Paul Craenen
Universitair docent
- Naam
- Dr. P.C.A. Craenen
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-1809-8988

Dr. Paul Craenen (1972) is a composer, curator and currently Research Professor at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague. After his Master degree in music, he taught piano and experimental music for a good fifteen years. He was the driving force behind pioneering educational projects in new music and the use of new media in arts education. His compositions are characterised by conceptuality, the use of electronics, choreographic and audiovisual elements. He embarked upon postgraduate research at the Orpheus Institute in Ghent and later pursued it through docARTES, a doctoral programme for practice-based research in the arts. He received his doctorate from Leiden University in 2011 with a musical portfolio and a thesis on the music-performing body in contemporary composition. An adapted version was published by Leuven University Press in 2014, with the title ‘Composing under the Skin. The music-making body at the composer’s desk’. From 2012 to 2018 he was the director of Musica, Impulse Centre for Music, a Flemish organisation for music education, sound art and art participation. Early 2018 he was appointed lector Music, Education and Society at the Royal Conservatoire The Hague, where he leads research groups with a focus on musical training, creative practice, curatorship and engagement. Thanks to his expertise at the intersection of artistic practice, research and education, he is in frequent demand as an expert, opinion leader and curator. Research interests: corporeality in contemporary music, embodied music cognition, transdisciplinarity and intermedia, musical values, ethics and engagement, arts education
Meer informatie over Paul Craenen
Universitair docent
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Academie der Kunsten
- Craenen P. (2024), Reflection as interference. Eleven thoughts on artistic research as an interruptive practice, Forum+ 31(2): 4-11.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2024), Creative and social intentions in research proposals of music performance students: a reality check of curriculum discourse in higher music education, Music Performance Research 12: 95-126.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2023), Finalità creative e sociali nelle proposte di ricerca di studenti di performance musicale: lo stato dell’arte nel dibattito sui percorsi formativi nell’alta formazione musicale, Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale (RATM) XXIX(2): 91-132.
- Craenen P.C.A. (red.) (2022), The promise of music: hopes and expectations in higher music education. Antwerpen: Garant.
- Craenen P.C.A., Toksöz Fairbairn K., Scott A.M., Tunca S.A. & Wentz J.A. (2022), Roundtable: the artist-researcher inside out: Strategies, methodologies, refractions, European Drama and Performance Studies 2(19): 97-108 (10).
- Craenen P.C.A. (2022), Zwervend muzikantschap : Nomadic Musicianship. In: Craenen P.C.A. (red.), Beloftevolle muziek: hoop en verwachtingen in hoger muziekonderwijs: Garant. 19-39.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2022), Nomadic musicianship. In: Craenen P.C.A. (red.), The promise of music: hopes and expectations in higher music education. Antwerpen: Garant. 19-39.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2022), Reaching out from music (Seminar Extended Composition). [congress paper].
- Craenen P.C.A. (2021), Kunsteducatie en Artistiek Onderzoek: van gedeelde problematiek tot bondgenootschap, Kunstzone: Hét tijdschrift voor kunst en cultuur in het onderwijs (5): 20-25.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2020), Artistiek onderzoek als een integrerende kracht: Een kritische blik op de rol van het masteronderzoek aan de Nederlandse conservatoria, Forum+ 27(1): 45-55.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2015), Instrumenten voor nieuwe oren. In: Vugt A. de & De Baets T. (red.), Technologie als medium: muziekpedagogiek in beweging. Muziekpedagogiek in Beweging nr. 4. Heverlee: Euprint BVBA. 43-54.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2014), Composing under the skin: the music-making body at the composer's desk. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2014), Speaking and singing in different rooms: Conceptuality and Variation in Alvin Lucier’s I Am Sitting in a Room. In: Gilmore B. & Crispin D. (red.), Artistic experimentation in music: an anthology: Leuven University Press. 275-280.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2014), Oefenen in cultuur, rekto:verso 60(2): .
- Craenen P.C.A. (2012), Instruments for new ears, ISCM World New Music Magazine 22: 96-105 (14).
- Paul Craenen (29 maart 2011), Gecomponeerde Uitvoerders: Het musicerende lichaam vanuit compositorisch perspectief [Composed Performers: The music-making body from a composer's perspective] (Dissertatie. Academie der Kunsten, Geesteswetenschappen , Universiteit Leiden ). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Frans de Ruiter, Myriam Van Imschoot.
- Craenen P.C.A. (2007), Music from Somewhere, here and there: reflections over the space of sounding compositions, Tijdschrift voor Muziektheorie 12(1): 122-135.