Peter Punt
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P.J. Punt
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2944
- 0000-0002-5689-9938

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- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Instituut Biologie Leiden
- IBL Microbial Sciences
- Sidar A., Volshol G.P., Arentshorst M., Ram A.F.J., Vijgenboom E. & Punt P.J. (2024), Deciphering domain structures of Aspergillus and Streptomyces GH3-β-Glucosidases: a screening system for enzyme engineering and biotechnological applications, BMC Research Notes 17(1): 257.
- Sidar A., Voshol G.P., Vijgenboom E. & Punt P.J. (2023), Novel design of an α-Amylase with an N-Terminal CBM20 in Aspergillus niger improves binding and processing of a Broad Range of Starches, Molecules 28(13): 5033.
- Escobar N., Keizer E.M., Neer J.F. van, Arentshorst M., Strijp J.A.G. van, Haas P.J.A., Ram A.F.J., Punt P.J., Wösten H.A.B. & Cock H. de (2022), LaeA-dependent production of small molecules of Aspergillus niger that compete with specific antibodies that bind to human immune receptors. bioRxiv. [working paper].
- Arentshorst M., Di Falco M., Moisan M.C., Reid I.D., Spaapen T.O.M., Dam J. van, Demirci E., Powlowski J., Punt P.J., Tsang A. & Ram A.F.J. (2021), Identification of a conserved transcriptional activator-repressor module controlling the expression of genes involved in tannic acid degradation and gallic acid utilization in aspergillus niger, Fungal Biology 2: 681631.
- Reijngoud J., Arentshorst M., Ruijmbeek C., Reid I., Alazi E., Punt P.J., Tsang A. & Ram A.F.J. (2021), Loss of function of the carbon catabolite repressor CreA leads to low but inducer-independent expression from the feruloyl esterase B promoter in Aspergillus niger, Biotechnology Letters 43(7): 1323-1336.
- Leeuwe T.M. van, Arentshorst M., Forn-Cuní G., Geoffrion N., Tsang A., Delvigne F., Meijer A.H., Ram A.F.J. & Punt P.J. (2020), Deletion of the Aspergillus niger pro-protein processing protease gene kexB results in a pH-dependent morphological transition during submerged cultivations and increases cell wall chitin content , Microorganisms 8(12): 1918.
- Leeuwe T.M. van, Wattjes J., Niehues A., Forn-Cuní G., Geoffrion N., Mélida H., Arentshorst M., Molina A.,Tsang A., Meijer A.H., Moerschbacher B.M., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2020), A seven-membered cell wall related transglycosylase gene family in Aspergillus niger is relevant for cell wall integrity in cell wall mutants with reduced α-glucan or galactomannan, Cell Surface 6: 100039.
- Sidar A., Albuquerque E.D., Voshol G.P., Ram A.F.J., Vijgenboom E. & Punt P.J. (2020), Carbohydrate binding modules: diversity of domain architecture in amylases and cellulases from filamentous microorganisms , Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8: 871.
- Leeuwe T.M. van , Arentshorst M., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2020), Interrogation of the cell wall integrity pathway in Aspergillus niger identifies a putative negative regulator of transcription involved in chitin deposition, Gene: X 5: 100028.
- Leeuwe T.M. van, Gerritsen A., Arentshorst M., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2020), Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor gdiA is an essential gene required for cell wall chitin deposition in Aspergillus niger, Fungal Genetics and Biology 136: 103319.
- Voshol G.P., Punt P.J. & Vijgenboom E. (2019), Profile Comparer Extended: phylogeny of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase families using profile hidden Markov model alignments, F1000Research 8: 1843.
- Reijngoud J., Deseke M., Halbesma E.T.M., Alazi E., Arentshorst M., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2019), Correction to: Mutations in AraR leading to constitutive of arabinolytic genes in Aspergillus niger under derepressing conditions, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103(12): 5063-5063.
- Leeuwe T.M. van, Arentshorst M., Ernst T., Alazi E., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2019), Efficient marker free CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing for functional analysis of gene families in filamentous fungi, Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 6: 13.
- Niu J., Ram A.F.J. & Punt P.J. (2019), Meeting a challenge: a view on studying transcriptional control of genes involved in plant biomass degradation in aspergillus niger. In: Nevalainen H. (red.), Grand Challenges in Fungal Biotechnology. Grand Challenges in Biology and Bioechnology. Cham: Springer. 211-235.
- Reijngoud J., Deseke M., Halbesma E.T.M., Alazi E., Arentshorst M., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.R. (2019), Mutations in AraR leading to constitutive of arabinolytic genes in Aspergillus niger under depressing conditions, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 103(10): 4125-4136.
- Leeuwe T.M. van, Gerritsen A., Arentshorst M., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2019), Rab GDP-dissociation inhibitor gdiA is an essential gene required for cell wall chitin deposition in aspergillus niger, Fungal Genetics and Biology 136: 103319.
- Hossain A.H., Hendrikx A. & Punt P.J. (2019), Identification of novel citramalate biosynthesis pathways in Aspergillus niger, Fungal Biology and Biotechnology 6: 19.
- Wierckx N., Agrimi G., Lübeck P.S., Steiger M.G., Mira N.P. & Punt P.J. (2019), Metabolic specialization in itaconic acid production: a tale of two fungi, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 62: 153-159.
- Yang L., Linde T., Hossain A.H., Lübeck M., Punt P.J. & Lübeck P.S. (2019), Disruption of a putative mitochondrial oxaloacetate shuttle protein in Aspergillus carbonarius results in secretion of malic acid at the expense of citric acid production, BMC Biotechnology 19: 72.
- Hossain A.H., Gerven R. van, Overkamp K.M., Lübeck P.S., Taşpınar H., Türker M. & Punt P.J. (2019), Metabolic engineering with atp-citrate lyase and nitrogen source supplementation improves itaconic acid production in Aspergillus niger, Biotechnology for Biofuels 12: 233.
- Hosseinpour Tehrani H., Geiser E., Engel M., Hartmann S.K., Hossain A.H., Punt P.J., Blank L.M. & Wierckx N. (2019), The interplay between transport and metabolism in fungal itaconic acid production, Fungal Genetics and Biology 125: 45-52.
- Jansen H., Dirks R.P., Liem M., Henkel C.V., Heusden G.P.H van, Lemmers R.J.L.F., Omer T., Shai S., Punt P.J. & Spaink H.P. (2018), De novo whole-genome assembly of a wild type yeast isolate using nanopore sequencing, F1000Research 6: 618.
- Voshol G., Vijgenboom E. & Punt P. (2017), The discovery of novel LPMO families with a new Hidden Markov model, BMC Research Notes 10(1): 105.
- Niu J., Alazi E., Reid I.D., Arentshorst M., Punt P.J., Visser J., Tsang A. & Ram A.F.J. (2017), An Evolutionarily Conserved Transcriptional Activator-Repressor Module Controls Expression of Genes for D-Galacturonic Acid Utilization in Aspergillus niger, Genetics 205(1): 169-183.
- Niu J., Arentshorst M., Nair P.D., Dai Z., Baker S., Frisvad J.C., Nielsen K.F., Punt P.J. & Ram A.F.J. (2016), Identification of a classical mutant in the industrial host Aspergillus niger by systems genetics: LaeA Is required for citric acid production and regulates the formation of some secondary metabolites.G3 (Bethesda), G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics 6(1): 193-204.
- Burggraaf A.M., Punt P.J., Ram A.F. & Poeggeler S. (2016), The unconventional secretion of PepN is independent of a functional autophagy machinery in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger, FEMS Microbiology Letters 363(15): 152.
- Steiger M.G., Punt P.J., Ram A.F.J., Mattanovich D. & Sauer M. (2016), Characterizing MttA as a mitochondrial cis-aconitic acid transporter by metabolic engineering, Metabolic Engineering 35: 95-104.
- Gruben Birgit S., Miaomiao Zhou, Wiebenga Ad, Ballering Joost, Overkamp Karin M., Punt Peter J. & Vries Ronald P. de (2014), Aspergillus niger RhaR, a regulator involved in L-rhamnose release and catabolism, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (14-02): .
- Zha Ying, Westerhuis J.A., Muilwijk B., Overkamp K.M., Nijmeijer B.M., Coulier L., Smilde A.K. & Punt P.J. (2014), Identifying inhibitory compounds in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates using an exometabolomics approach, BMC Biotechnology (14-03): .
- Franken A.C.W., Lechner B.E., Werner E.R., Haas H., Lokman B.C., Ram A.F.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Weert S. de & Punt P.J. (2014), Genome mining and functional genomics for siderophore production in Aspergillus niger, Briefings in Functional Genomics 13(6): 482-492.
- Kwon M.J., Arentshorst M., Fiedler M., Groen F.L. de, Punt P.J., Meyer V. & Ram A.F.J. (2014), Molecular genetic analysis of vesicular transport in Aspergillus niger reveals partial conservation of the molecular mechanism of exocytosis in fungi, Microbiology 160(14-01): 316-329.
- Zha Y. & Punt P.J. (2013), Exometabolomics Approaches in Studying the Application of Lignocellulosic Biomass as Fermentation Feedstock, Metabolites 3(2013): 119-143.
- Punt P.J., Geutjes E., Fethke E. & Verdoes D. (2013), From plants to pilot plant: BioconsepT-A flagship project in industrial biotechnology on a European scale, Industrial Biotechonology 9(6): 306-310.
- Li A., Caspers M. & Punt P.J. (2013), A systems biology approach for the identification of target genes for the improvement of itaconic acid production in Aspergillus species, BMC Research Notes 6(1): .
- Li A., Sachdeva S., Urbanus J.H. & Punt P.J. (2013), In-stream itaconic acid recovery from aspergillus terreus fedbatch fermentation, Industrial Biotechonology 9(3): .
- Kwon M.J., Arentshorst M., Fiedler M., De Groen F.L., Punt P.J., Meyer V. & Ram A.F. (2013), Molecular genetic analysis of vesicular transport in Aspergillus niger reveals partial conservation of the molecular mechanism of exocytosis in fungi, Microbiology : .
- Franken A.C., Werner E.R., Haas H., Lokman B.C., Van den Hondel C.A., Ram A.F., De Weert S. & Punt P.J. (2013), The role of coproporphyrinogen III oxidase and ferrochelatase genes in heme biosynthesis and regulation in Aspergillus niger, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97(22):9773-85: .
- Li A., Pfelzer N., Zuijderwijk R., Brickwedde A., Van Zeijl C. & Punt P.J. (2013), Reduced by-product formation and modified oxygen availability improve itaconic acid production in Aspergillus niger, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 97(9)(2013): 3901 - 3911.
- Gaykawad Sushil S., Zha Ying, Punt Peter J., Groenestijn Johan W. van, Wielen Luuk A.M. van der & Straathof Adrie J.J. (2013), Pervaporation of ethanol from lignocellulosic fermentation broth, Bioresource Technology 129(2013): 469-476.
- Coulier L., Zha Y., Bas R. & Punt P.J. (2013), Analysis of oligosaccharides in lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPAEC-MS), Bioresource Technology 133(2013): 221-231.
- Zha Y., Hossain A.H., Tobola F., Sedee N., Havekes M. & Punt P.J. (2013), Pichia anomala 29X: A resistant strain for lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysate fermentation, FEMS Yeast Research 13(7): 609-617.
- Zha Y., Slomp R., Groenestijn J. van & Punt P.J. (2012), Preparation and evaluation of lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates for growth by ethanologenic yeasts, Methods in Molecular Biology 834: 245-259.
- Li A., Pfelzer N., Zuijderwijk R. & Punt P.J. (2012), Enhanced itaconic acid production in Aspergillus niger using genetic modification and medium optimization, BMC Biotechnology 12: 57-65.
- Franken A.C., Lokman B.C., Ram A.F.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Weert S. de & Punt P.J. (2012), Analysis of the role of the Aspergillus niger aminolevulinic acid synthase (hemA) gene illustrates the difference between regulation of yeast and fungal hem - and sirohaem-dependent pathways, FEMS Microbiology Letters 335(2): 104-112.
- Zha Y., Muilwijk B., Coulier L. & Punt P.J. (2012), Inhibitory Compounds in Lignocellulosic Biomass Hydrolysates during Hydrolysate Fermentation Processes, Journal of Bioprocessing and Biotechniques 2: 112.
- Franken A.C., Lokman B.C., Ram A.F.J., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Weert S. de (2011), Heme biosynthesis and its regulation: towards understanding and improvement of heme biosynthesis in filamentous fungi, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 91: 447-460.
- Carvalho N.D.S.P., Arentshorst M., Weenink X., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Ram A.F.J. (2011), Functional YFP-tagging of the essential GDP-mannose transporter reveals an important role for the secretion related small GTPase SrgC protein in maintenance of Golgi bodies in Aspergillus niger, Fungal Biology 115(3): 253-264.
- Biesbeke R. te, Levasseur A., Boussier A., Record E., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Punt P.J. (2010), Phylogeny of fungal hemoglobins and expression analysis of the Aspergillus oryzae flavohemoglobin gene fhbA during hyphal growth, Fungal Biology 114(2-3): 135-143.
- Kubicek C.P., Punt P.J. & Visser J. (2010), Production of organic acids by filamentous fungi. The Mycota. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
- Meyer V., Ram A.F.J. & Punt P.J. (2010), Genetics, Genetic Manipulation, and Approaches to Strain Improvement of Filamentous Fungi. In: Manual of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. Washington DC: ASM Press.
- Kaaij R.M. van der, Ram A.F.J., Schaap P. & Punt P.J. (2010), Genomic approaches for identification of the biopolymer degrading enzyme network of Aspergillus niger. The Mycota. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Wortman J.R., Gilsenan J.M., Joardar V., Deegan J., Clutterbuck J., Andersen M.R., Archer D., Bencina M., Braus G., Coutinho P., Doehren H. von der, Doonan J., Driessen A., Durek P., Espeso E., Fekete E., Flipphi M., Garcia Estrada C., Geysens S., Goldman G., Groot P. de, Hansen K., Harris S.D., Heinekamp T., Helmstaedt K., Henrissat B., Hofmann G., Homan T., Horio T., Horiuchi H., James S., Jones M., Karányi Z., Kato M., Keller N., Kelly D.E., Kiel J.A.K.W., Kim J-M., Klei IJ. van der, Klis F., Kovalchuk A., Kraševec N., Kubicek C.P., Levente K., Liu B., MacCabe A., Meyer V., Mirabito P., Miskei M., Mos M. de, Mullins J., Nelson D.R., Nielsen J., Oakley B.R., Osmani S.A., Pakula T., Paszewski A., Paulsen I., Pilsyk S., Pócsi I., Punt P.J., Ram A.F.J., Ren Q., Robson G., Seiboth B., Solingen P. van, Specht T., Sun J., Taheri-Talesh N., Takeshita N., Ussery D., VanKuyk P.A., Visser H., Vondervoort P. & Vries R.P. de (2009), The 2008 update of the Aspergillus nidulans genome annotation: a community effort, Fung. Genet. Biol. 46(Supp 1): S2-13.
- Kaaij R.M. van der, Ram A.F.J., Schaap P. & Punt P.J. (2009), Genomic approaches for identification of the biopolymer degrading enzyme network of Aspergillus niger, The Mycota : .
- Damveld R.A., Franken A., Arentshorst M., Punt P.J., Klis F.M., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Ram A.F.J. (2008), A novel screening method for cell wall mutants in Aspergillus niger identifies UDP-galactopyranose mutase as an important protein in fungal cell wall biosynthesis, Genetics 178(2): 873-881.
- Yuan X., Kaaij R.M. van der, Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Punt P.J., Maarel M.J., Dijkhuizen L. & Ram A.F.J. (2008), Aspergillus niger genome-wide analysis reveals a large number of novel alpha-glucan acting enzymes with unexpected expression profiles, Molecular Genetics and Genomics 279: 545-561.
- Kaaij R.M. van der, Yuan X., Franken A., Ram A.F.J., Punt P.J., Maarel M.J. & Dijkhuizen L. (2007), Two novel, putatively cell wall-associated and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored alpha-glucanotransferase enzymes of Aspergillus niger, Eukaryotic Cell 6: 1178-1188.
- Biesebeke R. te, Boussier A., Biezen N. van, Braaksma M., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Vos W.M. de & Punt P.J. (2006), Expression of Aspergillus hemoglobin domain activities in Aspergillus oryzae grown on solid substrates improves growth rate and enzyme production, Biotechnology Journal 1(7-8): 822-827.
- Biesebeke R. te, Boussier A., Biezen N. van, Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Punt P.J. (2006), Identification of secreted proteins of Aspergillus oryzae associated with growth on solid cereal substrates, Journal of Biotechnology 121(4): 482-485.
- Weenink X.O., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Ram A.F.J. (2006), A new method for screening and isolation of hypersecretion mutants in Aspergillus niger, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 69: 711-717.
- Biesebeke R. te, Biezen N. van, Vos V.M. de, Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Punt P.J. (2005), Different control mechanisms regulate glucoamylase and protease gene transcription in Aspergillus oryzae in solid-state and submerged fermentation, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 67(1): 75-82.
- Biesebeke R. te, Record E., Biezen N. van, Heerikhuisen M., Punt P.J. & Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den (2005), Branching mutants of Aspergillus oryzae with improved amylase and protease production on solid substrates, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 69(1): 44-50.
- Nelson G., Kozlova-Zwinderman O., Collis A.J., Knight M.R., Fincham J.R., Stanger C.P., Renwick A., Hessing J.G., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Read N.D. (2004), Calcium measurement in living filamentous fungi expressing codon-optimized aequorin, Molecular Microbiology 52(5): 1437-1450.
- Michielse C.B., Salim K., Ragas P., Ram A.F.J., Kudla B., Jarry B., Punt P.J. & Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den (2004), Development of a system for integrative and stable transformation of the zygomycete Rhizopus oryzae by Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer, Molecular Genetics and Genomics 271: 499-510.
- Sigoillot C., Record E., Belle V., Robert J.L., Levasseur A., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Fournel A., Sigoillot J.C. & Asther M. (2004), Natural and recombinant fungal laccases for paper pulp bleaching, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 62: 349-355.
- Punt P.J., Drint-Kuijvenhoven A., Lokman B.C., Spencer J.A., Jeenes D.J., Archer D.A. & Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den (2003), The role of the Aspergillus niger furin-type protease gene in processing of fungal proproteins and fusion proteins. Evidence for alternative processing of recombinant (fusion-) proteins, Journal of Biotechnology 106(1): 23-32.
- Joosten V., Lokman C., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Punt P.J. (2003), The production of antibody fragments and antibody fusion proteins by yeasts and filamentous fungi, Microbial Cell Factories 2: 1.
- Record E., Asther M., Sigoillot C., Pages S., Punt P.J., Delattre M., Haon M., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Sigoillot J.C. & Lesage-Meesen L. (2003), Overproduction of the Aspergillus niger feruloyl esterase for pulp bleaching application, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 62: 349-355.
- Biesebeke R. te, Ruiter G., Rahardjo Y.S.P., Hoogschagen M.J., Heerikhuisen M., Levin A., Driel K.G.A. van, Schutyser M.A.I., Dijksterhuis J., Zhu Y., Weber F.J., Vos W.M. de, Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Rinzema A. & Punt P.J. (2002), Aspergillus oryzae in solid-state and submerged fermentations: Progress report on a multi-disciplinary project, FEMS Yeast Research 2(2): 245-248.
- Lagopodi A., Ram A.F.J., Lamers G.E.M., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den, Lugtenberg E.J.J. & Bloemberg G.V. (2002), Novel aspects of tomato root colonization and infection by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicislycopersici revealed by confocal laser scanning microscopic analysis using the green fluorescent protein as a marker, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15(2): 172-179.
- Conesa A., Jeenes D.J., Archer D.B., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Punt P.J. (2002), Calnexin overexpression increases manganese peroxidase production in Aspergillus niger, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68(2): 846-851.
- Ahman J., Johansson T., Olsson M., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Tunlid A. (2002), Improving the pathogenicity of a nematode-trapping fungus by genetic engineering of a subtilisin with nematotoxic activity, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68(7): 3408-3415.
- Record E., Punt P.J., Chamkha M., Labat M., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Asther M. (2002), Expression of the Pycnoporus cinnabarinus laccase gene in Aspergillus niger and characterization of the recombinant enzyme, European Journal of Biochemistry 269(2): 602-609.
- Punt P.J., Biezen N. van, Conesa A., Albers A., Mangnus J. & Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den (2002), Filamentous fungi as cell factories for heterologous protein production, Trends in Biotechnology 20(5): 200-206.
- Conesa A., Punt P.J. & Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den (2002), Fungal peroxidases: molecular aspects and applications, Journal of Biotechnology 93(2): 143-158.
- Bordon C.L., Khalaj V., Ram A.F.J., Archer D.B., Brookman J.L., Trinci A.P.J., Jeenes D.J., Doonan J.H., Wells B., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Robson G.D. (2000), Glucoamylase: green fluorescent protein fusions to monitor protein secretion in Aspergillus niger, Microbiology 146(2): 415-426.
- Ngiam C., Jeenes D.J., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Archer D.B. (2000), Characterization of a Foldase, Protein Disulfide Isomerase A, in the Protein Secretory Pathway ofAspergillus niger, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66: 775-782.
- Siedenberg D., Mestric S., Ganzlin M., Schmidt M., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Rinas U. (1999), GlaA promoter controlled production of a mutant green fluorescent protein (S65T) by recombinant A. niger during growth on defined medium in batch and fed-batch cultures, Biotechnology Progress 15(1): 43-50.
- Santerre Henriksen A.L., Even S., Müller C., Punt P.J., Hondel C.A.M.J.J. van den & Nielsen J. (1999), Study of the glucoamylase promoter in Aspergillus niger using green fluorescent protein, Microbiology 145(3): 729-734.
- Distinguished Organism Engineer