Peter Putman
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. P.L.J. Putman
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 4818
- 0000-0001-8891-3397

Lees meer op de Engelstalige medewerkerspagina van Peter Putman.
Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Instituut Psychologie
- Klinische Psychologie
- Son D. van, Van der Does A.J.W., Band G.P.H. & Putman P. (2020), EEG Theta/Beta ratio neurofeedback training in healthy females, Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 45(3): 195-210.
- Angelidis A., Solis E., Lautenbach F., Van der Does A.J.W. & Putman P. (2019), I’m going to fail! Acute cognitive performance anxiety increases threat-interference and impairs WM performance, 14(2): e0210824.
- Van Son D.M.E., De Rover M., De Blasio F.M., Van der Does A.J.W., Barry R.J. & Putman P.L.J. (2019), Electroencephalography theta/beta ratio covaries with mind wandering and functional connectivity in the executive control network, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1452(1): 52-64.
- Van Son D., De Blasio F.M., Fogarty J.S., Angelidis A., Barry R.J. & Putman P. (2019), Frontal EEG theta/beta ratio during mind wandering episodes, Biological Psychology 140: 19-27.
- Angelidis A., Hagenaars M., Son D. van, Van der Does A.J.W. & Putman P. (2018), Do not look away! Spontaneous frontal EEG theta/beta ratio as a marker for cognitive control over attention to mild and high threat, Biological Psychology 135: 8-17.
- Son D. van, Schalbroeck R., Angelidis A., Wee N.J.A. van der, Does W. van der & Putman P. (2018), Acute effects of caffeine on threat-selective attention: Moderation by anxiety and EEG theta/beta ratio, Biological Psychology 136: 100-110.
- Son D. van, Angelidis A., Hagenaars M.A., Does A.J.W. van der & Putman P. (2018), Early and late dot‐probe attentional bias to mild and high threat pictures: Relations with EEG theta/beta ratio, self‐reported trait attentional control, and trait anxiety, Psychophysiology 55(12): e13274.
- Hagenaars M., Engelhard I. & Putman P. (2016), Eye for detail: Local versus global visual processing style predicts the development of re-experiences after analogue trauma, Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 7(3): 391-403.
- Angelidis A., Van der Does A.J.W., Schakel L. & Putman P. (2016), EEG theta/beta ratio as an electrophysiological marker for attentional control and its test-retest reliability, Biological Psychology 30(121 Part A): 49-52.
- Lautenbach F., Laborde S., Putman P., Angelidis A. & Raab M. (2016), Attentional distraction by negative sports words in athletes under low- and high-pressure conditions: Evidence from the sport emotional stroop task, Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 5(4): 296-307.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2016), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the effects of oral contraceptives and menstrual cycle on emotional information processing, Journal of Psychopharmacology 30(10): 1054-1061.
- Morillas-Romero A., Tortella-Feliu M., Bornas X. & Putman P. (2015), Spontaneous EEG theta/beta ratio and delta-beta coupling in relation to attentional network functioning and self-reported attentional control, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 15(3): 598-606.
- Hamstra D.A., De Kloet E.R., Tollenaar M., Verkuil B., Manai M., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2015), Mineralocorticoid receptor haplotype moderates the influence of female hormones and oral contraceptives on cognition, Biological Psychiatry, vol. 77, 9 Supplement. 70th Annual Scientific Meeting Society of Biologic Psychiatry 14 mei 2015 - 16 mei 2015. Biological Psychiatry.
- Kruijt A., Putman P. & Van der Does W. (2014), The 5-HTTLPR polymorphism, early and recent life stress, and cognitive endophenotypes of depression, Cognition and Emotion 28(7): 1149-1163.
- Tortella-Feliu M., Morillas-Romero A., Balle M., Llabrés J., Bornas X. & Putman P. (2014), Spontaneous EEG activity and spontaneous emotion regulation, International Journal of Psychophysiology 94(3): 365-372.
- Schoorl M., Putman P., Mooren T.M., Van der Werff S. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2014), Attentional bias modification in Dutch veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-A case series with a personalized treatment version, Journal of Traumatic Stress 27(2): 240-243.
- Putman P., Verkuil B., Arias-Garcia E., Pantazi I. & Van Schie C.C. (2014), Erratum to: EEG theta/beta ratio as a potential biomarker for attentional control and resilience against deleterious effects of stress on attention (vol 14, pg 782, 2014), Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14(3): 1165-1165.
- Schoorl S.M.D., Putman P.L.J., Van der Werff S. & Van der Does A.J.W. (2014), Attentional bias and attentional control in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Journal of Anxiety Disorders 28(2): 203-210.
- Putman P., Verkuil B., Arias-Garcia E., Pantazi I. & Van Schie C.C. (2014), EEG theta/beta ratio as a potential biomarker for attentional control and resilience against deleterious effects of stress on attention, Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 14(2): 782-791.
- Schoorl S.M.D., Putman P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2013), Attentional bias modification in posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized controlled trial, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 82: 99-105.
- Kruijt A.-W., Putman P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2013), The effects of a visual search attentional bias modification paradigm on attentional bias in dysphoric individuals, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 44(2): 248-254.
- Kruijt A.-W., Putman P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2013), A multiple case series analysis of six variants of attentional bias modification for depression, ISRN Psychiatry 2013(414170): 8 pp.
- Tollenaar M.S., Chatzimanoli M., Wee N.J.A. van der & Putman P. (2013), Enhanced orienting of attention in response to emotional gaze cues after oxytocin administration in healthy young men, Psychoneuroendocrinology 38(9): 1797-1802.
- Putman P., Arias-Garcia E., Pantzai I. & Schie C. van (2012), Emotional Stroop interference is related to reduced EEG delta-beta coupling and low attentional control, International Journal of Psychophysiology 84(2): 194-200.
- Terburg D., Aarts H., Putman P. & Honk J. van (2012), In the eye of the beholder: Reduced threat-bias and increased gaze-imitation towads reward in relation to trait anger, PLoS ONE 7(2): .
- Hagenaars M.A. & Putman P. (2011), Attentional control affects the relationship between tonic immobility and intrusive memories, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry 42(3): 379-383.
- Putman P. & Roelofs K. (2011), Effects of single cortisol administrations on human affect reviewed: Coping with stress through adaptive regulation of automatic cognitive processing, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36(4): 439-448.
- Putman P. (2011), Resting state EEG delta-beta coherence in relation to anxiety, behavioral inhibition, and selective attentional processing of threatening stimuli, International Journal of Psychophysiology 80(1): 63-68.
- Putman P. & Berling S. (2011), Cortisol acutely reduces selective attention for erotic words in healthy young men, Psychoneuroendocrinology 36(9): 1407-1417.
- Putman P., Peer J.M. van, Maimari I. & Werff S. van der (2010), EEG theta/beta ratio in relation to fear-modulated response-inhibition, attentional control, and affective traits, Biological Psychology 83: 73-78.
- Roelofs K., Putman P., Schouten S., Lange W.G., Volman I.A.C. & Rinck M. (2010), Gaze direction differentially affects avoidance tendencies to happy and angry faces in socially anxious individuals, Behaviour Research and Therapy 48: 290-294.
- Bakvis P., Spinhoven P., Putman P., Zitman F.G. & Roelofs K. (2010), The effect of stress induction on working memory in patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, Epilepsy & Behavior 19: 448-454.
- Putman P., Hermans E.J. & Honk J. van (2010), Cortisol administration acutely reduces threat-selective spatial attention in healthy young men, Physiology and Behavior 99: 294-300.
- Putman P., Antypa N., Crysovergi P. & Does A.J.W. van der (2010), Exogenous cortisol acutely influences motivated decision making in healthy young men, 208: 257-263.
- Hermans E.J., Wingen G. van, Bos P.A., Putman P. & Honk J. van (2009), Reduced spontaneous facial mimicry in women with autistic traits, Biological Psychology 80: 348-353.
- Verkuil B., Brosschot J.F., Putman P. & Thayer J.F. (2009), Interacting effects of worry and anxiety on attentional disengagement from threat, Behaviour Research and Therapy 47: 146-152.
- Putman P., Hermans E. & Honk J. van (2007), Exogenous cortisol shifts a motivated bias from fear to anger in spatial working memory for facial expressions, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32: 14-21.
- Putman P., Hermans E.J., Koppeschaar H., Schijndel A. van & Honk J. van (2007), A single administration of cortisol acutely reduces preconscious attention for fear in anxious young men, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32: 793-802.
- Hermans E.J., Putman P., Baas J.M., Gecks N.M., Kenemans J.L. & Honk J. van (2007), Exogenous testosterone attenuates the integrated central stress response in healthy young women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 32: 1052-1061.
- Putman P., Saevarsson S. & Honk J. van (2007), Hypomanic trait is associated with a hypovigilant automatic attentional response to social cues of danger, Bipolar Disorders 9: 779-783.
- Hermans E., Putman P. & Honk J. van (2006), Testosterone administration reduces empathetic behavior: A facial mimicry study, Psychoneuroendocrinology 31: 859-866.
- Putman P., Hermans E. & Honk J. van (2006), Anxiety meets fear in perception of dynamic expressive gaze, Emotion 6: 94-102.
- Hermans E., Putman P., Baas J.M., Koppeschaar H.P.F. & Honk J. van (2006), A single administration of testosterone reduces fear-potentiated startle in humans, Biological Psychiatry 59: 872-874.
- Van Honk J., Schutter D.J.LG., Hermans E.J. & Putman P. (2004), Testosterone, cortisol, dominance, and submission: Biologically prepared motivation, no psychological mechanisms involved. Commentary, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27(1): 160-162.
- Putman P., Hermans E. & Van Honk J. (2004), Emotional Stroop performance for masked angry faces: It's BAS, not BIS, Emotion 4(3): 305-311.
- Putman P., Van Honk J., Kessels R.P.C., Mulder M. & Koppeschaar H.P.F. (2004), Salivary cortisol and short and long-term memory for emotional faces in healthy young women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 29(7): 953-960.
- Van Honk J., Schutter D.J.L.G., Hermans E.J., Putman .P., Tuiten A. & Koppeschaar H. (2004), Testosterone shifts the balance between sensitivity for punishment and reward in healthy young women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 29(7): 937-943.
- Van Honk J., Schutter D.J.L.G., Hermans E.J. & Putman P. (2003), Low cortisol levels and the balance between punishment sensitivity and reward dependency, Neuroreport 14(15): 1993-1996.
- Van Honk J., Kessels R.P.C., Putman P., Jager G., Koppeschaar H.P.F. & Postma A. (2003), Attentionally modulated effects of cortisol and mood on memory for emotional faces in healthy young males, Psychoneuroendocrinology 28(7): 941-948.
- Van Honk J., Schutter D.J.L.G., Putman P., De Haan E.H.F. & d'Alfonso A.A.L. (2003), Reductions in phenomenological, physiological and attentional indices of depressive mood after 2 Hz rTMS over the right parietal cortex in healthy human subjects, Psychiatry Research 120(1): 95-101.
- Van Honk J., Hermans E.J., Putman P., Montague B. & Schutter D.J.L.G. (2002), Defective somatic markers in sub-clinical psychopathy, Neuroreport 13(8): 1025-1027.
- Van Honk J., Tuiten A., Hermans E., Putman P., Koppeschaar H., Thijssen J., Verbaten R. & Van Doornen L. (2001), A single administration of testosterone induces cardiac accelerative responses to angry faces in healthy young women, Behavioral Neuroscience 115(1): 238-242.
- Van Honk J., Tuiten A., Van den Hout M., Putman P., De Haan E. & Stam H. (2001), Selective attention to unmasked and masked threatening words: Relationships to trait anger and anxiety, Personality and Individual Differences 30(4): 711-720.
- Schutter D.J.L., Putman P., Hermans E. & Van Honk J. (2001), Parietal electroencephalogram beta asymmetry and selective attention to angry facial expressions in healthy human subjects, Neuroscience Letters 314(1-2): 13-16.