Peter Liebregts
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P.T.M.G. Liebregts
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2160
- 0000-0002-4893-7033

Peter Liebregts is Hoogleraar moderne Engelse litaratuur aan het Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society.
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Moderne Engelstalige letterkunde
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2023), Ezra Pound en Sappho, Frons: Blad voor Leidse Classici : 71-73.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2023), Bespreking van: Ullyot J. (2022), Ezra Pound and his classical sources: the Cantos and the primal matter of troy. London: Bloomsbury 3PL. English Studies 104(4): 671-673.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. 1 mei 2021, Ezra Pound. Radio Horzelnest 21. Studium Generale, Universiteit Leiden [podcast].
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2020), Bespreking van: Byron M. (2019), The new Ezra Pound studies. Twenty-first-century critical revisions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Affirmations: of the modern 7(1): 137-144.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019), Ezra Pound, Aristotle, and ancient Greek economics. In: Preda R. & Lufter R. (red.), A companion to Ezra Pound’s economics. Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz. 161-182.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019), ’Damned to you Midas, Midas lacking a Pan!’: Ezra Pound and the use of Pan. In: Baumann W. & Ricciardi C. (red.), Ezra Pound’s green world: nature, landscape and language. Brighton: EER Publishers. 123-136.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019) Perceptions and representations of Augustus. Bespreking van: Pyy E. (2018), The semiotics of Caesar Augustus. Bloomsbury advances in semiotics. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Classical Review 69(1): 231-233.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019), Bespreking van: Tew P., Riley J. & Seddon M. (2018), The 1960s: A Decade of Modern British Fiction. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Vooys: tijdschrift voor letteren 37(1): 70-73.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019), Translations of Greek Tragedy in the Work of Ezra Pound. London/ New York/ Oxford/ New Delhi/ Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019), "Ezra Pound". In: Haynes Kenneth (red.), The Oxford History of the Classical Reception in English Literature, Vol. 5: after 1880. Oxford: Oxford UP. 358-399.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2019), W.B. Yeats and T.S. Eliot. In: Haynes Kenneth (red.), The Oxford History of the Classical Reception in English Literature, vol. 5: after 1880. Oxford: Oxford UP. 226-266.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2017), The sun in a golden cup’: Ezra Pound and Stesichorus. In: Pratt W. & Baumann W. (red.), Ezra Pound and Modernism. Brighton: EER Publishers. 59-70.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2017), Canto II. In: Parker R. (red.), Readings in the Cantos nr. 1. Clemson/Liverpool: Clemson University Press/Liverpool University Press. 49-61.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2017), The National Skeleton: Ezra Pound (1885-1972). In: Franssen G. & Honings R. (red.), Idolizing Authorship: Literary Celebrity and the Construction of Identity, 1800 to the Present. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. 175-190.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2017), 'A boy’s best friend is his Oedipus': Pound’s complex about Sophocles’ most famous play [“Ezra Pound, Philadelphia Genius, and Modern American Poetry”, 27th Ezra Pound International Conference, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 19-23 June 2017]. .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2016), “Make-overs van de Metamorfosen: Apollo en Daphne in de Engelstalige poëzie”, Frons: Blad voor Leidse Classici 36/4 (Summer 2016), pp. 5-9, : .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2015), Wresting with Verbiage: Ezra Pound, Thomas Stanley, and Aeschylus. In: Pratt W. & Baumann W. (red.), Ezra Pound and London: New Perspectives. New York: AMS Press. 95-110.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2015) Ezra Pound’s Eriugena. Bespreking van: Byron Mark (2014), Ezra Pound’s Eriugena. “Historicizing Modernism Series” : 2.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2015), Bespreking van: Boehmer Elleke, Eagelstone Robert & Iddiols Katy, J.M. Coetzee in Context and Theory : 126-129.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2015), “” Measurement began our might’: Yeats on Ireland and the Arts in Last Poems”. Symposium “Yeats in Europe”. 19-20 June. Utrecht University. Invited speaker. .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2015), “’Damned to you Midas, Midas lacking a Pan!’: Ezra Pound’s Use of Pan”. 26th Ezra Pound International Conference, “Ezra Pound and the Green World”. 7-12 July. Brunnenburg, Italy. Invited speaker. .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), "I have lost my place in my soul': J.M. Coetzee's The Master of Petersburg". In: Liebregts Peter, Praamstra Olf & Zyl Wium van (red.), Zo ver & zo dichtbij: Literaire betrekkingen tussen Nederland en Zuid-Afrika. Amsterdam: Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut. 171-182.
- Praamstra O.J., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Zyl W. van (2013), Woord vooraf. In: Praamstra O.J., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Zyl W. van (red.), Zo ver en zo dichtbij. Amsterdam: Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut. 1-6.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), A Diasporic Straitjacket or Overcoat of Many Colours?: A Reading of Jhumpa Lahiri's "The Namesake". In: Roy R. & Sen K. (red.), Writing India Anew: Indian English Fiction 2000-2010. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), “’The world is a fine adventurous place’: Graham Greene in the 1930s". In: Baetens J. (red.), Modernism Today. Amsterdam/ New York: Rodopi.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), Erich Auerbach. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford UP. 589-590.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), Charles Taylor. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 3. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1788-1789.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), J.M. Coetzee. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine. Oxford: Oxford UP. 807-809.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), W.H. Auden. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford UP. 585 588.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), Edward Gibbon. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1042-1044.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), Samuel Beckett. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford UP. 639-641.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), Ezra Pound. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 3. Oxford: Oxford UP. 1589-1591.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), T.S. Eliot. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford UP. 928-930.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), 'Late have I loved you': Augustine and Modern Literature. In: Karla Pollmann, Willemien Otten, Peter Liebregts & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 1. Oxford: Oxford UP. 117-126.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), Autobiography: Modernity. In: Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien & et al. (red.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine Vol. 2. Oxford: Oxford UP. 607-610.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G., Baetens Jan, Boele Otto & Houppermans Sjef (red.) (2013), Modernism Today. Amsterdam/ New York: Rodopi.
- Pollmann Karla, Otten Willemien, Liebregts Peter & et al (red.) (2013), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine (3 vols). Oxford: Oxford UP.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G., Praamstra O.J. & Zyl W. van (red.) (2013), Zo ver en zo dichtbij, literaire betrekkingen tussen Nederland en Zuid-Afrika. Amsterdam: Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2013), “’With the sun in a golden cup’: A Reading of Canto XXIII”. 25th Ezra Pound International Conference, “Ezra Pound and Modernism”. 9-13 July. Trinity College Dublin. Invited speaker. .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2012), Between Alexandria and Rome: Ezra Pound, Augustine, and the Notion of Amor. In: Pratt W. & Ricciardi C. (red.), Roma/Amore: Ezra Pound, Rome, and Love. New York: AMS Press.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2012), Bespreking van: (2011), Sean Pryor: W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound and the Poetry of Paradise nr. 2. London: Ashgate. Irish Studies Review 20: 209-210.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2012), “Mastering the Rose: the Early Yeats”. At “Masterful Images: A Yeats Symposium”, 12 May. Utrecht University. Invited speaker. .
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2011), 'Bricks thought into being ex nihil': Ezra Pound and Creation. In: Gery J. & Pratt W. (red.), Ezra Pound: Ends and Beginnings. New York: AMS Press. 81-96.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2011), 'Love God and do as you please': Ezra Pound and Augustine, Paideuma : Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 38: 55-89.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2010), "The Classics". In: Nadel Ira B. (red.), Ezra Pound in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 171-180.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2010), 'SHE DO THE POLICE IN DIFFERENT VOICES': De verbeelding van T.S. Eliot/ T.S. Eliot verbeeld in "Tom and Viv". In: Baetens J., Houppermans S., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P. (red.), De erfenis van het Modernisme (Modernisme(n) in de Europese letterkunde, Vol. 4). Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. 93-107.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2010), "Foreword". In: Corporaal M. & Leeuwen E.J. van (red.), The Literary Utopias of Cultural Communities, 1790-1910. Amsterdam/ New York: Editions Rodopi. 1-8.
- Houppermans J.M.M., Baetens J., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P.T.M.G. (red.) (2010), De erfenis van het modernisme. Amsterdam: Rozenberg.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2008), Graham Greene in de jaren 1930. In: Baetens J., Houppermans S., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P. (red.), Arriere-garde: Modernisme(n) in de Europese Letterkunde - Deel 3. Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers. 131-144.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2008), No man knows his luck ‘til he’s dead’: Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis. Bacigaluop M. & Pratt W. (red.), Ezra Pound, Language and Persona. . Genoa: University of Genoa Press. 300-314.
- Baetens J., Houppermans J.M.M., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P.T.M.G. (red.) (2008), Arrière-garde : modernisme(n) in de EUROPESE LETTERKUNDE DEEL 3. Amsterdam: Rozenberg.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2007), De mythe van Byzantium: Edward Gibbon en W.B. Yeats. In: Bloemendal J. & Smith P.J. (red.), De Muze en de Mythe. Over de literaire verwerking van het verleden. Amersfoort: Florivallis. 69-84.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2005), "Greek Literature", "European History: Ancient", "Greek Translation", "Agamemnon", "Elektra", "Women of Trachis". In: Tryphonopoulos Demetres P. & Adams Stephen J. (red.), The Ezra Pound Encyclopaedia. Westpoort, CO: Greenwood Publishing.
- Baetens J., Houppermans J.M.M., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Langeveld A. (red.) (2005), Modernisme(n) in de Europese Letterkunde - Een ander meervoud. Leuven: Peeters.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2005), W.B. Yeats en Cuchulain: (auto)biografie op het toneel, Kelten : mededelingen van de stichting A.G. van Hamel 28: 2-4.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2004), Ezra Pound and Neoplatonism. Madison/Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickenson UP.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2003), Modernisme in de Engelstalige literatuur. In: Baetens J., Houppermans S., Langeveld A. & Liebregts P. (red.), Modernisme(n) in de Europese letterkunde 1910-1940. Leuven: Peeters. 67-94.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2003), Images of an Imaginist: Two Film Versions of Jane Austen's Emma. In: D'haen Th.L., Liebregts P. & Tigges W. (red.), Configuring Romanticism. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi. 277-299.
- Baetens J., Houppermans J.M.M., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Langeveld A. (red.) (2003), Modernisme(n) in de Europese letterkunde 1910-1940. Leuven: Peeters.
- D'haen T.L., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Tigges W. (red.) (2003), Configuring Romanticism. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2002), 'The best master both of virtue and wisdom': Horatius in de Engelse letterkunde, Lampas: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse classici 35(1): 5-24.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (2001), Tussen twee werelden: Derek Walcott's 'Omerus' en (post-)koloniale identiteit. In: D'haen T.L. & Liebregts P.T.M.G. (red.), Tussen twee werelden: het gevoel van ontheemding in de postkoloniale literatuur. Leiden: Opl. TCZOAO. 173-195.
- D'haen T.L. & Liebregts P.T.M.G. (red.) (2001), Tussen twee werelden: het gevoel van ontheemding in de postkoloniale literatuur. Leiden: Opl. TCZOAO.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1999), A litte light ... to lead back to splendour: Ezra Pound and Epiphany. In: Tigges W. (red.), Moments of moment: aspects of the literary epiphany. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 233-260.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1999), Nell' azzuro del mito (Luis Couperus in Sizilia), I Siracusani 4(22b): 56-60.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1998), Naar een ander Ithaca: Odysseus in de Engelstalige letterkunde van de 19e en 20e eeuw. In: Enenkel K., Heck P. van & Paardt R. van der (red.), Zoals de Ouden zongen: Over de receptie van de klassieken in de Europese literatuur. Emmeloord: Hermaion. 119-140.
- Enenkel K.A.E. & Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1998), Introduction. In: Enenkel K.A.E., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Jong-Crane B. de (red.), Modelling the Individual. Biography and Portrait in the Renaissance. Amsterdam/Atlanta-GA: Rodopi. 1-9.
- Enenkel K.A.E., Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Jong-Crane B. de (red.) (1998), Modelling the Individual. Biography and Portrait in the Renaissance. Amsterdam/Atlanta-GA: Rodopi.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1998), Ezra Pound's 'The Cantos': Neoplatonisme, Confucius en Autobiografie, TvL : Tijdschrift voor Literatuurwetenschap 3(3): 181-194.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1998), De mythe van Byzantium: Edward Gibbon en W.B. Yeats, Leidschrift 14(1): 103-126.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1996), Between that staring fury and the blind lush leaf: William Butler Yeats and the Occult. In: Surette L. & Tryphonopoulos D. (red.), Literary Modernism and the Occult. Maine: Nahbnal Poetry Foundation. 51-72.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Tigges W. (red.) (1996), Beauty and the Beast: Christina Rossetti, Walter Pater, R.L. Stevenson and Their Contemporaries. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1995), The Bang That was Greece, The Whimper That Was Rome: A Grand Tour Through Yeatsian Politics. In: Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Kamp P.G.W. van de (red.), Tumult of Images: Essays on Yeats and Politics. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 131-156.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Kamp P.G.W. van de (1995), Introduction. In: Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Kamp P.G.W. van de (red.), Tumult of Images: Essays on W.B. Yeats and Politics. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi. 1-25.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. & Kamp P.G.W. van de (red.) (1995), Tumult of Images: Essays on W.B. Yeats and Politics. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1995), The face that launch'd a thousand sales: Donna Tartt en The Secret History, Bzzletin 221: 3-19.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1995), Lumineus Detail. Ezra Pound over vertalen, en Ezra Pound's Ik raap Osiris' leden, Filter: Tijdschrift voor vertalen & vertaalwetenschap 2(1): 57-68.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1995), Yeatsian Moods and Plotinian Ecstasy: The Question of the Self in Ezra Pound's A Lume Spento, Paideuma : Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 25(2182): 7-54.
- Liebregts P.T.M.G. (1993), Centaurs in the Twilight: William Butler Yeats's Use of the Classical Tradition. Amsterdam/ Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
- Advies vertaling Engelstalige primaire/ secundaire literatuur
- Advies vertaling Engelstalige primaire/secundaire literatuur