Pascale Ehrenfreund
Hoogleraar Astrobiologie
- Naam
- Prof.dr. P. Ehrenfreund
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 5737
Pascale Ehrenfreund heeft degrees van de Unviersiteit van Wenen (Master of Science degree in Moleculaire Biologie; PhD in Sterrenkunde, Habilitatie in Astrochemie) en Webster Leiden (Master of Art degree in Management and Leadership). Zij was de eerste vrouwelijke president van de Austrian Science Fund (FWF) en was gekozen als CEO voor het Duitse Aerospace Center, wat haar de eerste vrouw maakt die een groot research bedrijf runt in Duitsland.
Ehrenfreunds interesses liggen bij de Interstellaire Chemie, ijs in ons Zonnestelstel en Interstellaire gebieden, organische moleculen in kometen en meteorieten en in Astrobiologie.
Haar expertises zijn de karakterisatie van kosmische stof in het lab met spectroscopische technieken en analytische methodes die relevant zijn in Interstellaire Chemie en in het onderzoek naar ons Zonnestelsel, de astronomische waarnemingen (optisch, IR, mm) van ijs en organisch materiaal in Interstellaire en Circumstellaire gebieden en het vergelijken van organische materialen in het Interstellair Medium, kometen en meteorieten (analyses van meteorieten en prebiotische chemie).
Hoogleraar Astrobiologie
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Sterrewacht
- Sterrewacht
- Ehrenfreund P., Aerts J. & Ricco A.J. (2023), Laboratory studies and field analogue research in support of Mars exploration. Mennella V. & Joblin C. (red.), European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics: ECLA 2021: European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020 . European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics ECLA2020 18 oktober 2020 - 23 oktober 2020. Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings nr. 59. Berlin: Springer. 287-293.
- Farhang A., Smoker J., Cox N.L.J., Cami J., Linnartz H.V.J., Loon J.T. van, Cordiner M.A., Sarre P.J., Khosroshahi H.G., Ehrenfreund P., Foing B.A.C.H.J.S., Kaper L. & Laverick M. (2023), The EDIBLES survey: VI. Searching for time variations of interstellar absorption features, Astronomy and Astrophysics 678: A148.
- Boeren N.J., Kipfer K.A., Ligterink N.F.W., Koning C.P. de, Keresztes Schmidt P., Grimaudo V., Tulej M., Lindner R., Ehrenfreund P., Wurz P. & Riedo A. (2022), Prototype laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometer for in situ biosignature detection on ocean worlds, EGU General Assembly 2022. EGU22, the 24th EGU General Assembly 23 mei 2022 - 27 mei 2022: EGU General Assembly 2022.
- Fan H., Schwartz M., Farhang A., Cox N.L.J., Ehrenfreund P., Monreal Ibero A., Foing B.A.C.H.J.S., Salama F., Kulik K., MacIsaac H., Loon J.T. van & Cami J. (2022), Families and clusters of diffuse interstellar bands: a data-driven correlation analysis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(3): 3546-3560.
- Fan H., Schwartz M., Farhang A., Cox N.L.J., Ehrenfreund P., Monreal Ibero A., Foing B.A.C.H.J.S., Salama F., Kulik K., MacIsaac H., Loon J.T. van & Cami J. (2021), Families and clusters of diffuse interstellar bands: a data-driven correlation analysis, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510(3): 3546–3560.
- Riedo A., Grimaudo V., Aerts J.W., Lukmanov R., Tulej M., Broekmann P., Lindner R., Wurz P. & Ehrenfreund P. (2021), Laser ablation ionization mass spectrometry: a space prototype system for in situ sulphur isotope fractionation analysis on planetary surfaces, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 8: 726373.
- Ehrenfreund P. (2021), Organic chemistry in space and the search for life in our solar system, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 21st EGU General Assembly 7 april 2019 - 12 april 2019: EGU. EGU21-16440.
- Aerts J.W., Riedo A., Melton D.J., Martini S., Flahaut J., Meierhenrich U.J., Meinert C., Myrgorodska I., Lindner R. & Ehrenfreund P. (2020), Biosignature analysis of Mars soil analogs from the Atacama Desert: challenges and implications for future missions to Mars, Astrobiology 20(6): 766-784.
- Riedo A., Koning C. de, Stevens A.H., Cockell C.S., McDonald A., López A.C., Grimaude V., Tulej M., Wurz P. & Ehrenfreund P. (2020), The detection of elemental signatures of microbes in martian mudstone analogs using high spatial resolution laser ablation ionization Mass spectrometry, Astrobiology 20(10): 1224-1235.
- Riedo A., Grimaudo V., Aerts J.W., López A.C., Tulej M., Ehrenfreund P. & Wurz P. (2020), Detection of sulphuric life in Mars analogue material using a miniature LIMS system, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. EGU General Assembly 2020 4 mei 2020 - 8 mei 2020: EGU General Assembly 2020. 20279.
- Linnartz H.J.V., Cami J., Cordiner M., Cox N.L.J., Ehrenfreund P., Foing B., Gatchell M. & Scheier P. (2020), C60+ as a diffuse interstellar band carrier; a spectroscopic story in 6 acts, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 367: 111243.
- Beblo-Vranesevic K., Bohmeier M., Schleumer S., Rabbow E., Perras A.K., Moissl-Eichinger C., Schwendner P., Cockell C.S., Vannier P., Marteinsson V.T., Monaghan E.P., Riedo A., EhrenfreundP., Garcia-Descalzo L., Gómez F., Malki M., Amils R., Gaboyer F., Hickman-Lewis K., Westall F., Cabezas P., Walter N. & Rettberg P. (2020), Impact of simulated Martian conditions on (facultatively) anaerobic bacterial strains from different Mars analogue sites, Current Issues in Molecular Biology 38: 103-122.
- Mannel T., Bentley M.S., Boakes P.D., Jeszenszky H., Ehrenfreund P., Engrand C., Koeberl C., Levasseur-Regourd A.C., Romstedt J., Schmied R., Torkar K. & Weber I. (2019), Dust of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko collected by Rosetta/MIDAS: classification and extension to the nanometer scale, 630: A26.
- Mannel T., Bentley M., Boakes P., Jeszenszky H., Ehrenfreund P., Engrand C., Koeberl C., Levasseur-Regourd A.-C., Romstedt J., Schmied R., Torkar K. & Weber I. (2019), Cometary dust: structure at the nanometre scale, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 21st EGU General Assembly 7 april 2019 - 12 april 2019 nr. 21: EGU. 17361.
- Mannel T., Bentley M., Boakes P., Jeszenszky H., Ehrenfreund P., Engrand C., Koeberl C., Levasseur-Regourd A.-C., Romstedt J., Schmied R., Torkar K. & Weber I. (2019), Classification of comet 67P dust at the nanometre scale with MIDAS on-board Rosetta, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 15 september 2019 - 20 september 2019 nr. 13: EPSC Abstracts. EPSC-DPS2019-1374.
- Cordiner M.A., Linnartz H., Cox N.L.J., Cami J., Najarro F., Proffitt C.R., Lallement R., Ehrenfreund P., Foing B.H., Gull T.R., Sarre P.J. & Charnley S.B. (2019), Confirming Interstellar C_60+ Using the Hubble Space Telescope, 875(2): L28.
- Riedo A., Koning C. de, Stevens A.H., López A.C., Tulej M., Wurz P., Cockell C.S. & Ehrenfreund P. (2019), Detection of single cell microbial life artificially inoculated in mudstone analogue material using a miniature LIMS system, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. 21st EGU General Assembly 7 april 2019 - 12 april 2019 nr. 21: EGU. 16763.
- Riedo A., Ligterink N.F.W., Grimaudo V., Moreno-García P., Wiesendanger R., Lukmanov R., Tulej M., Wurz P. & Ehrenfreund P. (2019), Direct Laser Desorption of Amino Acids using LIMS, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 15 september 2019 - 20 september 2019 nr. 2019: EPSC. EPSC-DPS2019-1520.
- Lallement R., Cox N.L.J., Cami J., Smoker J., Farhang A., Elyajouri M., Cordiner M.A., Linnartz H., Smith K.T., Ehrenfreund P. & Foing B.H. (2018), The EDIBLES survey II. The detectability of C60+ bands, Astronomy and Astrophysics 614: A28.
- Cockell C.S., Schwendner P., Perras A., Rettberg P., Beblo-Vranesevic K., Bohmeier M., Rabbow E., Moissl-Eichinger C., Wink L., Marteinsson V., Vannier P., Gomez F., Garcia-Descalzo L., Ehrenfreund P., Monaghan E.P., Westall F., Gaboyer F., Amils R., Malki M., Pukall R., Cabezas P. & Walter N. (2018), Anaerobic microorganisms in astrobiological analogue environments: from field site to culture collection, International Journal of Astrobiology 17(4): 314-328.
- Riedo A., Wiesendanger R., Tulej M., Wurz P. & Ehrenfreund P. (2018), Chemical analysis of Permafrost samples using a miniature LIMS system designed for in situ chemical analysis of solids on planetary surfaces, Geophysical Research Abstracts. 20th EGU General Assembly, EGU2018 4 april 2018 - 13 april 2018 nr. 20: EGU. 13086.
- Cox N.L.J., Cami J., Farhang A., Smoker J., Monreal-Ibero A., Lallement R., Sarre P.J., Marshall C.C.M., Smith K.T., Evans C.J., Royer P., Linnartz H.V.J., Cordiner M.A., Joblin C., Loon J.T., Foing B.H., Bhatt N.H., Bron E., Elyajouri M., Koter A., Ehrenfreund P., Javadi A., Kaper L., Khosroshadi H.G., Laverick M., Le Petit F., Mulas G., Roueff E., Salama F. & Spaans M. (2017), The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES). I. Project description, survey sample, and quality assessment, 606: A76.
- Cottin H., Kotler J.M., Billi D., Cockell C., Demets R., Ehrenfreund P., Elsässer A.K.G., d'Hendecourt L., Loon J.J.W.A., Martins Z., Onofri S., Quinn R.C., Rabbow E., Rettberg P., Ricco A.J., Slenzka K., Torre R., Vera J.-P., Westall F., Carrasco N., Fresneau A., Kawaguchi Y., Kebukawa Y., Nguyen D., Poch O., Saiagh K., Stalport F., Yamagishi A., Yano H. & Klamm B.A. (2017), Space as a Tool for Astrobiology: Review and Recommendations for Experimentations in Earth Orbit and Beyond, Space Science Reviews 209(1-4): 83-181.
- Martins Z., Cottin H., Kotler J.M., Carrasco N., Cockell C.S., Torre Noetzel R., Demets R., Vera J.-P., d'Hendecourt L., Ehrenfreund P., Elsässer A.K.G., Foing B., Onofri S., Quinn R., Rabbow E., Rettberg P., Ricco A.J., Slenzka K., Stalport F., Kate I.L., Loon J.J.W.A. & Westall F. (2017), Earth as a Tool for Astrobiology - A European Perspective, Space Science Reviews 209(1-4): 43-81.
- Krüger H., Goesmann F., Giri C., Wright I., Morse A., Bredehöft J.H., Ulamec S., Cozzoni B., Ehrenfreund P., Gautier T., McKenna-Lawlor S., Raulin F., Steininger H. & Szopa C. (2017), Decay of COSAC and Ptolemy mass spectra at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, 600: A56.
- Cottin H., Kotler J.M., Bartik K., Cleaves H.J., Cockell C.S., Vera J.-P.P., Ehrenfreund P., Leuko S., Ten Kate I.L., Martins Z., Pascal R., Quinn R., Rettberg P. & Westall F. (2017), Astrobiology and the Possibility of Life on Earth and Elsewhere.., Space Science Reviews 209: 1-42.
- Aerts J.W., Elsaesser A., Röling W.F.M. & Ehrenfreund P. (2016), A contamination assessment of the CI carbonaceous meteorite Orgueil using a DNA-directed approach, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 51: 920-931.
- Bentley M.S., Schmied R., Mannel T., Torkar K., Jeszenszky H., Romstedt J., Levasseur-Regourd A.-C., Weber I., Jessberger E.K., Ehrenfreund P., Koeberl C. & Havnes O. (2016), Aggregate dust particles at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Nature 537(7618): 73-75.
- Kwok S., Bergin E. & Ehrenfreund P. (2016), Search for water and life's building blocks in the Universe, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 29: 375-375.
- De Vera Jean-Pierre, Boettger Ute, De La Torre Noetzel Rosa, Sanchez Francisco J., Grunow Dana, Schmitz Nicole, Lange Caroline, Huebers Heinz-Wilhelm, Billi Daniela, Baque Mickael, Rettberg Petra, Rabbow Elke, Reitz Guenther, Berger Thomas, Moeller Ralf, Bohmeier Maria, Horneck Gerda, Westall Frances, Jaenchen Jochen, Fritz Joerg, Meyer Cornelia, Onofri Silvano, Selbmann Laura, Zucconi Laura, Kozyrovska Natalia, Leya Thomas, Foing Bernard, Demets Rene, Cockell Charles S., Bryce Casey, Wagner Dirk, Serrano Paloma, Edwards Howell G.M., Joshi Jasmin, Huwe Bjoern, Ehrenfreund Pascale, Elsaesser Andreas, Ott Sieglinde, Meessen Joachim, Feyh Nina, Szewzyk Ulrich, Jaumann Ralf & Spohn Tilman (2012), Supporting Mars exploration: BIOMEX in Low Earth Orbit and further astrobiological studies on the Moon using Raman and PanCam technology, Planetary and Space Science 74(1): 103-110.
- Groen J., Deamer D.W., Kros A. & Ehrenfreund P. (2012), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Plausible Prebiotic Membrane Components, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 42(4): 295-306.
- Ehrenfreund P., McKay C., Rummel J.D., Foing B.H., Neal C.R., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Ansdell M., Peter N., Zarnecki J., Mackwell S., Perino M.A., Billings L., Mankins J. & Race M. (2012), Toward a global space exploration program: A stepping stone approach, Advances in Space Research 49(1): 2-48.
- Ehrenfreund P., McKay C., Rummel J.D., Foing B.H., Neal C., Masson-Zwaan T.L., Ansdell M., Peter N., Zarnecki J., Mackwell S., Perino M.A., Billings L., Mankins J. & Race M. (2010), Toward a Global Space Exploration Program: A Stepping Stone Approach. Paris: Committee On Space Research (COSPAR).
- Thi W.F.D., Dishoeck E.F. van, Dartois E., Pontoppidan K.M., Schutte W.A., Ehrenfreund P., D'Hendecourt L. & Fraser H.J. (2006), VLTISAAC 3-5 μm spectroscopy of embedded young low-mass stars. III. Intermediatemass sources in Vela, Astronomy & Astrophysics 449: 251-265.
- Botta O., Martins Z., Emmenegger C., Dworkin J.P., Glavin D.P., Harvey R.P., Zenobi R. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), Amino acids and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in meteorites and ice samples from La Paz ice field, Antarctica, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41(8): A26-A26.
- Kate I.L. ten, Garry J.R.C., Peeters Z., Foing B. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), The effects of Martian near surface conditions on the photochemistry of amino acids, Planetary and Space Science 54(3): 296-302.
- Martins Z., Watson J.S., Sephton M.A., Botta O., Ehrenfreund P. & Gilmour I. (2006), Free dicarboxylic and aromatic acids in the carbonaceous chondrites Murchison and Orgueil, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41(7): 1073-1080.
- Garry J.R.C., Kate I.L. ten, Martins Z., Nornberg P. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), Analysis and survival of amino acids in Martian regolith analogs, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41(3): 391-405.
- Riedler W., Torkar K., Jeszenszky H., Romstedt J., Alleyne H.S.C., Arends H., Barth W.P., Biezen J.V.D., Butler B., Ehrenfreund P., Fehringer M., Fremuth G., Gavira J., Havnes O., Jessberger E.K., Kassing R., Klöck W., Koeberl C., Levasseur-Regourd A.C., Maurette M., Rudenauer F., Schmidt R., Stangl G., Steller M. & Weber I. (2006), MIDAS - The Micro-Imaging Dust Analysis System for the Rosetta Mission, Space Science Reviews 95: .
- Ehrenfreund P., Rasmussen S., Cleaves J. & Chen L.H. (2006), Experimentally tracing the key steps in the origin of life: The aromatic world, Astrobiology 6(3): 490-520.
- Thi W.F.D., Dishoeck E.F. van, Dartois E., Pontoppidan K.M., Schutte W.A., Ehrenfreund P., Hendecour L. d' & Fraser H.J. (2006), VLT-ISAAC 3-5 mu m spectroscopy of embedded young low-mass stars - III. Intermediate-mass sources in Vela, Astronomy & Astrophysics 449(1): 251-U80.
- Peeters A.P.A., Rodgers S.D., Charnley S.B., Schriver-Mazzuoli L., Schriver A., Keane J.V. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), Astrochemistry of dimethyl ether, Astronomy & Astrophysics 445(1): 197-204.
- Sofia U.J., Gordon K.D., Clayton G.C., Misselt K., Wolff M.J., Cox N.L.J. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), Probing the Dust Responsible for Small Magellanic Cloud Extinction, The Astrophysical Journal 636: 753-764.
- Cox N.L.J., Cordiner M.A., Cami J., Foing B.H., Sarre P.J., Kaper L. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), The Large Magellanic Cloud: diffuse interstellar bands, atomic lines and the local environmental conditions, Astronomy & Astrophysics 447(3): 991-U79.
- Martins Z., Botta O., Fogel M.L., Sephton M.A., Glavin D.P., Watson J.S., Dworkin J.P., Schwartz A.W. & Ehrenfreund P. (2006), Isotopic analysis of nucleobases in the Murchison meteorite, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 41(8): A114-A114.
- Ehrenfreund P. (2006), Prebiotically important interstellar molecules, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 231: .
- Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Cerroni P., De Sanctis M.C., Pinet P., Chevrel S., Langevin Y., Barucci M.A., Plancke P., Koschny D., Almeida M., Sodnik Z., Mancuso S., Hoffmann B.A., Muinonen K., Shevchenko V., Shkuratov Y., Ehrenfreund P. & Foing B.H. (2006), Science objectives and first results from the SMART-1/AMIE multicolour micro-camera, Moon and Near-Earth Objects Advances in space research 37(1): 14-20.
- Aubrey A., Cleaves H.J., Chalmers J.H., Skelley A.M., Mathies R.A., Grunthaner F.J., Ehrenfreund P. & Bada J.L. (2006), Sulfate minerals and organic compounds on Mars, Geology 34(5): 357-360.
- Pinet P., Cerroni P., Josset J.-L., Beauvivre S., Chevrel S., Muinonen K., Langevin Y., Barucci M.A., Sanctis M.C. de, Shkuratov Y., Shevchenko V., Plancke P., Hofmann B.A., Josset M., Ehrenfreund P., Sodnik Z., Koschny D., Almeida M. & Foing B. (2005), The advanced Moon micro-imager experiment (AMIE) on SMART-1: Scientific goals and expected results, Planetary and Space Science 53: 1309-1318.
- Ehrenfreund P. (2005), Bespreking van: Whittet D.C.B. (2002), Dust in the Galactic Environment/Second Edition (paperback, 34.99 Pounds or 49.99 Dollars). Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere 35: 73-74.
- Kate I.L. ten, Garry J.R.C., Peeters Z., Quinn R., Foing B.H. & Ehrenfreund P. (2005), Amino acid photostability on the Martian surface, Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40: 1185.
- Ruiterkamp R., Cox N.L.J., Spaans M., Kaper L., Foing B.H., Salama F. & Ehrenfreund P. (2005), PAH charge state distribution and DIB carriers: Implications from the line of sight toward HD 147889, Astronomy & Astrophysics 432: 515-529.
- Ruiterkamp R., Peeters Z., Moore M.H., Hudson R.L. & Ehrenfreund P. (2005), A quantitative study of proton irradiation and UV photolysis of benzene in interstellar environments, Astronomy & Astrophysics 440: 391-402.
- Charnley S.B., Ehrenfreund P., Millar T.J., Boogert A.C.A., Markwick A.J., Butner H.M., Ruiterkamp R. & Dodgers S.D. (2004), Observational tests for grain chemistry: posterior isotopic labelling, 347: 157-162.
- Unruh Y.C., Donati J.F., Oliveira J.M., Cameron A.C., Catala C., Henrichs H.F., Johns-Krull C.M., Foing B., Hao J., Cao H., Landstreet J.D., Stempels H.C., Jong J.A. de, Telting J., Walton N., Ehrenfreund P., Hatzes A.P., Neff J.E., Böhm T., Simon T., Kaper L., Strassmeier K.G. & Granzer T. (2004), Multisite observations of SU Aurigae, 348: 1301-1320.
- Schriver A., Coanga J.M., Schriver-Mazzuoli L. & Ehrenfreund P. (2004), Vibrational spectra and UV photochemistry of (CH2)(2)O thin films and (CH2)(2)O in amorphous water ice, Chemical Physics 303: 1-3.
- Schriver S., Coanga J.M., Schriver-Mazzuoli L. & Ehrenfreund P. (2004), FTIR studies of ultraviolet photo-dissociation at 10 K of dimethyl-ether in argon and nitrogen matrices, in the solid phase and in amorphous water ice, Chemical Physics Letters 386(4-6): 377-383.
- Rodgers S.D., Butner H.M., Charnley S.B. & Ehrenfreund P. (2003), The HNC/HCN ratio in comets: Observations of C/2002 C1 (Ikeya-Zhang), Advances in Space Research 31: 2577-2582.
- Kuan Y., Yan C., Charnley S.B., Kisiel Z., Ehrenfreund P. & Huang H. (2003), A search for interstellar pyrimidine, 345: 650-656.
- Ehrenfreund P., Fraser H.J., Blum J., Cartwright J.H.E., Garcia-Ruiz J.M., Hadamcik E., Levasseur-Regourd A.C., Price S., Prodi F. & Sarkissian A. (2003), Physics and chemistry of icy particles in the universe: answers from microgravity, Planetary and Space Science 51: 473-494.
- Rodgers S.D., Butner H.M., Charnley S.B. & Ehrenfreund P. (2003), Interpretation of the remote and in-situ observations of small bodies, Advances in Space Research 31: 2577-2582.
- Charnley S.B., Rodgers S.D., Butner H.M. & Ehrenfreund P. (2002), Chemical Processes in Cometary Comae, Earth Moon and Planets 90: 349-360.
- Ehrenfreund P., Rodgers S.D. & Charnley S.B. (2002), Physico-chemistry of comets: Models and Laboratory Experiments, Earth Moon and Planets 89: 221.
- Ehrenfreund P., Cami J., Jiménez-Vincente J., Foing B.H., Kaper L., Meer A. van der, Cox N., d'Hendecourt L., Maier J.P., Salama F., Sarre P.J., Snow T.P. & Sonnentrucker P. (2002), Detection of Diffuse Interstallar Bands in the Magellanic Clouds, Astrophysical Journal Letters 576: L117-L120.
- Ruiterkamp R., Halasinski T., Salama F., Foing B.H., Allamandola L.J., Schmidt W. & Ehrenfreund P. (2002), Spectroscopy of large PAHs. Laboratory studies and comparison to the Diffuse Interstellar Bands, Astronomy & Astrophysics 390: 1153-1170.
- Schriver-Mazzuoli L., Coanga J.M., Schriver A. & Ehrenfreund P. (2002), Infrared spectra of (CH3)2O and (CH3)2O + H2O at low temperatures, Vibrational Spectroscopy 30: 245.
- Ehrenfreund P., Irvine W., Becker L., Blank J., Brucato J.R., Colangeli L., Derenne S., Despois D., Dutry A., Fraaije H., Lazcano A., Owen T. & Robert F. (2002), Astrophysical and astrochemical insights into the origin of life, Reports on Progress in Physics 65: 1427-1487.