Peter Gast
Universitait docent
- Naam
- Dr. P. Gast
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- 071 5275911

Meer informatie over Peter Gast
Universitait docent
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Leiden Instituut Onderzoek Natuurkunde
- LION - Biological & Soft Matter
- Panarelli E.G., Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2020), Temperature-cycle electron paramagnetic resonance, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22(17): 9487-9493.
- Panarelli E.G., Meer H. van der, Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2020), Effective coupling of rapid freeze-quench to high-frequency electron paramagnetic resonance, PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232555.
- Azarkh M., Gast P., Mason A.B., Groenen E.J.J. & Mathies G. (2019), Analysis of the EPR spectra of transferrin: the importance of a zero-field splitting distribution and 4th-order terms, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21(31): 16937-16948.
- Soetbeer J., Gast P., Walish J.J., Zhao Y., George C., Yang C., Swager T.M., Griffin R.G. & Mathies G. (2018), Conformation of bis-nitroxide polarizing agents by multi-frequency EPR, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20(39): 25506-25517.
- Ferentinos E., Chatziefthimiou S., Boudalis A.K., Pissas M., Mathies G., Gast P., Groenen E.J.J., Sanakis Y. & Kyritsis P. (2018), The [Fe{(SePPh2)(2)N}(2)] Complex Revisited: X-ray Crystallography, Magnetometry, High-Frequency EPR and Mossbauer Studies Reveal Its Tetrahedral (FeSe4)-Se-II Coordination Sphere, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2018(6): 713-721.
- Nevjestic I., DePauw H., Gast P., Tack P., Deduytsche D., Leus K., Landeghem M. van, Goovaerts E., Vincze L., Detavernier C., Voort P. van der, Callens F. & Vrielinck H. (2017), Sensing the framework state and guest molecules in MIL-53(Al) via the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of V-IV dopant ions, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19(36): 24545-24554.
- Gast P., Mance D., Zurlo E., Ivanov K.L., Baldus M. & Huber M.I. (2017), A tailored multi-frequency EPR approach to accurately determine the magnetic resonance parameters of dynamic nuclear polarization agents: application to AMUPol, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19(5): 3777-3781.
- Nami F., Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2016), Rapid freeze-quench EPR spectroscopy: improved collection of frozen particles, Applied Magnetic Resonance 47: 643-653.
- Gast P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2016), EPR interactions - g-Anisotropy, eMagRes 5(3): 1435-1444.
- Mathies G., Gast P., Chasteen N.D., Luck A.N., Mason A.B. & Groenen E.J.J. (2015), Exploring the Fe(III) binding sites of human serum transferrin with EPR at 275 GHz, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 20: 487-496.
- Mance D., Gast P., Huber M.I., Baldus M. & Ivanov K.L. (2015), The magnetic field dependence of cross-effect dynamic nuclear polarization under magic angle spinning, The Journal of Chemical Physics 142: 234201.
- Scarpelli F., Arrieta A.L., Gast P., Groenen E.J.J., Milikisyants S., Murphy M.E.P. & Huber M. (2015), A Single-Crystal EPR Study at 95 GHz of the Type-2 Copper Site of Nitrite Reductase From Alcaligenes faecalis, Applied Magnetic Resonance 46: 411-420.
- Gast P., Broeren F.G.J., Sottini S., Aoki R., Takashina A., Yamaguchi T., Kohzuma T. & Groenen E.J.J. (2014), The type 1 copper site of pseudoazurin: Axial and rhombic, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 137(4): 57-63.
- Gast P., Herbonnet R.T.L., Klare J., Nalepa A., Rickert C., Stellinga D., Urban L., Mobius K., Savitsky A., Steinhoff J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2014), Hydrogen bonding of nitroxide spin labels in membrane proteins, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16(6): 15910-15916.
- Mathies G., Almeida R.M., Gast P., Moura J.J.G. & Groenen E.J.J. (2012), Multifrequency EPR Study of Fe3+ and Co2+ in the Active Site of Desulforedoxin, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 116(24): 7122-7128.
- Mathies G., Hemert M.C. van, Gast P., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Frank H.A., Lugtenburg J. & Groenen E.J.J. (2011), Configuration of Spheroidene in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center of Rodobacter sphaeroides: A Comparison of Wild-Type and Reconstituted R26, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115(34): 9552-9556.
- Mathies G., Blok H., Disselhorst J.A.J.M., Gast P., Meer H. van der, Miedema D.M., Almeida R.M., Moura J.J.G., Hagen W.R. & Groenen E.J.J. (2011), Continuous-wave EPR at 275 GHz: application to high-spin Fe3+ systems, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 210(1): 126-132.
- Daviso E., Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2010), Nanosecond-Flash N-15 Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR on reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26, Applied Magnetic Resonance 37: 49-63.
- Sottini S., Gast P., Blok A., Canters G.W., Cavazzini D., Rossi G. & Groenen E.J.J. (2010), A proton ENDOR study of Azurin, Applied Magnetic Resonance 37: 219-227.
- Daviso E., Diller A., Gast P., Alia A., Lugtenburg J., Müller M.G. & Matysik J. (2010), Action spectroscopy on dense samples of photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides WT based on nanosecond laser-flash C-13 Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR, Applied Magnetic Resonance 38: 105-116.
- Bordignon E., Brutlach H., Urban L., Hideg A., Savitsky A., Schnegg A., Gast P., Engelhard M., Groenen E.J.J., Möbius M.E. & Steinhoff H-J. (2010), Heterogeneity in the nitroxide micro-environment: polarity and proticity effects in spinlabeled proteins studied by multi frequency EPR, Applied Magnetic Resonance 37: 391-403.
- Daviso E., Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Neugebauer J., Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2009), The electronic structure of the primary electron donor of reaction centers of purple bacteria at atomic resolution as observed by photo-CIDNP C-13 NMR, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(52): 22281-22286.
- Sottini S., Mathies G., Gast P., Maganas D., Kyritsis P. & Groenen E.J.J. (2009), A W-band pulsed EPR/ENDOR study of Co^IIS_4 coordination in the Co[(SPPh_2)(SP^iPr_2)N]_2 complex, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11(31): 6727-6732.
- Blok H., Akimoto I., Milikisyants S., Gast P., Groenen E.J.J. & Schmidt J. (2009), FID detection of EPR and ENDOR spectra at high microwave frequencies, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 201(1): 57-60.
- Daviso E., Alia A., Prakash S., Diller A., Gast P., Lugtenburg J., Matysik J. & Jeschke G. (2009), Electron-nuclear spin dynamics in a bacterial photosynthetic reaction center, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C 113(23): 10269-10278.
- Aguirre A., Gast P., Orlinskii S.B., Akimoto I., Groenen E.J.J., Mkami H. El, Goovaerts E. & Doorslaer S. van (2008), Multifrequency EPR analysis of the positive polaron in I2-doped poly(3-hexylthiophene) and in poly[2-methoxy-5-(3,7-dimethyloctyloxy)]-1,4-phenylenevinylene, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(47): 7129-7138.
- Kropacheva T.N., Haas R.N.S. van der, Steen R. van der, Gast P., Schuitmaker H.J. & Lugtenburg J. (2008), Binding and acid-base properties of novel photosensitizing drugs in micellar and liposome solutions, Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines 12(2): 75-84.
- Roy E., Rohmer T., Gast P., Jeschke G., Alia A. & Matysik J. (2008), Characterization of the primary radical pair in reaction centers of heliobacillus mobilis by 13C Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR, Biochemistry 47(16): 4629-4635.
- Diller A., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Glaubitz C., Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2008), 13C Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR studies on oriented reaction centers. In: Allen J.F., Gantt E., Golbeck J.H. & Osmond B. (red.), Photosynthesis. energy of sun: 14th international congress on photosynthesis research 2007. Dordrecht: Springer. 97-100.
- Borovykh I.V., Gast P. & Dzuba S.A. (2007), The dynamical transition in proteins of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers observed by echo-detected EPR of specific spin labels, Applied Magnetic Resonance 31: 159-166.
- Gajula P., Borovykh I.V., Beier C., Shkuropatova T., Gast P. & Steinhoff H.-J. (2007), Spin-labeled photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides studied by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, Applied Magnetic Resonance 31: 167-178.
- Diller A., Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Matysik J. & Jeschke G. (2007), Signals in solid-state photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization recover faster than signals obtained with the longitudinal relaxation time, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111(35): 10606-10614.
- Diller A., Roy E., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Glaubitz C., Jeschke G., Matysik J. & Alia A. (2007), 15N-photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization magic-angle spinning NMR analysis of the electron donor of photosystem II, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(31): 12767-12771.
- Roy E., Alia A., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2007), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization observed in the reaction center of the green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium tepidum by 13C MAS NMR, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1767(6): 610-615.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2007), 13C chemical shift map of the active cofactors in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides revealed by photo-CIDNP MAS NMR, Biochemistry 46(31): 8953-8960.
- Roy E., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G., Gorkom H.J. van & Matysik J. (2007), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization studies on photosynthetic reaction centers from diverse organisms, Photosynthesis Research 91: 151-151.
- Rossum B.J. van, Liemt W.B.S. van, Gast P., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2007), 13C-1H Heteronuclear dipolar correlation studies of the hydrogen bonding of the quinones in Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 RCs, Applied Magnetic Resonance 31: 145-158 (145).
- Diller A., Alia A., Roy E., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Gorkom H.J. van, Jeschke G., Glaubitz C. & Matysik J. (2007), The origin of the high redox force of photosystem II, a photo-CIDNP MAS NMR analysis, Photosynthesis Research 91(2-3): 150.
- Daviso E., Sai Sankar Gupta K.B., Prakash S., Gast P., Alia A., Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2007), 15N photo-CIDNP MAS NMR on RCs of Rhodobacter sphaeroides WT and R26. Allen J.F., Gantt E., Golbeck J.H. & Osmond B. (red.), Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun: 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research 2007. 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis 1 juli 2007 - 4 juli 2007. Dordrecht: Springer. 21-24.
- Diller A., Alia A., Gast P., Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2007), 13C Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR on the LH1-RC complex of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila. Allen J.F. (red.), Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun. . 14th International Congress on Photosynthesis 1 juli 2007 - 4 juli 2007. Dordrecht: Springer. 54-54.
- Klenina I.B., Feikema W.O., Gast P., Zvereva M.G. & Proskuryakov I.I. (2007), Mechanism of photoinduced electron transfer in photosystem II reaction centers, Biophysics 52(1): 40-45.
- Roy E., Diller A., Alia A., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2006), Magnetic field dependence of 13C photo-CIDNP MAS NMR in plant photosystems I and II, Applied Magnetic Resonance 31: 193.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Matysik J. & Jeschke G. (2006), Photo-CIDNP MAS NMR in intact cells of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26: molecular and atomic resolution at nanomolar concentration?, Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(39): 12794-12799.
- Borovykh I.V., Ceola S., Gajula P., Gast P., Steinhoff H.-J. & Huber M.I. (2006), Distance between a native cofactor and a spin label in the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides by a two-frequency pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance method and molecular dynamics simulation, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 180(2): 178-185.
- Gajula P., Borovykh I.V., Beier C., Gast P., Huber M.I. & Steinhoff H.-J. (2006), A study on the structure and dynamics of spin labeled proteins by MD simulations and EPR spectroscopy. Meinke J., Zimmermann O., Mohanty S. & Hansmann U.H.E. (red.), Proceedings of the NIC workshop on 'From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2006'. NIC Workshop 2006 From Computational Biophysics to Systems Biology 2006 6 juni 2006 - 9 juni 2006: John von Neumann Institute for Computing. 145-148.
- Yakovlev A.G., Shkruopatova T.A., Vasilieva L.G., Shkuropatov A.Y., Gast P. & Shuvalov V.A. (2006), Vibrational coherence in bacterial reaction centers with genetically modified B-branch pigment composition, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics 1757(5-6): 369-379.
- Liu Y., Edge R., Henbest K., Timmel C.R., Hore P.J. & Gast P. (2005), Magnetic field effect on singlet oxygen production in a biochemical system, Chemical Communications 2005(2): 174-176.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2005), Magnetic field dependence of photo-CIDNP MAS NMR on photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides WT, Journal of the American Chemical Society 127(41): 14290-14298.
- Haas R.N.S. van der, Tang S.-H., Hernandez B.A., Jong R.L.P. de, Erkelens C., Liu Y., Gast P., Smijs T.G., Schuitmaker H.J. & Lugtenburg J. (2005), Synthesis of the dimethyl ester of 2'-cyano-8'-formyl-N'-methyl-1',1a',5a',6'-tetrahydroacrido[4,5,5a,6-bcd]-annulated 2,3-dihydromesoporphyrin - A novel system with outstanding properties as basis for photodynamic therapy in the far-red region if the visible spectrum, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2005(17): 3818-3824.
- Feikema W.O., Gast P., Klenina I.B. & Proskuryakov I.I. (2005), EPR characterization of the triplet state in photosystem II reaction centers with singly reduced primary acceptor QA, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1709(2): 105-112.
- Borovykh I.V., Gast P. & Dzuba S.A. (2005), Glass transition near 200 K in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center protein detected by studying the distances in the transient P+QA- radical pair, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109(15): 7535-7539.
- Haas R.N.S. van der, Jong R.L.P. de, Noushazar M., Erkelens K., Smijs T.G.M., Liu Y., Gast P., Schuitmaker H.J. & Lugtenburg J. (2004), The synthesis of the dimethyl ester of Quino[4,4a,5,6-efg]-annulated 7-demethyl-8-deethylmesoporphyrin and three of its isomers with unprecedented peri-condensed quinoline porphyrin structures. Molecules with outstanding properties as sensitizers for photodynamic therapy in the far-red region of the visible spectrum, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2004(19): 4024-4038.
- Alia A., Roy E., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de, Jeschke G. & Matysik J. (2004), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in Photosystem I of plants observed by 13C magic-angle spinning NMR, Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(40): 12819-12826.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Boer I. de, Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van & Groot H.J.M. de (2004), Heteronuclear 2D (1H-13C) MAS NMR resolves the electronic structure of coordinated histidines in light-harvesting complex II: assessment of charge transfer and electronic delocatlization effect, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 28(2): 157-164.
- Pashenko S.V., Proskuryakov I.I., Germano M.I., Gorkom H.J. van & Gast P. (2003), Triplet state in photosystem II reaction centers as studied by 130 GHz EPR, Chemical Physics 294(3): 439-449.
- Alia A., Hulsebosch B., Gorkom H.J. van, Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Matysik J., Groot H.J.M. de & Gast P. (2003), Probing the electronic structure of tyrosine radial Y-D (center dot) in photosystem II by EPR spectroscopy using site specific isotope labelling in Spirodela oligorrhiza, Chemical Physics 294(3): 459-469.
- Gast P., Lubitz W. & Michel-Beyerle M.E. (2003), Preface Special Issue on "Structure & Mechanism in Photosynthesis", dedicated to the late Arnold Hoff, Chemical Physics 294(3): 221.
- Prakash S., Alia A., Gast P., Jeschke G., Groot H.J.M. de & Matysik J. (2003), Photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarisation in entire bacterial photosynthetic units observed by C-13 magic-angle spinning NMR, Journal of Molecular Structure 661-662: 625-633.
- Gast P., Lubitz W. & Michel-Beyerle M.E. (2003), Obituary Arnold Jan Hoff, Chemical Physics 294(3): 223-225.
- Borovykh I.V., Kulik L.V., Gast P. & Dzuba S.A. (2003), Conformation transition in the protein of a photosynthetic reaction center observed at the nanometer range of distances at cryogenic temperatures, Chemical Physics 294(3): 433-438.
- Kulik L.V., Borovykh I.V., Gast P. & Dzuba S.A. (2003), Selective excitation in pulsed EPR of a spin-correlated triplet-radical pair, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 162(2): 423-428.
- Klenina I.B., Borovykh I.V., Shkuropatov A.Ya., Gast P. & Proskuryakov I.I. (2003), Orientation of the Qy optical transition moment of bacteriopheophytin in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers, Chemical Physics 294(3): 451-458.
- Shkuropatov A.Ya., Neerken S., Permentier H.P., Wijn R. de, Schmidt S., Shuvalov V.A., Aartsma T.J., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (2003), The effect of exchange of bacteriopheophytin a with plant pheophytin a on charge separation in Y(M210)W mutant reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides at low temperatures, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1557: 1-12.
- Remy A., Boers R.B., Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Gast P., Lugtenburg J. & Gerwert K. (2003), Does different orientation of the methoxy groups of ubiquinone-10 in the reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides cause different binding at QA and QB?, European Journal of Biochemistry 270(17): 3603-3609.
- Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Aartsma T.J. & Schmidt T. (2002), Obituary Arnold Hoff, Spectrochimica Acta Part A : Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 58(10): 2069-2070.
- Pachenko S., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (2002), A D-band (130 GHz) EPR study of the Primary Electron Donor Triplet State in Photosynthetic Centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26. In: Kawamori A. (red.), Advanced EPR Applied to Biosciences. Kobe, Japan: Elsevier. 66-75.
- Borovykh I.V., Klenina I.B., Proskuryakov I.I., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (2002), The carotenoid triplet state in Rhodocater sphaeroides reaction centers. An EPR magnetophotoselection study. In: Kawamore A., Yamuachi J. & Ohta H. (red.), EPR in the 21st century: Basics and Applications to Material, Life and Earth Sciences. Kobe, Japan: Elsevier. 659-668.
- Schulten E.A.M., Matysik J., Alia A., Kiihne S.R., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Gast P., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2002), 13C MAS NMR and photo-CIDNP reveal a pronounced assymetry in the electron ground state of the special pair of Rhodobacter spearoides reaction centers, Biochemistry 41(27): 8708-8717.
- Boers R.B., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Groot H.J.M. de & Lugtenburg J. (2002), Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of 5-13C and 6-13C-ubiquinone-10 for studies of bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2002(1): 189-202.
- Boer A.L. de, Neerken S., Wijn R. de, Permentier H.P., Gast P., Vijgenboom E. & Hoff A.J. (2002), High yield of B-branch electron transfer in a quadruple reaction center mutant of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Biochemistry 41(9): 3081-3088.
- Boer A.L. de, Neerken S., Wijn R. de, Permentier H.P., Gast P., Vijgenboom E. & Hoff A.J. (2002), B-branch electron transfer in reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides assessed with site-directed mutagenesis, Photosynthesis Research 71(3): 221-239.
- Borovykh I.V., Klenina I.B., Proskuryakov I.I., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (2002), Magnetophotoselection study of the carotenoid triplet state in Rhodobacter sphaeroids reaction centers, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106(16): 4305-4312.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Soede-Huijbregts C., Baldus M., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Ultrahigh field MAS NMR dipolar correlation spectroscopy of the histidine residues in light-harvesting complex II from photosynthetic bacteria levels partial internal charge transfer in the B850/his complex, Journal of the American Chemical Society 123(20): 4803-4809.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Hollander J.G., Fraser N., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Cogdell R., Groot H.J.M. de & Baldus M. (2001), MAS NMR on a uniformly 13C,15N labeled LH2 light-harvesting complex from Rhodopseudomonas acidophila 10050 at ultra-high field magnetic fields. In: Kiihne S.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (red.), Perspectives on Solid State NMR in Biology. Focus on Structural Biology nr. 1. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 171-183.
- Matysik J., Alia A., Gast P., Lugtenburg J., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Photochemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers Observed by 13C Solid State NMR. In: Kiihne S.R. & Groot H.J.M. de (red.), Perspectives on Solid State NMR in Biology. Focus on Structural Biology nr. 1. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. 215-225.
- Egorova T., Hollander J.G., Fraser N., Gast P., Cogdell R., Groot H.J.M. de, Baldus M. & Hoff A.J. (2001), Heteronuclear 2D-correlations in a uniformly [C-13,N-15] labeled membrane-protein complex at ultra-high magnetic fields, Journal of Biomolecular NMR 19(3): 243-253.
- Paschenko S.V., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (2001), A D-band (130 GHz) EPR study of the primary electron donor triplet state in photosynthetic reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26, Applied Magnetic Resonance 21(3-4): 325-334.
- Matysik J., Schulten E., Alia A., Gast P., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2001), Photo-CIDNP 13C magic angle spinning NMR on bacterial reaction centres: exploring the electronic structure of the special pair and its surroundings, Biological Chemistry 382(8): 1271-1276.
- Matysik J., Alia A., Gast P., Gorkom H.J. van, Groot H.J.M. de & Hoff A.J. (2000), Photochemically induced nuclear spin polarization in reaction centers of photosystem II observed by 13C-solid-state NMR reveals a strongly asymmetric electronic structure of the P680.+ primary donor chlorophyll, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(18): 9865-9870.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Erkelens C., Hulsbergen F.B., Gast P., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), Bacteriochlorophyll/imidazole and chlorophyll/imidazole complexes are negatively charged in an apolar environment, Chemical Physics Letters 330(3-4): 325-330.
- Borovykh I.V., Proskuryakov I.I., Klenina I.B., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (2000), Magnetophotoselection study of the lowest excited triplet state of the primary donor in photosynthetic bacteria, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 104(17): 4222-4228.
- Matysik J., Alia A., Hollander J.G., Egorova T., Gast P. & Groot H.J.M. de (2000), A set-up to study photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization in photosynthetic reaction centres by solid-state NMR, Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 37(5): 418-423.
- Rossum B.J. van, Steensgaard D., Holzwarth A.R., Soede-Huijbregts C., Schaffner K., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Gast P., Hoff A.J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Magic angle spinning NMR of Photosynthetic components. Greve J., Puppels G.J. & Otto C. (red.), Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. 8th European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules 29 augustus 1999 - 2 september 1999. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions. Dordrecht: Springer. 201-204.
- Hulsebosch R.J., Borovykh I.V., Paschenko S.V., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (1999), Radical pair dynamics and interactions in quinone-reconstituted photosynthetic reaction centers of Rb. sphaeroides R26: A multifrequency magnetic resonance study, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 103(32): 6815-6823.
- Proskuryakov I.I., Klenina I.B., Borovykh I.V., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (1999), Photoselection effects in laser flash-induced spin-polarized ESP spectra of the radical pair state LP^+ QA^-] in Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction centers, Chemical Physics Letters 299(6): 566-570.
- Egorova-Zachernyuk T.A., Remy A., Shkuropatov A.Y., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Gerwert K. & Groot H.J.M. de (1999), Efficient conditions for the photoaccumulation of H-A(-) in the photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 with uniformly labelled bacteriopheophytin monitored by Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy, Vibrational Spectroscopy 19(2): 347-352.
- Alia A., Matysik J., Soede-Huijbregts C., Gast P., Raap J., Lugtenburg J., Groot H.J.M. de & Gorkom H.J. van (1998), Selective 15N-isotope labelling of histidines in PSII reaction centers of Spirodela oligorrhiza. In: Garab G. (red.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects nr. II. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1009-1012.
- Soede-Huijbregts C., Cappon J.J., Boender G.-J, Raap J., Gast P., Hoff A.J., Lugtenburg J. & Groot H.J.M. de (1998), 15N MAS NMR spectroscopy of [n-25N] and [t-15N] histidine labelled bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers. In: Garab G. (red.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 759-762.
- Proskuryakov I.I., Klenina I.B., Borovykh I.V., Gast P. & Hoff A.J. (1998), Photoselection effects in EPR-detected triplet states of photosynthetic pigment molecules. In: Garab G. (red.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 4365-4368.
- Borovykh I.V., Klenina I.B., Gast P., Hoff A.J. & Proskuryakov I.I. (1998), Photoselection in ESP spectra of photosynthetic reaction centers. In: Garab G. (red.), Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 4369-4372.
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