Paul Hudson
Universitair hoofddocent
- Naam
- Dr. P.F. Hudson
- Telefoon
- +31 70 800 9330
- 0000-0003-2534-2720

Paul Hudson is universitair hoofddocent Fysische geografie. Zijn onderzoek maakt gebruik van een veldgebaseerde aanpak aangevuld met GISc-mapping en analyse van satellietbeelden en historische cartografie. In het algemeen onderzoekt Hudson de menselijke impact op het milieu, en in het bijzonder onderzoekt hij overstromingen, bodemerosie, rivieraanpassing, sedimenttransport en het beheer van uiterwaarden.
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Universitair hoofddocent
- Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
- Leiden University College
- Breggen N.N. van der & Hudson P.F. (2024), Influence of atmospheric rivers on extreme rainfall and high streamflow events in northwestern Europe: Rur (Roer) River basin , Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 51: 101644.
- Boucher Z. Hudson P.F. (2023), Troubled waters: Riparian ecosystem services and community opposition to the largest dam removal project in Europe, Vezins Dam, France, Geoforum 147: .
- Hudson P.F. & Park E. (2023), Lowland rivers: Geomorphology, human impacts, and management (Introduction to special issue), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48: 7-13.
- Van Tilburg A.J. Hudson P.F. (2022), Extreme weather events and farmer adaptation in Zeeland, the Netherlands: A European climate change case study from the Rhine delta, Science of the Total Environment 844(157212): .
- Hudson P.F. (2021), Flooding and Management of Large Fluvial Lowlands: A Global Environmental Perspective. England: Cambridge University Press.
- Hudson P.F. (2020), Water: how does agriculture impact freshwater resources? . In: Behrens P. Bosker T.B. Ehrhardt D. (red.), Food and Sustainability : Oxford University Press.
- Hudson P.F. Houben P. Bosker T. (2020), Soils: what are the impacts of agriculture on soils? . In: Behrens P. Bosker T. Ehrhardt D. (red.), Food and Sustainability: Oxford University Press.
- Hudson P.F. & Zorn M. (2019), The role of historic human impacts on modern environmental processes and management: Introduction to special issue, Land Degradation and Development : 1-4.
- Hudson P.F. (2018), Towards integrated flood management along the lower Rhine and Mississippi Rivers and the international legacy of the 2005 New Orleans Hurricanes Katrina–Rita flood disaster, International Journal of River Basin Management 16(3): 273-285.
- Most M. van der & Hudson P.F. (2018), The influence of floodplain geomorphology and hydrologic connectivity on alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) habitat along the embanked floodplain of the Lower Mississippi River, Geomorphology 302: 62-75.
- Hudson P.F. (2018), Flood Control Infrastructure and ‘Political Hydrology’ along the LA-TX Gulf Coast. Washington DC: American Association of Geographers, AAG Newsletter 53(April 4): .
- Heitmuller F.T., Hudson P.F. & Kesel R.H. (2017), Overbank sedimentation from the extreme AD 2011 flood along the Lower Mississippi River, Geology 45(2): 107–110.
- Hudson P.F. & Hinman S.E. (2017), The integration of geography in a curriculum focused to internationalization and interdisciplinarity: A liberal arts & sciences perspective from the U.S. and the Netherlands, Journal of Geography in Higher Education 41(4): 549-561.
- Hudson P.F. (2017), Fluvial Depositional Processes and Landforms. In: Richardson D., Castree N., Goodchild M.F., Kobayashi A., Liu W. & Marston R.A. (red.), International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hudson P.F. (2017), Water Engineering. In: Richardson D., Castree N., Goodchild M.F., Kobayashi A., Liu W. & Marston R.A. (red.), International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hudson P.F., Goudie A. & Asrat A. (2015), Human Impacts on Landscapes: Geomorphology, Environmental Change, and Sustainability (refereed special issue), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 59(2): 1-245.
- Hudson P.F. & Middelkoop H. (2015), Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowland Fluvial Systems in North America and Europe. New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Hudson P.F. & Middelkoop H. (2015), The Palimpsest of River-Floodplain Management and the Role of Geomorphology. In: Hudson P.F. & Middelkoop H. (red.), Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowland Fluvial Systems in North America and Europe. New York: Springer-Verlag. 337-350.
- Hudson P.F. & Middelkoop H. (2015), Integrated Floodplain Management, Environmental Change, and Geomorphology: Problems and Prospects. In: Hudson P.F. & Middelkoop H. (red.), Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowland Fluvial Systems in North America and Europe. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1-8.
- Heitmuller F.T., Hudson P.F. & Asquith W.H. (2015), Lithologic and hydrologic controls of mixed alluvial–bedrock channels in flood-prone fluvial systems: bankfull and macrochannels in the Llano River watershed, central Texas, US, Geomorphology 232: 1-19.
- Hudson P.F., Goudie A. & Asrat A. (2015), Human impacts on landscapes: Sustainability and the role of geomorphology (editorial), Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 59(2): 1-5.
- Avwunudiogba A. & Hudson P.F. (2014), A review of soil erosion models with special reference to the needs of humid tropical mountainous environments, European Journal of Sustainable Development 3(4): 299-310.
- Hudson P.F. & LaFevor M. (2014), Management and Monitoring Land Degradation and Environmental Change (refereed special issue), Journal of Environmental Management 138: 1-96.
- Hudson P.F. & LaFevor M.C. (red.) (2014), . Journal of Environmental Management.
- Hudson P.F. & LaFevor M.C. (red.) (2014), . Journal of Environmental Management.
- Hudson P.F. & LaFevor M. (2014), Introduction: Managing and monitoring human impacts on landscapes for environmental change and sustainability, Journal of Environmental Management 138: 1-3.
- Hudson P.F. & LaFevor (2014), Managing and Monitoring Human Impacts on Landscapes for Environmental Change and Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Management 138: 1-96.
- Hudson P.F., Sounny-Slittine M.A. & LaFevor M. (2013), A new longitudinal approach to assess hydrologic connectivity: Embanked floodplain inundation along the lower Mississippi River, HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES 27(15): 2187-2196.
- Hudson P.F. & Inbar M. (2012), Land Degradation and Geodiversity: Anthropogenic Controls on Environmental Change (peer reviewed special issue), Land Degradation and Development 23(4): 307-426.
- Hudson P.F. (2012), Geomorphic Adjustment of the San Marcos River, Texas to Environmental Management for Removal of an Invasive Water Plant, Cryptocoryne beckettii. Final Report (reviewed). Austin, TX: U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Texas Parks & Wildlife.
- Hudson P.F. & Inbar M. (2012), Geodiversity and land degradation: Anthropogenic and natural drivers of environmental change, Land Degradation and Development 23(4): 307-309.
- Hudson Paul F., Heitmuller Franklin T. & Leitch Maraigh B. (2012), Hydrologic connectivity of oxbow lakes along the lower Guadalupe River, Texas: The influence of geomorphic and climatic controls on the "flood pulse concept", Journal of Hydrology 414: 174-183.
- Benito G. & Hudson P.F. (2010), Flood Hazards: The Context of Fluvial Geomorphology, Ch. 10. In: Alcántara-Ayala I. & Goudie A. (red.), Geomorphological Hazards and Disaster Prevention: Cambridge University Press. 110-128.
- Hudson P.F. (2010), Formation and Dynamics of Floodplain Lakes along the Lower Guadalupe, San Antonio, and Brazos Rivers, Texas. Final Report (reviewed). Austin, TX: Texas Water Development Board.
- Heitmuller F.T. & Hudson P.F. (2009), Downstream trends in sediment size and composition of channel-bed, bar, and bank deposits related to hydrologic and lithologic controls in the Llano River watershed, central Texas, USA, Geomorphology 112(3-4): 246-260.
- Hudson P.F., Butzer K.W. & Beach T.P. (2008), Fluvial Deposits and Environmental History: Geoarchaeology, Paleohydrology, Adjustment to Environmental Change. Geomorphology nr. 101. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
- Hudson P.F., Butzer K.W. & Beach T.P. (2008), Fluvial deposits and environmental history: Synthesis, Geomorphology 101(1-2): .
- Hudson P.F. (2008), Natural Levees. In: Trimble S.W., Steward B.A. & Howell T.A. (red.), Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2nd Edition (reviewed) 763-767.
- Hudson P.F. (2008), Alluvial River Channels (reviewed). In: Trimble S.W., Steward B.A. & Howell T.A. (red.), Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2nd Edition 991-997.
- Hudson P.F. (2008), Alluvial Channels. In: Trimble S.W., Steward B.A. & Howell T.A. (red.), Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2nd Edition (reviewed) 991-997.
- Hudson P.F. (2008), Deltas. In: Trimble S.W., Steward B.A. & Howell T.A. (red.), Encyclopedia of Water Science, 2nd Edition (reviewed) 152-156.
- Hudson P.F., Butzer K.W. & Beach T.P. (2008), Scope and context of the 39th Annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Geomorphology 101(1-2): .
- Hudson P.F., Butzer K.W. & Beach T.P. (2008), Scope and context of the 39th Annual Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Geomorphology 101(1-2): viii – xi.
- Hudson P.F. & Beach T.P. (2008), Dedication to Karl W. Butzer, Geomorphology 101(1-2): .
- Hudson P.F., Middelkoop H. & Stouthamer E. (2008), Flood management along the Lower Mississippi and Rhine Rivers (The Netherlands) and the continuum of geomorphic adjustment, Geomorphology 101(1-2): 209-236.
- Hudson P.F. & Heitmuller F.T. (2008), Rivers and landscapes of the Texas Gulf Coastal Plain, The Southwestern Geographer 12: 90-123.
- Hudson P.F. & Kesel R.H. (2006), Spatial and temporal adjustment of the lower Mississippi River to major human impacts, Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Supplementbände 143: 17-33.
- Hudson P.F. & Alcántara-Ayala I. (2006), Land Degradation and Geomorphology, CATENA 65(2): 101-199.
- Hudson P.F. & Alcantara-Ayala I. (2006), Ancient and modern perspectives on land degradation, Catena 65(2): 102-106.
- Hudson Paul F., Colditz Rene R. & Aguilar-Robledo Miguel (2006), Spatial relations between floodplain environments and land use - Land cover of a large lowland tropical river valley: Panuco basin, Mexico, Environmental Management 38(3): 487-503.
- Hudson P.F. & Alcántara-Ayala I. (2006), Geomorphology and Land Degradation, Catena 65(2): 101-199.
- Hudson P.F., Hendrickson D.A., Benke A.C., Rodiles-Hernandez R. & Minckley W.L. (2005), Rivers of Mexico, Ch. 23. In: Benke A. & Cushing C.E. (red.), Rivers of North America: Academic Press, Elsevier. 1030-1084.
- Crews-Meyer K.A., Hudson P.F. & Colditz R. (2004), Landscape complexity and remote classification in Eastern Mexico: Applications of Landsat 7 ETM data, GeoCarto International 19: 45-56.
- Hudson P.F. (2004), Geomorphic context of the prehistoric Huastec floodplain environments: lower Panuco basin, Mexico, Journal of Archaeological Science 31(6): 653-668.
- Hudson P.F. (2004) Review of Fluvial Processes and Environmental Change. Bespreking van: Brown A.G. & Quine T.A. (1999), Fluvial Processes and Environmental Change: Wiley. River Research and Applications .
- Hudson P.F. (2003), Floodplains: Environment and Process (peer reviewed special issue), Geomorphology 56(3-4): 223-352.
- Hudson P.F. & Heitmuller F.T. (2003), Local- and watershed-scale controls on the spatial variability of natural levee deposits in a large fine-grained floodplain: Lower Panuco Basin, Mexico, Geomorphology 56(3-4): 255-269.
- Hudson P.F. (2003), Floodplains: Environment and Process (peer reviewed special issue), Geomorphology 56(3-4): 223-352.
- Hudson P.F. (2003), Floodplains: Environment and process (introduction), Geomorphology 56(3-4): 223-224.
- Hudson P.F. (2003), The influence of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on suspended sediment load variability in a seasonally humid tropical setting: Panuco Basin, Mexico, Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 85A(3-4): 263-275.
- Hudson P.F. (2003), Event sequence and sediment exhaustion in the lower Panuco Basin, Mexico, Catena 52(1): 57-76.
- Hudson P.F. & Colditz R.R. (2003), Flood delineation in a large and complex alluvial valley, lower Panuco basin, Mexico, Journal of Hydrology 280(1-4): 229-245.
- Walker H.J. & Hudson P.F. (2003), Hydrologic and geomorphic processes in the Colville River delta, Alaska, Geomorphology 56(3-4): 291-303.
- Hudson P.F. (2002), Floodplain styles of the lower Pánuco basin, Mexico, Journal of Latin American Geography 1: 58-68.
- Steinberg M.K. & Hudson P.F. (2002), Cultural and Physical Expositions: Geographic Studies in the Southern U.S. and Latin America nr. 36. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Geoscience & Man, Louisiana State University Press.
- Steinberg M.K. & Hudson P.F. (2002), Introduction. In: Steinberg M.K. & Hudson P.F. (red.), Cultural and Physical Expositions: Geographic Studies in the Southern United States and Latin America nr. 36. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Geoscience & Man, Louisiana State University Press. 9-12.
- Hudson P.F. (2002), Historic Channel Behavior of the Lower Mississippi River. In: Steinberg M.K. & Hudson P.F. (red.), Cultural and Physical Expositions: Geographic Studies in the Southern United States and Latin America nr. 36. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Geoscience & Man, Louisiana State University press. 309-323.
- Hudson P.F. (2002), Pool-riffle morphology in an actively migrating alluvial channel: The Lower Mississippi River, PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 23(2): 154-169.
- Hudson P.F. (2001), Fluvial and Karst Processes and Landforms. In: , Encyclopedia of World Geography: Salem Press.
- Hudson P.F. (2000), Discharge, sediment, and channel characteristics of the Rio Pánuco, Mexico, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers. nr. 26 61-70.
- Hudson P.F. (2000) Review of, Varieties of Fluvial Form. Bespreking van: Miller A.J. & Gupta A. (1999), Varieties of Fluvial Form: Wiley. Geomorphology 35.
- Hudson P.F. & Kesel R.H. (2000), Channel migration and meander-bend curvature in the lower Mississippi River prior to major human modification, Geology 28(6): 531-534.
- Hudson P.F. & Kesel R.H. (1999) Review of, Fluvial Form and Process: A New Perspective. Bespreking van: Knighton D. (1998), Fluvial Form and Process: A New Perspective: Wiley. Geomorphology 28.
- Hudson P.F. (1998), Assessment of historic erosion rates in the Lower Mississippi River, Proceedings, GIS/LIS '98. . Ft. Worth, TX: GIS/LIS. 17-24.
- Hudson P.F. & Mossa J. (1997), Discharge and suspended sediment dynamics of Texas rivers. nr. 139-146. Ft. Worth, TX: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting.
- Hudson P.F. & Mossa J. (1997), Suspended sediment transport effectiveness of three large impounded rivers, U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain, Environmental Geology 32(4): 263-273.