Onno Meijer
Hoogleraar Moleculaire neuro-endocrinologie van corticosteroïden
- Naam
- Prof.dr. O.C. Meijer
- Telefoon
- +31 71 526 1109
- o.c.meijer@lumc.nl
- 0000-0002-8394-6859
Onno C Meijer is hoogleraar in de neuroendocrinologie van corticosteroïden, bij de afdeling Interne Geneeskunde. Hij is bestuurslid van de het Nucleaire Receptoren Research Network Benelux en van de stichting Stress-NL, en gasthoogleraar op Shenyang China Medical University.
Meer informatie over Onno Meijer
Onno C Meijer is hoogleraar in de neuroendocrinologie van corticosteroïden, bij de afdeling Interne Geneeskunde. Hij is bestuurslid van de het Nucleaire Receptoren Research Network Benelux en van de stichting Stress-NL, en gasthoogleraar op Shenyang China Medical University.
Hormonen zijn de lange termijn coördinatoren van het lichaam. In geval van stress brengen corticosteroïd-hormonen veel organen in een toestand die het omgaan met stress zo goed als kan mogelijk maakt. Maar: deze hormonen kunnen té lang té actief zijn. Of ons lichaam ‘ziet’ te veel van de synthetische hormoonvarianten die vaak als onstekingsremmers gebruikt worden. Overmatige blootstelling maakt kwetsbaar voor een brede waaier aan ziektes.
We proberen enerzijds te begrijpen hoe de hersenen de afgifte van deze hormonen controleren (neuro-endocrinologie), en anderzijds hoe deze hormonen in veel organen zowel goede als slechte werking kunnen hebben. Bovendien bestuderen we nieuwe stoffen die aangrijpen op het corticosteroïde-systeem en zo als geneesmiddel kunnen werken voor stress-gerelateerde ziekten.
Wetenschappelijk carrière
Onno Meijer studeerde medische biologie in Utrecht met het doel om neurowetenschapper te worden. Hij promoveerde op 28 november 1996 op regulatie van de neurotransmitter serotonine door het corticosteroïd stresshormonen. Hij verdiepte zich tijdens een postdoc op UCSF in moleculaire werkingsmechanismes van deze hormonen. Na terugkeer in Nederland werkte hij op het LACDR in Leiden aan verschillen tussen lichaamseigen en synthetische hormonen wat betreft het doordringen in het brein, en wat betreft moleculaire werkingsmechanismes in verschillende weefsels. In 2012 kwam hij naar het LUMC – toen ging het snel: veel samenwerkingen met basale en klinische onderzoekers, en een onderzoekslijn over het toepassen van nieuwe hormoon-analogen als geneesmiddel. Zijn oratie was op 12 september 2016: Cortisol van kop tot teen: over goed en kwaad van een stresshormoon.
Prijzen en eervolle benoemingen
Onno Meijer ontving de Galenus Research Prijs in 2008 en de Nederlandse Farmacologieprijs 2011. Hij is sinds 2017 Gasthoogleraar op China Medical University in Shenyang, China.
Voor zijn onderwijs ontving hij de Prof Tammelingprijs als beste docent van het LUMC in 2011. Het door hem gecoördineerde vak Hormonen en Hersenen voor de biomedische wetenschappen ontving 2 keer de MFLS prijs voor ‘Beste Blok’.
Hoogleraar Moleculaire neuro-endocrinologie van corticosteroïden
- Faculteit Geneeskunde
- Divisie 2
- Interne Geneeskunde
- Endocrinologie
- Gentenaar, M.; Meulmeester, F.L.; Burg, X.R. van der; Hoekstra, A.T.; Hunt, H.; Kroon, J.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van & Meijer, O.C. (2024), Glucocorticoid receptor antagonist CORT113176 attenuates motor and neuropathological symptoms of Huntington's disease in R6/2 mice, Experimental Neurology 374.
- Berkhout, J.B.; Poormoghadam, D.; Yi, C.; Kalsbeek, A.; Meijer, O.C. & Mahfouz, A. (2024), An integrated single-cell RNA-seq atlas of the mouse hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus links transcriptomic and functional types, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 36(2).
- Smit, A.E.; Meijer, O.C. & Winter, E.M. (2024), The multi-faceted nature of age-associated osteoporosis, Bone Reports 20.
- Amaya, J.M.; Sips, H.C.M.; Viho, E.M.G.; Kroon, J. & Meijer, O.C. (2024), Restricted effects of androgens on glucocorticoid signaling in the mouse prefrontal cortex and midbrain, Frontiers in Endocrinology 14.
- Viho, E.M.G.; Punt, A.M.; Distel, B.; Houtman, R.; Kroon, J.; Elgersma, Y. & Meijer, O.C. (2023), The hippocampal response to acute corticosterone elevation is altered in a mouse model for Angelman syndrome, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(1).
- Mancini, G.F.; Meijer, O.C. & Campolongo, P. (2023), Stress in adolescence as a first hit in stress-related disease development: timing and context are crucial, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 69.
- Kroos, S.; Halima, M.; Kroon, J.; Woude, D. van der; Meijer, O.C.; Wal, M.D. van de; Verhave, P.S.; Schaaf, M.J.M.; Toes, R.E.M. & Kampstra, A.S.B. (2023), Tramadol/paracetamol treatment attenuates the development of collagen antibody-induced arthritis and interferes with prednisolone treatment in mice, Laboratory Animals.
- Habets, P.C.; Kalafatakis, K.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Keo, A.; Thakrar, J.; Mahfouz, A.; Pereira, A.M.; Russell, G.M.; Lightman, S.L. & Meijer, O.C. (2023), Transcriptional and cell type profiles of cortical brain regions showing ultradian cortisol rhythm dependent responses to emotional face stimulation, Neurobiology of Stress 22.
- Viho, E.M.G.; Kroon, J.; Feelders, R.A.; Houtman, R.; Dungen, E.S.R. van den; Pereira, A.M.; Hunt, H.J.; Hofland, L.J. & Meijer, O.C. (2023), Peripheral glucocorticoid receptor antagonism by relacorilant with modest HPA axis disinhibition, Journal of Endocrinology 256(2).
- Meijer, O.C.; Kooijman, S.; Kroon, J. & Winter, E.M. (2023), The importance of the circadian trough in glucocorticoid signaling: a variation on B-flat, Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress 26(1).
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Meulen, M. van der; Schaap, D.; Satoer, D.D.; Vinkers, C.H.; Rossum, E.F.C. van; Furth, W.R. van; Pereira, A.M.; Meijer, O.C. & Dekkers, O.M. (2023), Neuropsychiatric adverse effects of synthetic glucocorticoids, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
- Meyer, M.; Meijer, O.; Hunt, H.; Belanoff, J.; Lima, A.; Kloet, E.R. de; Deniselle, M.C.G. & Nicola, A.F. de (2023), Stress-induced neuroinflammation of the spinal cord is restrained by Cort113176 (Dazucorilant), Molecular Neurobiology 61.
- Kroon, J.; Gentenaar, M.; Moll, T.J.A.; Hunt, H. & Meijer, O.C. (2023), Glucocorticoid receptor modulator CORT125385 alleviates diet-induced hepatosteatosis in male and female mice, European Journal of Pharmacology 957.
- Li, S.; Ying, Z.X.; Gentenaar, M.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Kooijman, S.; Visser, J.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Kroon, J. (2023), Glucocorticoid receptor antagonism improves glucose metabolism in a mouse model of polycystic ovary syndrome, Journal of the Endocrine Society 8(1).
- Tilborg, P.J. van; Tolner, E.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Boon, M.R.; Upton, T.J.; Lightman, S.L.; Karlen, W.; Terwindt, G.M.; Lammers, G.J. & Fronczek, R. (2023), The enigmatic triangle of cluster headache attacks, sleep and the biological clock: rationale and protocol of the CIESTA study, Cephalalgia 43(1supp): 84-85.
- Linsen, F.; Broeder, C.; Sep, M.S.C.; Verhoeven, J.E.; Bet, P.M.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Meijer, O.C. & Vinkers, C.H. (2023), Glucocorticoid Receptor (GR) antagonism as disease-modifying treatment for MDD with childhood trauma, BMC Psychiatry 23(1).
- Wolters, F.; Middendorp, H. van; Bergh, O. van den; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C. & Evers, A.W.M. (2023), Conditioning of the cortisol awakening response in healthy men, JMIR Research Protocols 12.
- Skvortsova, A.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Dillen, L.F. van; Zech, H.; Derksen, S.M.J.C.; Sars, R.H.; Meijer, O.C.; Pijl, H. & Evers, A.W.M. (2023), Influencing the insulin system by placebo effects in patients with diabetes type 2 and healthy controls, Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine 85(6): 551-560.
- Gazorpak, M.; Hugentobler, K.M.; Paul, D.; Germain, P.L.; Kretschmer, M.; Ivanova, I.; Frei, S.; Mathis, K.; Rudolf, R.; Barrenechea, S.M.; Fischer, V.; Xue, X.H.; Ptaszek, A.L.; Holzinger, J.; Privitera, M.; Hierlemann, A.; Meijer, O.C.; Konrat, R.; Carreira, E.M.; Bohacek, J. & Gapp, K. (2023), Harnessing PROTAC technology to combat stress hormone receptor activation, Nature Communications 14(1).
- Geuens, S.; Dessel, J. van; Govaarts, R.; Ikelaar, N.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Kan, H.E.; Niks, E.H.; Goemans, N.; Lemiere, J.; Doorenweerd, N. & Waele, L. de (2023), Comparison of two corticosteroid regimens on brain volumetrics in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology 10(12).
- Koning, A.S.; Booij, S.H.; Meijer, O.C.; Riese, H. & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Associations in time between salivary cortisol and emotions in depressed patients and controls, European Psychiatry 66: S159-S159.
- Habets, P.C.; Thomas, R.M.; Milaneschi, Y.; Jansen, R.; Pool, R.; Peyrot, W.J.; Penninx, B.W.J.H.; Meijer, O.C.; Wingen, G.A. van & Vinkers, C.H. (2023), Multimodal data integration advances longitudinal prediction of the naturalistic course of depression and reveals a multimodal signature of remission during 2-year follow-up, Biological Psychiatry 94(12): 948-958.
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Booij, S.H.; Meijer, O.C.; Riese, H. & Giltay, E.J. (2023), Temporal associations between salivary cortisol and emotions in clinically depressed individuals and matched controls, Psychoneuroendocrinology 158(158).
- Daskalakis, N.P.; Meijer, O.C. & Kloet, E.R. de (2022), Mineralocorticoid receptor and glucocorticoid receptor work alone and together in cell-type-specific manner, Neurobiology of Stress 18.
- Dekkers, A.J.; Amaya, J.M.; Meulen, M. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C. & Pereira, A.M. (2022), Long-term effects of glucocorticoid excess on the brain, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 34(8).
- Buurstede, J.C.; Paul, S.N.; Bosscher, K. de; Meijer, O.C. & Kroon, J. (2022), Hepatic glucocorticoid-induced transcriptional regulation is androgen-dependent after chronic but not acute glucocorticoid exposure, The FASEB Journal 36(4).
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Klaassen, I.; Schlingemann, R.O.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Emri, E.; Quax, P.H.A.; Bergen, A.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), Exploring the choroidal vascular labyrinth and its molecular and structural roles in health and disease, Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 87.
- Koorneef, L.L.; Meulen, M. van der; Kooijman, S.; Sanchez-Lopez, E.; Scheerstra, J.F.; Voorhoeve, M.C.; Ramesh, A.N.N.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Giera, M.; Kroon, J. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Dexamethasone-associated metabolic effects in male mice are partially caused by depletion of endogenous corticosterone, Frontiers in Endocrinology 13.
- Lengton, R.; Iyer, A.M.; Valk, E.S. van der; Hoogeveen, E.K.; Meijer, O.C.; Voorn, B. van der & Rossum, E.F.C. van (2022), Variation in glucocorticoid sensitivity and the relation with obesity, Obesity Reviews 23(3).
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Meijer, O.C.; Schlingemann, R.O. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), Choroidal arteriovenous anastomoses, Acta Ophthalmologica 100(8).
- Paul, S.N.; Wingenfeld, K.; Otte, C. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Brain mineralocorticoid receptor in health and disease, British Journal of Pharmacology 179(13): 3205-3219.
- Buurstede, J.C.; Umeoka, E.H.L.; Silva, M.S. da; Krugers, H.J.; Joels, M. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Application of a pharmacological transcriptome filter identifies a shortlist of mouse glucocorticoid receptor target genes associated with memory consolidation, Neuropharmacology 216.
- Amaya, J.M.; Viho, E.M.G.; Sips, H.C.M.; Lalai, R.A.; Sahut-Barnola, I.; Dumontet, T.; Montanier, N.; Pereira, A.M.; Martinez, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Gene expression changes in the brain of a Cushing's syndrome mouse model, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 34(4).
- Meijer, O.C.; Buurstede, J.C.; Viho, E.M.G.; Amaya, J.M.; Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Meulen, M. van der; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Paul, S.N.; Kroon, J. & Koorneef, L.L. (2022), Transcriptional glucocorticoid effects in the brain, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 35(2).
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.L.; Veen, I. van der; Peters, H.A.B.; Sips, H.C.M.; Notenboom, R.G.E.; Quax, P.H.A.; Boon, C.J.F. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), The cortisol response of male and female choroidal endothelial cells, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 107(2): 512-524.
- Jeanneteau, F.; Meijer, O.C. & Moisan, M.P. (2022), Structural basis of glucocorticoid receptor signaling bias, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 35(2).
- Schaaf, M.J.M. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Immune Modulations by Glucocorticoids: From Molecular Biology to Clinical Research, Cells 11(24).
- Koorneef, L.L.; Viho, E.M.G.; Wahl, L.F. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Do corticosteroid receptor mRNA levels predict the expression of their target genes?, Journal of the Endocrine Society 7(2).
- Meulen, M. van der; Amaya, J.M.; Dekkers, O.M. & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Association between use of systemic and inhaled glucocorticoids and changes in brain volume and white matter microstructure, BMJ Open 12(8).
- Galuh, S.; Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Raymond, K.; Schlingemann, R.O.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), The cortisol gene response of human induced pluripotent stem cells derived endothelial cells as a model to study central serous chorioretinopathy, Acta Ophthalmologica 100: 17-17.
- Li, S.; Schonke, M.; Buurstede, J.C.; Moll, T.J.A.; Gentenaar, M.; Schilperoort, M.; Visser, J.A.; Kaikaew, K.; Vijver, D. van de; Abbassi-Daloii, T.; Raz, V.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Putten, M. van; Meijer, O.C. & Kroon, J. (2022), Sexual dimorphism in transcriptional and functional glucocorticoid effects on mouse skeletal muscle, Frontiers in Endocrinology 13.
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Tsonaka, R.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), Sex Hormones in Males and Females with Active Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7).
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Tsonaka, R.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2022), Sex hormones in males and females with active central serous chorioretinopathy, Acta Ophthalmologica 100: 25-25.
- Moortel, L. van; Thommis, J.; Maertens, B.; Staes, A.; Clarisse, D.; Sutter, D. de; Libert, C.; Meijer, O.C.; Eyckerman, S.; Gevaert, K. & Bosscher, K. de (2022), Novel assays monitoring direct glucocorticoid receptor protein activity exhibit high predictive power for ligand activity on endogenous gene targets, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 152.
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Habets, P.C.; Bogaards, M.; Kroon, J.; Santen, H.M. van; Bont, J.M. de & Meijer, O.C. (2022), Mineralocorticoid receptor status in the human brain after dexamethasone treatment, Endocrine Connections 11(3).
- Vinkers, C.; Broeders, T.; Leeuwen, J. van; Meijer, O.; Penninx, B.; Douw, L.; Hermans, E. & Schoonheim, M. (2022), Brain Network Resilience: From MDD, Bipolar Disorder to Multiple Sclerosis, Biological Psychiatry 91(9): S49-S49.
- Schilperoort, M.; Kroon, J.; Kooijman, S.; Smit, A.; Gentenaar, M.; Mletzko, K.; Schmidt, F.; Ruijven, L. van; Busse, B.; Pereira, A.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Bravenboer, N.; Rensen, P.; Meijer, O. & Winter, E. (2022), Glucocorticoid Rhythm is Essential for Maintaining Bone Structure and Strength, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 37: 349-349.
- Bauduin, S.; Haalen, F. van; Giltay, E.; Meijer, O.; Pereira, A.; Wee, N. van der & Werff, S. van der (2022), Long-term effects of Cushing's Disease on visuospatial planning and executive functioning, European Psychiatry 65: S641-S641.
- Prins, M.L.M.; Ballieux, B.E.P.B.; Meijer, O.C.; Pereira, A.M. & Nijhoff, M.F. (2021), Adrenal vein sampling in a patient with primary hyperaldosteronism and severe contrast allergy, Journal of the Endocrine Society 5(10).
- Sanguino-Gomez, J.; Buurstede, J.C.; Abiega, O.; Fitzsimons, C.P.; Lucassen, P.J.; Eggen, B.J.L.; Lesuis, S.L.; Meijer, O.C. & Krugers, H.J. (2021), An emerging role for microglia in stress-effects on memory, European Journal of Neuroscience 55(9-10).
- Habets, P.C.; Mclain, C. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), Brain areas affected by intranasal oxytocin show higher oxytocin receptor expression, European Journal of Neuroscience 54(7): 6374-6381.
- Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Rooijen, I.L.B. den; Meijer, M.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Keo, A.; Dzyubachyk, O.; Pereira, A.M.; Giltay, E.J.; Wee, N.J.A. van der; Meijer, O.C. & Mahfouz, A. (2021), Potential associations between immune signaling genes, deactivated microglia, and oligodendrocytes and cortical gray matter loss in patients with long-term remitted Cushing's disease, Psychoneuroendocrinology 132.
- Winter, E.M.; Kooijman, S.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Rensen, P.C. & Schilperoort, M. (2021), Chronobiology and chronotherapy of osteoporosis, JBMR Plus 5(10).
- (2021), Long-term effects of Cushing’s Disease on visuospatial planning and executive functioning, Psychoneuroendocrinology.
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Satoer, D.D.; Vinkers, C.H.; Najafabadi, A.H.Z.; Biermasz, N.R.; Tewarie, R.D.S.N.; Moojen, W.A.; Rossum, E.F.C. van; Dirven, C.M.F.; Pereira, A.M.; Furth, W.R. van & Meijer, O.C. (2021), The DEXA-CORT trial, BMJ Open 11(12).
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Notenboom, R.G.E.; Quax, P.H.A.; Boon, C.J.F. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), Response to Letter to the Editor From Behar-Cohen et al.: The Cortisol Response of Male and Female Choroidal Endothelial Cells: Implications for Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
- Viho, E.M.G.; Buurstede, J.C.; Berkhout, J.B.; Mahfouz, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), Cell type specificity of glucocorticoid signaling in the adult mouse hippocampus, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 34(2).
- Ding, J.L.; Chen, X.Z.; Han, F. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), An Advanced Transcriptional Response to Corticosterone After Single Prolonged Stress in Male Rats, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15.
- Buurstede, J.C.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Colucci, P.; Gentenaar, M.; Viho, E.M.G.; Koorneef, L.L.; Schoonderwoerd, R.A.; Lanooij, S.D.; Moustakas, I.; Balog, J.; Mei, H.L.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Campolongo, P.; Roozendaal, B. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), Hippocampal glucocorticoid target genes associated with enhancement of memory consolidation, European Journal of Neuroscience 55(9-10).
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.L.; Quax, P.H.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2021), Genome-wide transcriptional responses of human choroidal endothelial cells to corticosteroids as a model for central serous chorioretinopathy, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 33-33.
- Amaya, J.M.; Suidgeest, E.; Sahut-Barnola, I.; Dumontet, T.; Montanier, N.; Pages, G.; Keller, C.; Weerd, L. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Martinez, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), Effects of long-term endogenous corticosteroid exposure on brain volume and glial cells in the AdKO mouse, Frontiers in Neuroscience 15.
- Tekampe, J.; Middendorp, H. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Sweep, F.C.G.J.; Meijer, O.C.; Pelsma, I.C.M.; Pereira, A.M.; Hermus, A.R.M.M. & Evers, A.W.M. (2021), Conditioning cortisol in healthy young women, Psychoneuroendocrinology 124.
- Brinks, J.; Haalen, F.M. van; Rijssen, T.J. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Boon, C.J.F. & Dijk, E.H.C. van (2021), Central serous chorioretinopathy in active endogenous Cushing's syndrome, Scientific Reports 11(1).
- Kroon, J.; Viho, E.M.G.; Gentenaar, M.; Koorneef, L.L.; Kooten, C. van; Rensen, P.C.N.; Kooijman, S.; Hunt, H. & Meijer, O.C. (2021), The development of novel glucocorticoid receptor antagonists, Pharmacological Research 168.
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E. van; Kielbasa, S.; Mei, H.L.; Quax, P.; Meijer, O. & Boon, C.J.F. (2021), Genome-wide transcriptional responses of human choroidal endothelial cells to corticosteroids as a model for central serous chorioretinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(8).
- Brinks, J.; Haalen, F.M. van; Rijssen, T.J. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C.; Pereira, A.M.; Boon, C.J.F. & Dijk, E.H.C. van (2021), Central serous chorioretinopathy in active endogenous Cushing's syndrome, Acta Ophthalmologica 99: 34-34.
- Meijer, M.; Keo, A.; Leeuwen, J.M.C. van; Dzyubachyk, O.; Meijer, O.C.; Vinkers, C.H. & Mahfouz, A. (2021), Molecular characterization of the stress network in individuals at risk for schizophrenia, NEUROBIOLOGY OF STRESS 14.
- Bell, R.M.B.; Villalobos, E.; Nixon, M.; Miguelez-Crespo, A.; Murphy, L.; Fawkes, A.; Coutts, A.; Sharp, M.G.F.; Koerner, M.V.; Allan, E.; Meijer, O.C.; Houtman, R.; Odermatt, A.; Beck, K.R.; Denham, S.G.; Lee, P.; Homer, N.Z.M.; Walker, B.R. & Morgan, R.A. (2021), Carbonyl reductase 1 amplifies glucocorticoid action in adipose tissue and impairs glucose tolerance in lean mice, MOLECULAR METABOLISM 48.
- Habets, P.; Thomas, R.M.; Wingen, G.A. van; Penninx, B.W.; Meijer, O.C. & Vinkers, C.H. (2021), Using proteomics and lipidomics data to improve individual prediction of chronicity in depression, European Neuropsychopharmacology 53: S61-S61.
- Schilperoort, M.; Kroon, J.; Kooijman, S.; Smit, A.E.; Gentenaar, M.; Mletzko, K.; Schmidt, F.N.; Ruijven, L. van; Busse, B.; Pereira, A.M.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.M.; Bravenboer, N.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Meijer, O.C. & Winter, E.M. (2021), Loss of glucocorticoid rhythm induces an osteoporotic phenotype in female mice, Aging Cell 20(10).
- Hartmann, J.; Bajaj, T.; Klengel, C.; Chatzinakos, C.; Ebert, T.; Dedic, N.; McCullough, K.M.; Lardenoije, R.; Joels, M.; Meijer, O.C.; McCann, K.E.; Dudek, S.M.; Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; Daskalakis, N.P.; Klengel, T.; Gassen, N.C.; Schmidt, M.V. & Ressler, K.J. (2021), Mineralocorticoid receptors dampen glucocorticoid receptor sensitivity to stress via regulation of FKBP5, Cell Reports 35(9).
- Linsen, F.; Verhoeven, J.; Bet, P.; Penninx, B.; Meijer, O. & Vinkers, C. (2021), Glucocorticoid receptor blockade as disease-modifying treatment for depression with childhood trauma: a study protocol of the RESET-medication study, European Neuropsychopharmacology 53: S513-S513.
- Kroon, J.; Schilperoort, M.; Panhuis, W.I.H.; Berg, R. van den; Doeselaar, L. van; Verzijl, C.R.C.; Trigt, N. van; Mol, I.M.; Sips, H.H.C.M.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Koorneef, L.L.; Sluis, R.J. van der; Fenzl, A.; Kiefer, F.W.; Vettorazzi, S.; Tuckermann, J.P.; Biermasz, N.R.; Meijer, O.C.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Kooijman, S. (2020), A physiological glucocorticoid rhythm is an important regulator of brown adipose tissue function, Molecular Metabolism 47.
- Kroon, J. & Meijer, O.C. (2020), Sex and stress steroid crosstalk reviewed: give us more, Journal of the Endocrine Society 4(10).
- Koorneef, L.L.; Kroon, J.; Viho, E.M.G.; Wahl, L.F.; Heckmans, K.M.L.; Dorst, M.M.A.R. van; Hoekstra, M.; Houtman, R.; Hunt, H. & Meijer, O.C. (2020), The selective glucocorticoid receptor antagonist CORT125281 has tissue-specific activity, Journal of Endocrinology 246(1): 79-92.
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.; Quax, P.H.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2020), Transcriptional responses to cortisol in primary human endothelial cells are not intrinsically sex-dependent, Acta Ophthalmologica 98: 41-41.
- Gelderen, M.J. van; Nijdam, M.J.; Vries, F. de; Meijer, O.C. & Vermetten, E. (2020), Exposure-related cortisol predicts outcome of psychotherapy in veterans with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder, Journal of Psychiatric Research 130: 387-393.
- Kroon, J.; Pereira, A.M. & Meijer, O.C. (2020), Glucocorticoid Sexual Dimorphism in Metabolism: Dissecting the Role of Sex Hormones, Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 31(5): 357-367.
- Bauduin, S.; Pal, Z. van der; Pereira, A.P.; Meijer, O.; Giltay, E.; Wee, N. van der & Werff, S. van der (2020), Cortical Thickness Abnormalities in Long-Term Remitted Cushing's Disease, Biological Psychiatry 87(9): S377-S377.
- Huzard, D.; Rappeneau, V.; Meijer, O.C.; Touma, C.; Arango-Lievano, M.; Garabedian, M.J. & Jeanneteau, F. (2020), Experience and activity-dependent control of glucocorticoid receptors during the stress response in large-scale brain networks, Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress 24(2).
- Bauduin, S.E.E.C.; Pal, Z. van der; Pereira, A.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Giltay, E.J.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Werff, S.J.A. van der (2020), Cortical thickness abnormalities in long-term remitted Cushing's disease, Translational Psychiatry 10(1).
- Ding, J.L.; Chen, X.Z.; Silva, M.S. da; Lingeman, J.; Han, F. & Meijer, O.C. (2020), Effects of RU486 treatment after single prolonged stress depend on the post-stress interval, Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 108.
- Schilperoort, M.; Kroon, J.; Kooijman, S.; Mletzko, K.; Vanruyven, L.; Schmidt, F.; Busse, B.; Pereira, A.; Appelman-Dijkstra, N.; Bravenboer, N.; Rensen, P.; Meijer, O. & Winter, E. (2020), Loss of glucocorticoid rhythm induces an osteoporotic phenotype in mice, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 35: 236-236.
- Canet, G.; Pineau, F.; Zussy, C.; Hernandez, C.; Hunt, H.; Chevallier, N.; Perrier, V.; Torrent, J.; Belanoff, J.K.; Meijer, O.C.; Desrumaux, C. & Givalois, L. (2020), Glucocorticoid receptors signaling impairment potentiates amyloid-beta oligomers-induced pathology in an acute model of Alzheimer's disease, FASEB Journal 34(1): 1150-1168.
- Gravesteijn, G.; Munting, L.P.; Overzier, M.; Mulder, A.A.; Hegeman, I.; Derieppe, M.; Koster, A.J.; Duinen, S.G. van; Meijer, O.C.; Aartsma-Rus, A.; Weerd, L. van der; Jost, C.R.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den; Rutten, J.W. & Oberstein, S.A.J.L. (2019), Progression and Classification of Granular Osmiophilic Material (GOM) Deposits in Functionally Characterized Human NOTCH3 Transgenic Mice, Translational Stroke Research.
- Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Buurstede, J.C.; Sips, H.C.M.; Mol, I.M.; Puri, T.; Damsteegt, R.; Roozendaal, B.; Sarabdjitsingh, R.A. & Meijer, O.C. (2019), Mechanistic Insights in NeuroD Potentiation of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Signaling, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20(7).
- Meijer, O.C. & Pereira, A.M. (2019), Three percent annually on systemic glucocorticoids: facts, worries and perspectives, European Journal of Endocrinology 181(6): C23-C28.
- Tekampe, J.; Middendorp, H. van; Biermasz, N.; Sweep, F.; Meijer, O.; Pereira, A.; Hermus, A. & Evers, A. (2019), CONDITIONING CORTISOL AND ITS PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS, Psychosomatic Medicine 81(4): A55-A56.
- Vinkers, C.; Meijer, M.; Keo, A.; Leeuwen, J. van; Dzyubachyk, O.; Meijer, O. & Mahfouz, A. (2019), Molecular Characterization of Stress Reactivity Regions in the Brain, Biological Psychiatry 85(10): S371-S371.
- Viho, E.M.G.; Buurstede, J.C.; Mahfouz, A.; Koorneef, L.L.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Houtman, R.; Hunt, H.J.; Kroon, J. & Meijer, O.C. (2019), Corticosteroid Action in the Brain: The Potential of Selective Receptor Modulation, Neuroendocrinology 109(3): 266-276.
- Monczor, F.; Chatzopoulou, A.; Zappia, C.D.; Houtman, R.; Meijer, O.C. & Fitzsimons, C.P. (2019), A Model of Glucocorticoid Receptor Interaction With Coregulators Predicts Transcriptional Regulation of Target Genes, Frontiers in Pharmacology 10.
- Skvortsova, A.; Veldhuijzen, D.S.; Kloosterman, I.E.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Middendorp, H. van; Pacheco-Lopez, G. & Evers, A.W.M. (2019), Conditioned hormonal responses: A systematic review in animals and humans, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 52: 206-218.
- Meijer, O.C.; Buurstede, J.C. & Schaaf, M.J.M. (2019), Corticosteroid Receptors in the Brain: Transcriptional Mechanisms for Specificity and Context-Dependent Effects, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 39(4): 539-549.
- Brinks J., Van Dijk E. H. C., Meijer O. C. & Boon C. J. F. (2019), Corticosteroids and central serous chorioretinopathy: the role of the glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptor in human choroidal endothelial cells, Acta Ophthalmologica 97: 14-14.
- Brinks Joost, van Dijk Elon H. C., Meijer Onno C. & Boon Camiel (2019), Corticosteroids and central serous chorioretinopathy: the role of the mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor in human choroidal endothelial cells, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 60(9).
- Koning, A.S.C.A.M.; Buurstede, J.C.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van & Meijer, O.C. (2019), Glucocorticoid and Mineralocorticoid Receptors in the Brain: A Transcriptional Perspective.
- Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Buurstede, J.C.; Sips, H.C.M.; Vettorazzi, S.; Mol, I.M.; Hartmann, J.; Prekovic, S.; Zwart, W.; Schmidt, M.V.; Roozendaal, B.; Tuckermann, J.P.; Sarabdjitsingh, R.A. & Meijer, O.C. (2019), Identification of mineralocorticoid receptor target genes in the mouse hippocampus, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 31(8).
- Ding, J.L.; Silva, M.S. da; Lingeman, J.; Chen, X.Z.; Shi, Y.X.; Han, F. & Meijer, O.C. (2019), Late glucocorticoid receptor antagonism changes the outcome of adult life stress, Psychoneuroendocrinology 107: 169-178.
- Spaanderman, D.C.E.; Nixon, M.; Buurstede, J.C.; Sips, H.H.C.M.; Schilperoort, M.; Kuipers, E.N.; Backer, E.A.; Kooijman, S.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Homer, N.Z.M.; Walker, B.R.; Meijer, O.C. & Kroon, J. (2019), Androgens modulate glucocorticoid receptor activity in adipose tissue and liver, Journal of Endocrinology 240(1): 51-63.
- Dalm, S.; Karssen, A.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Belanoff, J.K. & Kloet, E.R. de (2019), Resetting the Stress System with a Mifepristone Challenge, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 39(4): 503-522.
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Habeeb, M.; Nikolaou, A.; Tsonaka, R.; Peters, H.A.B.; Sips, H.C.M.; Merbel, A.F. van de; Jong, E.K. de; Notenboom, R.G.E.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Quax, P.H.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2018), The Effect of Corticosteroids on Human Choroidal Endothelial Cells: A Model to Study Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(13): 5682-5692.
- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Habeeb, M.; Nikolaou, A.; Brinks, J.; Tsonaka, S.; Peters, H.A.B.; Sips, H.C.M.; Merbel, A.F. van de; Jong, E. de; Notenboom, R.G.E.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Quax, P.H.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2018), The effect of corticosteroids on human choroidal endothelial cells: a model to study central serous chorioretinopathy, Acta Ophthalmologica 96: 30-30.
- Van Dijk Elon H., Habeeb Mahmoud, Nikolaou Aikaterini, Brinks Joost, Tsonaka Roula, Peters Hendrika, Sips Hetty, van de Merbel Arjanneke, de Jong Eiko, Notenboom Robbert, Kielbasa Szymon, van der Maarel Silvere, Quax Paul, Meijer Onno & Boon Camiel (2018), The effect of corticosteroids on human choroidal endothelial cells: a model to study central serous chorioretinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(9).
- Alem, C.M.A. van; Boonstra, M.; Prins, J.; Bezhaeva, T.; Essen, M.F. van; Ruben, J.M.; Vahrmeijer, A.L.; Veer, E.P. van der; Fijter, J.W. de; Reinders, M.E.; Meijer, O.; Metselaar, J.M.; Kooten, C. van & Rotmans, J.I. (2018), Local delivery of liposomal prednisolone leads to an anti-inflammatory profile in renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in the rat, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 33(1): 44-53.
- Li, Z.; Yi, C.X.; Katiraei, S.; Kooijman, S.; Zhou, E.C.; Chung, C.K.; Gao, Y.Q.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Meijer, O.C.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Heijink, M.; Giera, M.; Dijk, K.W. van; Groen, A.K.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Wang, Y.A. (2018), Butyrate reduces appetite and activates brown adipose tissue via the gut-brain neural circuit, Gut 67(7): 1269-1279.
- Wang Y., Li Z., Yi C. X., Katiraei S., Kooijman S., Zhou E., Chung C., Gao Y., van den Heuvel J. K., Meijer O. C., Berbee J. F. P., Heijink M., Giera M., van Dijk J. A. P. Willems, Groen A. K. & Rensen P. C. N. (2018), BUTYRATE VIA THE GUT-BRAIN NEURAL CIRCUIT REDUCES APPETITE AND ACTIVATES BROWN ADIPOSE TISSUE, Atherosclerosis 275: E15-E16.
- Koorneef, L.L.; Bogaards, M.; Reinders, M.J.T.; Meijer, O.C. & Mahfouz, A. (2018), How Metabolic State May Regulate Fear: Presence of Metabolic Receptors in the Fear Circuitry, Frontiers in Neuroscience 12.
- Brinks, J.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Habeeb, M.; Nikolaou, A.; Tsonaka, R.; Peters, H.A.B.; Sips, H.C.M.; Merbel, A.F. van de; Jong, E.K. de; Notenboom, R.G.E.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Maarel, S.M. van der; Quax, P.H.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Boon, C.J.F. (2018), The effect of corticosteroids on human choroidal endothelial cells: a model to study central serous chorioretinopathy, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59(13): 5682-5692.
- Kroon, J.; Koorneef, L.L.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Verzijl, C.R.C.; Velde, N.M. van de; Mol, I.M.; Sips, H.C.M.; Hunt, H.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2018), Selective Glucocorticoid Receptor Antagonist CORT125281 Activates Brown Adipose Tissue and Alters Lipid Distribution in Male Mice, Endocrinology 159(1): 535-546.
- Koorneef, L.L.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Kroon, J.; Boon, M.R.; Hoen, P.A.C. 't; Hettne, K.M.; Velde, N.M. van de; Kolenbrander, K.B.; Streefland, T.C.M.; Mol, I.M.; Sips, H.C.M.; Kielbasa, S.M.; Mei, H.L.; Belanoff, J.K.; Pereira, A.M.; Oosterveer, M.H.; Hunt, H.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2018), Selective Glucocorticoid Receptor Modulation Prevents and Reverses Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Male Mice, Endocrinology 159(12): 3925-3936.
- Berg, R. van den; Kooijman, S.; Noordam, R.; Ramkisoensing, A.; Abreu-Vieira, G.; Tambyrajah, L.L.; Dijk, W.; Ruppert, P.; Mol, I.M.; Kramar, B.; Caputo, R.; Puig, L.S.; Ruiter, E.M. de; Kroon, J.; Hoekstra, M.; Sluis, R.J. van der; Meijer, O.C.; Dijk, K.W. van; Kerkhof, L.W.M. van; Christodoulides, C.; Karpe, F.; Gerhart-Hines, Z.; Kersten, S.; Meijer, J.H.; Coomans, C.P.; Heemst, D. van; Biermasz, N.R. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2018), A Diurnal Rhythm in Brown Adipose Tissue Causes Rapid Clearance and Combustion of Plasma Lipids at Wakening, Cell Reports 22(13): 3521-3533.
- Meijer, O.C.; Koorneef, L.L. & Kroon, J. (2018), Glucocorticoid receptor modulators, Annales d'Endocrinologie 79(3): 107-111.
- Kloet, E.R. de; Meijer, O.C.; Nicola, A.F. de; Rijk, R.H. de & Joels, M. (2018), Importance of the brain corticosteroid receptor balance in metaplasticity, cognitive performance and neuro-inflammation, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 49: 124-145.
- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Schellevis, R.L.; Bergen, M.G.J.M. van; Breukink, M.B.; Altay, L.; Scholz, P.; Fauser, S.; Meijer, O.C.; Hoyng, C.B.; Hollander, A.I. den; Boon, C.J.F. & Jong, E.K. de (2017), Association of a Haplotype in the NR3C2 Gene, Encoding the Mineralocorticoid Receptor, With Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy, JAMA Ophthalmology 135(5): 446-451.
- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Soonawala, D.; Rooth, V.; Hoyng, C.B.; Meijer, O.C.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Boon, C.J.F. (2017), Spectrum of retinal abnormalities in renal transplant patients using chronic low-dose steroids, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 255(12): 2443-2449.
- Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Buurstede, J.C.; Mahfouz, A.; Braakhuis, P.S.M.; Polman, J.A.E.; Sips, H.C.M.; Roozendaal, B.; Balog, J.; Kloet, E.R. de; Datson, N.A. & Meijer, O.C. (2017), NeuroD Factors Discriminate Mineralocorticoid From Glucocorticoid Receptor DNA Binding in the Male Rat Brain, Endocrinology 158(5): 1511-1522.
- Morgan, R.A.; Beck, K.R.; Nixon, M.; Homer, N.Z.M.; Crawford, A.A.; Melchers, D.; Houtman, R.; Meijer, O.C.; Stomby, A.; Anderson, A.J.; Upreti, R.; Stimson, R.H.; Olsson, T.; Michoel, T.; Cohain, A.; Ruusalepp, A.; Schadt, E.E.; Bjorkegren, J.L.M.; Andrew, R.; Kenyon, C.J.; Hadoke, P.W.F.; Odermatt, A.; Keen, J.A. & Walker, B.R. (2017), Carbonyl reductase 1 catalyzes 20 beta-reduction of glucocorticoids, modulating receptor activation and metabolic complications of obesity, Scientific Reports 7.
- Meijer, O.C. & Kloet, E.R. de (2017), A Refill for the Brain Mineralocorticoid Receptor: The Benefit of Cortisol Add-On to Dexamethasone Therapy, Endocrinology 158(3): 448-454.
- Schellevis, R.L.; Dijk, E.H.C. van; Bergen, M.G.J.M. van; Breukink, M.B.; Altay, L.; Scholz, P.; Fauser, S.; Meijer, O.C.; Hoyng, C.B.; Hollander, A.I. den; Boon, C.J.F. & Jong, E.K. de (2017), A genetic variant in the NR3C2 gene, encoding the mineralocorticoid receptor, is associated with chronic central serous chorioretinopathy, Acta Ophthalmologica 95: 21-21.
- Zalachoras, I.; Verhoeve, S.L.; Toonen, L.J.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Vlodrop, A.M. van; Mol, I.M.; Meelis, W.; Kloet, E.R. de & Meijer, O.C. (2016), Isoform switching of steroid receptor co-activator-1 attenuates glucocorticoid-induced anxiogenic amygdala CRH expression, Molecular Psychiatry 21(12): 1733-1739.
- Fitzsimons, C.P.; Herbert, J.; Schouten, M.; Meijer, O.C.; Lucassen, P.J. & Lightman, S. (2016), Circadian and ultradian glucocorticoid rhythmicity: Implications for the effects of glucocorticoids on neural stem cells and adult hippocampal neurogenesis, Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology 41: 44-58.
- Atsak, P.; Guenzel, F.M.; Kantar-Gok, D.; Zalachoras, I.; Yargicoglu, P.; Meijer, O.C.; Quirarte, G.L.; Wolf, O.T.; Schwabe, L. & Roozendaal, B. (2016), Glucocorticoids mediate stress-induced impairment of retrieval of stimulus-response memory, Psychoneuroendocrinology 67: 207-215.
- Atsak, P.; Guenzel, F.M.; Kantar-Gok, D.; Zalachoras, I.; Yargicoglu, P.; Meijer, O.C.; Quirarte, G.L.; Wolf, O.T.; Schwabe, L. & Roozendaal, B. (2016), Glucocorticoids mediate stress-induced impairment of retrieval of stimulus-response memory, Psychoneuroendocrinology 67: 207-215.
- Heuvel, J.K. van den; Boon, M.R.; Hengel, I. van; Peschier-van der Put, E.; Beek, L. van; Harmelen, V. van; Dijk, K.W. van; Pereira, A.M.; Hunt, H.; Belanoff, J.K.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2016), Identification of a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator that prevents both diet-induced obesity and inflammation, British Journal of Pharmacology 173(11): 1793-1804.
- Mahfouz, A.; Lelieveldt, B.P.F.; Grefhorst, A.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Mol, I.M.; Sips, H.C.M.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Datson, N.A.; Visser, J.A.; Reinders, M.J.T. & Meijer, O.C. (2016), Genome-wide coexpression of steroid receptors in the mouse brain: Identifying signaling pathways and functionally coordinated regions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(10): 2738-2743.
- Heuvel, J.K. van den; Boon, M.R.; Hengel, I. van; Peschier-van der Put, E.; Beek, L. van; Harmelen, V. van; Dijk, K.W. van; Pereira, A.M.; Hunt, H.; Belanoff, J.K.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Meijer, O.C. (2016), Identification of a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator that prevents both diet-induced obesity and inflammation, British Journal of Pharmacology 173(11): 1793-1804.
- Kroon, J.; Puhr, M.; Buijs, J.T.; Horst, G. van der; Hemmer, D.M.; Marijt, K.A.; Hwang, M.S.; Masood, M.; Grimm, S.; Storm, G.; Metselaar, J.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Culig, Z. & Pluijm, G. van der (2016), Glucocorticoid receptor antagonism reverts docetaxel resistance in human prostate cancer, Endocrine-Related Cancer 23(1): 35-45.
- Dijk, E.H.C. van; Nijhoff, M.F.; Jong, E.K. de; Meijer, O.C.; Vries, A.P.J. de & Boon, C.J.F. (2016), Central serous chorioretinopathy in primary hyperaldosteronism, Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 254(10): 2033-2042.
- Bas-Hoogendam, J.M.; Andela, C.D.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Pannekoek, J.N.; Steenbergen, H. van; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Pereira, A.M. (2015), Altered neural processing of emotional faces in remitted Cushing's disease, Psychoneuroendocrinology 59: 134-146.
- Joustra, S.D.; Meijer, O.C.; Heinen, C.A.; Mol, I.M.; Laghmani, E.; Sengers, R.M.A.; Carreno, G.; Trotsenburg, S.P. van; Biermasz, N.R.; Bernard, D.J.; Wit, J.M.; Oostdijk, W.; Pelt, A.M.M. van; Hamer, G. & Wagenaar, G.T.M. (2015), Spatial and temporal expression of immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 in the rat, Journal of Endocrinology 226(3): 181-191.
- Atucha, E.; Zalachoras, I.; Heuvel, J.K. van den; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Melchers, D.; Mol, I.M.; Belanoff, J.K.; Houtman, R.; Hunt, H.; Roozendaal, B. & Meijer, O.C. (2015), A Mixed Glucocorticoid/Mineralocorticoid Selective Modulator With Dominant Antagonism in the Male Rat Brain, Endocrinology 156(11): 4105-4114.
- Rozema, E.; Dam, A.D. van; Sips, H.C.M.; Verpoorte, R.; Meijer, O.C.; Kooijman, S. & Choi, Y.H. (2015), Extending pharmacological dose-response curves for salsalate with natural deep eutectic solvents, RSC Advances 5(75): 61398-61401.
- Werff, S.J.A. van der; Pannekoek, J.N.; Andela, C.D.; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2015), Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Patients with Long-Term Remission of Cushing's Disease, Neuropsychopharmacology 40(8): 1888-1898.
- Beukel, J.C. van den; Boon, M.R.; Steenbergen, J.; Rensen, P.C.N.; Meijer, O.C.; Themmen, A.P.N. & Grefhorst, A. (2015), Cold Exposure Partially Corrects Disturbances in Lipid Metabolism in a Male Mouse Model of Glucocorticoid Excess, Endocrinology 156(11): 4115-4128.
- Wang, Y.N.; Tuin, S. van der; Tjeerdema, N.; Dam, A.D. van; Rensen, S.S.; Hendrikx, T.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Atanasovska, B.; Fu, J.Y.; Hoekstra, M.; Bekkering, S.; Riksen, N.P.; Buurman, W.A.; Greve, J.W.; Hofker, M.H.; Shiri-Sverdlov, R.; Meijer, O.C.; Smit, J.W.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Dijk, K.W. van & Rensen, P.C.N. (2015), Plasma Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Is Predominantly Derived From Kupffer Cells, Hepatology 62(6): 1710-1722.
- Shyti, R.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Meijer, O.C.; Ayata, C.; Joels, M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2015), Stress hormone corticosterone enhances susceptibility to cortical spreading depression in familial hemiplegic migraine type 1 mutant mice, Experimental Neurology 263: 214-220.
- Werff, S.J.A. van der; Andela, C.D.; Pannekoek, J.N.; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Biermasz, N.R.; Pereira, A.M. & Wee, N.J.A. van der (2014), Widespread reductions of white matter integrity in patients with long-term remission of Cushing's disease, NeuroImage: Clinical 4: 659-667.
- Evers, M.M.; Tran, H.D.; Zalachoras, I.; Meijer, O.C.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van (2014), Preventing Formation of Toxic N-Terminal Huntingtin Fragments Through Antisense Oligonucleotide-Mediated Protein Modification, Nucleic Acid Therapeutics 24(1): 4-12.
- Boon, M.R.; Kooijman, S.; Dam, A.D. van; Pelgrom, L.R.; Berbee, J.F.P.; Visseren, C.A.R.; Aggele, R.C. van; Hoek, A.M. van den; Sips, H.C.M.; Lombes, M.; Havekes, L.M.; Tamsma, J.T.; Guigas, B.; Meijer, O.C.; Jukema, J.W. & Rensen, P.C.N. (2014), Peripheral cannabinoid 1 receptor blockade activates brown adipose tissue and diminishes dyslipidemia and obesity.
- Evers, M.M.; Tran, H.D.; Zalachoras, I.; Pepers, B.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van (2013), Ataxin-3 protein modification as a treatment strategy for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3: Removal of the CAG containing exon, Neurobiology of Disease 58: 49-56.
- Zalachoras, I.; Houtman, R.; Atucha, E.; Devos, R.; Tijssen, A.M.I.; Hu, P.; Lockey, P.M.; Datson, N.A.; Belanoff, J.K.; Lucassen, P.J.; Joels, M.; Kloet, E.R. de; Roozendaal, B.; Hunt, H. & Meijer, O.C. (2013), Differential targeting of brain stress circuits with a selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110(19): 7910-7915.
- Zalachoras, I.; Grootaers, G.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Aubert, Y.; Kreij, S.R. de; Datson, N.A.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2013), Antisense-mediated isoform switching of steroid receptor coactivator-1 in the central nucleus of the amygdala of the mouse brain, BMC Neuroscience 14.
- Shyti, R.; Eikermann-Haerter, K.; Meijer, O.C.; Heiningen, S.H. van; Groote, L. de; Ferrari, M.D.; Ayata, C.; Maagdenberg, A.M.J. van den & Tolner, E.A. (2013), Corticosterone enhances CSD susceptibility via glucocorticoid receptor activation in familial hemiplegic migraine 1 Cacna1a knock-in mice, Journal of Headache and Pain 14.
- Fitzsimons, C.P.; Hooijdonk, L.W.A. van; Schouten, M.; Zalachoras, I.; Brinks, V.; Zheng, T.; Schouten, T.G.; Saaltink, D.J.; Dijkmans, T.; Steindler, D.A.; Verhaagen, J.; Verbeek, F.J.; Lucassen, P.J.; Kloet, E.R. de; Meijer, O.C.; Karst, H.; Joels, M.; Oitzl, M.S. & Vreugdenhil, E. (2013), Knockdown of the glucocorticoid receptor alters functional integration of newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus and impairs fear-motivated behavior, Molecular Psychiatry 18(9): 993-1005.
- Andela, C.D.; Werff, S.J.A. van der; Pannekoek, J.N.; Berg, S.M. van den; Meijer, O.C.; Buchem, M.A. van; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Mast, R.C. van der; Romijn, J.A.; Tiemensma, J.; Biermasz, N.R.; Wee, N.J.A. van der & Pereira, A.M. (2013), Smaller grey matter volumes in the anterior cingulate cortex and greater cerebellar volumes in patients with long-term remission of Cushing's disease: a case-control study, European Journal of Endocrinology 169(6): 811-819.
- Auvinen, H.E.; Wang, Y.A.; Princen, H.; Romijn, J.A.; Havekes, L.M.; Smit, J.W.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Biermasz, N.R.; Rensen, P.C.N. & Pereira, A.M. (2013), Both Transient and Continuous Corticosterone Excess Inhibit Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in APOE*3-Leiden.CETP Mice, PLoS ONE 8(5).
- Zalachoras, I.; Grootaers, G.; Weert, L.T.C.M. van; Aubert, Y.; Kreij, S.R. de; Datson, N.A.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Meijer, O.C. (2013), Antisense-mediated isoform switching of steroid receptor coactivator-1 in the central nucleus of the amygdala of the mouse brain., BMC Neuroscience 14: 5.
- Evers, M.M.; Tran, H.D.; Zalachoras, L.; Dunnen, J.T. den; Ommen, G.J.B. van; Meijer, O.C.; Aartsma-Rus, A. & Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van (2012), REDUCING TOXIC N-TERMINAL HUNTINGTIN FRAGMENTS IN HD USING EXON SKIPPING, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 83: A52-A53.
- Witzmann, S.R.; Turner, J.D.; Meriaux, S.B.; Meijer, O.C. & Muller, C.P. (2012), Epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor promoter 1(7) in adult rats, Epigenetics 7(11): 1290-1301.
- Weenen, J.E.D. van; Auvinen, H.E.; Parlevliet, E.T.; Coomans, C.P.; Schroder-van der Elst, J.P.; Meijer, O.C. & Pijl, H. (2011), Blocking Dopamine D-2 Receptors by Haloperidol Curtails the Beneficial Impact of Calorie Restriction on the Metabolic Phenotype of High-Fat Diet Induced Obese Mice, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 23(2): 158-167.
- Zalachoras, I.; Evers, M.M.; Roon-Mom, W.M.C. van; Aartsma-Rus, A.M. & Meijer, O.C. (2011), Antisense-mediated RNA targeting: versatile and expedient genetic manipulation in the brain., Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 4: 10.
- Llorente, R.; Miguel-Blanco, C.; Aisa, B.; Lachize, S.; Borcel, E.; Meijer, O.C.; Ramirez, M.J.; Kloet, E.R. de & Viveros, M.P. (2011), Long Term Sex-Dependent Psychoneuroendocrine Effects of Maternal Deprivation and Juvenile Unpredictable Stress in Rats, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 23(4): 329-344.
- Alt, S.R.; Turner, J.D.; Klok, M.D.; Meijer, O.C.; Lakke, E.A.J.F.; DeRijk, R.H. & Muller, C.P. (2010), Differential expression of glucocorticoid receptor transcripts in major depressive disorder is not epigenetically programmed, Psychoneuroendocrinology 35(4): 544-556.
- Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; Isenia, S.; Polman, A.; Mijalkovic, J.; Lachize, S.; Datson, N.; Kloet, E.R. de & Meijer, O.C. (2010), Disrupted Corticosterone Pulsatile Patterns Attenuate Responsiveness to Glucocorticoid Signaling in Rat Brain, Endocrinology 151(3): 1177-1186.
- Schmidt, M.V.; Wang, X.D. & Meijer, O.C. (2010), Early life stress paradigms in rodents: potential animal models of depression?, Psychopharmacology.
- Conway-Campbell, B.L.; Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; McKenna, M.A.; Pooley, J.R.; Kershaw, Y.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Kloet, E.R. de & Lightman, S.L. (2010), Glucocorticoid Ultradian Rhythmicity Directs Cyclical Gene Pulsing of the Clock Gene Period 1 in Rat Hippocampus, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22(10): 1093-1100.
- Conway-Campbell, B.L.; Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; McKenna, M.A.; Pooley, J.R.; Douthwaite, J.A.; Kershaw, Y.M.; Meijer, O.C.; deKloet, E.R. & Lightman, S.L. (2010), Glucocorticoid Ultradian Rhythmicity Directs Cyclical Gene Pulsing of the Hippocampal CLOCK Gene Period 1, Endocrine Reviews 31(3).
- Batenburg, M.F. van; Li, H.L.; Polman, J.A.; Lachize, S.; Datson, N.A.; Bussemaker, H.J. & Meijer, O.C. (2010), Paired Hormone Response Elements Predict Caveolin-1 as a Glucocorticoid Target Gene, PLoS ONE 5(1).
- Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; Spiga, F.; Oitzl, M.S.; Kershaw, Y.; Meijer, O.C.; Lightman, S.L. & Kloet, E.R. de (2010), Recovery from Disrupted Ultradian Glucocorticoid Rhythmicity Reveals a Dissociation Between Hormonal and Behavioural Stress Responsiveness, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 22(8): 862-871.
- Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Kloet, E.R. de (2010), Specificity of glucocorticoid receptor primary antibodies for analysis of receptor localization patterns in cultured cells and rat hippocampus, Brain Research 1331: 1-11.
- Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; Conway-Campbell, B.L.; Leggett, J.D.; Waite, E.J.; Meijer, O.C.; Kloet, E.R. de & Lightman, S.L. (2010), Stress Responsiveness Varies over the Ultradian Glucocorticoid Cycle in a Brain-Region-Specific Manner, Endocrinology 151(11): 5369-5379.
- Gemert, N.G. van; Carvalho, D.M.M.; Karst, H.; Laan, S. van der; Zhang, M.X.; Meijer, O.C.; Hell, J.W. & Joels, M. (2009), Dissociation between Rat Hippocampal CA1 and Dentate Gyrus Cells in Their Response to Corticosterone: Effects on Calcium Channel Protein and Current, Endocrinology 150(10): 4615-4624.
- Kloet, E.R. de; Fitzsimons, C.P.; Datson, N.A.; Meijer, O.C. & Vreugdenhil, E. (2009), Glucocorticoid signaling and stress-related limbic susceptibility pathway: about receptors, transcription machinery and microRNA., Brain Research 1293: 129-41.
- Vreugdenhil, E.; Verissimo, C.S.L.; Mariman, R.; Kamphorst, J.T.; Barbosa, J.S.; Zweers, T.; Champagne, D.L.; Schouten, T.; Meijer, O.C.; Kloet, E.R. de & Fitzsimons, C.P. (2009), MicroRNA 18 and 124a Down-Regulate the Glucocorticoid Receptor: Implications for Glucocorticoid Responsiveness in the Brain, Endocrinology 150(5): 2220-2228.
- Sarabdjitsingh, R.A.; Meijer, O.C.; Schaaf, M.J.M. & Kloet, E.R. de (2009), Subregion-specific differences in translocation patterns of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in rat hippocampus, Brain Research 1249: 43-53.
- Laan, S. van der; Kloet, E.R. de & Meijer, O.C. (2009), Timing Is Critical for Effective Glucocorticoid Receptor Mediated Repression of the cAMP-Induced CRH Gene, PLoS ONE 4(1).
- van der Laan S & Meijer OC (2008), Pharmacology of glucocorticoids: Beyond receptors, European Journal of Pharmacology 585(2-3).
- van der Laan S, Sarabdjitsingh RA, Van Batenburg MF, Lachize SB, Li HL, Dijkmans TF, Vreugdenhil E, de Kloet ER & Meijer OC (2008), Chromatin immunoprecipitation scanning identifies glucocorticoid receptor binding regions in the proximal promoter of a ubiquitously expressed glucocorticoid target gene in brain, Journal of Neurochemistry 106(6).
- Abildayeva K, Berbee JFP, Blokland A, Jansen PJ, Hoek FJ, Meijer O, Lutjohann D, Gautier T, Pillot T, De Vente J, Havekes LM, Ramaekers FCS, Kuipers F, Rensen PCN & Mulder M (2008), Human apolipoprotein C-I expression in mice impairs learning and memory functions, Journal of Lipid Research 49(4).
- van der Laan S, Lachize SB, Vreugdenhil E, De Kloet ER & Meijer OC (2008), Nuclear receptor coregulators differentially modulate induction and glucocorticoid receptor-mediated repression of the corticotropin-releasing hormone gene, Endocrinology 149(2).
- Datson NA, Morsink MC, Meijer OC & de Kloet ER (2008), Central corticosteroid actions: Search for gene targets, European Journal of Pharmacology 583(2-3).
- De Bosscher K, Van Craenenbroeck K, Meijer OC & Haegernan G (2008), Selective transrepression versus transactivation mechanisms by glucocorticoid receptor modulators in stress and immune systems, European Journal of Pharmacology 583(2-3).
- de Kloet ER, Han F & Meijer OC (2008), From the stalk to down under about brain glucocorticoid receptors, stress and development, Neurochemical Research 33(4).
- Liebmann L, Karst H, Sidiropoulou K, Van Gemert N, Meijer OC, Poirazi P & Joels M (2008), Differential effects of corticosterone on the slow afterhyperpolarization in the basolateral amygdala and CA1 region: Possible role of calcium channel subunits, Journal of Neurophysiology 99(2).
- Schaaf MJM, Champagne D, van Laanen IHC, van Wijk DCWA, Meijer AH, Meijer OC, Spaink HP & Richardson MK (2008), Discovery of a functional glucocorticoid receptor beta-isoform in zebrafish, Endocrinology 149(4).
- Kap YS, Hoozemans JJM, Bodewes AJ, Zwart R, Meijer OC, Baas F & Scheper W (2007), Pin1 levels are downregulated during ER stress in human neuroblastoma cells, neurogenetics 8(1).
- Kloet, E.R. de; DeRijk, R.H. & Meijer, O.C. (2007), Therapy Insight: is there an imbalanced response of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in depression?, Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism 3(2).
- Schmidt MV, Oitzl M, Steenbergen P, Lachize S, Wurst W, Muller MB, de Kloet ER & Meijer OC (2007), Ontogeny of steroid receptor coactivators in thehippocampus and their role in regulating postnatal HPA axis function, Brain Research 1174.
- Sonneveld E, Jonas A, Meijer OC, Brouwer A & van der Burg B (2007), Glucocorticoid-enhanced expression of dioxin target genes through regulation of the rat aryl hydrocarbon receptor, Toxicological Sciences 99(2).
- Morsink MC, Joels M, Sarabdjitsingh RA, Meijer OC, De Kloet ER & Datson NA (2006), The dynamic pattern of glucocorticoid receptor-mediated transcriptional responses in neuronal PC12 cells, Journal of Neurochemistry 99(4).
- Meijer OC, van der Laan S, Lachize S, Steenbergen PJ & de Kloet ER (2006), Steroid receptor coregulator diversity: What can it mean for the stressed brain?, Neuroscience 138(3).
- DeRijk RH, Wust S, Meijer OC, Zennaro MC, Federenko IS, Hellhammer DH, Giacchetti G, Vreugdenhil E, Zitman FG & de Kloet ER (2006), A common polymorphism in the mineralocorticoid receptor modulates stress responsiveness, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 91(12).
- Buis DR, Lagerwaard FJ, Barkhof F, Dirven CMF, Lycklama GJ, Meijer OWM, van den Berg R, Langendijk HA, Slotman BJ & Vandertop WP (2005), Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain AVMs: Role of interobserver variation in target definition on digital subtraction angiography, International Journal of Radiation Oncology - Biology - Physics 62(1).
- Dalm S, Enthoven L, Meijer OC, van der Mark MH, Karssen AM, de Kloet ER & Oitzl MS (2005), Age-related changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity of male C57BL/6J mice, Neuroendocrinology 81(6).
- van der Laan S, Lachize SB, Schouten TG, Vreugdenhil E, de Kloet ER & Meijer OC (2005), Neuroanatomical distribution and colocalisation of nuclear receptor corepressor (N-CoR) and silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid receptors (SMRT) in rat brain, Brain Research 1059(2).
- Meijer OC, Topic B, Steenbergen PJ, Jocham G, Huston JP & Oitzl MS (2005), Correlations between hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis parameters depend on age and learning capacity, Endocrinology 146(3).
- Karssen AM, Meijer OC, Berry A, Pinol RS & de Kloet ER (2005), Low doses of dexamethasone can produce a hypocorticosteroid state in the brain, Endocrinology 146(12).
- Meijer OC, Kalkhoven E, van der Laan S, Steenbergen PJ, Houtman SH, Dijkmans TF, Pearce D & de Kloet ER (2005), Steroid receptor coactivator-1 splice variants differentially affect corticosteroid receptor signaling, Endocrinology 146(3).
- Karssen AM, Meijer OC, Pons D & De Kloet ER (2004), Localization of mRNA expression of P-glycoprotein at the blood-brain barrier and in the hippocampus, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1032.
- Datson NA, Meijer L, Steenbergen PJ, Morsink MC, van der Laan S, Meijer OC & de Kloet ER (2004), Expression profiling in laser-microdissected hippocampal subregions in rat brain reveals large subregion-specific differences in expression, European Journal of Neuroscience 20(10).
- Van Riel E, Van Gemert NG, Meijer OC & Joels M (2004), Effect of early life stress on serotonin responses in the hippocampus of young adult rats, Synapse 53(1).
- Veenema AH, Meijer OC, de Kloet ER & Koolhaas JM (2003), Genetic selection for coping style predicts stressor susceptibility, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 15(3).
- Adams M, Meijer OC, Wang JA, Bhargava A & Pearce D (2003), Homodimerization of the glucocorticoid receptor is not essential for response element binding: Activation of the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase gene by dimerization-defective mutants, Molecular Endocrinology -Baltimore- 17(12).
- Veenema AH, Meijer OC, de Kloet ER, Koolhaas JM & Bohus BG (2003), Differences in basal and stress-induced HPA regulation of wild house mice selected for high and low aggression, Hormones and Behavior 43(1).
- Meijer OC, Karssen AM & de Kloet ER (2003), Cell- and tissue-specific effects of corticosteroids in relation to glucocorticoid resistance: examples from the brain, Journal of Endocrinology 178(1).
- Van Riel E, Meijer OC, Steenbergen PJ & Joels M (2003), Chronic unpredictable stress causes attenuation of serotonin responses in cornu ammonis 1 pyramidal neurons, Neuroscience 120(3).
- Meijer OC (2002), Coregulator proteins and corticosteroid action in the brain, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14(6).
- Karssen AM, Meijer OC, van der Sandt ICJ, De Boer AG, De Lange ECM & De Kloet ER (2002), The role of the efflux transporter P-glycoprotein in brain penetration of prednisolone, Journal of Endocrinology 175(1).
- van Riel E, Meijer OC, Veenema AH & Joels M (2002), Hippocampal serotonin responses in short and long attack latency mice, Journal of Neuroendocrinology 14(3).
- Karssen AM, Meijer OC, van der Sandt ICJ, Lucassen PJ, de Lange ECM, de Boer AG & de Kloet ER (2001), Multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein hampers the access of cortisol but not of corticosterone to mouse and human brain, Endocrinology 142(6).
- Meijer OC, Williamson A, Dallman MF & Pearce D (2000), Transcriptional repression of the 5-HT1A receptor promoter by corticosterone via mineralocorticoid receptors depends on the cellular context.
- Pearce D, Verrey F, Chen SY, Mastroberardino L, Meijer OC, Wang J & Bhargava A (2000), Role of SGK in mineralocorticoid-regulated sodium transport.
- de Kloet ER, van Acker SABE, Sibug RM, Oitzl MS, Meijer OC, Rahmouni K & de Jong W (2000), Brain mineralocorticoid receptors and centrally regulated functions.
- Bhatnagar S, Viau V, Chu A, Soriano L, Meijer OC & Dallman MF (2000), A cholecystokinin-mediated pathway to the paraventricular thalamus is recruited in chronically stressed rats and regulates hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function.
- Meijer OC, Steenbergen PJ & De Kloet ER (2000), Differential expression and regional distribution of steroid receptor coactivators SRC-1 and SRC-2 in brain and pituitary.
- Sibug RM, Compaan JC, Meijer OC, Van der Gugten J, Olivier B & De Kloet ER (2000), Effects of flesinoxan on corticosteroid receptor expression in the rat hippocampus, European Journal of Pharmacology 404(1-2).
- Wissink S, Meijer O, Pearce D, van der Burg B & van der Saag PT (2000), Regulation of the rat serotonin-1A receptor gene by corticosteroids.
- Bhargava A, Meijer OC, Dallman MF & Pearce D (2000), Plasma membrane calcium pump isoform 1 gene expression is repressed by corticosterone and stress in rat hippocampus.
- Meijer, O.C.; Kortekaas, R.; Oitzl, M.S. & Kloet, E.R. de (1998), Acute rise in corticosterone facilitates 5-HT1A receptor-mediated behavioural responses, European Journal of Pharmacology 351(1): 7-14.
- Meijer, O.C. & Kloet, E.R. de (1998), Corticosterone and serotonergic neurotransmission in the hippocampus: Functional implications of central corticosteroid receptor diversity, Critical Reviews in Neurobiology 12(1-2): 1-20.
- Sibug, R.M.; Compaan, J.C.; Meijer, O.C.; Gugten, J. van der; Olivier, B. & Kloet, E.R. de (1998), Flesinoxan treatment reduces 5-HT1A receptor mRNA in the dentate gyrus independently of high plasma corticosterone levels, European Journal of Pharmacology 353(2-3): 207-214.
- Meijer, O.C.; Lange, E.C.M. de; Breimer, D.D.; Boer, A.G. de; Workel, J.O. & Kloet, E.R. de (1998), Penetration of dexamethasone into brain glucocorticoid targets is enhanced in mdr1A P-glycoprotein knockout mice, Endocrinology 139(4): 1789-1793.
- Meijer, O.C.; VanOosten, R.V. & DeKloet, E.R. (1997), Elevated basal trough levels of corticosterone suppress hippocampal 5-hydroxytryptamine(1A) receptor expression in adrenally intact rats: Implication for the pathogenesis of depression, Neuroscience 80(2): 419-426.
- Meijer, O.C.; Cole, T.J.; Schmid, W.; Schutz, G.; Joels, M. & DeKloet, E.R. (1997), Regulation of hippocampal 5-HT1A receptor mRNA and binding in transgenic mice with a targeted disruption of the glucocorticoid receptor, Molecular Brain Research 46(1-2): 290-296.
- Korte, S.M.; Meijer, O.C.; deKloet, E.R.; Buwalda, B.; Keijser, J.; Sluyter, F.; vanOortmerssen, G. & Bohus, B. (1996), Enhanced 5-HT1A receptor expression in forebrain regions of aggressive house mice, Brain Research 736(1-2): 338-343.
- Vreugdenhil, E.; deJong, J.; Schaaf, M.J.M.; Meijer, O.C.; Busscher, J.; Vuijst, C. & deKloet, E.R. (1996), Molecular dissection of corticosteroid action in the rat hippocampus - Application of the differential display technique, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 7(2): 135-146.
- MEIJER, O.C.; OITZL, M.S.; DEKLOET, E.R.; deKloet, E.R.; Azmitia, E.C. & Landfield, P.W. (1994), ADRENALECTOMY LEADS TO A DIFFERENT RESPONSIVENESS TO 8-OH-DPAT IN A WATER-MAZE LEARNING-TASK, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 746: 408-410.
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