cuijpers P., De Jong J.P., Van Marwijk H.W.J., Van der Meer K., Verhaak P., Laurant M., De Graaf R., Hoogendijk W.J., Van der Wee N.J.A., Ormel J., Van Dyck R. & Beekman A.F.T. (2011), Two-year course of depressive and anxiety disorders: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA), Journal of Affective Disorders 133(1-2): 76-85.
- Van Rood Y.R., Van Ravesteijn H., De Roos C.J.A.M., Spinhoven P. & Speckens A.E.M. (2011), Protocol voor de diagnostiek en behandeling van patiënten met somatisch onvoldoende verklaarde lichamelijke klachten 2. In: Keijsers G., Minnen A. van & Hoogduin K. (red.), Protocollaire behandelingen voor volwassenen met psychische klachten. Amsterdam: Boom. 15-47.
- Goorden M., Muntingh A.D.T., Van Balkom A.J.L.M., Van Marwijk H.W.J., Spinhoven P., De Waal M.W.M., Assendelft P.J., Van der Feltz-Cornelis C.M. & Hakkaart-Van Roijen R. (2011), Cost effectiveness of a collaboratieve care stepped intervention for anxiety disorders in the primairy care setting, Value in Health 14: A293.
- Veer I.M., Oei N.Y.L., Spinhoven P., Van Buchem M.A., Elzinga B.M. & Rombouts S.A.R.B. (2011), Beyond acute social stress: Increased functional connectivity between amygdala and cortical midline structures, NEUROIMAGE 57(4): 1534-1541.
- Lamers F., Van Oppen P., Comijs H.C., Smit J.H., Spinhoven P., Van Balkom A.J.L.M., Nolen W.A., Zitman F.G., Beekman A.T.F. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Comorbidity patterns of anxiety and depressive disorders in a large cohort study: The Netherlands study of depression and anxiety (NESDA), Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 72(3): 341-348.
- Harmelen A. van, Elzinga B.M., Kievit R.A. & Spinhoven P. (2011), Intrusions of autobiographical memories in individuals reporting childhood emotional maltreatment, European Journal of Psychotraumatology Supplement 2: .
- Boogaard T.M. van den, Verhaak P.F.M., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2011), The impact of causal attributions on diagnosis and successful referral of depressed patients in primary care, Social Science & Medicine 73(12): 1733-1740.
- Veringa I., Buitendijk S.E., De Miranda E., De Wolf S. & Spinhoven P. (2011), Pain cognitions as predictors of the request for pain relief during the first stage of labor: A prospective study, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 32(3): 119-125.
- De Klerk S., Van Noorden M.S., Van Giezen A.E., Spinhoven P., Den Hollander-Gijsman M., Giltay E.J., Speckens A.E.M. & Zitman F.G. (2011), Prevalence and correlates of lifetime deliberate self-harm and suicidal ideation in naturalistic outpatients: The Leiden Routine Outcome Monitoring study, Journal of Affective Disorders 133(1-2): 257-264.
- Molendijk M.L., Bus B.A.A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H., Kenis G., Prickaerts J., Oude Voshaar R.C. & Elzinga B.M. (2011), Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in major depressive disorder: State-trait issues, clinical features and pharmacological treatment, Molecular Psychiatry 16: 1088-1095.
- Muntingh A.D.T., Van der Feltz-Cornelis C.M., Van Marwijk H.W.J., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Van Balkom A.J.L.M. (2011), Is the beck anxiety inventory a good tool to assess the severity of anxiety? A primary care study in the Netherlands study of depression and anxiety (NESDA), BMC Family Practice 12: e66.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Roelofs K., Hovens J.G.F.M., Van Oppen P., Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), The effects of neuroticism, extraversion, and positive and negative life events on a one-year course of depressive symptoms in euthymic previously depressed patients versus healthy controls, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 199(9): 684-689.
- Nadort M., Arntz A., Smit J.H., Bloo J., Eikelenboom M., Spinhoven P., Hoogendoorn A.W., Van Asselt T., Wensing M. & Van Dyck R. (2011), Implementatie van schematherapie voor borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis in de reguliere GGZ: Bevindingen en overwegingen, Gedragstherapie 44: 299-311.
- Elzinga B.M., Molendijk M.L., Oude Voshaar R.C., Bus B.A.A., Prickaerts J., Spinhoven P. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), The impact of childhood abuse and recent stress on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and the moderating role of BDNF Val66Met, 214(1): 319-328.
- Santen A. van, Vreeburg S.A., Does A.J.W. van der, Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Psychological traits and the cortisol awakening response: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36(2): 240-248.
- Spinhoven P., Roelofs K., Hovens J.G.F.M., Elzinga B.M., Oppen P. van, Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Personality, life events and the course of anxiety and depression, European Journal of Personality 25(6): 443-452.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Hovens J.G.F.M., Roelofs K., Van Oppen P., Zitman F.G. & Penninx B.W.J.H. (2011), Positive and negative life events and personality traits in predicting course of depression and anxiety, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 124(6): 462-473.
- Peer J.M. van, Rotteveel M., Spinhoven P., Tollenaar M.S. & Roelofs K. (2010), Affect-congruent approach and withdrawal movements of happy and angry faces facilitate affective categorisation, Cognition and Emotion 24: 863-875.
- Hovens J.G.F.M., Wiersma J.E., Giltay E.J., Oppen P. van, Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W. & Zitman F.G. (2010), Childhood life events and childhood trauma in adult patients with depressive, anxiety and comorbid disorders vs. controls, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 122: 66-74.
- Peer J.M. van, Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2010), Psychophysiological evidence for cortisol-induced reduction in early bias for implicit social threat in social phobia, Psychoneuroendocrinology 35: 21-32.
- Oei N.Y.L., Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Propranolol reduces emotional distraction in working memory: A partial mediating role of propranolol-induced cortisol increases?, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 93: 388-395.
- Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P., Berretty E.W., Jong P. de & Roelofs K. (2010), The role of childhood abuse in HPA-axis reactivity in Social Anxiety Disorder: A pilot study, Biological Psychology 83: 1-6.
- Meulenbeek P., Willemse G., Smit F., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P. & Cuijpers P. (2010), Early intervention in panic: Pragmatic randomised controlled trial, British Journal of Psychiatry 196: 326-331.
- Bockting C.L.H., Spinhoven P. & Huibers M. (2010), Cognitive behavior therapy and relapse prevention for depression. In: Richards C.S. & Perri M.G. (red.), Relapse Prevetion for Depression. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 53-76.
- Roelofs K. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Conversion disorder. In: Weiner I.B. & Graighead W.E. (red.), The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology (4th edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 407-410.
- Molendijk M.L., Bus B.A.A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W.J.H., Prickaerts J., Kenis G. & Elzinga B.M. (2010), Serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in major depressive disorder: State and trait issues, clinical features, and pharmacological treatment, Biological Psychiatry 67(9): 124.
- Molendijk M.L., Bamelis L., Emmerik A.A.P. van, Arntz A., Haringsma R. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Word use of outpatients with a personality disorder and concurrent or previous major depressive disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 48: 44-51.
- Kuile M.M. ter, Weijenborg P.T. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Seksueel functioneren van vrouwen met chronische buikpijn: De rol van angst en depressie, Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie 34: 161-171.
- Blom M.B.J., Hoek H.W., Spinhoven P., Hoencamp E., Haffmans P.M.J. & Dyck R. van (2010), Treatment of depression in patients from ethnic minority groups in the Netherlands, Transcultural Psychiatry 47: 473-490.
- Kuile M.M. ter, Weijenborg P.T. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Sexual functioning in women with chronic pelvic pain: The role of anxiety and depression, Journal of Sexual Medicine 7: 1901-1910.
- Weijenborg P.T., Kuile M.M. ter, Gopie J. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Vermindering van chronische buikpijn bij vrouwen die minder catastrofaal denken, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 154: A2109.
- Spinhoven P., Van der Does A.J.W., Van Dijk E. & Van Rood Y.R. (2010), Heart-focused anxiety as a mediating variable in the treatment of noncardiac chest pain by cognitive-behavioral therapy and paroxetine, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 69: 227-235.
- Busscher B., Gerwen L.J. van, Spinhoven P. & Geus E.J.C. de (2010), Physiological reactivity to phobic stimuli in people with fear of flying, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 69: 309-317.
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M., Hovens J.G.F.M., Roelofs K., Zitman F.G., Oppen P. van & Penninx B.W. (2010), The specificity of childhood adversities and negative life events across the life span to anxiety and depressive disorders, Journal of Affective Disorders 126: 103-112.
- Verschuur M.J., Maric M. & Spinhoven P. (2010), Differences in changes in health-related anxiety between Western and non-Western participants in a trauma-focused study, Journal of Traumatic Stress 23: 300-303.
- Harmelen A. van, Tol M.J. van, Wee N.J.A. van der, Veltman D.J., Aleman A., Spinhoven P., Buchem M.A. van, Zitman F.G., Penninx B.W.J.H. & Elzinga B.M. (2010), Reduced medial prefrontal cortex volume in adults reporting childhood emotional maltreatment, Biological Psychiatry 68: 832-838.
- Bakvis P., Spinhoven P., Putman P., Zitman F.G. & Roelofs K. (2010), The effect of stress induction on working memory in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, Epilepsy & Behavior 19: 448-454.
- Meulenbeek P., Spinhoven P., Smit F., Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Cuijpers P. (2010), Cognitive mediation of panic reduction during an early intervention for panic, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 122: 20-29.
- Harmelen A. van, Jong P.J. de, Glashouwer K.A., Spinhoven P., Penninx B.W. & Elzinga B.M. (2010), Child abuse and negative explicit and automatic self-associations: The cognitive scars of emotional maltreatment, Behaviour Research and Therapy 48: 486-494.
- Bakvis P., Spinhoven P., Giltay E.J., Kuyk J., Edelbroek P.M., Zitman F.G. & Roelofs K. (2010), Basal hypercortisolism and trauma in patients with Psychogenic Non Epileptic Seizures, Epilepsia 51: 752-759.
- Lobbestael J., Vreeswijk M.F., Spinhoven P., Schouten E. & Arntz A. (2010), Reliability and validity of the short Schema Mode Inventory (SMI), Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 38: 437-458.
- Haringsma R., Spinhoven P., Engels G.I. & Leeden M. van der (2010), Effects of sad mood on autobiographical memory in older adults with and without lifetime depression, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 49: 343-357.
- Spinhoven P., Bamelis L., Molendijk M.L., Haringsma R. & Arntz A. (2009), Reduced specificity of autobiographical memory in Cluster C personality disorders and the role of depression, worry, and experiential avoidance, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 118: 520-530.
- Nadort M., Arntz A., Smit J.H., Giesen-Bloo J., Eikelenboom M., Spinhoven P., Asselt T. van, Wensing M. & Dyck R. van (2009), Implementation of outpatient schema therapy for borderline personality disorder with versus without crisis support by the therapist outside office hours: A randomized trial, Behaviour Research and Therapy 47: 961-973.
- Waal M.W.M. de, Arnold I.A., Spinhoven P., Eekhof J.A.H., Assendelft W.J.J. & Hemert A.M. van (2009), The role of comorbidity in the detection of psychiatric disorders with checklists for mental and physical symptoms in primary care, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 44: 78-85.
- Greeven J.F., Spinhoven P. & Balkom A.J.L.M. van (2009), Hypochondriasis Y-BOCS: A study of the psychometric properties of a clinician-administered semi-structured interview to assess hypochondriacal thoughts and behaviours, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 16: 431-443.
- Goekoop J.G., Winter R.F.P. de, Wolterbeek R., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G. & Wiegant V.M. (2009), Reduced cooperativeness and reward-dependence in depression with above-normal plasma vasopressin concentration, Journal of Psychopharmacology 23: 891-897.
- Bakvis P., Roelofs K., Kuyk J., Edelbroek P.M., Swinkels W.A.M. & Spinhoven P. (2009), Trauma, stress, and preconscious threat processing in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, Epilepsia 50: 1001-1011.
- Orden M. van, Hoffman T., Haffmans P.M.J., Spinhoven P. & Hoencamp E. (2009), Collaborative mental health care versus care as usual in a primary care setting: A randomized controlled trial, Psychiatric Services 60: 74-79.
- Oei N.Y.L., Tollenaar M.S., Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2009), Hydrocortisone reduces emotional distracter interference in working memory, Psychoneuroendocrinology 34: 1284-1293.
- Roelofs K., Peer J.M. van, Berretty E.W., Jong P.J. de, Spinhoven P. & Elzinga B.M. (2009), Hypothamus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis hyperresponsiveness is associated with increased social avoidance behavior in social phobia, Biological Psychiatry 65: 336-343.
- Bakvis P., Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2009), Basal cortisol is positively correlated to threat vigilance in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, Epilepsy & Behavior 16: 558-560.
- Spinhoven P., Rooij M.J. de, Heiser W.J., Smit J. & Penninx B.W. (2009), The role of personality in comorbidity among anxiety and depressive disorders in primary care and specialty care: A cross-sectional analysis, General Hospital Psychiatry 31: 470-477.
- Speckens A.E.M. & Spinhoven P. (2009), Somatoforme stoornissen. In: Hengeveld M.W., Balkom A.J.L.M., Heeringen C. van & Sabbe B.G.C. (red.), Leerboek Psychiatrie. Utrecht: de Tijdstroom. 377-389.
- Meulenbeek P., Willemse G., Smit F., Van Balkom A.J.L.M., Spinhoven P. & Cuijpers P. (2009), Early intervention in panic: Randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis, Trials (Open Access) 9: e67.
- Smit F., Willemse G., Meulenbeek P., Koopmanschap M., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P. & Cuijpers P. (2009), Preventing panic disorder: cost-effectiveness analysis alongside a pragmatic randomised trial, Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation (Open Access) 7(8): 1-12.
- Muntingh A.D.T., Feltz-Cornelis C.M. van der, Marwijk H.W.J. van, Spinhoven P., Assendelft W.J.J., Waal M.W.M. de, Hakkaart-Van Roijen L., Adèr H.J. & Balkom A.J.L.M. van (2009), Collaborative stepped care for anxiety disorders in primary care: aims and design of a randomized controlled trial, BMC Health Services Research 9(159): 1-12.
- Nadort M., Dyck R. van, Smit J.H., Giesen-Bloo J., Eikelenboom M., Wensing M., Spinhoven P., Dirksen C., Bleecke J., Milligen B. van, Vreeswijk M.F. & Arntz A. (2009), Three preparatory studies for promoting implementation of outpatient schema therapy for borderline personality disorder in general mental health care, Behaviour Research and Therapy 47: 938-945.
- Arnold I.A., Waal M.W.M. de, Eekhof J.A.H., Assendelft W.J.J., Spinhoven P. & Hemert A.M. van (2009), Medically unexplained physical symptoms in primary care: A controlled study on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral treatment by the family physician, Psychosomatics 50: 515-524.
- Bockting C.L.H., Spinhoven P., Wouters L.F., Koeter M.W.J. & Schene A.H. (2009), Long-term effects of preventive cognitive therapy in recurrent depression: A 5.5-year follow-up study, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 70: 1621-1628.
- Nadort M., Arntz A., Smit J.H., Giesen-Bloo J., Eikelenboom M., Spinhoven P., Asselt T. van, Wensing M. & Dyck R. van (2009), Implementation of outpatient schema therapy for borderline personality disorder: Study design, BMC Psychiatry 9(64): 1-10.
- Greeven A., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Leeden M. van der, Merkelbach J.W., Heuvel O.A. van den & Spinhoven P. (2009), Cognitive behavioral therapy versus paroxetine in the treatment of hypochondriasis: An 18 month naturalistic follow-up, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 40: 487-496.
- Weijenborg P.T., Kuile M.M. ter, Gopie J. & Spinhoven P. (2009), Predictors of outcome in a cohort of women with chronic pelvic pain - A follow-up study, European Journal of Pain 13: 769-775.
- Spinhoven P., Slee N., Garnefski N. & Arensman E. (2009), Childhood sexual abuse differentially predicts outcome of cognitive-behavioral therapy for deliberate self-harm, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 197: 455-457.
- Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W. (2009), Immediate and prolonged effects of cortisol, but not propranolol, on memory retrieval in healthy young men, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 91: 23-31.
- Peer J.M. van, Spinhoven P., Dijk J.G. van & Roelofs K. (2009), Cortisol-induced enhancement of emotional face processing in social phobia depends on symptom severity and motivational context, Biological Psychology 81: 123-130.
- Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W. (2009), Psychophysiological responding to emotional memories in healthy young men after cortisol and propranolol administration, 203: 793-803.
- Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W. (2009), Autobiographical memory after acute stress in healthy young men, Memory 17: 301-310.
- Spinhoven P. & Roelofs K. (2008), Trauma en onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten, Neuropsychiatrie & gedragsneurologie 7: 32-36.
- Penninx B.W., Beekman A.T.F., Smit J.H., Zitman F.G., Nolen W.A., Spinhoven P., Cuijpers P., Jong P.J. de, Marwijk H.W.J. van, Assendelft W.J.J., Meer K. van der, Verhaak P., Wensing M., Graaf R. de, Hoogendijk W.J., Ormel J. & Dyck R. van (2008), The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA): Rationale, objectives, methods, International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 17: 121-140.
- Asselt T. van, Dirksen C.D., Arntz A., Giesen-Bloo J., Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P., Tilburg W. van, Kremers I.P., Nadort M. & Severens J.L. (2008), Out-patient psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: Cost-effectiveness of schema-focused therapy v. transference focused psychotherapy, British Journal of Psychiatry 192: 450-457.
- Verschuur M.J., Spinhoven P. & Rosendaal F.R. (2008), Offering a medical examination following disaster exposure does not result in long-lasting reassurance about health complaints, General Hospital Psychiatry 30: 200-207.
- Spinhoven P. & Arensman E. (2008), Authors' reply (to Cognitive-behavioural therapy for self-harm), British Journal of Psychiatry 193: 80-81.
- Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W. (2008), The effects of cortisol on long-term memory retrieval during and after acute psychosocial stress, Acta Psychologica 127: 542-552.
- De Jong K., Nugter A., Polak M., Wagenborg H., Spinhoven P. & Heiser W. (2008), The Dutch version of the Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45): a cross-cultural validation, Psychologie & Gezondheid 36(1): 35-45.
- Elzinga B.M., Roelofs K., Tollenaar M.S., Bakvis P., Pelt J. van & Spinhoven P. (2008), Diminished cortisol responses to psychosocial stress associated with lifetime adverse events. A study among healthy young subjects, Psychoneuroendocrinology 33: 227-237.
- Verschuur M.J., Spinhoven P., Emmerik A.A.P. van & Rosendaal F.R. (2008), Participation in a trauma-focused epidemiological investigation may result in sensitization for current health problems, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 43: 132-139.
- Tollenaar M.S., Elzinga B.M., Spinhoven P. & Everaerd W. (2008), Long-term outcomes of memory retrieval under stress, Behavioral Neuroscience 122: 697-703.
- Bockting C.L.H., Doesschate M.C. ten, Spijker J., Spinhoven P., Koeter M.W.J. & Schene A.H. (2008), Continuation and maintenance use of antidepressants in recurrent depression, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 77: 17-26.
- Spinhoven P., Giesen-Bloo J., Dyck R. van & Arntz A. (2008), Can assessors and therapists predict the outcome of long-term psychotherapy in borderline personality disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychology 64: 667-686.
- Vreeswijk M.F., Broersen J. & Spinhoven P. (2008), Effect van meten is weten: therapieresultaten en therapeutische relatie. In: Vreeswijk M.F., Broersen J. & Nadort M. (red.), Handboek Schematherapie. Theorie, praktijk en onderzoek.. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 187-204.
- Hoogduin C.A.L., Spinhoven P., Hagenaars M.A., Bleijenberg G. & Knoop H. (2008), Somatoforme stoornissen. In: Vandereycken W., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Emmelkamp P.M.G. (red.), Handboek Psychopathologie. Deel 1 Basisbegrippen.. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 293-330.
- Slee N., Garnefski N. & Spinhoven P. (2008), Protocollaire cognitieve gedragstherapie voor jongeren met zelfbeschadigend gedrag. In: Braet C. & Bögels S. (red.), Protocollaire behandelingen voor kinderen met psychische klachten.. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom SUN. 527-550.
- Huyser J., Schene A.H., Sabbe B. & Spinhoven P. (red.) (2008), Handboek Depressieve Stoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom.
- Slee N., Garnefski N., Leeden M. van der, Arensman E. & Spinhoven P. (2008), Cognitive-behavioural intervention for self-harm: randomised controlled trial, British Journal of Psychiatry 192(3): 202-211.
- Slee N., Spinhoven P., Garnefski N. & Arensman E. (2008), Emotion regulation as mediator of treatment outcome in therapy for deliberate self-harm, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 15: 205-216.
- Peer J.M. van, Roelofs K. & Spinhoven P. (2008), Cortisol administration enhances the coupling of midfrontal delta and beta oscillations, International Journal of Psychophysiology 67: 144-150.
- Slee N., Garnefski N., Spinhoven P. & Arensman E. (2008), The influence of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and depression severity on deliberate self-harm, Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 38: 274-286.
- Kooiman C.G., Raats M.E. & Spinhoven P. (2008), Alexithymia, negative feelings in the patient and pejorative feelings in the clinician, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 77: 61-62.
- Nousi A., Haringsma R., Gerwen L.J. van & Spinhoven P. (2008), Different flying histories in flying phobics: Association with psychopathology and treatment outcome, Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 79: 953-959.
- De Jong K., Nugter M.A., Polak M.G., Wagenborg J.E.A., Spinhoven P. & Heiser W.J. (2008), De Nederlandse versie van de Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45): Een crossculturele validatie, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 36: 35-45.
- Nousi A., Gerwen L.J. van & Spinhoven P. (2008), The Flight Anxiety Situations Questionnaire and the Flight Anxiety Modality Questionnaire: Norms for people with fear of flying, Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 6: 305-310.
- Verschuur M.J., Spinhoven P., Emmerik A.A.P. van & Rosendaal F.R. (2007), Making a bad thing worse: Effects of communication of results of an epidemiological study after an aviation disaster, Social Science & Medicine 65: 1430-1441.
- Bean T., Derluyn I., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Broekaert E. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Validation of the multiple language versions of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist-37 for refugee adolescents, Adolescence 165: 51-71.
- Dusseldorp E., Spinhoven P., Bakker P.B., Dyck R. van & Balkom A.J.L.M. van (2007), Which panic disorder patients benefit from which treatment: Cognitive therapy of antidepressant?, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 76: 154-161.
- Krijn M., Emmelkamp P.M.G., Olafsson R.P., Bouwman M., Gerwen L.J. van, Spinhoven P., Schuemie M.J. & Mast C.A.P.G. van der (2007), Fear of flying treatment methods: Virtual reality exposure vs. cognitive behavioral therapy, Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine 78: 121-128.
- Blom M.B.J., Jonker K., Dusseldorp E., Spinhoven P., Hoencamp E., Haffmans P.M.J. & Dyck R. van (2007), Combination treatment for acute depression is superior only when psychotherapy is added to medication, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 76: 289-297.
- Slee N., Arensman E., Garnefski N. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Cognitive-behavioral therapy for deliberate self-harm, Crisis : The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 28: 175-182.
- Dingemans A.E., Spinhoven P. & Furth E.F. van (2007), Predictors and mediators of treatment outcome in patients with binge eating disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 45: 2551-2562.
- Bean T., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Course and predictors of mental health of unaccompanied refugee minors in the Netherlands: One year follow-up, Social Science & Medicine 64: 1204-1215.
- Arnold I.A., Waal M.W.M. de, Eekhof J.A.H., Spinhoven P., Assendelft W.J.J. & Hemert A. van (2007), Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten en de samenhang met depressie en angst, Ensino em Re-vista 50: 686-689.
- De Jong K., Nugter M.A., Polak M.G., Wagenborg J.E.A., Spinhoven P. & Heiser W.J. (2007), The Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45) in a Dutch population: A cross-cultural validation, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 14: 288-301.
- Blom M.B.J., Spinhoven P., Hoffman T., Jonker K., Hoencamp E., Haffmans P.M.J. & Dyck R. van (2007), Severity and duration of depression, not personality factors, predict short term outcome in the treatment of major depression, Journal of Affective Disorders 104: 119-126.
- Merens W., Does A.J.W. van der & Spinhoven P. (2007), The effects of serotonin manipulations on emotional information processing and mood, Journal of Affective Disorders 103: 43-62.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2007), Van hypnose naar mindfulness: a new belief?. In: Balkom A. van, Nijsen M., Beekman A. & Hoogendijk W. (red.), Verwetenschappelijking van de psychiatrie. Liber amicorum voor Richard van Dyck. Utrecht: de Tijdstroom. 25-31.
- Greeven J.F., Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Spinhoven P. (2007), Hypochondrie. In: Denys D. & Geus F. de (red.), Handboek Obsessieve-compulsieve stoornissen. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 227-244.
- Peer J.M. van, Roelofs K., Rotteveel M., Dijk J.G. van, Spinhoven P. & Ridderinkhof K.R. (2007), The effects of cortisol administration on approach-avoidance behavior: An event-related potential study, Biological Psychology 76(3): 135-146.
- Roelofs K. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Trauma and medically unexplained symptoms. Towards an integration of cognitive and neuro-biological accounts, Clinical Psychology Review 27: 798-820.
- Kate C.A. ten, Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Muller N. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen in een instelling voor tweedelijns geestelijke gezondheidszorg, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 49: 597-621.
- Spinhoven P., Giesen-Bloo J., Dyck R. van, Kooiman C.G. & Arntz A. (2007), The therapeutic alliance in schema-focused therapy and transference-focused psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 75: 104-115.
- Greeven J.F., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Visser S., Merkelbach J.W., Rood Y.R. van, Dyck R. van, Does A.J.W. van der, Zitman F.G. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Cognitive behavior therapy and paroxetine in the treatment of hypochondriasis: A randomized controlled trial, The American Journal of Psychiatry 164: 91-99.
- Barnhofer T., Crane C., Spinhoven P. & Williams J.M.G. (2007), Failures to retrieve specific memories in previously depressed individuals: Random errors of content-related?, Behaviour Research and Therapy 45: 1859-1869.
- Winter R.F.P. de, Wolterbeek R., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G. & Goekoop J.G. (2007), Character and temperament in major depressive disorder and a highly anxious-retarded subtype derived from melancholia, Comprehensive Psychiatry 48: 426-435.
- Spinhoven P., Bockting C.L.H., Kremers I.P., Schene A.H. & Williams J.M.G. (2007), The endorsement of dysfunctional attitudes is associated with an impaired retrieval of specific autobiographical memories in response to matching cues, Memory 15: 324-338.
- Bean T., Derluyn I., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Broekaert E. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Comparing psychological distress, traumatic stress reactions, and experiences of unaccompanied refugee minors with experiences of adolescent accompanied by parents, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 195: 288-297.
- Kremers I.P., Giezen A.E. van, Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2007), Memory of childhood trauma before and after long-term psychological treatment of borderline personality disorder, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 38: 1-10.
- Bean T., Mooijaart A., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Spinhoven P. (2007), Validation of the Teacher's Report Form for teachers of unaccompanied refugee minors, Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 25: 53-68.
- Haringsma R., Engels G.I., Cuijpers P. & Spinhoven P. (2006), Effectiveness of the Coping With Depression (CWD) course of older adults provided by the community-based mental health care system in the Netherlands: a randomized controlled field trial, International Psychogeriatrics 18: 307-325.
- Bockting C.L.H., Spinhoven P., Koeter M.W.J., Wouters L.F. & Schene A.H. (2006), Prediction of recurrence in recurrent depression and the influence of consecutive episodes on vulnerability for depression: a 2-year prospective study, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 67: 747-755.
- Gerwen L.J. van, Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (2006), Behavioral and cognitive group treatment for fear of flying: a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 37: 358-371.
- Greeven J.F., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Rood Y.R. van, Oppen P. van & Spinhoven P. (2006), The boundary between hypochondriasis and obsessive-compulsive disorder: A cross-sectional study from the Netherlands, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 67: 1682-1689.
- Spinhoven P., Bean T. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (2006), Inconsistencies in the self-report of traumatic experiences by unaccompanied refugee minors, Journal of Traumatic Stress 19: 663-673.
- Arnold I., Waal M.W.M. de, Eekhof J.A.H., Assendelft W.J.J., Spinhoven P. & Hemert A.M. van (2006), Medically unexplained physical symptoms and the effectiveness of cognitive behavioural treatment by the GP, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 61: 388-388.
- Bean T., Mooijaart A., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Spinhoven P. (2006), Validation of the child behavior checklist for guardians of unaccompanied refugee minors, 28: 867-887.
- Wiendels N.J., Haestregt A. van, Knuistingh Neven A., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G., Assendelft W.J.J. & Ferrari M.D. (2006), Chronic frequent headache in the general population: comorbidity and quality of life, Cephalalgia 26: 1443-1450.
- Kremers I.P., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Dyck R. van (2006), Social problem solving, autobiographical memory and future specificity in outpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 13: 131-137.
- Spinhoven P., Bockting C.L.H., Schene A.H., Koeter M.W.J., Wekking E.M. & Williams J.M.G. (2006), Autobiographical memory in the euthymic phase of recurrent depression, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 115: 590-600.
- Swinkels W.A.M., Emde Boas W. van, Kuyk J., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2006), Interictal depression, anxiety, personality traits, and psychological dissociation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and extra- TLE, Epilepsia 47: 2092-2103.
- Bean T., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Mooijaart A. & Spinhoven P. (2006), Factors associated with mental health service need and utilization among unaccompanied refugee adolescents, Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 33: 342-355.
- Giesen-Bloo J., Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P., Tilburg W. van, Dirksen C., Asselt T. van, Kremers I.P., Nadort M. & Arntz A. (2006), Outpatient psychotherapy for borderline personality disorder: Randomized trial of schema-focused therapy vs transference-focused psychotherapy, Archives of General Psychiatry 63: 649-658.
- Lindhout I., Markus M.T., Hoogendijk T., Borst S.R., Maingay R., Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van & Boer F. (2006), Childrearing style of anxiety-disordered parents, Child Psychiatry and Human Development 37: 89-102.
- Wiendels N.J., Knuistingh Neven A., Rosendaal F.R., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G., Assendelft W.J.J. & Ferrari M.D. (2006), Chronic frequent headache in the general population: prevalence and associated factors, Cephalalgia 26: 1434-1442.
- Kremers I.P., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Dyck R. van (2006), Autobiographical memory in depressed and nondepressed patients with borderline personality disorder after long-term psychotherapy, Cognition and Emotion 20: 448-465.
- Bean T., Derluyn I., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Broekaert E. & Spinhoven P. (2006), Validation of the multiple language versions of the Reactions of Adolescents to Traumatic Stress questionnaire, Journal of Traumatic Stress 19: 241-255.
- Spinhoven P. & Verschuur M.J. (2006), Predictors of fatigue in rescue workers and residents in the aftermath of an aviation disaster: a longitudinal study, Psychosomatic Medicine 68: 605-612.
- Bockting C.L.H., Spinhoven P., Koeter M.W.J., Wouters L.F., Visser I. & Schene A.H. (2006), Differential predictors of response to preventive cognitive therapy in recurrent depression: a 2-year prospective study, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 75: 229-236.
- Haringsma R., Engels G.I., Leeden M. van der & Spinhoven P. (2006), Predictors of response to the 'Coping with depression' course for older adults. A field study, Aging and Mental Health 10: 424-434.
- Dingemans A.E., Spinhoven P. & Furth E.F. van (2006), Maladaptive core beliefs and eating disorder symptoms, Eating Behaviors 7: 258-265.
- Bean T., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Spinhoven P. (2006), Unaccompanied refugee minors; a challeging group to teach, The International Journal on School Disaffection 2: 22-26.
- Swinkels W.A.M., Kuyk J., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2005), Psychiatric comorbidity in epilepsy, Epilepsy & Behavior 7: 37-50.
- Spinhoven P., Smid T., Verschuur M.J. & Smidt N. (2005), Zorgen en angsten van de betrokkenen bij de vliegramp in de Bijlmermeer niet afgenomen door het medisch onderzoek, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 149: 1363-1364.
- Bockting C.L.H., Schene A.H., Spinhoven P., Koeter M.W.J., Wouters L.F., Huyser J., Kamphuis J.H. & DELTA Study Group (2005), Preventing relapse/recurrence in recurrent depression with cognitive therapy: a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 73: 647-657.
- Spinhoven P. (2005), Stoornissen met vooral lichamelijke symptomen: Somatoforme stoornissen. In: Hengeveld M.W. & Balkom A.J.L.M. van (red.), Leerboek psychiatrie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom. 323-334.
- Bockting C.L.H., Schene A.H., Huyser J., Spinhoven P. & Koeter M.W.J. (2005), Recidiverende depressie: herstel en terugval in een Nederlands cohort. In: Schene A.H., Boer F., Heeren T.J., Jaspers J.P.C., Sabbe B. & Weeghel J. van (red.), Jaarboek voor psychiatrie en psychotherapie 2005-2006. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 100-115.
- Wiendels N.J., Neven AK, Rosendaal F.R., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G., Assendelft W.J.J. & Ferrari M.D. (2005), Comorbidity of chronic requent headache in the general population, Cephalalgia 25: 936-937.
- Wiendels N.J., Neven AK, Rosendaal F.R., Spinhoven P., Zitman F.G., Assendelft W.J.J. & Ferrari M.D. (2005), Prevalence of chronic frequent headache and associated factors: A population-based cross-sectional study, Cephalalgia 25: 858-858.
- Roelofs K., Spinhoven P., Sandijck P., Moene F. & Hoogduin C.A.L. (2005), The impact of early trauma and recent life-events on symptom severity in patients with conversion disorder, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 193: 508-514.
- Kroeze S., Does A.J.W. van der, Spinhoven P., Schot R., Sterk P.J. & Aardweg J.G. van den (2005), Automatic negative evaluation of suffocation sensations in individuals with suffocation fear, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 114: 466-470.
- Booij L., Does A.J.W. van der, Haffmans P.M.J., Spinhoven P. & McNally R.J. (2005), Acute tryptophan depletion as a model of depressive relapse: behavioural specificity and ethical considerations, British Journal of Psychiatry 187: 148-154.
- Broers S., Vliet K.P. van, Cessie S. le, Spinhoven P., Ven N.C.W. van der & Radder J.K. (2005), Blood glucose awareness training in Dutch type I diabete patients: one-year follow-up, The Netherlands Journal of Medicine 63: 164-169.
- Waal M.W.M. de, Arnold I.A., Spinhoven P., Eekhof J.A.H. & Hemert A.M. van (2005), The reporting of specific physical symptoms for mental distress in general practice, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 59: 89-95.
- Veek P.P.J. van der, Rood Y.R. van, Swenne C.A., Biemond I., Zitman F.G., Spinhoven P. & Masclee A.A.M. (2005), Irritable bowel syndrome: towards an integrated psycho-neurophysiological approach (final report Maag Lever Darm Stichting project WS 99-17), European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17: A5-A6.
- Giezen A.E. van, Arensman E., Spinhoven P. & Wolters G. (2005), Consistency of memory for emotionally arousing events: a review of prospective and experimental studies, Clinical Psychology Review 25: 935-953.
- Brinke A. ten, Sterk P.J., Masclee A.A.M., Spinhoven P., Schmidt J.T., Zwinderman A.H., Rabe K.F. & Bel E.H.D. (2005), Risk factors of frequent exacerbations in difficult-to-treat asthma, European Respiratory Journal 26(5): 812-818.
- Gier M. de, Vlaeyen J.W.S., Breukelen G. van, Stomp S.G.M., Kuile M.M. ter, Kole-Snijders A.M.J. & Spinhoven P. (2004), Meetinstrument chronische pijn. Pijn coping en cognitie lijst (PCCL), validering en normgegevens. Maastricht: Pijn Kennis Centrum.
- Gier M. de, Vlaeyen J.W.S., Breukelen G. van, Stomp S.G.M., Kuile M.M. ter, Kole-Snijders A.M.J. & Spinhoven P. (2004), Pijn coping en cognitie lijst. Validering en normgegevens. Maastricht: Pijnkenniscentrum Maastricht, AZM.
- Speckens A.E.M., Spinhoven P. & Rood Y.R. van (2004), Cognitieve gedragstherapie Protocollaire behandeling van patiënten met onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten. In: Keijsers G.P.J., Minnen A. van & Hoogduin C.A.L. (red.), Protocollaire behandelingen in de ambulante geestelijke gezondheidszorg, deel I, tweeede herziene druk. Houten/Diegem: Bohn/Stafleu van Lochum.
- Speckens A.E.M., Spinhoven P. & Rood Y.R. van (2004), Protocollaire behandeling van patiënten met onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten: Cognitieve gedragstherapie. In: Keijsers G.P.J., Minnen A. van & Hoogduin C.A.L. (red.), Protocollaire behandelingen in de ambulante geestelijke gezondheidszorg I. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 183-218.
- Verschuur M.J., Maric M., Cuijpers A.T.F., Emmerik A.A.P. van, Rosendaal F.R. & Spinhoven P. (2004), Het effect van het Medisch Onderzoek Vliegramp Bijlmermeer op de gezondheidsbeleving van bewoners en hulpverleners ruim acht jaar na de Vliegramp Bijlmermeer. Eindrapport van het Medisch Onderzoek Vliegramp Bijlmermeer-Effectonderzoek (MOVB-EF). Leiden: FSW en LUMC.
- Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Vliet I.M. van & Spinhoven P. (2004), De CBO-richtlijn angststoornissen, Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie 30: 436-438.
- Swinkels W.A.M., Kuyk J., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2004), Psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Washington Psychological Seizure Inventory, Epilepsia 7: 844-848.
- Spinhoven P., Kuile M.M. ter, Kole-Snijders A.M.J., Hutten Mansfeld M., Ouden D.-J. den & Vlaeyen J.W.S. (2004), Catastrophizing and internal pain control as mediators of outcome in the multidisciplinary treatment of chronic low back pain, European Journal of Pain 8: 211-219.
- Janssen S.A., Spinhoven P. & Arntz A. (2004), The effects of failing to control pain: an experimental investigation, Pain 107: 227-233.
- Bockting C.L.H., Schene A.H., Spinhoven P., Koeter M.W.J., Wouters L.F. & Huyser J. (2004), Preventing new episodes in recurrent depression by an eight session cognitive group therapy: a randomized controlled trial, Journal of Affective Disorders 78: S92-S93.
- Kooiman C.G., Rees Vellinga S. van, Spinhoven P., Draijer N., Trijsburg R.W. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (2004), Childhood adversities as risk factors for alexithymia and other aspects of affect dysregulation in adulthood, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 73: 107-116.
- Verschuur M.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Spinhoven P. (2004), Associations among homesickness, anger, anxiety, and depression, Psychological Reports 94: 1155-1170.
- Spinhoven P., Roelofs K., Moene F., Kuyk J., Nijenhuis E.M., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Dyck R. van (2004), Trauma and dissociation in conversion disorder and chronic pelvic pain, International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 34: 303-316.
- Haringsma R., Engels G.I., Beekman A.F.T. & Spinhoven P. (2004), The criterion validity of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) in a sample of self-referred elders with depressive symptomatology, International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 19: 558-563.
- Kremers I.P., Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2004), Autobiographical memory in depressed and non-depressed patients with borderline personality disorder, British Journal of Clinical Psychology 43: 17-29.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Duijsens I.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Verschuur M.J. & Spinhoven P. (2003), Anxiety sensitivity profile: dimensional structure and relationship with temperament and character, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72: 217-222.
- Verschuur M.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Spinhoven P. & Duijsens I.J. (2003), Homesickness, temperament and character, Personality and Individual Differences 35: 757-770.
- Gerwen L.J. van, Delorme C., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2003), Personality pathology and cognitive-behavioral treatment of fear of flying, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 34: 171-189.
- Dijk J.A. van, Schoutrop M.J.A. & Spinhoven P. (2003), Testimony therapy: treatment method for traumatized victims of organized violence, American Journal of Psychotherapy 57: 361-373.
- Spinhoven P. (2003), Commentaar; Beproefd: Strenge selecties en uitval van clienten maken gemeten effecten vaak onbetrouwbaar, Maandblad voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid 58: 590-591.
- Kuyk J., Swinkels W.A.M. & Spinhoven P. (2003), Psychopathologies in patients with nonepileptic seizures with and without comorbid epilepsy: how different are they?, Epilepsy & Behavior 4: 13-18.
- Moene F., Spinhoven P., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Dyck R. van (2003), A randomized controlled clinical trial of a hypnosis-based treatment for patients with conversion disorder, motor type, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 51: 29-50.
- Swinkels W.A.M., Duijsens I.J. & Spinhoven P. (2003), Personality disorder traits in patients with epilepsy, Seizure 12: 587-594.
- Bakker A., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Dyck R. van (2003), Reply [Letter], Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 72: 111-111.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Dyck R. van, Kuile M.M. ter, Mourits M.J.E., Spinhoven P. & Hart O. van der (2003), Evidence for association among somatoform dissociation, psychological dissociation and reported trauma in patients with chronic pelvic pain, Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 24: 87-98.
- Gerwen L.J. van, Wal C. van de & Spinhoven P. (2003), Differential effects on self-efficacy of treatment components for fear of flying, International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies 3: 291-309.
- Broers S., Cessie S. le, Vliet K.P. van, Spinhoven P., Ven N.C.W. van der & Radder J.K. (2002), Blood glucose awareness training in Dutch Type 1 diabetes patients. Short-term evaluation of individual and group training, Diabetic Medicine 19: 157-161.
- Griens A.M.G.F., Jonker K., Spinhoven P. & Blom M.B.J. (2002), The influence of depressive state features on trait measurement, Journal of Affective Disorders 70: 95-99.
- Kraaij V., Arensman E. & Spinhoven P. (2002), Negative life events and depression in elderly persons: a meta-analysis, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 57B(1): P87-P94.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2002), CERQ: Manual for the use of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Leiderdorp: Datec.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2002), CERQ. Handleiding voor het gebruik van de Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. Leiden: Datec V.O.F..
- Spinhoven P., Elzinga B.M. & Roelofs K. (2002), Theoretische modellen van PTSS. In: Minnen A. van & Verbaak M. (red.), Psychologische interventies bij posttraumatische stressstoornis. Zeist: Cure & Care.
- Janssen S.A., Spinhoven P. & Arntz A. (2002), The influence of failing to control pain: an experimental investigation, Abstract book of the 32nd EABCT-congress, Maastricht. 258-258.
- Haringsma R., Engels G.I. & Spinhoven P. (2002), Efficacy of the 'Coping with Depression' course for elderly, Abstract book 32nd EABCT-congress, Maastricht. 175-176.
- Bakker A., Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Spinhoven P. (2002), SSRIs vs. TCAs in the treatment of panic disorder: a meta-analysis, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 106: 163-167.
- Kooiman C.G., Spinhoven P. & Trijsburg R.W. (2002), The assessment of alexithymia - A critical review of the literature and a psychometric study of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 53: 1083-1090.
- Kooiman C.G., Spinhoven P. & Trijsburg R.W. (2002), The assessment of alexithymia: A critical review of the literature and a psychometric study of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 53: 1083-1090.
- Prins J.B., Bleijenberg G., Bazelmans E., Elving L.D., Boo T.M. de, Severens J.L., Wilt G.J. van der, Spinhoven P. & Meer J.W.M. van de (2002), Cognitieve gedragstherapie voor het chronisch vermoeidheidssyndroom: een 'multicenter randomized controlled trial', Gedragstherapie 35: 165-179.
- Bakker A., Spinhoven P., Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Dyck R. van (2002), Relevance of assessment of cognitions during panic attacks in the treatment of panic disorder, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 71: 158-161.
- Bakker A., Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Balkom A.J.L.M. van & Dyck R. van (2002), Locus of control orientation in panic disorder and the differential effects of treatment, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 71: 85-89.
- Gerwen L.J. van, Spinhoven P., Diekstra R.F.W. & Dyck R. van (2002), Multicomponent standardized treatment programs for fear of flying: description and effectiveness, Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 9: 138-149.
- Oosterbaan D.B., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P., Meij T.G.M. de & Dyck R. van (2002), The influence on treatment gain of comorbid avoidant personality disorder in patients with social phobia, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 190: 41-43.
- Moene F., Spinhoven P. & Hoogduin C.A.L. (2002), A randomised controlled clinical trial on the additional effect of hypnosis in a comprehensive treatment programme for in-patients with conversion disorder of the motor type, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 71: 66-76.
- Brinke A. ten, Ouwerkerk M.E., Zwinderman A.H. & Spinhoven P. (2001), Psychopathology in patients with severe asthma is associated with increased health care utilization, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 163: 1093-1096.
- Duijsens I.J. & Spinhoven P. (2001), Handleiding van de Nederlandse Verkorte Temperament en Karakter Vragenlijst. Leiderdorp: Datec.
- Spinhoven P., Bouman T.K. & Hoogduin C.A.L. (2001), Behandelingsstrategieën bij Somatoforme Stoornissen. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
- Stomp-van den Berg S.G.M., Vlaeyen J.W.S., Kuile M.M. ter, Spinhoven P., Breukelen G. van & Kole-Snijders A.M.J. (2001), Meetinstrumenten chronische pijn, deel 2: pijn coping en cognitielijst (PCCL). Maastricht: Grafische Dienstverlening FB/Academisch Pijncentrum (AZM).
- Spinhoven P. (2001), Hypnose. In: , Handboek Integratieve Psychotherapie. Leusden: de Tijdstroom. 45-58.
- Spinhoven P., Nijenhuis E.R.S. & Dyck R. van (2001), De betekenis van experimenteel geheugenonderzoek voor herinneringen aan trauma. In: Schene A.H., Boer F., Heeren T.J., Henselmans H.W.J., Trijsburg R.W., Vandereycken W. & Velden K. van der (red.), Jaarboek voor psychiatrie en psychotherapie 2001-2002. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 51-70.
- Janssen S.A., Spinhoven P. & Arntz A. (2001), The influence of repeated failure to control pain, Abstract book 16th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine, Goteborg. 39-39.
- Swinkels W.A.M., Kuyk J., Graaf E.H. de, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (2001), Prevalence of psychopathology in Dutch epilepsy inpatients: a comparative study, Epilepsy & Behavior 2: 441-447.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2001), Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and emotional problems, Personality and Individual Differences 30: 1311-1327.
- Garnefski N., Kraaij V. & Spinhoven P. (2001), De relatie tussen cognitieve copingstrategieën en symptomen van depressie, angst en suïcidaliteit, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 29(3): 148-158.
- Prins J.B., Bleijenberg G., Bazelmans E., Boo T.M. de, Severens J.L., Wilt G.J. van der, Spinhoven P. & Meer J.W.M. van de (2001), Cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome: a multicentre randomised controlled trial, Lancet 357: 841-847.
- Brinke A. ten, Ouwerkerk M.E., Bel E.H.D. & Spinhoven P. (2001), Similar psychological characteristics in mild and severe asthma, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 50: 7-10.
- Janssen S.A., Spinhoven P. & Brosschot J.F. (2001), Experimentally induced anger, cardiovascular reactivity, and pain sensitivity, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 51: 479-485.
- Cath D.C., Spinhoven P., Woerkom T.C.A.M. van, Wetering B.J.M. van de, Hoogduin C.A.L., Landman A.D., Roos R.A.C. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (2001), Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome with and without obsessive-compulsive disorder compared with obsessive-compulsive disorder without tics: which symptoms discriminate?, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 189(4): 219-228.
- Verschuur M.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. & Spinhoven P. (2001), Construction and validation of the Homesickness Vulnerability Questionnaire, Personality and Individual Differences 30: 11-19.
- Bloks H., Spinhoven P., Callewaert I., Willemse-Koning C. & Turksma A. (2001), Changes in coping styles and recovery after inpatient treatment for severe eating disorders, European Eating Disorders Review 9: 397-415.
- Cath D.C., Spinhoven P., Hoogduin C.A.L., Landman A.D., Woerkom T.C.A.M. van, Wetering B.J.M. van de, Roos R.A.C. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (2001), Repetitive behaviors in Tourette's syndrome and OCD with and without tics: what are the differences?, Psychiatry Research 101: 171-185.
- Oosterbaan D.B., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P., Oppen P. van & Dyck R. van (2001), Cognitive therapy versus moclobemide in social phobia: a controlled study, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 8: 263-273.
- Oosterbaan D.B., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (2001), The placebo response in social phobia, Journal of Psychopharmacology 15(3): 199-203.
- Cath D.C., Spinhoven P., Landman A.D. & Kempen G.M.J. van (2001), Psychopathology and personality characteristics in relation to blood serotonin in Tourette's syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder, Journal of Psychopharmacology 15(2): 111-119.
- Abraham R.E., Van H.L., Foeken I. van, Ingenhoven T.J.M., Tremonti W., Pieper-de Vries I., Groot J. de, Spijker A. van 't & Spinhoven P. (2001), The development profile, Journal of Personality Disorders 15(5): 457-473.
- Moene F., Spinhoven P., Hoogduin C.A.L., Sandyck P. & Roelofs K. (2001), Hypnotizability, dissociation and trauma in patients with a conversion disorder: an exploratory study, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 8: 400-410.
- Bakker A., Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P. & Balkom A.J.L.M. van (2000), Paroxetine, clomipramine, and cognitive therapy in the treatment of panic disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 60(12): 831-838.
- Janssen S.A., Spinhoven P. & Brosschot J.F. (2000), Experimentally induced anger, cardiovascular reactivity and pain sensitivity. [overig].
- Duijsens I.J. & Spinhoven P. (2000), Handleiding van de Nederlandse Temperament en Karakter Vragenlijst. Leiderdorp: Datec.
- Hoogduin C.A.L., Spinhoven P. & Hagenaars M. (2000), Somatoforme stoornissen. In: Vandereycken W., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Emmelkamp P.M.G. (red.), Handboek Psychopathologie deel 1 Basisbegrippen. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 277-312.
- Verschuur M.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Spinhoven P. & Duijsens I.J. (2000), Homesickness, temperament and character. [overig].
- Blom M.B.J., Jonker K., Haffmans P.M.J. & Spinhoven P. (2000), Combinatie van medicatie en psychotherapie bij depressie: een overzicht, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 42(6): 399-408.
- Bakker A., Spinhoven P., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Vleugel L. & Dyck R. van (2000), Cognitive therapy by allocation versus cognitive therapy by preference in the treatment of panic disorder, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 69: 240-243.
- Spinhoven P. & Kuile M.M. ter (2000), Treatment outcome expectancies and hypnotic susceptibility as moderators of pain reduction in patients with chronic tension-type headache, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 48(3): 290-305.
- Bloks H., Spinhoven P., Callewaert I., Willemse-Koning C. & Turksma A. (2000), Het verband tussen coping en herstel na klinische behandeling van anorexia nervosa, Directieve Therapie 20(1): 42-58.
- Duijsens I.J., Spinhoven P., Goekoop J.G., Spermon T. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (2000), The Dutch temperament and character inventory (TCI): dimensional structure, reliability and validity in a normal and psychiatric outpatient sample, Personality and Individual Differences 28: 487-499.
- Moene F., Landberg E.H., Hoogduin C.A.L., Spinhoven P., Hertzberger L.I., Kleyweg R.P. & Weeda J. (2000), Organic syndromes diagnosed as conversion disorder: identification and frequency in a study of 85 patients, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 49: 7-12.
- Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P., Bakker A., Rammeloo K.C., Graatsma A.T., Adriaanse M.T. & Dyck R. van (2000), Panic-free status is not associated with improvement on continuous measures in panic disorder, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 188: 840-842.
- Van H.L., Ingenhoven T.J.M., Foekens I. van, Spijker A. van 't, Spinhoven P. & Abraham R.E. (2000), The developmental profile: preliminary results on interrater reliability and construct validity, Journal of Personality Disorders 14(4): 360-365.
- Verheul R., Brink W. van den, Spinhoven P. & Haringsma R. (2000), Richtlijnen voor klinische diagnostiek van DSM-IV-persoonlijkheidsstoornissen, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 42(6): 409-422.
- Cath D.C., Spinhoven P., Wetering B.J.M. van de, Hoogduin C.A.L., Landman A.D., Woerkom T.C.A.M. van, Roos R.A.C. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (2000), The relationship between types and severity of repetitive behaviors in Gilles de la Tourette's disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 61(7): 505-513.
- Speckens A.E.M., Spinhoven P., Hemert A.M. van & Bolk J.H. (2000), The Reassurance Questionnaire (RQ): psychometric properties of a self-report questionnaire to assess reassurability, Psychological Medicine 30: 841-847.
- Hemert A.M. van, Hengeveld M.W. & Spinhoven P. (1999), Somatoforme stoornissen: farmacotherapie en co-morbiditeit met andere psychische stoornissen. In: Spinhoven P., Hemert A.M. van & Hengeveld M.W. (red.), Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten. Pathogenetische modellen en behandeling.. Leiden: Boerhaave Commissie voor Postacademisch Onderwijs in de Gene. 95-116.
- Kuile M.M. ter & Spinhoven P. (1999), Effect moet blijken. Een onderzoek naar het voorspellen van het behandeleffect bij chronische hoofdpijnpatiënten. In: Hengeveld M.W., Spinhoven Ph., Dyck R. van & Zitman F.G. (red.), Nuchtere psychologie. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 182-200.
- Speckens A.E.M., Spinhoven P. & Rood Y.R. van (1999), Protocollaire behandeling van patiënten met onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten: Cognitieve gedragstherapie. In: Keijsers G.P.J., Minnen A. van & Hoogduin C.A.L. (red.), Protocollaire behandeling in de ambulante geestelijke gezondheidszorg 2. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 199-227.
- Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1999), Cognitieve therapie bij depressies. In: Boer J.A. den, Ormel J., Praag H.M. van, Westenberg H.G.M. & D'haenen H. (red.), Handboek Stemmingsstoornissen. Maarssen: Elsevier De Tijdstroom. 287-303.
- Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1999), Interpersoonlijke psychotherapie. In: Boer J.A. den, Ormel J., Praag H.M. van, Westenberg H.G.M. & D'haenen H. (red.), Handboek stemmingsstoornissen. Maarssen: Elsevier De Tijdstroom. 278-286.
- Spinhoven P. (1999), Hypnose. In: Smeets G., Bögels S.M., Molen H.T. van der & Arntz A. (red.), Klinische Psychologie. Groningen: Wolters Noordhoff. 222-226.
- Spinhoven P., Hemert A.M. van & Hengeveld M.W. (red.) (1999), Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten. Pathogenetische modellen en behandeling. Leiden: Boerhaave Commissie voor Postacademisch Onderwijs in Geneeskunde.
- Hengeveld M.W., Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (red.) (1999), Nuchtere psychiatrie. Houten/Diegem: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1999), Thought suppression, dissociation and psychopathology, Personality and Individual Differences 27: 877-886.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Duijsens I.J., Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M., Verschuur M.J. & Spinhoven P. (1999), Anxiety sensitivity profile: dimensional structure and relationship with personality, diagnosis and symptoms. [overig].
- Duijsens I.J., Spinhoven P., Verschuur M.J. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (1999), De ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse Verkorte en Karakter Vragenlijst (TCI-105), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 54: 267-283.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P., Hart O. van der, Chatrou H.W.C.C.I., Vanderlinden J. & Moene F. (1999), Somatoform dissociation discriminates among diagnostic categories over and above general psychopathology, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 33: 511-520.
- Duijsens I.J., Spinhoven P., Verschuur M.J. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (1999), De ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse Verkorte Temperament en Karakter Vragenlijst (TCI-105), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 54: 276-283.
- Spinhoven P., Nijenhuis E.R.S. & Dyck R. van (1999), Can experimental memory research adequately explain memory for trauma?, Psychotherapy 36(3): 257-267.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Bruschke A.V.G. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1999), Cognitive change following cognitive behavioral therapy for unexplained non-cardiac chest pain, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 68: 214-220.
- Duijsens I.J., Spinhoven P., Goekoop J.G., Spermon A. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (1999), The Dutch TCI: dimensional structure, reliability and validity in a normal and psychiatric outpatient sample, Personality and Individual Differences 28: 487-499.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Rood Y.R. van, Does A.J.W. van der & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1999), Cognitieve gedragstherapie voor niet-cardiale pijn op de borst - een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde trial, Pijn Informatorium december: 1-20.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1999), Conditions not attributable to a mental disorder in Dutch psychiatric out-patients, Psychological Medicine 29: 213-220.
- Bakker A.R., Spinhoven P., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Matser D. & Dyck R. van (1999), Double-blindness procedure did not mask giving of medication in panic disorder, Journal of Affective Disorders 54: 189-192.
- Gerwen L.J. van, Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van & Diekstra R.F.W. (1999), Construction and Psychometric Characteristics of Two Self-Report Questionnaires for the Assessment of Fear of Flying, Psychological Assessment 11(2): 146-158.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Rood Y.R. van, Does A.J.W. van der, Bruschke A.V.G. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1999), Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Noncardiac Chest Pain: A Randomized Trial, American Journal of Medicine 106(April): 424-429.
- Spinhoven P., Sterk P.J., Kamp L.J.T. van der & Onstein E.J. (1999), The complex association of pulmonary function with panic disorder: a rejoinder to Ley (1998), Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 30: 341-346.
- Spinhoven P., Sterk P.J., Kamp L. van der & Onstein E.J. (1999), The complex association of pulmonary function with panic disorder: a rejoinder to Ley (1998), Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 30: 341-346.
- Kuyk J., Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1999), Hypnotic Recall: A Positive Criterion in the Differential Diagnosis Between Epileptic and Pseudoepileptic Seizures, Epilepsia 40(4): 485-491.
- Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1999), Herwonnen herinneringen aan traumatische gebeurtenissen tijdens de jeugd, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 143(22): 1136-1140.
- Stronks D.L., Tulen J.H.M., Pepplinkhuizen L., Verheij R., Mantel G.W.H., Spinhoven P. & Passchier J. (1999), Personality traits and psychological reactions to mental stress of female migraine patients, Cephalalgia 19: 566-574.
- Kuyk J., Spinhoven P., Emde Boas W. van & Dyck R. van (1999), Dissociation in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Pseudo-Epileptic Seizure Patients, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 187(12): 713-720.
- Spinhoven P. (1998), Richtlijnen voor de psychotherapeutische behandeling van depressie: "evidence-based?", Cobo-Bulletin 31: 12-19.
- Spinhoven P. (1998), De invloed van traumatische ervaringen op de herinnering. In: Hattum W.F. van, Mooij A.W.M. & Tuinen K. van (red.), Ontmoetingen. Voordrachtreeks van het Lutje Psychiatrisch-Juridisch Gezelschap. Groningen: Vakgroep Strafrecht, RU Groningen. 39-48.
- Spinhoven P. (1998), Cognitieve en neuropsychologische modellen van de posttraumatische stress-stoornis. In: Gersons B.P.R. & Carlier I.V.E. (red.), Behandelingsstrategieën bij posttraumatische stress-stoornissen. Houten/Diegem: Bohn, Stafleu, Van Loghum. 11-24.
- Spinhoven P., Erdman R.A.M. & Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van (1998), Pijn op de borst. In: Passchier J., Trijsburg R.W., Wit R. de & Eerdmans-Dubbelt S.L.C. (red.), Psychologie van onbegrepen chronische pijn. Assen: Van Gorcum. 130-147.
- Hart O. van der, Spinhoven P., Vermetten E. & Vanderlinden J. (1998), Hypnosis in the Netherlands and Belgium. In: Hawkins P. & Heap M. (red.), Hypnosis in Europe. London: Whurr Publishers Ltd.. 141-157.
- Speckens A.E.M., Spinhoven P., Hemert A.M. van, Bolk J.H. & Hawton K. (1998), Cognitive behavioural therapy for unexplained physical symptoms: process and prognostic factors, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 25: 291-294.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1998), Noncardiac chest pain: interest in a medical psychological treatment, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 45: 471-476.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Dyck R. van, Hart O. van der & Spinhoven P. (1998), Somatoform dissociation is unlikely to be a result of indoctrination by therapists, British Journal of Psychiatry 172: 452.
- Elzinga B.M., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1998), Three controversies about dissociative identity disorder, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 5: 13-23.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1998), No heart feelings. Reply to Ehlers, Journal of Affective Disorders 49: 245-247.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Koch G.C.L., Does A.J.W. van der, Padmos I. & Bruschke A.V.G. (1998), Onverklaarde niet-cardiale pijn op de borst: prevalentie en natuurlijk beloop, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 143: 2468-2472.
- Wilmink F.W., Spinhoven P., Leentjens A.F.G., Does A.J.W. van der, Sicco Smit S.G., Verwielen M.A.W. & Voorhoeve O.M. (1998), Psychiatrische hulpvraag aan twee APZ-poliklinieken: wat verandert er in tien jaar tijd?, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 40: 3-13.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van, Hart O. van der & Vanderlinden J. (1998), Psychometric characteristics of the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire: A replication study, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 67: 17-23.
- Kooiman C.G., Spinhoven P., Trijsburg R.W. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1998), Perceived parental attitude, alexithymia and defense style in psychiatric outpatients, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 67: 81-87.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van, Hart O. van der & Vanderlinden J. (1998), Somatoforme dissociatie: bijna vergeten, maar meetbaar aanwezig, Directieve Therapie 18: 104-133.
- Bakker A., Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P., Blauw B.M.J.W. & Dyck R. van (1998), Follow-up on the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 186: 414-419.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Spinhoven P., Vanderlinden J., Dyck R. van & Hart O. van der (1998), Somatoform dissociative symptoms as related to animal defensive reactions to predatory imminence and injury, Journal of Abnormal Psychology 107: 63-73.
- Spinhoven P., Nijenhuis E.R.S. & Dyck R. van (1998), Herinneringen aan traumatische ervaringen, Directieve Therapie 18: 134-168.
- Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Haan E. de, Oppen P. van, Spinhoven P., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Dyck R. van (1998), Cognitive and behavioral therapies alone versus in combination with fluvoxamine in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 186: 492-499.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1998), No heart feelings, Journal of Affective Disorders 49: 245-247.
- Duijsens I.J., Goekoop J.G., Spinhoven P. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (1997), De temperament en karaktervragenlijst (TCI), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 52: 199-202.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1997), Accurate heartbeat perception in panic disorder: fact and artefact, Journal of Affective Disorders 43: 121-130.
- Duijsens I.J., Goekoop J.G., Spinhoven P. & Eurelings-Bontekoe E.H.M. (1997), Instrumenteel onderzoek - De temperament en karakter-vragenlijst (TCI), Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 52: 199-202.
- Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Dyck R. van (1997), The status of hypnotherapy in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In: Boer J.A. den (red.), Clinical Management of anxiety.. New York: Marcel Dekker. 197-229.
- Spinhoven P. (1997) geen. Bespreking van: Zanarini M.C. (1997), Role of sexual abuse in the etiology of borderline personality disorders.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 141: 1449-1449.
- Spinhoven P. (1997) geen. Bespreking van: Linehan M.M. (1997), Borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 141: 698-698.
- Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1997), Somatization and somatosensory amplification in psychiatric outpatients, Comprehensive Psychiatry 38: 93-97.
- Gerwen L.J. van, Diekstra R.F.W., Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1997), People who seek help for fear os flying: Typologie of flying phobics, Behavior Therapy 28: 237-251.
- Spinhoven P. & Speckens A.E.M. (1997), Overzicht effectieve psychitherapieen bij lichamelijke klachten zonder lichamelijke oorzaak, Bijblijven: cumulatief geneeskundig nascholingssysteem 9: 46-53.
- Spinhoven P., Peski-Van Oosterbaan S., Does A.J.W. van der, Willems L.N.A. & Sterk P.J. (1997), The association of anxiety with histamine induved bronchoconstriction in patients with asthma, Thorax 52: 149-152.
- Spinhoven P. (1997), Cognitieve therapie, Symposiumverslag Alles of Niets : 19-30.
- Spinhoven P. & Kooiman C.G. (1997), Defense style in depressed and anxious psychiatric outpatients: an explorative study, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 185: 87-94.
- Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1997), Depersonialization and derealization during panic and hypnosis in low and highly hypnotizable agoraphobics, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 45: 41-54.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van, Hart O. van der & Vanderlinden J. (1997), The development and psychometric characteristics of the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire (SDQ-20), Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 70: 581-581.
- Haan E. de, Oppen P. van, Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Spinhoven P., Hoogduin C.A.L. & Dyck R. van (1997), Prediction of outcome and early vs late mprovement in OCD ptients treated with cognitive behaviour therapy and pharmacotherapy, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 96: 354-361.
- Spinhoven P., Ormel J., Sloekers P.P.A., Kempen G.M.J. van, Speckens A.E.M. & Hemert A.M. van (1997), A validation study of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in differtent groups of Dutch subjects, Psychological Medicine 27: 363-370.
- Nijenhuis E.R.S., Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van, Hart O. van der & Vanderlinden J. (1997), Dissociative pathology discriminates between bipolar mood disorder and dissociative disorder,, British Journal of Psychiatry 170: 581-581.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Rood Y.R. van, Does A.J.W. van der & Bruschke A.V.G. (1997), Cognitive behavioural therapy for unexplained non-cardiac chest pain: a pilot study, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 25: 339-350.
- Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1997), Does preference for type of treatment matter? A study of exposure in vivo or without hypnosis in the treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia, Behavior Modification 21: 172-186.
- Peski-Van Oosterbaan S., Spinhoven P., Rood Y.R. van, Does A.J.W. van der & Bruschke A.J.V. (1997), Cognitive behavourial therapy for unexplained non-cardiac chest pain: A pilot study, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 25: 339-350.
- Does A.J.W. van der, Hinderink L., Vloemans J. & Spinhoven P. (1997), Burn injuries, psychiatric disorder and length of hospitalization, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 43: 431-436.
- Spinhoven P., Speckens A.E.M., Sloekers P.P.A., Bolk J.H. & Hemert A.M. van (1996), A validation study of the whitely index, the illness attitude scales, and the somatosensory amplification scale in general medical and general practice patients, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 40(1): 95-104.
- Kuyk J., Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1996), The case for a dissociative interpretation of pseudoepileptic seizures, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 184(8): 468-474.
- Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der & Sanderman R. (1996), Length of outpatient treatment affected by extraversion: Still waters run long, Personality and Individual Differences 21(6): 857-862.
- Peski-Oosterbaan A.S. van, Spinhoven P., Does A.J.W. van der, Willems L.N.A. & Sterk P.J. (1996), Is there a specific relationship between asthma and panic disorder?, Behaviour Research and Therapy 34(4): 333-340.
- Kooiman C.G. & Spinhoven P. (1996), Psychoanalytical aspects of DSM-III-R personality disorders in a group of HIV seropositive homosexual males, Journal of Personality Disorders 10(2): 195-201.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J., Klinkhamer R.A. & Knoppert-Van der Klein E.A.M. (1996), Panic management, trazodone and a combination of both in the treatment of panic disorder, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 3(2): 86-92.
- Kuile M.M. ter, Spinhoven P., Linssen A.C.G. & Houwelingen H.C. van (1996), Cognitive coping and appraisal processes in the treatment of chronic headaches, Pain 64(2): 257-264.
- Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1996), Vier controversen over dissociatieve identiteitsstoornis, Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie 38: 95-107.
- Speckens A.E.M., Hemert A.M. van, Spinhoven P., Hawton K., Bolk J.H. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1996), Gunstige effecten van cognitieve gedragstherapie voor onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten: een randomiseerd onderzoek, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 140: 1227-1232.
- Nijenhuis E.M., Spinhoven P., Dyck R. van, Hart O. van der & Vanderlinden J. (1996), The development and psychometric characteristics of the somatoform dissociation questionnaire (SDQ-20), Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 184(11): 688-694.
- Kuyk J., Jacobs L.D., Aldenkamp A.P., Meinardi H., Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1995), Pseudo-epileptic seizures – Hypnosis as a diagnostic-tool, Seizure 4(2): 123-128.
- Spinhoven P., Gaalen H.A.E. van & Abraham R.E. (1995), The defense style questionnaire – a psychometric examination, Journal of Personality Disorders 9(2): 124-133.
- Speckens A.E.M., Hemert A.M. van, Spinhoven P., Hawton K., Bolk J.H. & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1995), Cognitive-behavioral therapy for medically unexplained physical symptoms – a randomized controlled trial, BMJ 311(7016): 1328-1332.
- Kuyk J., Jacobs L.D., Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1995), Diagnosis of pseudoepileptic and epileptic seizures, Epilepsia 36: S173-S173.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J. & Sterk P.J. (1995), Pulmonary-function in panic disorder – evidence against the dyspnea-fear theory, Behaviour Research and Therapy 33(4): 457-460.
- Kuyk J., Jacobs L.D., Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1995), Use of a dissociation questionnair and a hypnotizability scale in a population with pseudo and epileptic seizures, Epilepsia 36: S173-S173.
- Kuile M.M. ter, Spinhoven P. & Linssen A.C.G. (1995), Responders and nonresponders to autogenic training and cognitive self-hypnosis: Prediction of short- and long-term success in tension-type headache patients, Headache 35(10): 630-636.
- Linden F.J. van der, Spinhoven P., Vandereycken W. & Dyck R. van (1995), Dissociative and hypnotic experiences in eating disorder patients: An exploratory study, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 38(2): 97-108.
- Oppen P. van, Spinhoven P., Haan E. de, Balkom A.J.L.M. van, Hoogduin K. & Dyck R. van (1995), Cognitive therapy and exposure in-vivo in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 33(4): 379-390.
- Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1994), Placebo: stoorbron of hulpbron?, Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde 10: 84-91.
- Dyck R. van & Spinhoven P. (1994), Cognitive change through hypnosis – the interface between cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy 31(1): 146-153.
- Spinhoven P., Kuile M.M. ter & Linssen A.C.G. (1994), Coping met Pijn Vragenlijst: Een experimentele handleiding. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger.
- Spinhoven P. & Dyck R. van (1994), Placebo: stoorbron of hulpbron?. In: , Commissie Weten-schappelijk Onderzoek VHAN. Amsterdam 38-52.
- Theunissen I., Spinhoven P. & Does A.J.W. van der (1994), Omgaan met alleen staan: Evaluatie van een groepscursus voor oudere weduwen, Anuario Jurídico y Económico Escurialense 25: 250-254.
- Spinhoven P., Ros M., Westgeest A. & Does A.J.W. van der (1994), The prevalence of respiratory disorders in panic disorder, major depressive disorder and v-code patients, Behaviour Research and Therapy 32(6): 647-649.
- Terkuile M.M., Spinhoven P., Linssen A.C.G., Zitman F.G., Dyck R. van & Rooijmans H.G.M. (1994), Autogenic training and cognitive self-hypnosis for the treatment of recurrent head aches in 3 different subject groups, Pain 58(3): 331-340.
- Spinhoven P., Tabeling F. & Kuile M.M. ter (1993), Verschil in verbale uitingen tijdens het eerste therapie gesprek, Directieve Therapie 1993(4): 376-390.
- Linssen A.C.G. & Spinhoven P. (1993), De Cursus Pijnbeheersing bij chronische (rug)pijn. In: Mattie H., Menges L.J. & Spierdijk J. (red.), Pijn-informatorium. Alphen aan den Rijn: Stafleu/Samsom. PT 5206.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J., Sterk P.J. & Le Haen-Versteijnen D. (1993), The Hyperventilation Provocation test in Panic Disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 31(2): 237-237.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J. & Sterk P.J. (1993), Hyperventilatie: geen oorzaak van paniekaanvallen, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 137: 2315-2318.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J., Sterk P.J. & Le Haen-Versteijnen D. (1993), Hyperventilation and Panic Attacks in General-Hospital Patients, General Hospital Psychiatry 15(3): 148-154.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J., Sterk P.J. & Le Haen-Versteijnen D. (1993), Discordance Between Symptom and Physiological Criteria for the Hyperventilation Syndrome, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 37(3): 281-289.
- Spinhoven P., Labbe M.R. & Rombouts R. (1993), Feasibility of Computerized Psychological-Testinf with Psychiatric Outpatients, Journal of Clinical Psychology 49(3): 440-447.
- Kuile M.M. ter, Linssen A.C.G. & Spinhoven P. (1993), The development of the Multidimensional Locus of Pain control Questionnaire (MLPC) - Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity, Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 15(4): 387-404.
- Spinhoven P., Linden F.J. van der, Kuile M.M. ter & Linssen A.C.G. (1993), Assessment of Hypnotic Processes and Responsiveness in a Clinical Context, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 41(3): 210-224.
- Zitman F.G., Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P. & Linssen A.C.G. (1992), Hypnosis and Autogenic Training in the Treatment of Tension Headaches - A 2-Phase Constructive Design Study with Follow-up, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 36(3): 219-228.
- Spinhoven P. & Wijk J. van (1992), Hypnotic Age Regression in an Experimental and Clinical Context, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 35(1): 40-46.
- Linssen A.C.G. & Spinhoven P. (1992), Multimodal Treatment Programs for Chronic Pain - A Quantitative-analysis of Existing Research data, Journal of Psychosomatic Research 36(3): 275-286.
- Spinhoven P., Linssen A.C.G., Dyck R. van & Zitman F.G. (1992), Autogenic Training ans Self-Hypnosis in the Control of Tension Headache, General Hospital Psychiatry 14(6): 408-415.
- Methorst G.J. & Spinhoven P. (1992), Wensen van patienten ten aanzien van hun behandeling. Interne structuur en validiteit van de Patienten Behoeften Vragenlijst, Gedragstherapie 25(4): 239-252.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J., Sterk P.J. & Le Haen-Versteijnen D. (1992), De hyperventilatieprovocatietest. Een invalide test voor een onhoudbaar begrip, Directieve Therapie 12: 275-287.
- Spinhoven P., Onstein E.J., Sterk P.J. & Le Haen-Versteijnen D. (1992), The Hyperventilation Provocation Test in Panic Disorder, Behaviour Research and Therapy 30(5): 453-461.
- Dyck R. van, Zitman F.G., Linssen A.C.G. & Spinhoven P. (1991), Autogenic Training and Future Oriented Hypnotic Imagery in the Treatment of Tension Headache - Outcome and Process, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 39(1): 6-23.
- Spinhoven P. (1991), Het geven van een hypnotische suggestie. In: Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P. & Does J.W. van der (red.), Hypnose en hypnotherapie. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 152-176.
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- Spinhoven P. (1991), Wanneer is in een therapie hypnose toegepast. In: Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P. & Does J.W. van der (red.), Hypnose en hypnotherapie. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 105-116.
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- Nijenhuis E.M., Does A.J.W. van der & Spinhoven P. (1991), Hypnotische fenomenen. In: Dyck R. van, Spinhoven P. & Does J.W. van der (red.), Hypnose en hypnotherapie. Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. 78-104.
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- Spinhoven P., Methorst G.J., Grieken N.C. van & Mulder A. (1991), An Abbreviated Questionnaire for Quantifying Treatment Requests from Dutch Outpatients, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 179(8): 502-502.
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